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Old 12-15-2009, 05:07 PM   #5
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Last Try (I suspect, in vein. Hope I am wrong.)...

Originally Posted by WarriorServant View Post
I have been told, many times, to simply "spit it out". I've been told to stop playing the victim and just say what ever it is I have to say. I can only reiterate that I have been sincerely trying, but I cannot, no matter how much I try, prevent a band of people who "think" they hate what ever it is (they "think") I have to say, because they (incorrectly) presume that it's *obviously* going to be all about finger pointing and how I am right and everyone else is wrong.
WS. Here is the core of where you are correct and you are incorrect.
Actually, you really can just type whatever you want into a post.

No one can edit your posts (except mods) and change what you have typed.

Say what you want, as fully and completely as you want - and it will be up before anyone can stop you.

People may respond how they want but that's not in your control, so don't worry. You don't have to try to clear a solemn vacuum roundabout before you lay down your testimony.
Just put it out.

You can't control others. You can only control yourself.
Trying to control others is futile.
Let your words speak for themselves.
If someone is open to what you say they will be able to ignore the opposition on their own.
Leave the rest in god's hands.
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