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Old 09-11-2009, 02:32 AM   #1703
777 The Great Work
Avalon Senior Member
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The First Family Of ANU Whirl Order

Osiris - Father
Sirius-Isis -Divine mother
Sun Horus - Jesus
And( Set) Satan, the great Adversary,star of the show.

The divine story is thousands of years old, and nothing has changed but the names.

The Goddess Auset (ISIS) (Mary) operates through the star Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. As Auset, she is called the great provider, because of the energy she transmits to the sun and the earth.

The God Asar operates through the star system of Orion, and can be found together with the star ,Auset.

This union is said to make heaven and earth fruitful. Together Auset operating through the star system Sirius, and Asar operating through the star system Orion, are husband, and wife, and transmitting their energy through our solar system. This develops the energy of (Horus) the core of sun ,and earth, as the Goddess Auset(ISIS) operates through the star system Sirius. Isis is called the queen of Sirius, and is known as the great provider.

The God Asar operates through the star system ,as king chief or leader of the northern territory,which is sacred to Asar, as the region where he made his transition to rule as king, and also where he is resurrected.

The two star systems change positions in the sky and ultimately unite with one another. This union is the union of the Goddess and God in the sky.

This is the union of the queen of Auset and Asar, king of the North. Because the God operates through the star Orion, he has been called the sun for thousands of years. As queen Auset has the title , wise one. The star born of the wise queen, is called the Sun of the wise one.

The names and titles as they function through the star systems.

1 In your spirit Horus governs your Heart

2 Set governs your desire

Asar and Auset govern your soul ,the devine conscious part of your spirit.

When you allow the divine part of your spirit to guide your actions, you live well. This is Asar and Auset ruleing the country as king and queen.

However sometimes you allow your misguided desires or lust to control your actions .This is set killing Asar in order to take over the reigns of control. As you live controlled by lust, and misguided desire, you cause yourself to suffer. This is sets rule, causing the people to be oppressed.

At some point you decide to make a change, and you begin to look for a proper way to live your life. This is Auset looking for her husband Asar ( Osiris).

When you have found out the truth about how you should live and make the decision to embrace divine order, over a lust dominated lifestyle. This is Auset finding Ausar embracing him ,and becoming pregnant with a new will to live right. As your newly born way to live right conflicts with your lust, and misguided desire. This is ( Horus) and set, will and desire the two combatants, fighting.

When lust wins out, Set has killed Horus. when you follow your intuition ,and you're willing to live right and overcoming your urges. This is Horus being resurrected from the dead.

When you finally are free of the lust , misguided desire and live according to divine law permanently. Horus has defeated Set and taken over the Government of your personal world.

On earth Asar is the black soil substance of earth, and is in partnership with Auset, the river waters of earth. Their partnership brings prosperity to the people.

When the red hot desert lands of Set begin to expand and dry up the black soil and rivers .The people suffer and go hungry. Asar and Auset have been removed from ruler ship, and Set has taken over.

When the river waters begin to move and expand again ,and move over the black soil, the union of the two, river water ,and black soil ,Auset and Asar produce vegetation, while drawing down the solar energy deep within the core of the earth, and within the sun.

Through the vegetation Horus energy is born into the world, and the people are thus returned to prosperity ,and free from hunger and suffering. Asar and Auset have produced the savior of the world.

The hot weather of the desert threatens the existence of new vegetation ,and the vegetation dies as a result. Yet the vegetation re-emerges at a certain season. Horus has been killed ,and been resurrected. The vegetation grows into lush forest with great trees ,and vines that displace the desert. Horus has taken over the government of the world.

Internal Government

In your body, the pituitary gland is a master gland that regulates the functions of other glands .The male and female reproductive organs have reflexive areas, that are connected to all of the major organs and glands. The heart is Horus's region, andregulates the flow of blood ,and thus energy to the various organs and structures of the body.

The nervous system , male testicles and female ovaries , is under the power of Set , who governs your desire to act upon your sexual urges . When one is controlled by lust, it can place a over emphasis on sexual activity. This forces the body's organs ,and structures to feed the sex drive.

The pituitary gland becomes over-worked, and submits to the misguided sex drive. The penis and vagina structures of the human reproductive area, become over-worked and weakened ,as they submit to the misguided sex drive.

The glands organs and structures of the body are drained of their nutrients in order to support the lust of the misguided sex drive. The body becomes weakened, the immune system becomes compromised. Set has forced Asar into submission and Aset into submission. The world or body is suffering under his government

Those who overcome, and win the battle against Set(SATAN), are called the first born of Anu, the solar plexus. Naki means first born. ANU is the only son of the creator God. Anu is also known as the planet Ur -anus, Ruler of aquarius and electromagnetism ( Green Planet).These are the Great shinning Ones.

Anu is also known as "the Star of Bethlehem". ...These are the Annunaki ,of ANU Whirl order, a one Whirl Government, that acts in harmony with the forces of nature, and the Cosmos.Theses forces are known as, the angels in the Whirl Wind.( MIND)

Light Conceived In ANU

You are the Annunaki

N PHI LIM G I- A N T that appear after the great flood .
1.6 1 8 - 1 .6 1 8
Man this stuff is Funny.

The New born Nephilim get Enfamil .

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 09-11-2009 at 03:26 AM.
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