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Old 10-28-2008, 10:48 PM   #13
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Brmm Brmm Brrrrrrrrmmmmm...

Hiya, Peaceful Warrior and everyone else too

Glad you have related to the scribes, WOW, Journal 5 is pretty heavy, they are hard hitting at times, but in reality we need a wakeup call at this stage of our Earthly existence, before the nutters blow our beautiful home to pieces. If we can feel the journals are the truth and if they strike a home run within our hearts, we can then act on the information. We HAVE to make a choice sooner or later, are we with the dark or the light? I guess our actions will soon demonstrate that one and each to their own in reality, we have to take our own responsibility for the decisions we make and the things we do.

On a side note, what gets me is this Satan dude and why they would want to destroy everything, especially a beautiful creation like Earth, what a loser, surely there is something in it for them or why bother? Could be a case of 'if I can't have it no one will'. Like, is it some weird contest between the light and the dark to see who can capture the most souls or something? Or does Satan think he can bend Gods will by trying to exchange the souls for his rightful or wrongful position in the Angelic realm? Who knows, many questions, no answers and really we can only concentrate on staying focussed in what our own reality is. Only god knows the truth of it all anyway, and we have to sort through the 3D garbage and make sense of it all, one way or another. Life is really interesting huh? Never a dull moment, even if we choose to just go with the flow, the flow will take us somewhere.

There are many prophecies for the 'end times' from many sources and we are seeing some of them materialise before our very eyes, with the threat of nuclear war a very real one. From the material I have read so far, we simply have to choose, are we with the light or the dark, God or Satan, any fence sitters will have to make a choice. Those who choose the dark path will be moved to another 3D realm with Satan and the crew, only to go through another huge lifestream with all the duality of 3D existence, I prefer not. Those that choose the light, can choose to return to Earth after the cleansing and help with the establishment of a clean 5D planet, where there is no Satan or dark manipulation, sounds bloody wonderful to me. IF this is true and IF I have a choice and are of sufficient evolution and vibration, I want in.

And if it all doesn't happen, 2012 and all that stuff, I guess I will live and die like the rest of humanity has done to this point, and try to do the best I can with the resources I have at the time.

Light, love and good vibes to everyone.
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