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Old 09-12-2008, 03:59 AM   #23
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Australia
Posts: 32
Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Hi everyone, hope you're all well!

I think someone asked what would happen to australia, this is what I've heard.

My teacher Ramtha has told us when the poles melt, obviously the sea-level rises with all that displaced water, but also, that water carries a hell of a lot of weight. The earth is balanced on its axis due to weight being balanced. The weight moves, so does the planet shift to find its new centre of gravity. The land masses of the earth sit on like a skin (tectonic plates) which will be moving. Imagine the oceans like a dish filled with water, give the dish a shove...where does the water go? Everywhere! Huge tidal waves. Central Australia is all virtually at sea level, so just because you're inland doesn't mean you'll miss out on all the fun...make sure you have some height on you and possibly a mountian between you and the water.
We're lucky Australia is on one tectonic plate, New Zealand sitting on two will probably be ripped apart, before, I'm told, it crashes into the side of Ausralia. My teacher tells us that Australia will be pushed in a north-westerly direction, to end up an island off Africa. All the ash from volcano's errupting along the 'ring of fire' (Indonesia) will turn our red soil to black...which although infertile at first, becomes great soil to grow in. The ash will bring prehistoric plant life with it.
This is just earth changes (I know there's other things to consider). The earth is a living being and needs to shake off the parisites living on her skin. We're not greater than the earth and we need to be prepared for what's to come. The earth needs to do this.

It's easy to say I don't feel like it will happen, but that's only because it's not in your past as an accepted experience yet. It's completely foreign and frightening and the only real way to productively combat that fear is to be prepared. If you're prepared, who cares if it happens or not?! "Preparation is simple - just very, very inconvenient" - Greg Simmons.

There will be massive winds due to movement of the plates, Ramtha says nothing will survive above ground, so be dug in, and store food and water for up to two years, and when you have that, save more for 7 years. And store as many seeds as you can. I can't stress enough that this is not about fear. It's fear that makes people put their heads in the sand and insist that it won't happen.

Anyway, I'm not here to convince anyone, this was just for those interested in some details of what may happen here in Oz.

PS. If it does go down, you won't survive in the cities, they'll be ruthless, you'll be killed for you food or water. No one needs saving, we're all Gods, if you stay in the city, be clear that it's for your own agenda and not others.

And if you go to the mountians at the last minute, have food and water stored that you take with you, you won't survive long, even in the mountains, without it.

Best Wishes to you all, we're in for the ride of our life, will see you on the other side.

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