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Old 10-17-2008, 10:04 AM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
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Default The Venus Project is a Pipe Dream.......unless....

I apologize for the harsh title, but I beg you to please read what I have written here. If you disagree, then great! Please explain why, and we can begin to have the discourse that should have hapened on Alex Jones's show.

I've thoroughly read all of the Zeitgeist/Project Venus threads and I haven't heard much about what is, imo, the most important aspect:

"How do we actually get there?"

The more recent threads have been dominated by Alex Jones vs. Peter Joseph mentality. These men have personified thier respective movements and garnered many followers. As a result we have attatched ourselves to those people (who are both fallable) and have been let down by their personal shortcomings. The sorry excuse for an interview (on both of their behalfs) on AJ's show has set us back several steps.

AJ was certainly not the best fit for interviewing PJ, although his concerns are indeed waranted. Maybe Jeff Rense or Alex Ansary could have kept it civil, maybe Kerry and Bill, I would really like to get their opinion on this btw (Mods, could you help here?).

Peter Joseph represents what beautiful possibilities exist in a positive future.

Alex Jones represents "how we get there".

That being said, I feel that Peter Joseph is, at least, extremely naive.
I wish that Peter would acknowledge that while his vision is ideal, it is also very dangerous. I believe he has overlooked the forces that may wish to corrupt his ideals, because of this naivete. He seems to assert that the PTB are concerened only w/ money, and as such, setup a faulty sytem that
would benefit them using scarcity. The system, as PJ sees it, was not intentionally designed to fail but will fail anyway. The PTB will then be helpless and look to us (the masses) to show them the way. If they don't like it, then they will slink away.

Imo and from the research I have done, nothing could be more dangerous to free thinking people than assuming what Peter has.
I have concluded that his contentions about the PTB and evil ("aberrant behavior" as he insists on calling it) are too simplified. Maybe they are just ahead of their time, but currently they are dangerous.

Allow me to explain what I have gleaned fom Peter's words and works on the subject of evil ("aberrant behavior"). He contends that evil ("aberrant behavior") exists, but that we can identify the source and diagnose the problem thus rendering it impotent. If that is the case, then we are in dire need of an effective diagnosis before things go sideways.

Peter's diagnosis is as follows:

1. Expose Fed Cartel (express contempt)
2. Turn off T.V. news
3. Boycott the millitary
4. Boycott energy companies
5. Reject the political system
6. Create critical mass

These are all steps that must be taken indeed.

However, what he fails to explain is that these steps (if employed effectively en masse) will elicit a sh*t storm the likes of which we have never seen, from the PTB.
This is extremely dangerous, it is like leading lambs to the slaughter, in that if we expose the Fed cartel or reject the political system w/o exposing the cabals behind those institutions, they will be able to continue thier evil("aberrant behavior") occultly as they have before. Only now, they are near a bottle neck, so to speak, where something drastic must take place for them to retain control.
If a bear breaks down your door and charges after you, would the better decision be to react immediatley or to stop to consider why this bear has broken down your door in hopes that through your reflection, you could reason w/ the bear? I ask this because we are in serious trouble right now, moreso if we underestimate the opposition.
Wether or not evil("aberrant behavior") can be diagnosed in the future, Peter acknowledges that it exists now. He simplifies evil("aberrant behavior") motivations which is appealing as it is calming, but serious consequences result from this simplification, as I have detailed.

Peter himself says that current humans would not fair well in a venus project type of society. Some of people are there, but the large majority of us are not ready for this. This is indeed an idea beyond it's time. We need to take smaller steps toward this goal to ensure that we all can get there.

The bottom line is that the PTB are interested in control more than anything else and they will not slink away because the "system [venus project] is true" as Peter has said and it is naive to think that they will.

The only practical solution that I can think of is merely exposing all of this evil("aberrant behavior") and the plans that have resulted rather than identifying its source and diagnosing it. There will be time to do identify and diagnose the problem once we are aware of the problem. Imo this means something like what Alex Jones advocates (which is not violence as I have read from some PA members), public airing of all discretions coupled w/ some sort of trial and repercussions. (Disclaimer!: Alex's demeanor was awful in that interview and was counterproductive to our conglomeration as like minded poeple).

This (true) story I think characterizes what i have been talking about.

A British climber on K2 recently was decending alone when he came across 3 Korean climbers connected to each other, entagled in their ropes, and dangling helplessly above an abyss. The first one was babbling incoherently, the second was unconscious, and the third was somewhat coherent. The British climber immediately began to do what he could to help, but the somewhat coherent man was only trying to explain what had happened to them, rather than work w/ the British climber. They were above 14,000 feet and as such, had very little time to save themselves. The British climber could not help the Koreans w/o their participation which he wasn't receiving, so he radioed for help and decended to save his own life, but all three Korean climbers died. If they would have addressed the problem they faced, the British climber would have had a chance to help.

We all face the same problem, and until we agree upon what that problem is, we will always be helpless.
We can be our own saviors if we know what we face.

Last edited by raulduke; 10-17-2008 at 10:29 AM.
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