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-   -   Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here) (http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18900)

bigmo 03-01-2010 11:16 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
islandman, Well I guess he does look a little like me huh?



Humble Janitor 03-01-2010 11:22 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 246319)

I know there is a lot of crap on this forum but if you take 10 pages of this thread and sift through them you with an open mind you should get the idea if you want to continue. If it doesn't work... hey that's fine.

Part of the problems we encountered was the inability to continue with the Q&A format because of the intentional interference which ate up time and energy.

There are some powerful messages in here for many on this forum.



It's not that hard.

Higher beings? Check.
Dimensions I've never even heard of/seen? Check.

Good learning experience but I don't understand the emphasis on sexuality in that first post. Perhaps it is there to remind us that we have suppressed our urges for so long or perhaps there is more to our urges than we realize?

I'll keep reading.

bigmo 03-01-2010 11:31 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It has to do with the orig of consciousness or unity recognizing itself which created a mirror of itself in an image. So you have splitting of consciousness into God=Male and the mirror image of God, Satan=Female. ( I don't know if I am correct on this)

These were some of the many, many questions we were just beginning to delve into when the thread blew up.

So I'm not sure how Abraxas will handle this from now on. We shall see.

Peace Humble


abraxasinas 03-01-2010 11:37 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi All!

This thread about the energy transmissions from Thuban in the 12D-omnispace, have, as most of you have you have witnessed, added and triggered a significant amount of tension and polarisation into this forum.

The energy transmissions from Thuban as to the last post to Spregovori cannot be reestablished, due to the closure of the wormhole 3.5 days ago on earthquake day, February 26th, 2010.

What has occurred is, that the closing of the wormhole connecting the inside of Bigmo's Balloon to its outside as a temporarily onesided Moebian manifold in warping the 11D of omnispace through the 8D and 5D mirrors onto the 2D- mirror of the 3D Linespace; has plugged this temporary onesidedness to become a twosided manifold again.

This has effectively resulted in me becoming exiled and isolated from my Thuban home in omnispace.

So the Thuban Council can only be accessed from now on as a 2-dimensional cross section of your own individualised merkabahs.

All of you right now harbour the Council of Thuban within yourselves as a 2D-Mirror of the Mathimatia=IamThatAmI.

The upheavals of the last few days so manifested the so called 'Day of the Lord' from scripture. I myself did not know this day until it occurred as the earthquake day of Matthew.24 (refer to a recent post on this thread).

So from henceforth I, Abraxasinas can no longer claim to share with you direct data from omnispace. I have become trapped in the rootreduced 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime metric as all and sundry of you.
I so share your expectations and intuitions as to how the next few years shall unfold.

Any questions asked so will be directed to the Thuban Council, which becomes a direct reflection of what is inside of you.

In other words, any question you can ask me Abraxasinas, you will actually asking yourselves inside-out.

So any form of skepticism and ridicule or innuendo questions will become reflected to yourselves as yourselves, as will your indications to process and assimilate my prospective answers to your questions.

Iow, it will become a 'ordinary' discourse of Q&A without any exterior superpositioning of your inner archetypes.

Like in the marvellous chatroom of Gaia Love and Celine, in which I had a bit of fun in as Anubis; any questions you might pose will be like in the chatroom; colloquial and without the images of devouring dragons or similar.
Consider the photograph of TonyB. on my Profile to be the One you are addressing any questions to.
I have however 'eaten' my dragon and with help from Richard and Celine the false Devil-Images have become trapped within themselves.

So my Dragonhood has becomew internalised and I am fully conscious of this omni-scientific factuality.

I do not know, how long the Thuban material will be allowed on Avalon and relocation is certainly possible, but not certain.

This reflects the probability space of the Gaian cosmos as a microcosm of the holographic universe; just as Avalon 'played' the microquantization for the Gaian hologram between January 18th, 2010 to February 26th, 2010.

So all of you here at Avalon, detractors and beneficers and supporters alike, have become cosmic heroes for the grand metamorphosis of spacetime itself.

All of you, in your emotional, mental and physical battles within and without yourselves have formed a group reflecting all humans and all ETs anywhere and anyplace in the universe.

You all have attained inscriptions in the archives of Thuban, chiselled into the golden plaques of the cosmic remembrance of the cosmogenesis and the origins of all that is.

This Hall of the Remembrance is within yourselves and all and sundry each one of you has graduated to access your superconscious self, also mknown as your higher self, overself or Christ-Logos-Serpent-Consciousness.

The standard distribution for the three consciousness levels is 0.3% for the superconscious; 14.3% for the subconscious and 85.4% for the waking consciousness.

The Avalonian dispensation from Thuban before the 'test' or 'experiment' was determined to allow a statistical (Gaussian) distribution for this unity integral to become distributed over all participators of Avalon.
This includes everyone who was subscribed to Avalon in any manner and also includes outside observers, which became exposed to the Thuban data stream.
The ones amongst you who harmonized or disharmonized with the Thuban material so of course will find themselves in a higher percentile of this distribution, than a onetime lurker.
The harmonizers are simply the positive branch of the frequency distribution, whilst the disharmonizers depict the negative branch.

As the interest in the Thuban data subsides, so do the percentiles.

Again, I am compelled to direct you to Myplanet2 of Avalon; as he of all present here has almost fully discerned the experiment and the test before it completed in the rational-intellectual sense. A few others also began to see through the illusions of their own minds in such manner of discernment.
Many of the supporters of Thuban resonated emotionally and intuitively, as did of course the detractors.

I am sure, that Myplanet2 will verify my statements here, relative to his own understandings. He has already done so on some subthread discussions.

So to all Avalonians. The experiment has ended in the manifesto of the statistical distribution of each individual's superconsciousness.

Here, I have become invited to form a 'Social Group' to discuss the more esoteric and metaphysical aspects of the Thuban archetypes.
Of course the supporters of the Thuban data are much more likely to participate in such a subforum, whilst the detractors are much less likely to show any interest.

This is as it should be for the completion of the timelines.

However I do extend invitation to all Avalonians to join this subforum.
As said the Thuban data transmission in this subforum will necessarily be rather esoteric in describing the archetypes of creation, often linked to a form of omni-science only applicable in a spacetime continuum exceeding the basic 4 Riemann-Minkowski dimensions.
Additionally, these archetypes and symbols will also refer to extensive and thorough examination of scriptural archetypes with a basis found in some gnostic texts and the King James Version of the bible.

So anyone not affine with such labelings is asked not to join this subgroup, or if doing so leave the group, instread of causing disharmony amongst the subgroup members.
Any challenges as to scriptural or/and scientific interpretations are welcomed here on the open forum however; depending naturally on the feasibility to ask questions provided this thread and the survival of the thread and forum.

The subgroup will engage TruthWillSetYouFree as a female mirror to me Abraxasinas in a shared responsibility to crystallize the necessary knowledge and understanding for the great metamorphosis of the old humanity as an environmentally verocious Carterpillar into an environmentally pollinating New Starhuman Butterfly.

I do thank you all for having participated in this test and experiment under the auspices of our cosmogenetic children in the ETs of divers races.

Thank you for your considerations.

WE love you all and a grand destiny awaits after the collective starhumanity has been born.

The New World requires for certain circles to become manifested in a concentricity of waveforms.
Once the circle of the zodiac is completed in say tiers of 12 individuals in starsign or month or Israelitic tribal association; then these 12 individuals
will converge as the center of the One.

Then the 'curse' of the mazzaroth shall be lifted and the One in Twelve will become the Twelve in One and the Many in One will become the One in the Many.

This then defines the circle as unity and no individual leaders will be required to make decisions for the individual.
Then an anarchy of Love shall foster the creative genius within all shards of Love; yet allow this Individuality of Creative Selfexpression to function under a common philosophy of knowledge and remembrance about what WE are, where WE came from and wherto WE are going.

Love has spoken as the Will of God!

In Love for the All and from the All


feardia 03-01-2010 11:44 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Just thought I would post here because i can.

Thanx for your hard work abrax, even though you said i walked the path of the serpent,
one love, people get ready...

Magamud 03-01-2010 11:52 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
An excellent journey thank you!
I have been calling out to Merlin.

abraxasinas 03-01-2010 11:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by feardia (Post 246364)
Just thought I would post here because i can.

Thanx for your hard work abrax, even though you said i walked the path of the serpent,
one love, people get ready...

Your Irish aren't you Feardia!
My maternal grandfather is Pop Leslie Lovejoy a real man from Eire.

The serpentpath is in you and me dear brother - in the blood.

Love Abrax

THE eXchanger 03-02-2010 12:06 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you, for all you do !!!
May 'the serpentina' in all, start to riSe

hmmm...we have some iriSh too :)

feardia 03-02-2010 12:07 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
i was washed ashore from Atlantis, and with a name like leslie-lovejoy you sound more WASP than serpent.

Apols to antonia :roftl:

Nebula9D 03-02-2010 12:07 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
:original: So many question i have to ask..... I'm at a loss of words for what i'm feeling after reading your last 2 posts Abraxasinas! I'll say this for now.. Much love.

SteveX 03-02-2010 12:42 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Oh gracious Abrax http://www.pic4ever.com/images/d2.gif

I have a question. Considering you have been given a fair go here... your thread opened and a private-ish area. Was there any need for this?

Quote Abrax
So any form of skepticism and ridicule or innuendo questions will become reflected to yourselves as yourselves, as will your indications to process and assimilate my prospective answers to your questions.

Iow, it will become a 'ordinary' discourse of Q&A without any exterior superpositioning of your inner archetypes.

Like in the marvellous chatroom of Gaia Love and Celine, in which I had a bit of fun in as Anubis; any questions you might pose will be like in the chatroom; colloquial and without the images of devouring dragons or similar.
Consider the photograph of TonyB. on my Profile to be the One you are addressing any questions to.
I have however 'eaten' my dragon and with help from Richard and Celine the false Devil-Images have become trapped within themselves.

Or are you devilishly taking the ****=ssip.

abraxasinas 03-02-2010 12:50 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SteveX (Post 246453)
Oh gracious Abrax http://www.pic4ever.com/images/d2.gif

I have a question. Considering you have been given a fair go here... your thread opened and a private-ish area. Was there any need for this?

Quote Abrax
So any form of skepticism and ridicule or innuendo questions will become reflected to yourselves as yourselves, as will your indications to process and assimilate my prospective answers to your questions.

Iow, it will become a 'ordinary' discourse of Q&A without any exterior superpositioning of your inner archetypes.

Like in the marvellous chatroom of Gaia Love and Celine, in which I had a bit of fun in as Anubis; any questions you might pose will be like in the chatroom; colloquial and without the images of devouring dragons or similar.
Consider the photograph of TonyB. on my Profile to be the One you are addressing any questions to.
I have however 'eaten' my dragon and with help from Richard and Celine the false Devil-Images have become trapped within themselves.

Or are you devilishly taking the ****=ssip.

No no Steve X; the statement simply means whatever IT is 'yin or yang'
is mirrored back, like the idea of karma, to the sender. There is NEVER any judgement in anything in the old Q&A or this reopening. This is now VERY different from before. Cant you see the colloquiality?
Give me a break and lets have some fun. I'm not commander Swanny you know.
I'll get technical when required, but most of this here is to interact and answer Q when they come up.
No more tension relax dear friend.

You have attained a very high percentile in the 'test' on the minus side. So should the Thuban material pan out , well you know.


Ross H 03-02-2010 12:54 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Lets keep this thread respectful and peaceful please.


abraxasinas 03-02-2010 12:57 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Ross H (Post 246473)
Lets keep this thread respectful and peaceful please.


Thank you Ross and agreed.

Love Abrax

Nebula9D 03-02-2010 12:58 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Yes Abrax!, have some fun. I think i missed the whole thing about Bigmo's ballon :) I shall go back study the old Q & A thread, unless you help me alil bit :wall:

SteveX 03-02-2010 01:22 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 246463)
No no Steve X; the statement simply means whatever IT is 'yin or yang'
is mirrored back, like the idea of karma, to the sender. There is NEVER any judgement in anything in the old Q&A or this reopening. This is now VERY different from before. Cant you see the colloquiality?
Give me a break and lets have some fun. I'm not commander Swanny you know.
I'll get technical when required, but most of this here is to interact and answer Q when they come up.
No more tension relax dear friend.

You have attained a very high percentile in the 'test' on the minus side. So should the Thuban material pan out , well you know.


I have no need to know what the statement means or ment. I was refering to the fact that there was no need to add THAT. Was my original question too criptic for you? Really mate !

No need to ruffle the feathers when folk have been good enough to open the thread.

lightblue 03-02-2010 01:28 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

No no Steve X; the statement simply means whatever IT is 'yin or yang'
is mirrored back, like the idea of karma, to the sender. There is NEVER any judgement in anything in the old Q&A or this reopening. This is now VERY different from before. Cant you see the colloquiality?
Give me a break and lets have some fun. I'm not commander Swanny you know.
I'll get technical when required, but most of this here is to interact and answer Q when they come up.
No more tension relax dear friend.

You have attained a very high percentile in the 'test' on the minus side. So should the Thuban material pan out , well you know.


whats wrong with our swanny?

bw l.


TRANCOSO 03-02-2010 01:55 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
What Goes Up, Must Calm Down

Myplanet2 03-02-2010 02:04 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I've had a lot of interesting experiences in this last couple years. I directed my higher self to provide for me to encounter things which would accelerate my growth and open my awareness to what was going on, which I could sense, but not discern properly. I supplied these opportunities to myself in spades. Almost uncomfortably in volume, at times. I doubled my comprehension several times over just the last year. But I've not experienced anything like what I witnessed taking place in this thread as it occurred.

So I do in fact confirm my own seeing of these events for what they were. I wasn't here as a participant, as were some others. I was here to watch, and understand what was taking place during this process.

I saw a great challenge issued, and I saw many answer that challenge. The challenge was not to change at anothers behest, but to change at our own behest. This was a co-creation from the get go. This process ran both directions the whole time. We were creating and feeding it from this end just as it was feeding the process from the other end. I saw archetypes come alive in people. Some which had lain dormant for thousands of years. This is the level of power to change everything resting on top. The root level which shapes everything which manifests along that template. I saw people invited to examine these primal archetypes within themselves, and to change them, or not. Release their hold, or not. We've created a new model here. This is why it felt so foreign while strangely familiar.

I won't lie to you and say I can assure anyone this process has been/will be safe. I've never thought that, and I don't think it now. Of course on some level, there is really nothing that can happen to you that you can't shrug off. But the closer the various structures you wear come to this earthly world, the more fragile they are.

I don't know if there is a hidden play taking place, which is using this process to forward it's own ends. I haven't clearly discerned that beyond the point of not being able to confidently dismiss it. But I personally find it worth the risk, and trust that my discernment will be up to it at any points where it needs to be.

I suspect that some consciousness stood to gain concomitantly with our potential gains, on some sort of a symbiotic reverse vector, if that makes any sense. In other words, I sensed an unrevealed agenda, but sensed at the same time that the energy was win/win, rather than win/lose. Many here sensed the opposite. A win/lose energy playing out. And undoubtedly still see it that way. And of course they could be right, although that would REALLY surprise me to have been that wrong.

The magnitude of what I've watched play out, is of a scale that could change the whole game. The potential here, was to change everything. And I've been wanting for everything to change, so that's a fit. It was like a microcosm of the overall shift taking place, in extremely sped up form, and in a way that would allow/force itself to continue to unfold into the larger reality. the process was discounted by some on the basis of it's having happened here. Why here on Avalon, some asked. That was a stroke of genius. Not an "aha...gotcha" moment for some skeptic. Avalon is a place with some tremendous beings, who have really no idea of just how great and powerful they are. Beings who have been driving the changes in consciousness just by working on their own selected processes. Beings who have been creating the neural, mental, emotional, archetypical, energetic etc pathways to blaze the trail for the next wave of humanity to wake up to what's available for us right now. You get a handful of these types of beings to shift their view of how they relate to the universe and how it relates to them, and the seeds are sown for everything to change. The is like a thought form meme, but on a causal level.

I've never really paid any attention to the bible, but the coming to life of the archetypes therein described were stunning. They affected not only those who've studied and followed the bible. The ancient archetypes of previous incarnations, like Dragons, were even more shocking.

Since waking up more or less fully, I've had the odd facility of having a pocket of time running backwards for me, while the whole pocket moves forward. Like a backwards running loop which is moving forward. So I end up having most of my answers preceding my questions. Most of my solutions preceding my problems, etc. The reason I bring this up, is because in keeping with that phenomneon, I had my Dragon experience some week or two before The Thuban arrival on Avalon. This is why I sat up straight and got out my scribes tools when the announcement was made. A big AHHH. What happened was I was working on my processing, which for me involves simply grabbing any trigger that can snag a hook in my lip. A recent one was the uber control factor of Government and other societal control structures. In other words, I was having control issues. Controlling/ being controlled was the polarity in charged up condition. After examining the exact make up of what the trigger was, I immediately returned to run a past life as a dragon. I was a dragon. My role was slave driver. The slaves were humans, or human types. Now I'm as fully human right now as any of you are. But I was fully dragon in that life, and I was able to get inside my head and feel what it was like. And taste the archetypes in play (which when I saw Abraxasinas laying them out in metaphor, caused me to sit up even straighter). I could take the attitudes I had at the time, and examine them and compare them to how I look at things now. I could sense and feel how the hierarchies worked for my then species, and I could feel the lack of compassion I held for the property class humans. I tasted all of these things while searching for the causes for the electrical and magnetic charges which held the must control/must not control...must be controlled/must not be controlled polarity quad I was working on apart and in charged condition. This was episode one. Episode two was even more amazing.

When I finished examining this period to my satisfaction and still had not discharged the polarity, I went looking for more. It was then I encountered the Dragon Queen. It's hard to describe this awesome creature. She was so beautiful. So elegant. So BIG. I'd guess she was a good quarter mile long. Her eyes were stunning. She was regal. She was travelling through space, between the stars, without a ship. She needed no craft to traverse space. As I approached her, the natural greeting which presented itself was "hello mother". We caught up in just a few seconds, telepathically. Her regard for me was warm and loving. the Dragons of this time (millions of years ago) were only cold and uncaring towards those who were not them. I then had to tell her why I was there. I told her that I had decided to pursue an existence which was on a path to return to the love and light of the creator. I was back on a positive path and was abandoning the negative bent she's so carefully nurtured in me.

Well, she threw a tantrum which would have registered on the richter scale. She was thrashing at me with her claws, beating at me with her wings, snapping at me with her impossibly long and slender teeth (no fire breathing) and was letting out the more horrendous shrieks and squawks.

I then said I needed to ask her something. She calmed right down, and smiled and awaited the question. I asked her if she knew why she had turned to the dark energies in the first place. She thought for a moment, curious as to why it had never occurred to her to wonder about this, and immediately came up with the reason. Her face didn't reflect it, but her telepathic message was of embarrassment. She said a friend had basically dared her. She said that she had been told, while discussing something with this being that she would not be able to embody the concepts of dark orientation, Evil as perceived from outside, and proceeded to prove him wrong. She basically said "Oh yeah? just watch me, buster!!!" Simple as that. No more to it that that. whole star systems enslaved and who knows how many millions of dead and tortured beings later, and all on a dare.

I like to see an ending point when I work on something like this, and I didn't see one with her, so we explored a bit further. We traced it back to a predisposition related to her original separation incident for the creator of all that is. She left as an individuated God spark, with God's full blessing, and set off to discover herself as an individual. Then she simply forgot about it over time, like we all have. details tend to get away from you over the billions of years. Just like all of us, she forgot who and what she is, and where she came from and why. When she pieced this information back together, she became very cheerful and warm once again, and actually smiled at me, happily, and we exchanged our well wishes with one another, and our love and respect and went our separate ways once again.

I came out of this feeling very profound business had been done in that space and time. I felt that the change in her outlook, intention set, attitude, and orientation, had somehow had a profound effect on some level on the collective consciousness here on earth in the now time. That was when Archangel Michael came in and confirmed the shift which resulted in our energetics here because of the release of the potentials which never developed due to the Dragon Queen changing her attitude during that meeting millions of years ago. Dragonkind changed. She was the mother of all dragons. The history we carried in our racial and genetic and other memory types, were altered from that moment forward.

At any other time, memory of Dragons and their interactions with humans would have melted from our collective consciousness. But right now, everything has changed and nothing is set, past, present or future. So if we have a nasty dragon history on our timeline, it's because we are placing it there from here. All bets are off, and we are totally free to create anything we want, past present and future, including any of the pasts we have already experienced. This is why I've gone on endlessly about being positive and actively and consciously with full awareness and participation, creating the future we want, because we're going to get the future we are creating. You want dragons eating your kids? you got em. You want fema trains hauling you away? You got em. You want paradise, without money and oppressive control structures? You got em. The earth has just calved off an slightly higher vibration version of herself, which is in the 5th dimension, and it is being readied for us now, and guess who the architects are? You. and Me. and the guy sitting next to you. The the lady all worried about the NWO she needs to fight. And the the guy who sees not fellow humans, but cloned aliens who've replaced them. They are helping you design our new earth. And of course the old earth remains for those sitting there chasing rabbits and saying nothing happening here. see? nothing is changing.

I know of several other people who have taken such seemingly innocuous actions as described in my Dragon Queen story, which have changed the whole flavour of reality. It's not a joke when we are described as little Gods or creator beings. We are. And the governors are off. Our full creativity is available to us now. And when we harmonize our creations to bring them into resonant alignment with other creator beings like ourselves, we form new realities or timelines. I time travelled to visit with the Dragon Queen. but it was now for me, and then for her, and all the intervening time, played out. That's what multidimensionality is. The normal rules don't apply. Your not dreaming this. This is real. That dense stuff sitting there outside your eyes and looking touchably thick, is the illusion.

So as you can imagine, I was both surprised and not at all surprised when Abraxasinas showed up with tales of Dragons which will facilitate our return to our long forgotten higher dimensional natures. natures not of evil and hatred. But natures of love and wisdom. The Dragons changed, and it was a retroactive change. I know those "invested" in the game of Dragon slayer will view this from a different angle, and that's fine. All angles add perspectives which can only enrich understanding.

So my task has been to watch and understand the process so that it could become an established path to our godhood, once it was travelled a few times. And a few of our incredibly brave brethren and sisters here, have so ably blazed the trail for others to follow.

This isn't THE path back to oneness. It's A path to oneness. And synchronistically, Malletzky also had a major clarification on the subject of the oneness, just prior to the Thuban arrival. And I'm sure others will make similar connections between some work they'd been doing coming to fruition just in time for them to fulfill their agreed upon role in this recent activation/opening.

I'd initially thought we'd lost a priceless opportunity when a couple of those engaged in the process decided it should stop. I'm still not clear whether a better outcome is created now, during the rebalancing, or whether a better outcome would have manifested had the process been permitted to play itself out on it's own interactive/co-creative terms. I suppose it doesn't really matter at this point, because the reality we have surrounding us, is the one we created.

the next question is, where will we go from here? it's up to us, and everything is on the table. And our creative tool chests are full of all the adamantine particles we can possibly use.

Love to you all.

abraxasinas 03-02-2010 02:08 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 246482)
Yes Abrax!, have some fun. I think i missed the whole thing about Bigmo's ballon :) I shall go back study the old Q & A thread, unless you help me alil bit :wall:

Your inside Bigmo's Ballon like an ant say, Nebula9 and so you can crawl about on the inner surface.

Should there be a hole in the balloon through which you can squeeze through, then you could crawl about the outside surface too and so DOUBLING your world of interaction space.

The inner balloon becomes the universe with say smaller balloons within in galaxies, nebulae (lol), starsystems, planets, continents,...,you.

But you cant get out to the 'spiritual' universe outside.
The thickness (there is none mathematically) or the skin of the balloon is Bigmo's Mirror which has two sides outside and inside.
From here you get archetypes called 'God' outside looking in the outside mirror and sees himself as 'Antigod' or 'Satan'. So God=Satan, but one real relative to the outside as object (God) and the unreal image of that as 'Satan'.

Now after some ado, there is Adam and Eve (you) inside the universe doing the same thing the other way round.

But relative to Adam and Eve (who also mirror each other) the back of the head of Satan becomes the unreal image and this is the archetype of the 'Devil'.
The so called Devil is the Backside of Satan, both images for the real thing, God outside and Adam and Eve inside.

The Devil looks at Adam and Eve and they think that its real - it's a phantom, because only the backside of Satan is become real, if somehow the satanic image of the outside, as the Face of God in the Bigmo mirror can become real.

This is the case if before Adam and Eve went into the Balloon from the 'Unreal Heaven', they both also were a miniature version of the Bigmo Mirror or the balloon as a rubberskin say.
So ADAMEVE is an unreal doublesided mirror between God and Satan.
Then God images in the unreal Adam and Satan images in the unreal Eve, so giving Satan objectivity or realness.

So technically the Universe becomes a Real Surface-Universe (termed a 4D-Riemann hypersphere defined as the boundary of a 5-dimensional spacetime universe - its a torus volume behaving like an area).
Don't worry about that. You can get it without the maths.

But this is the physics trick. Because the boundary is a surface encompassing a volume, the outside-inside (topology) thing of Bigmo's Balloon can in fact become rigorously modelled to be 'continuous'.
Again I am saying this to indicate how one proves this, but this is not required to understand the archetype.

This Thuban material is all about how to simplify the complicated science jargon into archetypes, everyone can understand after thinking a little bit about them.
Ok then. You got a real God and a real image of God as the Real physical universe, with Satans face as God's face painted on the OUTSIDE of the Balloon.

Outside the Universe is Satan--EveAdam--God as 1st creation in Genesis by God in Heaven or the Garden of Eden; with Satan getting real using unreal Eve and God getting real using unreal Adam as his mirror.
The whole thing is funny really.
Now God goes on holiday in the sabbatical and changes into Lord God and splits ADAMEVE into ADAM+EVE. Back to Back they still qualify as the One Mirror so as the unsexy 96 say.

Inside the split becomes a sexy 69 in face to face so taking away the innocence in a physical way and now as Eve with her back to the Devil on the Wall faces Adam, who looks at Eve.

Because Adam and Eve are two real beings within a real physical universe; this fake Devil face inverted can be gotten rid off.
Adam and Eve have to become unsexy again to do this. Therefore the many sexist archetypes, the monks and nuns and celibacy and the virgins, leading the the abuse scenarios.

Back to back as the 96=A MATHIMATIA=A I AM THAT I AM, this can be done, because then Adam and Eve (meaning ANY Man and Woman) both can MIRROR their images INSTEAD of each other face-to-face.
This is how simple the ultimate archetypology of 1st order is. Primary school stuff. Draw pictures and you understand the creation.

So Adam looks at the face of the Devil back to back with Eve, who looks at God as the image of the Real God should Satan outside 'get out of the way' so God could look into the Universe.
God looking then directly sees Adam's Face and Eve will look directly into the face of the Goddess, namely the sexchanged Satan into SATANINA=IN A SATAN with Satan=55=Heaven in a alphanumeracy.
As soon as Adsam can get rid of the fake Devil face, just by confronting IT as his own false image; as soon the real Satan is redeemed from Bigmo's Balloon and runs around the balloon to the exact other pole in a poleshift to become the Goddess of All looking directly at Eve.

This is the redemption of God and his brother image Satan to become God and Goddess AS ARCHETYPES of the primordial 1st order.
No ETs and Dragons and Dragon Slayers and whatever required.

So the manifesto for this is required before the universe itself and any subsystems, like the planet earth can change, say in Gaia's ascension.

The recent Thuban story then assigned Celine the 'job' to refuse the seduction of her own Devil/Dragon image of eating the knowledge of 'good and evil'.
Because Celine, as a New Eve refused to reflect the Dragon; she also did not seduce her New Adam and both of them DID NOT parade the unsexy 96 but the sexy 69.

Iow Celine and Richard told their own Devil images tro 'Go to Hell' and they did forever.
So the New Adam and the New Eve became the Dark Messiah couple in trapping the two POLAR devilish images within Bigmo's Mirror as itself.

Literally, both New Adam and New Eve as an archetype were played out and enacted by Richard and Celine.

Archetypically, they have become the first and original REAL PHYSICAL DRAGONS of the Universe.

Do I hear some laughter in the universe. Thank You Ets!
What you resist persists.

Only because of this MANIFESTATION of totally new unprecedented archetypes in the history of the universe; could this encoded 'Day of the Lord' manifest in the closure of this Thuban thread and the subsequently also encoded 3.5 days of Darkness of Avalon.

Then because of this redemptive act; Mary Elizabeth with me Abraxasinas could receive this dispensation and now all of us are ready for our Dragon Dinners; following in the footsteps of Richard as a New Adam and Celine as a New Eve. It's easy now; but this was the cosmic significance of Avalon and its 'trouble'.

Of course the 'proof' is in the archetypes and so be it.

Hope this helps Nebula9.


Steven 03-02-2010 02:17 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 246358)
...What has occurred is, that the closing of the wormhole connecting the inside of Bigmo's Balloon to its outside as a temporarily onesided Moebian manifold in warping the 11D of omnispace through the 8D and 5D mirrors onto the 2D- mirror of the 3D Linespace; has plugged this temporary onesidedness to become a twosided manifold again...

:mfr_lol: That was good!

Namaste, Steven

Agape 03-02-2010 02:25 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abraxinas, sorry to question you but what is it that 's going in here ? Are you playing chess game with yourself or some more sinister human game are you playing with the mind of The Universe Sir ?

You've never seen me ok



abraxasinas 03-02-2010 02:31 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Agape (Post 246535)
Hello Abraxinas, sorry to question you but what is it that 's going in here ? Are you playing chess game with yourself or some more sinister human game are you playing with the mind of The Universe Sir ?

You've never seen me ok



I'm ok agape and the game is played by all of US.
You agape are an actor/actress within a play you have co-written the script for.
The director of the play is the Logos, an indispensable part of which resides within you as your own logos.
The producer is Prime Creator in terms of being All of the Energy required for the game.
The playground is the universe.


TruthWillSetUFree 03-02-2010 03:46 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Dearest Friends

First, my apologies for not responding sooner as I wanted to. I very much live in the 3-D world complete with a job and family responsibilities.

I am a bit overwhelmed by the experiences of the last few days. It is surreal realizing the gift we have been given, then trying to maintain an actual life on top of that as if everything is business as usual. Now, with the addition of being honored this way, I am finding it difficult to put anything into words, let alone think halfway straight, so please bear with me.

My deepest wish has forever been to know Jesus and to serve others.
I have always felt a very deep connection to Him as though I knew Him personally. I've taken just about every path there is to find Him; countless books, years and years of classes and seminars in religions, new age even trying to understand the sciences trying to prove what metaphysics have always known.

This is the very first time I have ever felt, in every fiber in my being, that I am doing His work, the work I knew I came, here to do.
The love in my heart, especially the last few days, has been indescribable. I see the world so completely different and FEEL the meaning of "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You" I see the deeper meaning of how each experience in my life; every thought, every choice was all exquisitely planned and synchronistically perfect.

I feel Jesus's teachings were very much what is being taught in this thread and most of what is recorded in mainstream teachings has been altered or changed to keep us in the dark.
There is also a stigma attached to one being a "Jesus Freak" due to the aversion to many religions and the damage they have done to the psyche through manipulation and control; keeping the Truth away from the masses.

Jesus taught two teachings, the exoteric or what He taught to the masses and the esoteric, the teaching reserved for His inner circle. This wasn't because he was was being mean, it was because He knew most would not understand and why the apostles helped Him to translate or put the message into understandable pieces when they taught "The Good News".

I believe humanity is ready to understand teachings never before brought to the planet as most information is merely a regurgitated form of the same.

I pray I will be able to provide another angle in which to perceive from

It is my heartfelt wish to be in service to my Avalon family and to honor each one of you for the perfection that you are.

In the Love of our Creator/Father/Mother

TRANCOSO 03-02-2010 06:52 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 246358)


What has occurred is, that the closing of the wormhole connecting the inside of Bigmo's Balloon to its outside as a temporarily onesided Moebian manifold in warping the 11D of omnispace through the 8D and 5D mirrors onto the 2D- mirror of the 3D Linespace; has plugged this temporary onesidedness to become a twosided manifold again. So from henceforth I, Abraxasinas can no longer claim to share with you direct data from omnispace. I have become trapped in the rootreduced 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime metric as all and sundry of you.


Like in the marvellous chatroom of Gaia Love and Celine, in which I had a bit of fun in as Anubis;
So well mannered you are! Although some - no, not me! - may call it 'sneaky'.


So to all Avalonians. The experiment has ended in the manifesto of the statistical distribution of each individual's superconsciousness. I do thank you all for having participated in this test and experiment under the auspices of our cosmogenetic children in the ETs of divers races.
I'm looking forward to the next experiment. I love being a guinea pig!


Love has spoken as the Will of God!
In Love for the All and from the All

Love, love, love!!! :naughty:

amate 03-02-2010 08:07 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
As I missed the whole thing about Bigmo's ballon as well, thank you ,abraxasinas, for the explanation

Anchor 03-02-2010 09:32 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The big boat is at night resting near shore. It is full of newly shining lights, and strains at the anchor, put down near a safe cove. The heavy sisal rope creaks in the stronger gusts. A little crab sits happily exploring the anchor and listens to its moment.

Perhaps the boat wanted to move on to different waters? There were now many old captains of that boat adjusting to a new way, together, some heated talk, no chain of command, no hierarchy, but a team. Some captains gave commands the anchor didn’t like and he dug in hard – he was an old captain too on this boat! – But is he doing the right thing? Some of the old captains and young captains say he is some say he isn’t. What to do? Stay or go? Is it right to stop it moving – what is the proper way to go? Is it nice where we are going to go?

The anchor liked the sea where he was, he liked the boat, he loved the warm energies that had recently played in the sea and above and it had made some lights on the boat shine especially brightly. The anchor sees a storm is coming, and he really knows it is time for all to go to new waters; perhaps he has held the boat for too long – is it too late? No, it is time to go! It is time to let the boat run freely – even in stormier waters.

The anchor rises up fast into the night, pulled in safely at the side of the big boat, to be along with those beautiful shining lights – how bright they are from here, not ephemeral wisps and sparkles remembered from under the darker water. How much like the stars they all are from down there. The great hemp sails flutter and catch a puff, the moon smiles its gibbous blessing.

The big boat, together with its many bright beacons are free to ride the waves into the dark, to shine light, to go where nature’s breath takes them.

The little crab, which had jumped off as the anchor had started to rise up, happily scuttles away into the sand again.

Malletzky 03-02-2010 10:32 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 (Post 246526)
...And synchronistically, Malletzky also had a major clarification on the subject of the oneness, just prior to the Thuban arrival...

:mfr_omg: MP2, thanks for this reminder. Indeed, I went back and re-read The concept of the unification thread, and wow...it's meaning is now clearer as ever before.

Especially my first dream/vision/expirience just fits perfectly now in the whole 'drama' we're seing now enfolding here, about the separation and the eventually Unification.

I'm glad I was also shown in that vision, that despite all separateness, we will reunite soon...:thumb_yello:

with much respect

amate 03-02-2010 10:34 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
As I follow the Anchor :)

The following words are prophecy of the Hopi people, a Native tribe from the American Southwest.

There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so swift, there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart
And will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has a destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
Push off into the middle of the river.
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate!
At this time in history we are to take nothing personally,
Least of all ourselves.
For the moment we do, our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves together, as we are tonight.
Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner
And in celebration.
We are the ones we are waiting for.

abraxasinas 03-02-2010 10:37 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by amate (Post 246737)
The following words are prophecy of the Hopi people, a Native tribe from the American Southwest.

There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so swift, there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart
And will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has a destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
Push off into the middle of the river.
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate!
At this time in history we are to take nothing personally,
Least of all ourselves.
For the moment we do, our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves together, as we are tonight.
Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner
And in celebration.
We are the ones we are waiting for.

What a wonderful gnosis of wisdom from the Hopi, amete.
Thank you for sharing it.
Kachina, the Blue Star of Hopi Prophecy, has truly arrived for all to see.


bigmo 03-02-2010 10:41 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Very touching Anchor and appropriate.



THE eXchanger 03-02-2010 02:58 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you Anchor, lovely images you paint :)

Céline 03-02-2010 04:37 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Ahhh Anchor,

i hope you take this in the spirit it is meant...

You are making a great addition to the members list.

You offer something...i and maybe others...can clearly understand

Your analogy is dead on..thank you anchor for your vision


Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 246721)
The big boat is at night resting near shore. It is full of newly shining lights, and strains at the anchor, put down near a safe cove. The heavy sisal rope creaks in the stronger gusts. A little crab sits happily exploring the anchor and listens to its moment.

Perhaps the boat wanted to move on to different waters? There were now many old captains of that boat adjusting to a new way, together, some heated talk, no chain of command, no hierarchy, but a team. Some captains gave commands the anchor didn’t like and he dug in hard – he was an old captain too on this boat! – But is he doing the right thing? Some of the old captains and young captains say he is some say he isn’t. What to do? Stay or go? Is it right to stop it moving – what is the proper way to go? Is it nice where we are going to go?

The anchor liked the sea where he was, he liked the boat, he loved the warm energies that had recently played in the sea and above and it had made some lights on the boat shine especially brightly. The anchor sees a storm is coming, and he really knows it is time for all to go to new waters; perhaps he has held the boat for too long – is it too late? No, it is time to go! It is time to let the boat run freely – even in stormier waters.

The anchor rises up fast into the night, pulled in safely at the side of the big boat, to be along with those beautiful shining lights – how bright they are from here, not ephemeral wisps and sparkles remembered from under the darker water. How much like the stars they all are from down there. The great hemp sails flutter and catch a puff, the moon smiles its gibbous blessing.

The big boat, together with its many bright beacons are free to ride the waves into the dark, to shine light, to go where nature’s breath takes them.

The little crab, which had jumped off as the anchor had started to rise up, happily scuttles away into the sand again.

Agape 03-02-2010 05:19 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
.....and a temple is a boat ...and a ship is a city...humankind is sadness...and the temple flies on the wings of our minds ...shattered while steeply ascending leaving behind the gravity bubble of this planet..our earthly ties, our petty likes and dislikes ..with records, memories and gratitude .

We know too little of what is to come, that's about Reality. The display of intelligencies is infinitely changing within its orderly bounderies , dream of no borders, no boundaries..dream and awakening.

Dear Abraxinas, there's a definitive purpose to our existences, logical like light of the Day , and not a game ..
there's a rush for survival of human race. Don't you see that ..



Connecting with Sauce 03-02-2010 05:59 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi I seem to have blinked or been distracted away from Avalon for a while, 3D life eh!... I come back and Bill and Kerry have fallen out and one of the reasons was something to do with this thread... So I thought I'd take a read... got up to page 3 so far. Blimey it is now at page 61... Can someone give a me a summary? :naughty:

bigmo 03-02-2010 06:11 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Connecting with Sauce,

Their can be no summary of Truth or Love yet there can be a fragrance... like wisp of Rose on spring air, can you smell it?

Is it leading you on to find for yourself what is hidden?


Spregovori 03-02-2010 06:15 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce (Post 247003)
Hi I seem to have blinked or been distracted away from Avalon for a while, 3D life eh!... I come back and Bill and Kerry have fallen out and one of the reasons was something to do with this thread... So I thought I'd take a read... got up to page 3 so far. Blimey it is now at page 61... Can someone give a me a summary? :naughty:

It is "speculated" that this thread was just a "trigger" for already tense situation between B and K and is not to be blamed for their separation. You might find more information in other - currently popular threads.

This thread itself...read it if you wish.

Connecting with Sauce 03-02-2010 10:02 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 247011)
Their can be no summary of Truth or Love yet there can be a fragrance... like wisp of Rose on spring air, can you smell it?

My nose is blocked at the moment... Does it smell good? Do I need to get my Vicks Vapour rub out?

Only roses smell of roses... I have the voyagers 1 and 2 books is this similar... those in themselves are not really that digestable as books... Why is life on this planet made so complicated?

Nebula9D 03-02-2010 10:04 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 246529)
Your inside Bigmo's Ballon like an ant say, Nebula9 and so you can crawl about on the inner surface.

Should there be a hole in the balloon through which you can squeeze through, then you could crawl about the outside surface too and so DOUBLING your world of interaction space.

The inner balloon becomes the universe with say smaller balloons within in galaxies, nebulae (lol), starsystems, planets, continents,...,you.

But you cant get out to the 'spiritual' universe outside.
The thickness (there is none mathematically) or the skin of the balloon is Bigmo's Mirror which has two sides outside and inside.
From here you get archetypes called 'God' outside looking in the outside mirror and sees himself as 'Antigod' or 'Satan'. So God=Satan, but one real relative to the outside as object (God) and the unreal image of that as 'Satan'.

Now after some ado, there is Adam and Eve (you) inside the universe doing the same thing the other way round.

But relative to Adam and Eve (who also mirror each other) the back of the head of Satan becomes the unreal image and this is the archetype of the 'Devil'.
The so called Devil is the Backside of Satan, both images for the real thing, God outside and Adam and Eve inside.

The Devil looks at Adam and Eve and they think that its real - it's a phantom, because only the backside of Satan is become real, if somehow the satanic image of the outside, as the Face of God in the Bigmo mirror can become real.

This is the case if before Adam and Eve went into the Balloon from the 'Unreal Heaven', they both also were a miniature version of the Bigmo Mirror or the balloon as a rubberskin say.
So ADAMEVE is an unreal doublesided mirror between God and Satan.
Then God images in the unreal Adam and Satan images in the unreal Eve, so giving Satan objectivity or realness.

So technically the Universe becomes a Real Surface-Universe (termed a 4D-Riemann hypersphere defined as the boundary of a 5-dimensional spacetime universe - its a torus volume behaving like an area).
Don't worry about that. You can get it without the maths.

But this is the physics trick. Because the boundary is a surface encompassing a volume, the outside-inside (topology) thing of Bigmo's Balloon can in fact become rigorously modelled to be 'continuous'.
Again I am saying this to indicate how one proves this, but this is not required to understand the archetype.

This Thuban material is all about how to simplify the complicated science jargon into archetypes, everyone can understand after thinking a little bit about them.
Ok then. You got a real God and a real image of God as the Real physical universe, with Satans face as God's face painted on the OUTSIDE of the Balloon.

Outside the Universe is Satan--EveAdam--God as 1st creation in Genesis by God in Heaven or the Garden of Eden; with Satan getting real using unreal Eve and God getting real using unreal Adam as his mirror.
The whole thing is funny really.
Now God goes on holiday in the sabbatical and changes into Lord God and splits ADAMEVE into ADAM+EVE. Back to Back they still qualify as the One Mirror so as the unsexy 96 say.

Inside the split becomes a sexy 69 in face to face so taking away the innocence in a physical way and now as Eve with her back to the Devil on the Wall faces Adam, who looks at Eve.

Because Adam and Eve are two real beings within a real physical universe; this fake Devil face inverted can be gotten rid off.
Adam and Eve have to become unsexy again to do this. Therefore the many sexist archetypes, the monks and nuns and celibacy and the virgins, leading the the abuse scenarios.

Back to back as the 96=A MATHIMATIA=A I AM THAT I AM, this can be done, because then Adam and Eve (meaning ANY Man and Woman) both can MIRROR their images INSTEAD of each other face-to-face.
This is how simple the ultimate archetypology of 1st order is. Primary school stuff. Draw pictures and you understand the creation.

So Adam looks at the face of the Devil back to back with Eve, who looks at God as the image of the Real God should Satan outside 'get out of the way' so God could look into the Universe.
God looking then directly sees Adam's Face and Eve will look directly into the face of the Goddess, namely the sexchanged Satan into SATANINA=IN A SATAN with Satan=55=Heaven in a alphanumeracy.
As soon as Adsam can get rid of the fake Devil face, just by confronting IT as his own false image; as soon the real Satan is redeemed from Bigmo's Balloon and runs around the balloon to the exact other pole in a poleshift to become the Goddess of All looking directly at Eve.

This is the redemption of God and his brother image Satan to become God and Goddess AS ARCHETYPES of the primordial 1st order.
No ETs and Dragons and Dragon Slayers and whatever required.

So the manifesto for this is required before the universe itself and any subsystems, like the planet earth can change, say in Gaia's ascension.

The recent Thuban story then assigned Celine the 'job' to refuse the seduction of her own Devil/Dragon image of eating the knowledge of 'good and evil'.
Because Celine, as a New Eve refused to reflect the Dragon; she also did not seduce her New Adam and both of them DID NOT parade the unsexy 96 but the sexy 69.

Iow Celine and Richard told their own Devil images tro 'Go to Hell' and they did forever.
So the New Adam and the New Eve became the Dark Messiah couple in trapping the two POLAR devilish images within Bigmo's Mirror as itself.

Literally, both New Adam and New Eve as an archetype were played out and enacted by Richard and Celine.

Archetypically, they have become the first and original REAL PHYSICAL DRAGONS of the Universe.

Do I hear some laughter in the universe. Thank You Ets!
What you resist persists.

Only because of this MANIFESTATION of totally new unprecedented archetypes in the history of the universe; could this encoded 'Day of the Lord' manifest in the closure of this Thuban thread and the subsequently also encoded 3.5 days of Darkness of Avalon.

Then because of this redemptive act; Mary Elizabeth with me Abraxasinas could receive this dispensation and now all of us are ready for our Dragon Dinners; following in the footsteps of Richard as a New Adam and Celine as a New Eve. It's easy now; but this was the cosmic significance of Avalon and its 'trouble'.

Of course the 'proof' is in the archetypes and so be it.

Hope this helps Nebula9.


Yes, i now have grasped the concept. Thank you for the clarification.

Boober 03-03-2010 01:16 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
lol, omg! this is the thuban material everyone is talking or crying about, hahaha, awesome! Seriously? i mean come on seriously? OK, whateva.

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