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Old 09-28-2008, 03:47 AM   #21
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Vilcabamba, Ecuador
Posts: 134
Default Re: For "Survivors" Eyes Only

I am of 2 minds on the FUTURE. One sell the home and get to a community as in Ecuador Panama Uruguay etc.

The other is I'm not sure I want to be in the world with such low awareness and just stay put and be prepared to make the transition to Home. Enjoy the waterfront till we exist no more on this tiny Orb.

My mind flies back and forth. Do I wish to remain in such an asleep period in Human lack of awareness?

Do I want to live in the world of the 'Postman' I'm not so sure I do. My wife of 36 years and I have a 'love cocoon' Do I need to try to save a worthless collective or spearhead a new bud of growth? Am I to old and lazy for such a task? I know the answers are only within me, but I have been wavering back and forth.

I suppose when the events begin to become frightening I will know what I feel, then it might be to late to take action as in moving....

A part of me desires to give it all over to Creation and allow to come what may as there are no accidents. Though I know inaction is also an 'action'. I feel paralyzed as if I am in a state of homeostasis. I pray and dwell on the inner guidance to know what to do. I trust in my guides and Creation that I can not make a 'mistake'. When I grasp that awareness I feel calm.

Have been trying to sell the Home but rejected offers of 300K less than I knew it was worth.. Now at times I feel I should have took the 700K and gotten 'on with it'. Then again awareness kicks in and I know we can't make a mistake. Perhaps we are more needed in the angelic realms than here. I take a deep breath and repeat some comforting words as I breath 'you are safe' or 'flower fresh' Then I come read Camelot and Avalon and begin to be unsure again. Our lives together have been So Wonderful. And we have done so many wonderful things together, that we feel we have always been ,guided, protected. So I begin to trust again not to worry... then I come here and back in the fire again sometimes. SO I need to hear my inner answers and follow our star wherever it leeds. Thank you all for sharing your innermost thoughts.. It has given much needed comfort as the energies seem to get more urgent. We should all remember that if we remain there is nothing to fear this 'life' that we believe is so important, and it is, but its also just a movie and the Greater Reality ' awaits us in its primal splendor. I have glimpsed this place in a meditation 25 years ago, I wished to see my Grandfather who just had 'passed' on to the core experience.. the other dimension and wrote the experience down. I will post it hear now:

The Reality Of Truth
by, Eugene Fields

The sum of you must come to understand,
that the value that you place,
on what you believe
is your reality,
is causing the separation, and fear
that one experiences on a regular basis.
One must finally come to terms with the fact,
that what one experiences, on a moment by moment basis,
is in fact an illusion the Dream.
This precious reality which we cling to,
and rightly so,
is only a very small portion of activity
which is going on in this very space
that we as physical beings inhabit.
A"Course In Miracles" describes a
'Wholly Instant' as:
Any time that the individual
transcends his immediate reality and
catches a glimpse of the greater truth.
The primary reality.
I have glimpsed the Greater Reality which we inhabit.
I was meditating and I became aware of light.
A glorious light of unparalleled purity and unending power.
A shaft of light which appeared,
and I entered it
after a period of mandalas of 'energy patterns'
like a kaleidoscope,
however these patterns,
were much more complex in a crystalline structure.
I believe I was viewing at the subatomic stage
as to me these were recognizable as structures for matter.
They varied in color and complexity,
but were an obvious
language of some sort.
Much intelligence resided there, but this was only a precursor,
an introduction to a very special journey.
One made by countless people
from the beginning of life in our universe.
Upon the ending of the patterns
the shaft of light is before me.
It is in the distance and the size of a toothpick.
Rather quickly now,
it is I who am the size of the toothpick,
and the shaft looms before me.
I simply think Enter
and I'm inside now,
like a tiny air bubble in the ocean I am flying to the top.
It took a couple of minutes to get there.
Wow! Woo! I look around the top of this tube.
I mean, It Is, Immense!
The whole earth would be a BB in this tube
All around the top
there is what looks like clouds of white water at Niagara Falls and the water is pouring over the sides exactly like the falls. Wow!
As I get my bearings
and glance around the entire circumference of the perimeter
I realize I feel an affinity,
to an area over there somewhere.
As I think about it,
I'm moving there.
Woo! that's not white water,
there are millions of little specks,
all swarming or kind of pulsating all together
and yet all at different times.
Oh, my God those aren't little specks
those are my people, my loved ones from forever
they are coming towards me.
A tear escapes as I feel their love
I can't believe it's really them.
"Poppy? Is that you?"
"Of course my darling It's me,
"Everyone is here to see you.
We are very surprised to see you because you are awake.
"My boychuckal I want to give you a squeeze !"
We're so proud of you.
You are the first of our line to come here when you were awake.
This is a major event for us because,
this must happen for many more
that the world will change,
and we will enter our rightful heritage in
the fabric of life, You see you are here too.
And I met my own light,
who was me.
We were connected by a thread of light.
You see all the dots of light who had physical presence,
on the earth are connected to their light body
by these threads.
That's what was pouring over the side of the tube.
All of humanity is waiting for the ascension of mankind,
at the top of that tube
in order to welcome and greet,
those souls,who are passing over
on the off chance,
that some intrepid traveler such as me,
might make the journey and glimpse
The Greater Reality.
As I gained composure
I said "If you're poppy show me your face"
My poppy's face appeared first
as last I saw him and then younger.
He was smiling his special smile
then many showed me their faces.
My dad’s mom and dad,
Aunt Resnick and faces I could barely place.
One item that was certain however,
was the intensity of love I experienced from all.
I then showed my face,
and realized that I had to think about it to do it.
Then I understood.
I thanked everyone but told them to please stop,
as it took concentration of thought to materialize a face.
I felt bad and they said "don't be silly it was fun.
Good practice to be sure.
I looked around and saw,
what looked like a physical representation of the earth
streets, buildings,horizons,
the whole bit, you Know?
Except it looked like a negative.
The entire background was a deep blue and purple violet.
Almost black, but the outlines were of things,
looking like tubes of blue white light.
I looked back to my group and said,
'I'm only experiencing a little bit of this place?',
and they were glad I understood.
When they told me of the colors and smells
of this wondrous place, which never changes
and which I could not even imagine,
the beauty and bliss in its totality.
I understood and another tear escaped my eye,
at the realization of the utter scope of this thing, 'existence'
They went on to explain,
“that as I was still actually physical, this was all I could experience”.
They told me everyone comes here when sleeping,
but very few had made my journey awake.
I was very pleased to have found "Home" and
I knew in the twinkling of an instant that
This was the ‘Primary Reality’
and my physical body was in the dream.
Even my physical body was actually trapped light.
A holographic representation of a thought.
A movie as it were.
After experiencing this
I realized that I would not and could not ever
be who I was from before that moment.
That moment
of realization.
When all truth is known.
And all illusions pale,
next to the truth of the totality of His love.
I looked up and saw the,
White Light of Creation.
Some call it God.
It matters not by which name you call it.
There it is. One for all life all eternity.
It simply waits for your decision to return.
They told me I could go there when I wanted to
Then I understood that all that is asked of life is that one love.
To love, the one prerequisite to growth.
And that truth be acknowledged and faced.
Change is not a requirement,
It is the only constant in this physical existence
Any action which would ever bring you
fear or pain or
discomfort would never be required.
Though you may feel,
that you must do something to be truthful,
and this action brings pain, ignore this.
understand that your pain arrives from some
expectation you had which was not fulfilled
expect nothing,
you are safe,
you are safe !
This Reality is an illusion.
God is the dancer, and we are the dance.
Lose the attachment to the moment
and realize the Greater Reality going on forever.
That you are eternally loved.
That there is nothing you could do
that would in any way would detract
from the completeness of the love of creation,
eternity, you all possess.
To realize that is the way to healing and a conflict free life.
If at any time anything takes hold
which is unpleasant and brings, anger or fear, remember
your True place of existence.
We are but experiencing a ‘moment’
already occurred in the perspective of God.
All the lifetimes you ever had,
or could ever have, in His eye,have already happened.
You are divine and victorious.
The only thing you are doing in the present
moment of physical life is deciding
how long a movie you make.
The length depending on,
the quality of actions taken while physical.
The only value coded of or to any action,
being that the motivation sought, was love.
And that it not be at anyone's expense.
That at all junctures of decision,
the betterment of the whole was at heart.
These are the valuable things,
one may do in life,
not earnings,
not things you amassed,
no possession ever imagined,
ever meant anything to 'Creation'.
It was rather the the quality of the thoughts,
at the time all that was going on
that have a lasting meaning,
and so how you will judge yourself,
is on that's basis alone.
One, ought live under the premise,
that “One should not whisper anything in confidence
that one, should find offensive if shouted loud enough
for the world to hear”.
Because, you see, by your hearing it yourself
the world has heard it.
All is known.
There is 100% full disclosure
for all who wish the frankness of the truth.
For truth is known.
There is no secret.
There was never any need.
You have the love and total acceptance of 'The Creation'.
There is no punishment and no hell,
save what you put yourself through,
with useless fear and guilt.
God sees no sin.
In the presence of God,
sin does not exist.
One must choose,
as to his path, at the arrival here, after death
as to what one will do next.
For if there is any sense of regret or unfinished business,
then one usually decides to,
go back the earth school.
To further the accumulated and cataloged experiences,
in order to have a shining beacon,
to bring back to The Creation.
As he brings back
his lives, on his back,
in a sack ,as it were
to add to 'The Creation's' knowledge and light.
As we in spirit are connected,
to our physical earth body,
by this cord of light,
so, we are in turn,
are all connected to God,
Each one of us,
whether we believe it or not.
All saved,
there very own
with millions,
of holographic threads,of light
forming geometric patterns
through timeless creation,
from the Creator, be it God,or It, or Himself
The proportions of this,
truly leave one in awe,
of the beauty,
the safety,
the end of fear,
and the end,
of the need to control.
Total release to God.
Love, has given us all absolution.
Upon realizing this
the outer circumstances
of your life
will lighten perceptibly.
Thus by aligning thought
with awareness of 'The Creation's' love
A life free of pain and,
an end to suffering.
Trust the love.
Be healed.



No matter what course of action we take we are all survivors and eternal.

I'll probably start packing soon for Ecuador... We are not 'done' yet I believe...

Creation Bless us all

Last edited by efields; 09-28-2008 at 04:05 AM.
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