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Magamud 01-05-2010 01:38 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thanks Abraxasinas,
Some questions:
1. The societal demonizing of serpents/dragons is to slow down this awareness?
a. Is the characteristics or likeness of "demons" things that look ugly wrongly stereotyped. I often think beautiful angels and such are really the evil doers and the ugly beings are the ones enlightened..
2. Severe schizophrenia maybe due to the rigidity of this world and this type of population is compensating for us?
3. Is the lack of disclosure or communication from other sentient beings due to: That no one wants to take proactive action to intervene because a very very old energy is coming back to start things up with us? Orobourus...

You can answer after the 01/18/2010 if you want. I do enjoy your stream of thought and insight into each response, especially with the history of the devil gods.

abraxasinas 01-05-2010 01:39 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by akopij (Post 216182)
hi all, best regards and thanks for the instructive debate to the contenders

As you are dimension travelers I'd like to ask you about a certain place or group of entities I had met:
The counsil of AZKHAM

Well it's ok if it means nothing to you, just wanted to check it out.

You're all amazing


Hi akopij!
There is no contest here. The Thuban Wisdom has no requirement to compete with any other wisdom. It is sufficient onto itself but always welcomes its extension and growing in the blending with other forms of wisdom.
Everyone in physical embodiment automatically carries great wisdom.
It is very hard for a waveformed soul to find itself trapped in a physical body not yet hybridised into its lightbody - half material and half light.
Technically this is termed RestMassPhoton as a gauge Goldstone bosonic precursor of the Higgs Boson in much of the news regarding the particle accelerators at Genevea's CERN and Caltechs Fermilab.

The biochemical definitions and as built by the genetic codes are restricted in only partially functioning nucleotidal base pairings. So your biovital bodies anticipate a transformation into a 'lighted form' less vulnerable to external changes in the environment.

Ok the Azkham represent a powerful archetype, namely that of Charon the Skeletor Ferryman of Greek Mythology, who ships the 'dead souls' from the Land of the Living across the River Styx to Hades the Underworld.

I advice you to watch the Underworld 1-2-3 trilogy, as those movies somewhat describe your present soulstate.
You are only partially human akopij or better said you have chosen to carry a higher expression of the human DNA into this incarnation of this crucial time in the human historical timeline, than most of your fellow travellers.
You are of interest to the Noosphere of Gaia (Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin); as you carry genetic supertemplates, allowing you to mutate and antimutate from your psychophysical bodyform; which is more plasmic than the waking state for everyone.

Generally all you need to do when experiencing a lucid OBE or dreamstate is to identify yourself as the Ferryman of Styx. Then you will become the conductor of the experiments as your familiars will have to give tribute to interact with you.

Your key encoding so is: "I Am the Ferryman!".


abraxasinas 01-05-2010 01:54 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial (Post 216179)
Hello...well there sure is a lot of information posted in this thread that i can not verify!

Just thought I would say welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing at avalon. Everyone!


Can you summarize yours and the councils agenda at this time. What is it that you hope to accomplish in your brief time here?

Well have a great day...whatever dimension your in! :D JT

Salutations, Joker of the Realm!
You are playing the role of the tarot's Circle of Nothing very well indeed.

You can verify many things posted in these forums.
The parameter of validation becomes however subject to the criteria applied to what this verification means to you and how you interpret this verification.
If you seek for scientific facts, then the selfconsistency and convergence of information with theoretical expectations about experiments undertaken should be an allowed criteria perhaps.
You can also compare and analyse mathematical equations and formulations to search for inconsistencies or deviations from scientific obserations already in the collective global database.

The Terran scientific establishment consists of well educated individuals, each of whom is engaged in an agenda for the transformation of this planetary civilization as is everyone else.
All humans are geniuses and masters of cosmic creativity.
So a mural painter might be untalented as a mathematician and a mathematician might be untalented to be a teacher of hearing impaired children.
The starving child in Zimbabwe is also a genius with a hidden ability which remains suppressed as long the child is in survival mode and is forced by external circumstances to search for food, water, sanitation and a place to live in peace.
It is your dream on the soullevel Joker of the realm to change this drama and to allow the child in Harare to discover and bring forth its genius.
He may be a mathematician or a painter or a sculptor or a genius weaver of tapestry.


bigmo 01-05-2010 02:05 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

I feel you may have misinterpreted my last posting and I hope to clarify as I sensed a derogatory note to your comment. So I would like to try it again…

Having read all of yours and Stardustaqarions post it became immediately clear to me that I was in over my head.

In order to fully understand the foundational information, from which both of your postings originated, would require advanced degrees in cosmology, physics, mathematics and history. (you may even throw in philosophy and genetics as well) Assuming one had such degrees you could still argue, that trained experts in any field with the same educational backgrounds can and do disagree on the meanings of many things within their fields of expertise.

I found both yours and Stardustaqarions comments exciting, intriguing and curious. I was immediately drawn into your ‘friendly banter’ as I would be to an artistic contest. (a contest in which there is no winner only different forms of expression) If you took my term ‘banter’ to mean something other than this I apologize for the incorrect word usage.

Having said that, I still wonder how the average ‘earthling’ could even begin to hope to contemplate, much less grasp and understand the huge social, scientific, political and religious implications of the things that you speak of. Now you may say that ‘this is actually quite simplistic stuff’ and this maybe so (I would have no way of knowing if it is or isn’t).

Being one of those ‘average’ earthlings though I still wonder, if indeed this information you speak of is imminent in its dissemination, how ‘most people’ are ever going to come to terms with such huge paradigm shifts?

Generally shifts of these magnitudes occur in centuries if not longer do they not? I still wonder how people will accept such broad changes of understanding in such a short period of time. Will there be some sort of world wide soul ‘enlightenment’ that accompanies the release of this information?

If most cannot accept such far ranging ideas (which could seem likely) then what happens? I am… wondering.


PS I hope this is still ' on topic' enough for a reply

Anchor 01-05-2010 05:50 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 216369)
In order to fully understand the foundational information, from which both of your postings originated, would require advanced degrees in cosmology, physics, mathematics and history. (you may even throw in philosophy and genetics as well)


Being one of those ‘average’ earthlings though I still wonder, if indeed this information you speak of is imminent in its dissemination, how ‘most people’ are ever going to come to terms with such huge paradigm shifts?


These comments of yours interest me.

I think that there are other levels of conciousness that can be bought forth to comprehend the mysteries. If you go at this with your lower mind you are going to have a problem.

If you read complex material, meditate, read more, meditate - you will be surprised what happens. I know I was. I found the law of one complex at first, then over time it starts to make sense.

You can experience the shift in consciousness - it is amazing suddenly realising you understand something that seemed impossible before.

It seems to me most of our limitations are programmed in - for most people it turns out that we are more powerful and capable than we know or think.


abraxasinas 01-05-2010 05:53 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 216369)

I feel you may have misinterpreted my last posting and I hope to clarify as I sensed a derogatory note to your comment. So I would like to try it again…

Having read all of yours and Stardustaqarions post it became immediately clear to me that I was in over my head.

In order to fully understand the foundational information, from which both of your postings originated, would require advanced degrees in cosmology, physics, mathematics and history. (you may even throw in philosophy and genetics as well) Assuming one had such degrees you could still argue, that trained experts in any field with the same educational backgrounds can and do disagree on the meanings of many things within their fields of expertise.

I found both yours and Stardustaqarions comments exciting, intriguing and curious. I was immediately drawn into your ‘friendly banter’ as I would be to an artistic contest. (a contest in which there is no winner only different forms of expression) If you took my term ‘banter’ to mean something other than this I apologize for the incorrect word usage.

Having said that, I still wonder how the average ‘earthling’ could even begin to hope to contemplate, much less grasp and understand the huge social, scientific, political and religious implications of the things that you speak of. Now you may say that ‘this is actually quite simplistic stuff’ and this maybe so (I would have no way of knowing if it is or isn’t).

Being one of those ‘average’ earthlings though I still wonder, if indeed this information you speak of is imminent in its dissemination, how ‘most people’ are ever going to come to terms with such huge paradigm shifts?

Generally shifts of these magnitudes occur in centuries if not longer do they not? I still wonder how people will accept such broad changes of understanding in such a short period of time. Will there be some sort of world wide soul ‘enlightenment’ that accompanies the release of this information?

If most cannot accept such far ranging ideas (which could seem likely) then what happens? I am… wondering.


PS I hope this is still ' on topic' enough for a reply

allow me to apologize if you felt I replied to you in a derogatory manner.
Scientific discernment would easily crystallise the knowledge base in the 'banter' not to be a banter as such and I replied to you under the assumption that you would have compared the scientific content of the 'exchange'.
I so replied to you in somewhat addressing my perception of you commenting on the obvious. I was mistaken in this regard, as you state here that you did not differentiate on scientific content.
This then transform my reply to you somewhat in this manner.
The 'banter' is addressed in the usage of scientific semantics and so of course will remain obscure to the reader unfamiliar with that nomenclature.
Now the information shared in the scientific semantics is easily translated into the metaphors of the language of symbols and semiotiks. Ihave had some private correspondences of goddesses most likely less familiar with scientific terminology than yourself. These engage messages such as this one: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18716

Perusing this message, which is more poetry than science addresses the same subject matter described in scientific terms in this thread.
Many forum contributors have commented upon the technical verbosity of the material published by the 'Guardian Alliance' and I simply chose to 'debate' this 'verbosity' on its own terms, resulting in the banter.

Of course some material on this thread will be somewhat technical; but advanced degrees in the disciplines you mentioned are not required to follow the arguments.
As I have said, post January 18th any questions shall be answered from an higher perspective than mine and I hope this will be a learning experience for all concerned: questioner and repliant.
You see I am learning better etiquette replying to you, so you are 'priming' the potential future exchanges with your presence and in your communiques.

This agenda is a WE agenda in that the personal characterizations will be subdued in relative appropriateness and adaptation. Because I have started this thread, my standard of compliance to this standard is required to be as high as it can be.
I so truly appreciate the presence of older minds, which purely by commentary such as yours help to balance the exposition with the youthful exhuberances you surely have witnessed in your interactions here.

I do understand your perspective of the 'average earthling'. Can you see that this displays the mental maturity of which I speak?
You are a most valuable exponent of the highest good in the universe, just by anchoring and harmonizing the 'confusion' manifesting in the planetary groupmind (the Noosphere of Verdatsky and Teilhard de Chardin).
Your selfcentered mindedness is like a beacon of light in a stormy sea showing the butterflies of the nights to ship and manouver their individuated ways back to shore.

Do you have to understand the quantum mechanics of the quark-gluon interaction or the physics of Black Holes ? No! But if you can see that your own ideas about 'spirituality', the 'collective purpose' of human civilization on this planet and your own life experiences can and potentially are validated by this 'strange new science from dragonspace'; then you too would experience the confirmation of your life lived and experienced in the understanding of your true inner purpose for being in incarnation and in being on this forum communicating with 'strange thinking aliens' and the like.
But you know that - otherwise you would not be here.
And I know where you have come from and what your destiny is bigmo and that, because WE are a collective and the time has come for the collective to dissolve the ignorance about the cosmic selfhood of the human exponent within the galactic schema.

The Peace of the Plumed Serpent is with you bigmo.


abraxasinas 01-05-2010 06:05 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 216431)

These comments of yours interest me.

I think that there are other levels of conciousness that can be bought forth to comprehend the mysteries. If you go at this with your lower mind you are going to have a problem.

If you read complex material, meditate, read more, mediate - you will be surprised what happens. I know I was. I found the law of one complex at first, then over time it starts to make sense.

You can experience the shift in conciousness - it is amazing suddenly realising you understand something that seemed impossible before.

It seems to me most of our limitations are programmed in - for most people it turns out that we are more powerful and capable than we know or think.


Indeed bigmo, Anchor is repeating what I attempted to convey to you previously. You and anchor appreciate the balanced mentality, even if this mature mindedness thinks itself underinformed about particular semantics.
There is a big difference between Underinformation or lack of data and misinformation in whatever form.
Anchor has crystallized this difference.

Thank you anchor for your message to bigmo, he is a valuable asset.


THE eXchanger 01-05-2010 06:06 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
We were invited, to a private yahoogroup,
quite awhile ago, thru "M", who also posts here,
a new member, of PA/PC, and, a long term online friend,
for over 6 years, and, we read, a lot of the postings,
from abraxasinas yahoogroup...although,
that is NOT the name of the group
(if iT is one he shares, it is up to him to share it)
for some strange reasons,
many of the things, they talked about,
simply set off brain synapes/or triggers,
we oft times, would go,
NOW, there is a piece of a puzzle,
now, how do we integrate it, into our own thinking,
and, we must have 50+ stored emails,
that, we were going to share with that group,
although, we thought, without a full formula,
they might think, we were 'crazy' or 'nuts'
so, what we would do, is read, what they were writing,
and, then, we would take it to bed,
and, ask, to dream on it,
for, 1 hr, a night ~ strange things, started to occur,
we would know things, we NEVER studied,
and, this would fit, with that, and, it was really quite interesting
~oft times, we would need to read things,
once, or twice, to get a flavour/and, sense of it,
and, then, the 3rd time thru iT, something would click,
we still do NOT understand, all of it, but, we will say this,
iT iS definitely intriguing !!!
We adopted a policy, if we do NOT understand something,
we ask ~ and, if we do NOT really get something,
we ask, to be held in 100% alignment, with our own purposes/missions/ and,
tasks ~ and, we ask, to dream on it, for further clarification.
We are NOT sure, if any of the rest of you, utilise this technique,
but, iT iS ONE, that has allowed us,
to utilise dream_tyme, for more than just a beauty rest !!!
THANK YOU abraxasinas, for your sharings.

abraxasinas 01-05-2010 06:57 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Magamud (Post 216356)
Thanks Abraxasinas,
Some questions:
1. The societal demonizing of serpents/dragons is to slow down this awareness?
a. Is the characteristics or likeness of "demons" things that look ugly wrongly stereotyped. I often think beautiful angels and such are really the evil doers and the ugly beings are the ones enlightened..
2. Severe schizophrenia maybe due to the rigidity of this world and this type of population is compensating for us?
3. Is the lack of disclosure or communication from other sentient beings due to: That no one wants to take proactive action to intervene because a very very old energy is coming back to start things up with us? Orobourus...

You can answer after the 01/18/2010 if you want. I do enjoy your stream of thought and insight into each response, especially with the history of the devil gods.

Hi magamud!

1a) The very simple archetype is this and perhaps known from childhood stories.
There is a white angel sitting on everyones right shoulder whispering 'good things' into your right ear.
On the 'sinister' left there sits a dark demon who whispers 'bad' temptations into your left ear.
The whisperers 'confuse' the recipient of the whisperings and the master of the 'angels' as 'God' battles over the 'soul' of the whispered to with the master of the 'demons' called the 'Devil'.

The 'war' continues until the soul realises that the 'war' is not necessary.
The soul simply introduces the white innocence of the angel to the dark lustfulness or desires of the demon and begins a 'wedding ceremony'.
"With my authority of choosing to listen to any whispers as I please - I herewith define that both of you shall find the other irresistably attractive and your mischieveousness of attempting to influence my thoughts and actions shall herwith and henceforth be substituted by my presence as the 'Lake of Fire and Brimsone'.
The maleness within both of you I define to be the brimstone and the femaleness in both of you I define to be the Fire with me the encompassing Lake of Fiery Hellish passion of the bodyparticle as well as the Lake of Icy Cold Heavenly passion of the wavemind.

2. The present classification of 'mental disease' has never been clinically established; rendering psychiatry the greatest misappropriation of medicinal science in the history of modern man.
The universe is multidimensional and so becomes a kaleidoscope of interwoven fractals and holograms in a tapestry of geometric interconnectedness and quantum entanglement.

Much of the drama in so called 'mental institutions' is caused by the selfsame drugs and 'treatments' said to 'treat' the 'patient'.

If someone says: 'The devil made me do it'; then a truly advanced civilization would analyse and explore the notion and identity of this 'individually experienced devil' in the most meticulous detail, before 'judging' the claimant as having a 'mental illness'.

Is this 'devil' a thoughtform created by the mental conditioning of the claimant through childhood exposure to cultural practices?
Has this 'devil idea' been 'implanted as a false memory' in the claimant?
Has the claiment been subjected to some sort of 'abduction experience' where the 'devil' assumed some physicalised concretization?
etc. etc.

3. Your intuition is 'spot on'. The 'oldest energy' of all is visiting; is 'Coming Home'.

The oldest energy is that existing before the physical universe was born. The universe has a biovital structure like found in your body - the galaxies in the universe become holograms of your somatic and neuronal cells.
You are Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvius' or 'Cosmic Man'.
You are THE Adam in Genesis differentiated from Vitruvius as AdamEve the androgyne.
This universal archetype existed BEFORE there was an universe of physicality.
So YOU as ADAM are 'Coming Home', because YOU are already HERE.

So the Adam-Cell is YOU as ONE CELL in the Body of God - the GODDESS of the Universe.
Starsystems become the conduits for the information from Galactic Core to the Planetary Core - Gaia becomes the archetype for the Gathering of the EVES, ambassadoras to help ADAM to become ONE within the spacetime creation and AFTER having existed as archetype BEFORE the spacetime creation.
So lonely GOD=ADAMEVE uses the archetype to 'split into two' outside of spacetime so creating a purposeful cosmos and then to come back together again within spacetime in a doubling of the whole SheBang.

The reason for this information having been 'hidden' or 'occultized' hitherto has everything to to with the timelines discussed in this thread.
The agenda of agendas is BEYOND the nonphysical controllers behind the financiers behind the illuminated ones behind the government special interest groups behind the military sociopolitical and religioon based agendas behind the heads of government behind local administrators behind relatively ignorant individuals.

As said I can stand in for Thuban before January 18th; but after this date the data will become more potent.

Thank you magamud I feel I have been of help in your queries.


Raven 01-05-2010 07:16 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 216439)
Indeed bigmo, Anchor is repeating what I attempted to convey to you previously. You and anchor appreciate the balanced mentality, even if this mature mindedness thinks itself underinformed about particular semantics.
There is a big difference between Underinformation or lack of data and misinformation in whatever form.
Anchor has crystallized this difference.

Thank you anchor for your message to bigmo, he is a valuable asset.


I believe the best word here to discribe what it is you must do in order to understand this complex dialogue, is a word i fell in love with called "Grok".


hope this helps bigmo :)

Oh and hey Abrax, just out of curiosity, what vibes do you feel from me? You've peeked my interest. I am enjoying the depth of the story, but i must admit, you put my Groking skills to its ultimate. Dan Winter did this to me the first time i read him as well :)
Wink, Raven

abraxasinas 01-05-2010 08:20 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Raven (Post 216451)
I believe the best word here to discribe what it is you must do in order to understand this complex dialogue, is a word i fell in love with called "Grok".


hope this helps bigmo :)

Oh and hey Abrax, just out of curiosity, what vibes do you feel from me? You've peeked my interest. I am enjoying the depth of the story, but i must admit, you put my Groking skills to its ultimate. Dan Winter did this to me the first time i read him as well :)
Wink, Raven

An excellent contribution Raven. Indeed the GROKING is directly from the handbook of the Dragons.
The Groking IT is the same as technically becoming quantum entangled as object of observation and the observer - Schroedinger's Cat is Groking IT.
I shall henceforth use this terminology when describing the Solution of the Schroedinger Cat paradox.
The solution in Ravenese is the Cat has Groked IT in its Groked selfstate of quantum entanglement and I am rather serious here.
Groked in specific terms then implies that the 'Cat' is NOT EITHER Alive or Dead, but is in fact BOTH Alive and Dead simultaneously.
So instead of describing the collapse of the wavefunction as Aliveness in particle/bodyform with the Deadness of the corresponding wave/mindform; One can saty the 'Cat' is Groked, because IF Dead as a waveform it MUST be Alive as a a Particleform and vice versa.

Then in either state of the 'Cat's' Grokedness the 'Cat' is always BOTH Alive and Dead relative to either the wavemind or the particle/body perspective or observer frame.

So to describe the solution to the Schroedinger quantum paradox one simply stes that the 'Cat' is Groked.

What 'vibes' do I get from you Raven. I receive rather particular vibes and those are rather strong.

Your incarnation addresses a very potent, yet most often overlooked archetype in the scroll of the Genesis.

After an archetypical and metaphorical calamity, called 'the flood' and after the archetypical evolution of the Adam archetype had assumed the characterisation of Noah; this archetype decided to extend its 'sphere of influence' and activity.
So in the 'Play of the Gods' YOU as Adam have become engaged to fill the character role of Noah.
So what is the first thing Noah does in the 'script' of the 'play'?

He extends himself in sending his first messenger the Black Raven to check out the scenario following the 'mental archetypical' calamity of the changing of the guarding symbols describing the encoded storylines.

So I know what you are up to Raven. You are the messenger of yourself, heralding and preparing the way for your glorious return into full remembrance about your origins, purpose and destinations.

And the 'frequency transmission' was so strong, because you are mentally ready and prepared to receive this information about yourself.
The Raven did not return to Noah as you may chechk out for yourself; but the Raven "went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth." {Genesis.8.7}.
So Raven you are the messenger of Noah, who acts INDEPENDENTLY from his own self.
You so represent a renegade part of your greater self, which does not require the permission of its 'greater more encompassing' self to do what is appropriate under the circumstances.
You might also perform the function of the 'Secret Agency' which like the Council of Thuban manouvers in the shadows until the time becomes appropriate to interact with Oneself again after a period of absenteeism or AWOLness.

There is a strong astrological influence 'in the air' for another two weeks until January 18th. Stationary Saturn in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn with a quadruple joining of Sun, Venus and reverse Mercury in Capricorn. Added to this are the quadrantids meteor shower January 3rd and the solar eclipse of January 15th at New Moon in Capricorn.
The astrological significance of Capricorn-Cancer oppositions are always extremely unsettling for 'unbalanced' entities in either physical-, emotional- or mental bodies; because Capricorn archetypes the Father (Saturn) opposing the Mother (Full Moon) archetyped in Cancer.
So an inversion of the 'home energies' of Father in Capricorn with Mother in Cancer occurs on January 15th; when the Father and Mother exchange places in their celestial 'houses'.

For the metaphysically attuned however, this 'unsettling' also allows great harmonisation in quasi-unified exponents who are in full remembrance of their inner yin-yang unifications as mirrors or shadows of objectification and subjectification or as positive print and negative image in say photography.

Dan Winter's platonic solids are excellent, but he seems to get a little sidetracked when attempting to link the isocahs and the dodecahs to mainstrem science. I have had informants who told me they found some of my essays on his site, but going there I could not find it. I also shared some ideas with Dan in times past.


Spregovori 01-05-2010 10:00 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
While pondering about your answers..another question came to mind...

I think this question has not been asked: how did everything come to be? How did God/Creator come to be?

Official explanation is a "big bang"...

thingA went "buuum"... What made thingA to go bang...and what made the thingB that made thingA to go bang...etc

abraxasinas 01-05-2010 10:29 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 216503)
While pondering about your answers..another question came to mind...

I think this question has not been asked: how did everything come to be? How did God/Creator come to be?

Official explanation is a "big bang"...

thingA went "buuum"... What made thingA to go bang...and what made the thingB that made thingA to go bang...etc

This question is the bugbear, not only for all of science, but also for all religion.

Yes Spregovori, this is a very good question. Here is my answer in less technical terms; followed by the technical terms:

Science 'stumbles' in material regression at the 'singularity', where the infinite meets and becomes the void and religion postulates supernatural precursors as somehow deriving from this 'natural emptiness or void'.
In the beginning there was no space or time, so how then can there be a beginning?

This beginning is like an uncut circle or loop, whose alpha-omega point remains undefined until the circle is cut (linearisation from circularisation technically).

But the concept of the possibility of the 'cutting' infers a logistic ordering of before (the cutting) and after the cutting. This is absolutely independent of space or time (which are connected by the lightpath X=cT anyway).

But even the visualisation and concept of a circle requires space and so the 'Circle of the Void' cannot be geometrically dimensional in the common usage of the terminology.

Rather the principle of the Order substitutes for Space and the antiprinciple of Disorder/Chaos substitutes for the Nonspace.

So now you have reduced the cosmogenesis to the precept of how the space emerges from the nonspace. The key is in what (can) exist before the order principle. It is expansion/contraction and so say addition/subtraction.

The Order evolves from the possibility of the duality of the plus/minus (in core archetypes, later becoming charges, yin/yang wave particle and so on).

Then is there something more fundamental then the Expansion/Contraction 'Aeon' or Cherubimic Kingdom or Principality?

Yes there is: Identity/Antiidentity - defining the + to be the antiID of the - and vice versa (again in core archetype).

So you have a preBigBang prespacertimematter cosmology resting on 1-2-3 as Identity-Expansion-Order.

[The actual cosmogenesis is a monadic archetype (o+o=8 say) bifurcating into the binary archetype dyad {0,1} in an algorithmic selfprogramming of sorts].

Next comes the 'Invention' of Time as a Counting-Parameter and physically the inverse time as FREQUENCY.

The story continues in technical detail, but can also become expressed in 'scriptural-mythological' metaphor.


Forethought=Event A in Order as Before and Afterthought=Event B in Order as After Event A has occurred.

Event A is happening in the subplenum of the Void=Infinity and Event B becomes the MATERIALISATION (primarily via a physical cosmology based on the frequency parameter as inverse time) of the Event A.

Also note the highly significant passage in Genesis.2.5:
"And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."

Can you see here the solution to the chicken-egg or DNA-RNA paradox - in the Rooster's Egg preceding the Hen's?

So what happened to the Adam in Genesis.1.27?

This Man (presumed to be Adam) is not the same Adam and they are simply the archetypes for Man and Woman BEFORE there was any physical creation.
This is also the Pigeradamus in the gnostic literature, the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah, the Purusha in the Vedas and the Vitruvian Man of western alchemy (Leonardo da Vinci).

This is the 'Lovechild' of 'The Invisible One' as the Forethought and of Barbelo as the Afterthought.

This is the Logos known as 'Christos' or the Word in John.1.1. AND it is also YOU as the afterthought expressing the forethought.

John Shadow

Please keep the copy/pastes to a minimum.

Thank You


Originally Posted by Karen (Post 160103)

Posting long passages of outside text is prohibited.

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bigmo 01-05-2010 11:29 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and replies and especially to you Abraxasinas for your contributions and explanations.


Céline 01-05-2010 11:35 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 216431)

It seems to me most of our limitations are programmed in - for most people it turns out that we are more powerful and capable than we know or think.


i guess i am not "most of us" ...i have tried and tried to understand this thread. my mind has never been good with numbers.

Though i do find some fascinating information ...i feel almost...stupid reading this stuff..

am i the only one?

no offense meant to anyone here..i am just trying to learn..

abraxasinas 01-05-2010 11:45 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 216526)
i guess i am not "most of us" ...i have tried and tried to understand this thread. my mind has never been good with numbers.

Though i do find some fascinating information ...i feel almost...stupid reading this stuff..

am i the only one?

no offense meant to anyone here..i am just trying to learn..

For Celine!

The Parable of the Sandpit

Imagine yourself as father and mother with three-year old twins.
Both of your children, a boy and a girl are in a sandpit, where you watch them play.
You observe them experimenting and exploring their local environment - the sandpit.
The kids see the sand; they smell it, they listen to it and they try to eat the sand.
They fondle the sand and they feel it; they try to do all sorts of things to the sand, like sticking it in their hair and up their noses and into their ears.

When something like another child, even a twin, disturbs their endeavours, then they may start to throw the sand at each other; verbal utterances are supplemented by gestures meanings things like "It's mine!" or "I was here first, so just go away!"

This is the playground of very young children before school age and very well known to every

Now as father and mother, what would you expect as an answer from the kids to questions like: "Where did the sand come from kid?
Why do you think or behave like you owned it?"
If the kid could talk it would say: "It's just there! So I took it!"; and that would be it.

Would the child understand your knowledge and experience and logic?
Namely, that the sand came from a beach or a mine and ultimately from exploding stars called supernovae and so the universe?
And whatever made the supernova, made the universe and made the sand?

Father and Mother know very well that the sandpit was built for providing a learning experience for the children.
Then the father and mother might recall their own childhood and remember the times, when
they themselves had been playing in a sandpit.

Ah yes, there was Tom and Julie and Henry and Elizabeth.
And over there is Stephen and Rachel and Harold and Pamela.
They all had played and had ravelled in the sandpit.
Tom was now the chief research scientist working for the chemical manufacturer and multinational corporation Drug-U-Better & Co.
Julie had become a top PR-Executive of a transatlantic oil exporter.
Henry was employed as a chief banker for the worldwide Unibank.

Elizabeth was so pretty, she worked seven days a week as a supermodel of the catwalk.
Stephen had made his name as a world renowned mathematical physicist.
Rachel worked and part-owned a wholesale department store and thought soon to extend her
business interstate and overseas.
Harold owned and operated Trick-A-Cheapcar, a highly profitable used car yard and dealership; he considered it time to move into gold, real estate and the Vatican Bank.

Pamela made her daily run on the stockmarket; she was so good at it, that she had even given up her lucrative career as a lawyer over it....
And Dad and Mum are standing on the edge of the sandpit watching the children play in the
sand; but now the sand was made into different toys to play with.
There was paper and metals and plastics and other things.

The kids still chucked the sand around, but now they called it money and computers and rockets and things and cars and satellites and guns and things...
If all the kids are children of nature, the universe and if all the children are still growing up;
should they then not be destined to grow into entire universes themselves?

That is the logical conclusion in a development from baby to child to adult.
And Mum and Dad are standing on the edge of the sandpit, watching the children play in the
sand - they are always watching you and they are always loving you - their kid."


Stardustaquarion 01-05-2010 12:25 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 216369)

I feel you may have misinterpreted my last posting and I hope to clarify as I sensed a derogatory note to your comment. So I would like to try it again…

Having read all of yours and Stardustaqarions post it became immediately clear to me that I was in over my head.

In order to fully understand the foundational information, from which both of your postings originated, would require advanced degrees in cosmology, physics, mathematics and history. (you may even throw in philosophy and genetics as well) Assuming one had such degrees you could still argue, that trained experts in any field with the same educational backgrounds can and do disagree on the meanings of many things within their fields of expertise.

I found both yours and Stardustaqarions comments exciting, intriguing and curious. I was immediately drawn into your ‘friendly banter’ as I would be to an artistic contest. (a contest in which there is no winner only different forms of expression) If you took my term ‘banter’ to mean something other than this I apologize for the incorrect word usage.

Having said that, I still wonder how the average ‘earthling’ could even begin to hope to contemplate, much less grasp and understand the huge social, scientific, political and religious implications of the things that you speak of. Now you may say that ‘this is actually quite simplistic stuff’ and this maybe so (I would have no way of knowing if it is or isn’t).

Being one of those ‘average’ earthlings though I still wonder, if indeed this information you speak of is imminent in its dissemination, how ‘most people’ are ever going to come to terms with such huge paradigm shifts?

Generally shifts of these magnitudes occur in centuries if not longer do they not? I still wonder how people will accept such broad changes of understanding in such a short period of time. Will there be some sort of world wide soul ‘enlightenment’ that accompanies the release of this information?

If most cannot accept such far ranging ideas (which could seem likely) then what happens? I am… wondering.


PS I hope this is still ' on topic' enough for a reply

Hi, this is Stardust

A'sha has been commissioned to publish a book "Life after Earth" this summer, it will explain a lot of what it is going on and what it is the Silver Seed Awakening contracts

No doubt there will be more public radio interviews

Whilst I have not read all the comments in this thread since I last log off, I fully understand that the information is difficult to grasp.

When I started to study Keylontic Sciences, that are the scientific studies of ascension, I felt lost too, but perseverance got me there. Anyway there is enough material in their website to gently peruse

My best wishes

hippihillbobbi 01-05-2010 01:11 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Thanks for your commitment to this thread. i feel somewhat like Celine, i guess, in that sometimes i'm thinking what the f--k are they talking about?!? especially when you & [what's his/her name] were going back & forth earlier .... it was like ya'll were talking in code or a foreign language LOL!! but i've caught enough to have some questions, though it's taken me awhile to formulate them:

1) is part of what you're talking about the transcending of duality? /the death of the devil? / embracing our shadow (as a species)?

2) what is this about you being a vampyre ..... only not like the ones who only come out at night??? are there any other ways that you're different from them??? excuse my naivite, but i haven't read any anne rice or other pop-culture vampire novels, and so to me vampires still imply serious evil. what am i missing here?!?

thanks again, Abraxasinas, and all you other cool spirits on this thread ... ya'll rock!


Stargazer1965 01-05-2010 01:37 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 216526)
i guess i am not "most of us" ...i have tried and tried to understand this thread. my mind has never been good with numbers.

Though i do find some fascinating information ...i feel almost...stupid reading this stuff..

am i the only one?

no offense meant to anyone here..i am just trying to learn..

No Celine...you are not alone.

I'm a complicated guy but I'm a sci guy (scientific) and I would have to break each line down and research it.

Way too much material to do that.

I have a "gut" feel there is something important in here but it's over my humble head.

Is there a Cliff's notes version??


Céline 01-05-2010 02:48 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thank you for the parable...it is far easier to understand your point of view in that context.

i wanted to quote your text but there are so many ['s etc, that i had a hard time deciphering it...

i do understand the example you are giving, but i no longer think it applies...the kids in the box have changed.

as an example...

my kids would never have "thrown the sand" and said "mine"...they would have grabbed a handfull, run up to the other kid and said... "Wow check this out!!"

Tom, Dick and Jane... and céline are Different....

These rules..archetypes... do not apply anymore...

*céline puts her hand over her heart closes her eyes*

i can feel it in the rythym ....can you?

Céline 01-05-2010 02:49 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 (Post 216564)
No Celine...you are not alone.


Thank you, i need that :original:

Stardustaquarion 01-05-2010 02:51 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 (Post 216564)
No Celine...you are not alone.

I'm a complicated guy but I'm a sci guy (scientific) and I would have to break each line down and research it.

Way too much material to do that.

I have a "gut" feel there is something important in here but it's over my humble head.

Is there a Cliff's notes version??


Yes there is a Cliff version at rense or youtube on 2012

The bottom line, to be fair, is:

This story started billions of years ago with the fall of part of our universe, that fall is mentioned in the Bible too as the fallen angels and the wars in the sky

Since then, the Matrix has been trying to heal herself by sending more specialized beings to it.

To make it short that was what the Amenti Rescue Mission was about but it failed in 2003 with the fall of the Halls of Amenti. Many other things have happened since.

The "virus" are the fallen angels because they cut themselves off from source and bent the light that sustain all living beings in order to have "immortal" life and have the authoritary ways, in exchange for eternal life provided they feed the ghostly facsimile bodies they created with their fibonacci physics

The "God worlds" are a realm of equality and free will, they obey certain rules but those rules foster the creation and expanssion of all beings and it is a paradigm opposite to the fallen angels one. Please follow this link for the attitudes and responsibilities of mastery http://www.azuritepress.com/techniqu...ibilities.html which are the foundations of life as free beings
The fallen angels live in a black hole, that is mentioned in the Bible too as the Abby's?, where they have no input of energy from source sooo....they have to take their light source from other living beings like us, Earth, etc

Whether they call themselves dragons or whatever they are different than the common man on the street because they have no real life but artificial life. No soul, no spirit

To top it all, around 10,000 years ago they took over this planet in what is called "the Luciferian revelion" Lucifer by the way is a collective not a being,
so they have installed all sorts of technologies to pull our galaxy through their black hole progressively in order to keep their artificial life going

Many efforts have been made by the Guardian Alliance to persuade them of accepting regenesis contracts but the history so far is that they have accepted and they broke them again and again. Things went so bad that we are experiencing now what it is call the "inhale" breath and the part of the creation that is still conected to source is being called back

This planet is going through a cycle called Stellar Activation Cycle, the last one that will happen here because the rescue mission has failed, in which stargates open etc

As a consequence, we are in evacuation of the whole of the Universe where the Milky Way is. That means that every person that is still connected to source has the opportunity to leave this matrix provided they agree with the Silver seed awakening contract of which there will be details in the summer

The Dragons and the Vampyre lady are the ones that are taking over cos the defeated other bands of fallen angelic that were here since Atlantis. They are going to "assimilate" whoever is left here, through their black hole technology and EAT the quantum of the whole of the universe progressively

Eventually their black hole system will collapse but is going to take a while, and they will return to source as space dust for nothing is lost as it all happens inside the Alll Oneness

While the Guardian Alliance have said that there will be no pole shift in 2012 it is possible that the beam of the quasar could hit Earth, if that happens, Cliff High scenario will come to pass with the exception of immediate pole shift, and living conditions here will be rather difficult

The pole shift may eventually happen too

Because of the way the invaders are manipulating the magnetics of the planet it will be difficult for people that do not prepare themselves from now to 2012 to do ascension (transfiguration and stargate slide passage). Buy saying that I understand that there will be those that will help transfer the soul and spirit of people that can not make it through stargate passage, provided they have agreed to silver seed contracts

Of course the fallen angelics do not want people to know this because they lose the quantum (head count) that they intend to "assimilate" and eat as energy no physically. What happens is that people will die in the cataclisms and their soul and spirit will be absorved as you see in the hubble telescope pictures
This is a extremely simplified account and I will urge all of you to do your own research and make up your mind as soon as you can, because not taking a stand means that it is likely that the choice will be made by the majority of sleeper peoples in this plane.

Additionally, living under the rule of the fallen angels will be a extreme NWO scenario, which is basically living like straight forward slaves.

I must add that there are no victims here. Human angelics and indigos alike chose to come here as a kind of doctors to this matrix and regretfully things did not happened in the way it was desired
The choice is yours while you still have it until the 31st of January 2013

Please read the summaries in A'sha website, links which have been posted here above, prior making the decission of which direction you may want to go for many will continue in oblivion and their choice will be made by their rulers. Let your decision be a wise and informed one

It is likely that there will be a progressive escalation in the planet and because of the magnetics the internet will be erratic so think about that

Also many are commenting here that they feel tired, that is the magnetics too
I can only speak for myself so I will say that I am doing my best to keep the grids even in my neck of the woods. I know others are doing the same and we will do our best to assist everyone that comes our way. You have to do your bit too

In eternal love

Céline 01-05-2010 02:55 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion (Post 216582)

The bottom line, to be fair, is:

In eternal love

Thank you :wub2:

Stargazer1965 01-05-2010 03:29 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thanks...I read it....now I have to absorb.

Raven 01-05-2010 04:20 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
A poem to grok, which was written by me when i was 13 years old. I feel that poetry is an archetype of the soul, it awakens and inspires.

I lift my voice
To the music
And sing with the singers
Life's fleshy song,
Mouth quiviering with the taste
Of Lyrics
Foot tapping the floor drum.
My feelings ring
Through the blue arch of sky
Like winds of melancholy
Groaning the Earth's cry
To become felt as they
Go on,
Singing to a wounded world
It's living song.

I See through minds eye
Visions exploding inside,
Crystal tipped edges of blackness
Draped over white nakedness shining
Forming the figure of the
Venus of nothingness
Eclipsing her skin in it's umbrial lining
Enveloped in a crystal aura,
Amythist feathers ready for flight
Rainbow bubbles
Frothing on wings,
Reflected in this ethereal sight
Are facets of me in a dream.


12DnAHelix 01-05-2010 05:19 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
The 'Council of Thuban', eh; representing 'Alpha Draconis'.


So you know that the original stronghold homeworld of the 'Grandfather' dragons is in the 'Omicron Draconis' star system, then ??

I met Anna Hayes back in 2000, it did not go particularly well; and I personally do not ascribe to her overall perceptual model; although I do think there is 'some value' in the teachings of 'keylontic morphogenetic science'.

What is talked about here in this thread may be the level of insight that the 'draconian' lineages have to provide, I've seen some of this material posted on other forums in the past.

Personally, I believe in a multi-universal cosmos sphere, based on the 'seed of life'; six universes - 36 dimensions; being spun out of a 144000 faceted core structure at it's central axis - operating as an 'opaluminal simulation'.

12DnAHelix was here.

Fredkc 01-05-2010 05:22 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

All else is just Maya, ya ask me.


THE eXchanger 01-05-2010 05:23 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
we believe, in 36 dimensions too ~ albeit, formed over 3 matriXes ~ 12D/12D/12D
with both density/and, dimensions
12D/12d 24D/24d, and, then the 3rd matrix moving through 1D to9D/33d - 10d/34d, 11d/35d, 12d/36d
(and, sitting with the ability to connect future, too)

Raven 01-05-2010 05:59 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 216467)
An excellent contribution Raven. Indeed the GROKING is directly from the handbook of the Dragons. Handbook of the Dragons? Can you eludidate a bit on this... and thanks for the compliment:)

The Groking IT is the same as technically becoming quantum entangled as object of observation and the observer - Schroedinger's Cat is Groking IT.
Yes I agree, to understand all these metaphors and archetypes you have to "become" them.
I shall henceforth use this terminology when describing the Solution of the Schroedinger Cat paradox.
The solution in Ravenese is the Cat has Groked IT in its Groked selfstate of quantum entanglement and I am rather serious here.
Groked in specific terms then implies that the 'Cat' is NOT EITHER Alive or Dead, but is in fact BOTH Alive and Dead simultaneously.
Hence the void or the great dream?
So instead of describing the collapse of the wavefunction as Aliveness in particle/bodyform with the Deadness of the corresponding wave/mindform; One can saty the 'Cat' is Groked, because IF Dead as a waveform it MUST be Alive as a a Particleform and vice versa.

Then in either state of the 'Cat's' Grokedness the 'Cat' is always BOTH Alive and Dead relative to either the wavemind or the particle/body perspective or observer frame.

So to describe the solution to the Schroedinger quantum paradox one simply stes that the 'Cat' is Groked.

What 'vibes' do I get from you Raven. I receive rather particular vibes and those are rather strong.

Your incarnation addresses a very potent, yet most often overlooked archetype in the scroll of the Genesis.

After an archetypical and metaphorical calamity, called 'the flood' and after the archetypical evolution of the Adam archetype had assumed the characterisation of Noah; this archetype decided to extend its 'sphere of influence' and activity.
So in the 'Play of the Gods' YOU as Adam have become engaged to fill the character role of Noah.
So what is the first thing Noah does in the 'script' of the 'play'?

He extends himself in sending his first messenger the Black Raven to check out the scenario following the 'mental archetypical' calamity of the changing of the guarding symbols describing the encoded storylines.

So I know what you are up to Raven. You are the messenger of yourself, heralding and preparing the way for your glorious return into full remembrance about your origins, purpose and destinations.
Thank you, you are truely aware and i 'feel' your mirror is accurate.

And the 'frequency transmission' was so strong, because you are mentally ready and prepared to receive this information about yourself.
The Raven did not return to Noah as you may chechk out for yourself; but the Raven "went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth." {Genesis.8.7}.
So Raven you are the messenger of Noah, who acts INDEPENDENTLY from his own self.
You so represent a renegade part of your greater self, which does not require the permission of its 'greater more encompassing' self to do what is appropriate under the circumstances.
You might also perform the function of the 'Secret Agency' which like the Council of Thuban manouvers in the shadows until the time becomes appropriate to interact with Oneself again after a period of absenteeism or AWOLness.
Has been performed and is done, was allowed to go AWOL, or "LOWA" once again to observe the birth :)

There is a strong astrological influence 'in the air' for another two weeks until January 18th. Stationary Saturn in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn with a quadruple joining of Sun, Venus and reverse Mercury in Capricorn. Added to this are the quadrantids meteor shower January 3rd and the solar eclipse of January 15th at New Moon in Capricorn.
The astrological significance of Capricorn-Cancer oppositions are always extremely unsettling for 'unbalanced' entities in either physical-, emotional- or mental bodies; because Capricorn archetypes the Father (Saturn) opposing the Mother (Full Moon) archetyped in Cancer.
So an inversion of the 'home energies' of Father in Capricorn with Mother in Cancer occurs on January 15th; when the Father and Mother exchange places in their celestial 'houses'.

For the metaphysically attuned however, this 'unsettling' also allows great harmonisation in quasi-unified exponents who are in full remembrance of their inner yin-yang unifications as mirrors or shadows of objectification and subjectification or as positive print and negative image in say photography.

Dan Winter's platonic solids are excellent, but he seems to get a little sidetracked when attempting to link the isocahs and the dodecahs to mainstrem science. I have had informants who told me they found some of my essays on his site, but going there I could not find it. I also shared some ideas with Dan in times past.
Yes at times Dan tends to plaigerize, but truely, being all ONE this is not his intention, i understand that.


Stardustaquarion 01-05-2010 07:13 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
There is a time to believe and there is a time to know, I for one would not write about things of such a import to the human race if I only believe, if I didn't had the direct experience of other worlds and peoples, of worlds were mutual respect, love and freedom exists

I know too well how easy it is to quash these memories when we find ourselves in such a violent and competitive world as this one has become

Earth was one time paradise too

Indigos and human angels have great capacities, for example interdimensional travel, multidimensional awareness etc...but will they try? will they remember their mission?make an effort and do something rather than just talk?...make the difference on their awakening to this planet?

What is stopping you from realizing your potential? the potential that other life forms in this time matrix don't have?

What is the price of your eternal potential? of giving up the opportunity to expand yourself and become master of your own destiny, a creator of realities and worlds, rather than just space dust...it is not too late yet

All is inside God, all is God...even the things you may think happen outside you are really happening inside you, for no one can really love you other than yourself...your own God self

The All Oneness has it all and needs no-thing...no one...but whether you follow your god self and realize your potential or not you will still come back one day to Source as space dust...your identity, your individuality lost but the partikis that made it will be used again to create new worlds, new dreams...

The All Oneness gave you free will and while it prefers for its creation to be joyful and productive it always new you may decide to fall, to bend the laws...at a price of course, because these are equal interchange of energy worlds and every action has a consecuense in energy terms

The bringers of truth are rarely welcomed in earth, because it is so much more pleasant for the ego to listen to sweet and inconsecuential words...to believe in the maya rather in one's own intimately magical god self

Is time to leave and release you to your doubts and uncertainty, to your fear, to your alliances, saying only that you have a choice, the choice to be free, one last time...that you are loved beyond your imagination, that source does not judge you and that there is help for as long as may be possible should you want it...you now know where to find it

I AM a face of the original one, a friend, a family member from your Krystic family beyond the illussions of time and space

Ashalum ta Eckasha DUr

and so it is :flowers2:

Raven 01-05-2010 07:38 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

The oldest energy is that existing before the physical universe was born. The universe has a biovital structure like found in your body - the galaxies in the universe become holograms of your somatic and neuronal cells.
You are Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvius' or 'Cosmic Man'.
You are THE Adam in Genesis differentiated from Vitruvius as AdamEve the androgyne.
This universal archetype existed BEFORE there was an universe of physicality.
So YOU as ADAM are 'Coming Home', because YOU are already HERE.

So the Adam-Cell is YOU as ONE CELL in the Body of God - the GODDESS of the Universe.
Starsystems become the conduits for the information from Galactic Core to the Planetary Core - Gaia becomes the archetype for the Gathering of the EVES, ambassadoras to help ADAM to become ONE within the spacetime creation and AFTER having existed as archetype BEFORE the spacetime creation.
So lonely GOD=ADAMEVE uses the archetype to 'split into two' outside of spacetime so creating a purposeful cosmos and then to come back together again within spacetime in a doubling of the whole SheBang.
Forgive me, :mfr_lol: this one line just made me laugh like hell and think of this:

PS: i do have a very demented sense of humor at times :roll1:

TRANCOSO 01-05-2010 08:11 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

joesmoe 01-05-2010 11:03 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Finally I have found someone who will help me understand something that has bugged me for some time now. I am very close to Mormons. I am no religion but most of my family are mormons. I am very schooled in there beliefs and I know very much of what they teach.

1st question to you is did Joseph Smith really see God and Jesus as he claims?

2nd question Who wrote the book of Mormon?

3rd Is Jesus really at the head of the church. It's really called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints") The mormons.

Contrary to what most people would believe or know is that mormons are good people. They are kind and really strive to live what they are taught.

4th Who am I and why do I live within so many mormons.

5th Can you point me into a direction or give me an answer that might open my understanding. Please still answer the other 4 questions. Mormons have become a silent stigma that most don't understand. I Do.

Thanks for your time and wait with excitement to your answers.


Magamud 01-05-2010 11:21 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thanks Abraxas,
More questions please:
1. With schizophrenia its hard to find communication tools to help them integrate just for survival sake into society. Most of them have the same general paranoia with the NWO and beyond. Their relationship to the world has limited reference and is so whimsical. What would be the purpose of such an incarnation? Personally I think they are the consequence of such a controlled and manipulated society. That our world should be more malleable, a mix of dream and material.

2. You mentioned a 25000 year cycle. In general how many incarnations happen in that time?

3. In general most division manifested is just the friction translated from the "Ancients" coming home?

Its quite ironic to think that we are the creators of new consciousness in a world so set to program you into thinking you are a mere speck in space and time. Makes it more true.... Look forward to your insights...


Stargazer1965 01-06-2010 12:13 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Fredkc (Post 216698)

All else is just Maya, ya ask me.


In search of the lost CORD..

mntruthseeker 01-06-2010 01:44 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Some tough reading on this thread and I quit trying the first time around.

I have to say I am slowly reading Voyager II so I was able to understand what Stardust was writing in response. (sort of, kind of ) I got lots of reading to get through yet.

So thank you so very much Stardust for all that you have contributed.

I do want more than anything to make the right choice and to bring about the "changes" to Earth as it rightfully should have.

Enough of someone else making the decisions that are rightfully are. They can be gone from here as it is they that do not want to follow the rules but instead continue to give them

I want the world that was to be.

to abraxasinas

Are you here to warn us that we will be placed under your rule as was planned for so many years? I feel that you are giving us no option but to do so.

I have read earlier that there is much going on at this time in The Gulf of Aden and I can't help but think that "some" are working hard on trying to put "FEAR" into our hearts.

I will stop now before I write how I really feel. If you are so "all knowing" you will already know.

cloud9 01-06-2010 05:14 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
I finally decided to take the risk, I'll look ignorant and even more so because I haven't read Anna Hayes books which seem very difficult to grasp and as I understand much of the material in this thread is related to her teachings. I do have some questions:
1.- abraxasinas, who are you? Can you tell us more about you and your knowledge? I have read very extrange things in the last few years and I'm trying to learn the most I can but sometimes it seems too much to do and not enough time.
2.- How is it possible for "regular" people who need to work and keep a family to get all the information they need?
3.- Are you related in some way to the reptilians more than the rest of us?
4.- Silly me, I'm very curious about what you can see or sense about me if it's possible.
5.- In plain English, can you tell us what you see in the future for the next 2 - 3 years in recognizable or physical events for humankind?
Thank you and I hope other people like me who don't understand very much all the jargon of the thread can really "get it".

Thank you so much.

mntruthseeker 01-06-2010 05:23 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Cloud9 you are deffinately not ignorant

I too am just going through the books myself but I cant get a good feeling out of this thread.

IMO I hope you get answers to the questions you were brave enough to ask.

Ashayana's has much to offer but its very detailed.

It will be so nice to get OUT from under their rule.

Steven 01-06-2010 05:57 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Hello Abraxasinas. I have some questions for you if I may, and one comment.

1. May you tell us about the long lasting conflict between the Lyrians and the Alpha Draconis?

2. What is Freewill in Creation?

3. Who are the Founders?

Here is my comment, I have read almost all your posts and compared them to some interesting links you have provided. You seem to overload your sentence with complex and "self-created" words very often to explain your thoughts. Why do you do this? To make it look foreign and of high unreachable culture? Or to loose us into complicated concept? I speculate, but know their is a reason. You know you are writing for the public, why do you make it more hermetic? Some papers you have used to explain some concepts are very confusing. Mixing many different mathematical laws without reason in one single sentence. At some points, it looks ridiculous, why? I'm used to read Steven Hawking books about black holes theory and believe me, it is quite hard to follow the man sometimes, but it is nothing compared to what you have written here... You know you can use metaphor, allegory or analogy to express non-existant concepts in our human culture, that's how our guides are doing and it works quite well...

Here is an example of complex ideas written in a manner to be clear for the matter of being well understood. It comes from one of us, a young brilliant human: http://theresonanceproject.org/pdf/s..._proton_a4.pdf

Thanks for your time, Steven

Anchor 01-06-2010 09:02 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO (Post 216805)
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Quoted out of context, this often leads to all kinds of prejudice and reactions owing to the reputation of its author/translator/channeller.


39. The word of the Law is θελημα.

40. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
and an important but conveniently forgotten buy those that would paint the ideas as some kind of hedonistic license is:


57. Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God.
(bold/size emphasis is mine)

Source is conveniently located here on wikipedia: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Liber_AL_vel_Legis

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