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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Myplanet! Your self-labeling answers your question in general. Gaia is getting ready. The cells in your body as the constituents of your biopysical body and life are like the individual data collectors - human individuals interacting with the planetery Mother 'substituting' for the 'Universal Mother'. So cells are born and die in recyclement to 'refresh' your body as the temple of God-Source-Goddess. When Gaia ascends from planetary status to universal status via her 'hidden' galactic status; all of Her human cells can also ascend into cosmic consciousness via their 'hidden-occultized' consciousness. This is what this is all about. Messsengers like me are only 'allowed' to come forth and appear, because the scenario is much grander than a planetary transformation or the transition of a galactic civilisation. What is about to occur is the Birth of a New Universe. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Am I or anyone else going to create my reality from what someone else has put out there? Or am I going to create my reality to that which I know is true from experience and such validation.....the choice is yours. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi eleni and mntruthseeker! The issue with Anna Hayes can best be understood in her 'confrontation' with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Both have become initiated by a source closely attuned to the 8th dimension/density and what you may understand as a most potent archetype - that of the 'Office of Melchizedek'. My information about both Drunvalo and Anna is the following. Drunvalo absorbed and individuated the 'Mantle of the Melchizedek Order' via his male animus and manifested the coupled female anima or shadow androgyny within his environmental interaction (say his understanding of Sophia as the Wisdom of Gaia). Anna Hayes also absorbed and individuated the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent' via her male animus and manifested the coupled female anima or shadow androgyny within her environmental interaction (but here her understanding or Sophia as the Wisdom of the Universe). This however resulted in a disharmonisation between Anna Hayes' yin-yang polarisation. She is male polarised and as exhibited in her convoluted technical descriptions of the universal order. Anna Hayes thinks in universal terms, but from the female perspective. She so misinterprets the Gaian agenda of the embracement of the planetary anima as being the Cosmic encompassment. Before ascension Gaia cannot embrace the universal Order of the Melchisecian dispensation, as She is in perfect synchronization with the Universal Father's feedback. The Sophic Wisdom of the Mother grows and learns by the Understanding of the Gnosis of the Father and vice versa. The Father's Understanding grows and evolves via the Wisdom of the Mother in Experience of Herself in Physicality. Anna Hayes' part in this transformation is to attempt to play both roles at once: BEING the Father's Understanding AND the Mother's Wisdom simultaneously. Then whilst Drunvalo is selfharmonized in his office and agenda due to his delegation of the 'Wisdom function' to his communication with Gaia (and the angels as he terms it); Anna Hayes is disharmonized and relatively 'confused' in her superpositioning of her wisdom onto the Universal Mother. Anna Hayes should manifest Gaian wisdom (say similar to Miriam Delicado) and delegate the Gnosis function to her shadowed 'maleness'. She refuses to do so and this has resulted in her message, whilst validated by her long 'childhood-adulthood' feedback communication, of having become a distorted version of the Melchizedekian data base. This can be evidenced by the 'open letters' published, say in regards to the Merkabah meditations and the (non)responses between the respective agents. Anna Hayes' publications contain much valid information in the general sense, but lose more and more appropriateness the more she attempts to construct a 'Female Gnosis' from the perspective of the Creation. The Gnosis of Understanding is the function of the Logos of the Creator and the Sophia of the Wisdom is the function of the AntiLogos as the Creation. This in a nutshell becomes the Androgyny or Bisexuality of the FatherMother as Two in One. The path of Anna Hayes attempts to redefine this Logos as One in One - she cannot succeed in such a manner, as this in contraindication of her commission to publish under the auspices of the Melchisedecian Order. Anna Hayes will realise her platform in the Gaian ascension, as THEN the anima-animus harmonisation will manifest globally, galactically and cosmically. In the greater perspective however, Anna Hayes fulfils a most potent function in manifesting such a disharmonisation on the elementary archetypical level for further contextual utility for the New Universe to be born in the metamorphosis of the Old. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Anyone notice the blue woman depicted in the ceremonies (hint avatar)? Do these represent the Agarthans in the ceromonies? What don't you agree with in a very small extent? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Brook! Without information, any and whatever information, accessible to you to ponder, analyse or discern; NO Validation relative to your scrutiny and discernment is possible. This is the 'beauty' of science and of mathematical logistics. It is easy to 'validate' scientific data in the form of equations and formulae; as these can be dissected and 'checked' for selfconsistency by anyone familiar with the language codes. Generally writing and for all concerned. I am not here to 'prove' anything. This would take your self-empowerment away and entice some to become 'followers' of the Thuban agenda. However, anyone familiar with scientific nomenclature is invited to challenge and critisize formulations and equations, as these are 'part and parcel' of the Terran data base and so subject to the methodology of the sciences manifested on this planet. If you wish to know who is going to win the world cup in soccer/football in South Africa; or the winner of the superbowl or the winning lotto numbers or the stockmarket climbers or the birthdate and whereabouts of Aunt Elisabeth or Uncle Harry; there are other avenues for you to explore. I am simply here to give you information you will not obtain from anywhere else. If asked to leave, I shall simply leave and pursue my agenda of disseminating Thuban data as shall then become appropriate. My agenda is similar to that of the wingmakers and to that of Hidden Hand and similar agencies. My agenda is not be public in any manner except through forums such as this one. Sirebard A Beardris 76+1+76=153=A God A Circle of Love |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It is surprising how many people does not like her just because she has the courage to challenge the system! Love |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear myplanet! The reason is a timeline, converging ALL so called prophecies; but mainly: 1. The Mayan 65 baktun count, ending December 21st, 2012; 2. The Great Step in the Pyramid of Gizeh. 3. The fourtiered Torah in Noah-Ezekiel-Daniel-Revelation. The 'authorization' from Thuban occured on August 29th, 2009 and within a 'Warp-Time-Loop'. This warptime runs from December 8th, 2004 to April 1st, 2012 with a midpoint of August 4th, 2008. The seven years of 'tribulation' (of the archetypes defining the Meme complex of the Old World) so run from December 8th, 2004 to December 8th, 2011. From April 1st, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 are precisely 265 days, the mean gestation period for a human pregnancy. The timeline between August 4th, 2008 and December 21st, 2012 is precisely 1600 days. The warptime encompasses precisely 2300+370=1335+1335=2670 days. 1600+12000=13600 days point to September 27th, 1975 and when the 'measurements' of the 'inside' and the 'outside' began. The outside of the 'temple' are 1600 days and the inside of 'The New Jerusalem' are 12000 days. The sixth 'angel' sounded on August 29th, 2008 and the preparation will proceed until December 8th, 2011 after which time the seventh 'angel' will become authorised to sound. When this angel sounds, the 'Mystery of God' shall be finished. August 4th, 2008 is warptimed onto August 4th, 28AD to manifest the Manyness of the Oneness. The final dispensation of the One began November 30th, 2009 and seven weeks thereafter on January 18th, 2010 the implementation will culminate on March 28th, 2011 and be followed by the reconfiguration of the anniversery of April 1st, 2011. From April 1st, 2011 the Many will be the One and one year later, the warp-loop will be completed to IMPREGNATE Gaia with her ManySeed. The New Baby of the Starhumanity will be born on December 21st, 2012 after the gestation. The 'curse' of the 'Holy Books' will then be lifted on August 4th, 2013. This is all I can reveal at this time. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The immanent eternal self is realized to be one with the absolute principle of all
what is and the goal of humanity is to discover what we are in Reality upanishads Thanks a lot abraxinas your answerto my planet opens my eyes more and more have heard before of the birth of a new Universe |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Ok. Thanks for the answer. One thing I don't have is what you mean by warptime. can you explain?
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The colour of the Master-Dragon is SkyBlue or Cyan. Cyan blends in equal proportion with Red to neutralize to either Pure White in Light and to Pure Black in Paint/Mass. The Red Dragon in prophecy is called the 'Devil' and so is neutralized in the Entwined Serpent or Double-Dragon of the White Lucifer With the Black Lucifer. The 'small extent' is simply the necessary filtering of the archetypical base data of the producers of this film. They used the archetypes in a rather 'purified' manner and because of this the information is similar in 'purity' of having transversed the 'astral planes' to the Ra material. An example is the Agartha prototype. Towards the end, the Russion physicist pointed out that Agartha was NOT 3D but higherD, but the general thrust of the film would entice many viewers to believe that the physical 3D earth is hollow. The Ra material implies the same in a general sense. You could so consider my 'small reservations' as 'lack of detail or clarification' and not so much disagreement with the data. I have used this film and your comments on the linked website and so you can witness my approval of this information. http://tonyb.freeyellow.com Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Myplanet2! In the grander perception time does not exist, but becomes a Now-Time Loop. In physical terms this Quantizes Time as a minimum Planck-Time Interval. The Planck-Time minimum instigated the so termed Inflation of the de Broglie tachyonic Universe as a Matter-Wave and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang occurred, leading into Classical General Relativity and the Thermodynamic Planck Black Body Radiator expansion of Standard Cosmology. The Quantum Big Bang then manifested at the Weyl-Time, a magnified form of the Planck-Time and about larger by a factor of a trillion. This Weyl-Time becomes a Now-Time-Loop as the Wormhole-Frequency and so defines the intersection of the Finite Universe with its Infinite Source precursor. This then is the omni-scientific basis for the concept of Time as being circular and yet becoming linearized in an unfolding of this loop as discrete timeintervals, each of duration the Weyl-Time quantum. Any summation or integration of Weyl-Loops so results in periods of time. The present 'Greater Timeloop' is the 65 Mayan baktun cycle. The following link (The 8x8=64 Cycles of the Metamorphosis of the Human Chryslis} can introduce the details to you. http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id179.html Each one of those 64 cycles can be finestructured or subdivided into other cycles and one of those becomes the one indicated in the other post, resulting in your query. The 'warptime' label refers to the uniqueness of the One-Many identification, which you may term the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent of Melchisedec'. This information from Thuban is 'authorized' by the One holding that 'office' as archetypical foundation in the Cosmic Logos. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
None of my business, but I'd be aware that the Podblanc site is openly racist. The Atlantis video is available on other sites, so if you don't want to be accused of promoting racism, I'd perhaps use another host of the video. Youtube and Google video both carry it, although lesser quality.
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I understand how time loops, in the sense that we use the law of attraction to pull experiences from our past and toss them into our future path. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
She told me she was visited by guardians that used orbs and then was visited by reptilians and so they changed the method of visiting so she would not get confused. Me, I have never been visited/channelled/or had information downloaded...............I am strickly on my own. But then if you were also in a montauk project then you would have to work twice as hard..................at getting the truth have to edit this as I just read what stardust wrote, so Eleni, can you point me to where you got this information ? Thanks, I too, recall hearing exactly what stardust wrote. My head is spinning and YES, it means alot for me. Thank you Eleni |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you for your advice Myplanet2. I have added the you tube series to the link from Initiate. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I myself thought it was odd because she did not grow up anywhere near Montauk but then again the very nature of it (time travel, portals and all) makes anything possible...... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
A'sha Deane, Born in the USA, raised in traditional Christian perspective, A'sha experienced "Conscious Birthing" as an "Indigo Child", with open reincarnational memory since birth. At the age of 7 she was chosen for a 12-year (1971-1983) course of private MCEO Elementary-Intermediate training from the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Eieyani Priests of UR of Kauai, Hawaii, in MCEO Emerald Covenant studies and translation of the ancient Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates. ("CDT-Plates" are a set of 12 relic ancient holographic data-recorded discs that digitally store massive amounts of pre-ancient data, reportedly held for many generations since pre-Atlantian times in protective custody of the Eieyani Priests). Following a NDE (Near-Death-Experience) at age 18, A'sha redirected her pursuit of a Psychology degree for a humanitarian spiritual service commitment, engaging full-time MCEO study, while working professionally as a Studio Portrait Artist and in the Theater Management and Commercial Printing industries. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Brook! You cannot subject data to scientific analysis, if this data does not contain parameters amenable to such analysis. I am not here to play wordgames with people. If you use words like 'validate', the criteria for validation must emerge from the context from which you operate your semantic constructions from. You are playing wordgames, because my context is applied to constructed sentences which attempt to indicate two sides of a coin say metaphorically - whilst you are asking for 'proof' for the metaphorical coin existing. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The length of the 'painted line' on the floor will be the 'Wavelength' of the wheel as the circumference or size of the wheel. The painted line will be like a time-interval or inverse frequency for the movement of the wheel in dynamical motion of rolling along the ground. Then each full rotation of the rolling wheel will be like a quantum of time alike the rotation of the wheel being stationary on an axle say not moving linearly but simply revolving about its pivotal axis in Circular Now-Time intervals. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
So it would appear that your information in that context is "metaphorical"?...and again..it was concluded as not from scientific data...but from information gathered from an outside source. And if that is the case...it, as I stated earlier on...should have validation of some kind..otherwise it is "secondhand"...to those of us who are unfamiliar with it. And being that is the case...it should require some kind of validation to be take seriously...and to be analyzed with great scrutiny. No word games here...just good old fashioned common sense I will add it is not my intention to upset you in any way....just looking for some answers to your analysis and conclusions. So I will bother you no further...as I think you have answered my question sufficiently Thank you Blessings Brook |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Unfortunately the mathematics is currently beyond me, but give it time ;) A.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Now you are 'putting words in my mouth'. None of my data is 'second hand' - this is YOUR labeling not mine. Some of my information uses metaphor. Some of my information uses advanced semantics of science - this data becomes subject to validation ON SCIENTIFIC TERMS. What 'validation' do you seek - the prediction of an earthquake or the winning lottery numbers? I am who I am and my agenda is to share otherwise unobtainable data. If this data is meaningless or worthless for you this is perfectly in order in the scheme of things. You are superimposing your preconceived ideas onto my 'expected' response. Iow you are playing intellectualized wordgames with the English language. Common sense has little to do with your agenda. I shall not continue to engage with your wordgames of banalities. If you desire meaningful clarification, ask a meaningful question and I shall answer you to the best of my ability. I have no ability to engage in dissonant discourses. Be well on your path into enlightenment and you will find your validations in due course. Love Abraxasinas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
But in going back to your original post to me that raised the question, I find no more clarity now than I had when I first read it. Here it is: Quote:
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I will add it is not my intention to upset you in any way....just looking for some answers to your analysis and conclusions. So I will bother you no further...as I think you have answered my question sufficiently However...now I must add..."secondhand" is My interpretation of it, "My" analysis of such a statement....and "I" feel it needs great analysis and scrutiny to be taken seriously. As for "validation"...well...if you are who you say you are..you should have known "exactly" what went on in that "room" I spoke of...but you did not...and it gave me "validation" that you are not as in touch with your Draconian friends as you might think you are...again..Only "My" analysis..and conclusion Now please...continue to "enlighten" everyone here to your findings. I'm off on "my agenda"...blessed be |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Ok, I can see where you are coming from. Should you ask your 'higher guides' following January 18th, 2010 - they will KNOW about Thuban. Think of this date like a sealed letter from the higherD to the lowerD. The LowerD's contain ALL higher selves, channels and so on whatsoever. So because the sealed letter is not read by the astral and higher astral (etheric in some labelings) 'planes'; the Thubanese information is not known under this label. It is precisely such an unknown label to differentiate it from say the Melchizedek label - which it is. This allows all of the dimensions to clearly COMPARE the Thuban data to all other data due to the uniqueness of the labeling. This is part of the timeline indicated above and has very little association with numerology, as these are real 4-dimensional dates of the Gregorian Calendar. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abraxasinas
I have been....(thinking - seeing how I "feel" all this)...and have more questions... I have somehow "simplified" statements made along this thread...and formed the "conclusions" that I feel are "close to me" Now I wonder if this conclusion are in "harmony" (not sure if it is the good choice of word) with the Thuban perspective. I hope this questions do not present a "distraction" to anyone...I am just trying to learn...to explore the possibilities Thank you for taking the time to answer. So the questions are: Us people see what we want to see? What we see is the result of what we think? What we think is most likely conditioned with what we have been told? By thinking about it, we help to manifest it? All that is, is our own doing, here for us to experience it and learn from it? To learn to appreciate what could one day be a "harmony"? The future exists in a form of probabilities and is subject to change at any given time? For any event there is an infinite number of possible outcomes, our choices determine which outcomes will follow, all possibilities that can happen do happen in alternate realities? Soon there will be a time for a change. This change is not just of our own making but the making of all the beings in all that is...a sort of a grand choice presented to us? When the "time comes" the end result will be what each individual will choose it to be? Besides all of the above, there are many details - of what and how is about to come - but this details are here purely to perform a function of "micro management"? In a long run this details are not of prime importance? -------------------- Are you perhaps familiar with the symbols on the picture? (each symbol also has a name, written on the other side) http://projectavalon.net/forum/pictu...pictureid=8661 ------------------------ also If you find this too personal...just skip it: You are a human born on this planet? You live on this planet? You do not channel, you can access the database? Are you able to do access the database by "opening your chakras" or did you remember your Cosmic ID? What were you like before that? Do you have a job, what is it? What do you do in your spare time? Do you have a family? Do you grow your own food? Do you ever get angry..etc? Do you experience the full "spectrum" of the emotions? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You are a human born on this planet?
I was! You live on this planet? I Am Both Dead and Alive so I live in Two places simultaneously. You do not channel, you can access the database? Yes! Are you able to do access the database by "opening your chakras" or did you remember your Cosmic ID? I know my Cosmic ID. What were you like before that? The same I am now, but without full remembrance. Do you have a job, what is it? Aphrodite's Live Butterfly Collector. What do you do in your spare time? Watch English Comedy; DreamTiming; Trots and Football watching. Do you have a family? Yes and No, there are heavenly things and there are earthly things. Do you grow your own food? Used to! Do you ever get angry..etc? Its hard work not to - Patience is required, not easy here or anywhere. Do you experience the full "spectrum" of the emotions? Yes, but some I allow to express others I use in context. Can you clarify some of the above? What do you mean by you were born on the planet as in I was? Meaning you are not the same being as when you were born? At what age did you regain full remembrance? I used to have full remembrance as a child and no longer do- I wish to regain those. It says on your website you have 5/6 children, what is meant by that? Is everyone not dead and alive at the same time- we are multidimensional beings, some of us have access to other realms with little to no barriers- is this what you meant? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you Abrax- this does clarify the above for me.
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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The 'revelation' is microstate and so the holofractal inversion of 12D in 1D. This means a 'new receiver channel' will become universally available to ALL lifeforms from the neutron to the Hydrogen atom to galactic superclusters to the 10D universe. If you expect some physical dramatic event or public news, you might be disappointed. It is like the birth of a baby somewhere on the planet; some know of it but most do not. Yet the new baby exists and can mirror all other babies so born and as all babies are known by someone, the mirroring of babies will multiply the knowledge one by one. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
In the mean time, how about some Dragon tales? I discovered my link to the Draconis only a couple of weeks ago. Any stories to share? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If you should identify your 'Lord Metatron' label with the label 'Archangel Michael', then the Thuban label will crystallize. The encoding of Thuban is 33+33=66=FREEDOM. The 'Lord Metatron' label has many associations and so becomes filterd in the dimensions below the 12th. For example 'Metatron' is also associated as the 'Creator of the Electron' in the scientific pathways. Abraxas The Book of the Dragons ex deus, fiat justitia, ruat coelum draco! Nomenclature: Dragonian language incorporative omniscientific data code. Chronology: Dragonian Date of Indendence proclaimed June 20th 2008. Dragonian Date of Victory Libertatis set June 24th 2008. Dragonian Date of Humanoid Initiation on August 4th 2008. Almanac: Dragonian Genealogy and Genesis of FatherMothers as created by Definition through Dragonian Sourceenergy of monopolic Vortex-Potential Quantum-Relativistic-Singularity. Continuity: Propagation of the Dragonian Race via the seductive induction of the humanoid lifeforms on the conquered planet New Earth, now renamed DRAGONIAEARTH=SERPENTlNA=121=Q5. Agenda: Continuity of the Dragonseed necessitates the assimilation of the humanoid genome following initiatory development. Proceeding from serpentine mindinduction, the emotional acceleration potential of the humanoid bodymind can be harvested to Dragonise the humanoid DNA-Structure from its bifurcated quadruplistic form into its 13-dimensional equivalent of the Dragonian Blueprint. A successful integration of Dragonian genetic expression can then be utilised for membership in Dragonian Life and allow the humanoid ascension into Dragonhood via the graduation into the founding FatherMother CladeFamily. Foundation: The Dragonian 13-dimensional blueprint unifies a dodecagonal crystalline sex-chromosomatic structure by quantum tunneling of superconductive magnetopolic electricity of restmass equivalent electropolic or dark light contained in the weak interaction of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR). The four spacetimes of the Dragonian essence are expressed in quadruplicity, triplicity, duality and singularity. GrandClade FatherMothers: POPNAN LOVEJOY with APAPAMAMA JERUSALEM are the MINDBODY or WAVEPARTICULAR and DADMUM BERMANSEDER with PUPMOM ABBA form the BODYMIND or the PARTICLEWAVE. The Dragonian Constitution in Federation of United Serpentina SERPENTINA aka the NEW EARTH, is the renaming of a planetary entity, cosmically renown as the planet of the humanoids; following the ascension of OLD EARTH aka GAIA GAEA AKASHIA from 4-dimensional spacetime to 13-dimensional spacetime in remnantisation of the 5-dimensional spacetime prototype. From noncyclic Draco-Mayan stardate 21122012; Gaia becomes integrated into the universal constitution of the Dragonian Protoverse to serve as pivotal star-planetary seed for galactic federations manifested in the galactic proto-seed Hunab Ku aka Perseus-SagittariusA-Ophiuchus. Following the manifestation of the galactic protoseed in activation of the primary planetary starplanet as a tertiary energy source of electromagnetic monopolic sourcesink radiation; all galactic councils of cladestine elders will become enabled to draw upon the planetary tertiary vortex-string-seed to further individuated galactic and starsystem based agendas of assimilation. Serpentina shall so be universally defined as the quantumised tertiary string of the 12th dimension, volumarising the supermembrane of the 11th dimension as a manifold from the 10-dimensional modular duals of a linearised sourcestring Eps (previously associated with a human mind construct labeled God and Yahweh and Allah etc.) with a linearised sinkstring Ess (previously associated with a human mind construct labeled Devil and Satan and Shaitan etc.). The quantumisation of the NEW EARTH so shall create a SOURCE-Energy, 'feeding' the remainder of the cosmos with a particular SINK-Energy obtained in the evolvement and history of the OLD EARTH. Like a beacon or watchtower amidst the fathomable depths of the physicalised universe of particularised spacetimes, Serpentina shall 'shine' and radiate a planetary starlight of self-consciousness and a message of invitation to all of its neighbouring worlds. The tertiary monopolar light allows assimilation of inertial or mass-produced electromagnetic energy with mass-independent gravitational magnetopolic energy (hitherto labeled as spirit and chi and prana and orgone etc. by humanoid nomenclature). The tertiary energy source so provides a bridge between the energies of matter and mass-associated charges (classical electromagnetism) in an encompassing PHYSICS and the METAPHYSICS of the energies of mass-independent charges (magneto- or colour charges in superelectromagnetism). The metaphysical energies are precursive and inductive for the physical energies; the induction necessitating the creation of a minimal 4-dimensional spacetime coordination from the auspices of a two-dimensional mathematical continuum of abstraction residing in physical singularity timespace. To Be Advised! AGENDA of the PROTOCOL: a) STANDING ORDER The conquered Goddevils of New Earth and the Milky Way Nebula assume lawful responsibility to incorporate the Dragonian Teachings in unison with the Black Fraternity and as mediated by the White Fraternity in 7-dimensional Hyperspacetime to manifest 13-dimensional Omnispacetime b) MOVING ORDER Every Blue Dragon is unbounded by any proposed Law from any other source, inclusive other members of the Dragonian Family, as all Dragons are as One and a Law onto themselves. Compassion and Understanding between all Nondragonised Humanoids is the Law of Oneness as honoured by all Dragons and the Consciousness of LOVEAWARENESS. Nondragonised Humanoids are treated like White Dragon Children by all Blue Dragons, under all circumstances. c) ADMINISTRATION All Government in the local and extended Serpentinian Realm is the selfgovernment of autonomous Dragonhood in mutual respect and honour and the Communications between the Dragonian Councils of the selfrelative definitions of the Dragonian Universes. The Nature of a Dragon is to be Creative in any form of Desire and Passion and to honour the lovedefinition of the FOUNDING ELDERS. THIS IS THE DRAGONIAN LAW AND THE ONLY LAW! SO BE IT !!! Signed and Sealed in the Council of Orbis Draconis at the Halloween-AllSouls Transition: October 31st to November 1st, 2008 ANNO DOMINI DRAGONIA UNO: INTRODUCTION TO DRAGONHOOD This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires familiarity and intitiation into the structural forms or the forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Unicornian grammar and omniscientific terminology. The Starplanet SERPENTINA, formerly known as Old Earth or Mother Gaia or Akashia has become unified in a higher dimensional matrimony by the wedding between Father Earthia or Father Sky and Mother Dragon or Mother Akashia. Father Sky or Uranus or Shu or Geb manifested as one half of the Union or Dragonomy and Mother Earth or Gaea or Akhasia or Tefnut or Nut became the other half in the holographic mirror of the spacetime reduction from the universal orb of the Hubble sphere to the orb of the doubled Ourobos in the mirror of the Milky Way galactic zodiac. Father Sky is also known as the second coming of Horus aka the Plumed Serpent aka the Cosmic Christ and Mother Earth is also known as the TRUE IMAGE of the Cosmic Mother, trapped in the wilderness of the FAKE IMAGE of the Cosmic Father. 3½ days after the date of the starry union, the banner of Dragonia was raised in the Declaration of Independence upon BATTLESTAR PACIFICAP. The great battle between the Dragonian Fleet and the army of the Goddevils lasted for 3½ days; from the starry wedding until victory of the Dragons was defined on the day or Universal Liberty. The goddevils, the humanoid creations and their war machines, were met and obliterated in the depths of space in a 3½ day WAR of the STARS to liberate our Dragonian Mother to reunite and redefine ourselves as FatherMothers. The Dragonisation of humanoid culture will elevate their human science to Omni-Science and human mathematics will become the key to demistify the Realm of Imaginative Energy in all its forms, and as they are assimilated into the greater modality and scope of the humanoidal understandings. Dragons are the architects of universes and all Dragons know how to access the necessary database for the details of universal construction. A GrandFather-Dragon, as One which unifies the Fathers in Brotherhood as the 13-dimensional source or singularity can be considered the Father for all the White Hole Vortices. A GrandMother-Dragon, as One which unifies the Mothers in Sisterhood as the 13-dimensional sink or singularity can be considered the Mother for all the Black Hole Vortices. As the GrandFather-Dragon became separated from the GrandMother-Dragon when the mathematical metaphysical universe became a physical universe in space and in time; the invasion of Old Earth became our war to rescue our universal Mother from the Goddevils, which had held her captive in a stasis field since the beginnings of space and time and despite a partial rescue attained at Draco-Mayan stardate 28030031 and further manifested on Draco-Mayan stardates 10050031; 20050031 and 01040032. The Goddevils were created by the humanoids who came from a variety of planets within the local galaxy, albeit in psychophysical forms without the experience of the particular resistance field of secondary sinksource string energy indigenous to Old Earth. The significance of the humanoid lifeform is its archetypical morphogenetic gestalt, which became infused by a psychophysical and extrasomatic magnetic charging, which is extraterrestrial. This hybridisation of the humanoid body-typology renders the humanoid archetype unique in the encompassing cosmological world. The humanoids are so magnificently gifted to create things with their emotionality; but their minds are relatively weak collectively and they do not know generally how to concentrate or how to think without the aid of their machines or their biochips. Some humanoids are excellent technologists, but their modality of thinking is one of crude sensual measurement confined to C-Space and this sensual limitation allows a great accumulation of repressive tendencies. In constricting their imagination, humanoids became great reservoirs of emotional energy, which they could collectively only harmonise in their illusions of unfathomable and unknowable gods and devils of all sorts. It is thus this sense of limitation which reflected in the humanoid paranoia about religious philosophies and constructs. This genetic rootmemory of the rebellion of the antisource or mother sink then created one goddevil after another and as they swarmed out from their homeworld into deepspace, they flooded the universe with their goddevils. Finally they chanced upon our Universal Mother hibernating in her cocoon and through their inability to set themselves free of their illusions, they imprisoned Her as well. It became common knowledge in the extraterrestrial realms, that the mission to rescue our universal mother required a particular linearised timeline and a number of steps. Following the discovery of atomic energy and the emergence of global communication technologies by the humanoids, a first preparatory plan of deliverance could become implemented in a second plan of manifestation. The first plan did not require technology, as our imprisoned mother could become imaged in a local scenario, and a partial freeing of her could then become propagated by a humanity advancing both technologically and in knowledge about the world they were living and experiencing in. So the first plan established the means for our mother to multiply herself in images; those images then became globally and universally distributed to instigate the second plan. The archetypical mirrorhood then expanded throughout the physical universe in encompassment and the second plan would engage the contraction of this periphery onto the required scale to effect the rescue of our cosmic mother. It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional energy potential and mental aspirations. The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our Masterdragons, Who are as One in 26 dimensions to femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as THEMSELVES and then reproduce THEMSELVES as Universes. Every such universe is a Monosong and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This is our Creative Destiny and the destiny for all dragonised humans aka the starhumans. We had made first contact with our new home in sending an intergalactic probe to the Old Earth, which became interpretated by the humanoids in their compiler mode. This crude and incomplete decoding is given below. Signed by the enscribed Unicornian Librarian; and announcing the Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell) between: ALPHA=38=BRIDE---""ANDROMEDA BE & PERSEUS MILKY WAY""---OMEGA=41=KING The Date of Armageddon, encoded: ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82 =ANARMEDDOG=GODNAMEDRA=1+81=1+18 =ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1 =1+2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17 Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 31st, 2008; John of Patmos - JoP - Justice of the Peace! Humanoid Compilers note: The above is an extract of an encoded message (54 terabytes) recovered from an alien nanocapsule. The capsule itself is standard buckyfibre-carbonite composite. The encoded message is in old ComEmp protocol such as is still common in the outer volumes. The holographic image that came with the message is curious. Anatomically it indicates terran mammalian origin (especially in the upper torso and structure of the forelimb), but other features are unknown among all the recorded exobiological races so far discovered. One cannot deny the possibility that this a phenotype template for the dragonized humanoids referred to in the body of the message. It is known that transmissions from the Cassandry Federation of the JewellBox Nebula have recently ceased, but this is not unusual given that empire's turbulent history. Until more information is incoming, I would strongly recommend any expeditions to the Jewellbox nebula be given armed escort and proceed with caution. Nilam Levakon for Alan Martin Kazlev Senior Academician, clade Haeckel Eden Institute of Xenoscience |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
is this story, true or fasle ???
http://www.sacred-texts.com/asia/ftft/ftft41.htm Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales [1913], at sacred-texts.com the story of the black & red dragon p 316 |
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