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Old 11-16-2008, 09:27 PM   #239
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: melbourne australia
Posts: 87
Default Re: Melbourne/Victoria

Gday Again,
just wanted to express some of my personal desires for some future projects, figured this was as good a place as any, considering that they are survival based. So here they are not in any particular order, locally based small time operations includes the following,

Goat farming, both for dairy products (Alpine goats) meat production (Nubian Goats) then also cashmere wool ( sorry l forgot the breeds name Goats ), keeping in mind of course the Does need to be maintained seperately Bucks of the other breeds lest you end up with cross breeds that drop production.

Bee Keeping, also locally based, Honey has proven antibiotic qualities and surgical Honey is an extremely effective balm to dress wounds. Honey is a great product both internally as well as externally.

Organic Gardening incorporating various methodologies eg permaculture, allowing the land to lie in fallow as was the method used in old europe to enable the soil to assist its recovery , Alongside the use of herbal pesticides, eg garlic/capsican spray.

The afformentioned are just the tip of the iceberg so to speak, there are many other useful things such as the list of home made cleaning products posted by Hoss in an earlier posting, one could include home brewing beer/ wine making/ spirits , for personal use or trade, then add to that things like leather working,(my apologies to all those vegetarians/vegans etc) but we are talking here about survival, and unfortunately l have to tell you that vegetarian branch of hominides didnt survive previous apocalyptic transitions, and l got to say in all honesty leather is a very useful long lasting by product as an adjunct to farming/hunting.
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