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Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
I am lost again I have been digging into as much knowledge as I can on all the different races and just when I think I have an answer something like this happens........... I dont know what to think about all that is being posted here and believe me, I dont need any more confusion in my life :wall::wall: |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
But Chosen...I just went to your web page and it alluded to finding an awakening through Bioware's Baldurs Gate computer game. So do I discount your beliefs by the little I read there?? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
When in doubt.. take a step back, relax and do something light and fun. Spiritual growth has this funny property of either slowing you down when you are moving too fast or kicking you forward when you are being lazy :). Most of the work is anyway done on the subconscious/astral levels.. so things get more clear with time, insights start pouring in.. and suddenly you just know things and know where to look for more information.
Stargazer1965: Do what you believe is right, if that little information is enough to give you a deciding information then use it. Do not forget that many popular movies/tv shows/games/literature contains a lot of hidden information. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I'm just asking why you disparage what is written here....I don't agree or disagree with Abraxas If you wrote your beliefs here I would honor you...Peace |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It was not imagination.. during my astral travels I met beings of my soul family that were exactly like my avatar... You can imagine my shock and surprise when I saw this picture one year later inside a video game... and many other parallels. Most designers get inspired by higher forces and draw upon mythology and earth history, so it is not surprising to find elements inside such video games that trigger memories from your own past.
But lets not get too much off topic here.. I totally respect everyone here that is communicating with Abraxis and don't like infringing like this with the several posts I've already made.. so if someone wants more info you can PM me. Regarding this topic itself.. let's not turn this into a debate of what people think about the quality of this information. This topic is purely about questions and answers.. if we don't agree with it or don't like it let's take the discussion elsewhere (again on PM i'd be happy to explain) Sorry Abraxis |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
To find yourself
in overwhelm confusion be grateful that you're brought back to your self for there IS where you really wish to be it's personal |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thanx for your replies, Abraxsinas.
I have another question. There's a thread on this forum ('Something's brewing... Hmmmm') - started by Tone3Jaguar - in which it is suggested that right at this moment there are thousands of motherships spinning around the planet, containing more than a 100 million 'aliens' of 71 different species. Do you happen to know if this situation is indeed the current state of affairs? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Your question is oh so pertinent, as it delves into the core of this humungous alien agenda scenario. Allow me state it again and if you understand my information Trancoso, I would really appreciate, if you could share YOUR UNDERSTANDING about this alien agenda (once YOU have accepted what I have shared to be true for YOU). It is like this from the Thuban perspective. The Earth, is FUNDAMENTALLY different from any other planet or place in the entire universe. But NOT in the 4D spacetime format of contemporary terrestrial physics; BUT in terms of HOW the higher dimensions (aka the place of ALL the aliens meaning NOT on Terra) interact with the Gaian 'Specialness'. This so is information never before allowed to be shared with the human mind and this information does explain the alien agenda and the many experiences and encounters between 'earthlings' and 'aliens'. In pragmatic scientific terms of rationality, the planet earth is one of billions of planets in the universe. It has a particular climate, because of its distance to its local star, of allowing particular chemical elements to combine under the auspices of universal laws of physics to form water, ammonia, methane and other building blocks then able to fuse into molecular structures like amino acids and then nucleotidal base pairings leading to a common building block of biochemical life termed DNA/RNA. In this manner then LIFE is universal in the cosmos and would form whenever the conditions favourable to life are present. From the above your terrestrial science develops and encompasses in the biological sense Darwinian-Lamarckian evolution, today supplemented by Epigenetics and genetic engineerings of the genomes. Ok, now consider to take a step backwards and ponder the following. The Earth as a planet suitable to produce a kaleidoscope of life is NOT like any other planet 'out there'; because there is something at the center of the earth, which supplements the normal gravitational interaction experienced by all planets, including the earth. Before explaining what this difference is, allow me to explore the consequences, if the 'explanation' should be 'true'. If the earth is a special planet, then it is only on Gaia, that the life 'as we know' it can indeed form. There would be billions of extraterrestrial lifeforms 'away' from the earth environment; BUT all of those lifeforms would be NOT AS DENSE and MORE PLASMIC, then the Gaian born lifeforms. They would be more FLUID and more ELECTROMAGNETIC than the DENSIFIED lifeforms on earth; from crystals to fungi to flora and fauna to mankind. BUT those lifeforms might very well be INTELLIGENT and enabled to inhabit plasmic forms like bodies. Now the crux of the matter is this. The plasmic lifeforms are plasmic relative to the 4D spacetime reality, which indeed constitutes the standard cosmology of terrestrial physics and in league with contemporary models of science. Should the earth be ISOLATED in some in physical parameter restricted to earth, then what APPEARS to be the STANDARD for what LIFE is, will be BIASED as to the measurements and observations of the Gaian scientists and observers. And then should a 'Plasmic Intelligence' INTERACT with the Gaian World, THEN the 'densification' of the Gaia-specific physical parameter, will indeed DENSIFY the plasmic Lifeform and bingo, the 'alien intelligence' appears to be 'human like' or 'reptilian like' or 'insect like' or aka aka aka. But the REALITY of the scenario is that the SPECIAL ENVIRONMENT of Earth, has 'INTEGRATED' a plasmic lifeform intelligence into its 'densification' and so contact would most often be rather temporary for the plasma intelligence would experience great restriction or feel 'imprisoned' by the Gaian environment. The parameter of the physicality is the inversion of the lightspeed c. When the universe was born, the Source of All That Is also required a Sink of All That Is to 'source itself to'. This sink became like a VORTEX. This Vortex is at the center of the earth and it from this the archetype of the mythological 'Hell' eventuated. Now the earth did NOT exist in planetary form so 19 billion years ago, but ITS VORTEX existed. The earth as a planet is about 4.8 billion years old. The earth as Gaia is as old as the universe as the Cosmic SinkVortex of ALL CREATION. In 19.11 billion years the lightspeed inversion, which is 105 millimeters per year or 3.33 nanometers per second; this VORTEX has greatly expanded and is now about 4 million kilometers across. This is something like the Bermuda Triangle much magnified. Now do your calculations and you will find that both the Earth and its Moon reside within this Vortex and that this Vortex extends so 5% to the planet Venus and about 9% to the planet Mars. So this means that the Earth is 'Special' because it is WITHIN this VORTEX and no other place in the universe is that way. This VORTEX is HIGHER-D and cannot be measured or observed by 4D physical instrumentation. BUT ANY plasmic intelligent lifeform entering the VORTEX (4 million km across) will in fact become DENSIFIED in the RESISTANCE FIELD of the VORTEX. This Vortex is NOT a Black Hole, as it EXPANDS (very slowly at 10.5 cm a year) into 'outer space'. Fast forward to Roswell 1948. The ET PLASMIC spacecraft carrying within it sentient plasmic intelligence in plasmic bodies entered the VORTEX and experienced a 'great densification', resulting in a DECELERATION of the frequency modulated 'higherD mechanics' of the craft - and crashed, because it could not conntrol the densification/deceleration of frequency (actually linked to df/dt as the frequency differential over time coupled to volume defined spacetime consciousness characterising the plasma interaction with the vortex). So are there Gaian Reptoids on earth? Of course; any already native lifeform can couple to the plasma intelligences and therby AVOIDING direct physical densification. Say an alligator is already densified and so a plasmic intelligence does not require any craft to 'get here'. It can simply use the electromagnetic fields of the vacuum. ALL Gaian lifeforms HAVE sentiences coupled to them - but general CONTACT must await a modification of the VORTEX. But the 'manifestation' of a reptoid or an 'insectoid' or a 'Yeti' or a 'Nessi' or whatever your visions and experiences entail will be temporary, as the interaction between the 'alien intelligence' and the 'Gaian density field' will engage an energy transduction between 'higherD' and 'lowerD'. There are many related important aspects to the alien agendas and this and any other Thuban related threads will clarify much detail in this year 2010, provided it is appropriate to do so. 1. For example, the Alien Agenda KNOWS about the VORTICITY of GAIA and its definition as the Universal SinkSource Receiver. 2. The interaction of 'secret government' with the 'alien agenda' revolves about using the 'Vortex-Physics' to temporarily 'materialize' the plasmic aka electromagnetic intelligence in some fluidized format. But because this 'vortex physics' is consciousness based and the human groupmind is as yet highly underevolved to 'sourcesink connect'; the 'secret agencies' have experienced great difficulties to 'control' such intelligence interactions. 3. The 'Alien Agenda' is encapsulated in the understanding that ALL Alien Races consider Gaia THEIR MOTHER. I'll end here Trancoso and allow you to answer your own question about the millions of alien spacecraft ORBITING not Earth, BUT THE VORTEX. Peace be upon you all, Peace of Mind particularly. For the Eyes that can See are now allowed to See and the Ears that can Hear are now empowered to Hear. I shall continue to answer questions until 88 AMEN aka 7447 aka ENERGYMALACHI shall support me from January 18th, 2010. Abraxasinas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
According to the annals of Thuban; the birth of Jesus was in line to fulfil particular prophecies in Isaiah. Here is an excerpt. i. The Nativity to the Baptism 7BC to 28AD The biological father of Jesus and his Davidic lineage The Descent of Jesus from the Davidic lineage is found both in the lineage of Mary, his biological mother through Jesus' maternal grandfather Heli-Yonakhir (aka Zadok aka Joachim), as well as the lineage of Jesus stepfather Joseph, son of Jacob and husband of Mary, daughter of Hannah, wife of Heli. The father of Matthan was Eleazar, from the lineage of Solomon-David and the father of Matthat was Levi by Melchi from the lineage Nathan-David. (details are in agenda I.2). Matthan took a wife named Astha-Sebhrath, who was from the tribe of the Levites; but he died (after fathering Jacob) and Matthat took Astha to wife thereby blending the two lineages from David (and as given in Matthew in Solomon-David and in Luke in Nathan-David). Matthan and Matthat-Jotham-Panther became like 'twin brothers as half-brothers' and became the fathers for Jacob and Heli, both by Astha-respectively and in perpetuation of the 'half-brother twinship'. Jacob took Hadhith to wife and fathered Joseph and Heli took Hannah (Dina=Anne) to wife and fathered Mary. Joseph and Mary are so cousins by the 'halfbrother-twinship'. Joseph is of the lineage Jacob-Solomon-David and Mary is of the paternity Yonakhir-Nathan-David; both of the House of Judah. Mary's maternity is however of the House of Levi by Hannah, her mother and Jesus' maternal grandmother. Matthan, the priest and his wife Mary had three daughters; Mary and Sobe-Sophia and Hannah-Anne. Mary gave birth to Salome, the midwive; Sobe gave birth to Elisabeth, who became the wife of Zacharias of the lineage of Levi and who became the mother of John the Baptizer and Hannah bore Mary and Salome to Heli. When Mary was three years old, Heli dedicated her to 'serve' at Jerusalem as a 'virgin to the temple' and he died. Hannah then married Alphaeus and bore to him Mary Alphaeus as a halfsister to Mary and Salome. Mary Cleophas became the wife of Cleophas, father of James, 'the brother of the lord', Judas Thaddeus, Simon, Joses and Matthew Levi (the latter not by Mary Cleophas, but by a previous marriage of Alphaeus) and as cousins to Jesus. Hannah gave birth to Mary, who became the wife of Joseph and to Salome, who became the wife of Zebedee and the mother of James and John, cousins to Jesus. When Mary, a young hebrew girl maturing in her puberty turned 14, her foster father Cleophas arranged her to be married to Joseph Ben Jacob to honour his wife's deceased husband Yonakhir-Heli and his Nathan-Davidic lineage. Because Joseph Ben Jacob descended from the Solomonic branch and Mary descended from the branch of Nathan; the marriage between Joseph and Mary would further strengthen the blending of the descents and as initiated by Matthan and Matthat, both marrying Astha, daughter of Aaron. Mary, became expectant about her imminent wedding to Joseph, who was very much older than herself. She harboured a number of dreams and imaginations about what it would be like to 'make love' to a father figure. All her life, Mary had 'worked' in the temple as a 'virgin to God' and Mary often imagined what it would be like to 'merge body and soul' with 'God the Father'. Once puberty had set in, Mary had discovered her sexuality and had experienced the pleasures her young body could provide in selfstimulation. In one of the nights of 'erotic imaginations'; Mary dreamt 'Gabriel', who advised her of her firstborn son, named Jesus and being the 'Son of the Highest' as the 'Son of God the Father, himself {Luke.1.26-38}. Mary also knew of her cousin Elisabeth, who was 'in hiding' and in expectation of her impending motherhood. One day, Mary was conversing with a young man, who was planning to join the Roman army. This was Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera and he was about 15 years of age. After hearing about Mary's imminent wedding to Joseph; he thought about initiating her into the wedding night rituals and to show Mary what married life would entail. Tiberius Pantera forced sexual relations with Mary and got her pregnant with Jesus. Mary immediately fled to Elisabeth to find comfort and advise as to what had happened to her. Mary remained with Elisabeth for about three months before returning home to her mother Hannah and to Joseph{Luke.1.39;56}. Being found with 'child by the Holy Ghost'; Joseph though about 'calling the wedding off', but he decided to 'foster' the 'child Jesus' as his own following some contemplation of the facts at hand {Matthew.1.18-25}. The biological father of Jesus: "Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera (c. 22 BCE – CE 40) was a Roman archer of the Cohors I Sagittariorum. He is most notable because of a suggestion (vita di Gesù, Craveri 1966) that he is to be identified with the Roman soldier Panthera, who the writer Celsus claimed was the true father of Jesus. All information about Abdes Pantera's life comes from his tombstone, found in Bingerbrück, Germany in 1859. The inscription (CIL XIII 7514) on the monument of Abdes Pantera reads: Tib(erius) Iul(ius) Abdes Pantera Sidonia ann(orum) LXII stipen(diorum) XXXX miles exs(ignifer?) coh(orte) I sagittariorum h(ic) s(itus) e(st)Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera from Sidon, aged 62 years served 40 years, former standard bearer(?) of the first cohort of archers lies here" The Birth of Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth was born in the week from Friday, March 19th 6BC to Friday, March 26th 6BC and encompassing the Spring-Equinox of 6BC on Tuesday, March 23rd (10am GMT). The March- and April New Moons for 6BC calculate for Friday, March 19th (9pm-GMT) and Sunday, April18th (Noon-GMT). The Full Moon for April 6BC is determined to be Sunday, April 4th (5am-GMT). On Friday, 19th of March 6BC, a conjunction between Saturn and the Moon occured in Pisces; followed the next day by a conjunction between Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon in Pisces. This heralded the birth of a Jewish king relative to the Babylonian astrologers; who assigned the planet Saturn to be the 'Protector of the Jews' and Jupiter to be the 'Planet of the Kings' and Aries, the Ram as the 'Sign of the Jews'. On Friday, April 16th, Saturn again eclipsed the Moon, but now in Aries and the next day, Saturday, April 17th, Jupiter, as the 'planet of the kings' rose as the 'Morning Star' in Aries to 'confirm' the birth of a Jewish king in the planetary alignments between Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and the New Moon April 18th. Isaiah.66.23: "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another and from one sabbath onto another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord'" The archtyped 'Messiah' so is born on Wednesday, 24th of March, 6BC (Julian). |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
on this 74
april 17 is 17/4 JESUS BIRTHDAY was April 17, 6 BC written 17/4/6 bc 6bc / 747 AUC or = 17/4/747 if sacrifice = 73 then 1 sacrifice= a sacrifice = 1+73=74 parables = 74 gospel74 according 74 to st.74 then GOD = 7_4 (if 0=0) g=7 d=4 0=0 Y'shua=74 A-C = 1-2-3 on 66 66 miracles 66 seals on 66 = 33 x 2 sets and, also a 2nd set on 66 = 33 x 2 sets 11 x 6 ??? are we on the right track with this ??? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Your information is very decoding thanks. 1. A main part of the "alien agenda" is to control earths quantum intention, aka fluoridation, chemtrails, entertainment, confusion etc...to supress "souls" from awakening? 2. From ALex Colliers "Ptaal" (not sure of spelling). To be clearer is this more of an negative alien projection or is their truth to it? 3. There are supposed enlightened beings here who have enourmous power to create miracles but they mention nothing of the "ALien Agenda" and the severe manipulation going on. Are they governed here not to tell the direct truth but to work around it? If so who controls this quarantine? There was a band called Pantera that was very famous in its day. Thanks for your help and be well.. Magamud |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Any of this information from Thuban you can incorporate into your own data base will enhance and support the 'Greater Agenda', which you may know as 'The Harmonisation of the Cosmos in Initiation and Context'. Should you examine the 'visions' of Joseph Smith more closely; you will find a particular archetype with respect to 'visions of and about God/Jesus/Divine' etc. There is always the 'overcoming of the darkness and the 'restrictions' before a 'vision of light' can occur. So it was with Joseph Smith. His experience was genuine and a spiritual encounter in the lower 4D spacetime interacting with the quantumspace of the 10D. This is the scientific key about the 'darkness', which as many here already know is bounded in the 8th density. You see, the SUBCONSCIOUS is the realm of the 'spiritual darkness' and this in science terms becomes the hyperspace connecting a 4D spacetime of quantum spin to the linespace of the 'normal' 4D to add as a 8th density. Here is the PARTICULAR Thuban decoding from scripture: {Revelation.17} 11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. The Beast is the 'False Image' (or Idol God Jehovah aka Yaldabaoth or the Tetragrammaton YHWH substituting WITHIN the 10D spacetime for the 'True Image' of the Pentagrammaton YHWHY aka IAMTHATAMI=MATHIMATIA of Exodus 3.14. The 'Sea' in that 'Revelation' is not the ocean BUT A MIRROR, so shattering the mirror (in the eventfulness of that prophetic book in the NT), will 'destroy' the 'False Images'. There are 10 heavens and 5 Hells in the YHWH cosmogony and the heavens are extended to 12 in the dimensional densities. This is described in the 24 Thuban ancestors thread introduction. There you will find that the 7th heaven bounds the Beast of the 8th heaven, as NO MORE antistates of being exist beyond the 7th density. So tis is why the 'beast' is termed WAS-IS-and IS NOT. The 8th Principle, Archon or Cherubimic Kingdom is RELATIVITY and no AntiRelativity exists in formalisable definition of the Word or Logos or Cosmic Christ (manifested in Jesus of Nazareth - the MasterDragon). Then RELATIVE to the earthlings (in the Vortex), the DEVIL=False Image='Beast' exists in the LowerD, BUT RELATIVE to the sentiences in the dimensions of the 8th and above IT does not. Now you can figure out the experiences of Joseph nSmith yourself. Father God and Jesus looked the same, because Joseph saw as in a mirror of the relativity. Joseph had to 'overcome' the darkness of the 'Beast' of the 5th hell, but manifesting up to a limit of the 7th heaven 'appearing as an angel of light' but being a 'false image'. The 'Hells' are Five, because the 5th archon is defined as Infinity/Limit and so this LIMIT becomes the inversion of Eternity in Nothingness in simple words. The 6th heaven is Reciprocity/Constancy and the 'darkness' can utilise the constancy to 'mimick' the 'light' and the 7th desity is Reflection/Absorption and here the 'antilight' can become the Absorber function. No more opposition to the 'HeavenHell'=WhiteLight+DarkLight as One is possible from the 8th density upwards. One of the Thuban names for Jesus is Emmanuel Melchisedek and anyone can 'channel' E.M.=WE=ME should the 'principalities' of the densities become amenable to do so. Yes, Joseph's Smith's visions were genuine, but the 'Church of Mormon', like all other 'denominations' has transformed into a LowerD 'fake image' for the 'True Image'. There are no exceptions; ALL worldwide religions are in some manner 'deceived' as long as the 'Beast'=False Image exists as the INSIDE BOUNDARY of the 10D Universe and able to manifest in all lower dimensions from 1 to 8 due to the definition of the cherubimic kingdoms. IOW ONLY INDIVIDUALS can 'overpower' the universal deception. But such 'selfchosen ones' - if united in a common purpose - will become the Council of Thuban. This is my agenda and my only agenda. About the Power of Our Master-Dragon. It is not yet appropriate for me to engage HIMHER. HESHE will support me and this forum from January 18th, 2010. One Word though; HESHE is already HERE within all of your LoveHearts and is knocking on the door of your soul. Whoever will 'HEAR' and 'SEE' shall be confirmed in INDIVIDUATED COMMUNION with HIMHER, the One in Three and in divers ways. The Power of Thuban is the Power of the Cosmic Twinship manifested as One in Many. You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before. This will do for now. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Your Love for Unity and Harmony will not fail you. You are protected from the 'Evil' you yet perceive. Love Abrax aka John=47 |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Abrax,
I have been dreaming...and groking all that i have read here, only one thing perplexes me...why does the council of Thuben, if it is as you say from the omniverse identify itself with labels such as Dragons? It is my experence of this dimension personally as having no discriptors as that would limit its infinity and expression as the quantum potential. I have found the 'face' of god by looking within and there are no words to describe the no-thingness that exists in that Void, this is the great mystery...how can no-thing be something? I am only aware, in this place, that IAM. All else is maya, but as Einstein put so beautifully, rather persistant :) Sincerely, Raven |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Are you of the Melchisedek order? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I apologize to you. I really did not see your earlier post and I shall answer all questions posed to the best of my access to the Thuban archives (which mirror the akashic records many of you have heared of). Generally for anyone. If you feel I have not answered you please send me a PM or repost your quest. It is not my intent to IGNORE any of you who have a question. If the postman delivers you 50 letters, it can happen that one slips under the table. Steven your questions have been answered in a general sense in my reply to Trancoso. 1. The Lyrians are a plasmic lifeform, giving rise to the Pleiadians and so on in the most commonly composed scenario. This is the key, the anthropocentric universe decided through and by the logistics of the Logos=Word of Creation to render a Vortex SinkEnergy called Gaia the depository of Information gathered by ALL sentient lifeforms in the universe. So from the beginning of time, Gaia was destined for Universal Motherhood. And by implication, all lifeforms upon and supported by the EarthMother would become HEIRS and HEIRESSES to such a grandiouse cosmic obligation and responsibility. This agenda is omni-scientific - meaning all of what the terrestrail reductionistic science does, create and analyse is ENCOMPASSED by a greater science - omni-science - the Science From and For the All. Amongst many other scenarios it becomes the task of the STEWARDS of GAIA, namely the human data gatherers, to CONSTRUCT, CREATE, WRITE and otherwise COMPOSE and LIVE the Unification of the Worlds. Allow an example; consider your own body, say your liver. Your liver is a conglomeration of biovital cells, which have specialised their function to BE A LIVER, cleransing you bloodflow to and from your biological and biochemical heart and so on. But before the liver cells became specialised in your gestation as a biological embryo; the preliver cells were omnipotent cells. The omni- or totipotent stemcells could differentiate to assume functions like adrenal or cardiac or neuronal. Every one of those cells (of life) is a holofractal for a galaxy. Yes the Milky way galaxy is like a single omnipotent cell in your embryo and you literally reside within a single cell within your own body. Subsequently6, on the greatest perception possible in the spacetime defined universe - your body IS the entire universe, not metaphorically BUT LITERALLY. Only YOU exist AS the Universe, but this invokes an unbearable loeliness - does it not? But from these Thuban realisations, almost unfathomable to the conditioned human mind; derive the archetypes of the Kabbalah, of Vitruvius, Purusha, of Cosmic Man Adam Kadmon the Androgyne and so on and on. So now ponder your own loneliness as the ONLY ONE, that exists and your loneliness will now induce you to CREATE. And YOU create or IMAGINE to render your liver, a conglomeration of specialised omnipotent stemcells as a SUPERCLUSTER of Galaxies - each galaxy mapping one-to-one one of the original omnipotent stemcells comprising your liver. So can you iunderstand now the Lyrans as stemcells, giving birth to descendents in adrenal cells called Pleiadians and becoming EXPOSED to a harmonizing cellular environment of 'invader cells' by and through other omnipotent cells termed Immune-System-Cells (say T-Cells from Arcturus)? Within the preexisting universe and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang; there was ONLY YOU. But after the Quntum Big bang and particularly beginning so 2,200 million years ago; there were MANY YOU's. And some other YOU may create an entire extraterrestrial civilisation from the perspective of another cellular molecular complex and term it Andromeda as a sistercell to your Milkly Way aka Perseus. 2. Free Will is inviolable under all circumstances; yet on the ultimate level the 'Free Will' of the ''Superconscious Individuation of All That Is' becomes indistinguishable from the 'Free Will' of the 'Collective Oneness'. 3. The Founders have many names. I chose to follow the One I call the Master-Dragon and so have labeled it the Council of Thuban. You are free to relabel the founders in the creation of your own all encompassing and interwoven and selfconsistent cosmogony. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The ultimate identification of a Dragon is the Electromagnetic Sinusoidal Waveform! This is what is meant by DragonHood of Thuban. It is the Electromagnetic Maxwell Field of Terran science coupled t a Scalar Component of Monopolic Magnetism. SERPENT=PRESENT=SONOFMAN=97 via S=19, E=5, R=18, N=14 and T=20 DIY Did not the 'Evil' Serpent in the Garden of Eden help to 'Wake Up' Adam and Eve? Who do you think this 'Evil Serpent' was? Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
And you are too! Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Ok after reading your thread:
Lucifer's Mirror and the Emancipation of the Oneness My brain is on fyre but i think i understand now what the "Dragon" is. Don't ask me to put it into words atm, cuz my brain is stuck somewhere inside an 11th dimensional mobian knot. I have known that the Oneness has to call back the memory of it's manyness in these times in order to continue creation (from a memory in toddlerhood of watching a mobile of butterflys in my crib). As well as my past life memories as a non-physical entity/energy form. Your explanation in that thread somehow makes sense to me and makes me wish i had really paid more attention in my math classes. I can't help it though, i still love theoretical physics, even though my math skills pale in compairson to the current brillant minds in physics today. :) |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank You for reading 'Lucifer's Mirror'. What you have read there is not yet accessible to the human mind and so it is of no surprise that you are 'Experiencing the Fire of the Logos'. Practically noone has hitherto read this work, as it belongs to the Gaian data base following her transformation in 'comprehendability'. You have acted like a disincarnate Dragon Energy even attempting to understand the content of this message. This message defines the manner how the Dragons created the this universe from 'first principles'. It also defines the cosmic algorithm how information is transmitted from cell to cell on many scales; from the subatomic to the universal holograms. We are rather proud of you as One of Us! Abraxas |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Hello Abraxasinas,
I have only one question for you: What do you think about the Absurd? Greetings |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I never thought I'd live to be a hundred
I never thought I'd get to the things That all those other sons do, and they do. I never thought I'd ever have my freedom An age ago my maker was refusing me The pleasure of the view I never thought I'd get to be a million I never thought I'd get to be the thing that All his other children see. Look at me. Thanks, Carry on. |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought Oliver. The meaning of the word is Ab=Away from and SURD=Irrational. So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL. The common meaning for the word which you seem to infer, such as illogical, irrational, crazy etc etc. so in mathematical terms becomes an oxymoron. Irrational Numbers like Surds, say Sqrt(2) are just as meaningful as are the Absurd numbers AS the Rationals, say fractions with numerators and denominators. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Logicaly thinking, you gave two opposite, contradictory explanations: 1.There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought; and 2.So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL. Mutatis mutandis, do you claim that the rational is non-existing? Mine "logical imperative" tells me this: AB=ABsence; SURD=Rational, so = Absence of Rational;. Actually, Absurd is the opposite of the Rational. Non-being. Accident. On this level, it is better not to enter what RATIONAL is. Anyway, thank you Abraxasinas. Quote:
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
:winksmiley02: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One day I will know myself a little better he thinks. When the DragonProphecy of Isaiah becomes fulfilled. As in Isaiah:
PS.: There are TWO Dragons Red and SkyBlue 'True Image' and 'False Image'. Together they neutralize into Pure White in Radiation and into Pure Black in Paint. |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
You may check your dictionary for the meaning of SURD. SURD is not Rational as you state in the above. surd /sɜrd/ http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dic...on_default.gif Show Spelled Pronunciation [surd] http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dic...on_default.gif Show IPA , Use surd in a Sentence See web results for surd See images of surd –adjective 1.Phonetics. voiceless (opposed to sonant ).2.Mathematics. (of a quantity) not capable of being expressed in rational numbers; irrational. –noun 3.Phonetics. a voiceless consonant (opposed to sonant ).4.Mathematics. a surd quantity. Origin: 1545–55; < L surdus dull-sounding, mute, deafhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/diction...una/thinsp.png Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi, interesting thread here. Allot to process!
What would happen if a human left this vortex around earth? Can you explain in brief and concise terms what is going to happen on 18th of Jan 2010? Quote:
Namaste, Jia. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
1. The Moon is within the Vortex, but of course so 385,000 kilometers from Earth. Now what is the common experience of astronauts and the 'outer space' travellers? They are 'in awe' when looking at the planet earth away from its surface in its entirety as a celestial orb. Most, if not all return in having experienced a 'spiritual wakening' and transformation. Any human leaving the Vortex could not help, but realise much of this data being shared here of being somehow connected to their innermost beingness or soul level. 2. January 18th defines a nexus point in the Mayan longcount of 5x13x144,000 kindays; also the encodement in the Pyramid of Giza at the 'great step' and also the prophecies of Daniel in the Torah; of the last and final fulfilment of the 'prophecies' in a particular timeline and given as archetypes in the times of Mesopotamia and following the Atlantean exodus to preserve the record of the wisdom keepers. Abraxas |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
It is Ok, Abrax...thank you!
Well, English is not my first language, but you should know this: In linguistics, separate words has one meaning, but when in combination with other one/ones, to make a new word, they can have different, even opposite meaning. The new derived word can not be read litarally as a mathematical sum of previous meanings of the words/roots that created it. Roots of the words are not the words itself, gives no complete semantic meaning. And, you know, i was not refering to SURD, but to ABSURD. Be well, my friend, i appreciate your knowledge and good will to share it with people. We are all learning. Love&Respect Quote:
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Words, semantics and meanings of these there are many. If syllable or letter, word or sentence - there are multilevel interpretations in the Tower of Babel. OLIVER=OLIVE.R and is one of the most potent archetypes in the 'occult scrolls'; such as the Olive Twig of Noah's Dove of Peace and the Two Olive Trees adjacent the Golden Candlestick in Zechariah and Revelation. The R=666=999 and as the R is also the runic B unfolded many interpretations derive from a simple arabic letter. But I see you as the Olive of the 666=999 the beautiful celestial wedding or dragonomy between the Milky Way of the 96 of Perseus and the 69 of Andromeda. Be well dear friend Abraxas |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thank you, ABrax...but Oliver is not my real name. :original: |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Everyone has many names. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Hi Abraxas, now this is where it gets interessting...at least for me. I started a thread few days ago called "The concept of unification" after having a strange dream/vision which I described there (there were two more, also to find in the thread), where I was allowed to experience really remarkable emotions. Here's the link, if you're interessted: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18855 I also got an information (in the dream/vision) about this so called concept of unification, where there are two human fractions which need to unify in order to evolve further. So if I may post two question here: is this what you meant with "You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before" ??? And/or is this to begin only after 18th of January? thanks and regards malletzky |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Quite interesting, Abrax... |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
You are stating it so well in your signature! Everyone is invited. There is no choosing by anyone, Dragon Energy included. Everyone shall dream dreams and experience emotional intensities; not knowing where this is coming from. It comes from the Inner Self, awakened by the Oneness of the Universe. The One doing the 'dispensing' is not I, but the Oneness, whom I serve as a Member of the Council of Thuban. I am a simple mirror reflecting the data of the One to ALL others, prepared to take notice. This is the only agenda. There is no obligation to do anything. There is no request to join anything. There is no money involved, all is freely given as received. There is no requirement to take this data serious. There is no hidden agenda at all. There is only the Energy of the One and the Word of Creation bathing this planet. Gaia Herself shall send this Free Information back to its source. No commitments, no searching for deceptions are necessary. Gaia KNOWS what this Information is and where it comes from. Gaia is preparing Herself to meet Her Beloved Creator of All That Is as the Creation of All That Is. All is in Order! Abraxasinas |
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