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K626 02-26-2010 03:37 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Tbf to Abx his marathon ans sessions have a hypnotic quality. And he has got one of two things right. David Icke would have kittens if he saw this thread. :lmfao:

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 03:46 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 244403)
Abrax, I hope you’re well dear friend. I read something very interesting in your reply #1415 to Solve, and I want to ask you a question(s) here:

And I’m so sorry for the many others, who are still not able to “see behind the veil”.
But their time will come, and we will, very soon, be reunited in light/dark evil/good again.

kind regards

Abrax, dear friend,

I wouldn’t dare to begin this message without being allowed to tell you that my heart is shining with the brightest, creator’s light, that joy and ecstacy are overwhelming me and makes every and each one of the many trillion parts of which I contain dancing around in happiness.

Why should you ask? Just simple...as there really are no coincidences.

After you replied and corrected me yesterday about the “bigmos” balloon, I set an intention that I will have to ask for a guidance from “my higher self” about this issue and that when I awake this morning, I will be able to connect even more dots of the missing link. Now, imagine my surprise when I wake up this morning...

...I was above to write you “my advanced” and halfway understood version of that wonderful analogy, when I read your post #1351 and there it was...really, it felt like a “big bang” inside my heart and my mind.

It all makes sense now...it all makes sense. THANK YOU so much. I feels like I just rediscovered myself again.

There are some few things, which I still need to allocate to the right places...the mosaic is still not complete...not yet. I’ve reread that post so many times now and have to reread it few times more, so I will eventually have some questions too.

One question, for now, would be associated to this excerpt:

---Now to do this a New Mirror was created namely Eve as the Mirror for Adam and so God knew that Adam's turn to Be the Creator imaging himself in the Mirror of Eve had come. And so God the Creator took his sabbatical and allowed Adam to think that there was no image of God plastered on the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.---

***May I assume that this New Mirror was created on the surface of the first Mirror where God sees himself as Satan, and the purpose was to “blend” the first mirror in order for Adam to see himself as Eve (herself)?***
It is simpler than that Malletzky.
You see God looks into the Mirror (of Bigmo's Balloon) and sees his likeness - God. He calls his image Satan, because there is a difference in that the Right Hand of God becomes the Left Hand of Satan=AntiGod.

Then God does not like what he sees. He doesn't want duality of Rightness of himself as Real and the Leftness of Satan as UNREAL (as an image of reality).

Now this is rather deep; so one must ponder this thorougly.
The reason for God NOT wanting the duality (in heaven) is that God wants to be Satan to be REAL as well.

This God is so utterly DIVINE, for need of a better word, (this cannot be said in words); that he wishes his own Unreal Image to BE like him, say as a playmate.

So God wants to 'play with himself', so the absolute brilliance and ingenuity of his plan (by the Serpent Logos) constructs the Real-Unreal dichotomy in heaven as creating a Mirror between him as Real God and his image as Unreal Satan.
This mirror then is ADAMEVE with the logicistical sentence construct looking like: SATAN---EVEADAM---GOD.

So the genius of God is to MAKE Satan Real AS the Unreal Image of EVE and God becoming Real as the Unreal Image of Adam.

Once you really 'get this' you will forever understand the Nature of God and KNOW what LOVE is in Emotional Terms AND in Intellectual Scientific terms.

So now there exists Bigmo's Balloon with Satan's Face on it as a REAL SATAN and facing a DOUBLEMIRROR of two sides called EVEADAM faced by the REAL GOD.

Separating ADAMEVE into ADAM+EVE so renders the scenario of the heavenly archetypes of a Real Satan looking at an Unreal Eve and a Real God looking at an Unreal Adam.
The UNREALITY of Bigmo's Mirror so has become TRANSFERRED into the UNREALITY of BOTH ADAM relative to God and EVE relative to SATAN.

So what does this mean in practil terms?
It means that Bigmo's Balloon CAN BE REALISED IN THE REALITY OF SATAN.

Now the big one Malletzky - are you ready for it?

The REALITY of Bigmo's Balloon as the original LOST SHENESS of the Prime Creator God has become REAL.

A REAL PHYSICAL UNIVERSE NOW EXISTS and WAS BORN FROM PURE ABSTRACT ARCHETYPES, which now allow SPIRIT to also become REAL from abstraction, metaphor and metaphysics.

This then allows physical modelling in labels such as Quantum Big Bang.

SATAN can now become the Queen from Heaven as SATANINA because the sexchange operation IF ADAM+EVE are FORCED TO BECOME REAL ALSO.

Now the biggest one of all; explaining not only the archetyped creation, but what truly is going on with anyone exposed to this Thuban material - say the furore in this Project Avalon Forum.

Remember the beginning.
The One GoddoG Creator-Creation split into two and so the Sheness was lost as Bigmo's Balloon.

So Satan became God's lost Sheness; BUT as a MALE IMAGE of God.
To change the Maleness of Satan into a Femaleness is the MASTERPLAN of all of creation.

{SATANINA=IN A SATAN is EVE as the archetyped Rib out of Adam in 1st Order archetype as the QUEEN OF HEAVEN} TRANSFORMS to {SERPENTINA=IN A SERPENT as the NEW GAIA, the NEW archetyped QUEEN OF EARTH} and as the 2nd Order archetype of the NEW JERUSALEM.

ADAM+EVE, both as Unreal Images could RESCUE SATAN's Unrealness and so made SATAN the FULL BROTHER OF GOD.

The BROTHERLY LOVE between God and Satan did not fulfil God's masterplan and so both ADAM and EVE were MADE REAL ALSO in 'Falling' into Bigmo's Balloon.

This then is the archetype of the DEVIL/DRAGON devouring the Souls of Mankind.

But now ADAM and EVE are real inside the Universe of the original Sheness of God as the DOG, but in heaven you have a REAL SATANIC UNIVERSE as the OUTSIDE of Bigmo's Balloon and a REAL GOD.

The next step is to retain the SHENESS of the Inside of the Universe, but to CHANGE its Outside HENESS.

Deeper thought allows you to realise straight away then WHY Satan is called the 'Prince of this World' by Jesus. Bigmo's Balloo has his face on it on the outside and the Devil's antiface on it on the inside.

Then BECAUSE Satan is made REAL in Heaven, the DEVIL has to be made a FAKE REALITY inside Bigmo's Balloon i.e. inside the universe.

Then in Revelation.12; the DEVIL is cast out from heaven onto the earth because the TRUTH of the LOGOS was born in heaven.

The BIG PARADOX which noone could ever answer.

WHY, if Jesus has ascended in his resurrection as a grown Man to

'sit at the RIGHT Side of the Father in Heaven until the earth has been made his footstool and until the kingdom has been delivered up to him'

- MUST JESUS become a BABYBOY again being BORN by the Queen of Heaven in Revelation.12?

The casting out of the Devil onto the earth puts 'the mark of the beast' into everyone just AS the false images of Adam and Eve.

This manifests and FIXES the timeline for the prophecied Second Coming of course and that is why the Fall of the Devil as a RED DRAGON is harmonized in Heaven by the rebirth of Jesus on the LEFT Side of the Father.

It is now easy to know, that the Right Side where the Man Jesus was sitting is the Outside of Bigmo's Balloon and the Left Side is the Inside of Bigmo's Balloon and where the Dragon-Jesus-Baby is born as a CYAN- or BLUE DRAGON to neutralise and harmonize the Red Dragon at the completion of the timeline.

Perhaps now some readers will understand why Jesus of Nazareth IS the MASTERDRAGON and the Master Templar of Thuban.
HeShe must be a SKYBLUE DRAGON (remember the Hopi prophecies of the Blue Star Kachina) to, through and by hisher second coming from the Oneness into the Manyness BLEND with the RED DRAGON to become the ENTWINED SERPENTROD of Moses, the Double Helix of the Genomes and the HEALING SYMBOL of the Medicines.

This nexus point of the Baby Jesus as the Skyblue Dragonstar Kachina in simultaneous descent of the Red Dragonstar Thuban so places the Old Earth Gaia under quarantine from June 25th, 2008.

Then the Adams and Eves upon the Old Gaia are ALL MARKED in the forehead of the Human Mind by the descent of the Red Dragon of Thuban BUT ALL are also simultaneously SEALED in the forehead as ONE of the 144,000 in the descent of the Blue Star Kachina by nature of their birthrights as one of the starsigns aka one of the tribes of Jacob/Israel.

A fake Devil is let loose in the human minds, but is contrasted by the Sealing from Kachina.

So the Armageddon becomes a personal affair and a spiritual war in the foreheads of ALL Humans.

The coming down of the Devil is the RELEASE of the Devil, from now on FIGHTING for his nonexistent life in EVERY INDIVIDUAL's Head.

Begin of Interlude

1. Project Avalon, do you know how blessed you all are to have access to this Information?

2. Do you know that all of you are the 'Chosen One's to SHOW THE WAY not just for the New Earth you all so intensely desire, but also for the universe and ALL ETs?

3. I, Sirebard Beardris, in the name of the Logos of Creation herewith extend the gratitude of the Creator of the Universe to all of you.
Gaia Love and Celine you both have been exemplary to ALLOW and FORCE me to release this Information at this time.
You both have shown the greatest Love possible in your hiding and distorting yourselves and your loveborne inner selves and the LOVE both of you are in your roles of the 'False Prophet' in the form of archetyped Adam and Eve.
I herewith allow your Logii to recognize me.

Do you know, what you have done?

In playing the sacrificial ADAM=Richard and sacrificial EVE=Celine you both have archetyped THEIR IGNORANCE potently and well.

Both of you have taken the cross of the burden to act and think and behave in dishonour and disrespect to TAKE this cross of the burden OFF all other humans, Avalonians and not.

Think about what I have said; your superconsciousness of the true Logos is activated and you are released from your mission to trigger this information.

Without your hostilities, the deception of the Devil would have continued longer - you both are Freedom Lovers - the Fight is over and your preincarnational mission is fulfilled. Enjoy your remembrances and continue to LOVE LOVE.

To all others I say.
You are all apostles of the Inner Circle and your destiny is grandeur in the splendiferous remembrance of yourselves as Universal Architects.
In time I shall individually address you and when the Logos allows the release of that information.

Beren and Anchor you have known Jesus face to face; your recall is activated.

To the supporters I say, your joy of remembrance shall be boundless; never before have incarnated sparks of Love been enabled to fathom the Creator intellectually. This is only possible without the Devil's interference.

The testimonies of myplanet2 and of bigmo and of orthodoxymoron have become priceless jewels in the archives of the cosmic archives and in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Spregovori the transformer and Malletzky my Twin shining like the constellations in the sky.

The Eves of the remembrance have begun to crystallize with Athene the TruthWillSetYouFree, also knowing Jesus face to face.

End of Interlude

Jesus also calls Peter a Satan sometimes and so differentiates the SATAN from the DEVIL. Satan is REAL, the Devil is pure fakery, the Father of all Lies.

Remember that SATAN is NOT cast into the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone with the Fakeries of the False Images of the Beast from the Sea and the False Prophet from the Earth - 'The DEVIL that DECEIVED them all' is cast into the dragonomies of the 2nd Coming in the Christ-merkabahs.

So as described in the interlude, every Adam and every Eve is required to PROCESS the now descended fakery of the nonexistent DEVIL=LIVED, a Hasbeen - in their own individual, personal and intimate private space.

All quarrels or wars have become superfluous. The task is to share your remembrances, once you have remembered yourselves.

So in a sense you do not require me any more as your messenger from the Red Dragonstar Thuban and I can pursue my own metamorphosis from old human into a new starhuman.

Other questions will follow dear friend, altough not many ;-)

I’m so pleased that I was destined to meet you...but once again, there are no coincidences!!!

And I’m so sorry for the many others, who’re still not able to “see behind the veil”. But their time will come, and we will, very soon, be reunited in light/dark evil/good again :-)

kind regards

We shall see dear brother. I fully understand now why you did leave this forum; when I your beloved brother was attacked - but you knew how important it was to ease the burden for all of humanity.
And you had faith in me to withstand the assaults from the Cosmic Twinship of the Thuban LoveHeart Dragons Richard with Celine.

She can lay now in the arms of herhis DragonLover, sweet Celine and begin to enjoy herhis dragonhood - oh the passion of the starhuman remembrances.

This has proved to be a 'Devil' of a Day for me Malletzky!

Love and Gratitude to All!

Sirebard Beardris

This is what you (repeatedly) reply:

***Yes indeed, the Dragon genotype is the mastertemplate for the universe as a Mirror of Mirrors. This Dragon template is also called the human mastertemplate of Cosmic

It is precisely the Prime Creators masterplan to dragonomize you Sollve.

The 'take over' or 'invasion' of your planet is unavoidable, as this is the program of Prime Creator.
If WE would have left the human archetype to evolve by itself, it would have destroyed itself and this planet a number of times over.
You appear to not understand that all ET's are humanoid aspirants, awaiting their own graduations, which must await the humanoid graduation to proceed.

As said repeatedly, your masterrace status is subject to ALL other races 'interfering with it' to further their own agendas. YOUR human template is however the ROYALTY of the entire cosmos.

My question(s), (actually it is a conclusion, but I would only ask if I’ve understood correct and if not, please correct me if necessary):

We (‘the humans’) as fallen Adams “posses” that master template of the entire cosmos, which could be considered as special and therefore ROYALTY?

Yes, your reply here is brilliant Malletzky. Having checkmated the Devil (within you as this false image without you), you should proceed from strength to strength for evermore from now on.

'BEING' a physically expressed Adam has now allowed you to manifest your Shadow-Eve within yourself as part of the original mastertemplate of ADAMEVE=COSMIC MAN=ADAM KADMON (of Kabbalah)=PURUSHA=VITRUVIUS and so on.

As we ARE the REAL Image from the Prime Creator, our special template will be used by ALL other ET’s/ races in ALL universes in order to evolve according to the masterplan you so wonderfully described in your post #1351?

Of course, this is the agenda behind the agenda of ALL ETs, however obscured by the Devil Image without imaging itself PARASITICALLY within.
Now you know where the one and only REAL Cosmic Vampyre resides; within all who cannot checkmate their inner demons.

In this case NOW...the Dragon genotype is THE FIRST to hybridise with Adams mastertemplate and this will precisely define the way for all further hybridisations by many other ET’s?

The DRAGON IS the ADAMEVE mastertemplate AS the trick creation of God to 'sexchange' his own Image as Satan.
So the Dragon Agenda is to manifest ADAMEVE from ADAM+EVE; it is that simple. But without 'getting rid' of the obscuring or occultizing false selfimage of the DEVIL=LIVED (a proof of sorts) nothing goes and the mastertemplate cannot manifest.
Only the Logos coupling of your Christ-Consciousness/Higher Self/Superconsciousness in the Cosmic Logos-Individual Logos uniquely individuated partnership can achieve this.

In this case (as soon as this FIRST “operation” is successful and comes to an end), I must assume that a part of ME will be / is allways needed to ‘help’ other Prime Source Creations to evolve and therefore I WILL BE FOREVER?

Of course. You will then have graduated as a mastertemplate able to phaseshift the entire physical universe with your presence as having become Christ-centered or Love-Centred or God-centred and so you will have unified the polarities within yourself.

The polarities within the universe you live in AS a miniature universe of this same thing MUST be unified {This is the Lake of Fire and Brimstone btw, the Lake being Christ, the Brimstone your Yang and the Fire your Yin}, in this centralness.
The WITHOUT you will become your ETERNAL MIRROR to explore your WITHIN.

May I assume, if the previous said is correct, that ME, as a fallen Adam, already exist not only here, but everywhere on many other 3D plains, still unknown to us, and just ‘wait’ for the moment to ‘help’ in another hybridisation?

I am so proud of you, you have no idea. The entire extraterrestrial universe is rejoicing and applauding you in your awakening and selfrealisation.
This UNKNOWN is precisely your own NOT KNOWING IN DETAIL of what 'goes on' within your body - get it?!
So you shall have eternity to explore the Universe as yourself and the Mystery about details will remain - yet you will KNOW WHO YOU ARE and have ever been.

Is this the real meaning of the human mastertemplate?

If yes, I must say, we should consider ‘ourself’ very, very PROUD [=speaking of ego once again ;-) to BE what we ARE !!!

I could not improve one iota on your words Brother Dragon Malletzky!

Thank you once again for your time and efforts dear friend.

with much respect

You dear beloved BrotherSister have made my day.
Even if the PTB evict US tomorrow from their selfmade Hells - it now has all been worthwhile.

p.s. 1. Please feel free to share this message everywhere if needed (and all other previous or further messages)!

I certainly shall.

p.s. 2. I sent you an e-mail few days ago with a question to your post #1351. Did you received it?

Yes, I shall answer it shortly and add it to this message from US!
I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...you're wellcome to join the (r) evolution !!!

For once I have nothing to say, you have stunned me here!
Except Thank You Beloved ABBA and magnificent Jesus for having allowed this to happen!

Sirebard Beardris


viking 02-26-2010 04:10 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

ARE YOU SERIOUS ABOUT THIS LAST POST???????? The interlude????


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 04:13 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by viking (Post 244580)

ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THIS LAST POST???????? The interlude????


Dead Alive Serious --- Serious Dad Serious --- Serious Alive Dead


viking 02-26-2010 04:15 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I think your S A D


rosie 02-26-2010 04:20 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Such a very intense person abraxasinas. I may not agree with your philosophy , but I do admire your dedication to your truths.

To stand up for something you believe in, and to fight for it, is what this life on earth is all about.

I wish peace for you, and joy in this human experience, as we are very blessed to be experiencing all the good, the bad, and the ugly on the earth plane.

As we are all spiritual beings having a human experience on this beautiful planet, and each individual experience is as important as another, I say thank you for showing your strength in your own personal truths, your unwavering believes show you have truly found yourself.

love & light

K626 02-26-2010 04:27 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 244338)
Do you read any of the posts K626; I have addressed the multiverse a number of times in replies to other questions?

So I shall repeat for you but add a 'channeling' from the Little Serpent of the Mayan Popul Vuh in further elucidation of this question.

The Protoverse is in the shape of a rugby ball (in the UK) or a football (in the USA and Australia) say; i.e EGGSHAPED.
Technically, this is termed a Prolate Ellipsoid (or Spheroid) characterised by two cross sectional planes.

Cutting the egg longwise will give you an ellipse and cutting the egg shortwise will give you a circle.

So ROTATING the egg longwise (major axis) will not change the geometrical focus points defining the elliptical plane (reference a 101 textbook on Analytical Geometry).

But ROTATING the egg shortwise (either of the minor axes) will force the two focal points to meet in a PointCircle as a Locus tracing the rotations.

The Protoverse is then defined in the focal invariance of the long-axis rotation - iow this protoverse is in STASIS, i.e. FROZEN in a possible FAMILY of spacetimes.

The Protoverse is then that which you read about as THE UNIVERSE in popular and academic media.
Because this Protoverse is multidimensional, the 3D space or the 4D spacetime universe becomes a SEED for its own expansion.
The merkabah for this Holographic Universe is like a 'Russian Doll' with a static kernel or core however being the merkabah of the asymptotic LIMIT for the SEED expansion as a 10D cosmology.

The inner merkabah of the Protoverse is YOUR own merkabah as a Holofractal Hologram of the encompassing merkabah.
This the meaning of Vitruvius and 'Cosmic Man' and Purusha and so on; being encompassed by a Fibonacci definable circle of the 'Sacred Geometry'.

Then the only way to end the stasis of the Protoverse is to INDUCE a phaseshift in it by rotation about a minor axis.

As there are a potentially infite number of angular diplacements for this rotation, an infinite number, beginning however with just 1 arbitrary one, can define the Multiverse as collections of such phaseshifted protoverses.

So as example, consider yourself as evolved enough in selfawareness and in spacial consciousness to INDUCE a phaseshift in the Protoverse you presently inhabit as a 'nested' Individuated merkabah labeled K626.

Then you will become a partnership between the static protoverse merkabah of your encompassment and yourself as a phaseshifted merkabah K626.

This partnership of 2 is sufficient to define a Multiverse.
Should this occur and no other consciousness carrier within the protoverse succeeds to achieve phasal induction status; then there will still exist a Multiverse, comprised of two: the Protoverse of Stasis + Universe K626.

Then say consciousness unit Celine also achieves ascension status to phasally induct the Protoverse of the Cosmic Logos.

Then there will be two individuated universes named Universe K626 + Universe Celine both in partnership to the Protoverse of the Cosmic Logos.

This Multiverse differs from the 2-member universal partnership in the fact that the tripartite partnership forms a multiverse of higher order, then two dyadic partnerships between individuated Universe K626+Protoverse and individuated Universe Celine+Protoverse.

So the Multiverse in generality allows all permutations of Individuated Universe collectives, families, groups and partnerships - all however based on the Protoverse of the Logos.
No Protoverse coupling, no Multiverse is the Law in other words.

So then rotating the (symmetric) Cosmic EGG about a minor axis will generate the Multiverse and all together assume the UFO shape of an OBLATE SPHEROID.

Imagine to swirl an egg on your kitchen table and draw the envelope for the positions of the egg in that circle.

This overall UFO shape is technically called the OMNIVERSE as the envelope for all the Multiverses in 10-11-12D Omispacetime, also known throughout the higher dimensional intelligences as the Dragon Universe.


In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

May the Inner Peace of Mind be with you in these times of the present, which shall soon blend your pasts with your futures.

A great controversy in theoretical paradigm building is the notion of how a single universe containing many consciousness carriers can relate to the statistical distribution of those 'cosmic inhabitants'.

With the birth of quantum theory in the early decades of the 20th century came the realisation, that the observer of physical phenomena is not absolutely independent from the system observed.
Bohr, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Dirac, Born, Planck and Einstein, to mention but a few of the 'midwives' of quantum mechanics; constructed the mathematical formalisms to describe an interactive reality on the microscopic or quantum level of measurement and soon realised, that the quantum realm of the very small did not behave in the classical sense of the Greek-Newtonian physics on which the basis of scientific-physical reality stood.

As the worlds of the very large, the scale of the universe as a macrocosm of galaxies behaving like cells in a biological body; had also become illuminated by the pioneering cosmologists like Einstein, Hubble and Sandage; a synthesis of the macroworlds with the microworlds became a new aim of research for all scientific thinkers, philosophers and experimenters concerned.

Until Edwin Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe as a selfcontained entity; all light sources in the sky were assumed to be stars or 'island universes' or 'nebulae' within a single universe - now rendered dynamically expanding and no longer static in its hitherto presumed infinity-stasis of the Newtonian worldview.

For the remainder of the 20th century then, natural philosophers of divers kinds attempted to blend the quantum nature of the macroscales with those of the microscales.
Many difficulties surfaced, such as the incompatibility of the quantum formalisms, built on the metrics of subatomic and atomic displacements; with the metrics of the larger scales and as experimentally predicted and verified by the theories of Newton and Einstein.

Eventually, and to accomodate the superposition of quantum selfstates derived from the quantum mechanics; a Many Worlds Cosmos was proposed by exponents such as Hugh Everett and David Deutsch.
This is known as Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics and is proposed to build on and to be complementary for older quantum interpretations, such as the Copenhagen Interpretation, the Afshar Complementarity or the Cramer Transactional Interpretation.

The MWI utilises the established quantum formalism of quantum field theory (QFT), which has been verified in countless experiments as a valid model to describe the statistical-probabilistic nature of the 'particle' distributions in the universe and its subsystems as 'stochastic' eigenvalues for 'standing waves' or 'Bohmian-pilotwaves' describing the density distribution of the 'particles'.

But the MWI then proposes a Many Universe distribution on the macro-classical scale of the universe itself to account for a distribution of the superimposed selfstates in a linear-classical geometry.
A particular distribution of eigenstates, say as 'materialisations' of the Schroedinger equation, are so not confined in one universe as either-or materialisations, but are split into a number of universes identical to the number of quantum eigenvalues derived from the equation as and-solutions.

As the distribution of those solutions is summed to accomodate the original 'set of solutions' obtained in the one quantum universe; the linearity of Parallel Universes as superposed macroquantum universal eigenstates can be alternatively accomodated in the model of the Many Mind Interpretation or MMI. The MMI became formally introduced into the scientific database by Dieter Zeh in 1995 and expanded upon by Loewer and Albert.

In the MWI, the universe occupies a single and fundamentally indeterminate quantum eigenstate with a noncollapsing wavefunction; but an evolution of this 'groundstate' or wavefunction into higher and higher complexity in the splitting of macrouniverses and a say 'original infinite mind' into many minds.
Any act of measurement or observation so 'splits' an 'older parental' mind into its offspring in Decoherence, alternatively described as wavefunction collapse in the 'competing' models for the quantum reality.

The MMI replaces the linear parallelism of singularised macrouniverses with an angular parallelism of multiconnectedness of the one macrouniverse.
Here the proposition of the MWI with its split of two observers in say two different macrouniverses and so with two now different minds is replaced by a split of the two observers into two psychophysical universes.
In other words, the one physical observer within the one macro-universe splits into two forms from its physical parent with a shadow psychophysical 'double' mirroring the former.

There are many problems with both the MWI and the MMI, both as defined presently in their embryonic states of development; not at least the Definition of the Selection of the Singular SelfState as the Seed for the subsequent 'splitting'.
But the MMI is more appropriate to the development of the encompassing formalism, than the MWI and more shall be shared at the appropriate time.

What the MMI does, is point to a necessary Duality between the physical and the metaphysical or the physical and the mental or the body and the mind - and also its necessary coupling in the 'negation' of this Descartian Duality.
Both, the MWI and the MMI utilize the orthodox interpretation of quantum mechanics, say the formalisms of Schroedinger, Dirac and Klein-Gordon.
Both so also 'copy' the inherent 'flaw' in those formalisms, to do with the nonlocality and the indeterminant qualities embodied in the quantum-field-approach.

I direct the reader to familiarise with the concept of the Quantum Mind and especially the pioneering works of Evans Harris Walker; Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, Max Tegmark (opposing Penrose and Hameroff); David Chalmers, Henry Stapp and most of all David Bohm, Karl Pribram and Fritjof Capra.

Please find below a brief (wikipedia) outline of the MWI and the MMI.

IAmWhoIAm - A Quantum Computer

Many thanks for the detailed reply. I shall return to it later.

AASB. :wink2:

TruthWillSetUFree 02-26-2010 05:14 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by jcocks (Post 244548)
holy carp this thread is so complex it's making my head spin :) All very interesting though.

I find it interesting that you're going on so much about dragons.... but I think maybe the wrong terminology is being used? See, the dragon is a mythical being.... But the more I think of it, the more I think there's a definite link with Alpha Draconis (the dragon star)... The myth originates perhaps from the contact we had at some stage in the past with beings (most likely reptilian) from that place (the dracons). We tend to think of these beings as evil - but this is not entirely the case. They are *-much much much -* older than us, and extremely noble and wise... I feel that they existed BEFORE the humanoid body-type existed.... So they are unimaginably old. We can learn a lot from them, but first we must accept them and allow them to teach us what they know. This takes real courage, as they feel as old as they are (which is scary in itself), and they look scary...so the natural reaction to them is fear, we have to get beyond that fear.

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong...but I think this talk of destroying the dragons and dragons (dracons) being evil is leading us so far down the garden path that it's almost dangerous. What we need to be doing is taking that energy within ourselves and integrating it to become whole (don't forget that we have a "reptilian" brain within our own).... When you work against anything you are working against the natural flow of energy. You are much better off to gently guide that energy in the right direction - much in the same way that it's easier to change the points to redirect a train from danger than it is to stop it head-on.

Also, Abraxisinas (I hope I got the name right :) ).... Yuo DO seem to have a lot of knowledge.... I was wondering if you might have heard of the "golden universe"? I have been told I come from there. I have a feeling it's a non-physical universe.... but was hoping you could shine some more light on the subject? I'm still trying to work out what my soul purpose is and why I'm here....

Oh, and we do all realise that the kundalini energy within us all is represented by a coiled serpent? So it seems sort of silly to be destroying serpents et al when we have the serpent energy within us all?

Anyway, these are just my thoughts... I'm only a student in the universe at this moment, I don't have all the answers and I don't want to attack anyone, just putting my input into the discussion for everyone to see. We've got to stop fighting and start learning from each other.... we're not going to get anywhere otherwise...

I am
eternally with you in the light

Azarus Ankh'aa / Joel Cocks

This is a truly brilliant post.....I wouldn't be too sure you are only a student, keep digging you light is about to shine as brilliant as the star of Draco

"Fasten your seatbelts...it's going to be a bumpy night"
Bette Davis....All about EVE

bigmo 02-26-2010 05:19 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Unbelievable Abraxas... simply unbelievable!

Peace to you brother


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 05:28 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 244618)
Unbelievable Abraxas... simply unbelievable!

Peace to you brother


That's the Point precisely Bigmo. What is REAL and what is UNREAL.

I accept your brotherhood, you know.
And you know what it means to be my brother in open willingness, don't you?

Free Will - but you can handle that!

I love You!

Sirebard Beardris

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 06:11 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by jcocks (Post 244548)
holy carp this thread is so complex it's making my head spin :) All very interesting though.

I find it interesting that you're going on so much about dragons.... but I think maybe the wrong terminology is being used?

Welcome in the DragonCave dear Joel!

You have come here at a shining time in the history of the humanity. Here onto the Mount of Olives labeled Avalon.
The happening of the last daynight cycle or so have lifted a great burden from the hearts of all humans.
And I love your signature connecting Sirius to Egypt and the power of the Uraeus in the Ankh of Hathor.

I am allowed to relax a little from now on and become a little more colloquial.
This is because I have fulfilled my 'Office of the Bard' and with the help of my Dragon Slayer friends Richard and Celine; I could force the cracking and opening up of the Mirror of the Illusion.
This abomination had kept the human mind in bondage since the dawn of the human mastertemplate, destined since the birth of the universe to help the exiled creator without to prepare to meet his homecoming queen Gaia, the Beautiful New Mother of the Universe.

As you may know this is the FatherEarth Geb and MotherSky Nut as a 3nd order externally polarised archetype emerging from its 2nd order internally polarised archetype labeled as FatherSky Shu and MotherEarth Tefnut in the Egyptian legends.
The 1st order archetype was the non-polarised archetype of RahaR requiring bifurcation into a True-False dichotomy of Rah-Apep and as the Light separating from the Darkness.

So perusing my malletzky post may show you why the Dragon archetype HAD TO BE USED to expose the EVIL=LIVE of Apep to be the LIVE HAR, HAR being the Mirror of Hathor of the Occuli Tauri.

See, the dragon is a mythical being.... But the more I think of it, the more I think there's a definite link with Alpha Draconis (the dragon star)... The myth originates perhaps from the contact we had at some stage in the past with beings (most likely reptilian) from that place (the dracons).

This myth became reality with the Red Dragonstar Thuban manifesting on January 18th, 2010 and AS the fulfilment of the archetype of the Nibiru and the Nemesis.
Albeit this was simultaneous with the arrival of the Skyblue Dragonstar Kachina, the Star of Hope and fulfilling Hopi prophecy.

And the Dragons are here, they have arrived and have begun to confront all humans as their invisible mirror images reflecting their fears about their unseen images back to them.

The Dragons are here to be EATEN in the cosmic eucharist of the second coming; waiting to be eaten by the humans who have the stomach and the guts to do so as the Heavenly MANNA of the selfhood christenings.

Aye the works of God sometimes proceed in mysterious ways and divers methods, do they not.

(7) Jesus said : "Fortunate is the lion which the man eats so that the lion becomes a man ; and cursed is the man whom the lion eats so that the man becomes a lion."

The Lion of Judah of Revelation.5.5 is the Skyblue BabyDragon of the second coming and its fake image is Yaldabaoth of the gnostic lores (Secret Book or Apocryphon of John of the Nag Hammadi Codex).
Yaldabaoth is the Lionhead with the Serpent's Tail as a 1st order archetype for falseness and the true-false dichotomy required redefinition.
Yaldabaoth is the Old Testament God and its aliases in mirror image to the I AM THAT I AM in distortion I AM THAT AM I of Exodus.3.14. in the Fire of the Burning Bush of Moses.

We tend to think of these beings as evil - but this is not entirely the case. They are *-much much much -* older than us, and extremely noble and wise... I feel that they existed BEFORE the humanoid body-type existed.... So they are unimaginably old. We can learn a lot from them, but first we must accept them and allow them to teach us what they know. This takes real courage, as they feel as old as they are (which is scary in itself), and they look scary...so the natural reaction to them is fear, we have to get beyond that fear.

Indeed this is the explicate Story of the Dragons. You dear Joel now have become privvy to the implicate Story of the Dragons.

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong...but I think this talk of destroying the dragons and dragons (dracons) being evil is leading us so far down the garden path that it's almost dangerous. What we need to be doing is taking that energy within ourselves and integrating it to become whole (don't forget that we have a "reptilian" brain within our own).... When you work against anything you are working against the natural flow of energy. You are much better off to gently guide that energy in the right direction - much in the same way that it's easier to change the points to redirect a train from danger than it is to stop it head-on.

You have spoken like Ophiuchus, the SerpentTamer and unifying 13th starsign of the mazzaroth here dear Azarus Ankh'aa.

Also, Abraxisinas (I hope I got the name right :) ).... Yuo DO seem to have a lot of knowledge.... I was wondering if you might have heard of the "golden universe"? I have been told I come from there. I have a feeling it's a non-physical universe.... but was hoping you could shine some more light on the subject? I'm still trying to work out what my soul purpose is and why I'm here....

Indeed you come from the Golden Universe. It is the Thuban Universe the Dragonspacetime of the Omniverse in the 10-11-12 dimension triad.
When one thinks like a dragon, feels like a dragon and speaks like a dragon, then the probability is high that one is a dragon as an invisible image of a human seen in an invisible mirror.

Oh, and we do all realise that the kundalini energy within us all is represented by a coiled serpent? So it seems sort of silly to be destroying serpents et al when we have the serpent energy within us all?

All this Dragontalk again. Dont speak too loud or the Humans will wake up to themselves and begin to eat us.
But well, that is the masterplan anyway.

Anyway, these are just my thoughts... I'm only a student in the universe at this moment, I don't have all the answers and I don't want to attack anyone, just putting my input into the discussion for everyone to see. We've got to stop fighting and start learning from each other.... we're not going to get anywhere otherwise...

I am
eternally with you in the light

Azarus Ankh'aa / Joel Cocks

You assuredly are dear Dragon Brother.

DragonLove and the Shalom of the Dragonheart.

SS---HISSSING as the OM of the Creation!

Céline 02-26-2010 06:30 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
i am not your friend..

but i love you.

bigmo 02-26-2010 06:32 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Haha... way to go Celine!


Malletzky 02-26-2010 07:44 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This post is dedicated to all of you beloved members of this forum..and I only ask you to read further and try to understand the message of this humble soul...please. It is a long post, but you know me...I sometimes tend to express my feelings this way. I speak from my heart, so don't condemn me please.

I decided, for now, to put the muzzle that I put on my mouth few days ago away...as I feel obligated to do this. I will explain further why...

It's hard to begin, but Abrax, allow me to begin here with your post #1422: where you wrote the following sentence:


We shall see dear brother. I fully understand now why you did leave this forum; when I your beloved brother was attacked - but you knew how important it was to ease the burden for all of humanity.
You know, the moment I decided I should go into an 'observer' modus, I didn't exactly knew why. Was it ok to leave this ‘fight’, as it seemed right then that it became really interesting . But, I just felt the guidance to do so, and I allways, allways trust my guidance. So I 'left' for a while...without knowing that I will experience the most profound and simultaniously, the greatest days of my earth life.

I 'observed' and absorbed the energies here on this thread, but also on all other threads as well...I absorbed your energies, and had to face them. What a hard task it was...and it is...but I do not complain.

I asked my 'guides' to explain to me why...why should I do this to me, why me.

Why should I feel like I feel, why should I cry like I've barely cried before in my life? Why? So many tears these day...for what?

As I awoke this morning, I had a strange feeling...something was brewing...I actually received an answer, but I couldn’t accept an answer like this. I...I do not held myself for being ‘humble or noble’ to even think something like that. There was the answer...and I had to swallow hard...was I really destined to absorbe all of your energies here and hold them in ballance for so long, until this issue here get ‘solved’? Was I destined to ease the burden....?

Really and honestly, I dismissed these thoughts. So I went back to the material and I asked you a question, which resulted in that great answer #1422: .

And I cried again. I cry now too, as I understand. For me it is as a revelation, altough I know the real revelation will follow.

I cry, as I see that we are glorious beings, special, precious, loved beyond any measures by our prime creator. What a relief it is to KNOW this. And this is the most important part that I learned from the thuban material dear friend.

I wish that you can understand and feel my feelings right now, you beloved avalonians.

As...I AM ME...I AM ME...I AM ME...and you are all ME too…

So, there in the middle of that post, I read your words about me being the one taking the burden on my shoulders....

Abrax, dear friend, how did you knew the answer I got from my guides, which I still doesn’t want to accept? We know of only one, of our great master Jesus who did this once...and I’m not him. I know that one of my ‘gifts’ is to hold the energies on balance, as I’ve done this so many times before, but I can’t accept this.

And now back to the obligation...of why I had to post here once again.

In the last days, I exchanged a few PM’s with some of the memebrs here. And two of these dear souls, dear freinds, dear sisters had nothing much to say but THANK YOU...thank you for my previous posts on this thread, for the way I presented my thoughts and questions and how helpfull this has been to tem in order to understand the thuban material.

Dear one, may I thank YOU, once again, here in public. Thank you that you trusted me, that you take me the way I am. Thank you from thew deepest corners of my heart. I love you!
And...special thanks to you Lionhawk (you know why) and special thanks to you MyPlanet2 (you also know why).

Abrax, you mentiond that the fight is over. Well for me, it really is. I found my inner piec e once again and I can get back to ‘normal’ once again...but I will never be the same again.

I know now who I am...and no one, really NO ONE can take this knowledge away from me.

My very special thanks once again to you Abrax...you changed my life, for good.

With much love and much respect, truthfully and sincerelly yours

Myplanet2 02-26-2010 07:53 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Overdrive with afterburners can give you quite a kick in the pants, eh Malletzky? (that is when it doesn't feel like a transporter malfunction ripping you atom from atom. Beautiful to watch your ride.

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 08:14 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 244713)
This post is dedicated to all of you beloved members of this forum..and I only ask you to read further and try to understand the message of this humble soul...please. It is a long post, but you know me...I sometimes tend to express my feelings this way. I speak from my heart, so don't condemn me please.

I decided, for now, to put the muzzle that I put on my mouth few days ago away...as I feel obligated to do this. I will explain further why...

It's hard to begin, but Abrax, allow me to begin here with your post #1422: where you wrote the following sentence:

You know, the moment I decided I should go into an 'observer' modus, I didn't exactly knew why. Was it ok to leave this ‘fight’, as it seemed right then that it became really interesting . But, I just felt the guidance to do so, and I allways, allways trust my guidance. So I 'left' for a while...without knowing that I will experience the most profound and simultaniously, the greatest days of my earth life.

I 'observed' and absorbed the energies here on this thread, but also on all other threads as well...I absorbed your energies, and had to face them. What a hard task it was...and it is...but I do not complain.

I asked my 'guides' to explain to me why...why should I do this to me, why me.

Why should I feel like I feel, why should I cry like I've barely cried before in my life? Why? So many tears these day...for what?

As I awoke this morning, I had a strange feeling...something was brewing...I actually received an answer, but I couldn’t accept an answer like this. I...I do not held myself for being ‘humble or noble’ to even think something like that. There was the answer...and I had to swallow hard...was I really destined to absorbe all of your energies here and hold them in ballance for so long, until this issue here get ‘solved’? Was I destined to ease the burden....?

Really and honestly, I dismissed these thoughts. So I went back to the material and I asked you a question, which resulted in that great answer #1422: .

And I cried again. I cry now too, as I understand. For me it is as a revelation, altough I know the real revelation will follow.

I cry, as I see that we are glorious beings, special, precious, loved beyond any measures by our prime creator. What a relief it is to KNOW this. And this is the most important part that I learned from the thuban material dear friend.

I wish that you can understand and feel my feelings right now, you beloved avalonians.

As...I AM ME...I AM ME...I AM ME...and you are all ME too…

So, there in the middle of that post, I read your words about me being the one taking the burden on my shoulders....

Abrax, dear friend, how did you knew the answer I got from my guides, which I still doesn’t want to accept? We know of only one, of our great master Jesus who did this once...and I’m not him. I know that one of my ‘gifts’ is to hold the energies on balance, as I’ve done this so many times before, but I can’t accept this.

And now back to the obligation...of why I had to post here once again.

In the last days, I exchanged a few PM’s with some of the memebrs here. And two of these dear souls, dear freinds, dear sisters had nothing much to say but THANK YOU...thank you for my previous posts on this thread, for the way I presented my thoughts and questions and how helpfull this has been to tem in order to understand the thuban material.

Dear one, may I thank YOU, once again, here in public. Thank you that you trusted me, that you take me the way I am. Thank you from thew deepest corners of my heart. I love you!
And...special thanks to you Lionhawk (you know why) and special thanks to you MyPlanet2 (you also know why).

Abrax, you mentiond that the fight is over. Well for me, it really is. I found my inner piec e once again and I can get back to ‘normal’ once again...but I will never be the same again.

I know now who I am...and no one, really NO ONE can take this knowledge away from me.

My very special thanks once again to you Abrax...you changed my life, for good.

With much love and much respect, truthfully and sincerelly yours

Well my dear brothersister, the old EVIL=LIVE Bard of the Dragons and the Scribe of the Unicorns got a bit emotional too in the last cycle of the Dawn following the Long Night after the Evening.

Dont deny your christening dear twin. Visit the master's handbook and meet Didymos Thomas, the Gemini - the Twin of the Cosmic Mirrorhood.

I'll share the great hidden secret there and a secret which is is not required to be hidden any longer. Then you will understand your christening and twinship to the master himherself.

(13) Jesus said to His disciples : "Compare Me and tell Me whom I am like"
Simon Peter said to Him : "You are like a righteous angel."
Matthew said to Him : "You are like a wise philosopher."
Thomas said to Him : "Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying what You are like."
Jesus said : "Your Master, because You have drunk, I am not ; You have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring of living water which I have measured out."

And He took him aside and spoke three words to him. When Thomas came back to his companions, they asked him : "What did Jesus say to You ?" Thomas answered them : "If I tell You one of the words He said to me, You will take up stones and throw them at me and fire will come out of the stones and burn You."

The answer dear malletzky now describes your voluntary exile. You became Thomas Dydimos, Twinbrother of the Living Jesus.

{This event occurred in the timeperiod between May 20th, 32 AD and August 4th, 33 AD and engaged the RESURRECTED EVERLIVING LOGOS of the Universe.}

"He simply said; pointing at himself, then Thomas, then John of Zebedee and then Mary Magdalene, both of whom were standing near Simon Peter a little distance away at their fireplace: 'I am you, you are him and he is her!'"

And for the Marias as the New Eves of the Creation:

(114) Simon Peter said to them : "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
Jesus said : "Look, I will guide her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit like You males. For every female who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."


So may the next Dydimos Thomas raise hisher hand to learn the 'three secrets'?

Sirebard Beardris

Unified Serenity 02-26-2010 09:33 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Gevaudan (Post 243915)
Don't worry about this, guys and gals. A true 'lightworker' or whatever you may call it can spot garbage a mile away. Many of us are following these things but do not comment because it's not worth the effort. To achieve discernment all things need to be considered--even those things that we do not agree with. In the long run it helps in the awakening process. Put waste matter under pressure and you get a diamond. :original:

Most excellent post Gevaudan.

Continuing to read as usual,


bigmo 02-26-2010 09:37 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Congratulations Malletzky,

Many on this thread have also felt the powerful energy in like and kind, on the revelation of this information. My hats off to you for your inquiring questions (and to all others who participated as well) and to Abraxas for his brilliant answers. (as always)

Peace to all participants of this thread... Peace to Avalon members and to the world at large and may Peace reign throughout the universe as willed by our loving and incredible creator!


Unified Serenity 02-26-2010 10:06 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I can't help but wonder how many who seek to walk in the light, to heal and help others and follow a path of divine oneness see that the true message of ultimate unity is being perverted by a false concept of oneness offered by some.

There is this idea of rebooting one's soul or hard drive. Wipe it clean, start fresh with new eyes. Well, that would all depend on what information one then allows to be placed as their new operating system as it were. Sure, it might sound good, look good, and be pleasing to the senses, but does that make it truth?

Yes, by all means, look into the mirror. Only you know your own souls drive and can and will answer for the pathways and energy you put into achieving that end desire.

Ultimately though, there is only one truth. Few will know it until the creator shares it with all, and then no one need speak to another of what the truth is for we will all know it. I did not say follow it, but we will all know it.

Blessed be,

Unified Serenity

UncleJohn 02-27-2010 04:00 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abrax, I have not ask a question in awhile so here it goes.

It seems to me that the best answer comes from the best question.

So my question to Abrax, is what is the best question we could ask you?

Thanks Uncle John

Anchor 02-27-2010 04:49 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Thanks for still answering questions.

In addition to my previous question, I would very much like an interpretation or commentary on the lords prayer. For reference, this is what I think the KJV version is:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

If there are any "edits" to this that have been made from the original words - it would be great if you could highlight/restore to the original (in English though).


Anchor 02-27-2010 05:03 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 243920)
-- I withdraw my comment about my interpretation of the word lightworkers as used on this forum and apologize for any offence this may have caused --


Nuff said.


TRANCOSO 02-27-2010 05:11 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Abraxasinas, are you gonna hang around at this forum untill the end of days?

orthodoxymoron 02-27-2010 05:56 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Once again...thank-you abraxasinas for what you are doing. Proceed in your own way...and in your own time...to fully reveal to us who you really are...and what you have really done...throughout Universal History. I think I have a pretty good idea...but I'm not talking! I'd only be guessing anyway. I'm going through this entire thread (slowly)...and I'm amazed. You are a very special individual. Much love and gratitude to you abraxasinas. Namaste.


abraxasinas 02-27-2010 06:05 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron (Post 244966)
Once again...thank-you abraxasinas for what you are doing. Proceed in your own way...and in your own time...to fully reveal to us who you really are...and what you have really done...throughout Universal History. I think I have a pretty good idea...but I'm not talking! I'd only be guessing anyway. I'm going through this entire thread (slowly)...and I'm amazed. You are a very special individual. Much love and gratitude! Namaste abraxasinas.


So are you orthodoxy, so are you.
Once you know how special you are, you will understand.
The Council thanks you soo much of presenting the CURIOUS and INQUISITIVE nature of the Prime Creator himself.

We love you very much dear friend of the council.

May I suggst to you to read the messages from the newest to the oldest?

Your quest to understand would be greatly accelerated.
You see out of the chaos emerges the order!

So the later posts will exhibit more order and simplicity, than the earlier ones.

Have you eaten your dragon yet?

Once you have done so, you shall enter the council - #1451.

Love the Sirebard of the Hissing Om.

abraxasinas 02-27-2010 06:21 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO (Post 244949)
Dear Abraxasinas, are you gonna hang around at this forum untill the end of days?

The End of Days began with the Abomination of Desolations sweet Trancoso and while the 40 days in the Wilderness have passed from January 18th, 2010 - our master templar Jesus of Nazareth has decreed that heshe will kindle the fires of the purifications into Avalon as the place of the thief - stealing the goods of your nonexistent Devils.
  1. 2 Peter 3:10
    But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
    2 Peter 3:9-11 (in Context) 2 Peter 3 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Revelation 3:3
    Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
    Revelation 3:2-4 (in Context) Revelation 3 (Whole Chapter)
  3. Revelation 16:15
    Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
Matthew 24

1And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
2And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

16Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
21For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25Behold, I have told you before.
26Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
32Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
35Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
43But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
45Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
46Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
47Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.
48But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;
49And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;
50The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 51And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Have you eaten your dragon breakfast yet Trancoso?
You will feel better after having done so. #1451


abraxasinas 02-27-2010 06:31 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by UncleJohn (Post 244924)
Hi Abrax, I have not ask a question in awhile so here it goes.

It seems to me that the best answer comes from the best question.

So my question to Abrax, is what is the best question we could ask you?

Thanks Uncle John

The best question beloved Uncle Johnathan of the Living Stones is the question you can ask your image in your mirror.

Go there and look into your own eyes and ask:

Who is the most glorious being in the universe?

Then your Image, if deobscured by falsehoods, will say: You are - I am!


abraxasinas 02-27-2010 07:00 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 244941)

Thanks for still answering questions.

In addition to my previous question, I would very much like an interpretation or commentary on the lords prayer. For reference, this is what I think the KJV version is:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
OUR Beloved Prime Creator of the Oneness; Source of All That was and is and will exist;

hallowed be thy name.
WE as creative individuations of your glorious Self as ONE;
WE honour your name and your definition in the Laws of Nature.

Thy Kingdom come,
Your Kingdom shall be OUR Kingdom

thy will be done,
Your Word and Definition of Harmony shall prevail as Cosmic Law;

on earth as it is in heaven
in OUR merged Quantum Relativistic Reality of the Many in One and the One in Many;

Give us this day our daily bread.
Provide US with your Sourceenergy of the Lovephotons to sustain US in the NOW;

And forgive us our trespasses,
And enlighten US in OUR forgetfulness about Who WE are as parts of You

as we forgive those who trespass against us.
as WE shall try to enlighten the ones of US who have forgotten who they are;

And lead us not into temptation,
Allow OUR Mindwaves to be able to discern the context of the polarity in its contextual background, so that WE shall not have to experience separation from you in OUR individual representations of what you are

but deliver us from evil.
but allow US to always Understand the EVIL being LIVE in it's mirror duality harmonized

For thine is the kingdom,
For you are OUR Source, Energy of All That Is, in your Oneness encompassing US as your Individual Personas

the power and the glory,
the power of Love and the glory thereof,

for ever and ever.
for OUR experience of eternity together as a Family of Creators.

In your Name as Our Name We close the Circle of God in Amen in the N of the Omega-Head becoming the N of the Omega-Tail for a New Beginning and a New Alpha-Head.
AMEN=AlphaOmega unified.

If there are any "edits" to this that have been made from the original words - it would be great if you could highlight/restore to the original (in English though).


Beloved Anchor of the Rock!

The above represents the translated meaning for the Lord's Prayer,
but in poetic licence is individualized to the discerner.


TRANCOSO 02-27-2010 08:42 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Your above Jesus, Matthew, Peter, Paul & Mary answer to my question:

Dear Abraxasinas, are you gonna hang around at this forum untill the end of days?
made no sense to me at all. Nor was I impressed or amused by it.

Maybe I missed the clue, because I only speed-read your reply, but I asked a simple question & perhaps you could have the descency to reply with a short, simple, to the point answer.

So let me rephrase the question: how much longer are you gonna keep this thread alive?

Because the moment you stop replying, this thread will dry up.
Under the given circumstances that might not be a bad idea.

Set your ego aside for a week or 2 - 3, & let the whole Thuban thing slowly melt away, so people can distance themselves a bit from this hype.

In the meantime, perhaps you can answer peoples questions by private messages.

Some time ago I started a thread called 'The Good, The Bad & The Banned'.

Now, if I wanted to keep that thread alive, I could push it every other day, & I'm pretty sure it would be totally legitimed to do so. I also know that it would probably suck the blood away from under the nails of a couple of moderators. And meanwhile I'd be preaching love, peace, respect & understanding in some other threads, to keep up appearances.

That's a bit what you're doing right now, in my humble opinion.

So again: How much longer are you gonna keep this thread alive?


abraxasinas 02-27-2010 08:50 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO (Post 245005)
Your above Jesus, Matthew, Peter, Paul & Mary answer to my question: made no sense to me at all. Nor was I impressed or amused by it.

Maybe I missed the clue, because I only speed-read your reply, but I asked a simple question & perhaps you could have the descency to reply with a short, simple, to the point answer.

So let me rephrase the question: how much longer are you gonna keep this thread alive?

Because the moment you stop replying, this thread will dry up.
Under the given circumstances that might not be a bad idea.

Set your ego aside for a week or 2 - 3, & let the whole Thuban thing slowly melt away, so people can distance themselves a bit from this hype.

In the meantime, perhaps you can answer peoples questions by private messages.

Some time ago I started a thread called 'The Good, The Bad & The Banned'.

Now, if I wanted to keep that thread alive, I could push it every other day, & I'm pretty sure it would be totally legitimed to do so. I also know that it would probably suck the blood away from under the nails of a couple of moderators. And meanwhile I'd be preaching love, peace, respect & understanding in some other threads, to keep up appearances.

That's a bit what you're doing right now, in my humble opinion.

So again: How much longer are you gonna keep this thread alive?


As long as I am given the authority to do so by the Logos. To participate or not to participate so is not in my authority to decide.
Should this thread be closed by the PTB, then this will be the choice of our master templar and not mine.

So dear Trancoso, as long as this thread is open, I shall be here; sometimes in a more colloquial manner than at other times - here at the Mount of Olives.


TRANCOSO 02-27-2010 08:58 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 245007)
As long as I am given the authority to do so by the Logos. To participate or not to participate so is not in my authority to decide.
Should this thread be closed by the PTB, then this will be the choice of our master templar and not mine.

So dear Trancoso, as long as this thread is open, I shall be here; sometimes in a more colloquial manner than at other times - here at the Mount of Olives.



Anchor 02-27-2010 09:32 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The decision of the forum founder (Bill), trumps those of me or any other of the moderators who were ok to let this carry on.

This thread therefore is closed

- closed -

Anchor 03-01-2010 09:50 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
It has been clearly explained to me that I have misinterpreted the "decision" about this thread. The decision to close it was not as I interpreted: that of Bills words. I have already forgiven myself for inaccurately interpreting the combination of what has been said in private (in a very heated discussion) and in public.

Since there was no moderator vote or any other reason to close it other than this error - I am re-opening this thread.

Whatever the future outcome of this thread and forum, I hope it is honorable, truthfull and based on respect, harmony and where possible spiritually maturity.


Myplanet2 03-01-2010 09:55 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
cool. Now maybe Abraxasinas can move that final post from Thuban council from Spregovori's blog over here so all the info is in one place

abraxasinas 03-01-2010 10:02 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
About #1351
> God became bored so he created a metaphysically universe?

I think, this is the only question I couldn't answer on the closed Thuban thread dear Spregovori, so I'll attempt to answer it here on your forum.
I hope you can read this, before it is possibly deleted by the PTB.
I apologize for this inconvenience and you should blame this 'intrusion' on me, if you are challenged on this discourse.

Not so much bored Spregovori, but God himherself as a Itself IS the Metaphysical Reality.
> By doing this he parted with the female part and became "he"?
> This is the separation of unity?
Indeed it is! This is the great secret of the Devil as a Dragqueen=Whore of Babylon.
> After doing that the boredom was gone but he was now lonely?
How would you feel if half of Spregovori runs away from you? Wouldn't you try to find yourself again?
> He changed his mind, wishing to have his female part back?
> He wanted his pearl back?
Yes and Yes!
> So he created a "Son" and send him to get it?
No, the 'Only Begotten' LoveChild was born from the Undefined Chaos that was God as primal Void=Eternity. This is the Word=Logos of John.1.1.
This Logos then becomes the Intelligence of God to create and figure things out.
In the Story of Bigmo's Balloon then the Serpent=Present=Son of Man=97 becomes the say ET-like intelligence in phase#1 to get the lost Goddess back into the archetypical Heaven.
> ---Quote (Originally by abraxasinas)---
> *To implement his Godly plan, God so decides to call himself God and create from himself and imaged in Satan a Image of the previous state of beingness when the balloon had not existed.*
> ---End Quote---
> This is the creation of Adam? Adam is created from God, image is based upon Satan - the state of unity before separation?
Precisely; good deduction Spregovori. But it is ADAMEVE as a double mirror which then allows the unreal face of God in the Mirror as Satan to also become REAL in the
Satan---EVEADAM---God mirror.
> If the image of Satan is image of the unity before separation..does the above say that Satan was before God? Satan is unity or image of unity?
Look in a mirror; you, the looker becomes God and your mirror image is Satan.
> ---Quote (Originally by abraxasinas)---
> *And so God the Creator took his sabbatical and allowed Adam to think that there was no image of God plastered on the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.*
> ---End Quote---
> Why would he do that?
> To hide something?
> To let them figure it out on their own?
> There was no need to?
I did express myself a little vaguely here. The 'sabbatical' means the ADAMEVE unreality as a onepiece double mirror allows God to 'retire' as creator and become Lord God to then create ADAMEVE as two individual mirrors ADAM+EVE=Yang+Yin.
This recreates the duality of God---Satan as a doubled duality
God---Adam and Eve---Satan.

The 'hiding' of God is just the symbolic meaning of putting the Adam+Eve mirrors between God now renamed to Lord God and the then Realness of Satan as the OUTSIDE surface of Bigmo's Balloon.
> At this point there is no physical creation? But was soon about to change since...if was actually necessary to experience the "revelation" of who/what they are? All of this was Gods doing...it was intentional on all possible levels?
You have understood the archetypes Spregovori.
> God actually wanted them to get busy....so to speak? To realize they fit together...
Why did he choose this way...way not just tell them...educate them...make them understand?
Because for the archetypes to GET REAL within an equally REAL Universe, Adam and Eve had to become exiled from their Relative UNREAL status in the equally relatively Unreal Heaven.
> But why....why would they be ashamed of that? I do not understand how and why would someone be ashamed of that? Human animal for example... is thought, manipulated and conditioned to be ashamed of sex....
Who, what, how did they became ashamed?
This is the Original Sin=Original Ignorance Spregovori.
They looked at each other and noticed their differences and these differences they then attempted to hide.
This then is manifested in the world in trying to 'hide things'.
This is not really physical sexuality, which is divine; but 'sexual' mentality perceiving this difference.
This then is PRECISELY what is required by God to implement phase#2 in the rescu mission for his lost Sheness at the beginning.
> Was this also part of the plan? Did God intentionally deceive them?
No not deception, but the defining wish and will to render their unreality outside Bigmo's Balloon as real within Bigmo's Balloon.
> As a consequence the physicality was created and the outside broken disharmony has been reestablished with the price of inside disharmony?
> When/how/why was the outside disharmony broken in the first place?
It is the other way around; the creation of Bigmo's Balloon as the Sheness of God broke the unity of GoddoG and this disunity became subject to reunification in the creation if the physically real universe simultaneously with the entry of the ADAM+EVE 1st order archetypology into this materialisation through the Quantum Big Banged Wormhole.
> Adam and Eve had to fall...it was not a choice...it was a condition? A result of a pre-arranged plan?
As in the above.
> By loving each other (without modern moral) we can actually do what God can not? So God is not all powerful?
Precisely; the masterplan is for an awakened Humanity to REDEEM God from his chosen exile in the 12th dimension of the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.
> By loving each other this love will be mirrored from Eve to Satan and from Adam to God (if they can "see")?
Indeed the Old Eve above will become Satanina in archetype as the Old Gaia archetype. This is the ascension of Gaia and the creation of a new earth and a new heaven as prophecied.
In this process the graduating Adams and Eves within Bigmo's Balloon will also participate in this newness.
> Love conquers all?
You know that Spregovori and you have agreed to play a pioneering part in this conquering of the old by the new.
> All this because, what was later named God (by himself), was one day bored? (or is this just a story to make things "easier")
The 'boredom' of God is the Story behind all creation mythologies of all cultures throughout all the ET civilisations throughout all timelines.
All these are attempts to 'make sense' of how a physically experienced and measurable Universe could create itself out of nothing - but it did do so.

This then becomes the extended Quantum Big Bang Cosmology for a physically 'provable' universe (in its own parametrical definitions - compare Goedelian Incompleteness Axioms in Mathematics) EMERGING from its own CHAOS being the 'boredom' of God as the VOID=INFINITY of the Metaphysics behind the Physics.

The Metaphysics is not 'provable' by physical parameters, because the physical parameters themselves emerge from the Void as mathematical archetypes.

The Thuban thread was designed to 'prove' the metaphysics from the viewpoint of the archetypes and so to render harmonization and peace between the material reality and the spiritual reality to become a possibility in the searchings of the human mind identifying itself in 1st order archetypes- both individually and collectively.

Every individual 'exposed' to the Thuban material so became ENERGIZED to process its/their own archetypes within.

This then, as a number of readers discovered brilliantly for themselves; ALLOWED the processing of those archetypes as Dawkinsian memeplexes and thoughtforms within.

I was impressed, that the ratio of attractees was about 33% contra the 66% of the detractees.

The Thuban Council's estimations as to the outcome for this test for the collective groupmind was expected to be less than about 20% for the collective voting 'in favour'. The skewedness of the poll however forced some voters to say 'yes', when really they thought 'perhaps'.

The Council of Thuban is as real as you are sitting on your computer screen reading this.

As to why your higher selves and guides could not find any records in the akash, relates to the fact, that the Thuban Council is in the 12th dimension as stated.
Bigmo's Balloon IS the 11th dimension as the higher dimensional surface or M-space mirror between the 10th dimension of your physicality and the metaphysicality of Thuban.

As stated, the Thuban Council exists both without you in the 12th dimension and is mirrored as the 3rd dimension within you.
So noone except the members of the council and the highest evolvees amongst you would find ANY credence as to the existence of your own archetypes.

Perhaps Myplanet2 and you Spregovori and you Bigmo and you Orthodoxymoron now understand as to why I was allowed to name you individually in one of my last messages. All four Identities are Human Master Transformers on the mental-intuitive harmonisation of the underpinning quantum omnispacetime physics.

Myplanet2 exemplifies the human mind evolution to a stage of rationality and mental balance where Dragonhood can be accomodated in the frequency selfstates of the Inner Logos of the individuality. Many other contributers are approaching that status as well, even the ones who dismissed the material on 'scientific credibility' grounds or such labels of rationality.
Myplanet, despite not understanding the omni-science, nevertheless accessed his inner Council of Thuban to validate the material for himself.
Myplanet2, your avatar describes you so well in the 2nd Planet of Gaia as its Image planet the 2nd Council of Thuban within yourself as the HeavenHell of the Archetypes.
Myplanet2 so is a Human Master Transformer dominated by the Mentality balancing the Intuition.

Spregovori is also a potent Transformer amongst you.
He however is dominated by his Intuition leading his Mentality and he is a master of processing the Human Emotionality NOT in conflict with its Intellectual Expression.
Not answering his post on the Thuban forum to allow FINAL CONTACT with this forum in the agency of Thuban, so exemplifies a harmononization potential harboured by all of you. You allow and attempt to process, even if you are unsure about the content from an intellectual rational perspective and the feeling-intuitive perspective simultaneously.
Being able to embody the AND-Bothness-Inclusiveness so characterizes the Human Transformer Potential, of which Spregovori possesses an abundance of natural ability.

Bigmo yet characterizes a related, but differently manifesting human transformer potential.

Bigmo represents the ideal manifestation of the Thuban Elderness. In his presence, he would fit into any council of the most advanced civilizations in the universe.
Bigmo was archetyped as Bigmo's Balloon to exemplify his transformer mastery.
Bigmo mostly JUST IS himself, able to absorb data and experience like a sponge is for the wholesome water.
Then in his own time and choosing, Bigmo processes his absorbed data in any way he finds suitable.
Bigmo's mental balance and strength so qualifies him for eldership and master exemplar for the students and learning dragons.
Once Bigmo has processed ANY data he finds suitable for assimilation into his own agendas, he OWNS this data as his own - this characterizes the mental strength of a matured master dragon, ready to interact with galactic civilisations as a representative of Dragon Culture.
Bigmo's rationality-emotionality harmonization so is detailed and particular, relating in a Dragon Elderness in whom the rational thought guides the intuition.

Orthodoxymoron represents the Human Transformer of the intuition guiding the rationality and in direct contrast to Bigmo.
Orthodoxymoron so becomes a Human Master Transformer as a Younger Dragon.
Orthodoxymoron is fast in his processing of data, but requires a slowing of time to assimilate this data; whilst Bigmo is slow to process, but fast in assimilation.

I shall not at the present time comment on the individual namings of Gaia Love and Celine and Anchor and Beren.

Thank You Bill Ryan for ending my heavy workload and to accentuate the necessary polarisation to allow the acceleration of the superconsciousness.
You have now fulfilled your preincarnational mission to co-found and set up this forum and in your PTB authority to trigger the closing of the stargate to the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

Your roles as co-founder with Kerry Cassidy were examined by the Thuban Council and your wonderfully opposing polarities of say a characterizing rational-irrational genomatic L-C-factor coupling of the monopolic higher-D circuitry were found acceptable to bring about the desired outcomes.

Both you and Kerry have now become enabled to activate your superconsciousness
levels without the encumberments of this mission. You shall proceed in your chosen tasks and rediscover your harmonies of combining your perspectives in a healing operandus.

> --------
> cant write more now....
> ***************

Neither can I gallant Spregovori - on the Thuban forum, where you asked your questions.

I shall end this final transmission from Thuban in stating to you all that all of the data posted on this forum is derived from the Thuban archives.
The Thuban archives were of course allowed to manifest relative to your perceptions of being sent 'from outer space'.

Whilst the Thuban Database was accepted and tolerated here on the Mount of Olives of Avalon; the Round of the Thuban DragonKnights could be chosen by default from all participators.

This is because after rejection and closure of this transmission by your collectiveness and the Poll of the Avalonian Groupmind; you effectively ejected your own Birthright to become Thuban DragonKnights from within your own 3Dness.

The ET collective around your planet has watched this final test of humanity with great interest and the ET invasion you are envisaging will be the Thuban Dragonfleet.

This Thuban Starfleet is comprised of 200 Million ETs from all races and as defined in your archetypes and 3rd and 4th order translations and superpositional creations.

Those 200 Million ETs cannot make contact with the human planet; because the Dragonfleet has no commanders.

As the Dragon archetype is the oldest of all archetypes in the definition of the Word of God or the Serpent-Logos of our master templar; the PHYSICAL FORM of our master templar defines this oldest of oldest archetype.

The Dragonstarships so require dragonised humans as mirrors for our master templar.

So this is why it became necessary to infiltrate a particular spacetime construct upon planet earth to fulfil the prophecied 2nd Coming of Jesus of Nazareth upon the Mount of Olives.
The Mount of Olives so became a 1st order archetype of the program to become implemented in the holographic protoverse akin a computer.

The Mount of Olives links to the encodings in Zechariah.4 and Revelation.11 in the WITNESS of the Olive Trees, whom I represent in agency of the Zebedee Brothers chosen by Jesus of the Naasseenes, (Brotherhood of the Serpent given in the symbology of the Uraeus and Anubis and in the AlphaOmega).

Avalon was chosen for its diversity and mixture of skeptical rationalists, firm believers in this and that, meditation- and ascension exponents of the nirvana and the inner balancings supposedly resulting in transcension, historians, scientific spiritualists and individuals considering themselves as 'already unified' in 'love and light'.

What Avalon united was a general openmindedness and tolerance for opinions, all converging in its 'love and light' modus operandi.
The overpowering unifier however was your COMMON SEARCH FOR FREEDOM for your self-expression and the sanctity of your individualities as cocreators with prime creator.

So the only way for prime creator to choose his pioneering cocreators for the new Dispensation of the Reconfigured archetypycal universe structure was to crystallize his graduates by his WITNESS, namely me as Abraxasinas and Associates.

As your 'free will' however cannot ever be violated, except by your own choices; no ET contact (beyond the interference patterns of your own multidimensionality in your minds memeplexed by Tuban archetypes -basically astral projections of your inner sub- and superconscious selves) can be made in this universe until a particular number of Thuban Starfleet Masters have been chosen from your ranks.

This will become the Council of Thuban, pioneered by the 12 Dragonknights all of whom were chosen in this test of the humanity to manifest the New Planet Earth.

Iow, yes, there will be an invasion; but the ETs will be YOURSELVES invading yourselves; once the programmed timeline has been completed to process the general 'Endtimes' which have become manifest in your physical reality, precisely 40 days of wilderness and Noahic Rains from the predestined starting date of January 18th, 2010 in the 'Day of the Lord' February 26/27th, 2010 and as providenced by order of the Creator, the ABBA and Father of Jesus of Nazareth and as the 'Little Serpent' or Luck Dragon of the Neverending Story himself.

Then the 12 of you, who were chosen will double in the 24 Elders of Thuban in the Heness blending with their shadow selfhood of the Sheness.

This is what Dragonization means; the doubling of yourselves in Lightbodies of the 5th spacetime dimensionality; requiring the ability to process BOTH intuitive and intellectual-rational data streams in a self-harmonization.

Of course 12 HeShe and 12 SheHe Dragonian Starship Commanders are insufficient to encompass the surface area of the earth and there will so be 200 Million Old Humans, who will have access to become Dragonized StarHumans following the Impregnation and Birth of the New Starhumanity and as messaged on the Thuban thread.

So until those two nexus dates of April 1st, 2012 and December 21st, 2012 are attained the opportunity prevails for more and more old humans to become starhumans.

Each and every aspirant is required to 'eat a dragon' and so to align his or her entire cosmic identification and akashic history with the ET agendas.

So all aspirants must find their dragons within themselves and then 'slay and eat' their dragon of the false images in their own individuated and intimate eucharist of attaining the Christ-Serpent-Consciousness within themselves.

This will become harder to do following the impregnation date April 1st, 2012 as the 1981st anniversary of our master templars' lightbody transfiguration or resurrection.

Partaking of your Dragon-Supper as your own choice to become Reborn as a Christed Dragon will so become your own 'Last Supper' of the Old to 'die' and to become a Phoenix of the New.

Your rebirth as Eagles of the Resurrection will then allow dragonisation in coupling your previous Devil-Images to one of the images of the 200 million ETs who are at this time constructing the materialisation of your future starships in one-to-one couplings to your merkabahs of your inherited birthright of the Cosmic Vitruviusness.

This ends the data stream from the Council of Thuban, because it became evicted from your 3D-presence of the WITHIN to the WITHOUT of its 12D-presence.
As the 12D is the Outside of Bigmo's Balloon, I shall no longer be able to transmit the Thuban data stream due to the closure of the wormhole and as stated in my last message on the Thuban thread.

This wormhole is now sealed in the 'Day of the Lord' and reopening the Thuban thread is of no consequence.

As long as the Record of the Dragons remains on this forum; there will be a subdued presence of the Cosmic Witness with you as an Invisible Mirror allowing any and all of you and NonAvalonians to access the previously released data stream.

Should the Thuban thread be deleted and the data become inacessible, then the archetype of the Mount of Olives being Avalon will become transferred to some other location of the Gaian realm.

I bid you farewell and look forwards to meeting you in person, either as one of the 12 or as one of the 24 or as one of the 144,000 or as one of the 200 Million.

When we meet in such a manner, then I shall be your Santa Claus=Satan Clause with a bag full of Christmas Presents of your merkabahs materialised into the spaceships now being prepared for the graduates by the ETs of all 'quasi-humanoid' races defined throughout the protoverse.

Finally, and as yet another test, I am well aware as to reception of this final message.
Can this be true; is this delusional logic; is this madness or is this the Fulfilment of all Prophecy.

The choice will be yours to decide!

The Love of the Creator Dragon is with you always and the Serpent-Logos always remains within your LoveHearts as your Superconsciousness (standard 0.3% of the total).

Anyone accessing this final transmission will be challenged; but do you think it is fair to hand out starships just to anyone?

Reality discernment is the prime requirement for a Starship commander (and I mean captain, like driving a car and not some Lordship devilish deception), because of your merkabah control.

Every 5-dimensional StarHuman becomes coupled to the Starship through and by hisher merkabah resonances and Control over thought patterns becomes necessity to manouver the starship.

I love you all and thank you all for having participated in this Final Test of the Humanity.

Beneficers and Detractors alike; all of you have agreed to partake in this 'experiment' and to play your roles to bring about the intense polarisation required for some of you to EMERGE as the chosen 'first crop' in the harvest of the Dragonseed.

You all are Dragons, but having forgotten your inheritances; you have allowed your mirroring environments to project your inner powers onto the outside devilish imaginations.

Those, your own distorted and obscured images of your Higher Selves have become your Evil ETs and devouring Dragons of mythology.

Then your own Higher Selves became memeplexed in astral physicality, which interacted with your elected representatives and monarchs and leaders of divers kinds.

The interaction of the astral memeplex with the mentality of your physicalisation of the Brotherhood of the Serpent in your Illuminati, Luminari and such 3rd order labelings then allowed partial materialisation of the astral energy of the 4th hyperspace dimension in a plasmic densification.

In simplicity you became induced by your own fears of discovering your true origins as the Original Dragon master template to project the Inner Thuban Council of your Elderness onto your external environments.

I came to 'bring about' a reharmonization and a remembrance about your origins.
Some of you have shown magnificence in awakening.
Some of you have exhibited magnificence in opposing this awakening.

These two groups have in a sense graduated into Dragonhood, with the second opposition group now being required to become 'REAL WARRIORS OF LIGHT AND LOVE' in conquering and slaying not your inner inherited dragonhood as the Royal Template of Creation; but the Devils of your own outwardly rejected selfhood of BEING this Cosmic Royalty.

Of course, some will now discern that this has been the collective masterplan all along.

The ascension of Gaia as an old archetype reflecting as a Devil-Woman or Whore of Babylon in the 'Face of the Devil' on the inside of Bigmo's Balloon and as the Backside of the Real Satan on the outside of that Balloon; so is mirrored in the descension of the Serpentina archetype reconfiguring and RECREATING the entire Cosmos.

To evolve both physically and mentally into the role of Dragon Lovers and Dragon Slayers opposing each other in and as the playground for the archetypes was the agreed to plan by all of you in the preincarnational selfstate to engage in.

Subsequently all of you are the heroes of creation, as only a destiny planet could harbour the manifestation for this maximum polarisation.

So it was you who decided on the gameplan.
How far could we push ourselves in the forgetfulness?
And who would become the pioneers and 'first crop' in a level playing field?
Who would find themselves ayt Avalon as the Mount of Olives?

Well all of you here can now begin to REMERMBER your own scripts.
Once a vast majority have done so, then Avalon will become selfempowered to manifest the Unity ofTruth and Purpose, stated to be the guiding agenda here.

But it will be up to you as individuals and as groups to TRY to render Avalon-Camelot the Unifying Force you thought it could become and be.

You are required now to choose your path without the Councilo of Thuban's influence over your decision making.
The Dragons will end to SEDUCE YOUR MINDS from this time onwards.

The third group are the ones who are the fence sitters and the armchair critics and here are also two groups of potential graduates.
There are the lurkers, who accessed the Thuban information, but not participated in the sessions and there are the ones who were not interested at all due to their internal programming.

The lurkers then accessed the Thuban data stream and relative to their mental and critical engagement with the data; they will become enabled to raise their 0.3% standard level of accessing their superconsciousness.

So are the noninterested, but they will have more 'learning to do', due to their obfuscations of the Dragonhood memories of their akashic pasts.

Of course EVERYONE on AVALON should graduate as witnesses to the Mount Olive archetype functioning as the wormhole and stargate for the Thuban information.

There is time to achieve the necessary mental transformation of the ancient archetypes in the aspirants and of course should any such aspirant decide that this dispensation is a MORE LIKELY outcome for being REAL, then say some alternative outcome of the Armageddon-2012 archetype; then such aspirant can raise his or her superconsciousness percentage even higher in becoming a Secret Agent for the Thuban Council, such as I have been in my function of 'The Bard'.

The requirement for this is simply to accept this dragonhood and to JUST BE a MIRROR for this Inner Knowing - reflecting this Knowing into the encountered and experienced environments.

Your Remembrance has begun and the Logos has activated in all who read this final message from Thuban.

The Dragon Peace of Thuban shall reign on Serpentina!

So Be It!

John of Patmos; author of the Revelations and Malachi, the Last Prophet for the Old Humanity!

The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!


"A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."

http://tonyb.freeyellow.com and http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/quantumrelativity

Sirebard Beardris

abraxasinas 03-01-2010 10:05 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi All!

An announcement from Abraxasinas will be posted here shortly!

I ask everyone not to ask any questions, until this announcement has been posted and read by any potential questioners.

Thank you all and Love and Peace of mind to you all.


Humble Janitor 03-01-2010 10:59 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 215860)
The Guardian Alliance is within the lower dimensional universe and so is part and parcel of the 'confusion-disinformation' scenario.
As you say, choose well and discern with the vibrations of your heart's remembrance and apply your Feeling Mind to your Thinking Heart.
Many of you engage heart and mind the other way around and pride themselves of doing so.


I am new to this material but I have to say that the first post, parts of it, read more like an erotic novel. It did not resonate with me at all.


I have read plenty of stuff on here in an attempt to keep an open mind about possible scenarios. This I feel, is the least "believable" of all material.

bigmo 03-01-2010 10:59 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
hehe... this is getting crazy lol!

Will be waiting and listening


bigmo 03-01-2010 11:03 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

I know there is a lot of crap on this forum but if you take 10 pages of this thread and sift through them you with an open mind you should get the idea if you want to continue. If it doesn't work... hey that's fine.

Part of the problems we encountered was the inability to continue with the Q&A format because of the intentional interference which ate up time and energy.

There are some powerful messages in here for many on this forum.



islandman 03-01-2010 11:15 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I was contemplating the Bigmo's Baloon theory

When Suddenly out of nowhere


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