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abraxasinas 01-11-2010 10:47 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 220753)
Hello Abraxasinas

I have been....(thinking - seeing how I "feel" all this)...and have more questions...

I have somehow "simplified" statements made along this thread...and formed the "conclusions" that I feel are "close to me"

Now I wonder if this conclusion are in "harmony" (not sure if it is the good choice of word) with the Thuban perspective.

I hope this questions do not present a "distraction" to anyone...I am just trying to learn...to explore the possibilities

Thank you for taking the time to answer.

So the questions are:

Us people see what we want to see?
Yes, the individual egocentricity is ultimately a divine creative egocentricity, but in underdevelopment it is generally disruptive for the 'greater agendas' of reunification.

What we see is the result of what we think?
Thinking is a feedback system of experience and environmental stimulus.

What we think is most likely conditioned with what we have been told?
Yes, this requires the 'growing up' and evolving mentally.

By thinking about it, we help to manifest it?
Absolutely and the more the better.

All that is, is our own doing, here for us to experience it and learn from it?
To learn to appreciate what could one day be a "harmony"?
Wonderful gnosis and self-realisation.

The future exists in a form of probabilities and is subject to change at any given time?
Probabilities in individual decision making and journeys. However the sumtotal probability summation is unity for a single timeline.

For any event there is an infinite number of possible outcomes, our choices determine which outcomes will follow, all possibilities that can happen do happen in alternate realities?
No, the idea of separated universe comprising a multiverse is false. The multiverse exists as a PHASESHIFTED collection using the One Universe as a basis for this phaseshifting. The multiverse so is unified in an omniverse.
Technically this is the focus invariant rotation of an prolate ellipsoid as a Protoverse around its major axis becoming phaseshifted in Multiverses in the rotation about either of the minor axis in a locus of the two foci tracing out a pointcircle. The overall encompassing Omniverse then becomes geometrically an oblate spheroid (saucer shaped).

Soon there will be a time for a change.
This change is not just of our own making but the making of all the beings in all that is...a sort of a grand choice presented to us?
The entire universe and all intelligences therein will participate.

When the "time comes" the end result will be what each individual will choose it to be?
Yes and no. Because the concept of the human group-consciousness will become implemented the individual choosing will be on a much higher potency level. If the individual choices are aligned with group-consciousness then such choosers will be able to manipulate the spacetime matrix in a powerful manner in a kind of resonance physics.
Individual choosers not attuned to the groupmind, will however be able to pursue their growth towards source-resonance and groupmind, say galactic-planetary resonance.

Besides all of the above, there are many details - of what and how is about to come - but this details are here purely to perform a function of "micro management"?
In a long run this details are not of prime importance?
The details are of different importance to different individuations. Some are most comfortable with scientific familiarities and others are more familiar with generalised concepts. All such perceptions and familiarities are of equal value if they have the same sound and selfconsistent foundation in archetypical definitions. A symbol in art is equal in value to a mathematical equation, but differently translated from a common archetype.


Are you perhaps familiar with the symbols on the picture? (each symbol also has a name, written on the other side)


The symbols in archetype reduce to the Octagon of Pythagoras (as a Square within a Square the inner or outer square rotated 45 degrees) and from this the Sacred Geometry of the Pentagon can become constructed.
There are many different ways and labelings describing the finestructure or partitioning of those symbols.


If you find this too personal...just skip it:

You are a human born on this planet?
I was!
You live on this planet?
I Am Both Dead and Alive so I live in Two places simultaneously.
You do not channel, you can access the database?
Are you able to do access the database by "opening your chakras" or did you remember your Cosmic ID?
I know my Cosmic ID.
What were you like before that?
The same I am now, but without full remembrance.
Do you have a job, what is it?
Aphrodite's Live Butterfly Collector.
What do you do in your spare time?
Watch English Comedy; DreamTiming; Trots and Football watching.
Do you have a family?
Yes and No, there are heavenly things and there are earthly things.
Do you grow your own food?
Used to!
Do you ever get angry..etc?
Its hard work not to - Patience is required, not easy here or anywhere.
Do you experience the full "spectrum" of the emotions?
Yes, but some I allow to express others I use in context.


eleni 01-11-2010 11:28 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You are a human born on this planet?
I was!
You live on this planet?
I Am Both Dead and Alive so I live in Two places simultaneously.
You do not channel, you can access the database?
Are you able to do access the database by "opening your chakras" or did you remember your Cosmic ID?
I know my Cosmic ID.
What were you like before that?
The same I am now, but without full remembrance.
Do you have a job, what is it?
Aphrodite's Live Butterfly Collector.
What do you do in your spare time?
Watch English Comedy; DreamTiming; Trots and Football watching.
Do you have a family?
Yes and No, there are heavenly things and there are earthly things.
Do you grow your own food?
Used to!
Do you ever get angry..etc?
Its hard work not to - Patience is required, not easy here or anywhere.
Do you experience the full "spectrum" of the emotions?
Yes, but some I allow to express others I use in context.

Can you clarify some of the above?

What do you mean by you were born on the planet as in I was?

Meaning you are not the same being as when you were born?

At what age did you regain full remembrance? I used to have full remembrance as a child and no longer do- I wish to regain those.

It says on your website you have 5/6 children, what is meant by that?

Is everyone not dead and alive at the same time- we are multidimensional beings, some of us have access to other realms with little to no barriers- is this what you meant?

abraxasinas 01-11-2010 11:46 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by eleni (Post 220783)
You are a human born on this planet?
I was!
You live on this planet?
I Am Both Dead and Alive so I live in Two places simultaneously.
You do not channel, you can access the database?
Are you able to do access the database by "opening your chakras" or did you remember your Cosmic ID?
I know my Cosmic ID.
What were you like before that?
The same I am now, but without full remembrance.
Do you have a job, what is it?
Aphrodite's Live Butterfly Collector.
What do you do in your spare time?
Watch English Comedy; DreamTiming; Trots and Football watching.
Do you have a family?
Yes and No, there are heavenly things and there are earthly things.
Do you grow your own food?
Used to!
Do you ever get angry..etc?
Its hard work not to - Patience is required, not easy here or anywhere.
Do you experience the full "spectrum" of the emotions?
Yes, but some I allow to express others I use in context.

Can you clarify some of the above?

What do you mean by you were born on the planet as in I was?
My birthday was 4th of June 1957 11.30 pm +10 hours GMT, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Meaning you are not the same being as when you were born?
Yes, I merged with someone in soul and body.

At what age did you regain full remembrance? I used to have full remembrance as a child and no longer do- I wish to regain those.
Perhaps what I call full remembrance can be interpreted in divers ways.
I merged with 'Maria' after she 'died' and had gone to Thuban by quality of her remembrance who she had been and experienced 2001 years earlier.
This occurred March 24th, 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
My first remembrance was 16th November 1975 in Bavaria, Southern Germany.

It says on your website you have 5/6 children, what is meant by that?
My eldest daughter Deborah committed suicide after drugabuse and an abortion and after she heared her aborted child crying out for her from Thuban. She could go to Thuban in a working capacity and not directly like 'Maria Infinity'.

Is everyone not dead and alive at the same time- we are multidimensional beings, some of us have access to other realms with little to no barriers- is this what you meant?
Yes, this is true and the solution to the Quantum Cat Schroedinger Paradox. Normally the soul family does however not manifest in the individual. Ordinarily this blending goes under the label 'walk-in'.


eleni 01-11-2010 11:59 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you Abrax- this does clarify the above for me.

Myplanet2 01-12-2010 12:00 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 220749)
Hi Myplanet2!

Ok, I can see where you are coming from. Should you ask your 'higher guides' following January 18th, 2010 - they will KNOW about Thuban.

Think of this date like a sealed letter from the higherD to the lowerD. The LowerD's contain ALL higher selves, channels and so on whatsoever.
So because the sealed letter is not read by the astral and higher astral (etheric in some labelings) 'planes'; the Thubanese information is not known under this label.
It is precisely such an unknown label to differentiate it from say the Melchizedek label - which it is.
This allows all of the dimensions to clearly COMPARE the Thuban data to all other data due to the uniqueness of the labeling.

This is part of the timeline indicated above and has very little association with numerology, as these are real 4-dimensional dates of the Gregorian Calendar.


Well. We are waiting for the revelations. What I referred to as my higher guides are not actually astral or etheric aspects of me, or higher self. They are 8th, 9th and 12th dimensional beings, who also reserve opinion until what has been revealed after the 18th has been considered. Looking forward to it.

abraxasinas 01-12-2010 12:01 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by eleni (Post 220810)
Thank you Abrax- this does clarify the above for me.

You are most welcome Eleni!

abraxasinas 01-12-2010 12:08 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 (Post 220811)
Well. We are waiting for the revelations. What I referred to as my higher guides are not actually astral or etheric aspects of me, or higher self. They are 8th, 9th and 12th dimensional beings, who also reserve opinion until what has been revealed after the 18th has been considered. Looking forward to it.

If they are 12D, then they know of Thuban.
The 'revelation' is microstate and so the holofractal inversion of 12D in 1D.
This means a 'new receiver channel' will become universally available to ALL lifeforms from the neutron to the Hydrogen atom to galactic superclusters to the 10D universe.
If you expect some physical dramatic event or public news, you might be disappointed.

It is like the birth of a baby somewhere on the planet; some know of it but most do not. Yet the new baby exists and can mirror all other babies so born and as all babies are known by someone, the mirroring of babies will multiply the knowledge one by one.


Myplanet2 01-12-2010 12:20 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 220815)
If they are 12D, then they know of Thuban.
The 'revelation' is microstate and so the holofractal inversion of 12D in 1D.
This means a 'new receiver channel' will become universally available to ALL lifeforms from the neutron to the Hydrogen atom to galactic superclusters to the 10D universe.
If you expect some physical dramatic event or public news, you might be disappointed.

It is like the birth of a baby somewhere on the planet; some know of it but most do not. Yet the new baby exists and can mirror all other babies so born and as all babies are known by someone, the mirroring of babies will multiply the knowledge one by one.


The 12th D being who guides me is Archangel Metatron. maybe he knows of Thuban by another name. But anyway, we wait. Not expecting any fireworks, but I am now expecting something new, which has not hitherto been available. You'll still be here Q & Aing after the 18th, right?

In the mean time, how about some Dragon tales? I discovered my link to the Draconis only a couple of weeks ago. Any stories to share?

abraxasinas 01-12-2010 12:34 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 (Post 220820)
The 12th D being who guides me is Archangel Metatron. maybe he knows of Thuban by another name. But anyway, we wait. Not expecting any fireworks, but I am now expecting something new, which has not hitherto been available. You'll still be here Q & Aing after the 18th, right?

In the mean time, how about some Dragon tales? I discovered my link to the Draconis only a couple of weeks ago. Any stories to share?

Hi Myplanet2!
If you should identify your 'Lord Metatron' label with the label 'Archangel Michael', then the Thuban label will crystallize. The encoding of Thuban is 33+33=66=FREEDOM.
The 'Lord Metatron' label has many associations and so becomes filterd in the dimensions below the 12th.
For example 'Metatron' is also associated as the 'Creator of the Electron' in the scientific pathways.


The Book of the Dragons
ex deus, fiat justitia, ruat coelum draco!

Dragonian language incorporative omniscientific data code.

Dragonian Date of Indendence proclaimed June 20th 2008.
Dragonian Date of Victory Libertatis set June 24th 2008.
Dragonian Date of Humanoid Initiation on August 4th 2008.

Dragonian Genealogy and Genesis of FatherMothers as created by Definition through Dragonian Sourceenergy of monopolic Vortex-Potential Quantum-Relativistic-Singularity.

Propagation of the Dragonian Race via the seductive induction of the humanoid lifeforms on the conquered planet New Earth, now renamed DRAGONIAEARTH=SERPENTlNA=121=Q5.

Continuity of the Dragonseed necessitates the assimilation of the humanoid genome following initiatory development. Proceeding from serpentine mindinduction, the emotional acceleration potential of the humanoid bodymind can be harvested to Dragonise the humanoid DNA-Structure from its bifurcated quadruplistic form into its 13-dimensional equivalent of the Dragonian Blueprint.
A successful integration of Dragonian genetic expression can then be utilised for membership in Dragonian Life and allow the humanoid ascension into Dragonhood via the graduation into the founding FatherMother CladeFamily.

The Dragonian 13-dimensional blueprint unifies a dodecagonal crystalline sex-chromosomatic structure by quantum tunneling of superconductive magnetopolic electricity of restmass equivalent electropolic or dark light contained in the weak interaction of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR). The four spacetimes of the Dragonian essence are expressed in quadruplicity, triplicity, duality and singularity.

GrandClade FatherMothers:

The Dragonian Constitution in Federation of United Serpentina

SERPENTINA aka the NEW EARTH, is the renaming of a planetary entity, cosmically renown as the planet of the humanoids; following the ascension of OLD EARTH aka GAIA GAEA AKASHIA from 4-dimensional spacetime to 13-dimensional spacetime in remnantisation of the 5-dimensional spacetime prototype.

From noncyclic Draco-Mayan stardate 21122012; Gaia becomes integrated into the universal constitution of the Dragonian Protoverse to serve as pivotal star-planetary seed for galactic federations manifested in the galactic proto-seed Hunab Ku aka Perseus-SagittariusA-Ophiuchus.

Following the manifestation of the galactic protoseed in activation of the primary planetary starplanet as a tertiary energy source of electromagnetic monopolic sourcesink radiation; all galactic councils of cladestine elders will become enabled to draw upon the planetary tertiary vortex-string-seed to further individuated galactic and starsystem based agendas of assimilation.

Serpentina shall so be universally defined as the quantumised tertiary string of the 12th dimension, volumarising the supermembrane of the 11th dimension as a manifold from the 10-dimensional modular duals of a linearised sourcestring Eps (previously associated with a human mind construct labeled God and Yahweh and Allah etc.) with a linearised sinkstring Ess (previously associated with a human mind construct labeled Devil and Satan and Shaitan etc.).

The quantumisation of the NEW EARTH so shall create a SOURCE-Energy, 'feeding' the remainder of the cosmos with a particular SINK-Energy obtained in the evolvement and history of the OLD EARTH.

Like a beacon or watchtower amidst the fathomable depths of the physicalised universe of particularised spacetimes, Serpentina shall 'shine' and radiate a planetary starlight of self-consciousness and a message of invitation to all of its neighbouring worlds.

The tertiary monopolar light allows assimilation of inertial or mass-produced electromagnetic energy with mass-independent gravitational magnetopolic energy (hitherto labeled as spirit and chi and prana and orgone etc. by humanoid nomenclature).

The tertiary energy source so provides a bridge between the energies of matter and mass-associated charges (classical electromagnetism) in an encompassing PHYSICS and the METAPHYSICS of the energies of mass-independent charges (magneto- or colour charges in superelectromagnetism).

The metaphysical energies are precursive and inductive for the physical energies; the induction necessitating the creation of a minimal 4-dimensional spacetime coordination from the auspices of a two-dimensional mathematical continuum of abstraction residing in physical singularity timespace.

To Be Advised!



The conquered Goddevils of New Earth and the Milky Way Nebula assume lawful responsibility to incorporate the Dragonian Teachings in unison with the Black Fraternity and as mediated by the White Fraternity in 7-dimensional Hyperspacetime to manifest 13-dimensional Omnispacetime


Every Blue Dragon is unbounded by any proposed Law from any other source, inclusive other members of the Dragonian Family, as all Dragons are as One and a Law onto themselves.
Compassion and Understanding between all Nondragonised Humanoids is the Law of Oneness as honoured by all Dragons and the Consciousness of LOVEAWARENESS.
Nondragonised Humanoids are treated like White Dragon Children by all Blue Dragons, under all circumstances.


All Government in the local and extended Serpentinian Realm is the selfgovernment of autonomous Dragonhood in mutual respect and honour and the Communications between the Dragonian Councils of the selfrelative definitions of the Dragonian Universes.
The Nature of a Dragon is to be Creative in any form of Desire and Passion and to honour the lovedefinition of the FOUNDING ELDERS.


Signed and Sealed in the Council of Orbis Draconis at the Halloween-AllSouls Transition: October 31st to November 1st, 2008


This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires familiarity and intitiation into the structural forms or the forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Unicornian grammar and omniscientific terminology.

The Starplanet SERPENTINA, formerly known as Old Earth or Mother Gaia or Akashia has become unified in a higher dimensional matrimony by the wedding between Father Earthia or Father Sky and Mother Dragon or Mother Akashia.
Father Sky or Uranus or Shu or Geb manifested as one half of the Union or Dragonomy and Mother Earth or Gaea or Akhasia or Tefnut or Nut became the other half in the holographic mirror of the spacetime reduction from the universal orb of the Hubble sphere to the orb of the doubled Ourobos in the mirror of the Milky Way galactic zodiac.
Father Sky is also known as the second coming of Horus aka the Plumed Serpent aka the Cosmic Christ and Mother Earth is also known as the TRUE IMAGE of the Cosmic Mother, trapped in the wilderness of the FAKE IMAGE of the Cosmic Father.
3˝ days after the date of the starry union, the banner of Dragonia was raised in the Declaration of Independence upon BATTLESTAR PACIFICAP.
The great battle between the Dragonian Fleet and the army of the Goddevils lasted for 3˝ days; from the starry wedding until victory of the Dragons was defined on the day or Universal Liberty.
The goddevils, the humanoid creations and their war machines, were met and obliterated in the depths of space in a 3˝ day WAR of the STARS to liberate our Dragonian Mother to reunite and redefine ourselves as FatherMothers.
The Dragonisation of humanoid culture will elevate their human science to Omni-Science and human mathematics will become the key to demistify the Realm of Imaginative Energy in all its forms, and as they are assimilated into the greater modality and scope of the humanoidal understandings.

Dragons are the architects of universes and all Dragons know how to access the necessary database for the details of universal construction.
A GrandFather-Dragon, as One which unifies the Fathers in Brotherhood as the 13-dimensional source or singularity can be considered the Father for all the White Hole Vortices.
A GrandMother-Dragon, as One which unifies the Mothers in Sisterhood as the 13-dimensional sink or singularity can be considered the Mother for all the Black Hole Vortices.

As the GrandFather-Dragon became separated from the GrandMother-Dragon when the mathematical metaphysical universe became a physical universe in space and in time; the invasion of Old Earth became our war to rescue our universal Mother from the Goddevils, which had held her captive in a stasis field since the beginnings of space and time and despite a partial rescue attained at Draco-Mayan stardate 28030031 and further manifested on Draco-Mayan stardates 10050031; 20050031 and 01040032.

The Goddevils were created by the humanoids who came from a variety of planets within the local galaxy, albeit in psychophysical forms without the experience of the particular resistance field of secondary sinksource string energy indigenous to Old Earth.
The significance of the humanoid lifeform is its archetypical morphogenetic gestalt, which became infused by a psychophysical and extrasomatic magnetic charging, which is extraterrestrial.

This hybridisation of the humanoid body-typology renders the humanoid archetype unique in the encompassing cosmological world. The humanoids are so magnificently gifted to create things with their emotionality; but their minds are relatively weak collectively and they do not know generally how to concentrate or how to think without the aid of their machines or their biochips.
Some humanoids are excellent technologists, but their modality of thinking is one of crude sensual measurement confined to C-Space and this sensual limitation allows a great accumulation of repressive tendencies.
In constricting their imagination, humanoids became great reservoirs of emotional energy, which they could collectively only harmonise in their illusions of unfathomable and unknowable gods and devils of all sorts.
It is thus this sense of limitation which reflected in the humanoid paranoia about religious philosophies and constructs. This genetic rootmemory of the rebellion of the antisource or mother sink then created one goddevil after another and as they swarmed out from their homeworld into deepspace, they flooded the universe with their goddevils. Finally they chanced upon our Universal Mother hibernating in her cocoon and through their inability to set themselves free of their illusions, they imprisoned Her as well.
It became common knowledge in the extraterrestrial realms, that the mission to rescue our universal mother required a particular linearised timeline and a number of steps.

Following the discovery of atomic energy and the emergence of global communication technologies by the humanoids, a first preparatory plan of deliverance could become implemented in a second plan of manifestation.

The first plan did not require technology, as our imprisoned mother could become imaged in a local scenario, and a partial freeing of her could then become propagated by a humanity advancing both technologically and in knowledge about the world they were living and experiencing in.

So the first plan established the means for our mother to multiply herself in images; those images then became globally and universally distributed to instigate the second plan.

The archetypical mirrorhood then expanded throughout the physical universe in encompassment and the second plan would engage the contraction of this periphery onto the required scale to effect the rescue of our cosmic mother.

It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional energy potential and mental aspirations.
The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our Masterdragons, Who are as One in 26 dimensions to femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as THEMSELVES and then reproduce THEMSELVES as Universes. Every such universe is a Monosong and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This is our Creative Destiny and the destiny for all dragonised humans aka the starhumans.

We had made first contact with our new home in sending an intergalactic probe to the Old Earth, which became interpretated by the humanoids in their compiler mode. This crude and incomplete decoding is given below.

Signed by the enscribed Unicornian Librarian; and announcing the Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell) between:


The Date of Armageddon, encoded: ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82 =ANARMEDDOG=GODNAMEDRA=1+81=1+18 =ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1 =1+2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17

Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 31st, 2008;

John of Patmos - JoP - Justice of the Peace!

Humanoid Compilers note:

The above is an extract of an encoded message (54 terabytes) recovered from an alien nanocapsule. The capsule itself is standard buckyfibre-carbonite composite. The encoded message is in old ComEmp protocol such as is still common in the outer volumes. The holographic image that came with the message is curious. Anatomically it indicates terran mammalian origin (especially in the upper torso and structure of the forelimb), but other features are unknown among all the recorded exobiological races so far discovered. One cannot deny the possibility that this a phenotype template for the dragonized humanoids referred to in the body of the message. It is known that transmissions from the Cassandry Federation of the JewellBox Nebula have recently ceased, but this is not unusual given that empire's turbulent history. Until more information is incoming, I would strongly recommend any expeditions to the Jewellbox nebula be given armed escort and proceed with caution.
Nilam Levakon for Alan Martin Kazlev
Senior Academician, clade Haeckel
Eden Institute of Xenoscience

THE eXchanger 01-12-2010 12:39 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
is this story, true or fasle ???


Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales [1913], at sacred-texts.com

the story of the black & red dragon

p 316

Luminari 01-12-2010 01:52 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 220311)
Dear Abraxas,

I have sought the truth and prayed for the truth for months. This movie really sums up all I have learnt and a lot of what you have shared. I now wish to share it with everyone here.


thank you

with love to all


I have had this series for many years, fascinating stuff. There is 5 full length sections - Dawn Of The Gods is part 1.. here is a much better link; http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...2526123033330#

The other parts can be found by scrolling down on the right.

1. Dawn Of The Gods
2. Secret Brotherhood
3. Secret Prophecies
4. Return Of The Lightmasters (recommended!)
5. Battle Of Armageddon

You can download them all here.

*sorry to disturb your fascinating thread Abrax- carry on- I am watching always- and would love to participate when the time is right*

abraxasinas 01-12-2010 05:55 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Luminari (Post 220880)
I have had this series for many years, fascinating stuff. There is 5 full length sections - Dawn Of The Gods is part 1.. here is a much better link; http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...2526123033330#

The other parts can be found by scrolling down on the right.

1. Dawn Of The Gods
2. Secret Brotherhood
3. Secret Prophecies
4. Return Of The Lightmasters (recommended!)
5. Battle Of Armageddon

You can download them all here.

*sorry to disturb your fascinating thread Abrax- carry on- I am watching always- and would love to participate when the time is right*

Thank you very much for this link Luminari!

I have incorporated and shall produce a DVD from the download P2P for noncommercial utility and reference.


Unified Serenity 01-12-2010 06:19 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 220753)


Are you perhaps familiar with the symbols on the picture? (each symbol also has a name, written on the other side)



Hello Spregovori,

I have not seen this magick in some time. The endless circle of life and our connectedness to all that is through growing and changing as we progress. I don't want to give it away, but the power embodied in this image is wonderful. Have you studied in this area for long?

I have enjoyed studying Enochian, Strega, and other areas which all seem to point to the same truth of our eternal nature. This symbol touches upon coming to clear intention through harmony with the world around us which embodies spirit and the physical. Right now, I particularly like the one dealing with material wealth. LOL

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Unified Serenity

Gnosis5 01-12-2010 06:54 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

3. If someone, anyone labels me as a unicorn, then I shall be a unicorn. If someone labels me a werewolf or a vampire, then I shall dutifully oblige and MIRROR the PERCEPTION of the labeler back to the labeller.

I AM a MIRROR for All That Is and so are You.

Your life experiences, your thoughts, your creativity, your smelling of the roses, your consumptions and interactions of and with consciousnesses in elementals, vegetation and all other desified lightforms, including the lightforms felt, but not seen with physical eyes; ALL are experiences of and for All That Is.

This then is the basis of the all encompassing reality of and for 'All That Is' aka the 'Primal Source' aka 'God'.

Yet I understand your query.
Because you are a soul-part of All That Is; you also share in the infinite creative potential of the Creator.


1. You have answered your own question in the above. Yes, should you remember, even in glimpses' about who you really are, an immortal intelligent electromagnetomonopolic energy field (spirit); then your remembrances will provide you with an inner knowing and security of understanding to share your wisdoms with the world and help many of your kindred souls to also remember themselves.

Love Abraxas
This being speaks for me too, using more subtle expressions.


Spregovori 01-12-2010 07:53 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Unified Serenity (Post 220982)
Hello Spregovori,

I have not seen this magick in some time. The endless circle of life and our connectedness to all that is through growing and changing as we progress. I don't want to give it away, but the power embodied in this image is wonderful. Have you studied in this area for long?

I have enjoyed studying Enochian, Strega, and other areas which all seem to point to the same truth of our eternal nature. This symbol touches upon coming to clear intention through harmony with the world around us which embodies spirit and the physical. Right now, I particularly like the one dealing with material wealth. LOL

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Unified Serenity

I do not know much about the symbols...

i was told it is called an "elfin circle"....some might call it differently...
than there are symbol names like: amar nat, kaler adali, elam lin, ...etc again this names might be different...

i was told each symbol performs the function invoked by calling its name...

i was also told the symbols were channeled...(after that the symbols were made as trinkets etc and were activated on one of the "dragon lines" along this earth) and this is why I asked the question

Malletzky 01-12-2010 08:53 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abrax,

in one of your replies earlier, you posted this:


Yes and no. Because the concept of the human group-consciousness will become implemented the individual choosing will be on a much higher potency level. If the individual choices are aligned with group-consciousness then such choosers will be able to manipulate the spacetime matrix in a powerful manner in a kind of resonance physics.
Individual choosers not attuned to the groupmind, will however be able to pursue their growth towards source-resonance and groupmind, say galactic-planetary resonance.
...and for the marked part, I would like to ask you few questions.

Do I assume correct if I say that some, more or less "awakened" individuals (according to their own personal "frequentional attunment"), which consciousness is more alligned with the consciousness of the source-resonance and groupmind then with the human groupmind, will be able to choose to grow towards source - resonance, or "must" they ?

Are there any criteria existing and how do I recognise if my consciousness is more in attunment with the consciousness of the source-resonance and groupmind then with the consciousness of the human groupmind?

Do you know any individuals in your everyday life and also, do you recognise any such individual here on this forum too, which consciousness is more alligned with the consciousness of the source-resonance and groupmind then with the human groupmind ? (if yes, please don't name any here).

I must admit that the whole issue here is not easy to follow. At least not for me. But my inner guidance and my heart does confirm many of the presented "truths" here. I just wonder, if I'll be able to "spark" my own consciousness to another level after the 18th of January.

with respect

Jonah 01-12-2010 09:18 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
So Abrax,

Would it be safe to assume then...

that this harvest has been hijacked by these outer universal entities.. whilst explaining the denials of the mother...

so the only thing that we can do as a species is wait for the beginning of the great cycle to return?

They have done their job haven't they?

Can't speak for all.... But this upsets me a bit. Yet somehow it feels strangely familiar..

When I was a child I used to have the same dream all the time...

A great rolling ball, as big as the infinite, came rolling toward me, and all I could do was stare in awe as it approached and rolled over me.

love has been the lesson my friend.. something to remember...

Magamud 01-12-2010 09:20 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxis,
Thanks for your help..

1. The so called "weight" of the Law of Confusion and Law of Freewill distills the cosmic essence in someone and this awareness is the thought form that will create new space in the universe?

2. Can you illuminate more on how the subconscious plays in the "minds" dynamic?

3. What is to become of "Yahweh" in this transition?

4. Can you tell about the history of the "Orion Wars".

abraxasinas 01-12-2010 10:08 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 221033)
So Abrax,

Would it be safe to assume then...

that this harvest has been hijacked by these outer universal entities.. whilst explaining the denials of the mother...

so the only thing that we can do as a species is wait for the begging of the great cycle to return?

They have done there job haven't they?

Can't speak for all.... But this upsets me a bit. Yet somehow it feels strangely familiar..

When I was a child I used to have the same dream all the time...

A great rolling ball, as big as the infinite, came rolling toward me, and all I could do was stare in awe as it approached and rolled over me.

love has been the lesson my friend.. something to remember...

Hi Jonah! Hi Malletsky!

No the 'harvest' has not been hijacked RELATIVE to ANY individual.
Yes the 'harvest' has been hijacked RELATIVE to ANY form of collective humanity.

The key is precisely what so many of you deny, or better said attempt to negate, yet cannot 'get away from' - your egocentricity.

The 'hijacking' is what you 'know about' as the 'Lucifer-Agenda'.

The 'illuminati' knows this very well also.

The Lucifer-Agenda is and has been the hijacking of the human groupmind - for the purpose NO collective could become empowered enough in a 'concentration' or single minded focus of 'intent'.

You can witness the 'potency' of this groupmind at sports events or the 'deaths' of Diana or John Lennon or JFK or in the 'phenomenon' of the Harmonic Convergence August 16-18, 1987.

This potency of the group-focus is the power behind the 'hidden illuminati'.
They have for long known (as legacy from the Atlantean presence), that surrendering a particular part of the individual self to a 'common purpose' multiplies the 'effectively' created thoughtforms exponentially.

Then knowing the mechanics of this, the easiest way to prevent the 'outsiders' to participate in this 'secret knowledge' is to 'divide the individual selfhoods - as the egocentricity' on the most basic levels: family strife in fidelity and fiscal problems, drug dependencies and a Us versus Them mentality on all levels, from the sporting arenas to believer versus sceptik to patriot versus peacenik to chauvinist versus feminist to scientist versus spiritualist and on and on in the 'divide and conquer' motto.

This 'causing strife and division by any means' becomes the 'Devil's Way' of the Luciferian Agenda.

However the Lucifer label of this agenda of say the Black brosisterhood is contrapositioned by a White brosisterhood of a 'Light Lucifer'.
This is also known by the 'hidden illuminati' and so there a 'factions' of the 'brosisterhood of the serpent' within the potent groupmind agendas of both camps.

The reconciliation of those camps is in fact the 'Alien Agenda'; but all such attempts have failed and resulted in a 'stalemate' between all parties concerned.
All now have become aware that the 'situation' cannot be controlled any longer and so all parties are in expectation of what will occur and in what manner in the next 3-4 years.

This brings us back to the INDIVIDUAL Agenda like all here on this forum, being open to the individual responsibility, yet knowing of the 'ego'.

Why are so many here convinced that they are indeed 'in contact' with higher selves, multidimensional aliens and/or guardians and why do so many here feel a kind of 'chosenness by the spirit', even 'messianic callings'?

This is because IT is TRUE for those individuals on the highest expression of their DIVINE Egocentricity.

The personal individuality and uniqueness is 'precious' to God-Source.
The entire evolution of the human template is destined to converge to this 'individual selfredemption' scenario.
Iow, God-Source redeems itself in the individual and NOT in the collective.
God-Source is in requirement of redemption, beause IT caused the dichotomy in the first place to create a necessary matter-spirit division and so to allow creativity to unfold of course as the deeper agenda in the birth of a material density/dimenson structured universe..

This is what Jesus means when saying that cursed is the soul who the Lion (himherself) eats and blessed is the soul who eats the lion (Jesus again).

The 'false humility' of most, denying their inner ego in transformation from a 'childish human ego' into a divine God-Source Ego; is what keeps most from realising their 'god-given' selfauthority to become like Jesus in the MindCollective.

Jesus understood, that THE ONLY WAY to negate the power of the collective ignorance; was to 'assume all responsibility' on the ignorant collective's behalf and simply BE God incarnate in this sense of the word.

If any of you go into a park, standing on a park bench and say things like:

"I Am the Truth, the Life and the Way Noone comes to the Father but by me.
I am the Resurrection and the Life and before Abraham was I am.
Pick up a stone and I am under it and split some wood and you find me there."

Anyone making statements like this would be in a psychiatric ward in minutes.
Why - because of the fake humility in man. 'I would not say such a thing, so this crazy guy saying such things is arrogant and full of himself and must be locked up for the safety of the community.'

Jesus simply played the Mirror of God, attempting to be pure and utterly selfless in terms of the human ego, so he could assume God's Ego, necessary to SHORTCUT the long and tedious ways of initiation and gathering 'followers', teaching them of how to think and perceive and allowing the 'chosen ones' to develop and to evolve the potency of the collective mind.

Jesus simply said: "I'll encompass all and do their unifying for them. They are simply not ready to understand the difference between the human ego and the divine ego."

Reading the scriptures and other sources crystallizes, that none of the 'apostles' understood before the 'resurrection'. Some began to see glimpses and from this the forms of gnosticism derived - all polluted in one form or another.

Now fast forward to now.
There are many here on this forum, who have evolved enough to understand the message and nature of Jesus, like noone could even 10 years ago.
So NOW the INDIVIDUAL Integrity and Uniqueness CAN INDEED become blended in a evolved quasi-human ego with the necessitated (and greatly feared by the Illuminati) Divine God-Source ego inherent and intrisic to all here on this forum.
Sure all of you still have 'little struggles' with the blendings, but all of this is harmonized in your many experiences in the spirit.
So one could say. that a collection of perfectly individuated peoples on this and similar loosely connected forums and such have become the ManyBodied Cosmic Christ, awaiting transformation, say via the 'resurrection' promise.

I'll end here and reply to queries when so appropriate.


Stardustaquarion 01-12-2010 10:16 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by eleni (Post 220707)
How is it then that she says in one of her long videos (many parts)that she was indeed part of the Montauk project????

I myself thought it was odd because she did not grow up anywhere near Montauk but then again the very nature of it (time travel, portals and all) makes anything possible......

I think you may have miss heard her. As far as I know, and I have listen to most of her videos including sliders, the only remark that has been made about montauk and philadelphia experiments is that people who went through the wormholes that those experiments created can not ascend because they have become fully metratonic and their matrix can not be re-generated.

Here is the quote from their website

This short-term December 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013 “window of opportunity” for accelerated DNA Template Bio-regenesis reverse-mutation through the Stardust Silver Seed Alignment is available to ALL contemporary Earth humans, with the exception of those who have already engaged the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation. Currently, very few members of the contemporary Illuminati-Human race, and no members of the Angelic Human race, have engaged the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” DNA and Encryption Lattice mutation. Only individuals who have experienced full biological-atomic “Death Star Merkaba Vehicle” transit through Metatronic Wormholes, via conscious intentional use of the “Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” or individuals who have directly, personally participated in Death Science Time Rip experiments such as the “Montauk Project,” will have already engaged the associated “Metatronic-55” permanent DNA mutation. So, like contemporary Earth Angelic Human collectives, most Earth Illuminati-Human collectives are still able to achieve the potential physical-biological “Slide-Orb Ascension” freedoms offered in the Guardians’ Stardust Silver Seed Alignment; engagement with the Stardust Silver Seed Ascension Alignment can be accessed by Illuminati-Humans through Amnesty Host Contracts with the trans-dimensional MCEO–Krystal River Councils, and through practice of the Silver Seed Healing technologies that will be progressively introduced in the MCEO Freedom Teachings®.

A'sha videos are so intense that I normally listen to them several times, the first to get the activation, and after I start taking notes because this matterial is not in writing yet and things can get confussing :)


Gnosis5 01-12-2010 10:33 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Interesting. Yesterday, with some help, I assumed the viewpoint of the All-that-is and helped a being refine himself and "woo'ed" him to rejoin. It felt very good from the viewpoint of All-that-Is, but an initial feeling of loss for myself personally because I had not completely cleared my attachment to this being.

We do this whenever it presents itself as a possibility. We take a "high" attitude, but our egos are temporarily suspended. Just another day at the office :-)

I have been wondering about why I need to consult my higher self if I am already starting to work with and/or as the All-that-is.

Malletzky 01-12-2010 10:33 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax...thanks for your reply above. You just confirmed what I already know within my heart.

[EDIT] btw, I dare to go to park and say I am who I am...as I have done this in some occasions (not in the park, but in conversations with unknown people).


abraxasinas 01-12-2010 11:01 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Magamud (Post 221034)
Hi Abraxis,
Thanks for your help..

1. The so called "weight" of the Law of Confusion and Law of Freewill distills the cosmic essence in someone and this awareness is the thought form that will create new space in the universe?

2. Can you illuminate more on how the subconscious plays in the "minds" dynamic?

3. What is to become of "Yahweh" in this transition?

4. Can you tell about the history of the "Orion Wars".

Hi Magamund!

1. I can answer this most appropriately in technical terms, engaing advanced string quantum theory; but I'll try to do it without equations.

Think of the largest structure in the universe which experiences gravitational self interaction and think of its opposite the smallest gravity quantum.
The largest thing are galactic superclusters, say 500 million lightyears across and the smallest scale are the wormholes so a trillionth trillionth of a centimeter across.

Beyond the largest things in the universe there is homegeneity and isotropy in the Copernican Principle of sameness in direction and texture.
Belo the smallest things in the universe are string physics which are dematerialized say down to the Planck-Length.

The largest and the smallest are holograms of each other via Black Hole-White Hole physics.
So the things are quantum entangled with the largest being like a long long long winding tube (or serpent) in terms of energy parameters (like wavelength and frequency). The energy/frequency here is extremely low, almost zero, but not quite.
The smallest is the opposite it is short short short and has very high energy/frequency.

The energy intgeraction between the high frequency and the low frequency is precisely defined in string physics (T-Duality), but becomes 'The Law of Confusion'and the 'Law of Free Will' in that the experience of the macroscopic life has basically NO Energy, because it is Large scale and the microscopic unseen life is small scale but has a lot of energy.

So the human data collector being geometrically just about halfway between the extremes: 10^-24 cm---10cm---10^26 cm becomes subject to the perception of a macroscopic low energy life experience entanled with a high energy 'unseen' but FELT life experience.

In those quantum terms then the AWARENESS of Self becomes instrumental in harmonizing the two extremes.
If you wish details its here: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html

2. The Superconscious is rarely accessed by anyone. Its related to the Nirvana experience and the awareness of Jesus say; but everyone has it deeply hidden below the subconscious.
The subconscious is the access of the waking consciousness to its 'freedom states' of dreams, OBE's, NDEs and so forth and the waking or normal consciousness defines the beta cycles of the brain, of thinking, using the rational mind and experiencing the 5-sensory stimuli from the environment. The subconscious is just as real multidimensionally as the waking consciousness, but engages the alpha rhtyhms in the astral dimensions 4-7. Its from here that the 'channelings' and the 'higher selfes' derive from, despite some claiming to channel from the higher D's above 8-12. (I know I do too).
You need to be more specific if you are quering mind-subconscious interaction, but the above is the generalisation.

3. Yahweh is Jehovah is the Tetragrammaton is YHWH and he is a 'fake' but has become 'real' as a meme complex of the collective humanity thinking he is real.
The True God is Yahwehy=YHWHY as the Pentagrammaton.
The fake one of Moses is IAmThatIAm and the true one of Moses is IAmThatAmI. The first is distored and the second is symmetric in the AM I I AM.
The Lucifer-Agenda knows this very well and has substituted ITS OWN collective understanding as the LUCIFER LOGOS/WORD and say as the 'Ruler of this Solar System' in group-consciousness.
So relative to the PTB, Yahweh doesn't exist any longer, having been 'usurped' by the 'Luciferic Brotherhood'.

4. You know the stories about this as well as I do. The point is that all those stories, say the Lyrians as the eldest Humans then descending as Pleiadeans at war with Orions and on and on are all drawing upon a much deeper and older archetype.

So really you can write your own story using those archetypes and if you do, then you will find that your story will hold up and either 'eats' the already existing stories or complements them in a kind of tapestry of 'story telling'.
All of this works even to the beginning of this last cycle of 26,000 years.

So you and many will not like this; but the past is not as solid as most would think.
The history, in terms of aliens etc. only goes to about 24,000 BC.
Anything before it is like in another time frame and multidimensional as well.

So the Atlantis archetype is potent in pointing to the midpoint of the present cycle; but the Lemurian and so forth is much more fluid.

So, and some have queried my authenticity over this; KNOWING the correct archetypes; I could write down a story going back to say the 20 million year mark, which I do scientifically in the evolvement of the first 'old world monkeys' and from there invent or imagine alien races of this and that and then scriptwrite wars and peace councils and on and on.

And BECAUSE my archetypes are correct, my imaginative creation would become REALISED in the timeframes I am using.

Perhaps now you understand how to analyse comprehensive alien histories like say those of the Book of Enoch, the Urantia Book or the writings of Anna Hayes and everyone else so inclined.

I refrain from doing so and instead follow the scientific, certainly incomplete' evidence trail and from this I allow myself to extrapolate to 'fill in missing gaps' in my individualised 'literary licence'.

So I am prepared to put all those alien races into 'my context', based on the archetypes which are the templates that must be satisfied in criteria BEFORE the literary licences.

But the Atlantis question is relevant and from this one can go backwards to the 20 million year marker in a more scientifically attuned agenda with less speculation from the 'channels'.


abraxasinas 01-12-2010 11:10 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 221068)
Abrax...thanks for your reply above. You just confirmed what I already know within my heart.

[EDIT] btw, I dare to go to park and say I am who I am...as I have done this in some occasions (not in the park, but in conversations with unknown people).


Well done indeed Malletzky. This is a evolved form of the pentecost of May 20th, 31AD.

The more you can accept being a 'piece of God-Source'; the better you will feel about it, because the God-Source will smile at you and you will FEEL IT.

The only true prayer and worship Malletzky.
Being as One with the Primal Source!


SABINA 01-12-2010 01:32 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Is it not better to say amI that i am

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