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Old 05-25-2009, 11:51 PM   #13
Project Avalon Organizer
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Default Re: Is Vegen/Vegetarian an Illuminati/Reptilian Deception?

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
I don't understand though. There is nothing in animals that we can't get from fruits, veggies, grains, 'pure' milk, and so on. Or is there? I've not been able to find one thing, aside from protein lies.. I used to eat meat, just like I used to believe Bin Laden took down the towers. But then I learned truth, and that is simply our anatomy. We are not designed to eat meat. There is no denying this. It causes disease in so many ways.

There are to many factors when it comes to eating that I don't believe its possible to do this huge studies. Maybe those that are sick when becoming a veggie have toxic water, or maybe the air, or maybe the building the live in has air born abominations. So many factors. Our anatomy is key. That and not having to take life to eat.
Most flesh eaters don't think much about that though as the animals are tortured and killed elsewhere.
I started the research because I didn't like the thought of having to kill animals to live healthy. I'm 57 yrs old and its been a long journey through the vegetarian thing and out again. Unfortunately, that's the way the earth is set up. Life lives off other life. I think that's just gross, but came to understand attitude, respect and being thankful are a factor. Read "The Secret Life of Plants". They have feelings and consciousness. I advocate for cleaning up the way we raise our food animals. Is a 1,000 acre sea of celery in nice straight rows natural? How many ground animals are chopped up by the plows? How many worms and bugs killed by the chemicals?

Yes, I can give you some information on what's missing. I can show you at least 10 cultures where meat, or milk or fish are a very important part of the diet and the people are/were (before they were encroached up by "foods of commerce) almost 100% healthy, lived to an old age, had almost zero cavities, mental illness and crime. They have/had no need for police - until they started eating the canned, refined, and devitalized foods of commerce.Then they got everything physical, mental and social that Americans are suffering from today, including crime. If they went back to their traditional diet they got well. When a culture lived off the land and the nearby waters they had perfect health. The more vegetarian the culture, the less healthy. Those in the African dessert, the Eskimos in the north, and the Swiss in the high alps had very little vegetation to consume, and were absolutely robust!

This is the work of Weston A Price, a dentist, who did a huge study in the 1930's traveling to places people were said to be vibrantly healthy, because he was wondering why all of sudden people had so many dental cavities and so many children with crooked and crowed teeth. His entire book documenting that with pictures in online for free. I just have to go find it.

Animal fat is highly prized by these traditional people and when asked why they said, because it makes perfect babies. The young married couples were given all the best fats for a full year before they conceived and while the mother was breast-feeding. The fat-soluble vitamins such as A are not available in high enough amounts in vegetation. Beta-carotene, such as in carrots is not vitamin A and it takes 5 beta-carotenes to make the conversion.

People on vegan diets are usually recommended to take vit B12 supplements. That was the turning point for me. I wanted vegan to be the way for everyone. But I don't see any trees out there sprouting bottles of B12 and the B12 in spirulina etc. are analogues and not true vitamin B12 and compete with true B12.

You will find lots of answers here on the Price website and maybe later I can look up some more info.
Website Tour for Vegetarians

Vegetarians, especially vegans, are often dismayed at The Weston A. Price Foundation's emphasis on animal foods as essential for health. This website tour will give you an overview of our position in light of the scientific evidence that humans need animal foods, particularly animal fats, for optimum health.

The Foundation supports raising animals on pasture as much of the year as possible, and opposes confinement operations, feedlots, debeaking, growth hormones, routine antibiotics in feed, inappropriate feed such as soy, and other practices that harm animals' health and well-being, harm the environment, and result in animal foods that are not optimally nutritious for humans.

The Foundation believes that strict vegetarianism (veganism) is detrimental to human health. Vegetarianism that includes eggs and raw (unpasteurized) dairy products, organic vegetables and fruits, properly prepared whole grains, legumes, and nuts, and excludes unfermented soy products and processed foods, can be a healthy option for some people. However, some people have difficulty assimilating vitamins, minerals, protein, and other factors from plant foods. These individuals may need a higher proportion of nutrients from animal foods to achieve optimum health.
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