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Old 12-16-2009, 03:32 AM   #15
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Cliff High view on Bill Ryans accusations

Whenever there have been questions about Bill Deagle and Dan Burisch on Camelot, I have said that they are both disinfo agents and I have come to that conclusion by watching almost all of their videos and reading their testimonies (tall stories). In fact I distincly remember both of them (conspiring together no doubt) together in one video that was quite old, cause they looked 10 years younger at least, where they were talking on a radio show of Deagle's, talking their nonsense.

They have both managed to take advantage of Bill and Kerry and gained their trust by misleading them and then being presented to Project Camelot's followers as trustworthy whistleblowers. I also believe that Arthur Neumann (Henry Deacon) is conspiring with them to mislead PC, after seeing him in their European conference tour and being very unimpressed with the little that he had to say and Bill Ryan claiming his info was the same as other whistleblowers like Burisch.

How can Bill be convinced to question what these people are saying?

Deagle and Burisch have been around for a while now and nothing they have said adds up or any predictions been accurate. Deagle has been saying things about prison camps in the USA for probably more than a decade.

Why should Bill disregard information about Deagle that is proof of his untrustworthyness? It has to be taken into consideration. He also fails to question Burisch after what he did recently, breaking ties with PC...

I don't mean to say anything bad towards Bill Ryan, just that in my opinion as a faithful PC supporter and follower think that he should be more careful when dealing with people claiming to be real whistleblowers and not be too easily trusting. If there is any doubt from himself or from what others have experienced with these whistleblowers, then it is certainly prudent to not believe all that they say and to look into and investigate them.
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