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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
[I]dear abraxasinas,
i see you live in good ol aus. The native inhabitants of this continent maintain they have always been here. i believe them. No, out of africa theory, arrogant Westerners! Having lived & worked many years with indigenous groups in SA i.e. Pitjantjatjara, Adnyamathanha, i am interested to know your thoughts. i know they all have seven sisters dreaming stories; pleaides figures large as does the rainbow serpent. Your thoughts on this? There is something particularly ancient about, well, all of Australia, but in my own experience, SA and Flinders Ranges in particular; Wilpena Pound, Chambers Gorge, do you know of these places? one can feel it whispering.:wub2: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Let God awaken within you - it can be very natural. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
There is today no longer any scientific necessity for such 'experiments' or the hunting of animals for their pelts (seals, minks, ferrets etc); as the science has the utility for comparative substituing materials. Where do the rodents come from? When the dinosaurs became extinct in the Mesozoic era; the rodents of the Cretaceous period (so 100 million years ago) became the root survivors in the hybridisation of the 'furred reptilians" (Pecylosaurs or Paramammals). Then in the next era of the Cenozoic, the mammals grew into their prehistoric sizes; many of the rodents however remaining relatively small to fill the niches of the environment. Rodents, like crocodiles (from archosaurs predating the dinosaurs) and sharks so are the 'great survivors' of climactic catastrophies. Rodents fundamentally represent the reptilian-mammalian hybridisation and so are human ancestors. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Human+Dragon=StarHuman as the New Cosmic Man, realised from the Old Cosmic Man (Vitruvius aka Purusha aka Adam Kadmon aka You). AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Your comment here describes the Thuban agenda in a nutshell: "It is about to wake up our inner knowledge which we forgot this is the real "red thread" which runs through the Thuban story" AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You are welcome halebox and it is pleasing to know, that some readers and forum participators indeed understand the Thuban agenda in its utility for the individual. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
dear abraxasinas,
will you consider a reply for me? i really am interested, to know your thoughts. Am i being impatient, as usual?[:sad: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Don't get me wrong. I get that. what I don't get is the need to be seduced and conquered. If this is truely mans destiny then we should not need to be seduced and conquered. This sounds like the Borg from star trek. What is the destiny of the white drogon. I have read the book "The White Drogon" by Anne McAffrey (not sure of spelling) but what is the destiny of the undragonised Human? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The Egyptian Pyramid-Sphinx complex is the Northern counterpart. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Speaking of Felinaes/Felidae. I remember reading somewhere that the Egyptians thought that cats with 3 colours held special properties. Can you add anything to that? These questions are quite o/t compared to the main theme of things I suppose, so feel free to ignore. ;) |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Should you read the part, which you commented on, of the essay again, then you will see there, that it is stated, that all 'nondragonised' humans are to be treated like 'White Dragon Children'. Also, can you not fathom that the SEDUCTION of a Man (or a Woman) by another 'courtier' can be a highly desirable manouver? We Thuban males LOVE to be SEDUCED by our sexual desirees. We Thubans LOVE to be conquered in such games. There is more to words, than a stereoptypical interpretation of the semantics. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
All Venusian lifeforms are higherD. If you travel to Venus in a rocket, you will find an atmosphere of sulphuric acid and carbon dioxide, not very hospitable to Gaian biochemical lifeforms. The three colours mean unification: Red-Green-Blue is a primary colour triplet; Cyan-Magenta-Yello is a secondary and Orange-Turquoise-Indigo and Lime-Aquamarine-Purple are tertiary. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
How do you treat your white dragon children? I want to know more please. Hence the reason for the question. Please don't take these questions as an attack. They are just exploratory |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Yah I realize that... but has Venus always been only higherD or did it support life in the 3rd before?
This reminds me of a question I asked earlier. I have been taken very lucid to Venus a few times by a golden ball or light which you mentioned was my merkaba... which makes sense. The discourse with my merkaba always happens from a 3rd person perspective. I see it in front of me and it 'asks' me questions such as "do you want to stay here or go back to Earth now?" ect... is this usual to have a 3rd party convo with ones own merkaba? I'm hoping to do this again soon and see if I can recognize it as my own chariot during dreamtime. Quote:
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I agree with you. Uluru, aka Ayers Rock is THE Polar Beacon for the 'spiritual' communication between Gaia and the Cosmic Center for the Southern Hemisphere.
The Egyptian Pyramid-Sphinx complex is the Northern counterpart. Connection betwwenn ancient aborigines and worldwide culture? homo floriensis, migrated do you think, guess it wasnt far away? Abraxasanis, thankyou for your response, youre a busy boy over there in Queanbeyan!:cup: :original: :shocked: much obliged for your ideas, fluffy |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
- Like newborn babies, totally dependent on their parental and like carers; unable to know in comparative relativism, who they are, where they are and what they are doing. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
But because of its proximity to the Sun, the higherD lifeforms of Venus are very rich and engaging. Think of a solar flare as an intelligent plasmic energy form, which in 3D appears banal and easily explained, but in consciousness representing a higherD sentience, say as an 'elemental Fire Salamander'. So the many 'accounts' of Venusians is definitely valid, as the ET intelligences would 'incarnate' on Venus much more often, than on Earth or Mars, due to the Sun's 'Stargate'=Black Hole-White Hole dyad being the NATURAL entry point into the local starsystem. Your one-to-one relationship with your merkabah reads very harmonious indeed and bespeaks of your Thuban/Dragon resonances. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
thankyou abraxasinas,
I have seen docoumentaries that showed aust. Aborigines developed seafaring craft and spread to the americas? so then, aust aboriginal , oldest living continuous culture on earth? One more question then, where do "white" people come from, they do not seem, to me, to be native to this earth? p.s. sorry if mis-spelt your name previously. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
My dear Abraxas,
If humans depend on the vibratory rate of the collective and the vast majority still feels “trapped” within it, what would be the best way to break free for the skeptic one (or someone who is not really "attunned" yet)? Hi Juli! The 'skeptic' in a sense will have an easier 'time' to adapt, than the 'true 'supernaturality' believer'. Both are 'tunnel-minded', in not accomodating 'deviating ideas'; but the skeptic, priding himherself on 'scientific rationality' will be able to 'rationalise' and accept physical changes in the environment; whilst the supernaturalist will relate physical environmental changes to the 'works of the devil' or such. This is the 'good thing' about the general 'brainwashing' of the populus. Over 95% of 'fence sitters' will simply adapt to a new 'status quo' without questioning such changes. As before, this 95% will seek to 'be guided' by whatever 'change of guard' has eventuated. The other 5% includes the 'Powers-That-Be' (PTB), who have fully accepted the ET-esoterica-spiritual reality of the human history at a 'central neutral position' and the two polarisations of the skeptical rationalists and the supernaturalists. The so called 'New Agers' and relatives so are most closely able to 'contra' the neutral position of the say illuminati-luminari (brotherhood of the serpent); - as long as the 'alternatives' can 'overcome' their own brainwashing and infiltration(mainly by disinformation regarding ETs, UFO etc) by the PTB. Is it fair to say that the awakened ones are helping the un-awakened by their mere presence making efforts to awaken someone else really unnecessary? In this sense, at least to me, STO originates with STS first. Yes, the mere presence is sufficient as the 5% is halved in so 2.5% (actually 2.77%) say as 200 Million in 7,200 Million. Many talk about transmuting the lower energies and blockages into love, etc. etc. perhaps because they’ve found out they’ve done it after the fact. Humans are very impatient in nature and want to know how to do this. I’ve found that it’s very hard to convey to someone else an experience that is so intimate and unique for each one. I know each awakens at their own time and I’m sure the ones who have “heard the call” being lightworkers (or whatever they like to call themselves), have found a way to deal with these issues because they are more aware than most. Many of them think they have mastered everything and have no issues whatsoever to work on anymore, and perhaps some have. But, what troubles me is that some “New Agers” sound very self- righteous and I think this creates more of a divide than anything else; not to mention the infiltration of the PTB in order to cause even more confusion. The “average-Joe” instinctively rejects what cannot be proven and felt fist hand perhaps due to the intense programming experienced. Yes, you have discerned this very well indeed. Some of the most self-righteous personas I have encountered, call themselves 'New Age', 'Lightworkers', 'Enlightened Goddesses/Gods' etc. etc. Much of the 'New Age' is more based on egocentricity, than the 'Skeptics Socities'. An easily applied criteria is always the fiscal angle. Does the 'New Age' 'make money' or 'build careers' and if so, does this lead to extravagant lifestyles? Engaging in lecture tours and such, can certainly be a noble endeavour; but a 'true advocate of the spirit' would NOT change his 'individual lifestyle' to correlate with say 'travel necessities' and then go on holidays on yachts or live in extravagant mansions like a filmstar, whilst 90% of humanity lives in physical poverty and deprivation. The disinformations I have already mentioned in the paragraph above this one in preemtiness. So, my question is: What is the best way to approach friends and family members about the need to prepare for this “Shift of the Ages”? What about the people we don't know? How to help them? Do the Thubans have some practical advice they can share now as to how to be in sympathetic resonance with the energies coming to Earth? Yes, simply tell your truth as you see, experience and feel it, without fearing consequences such as ostracism or loss of your status as a peer in whatever group mileu you find yourself associated with. Of course the more data you have to feed your superconscious in remembrance through the mirror of the subconscious for your waking consciousness, the more able you will become to 'believe' your own truth. What do the Thubans think of the 10 commandments? Is Billy Meier’s “Talmud of Immanuel” a hoax? The 10 commandments became replaced by Yeshuah's 2 commandments; not in the spirit of the 'You shall not..', but in the interpretation into lawfulness. About Billy Meier. The below critique on Jim Deardorff's claims about the 'sterilization of women' being an anachronism (forgery in application of time sequencing) at least indicates that at least some of the Meier material and including the 'Talmud of Immanuel' material serves self-propagandist purposes. (see http:/http://home.swipnet.se/corbie/Fuskwww/dear.html/ ) Sometimes the lack of any quotation marks leaves doubt as to where a quotation ends and the narration recommences. Then the translator or editor may misplace the end-quotation mark. There is one spot in the TJ where this appears to have occurred: TJ 12:4-5 (4) It is written, however, "Whosoever commits adultery and fornication shall be punished, because the fallible are unworthy of life and its laws; thus they shall be castrated or sterilized." (5) If unbetrothed men and women bed down with one another in disgrace and without loving each other, they shall be punished also, for those fallible are unworthy of life and its laws; thus they shall be castrated or sterilized. The quotation marks are shown here where the German editions of the TJ have placed them, at least up through its 2001 edition. However, the clause "because the fallible are unworthy of life and its laws..." must be where Jmmanuel's words have resumed (...) Proves nothing except that Meier made his quote a bit too long for Deardorff's taste. The quoted passage is interesting from other points of view though. It speaks of sterilization of women, a surgical procedure which requires opening the abdominal cavity. Such surgery was unknown before the 19th century. This is clearly an anachronism. The phrase "bed down with one another in disgrace and without loving each other" is also an obvious anachronism which reflects the modern idea of "falling in love" as a precondition for sex. An ancient text speaking of careless extramarital sex would simply have said "fornication". I do NOT support the overall skeptical 'debunking' of all such 'New Age' material, as stated by the author, but support the above rationalisation and evidence. In the TJ it is claimed that Jesus was born 6AD, a date not supported by the Thuban archives (there it is 6 BC). What do the Thubans think of adultery and killing in self defense? Adultery does not exist as a 'lawbreaking' statute in Thuban; as there 'is no marriage in the kingdom of God'. The soul by definition will be FREE to pursue its path towards unification (in reflection) with the primal source. On Thuban, it is the female (expressed from the quadruplistic genetic complex), which is genetically and biologically defined to engage multiple partners. This also was the natural law on Gaia in the matriarchical societies. In practical terms it is 'much harder' for a male to satisfy multiple female partners, than vice versa. This does not mean that temporary monogamous partnerships are discouraged; the emphasis is that no 'marriage contracts' of 'ownership' and such are 'made law' on Thuban. As the soul is immortal by definition; the 'killing in self defense' is rather similar to any other 'killing'. The perpetrators and victims are both required to process their thoughts, deeds and actions in self-consciousness self-awareness. What do the Thubans think of demonic possession and exorcism? Once the label 'demon' is understood to be part of the 'occultized' superconscious selfhood; the idea of something other than self possessing this self becomes untenable. In 4D the astral notions of the Incubus (male demon possessing a female 'sleeper' say sexually) and the Succubus (as the female demon possessing the male) have a potent reality relative to the 3D 'sleepers'. On Thuban, the Incubus and Succubus become the fourfolded sexual selfhood in a form of highly eroticised Self-Possession. How do the Thubans explain Stigmata? A real manifestation of 'astral' 4D energy manifesting in 3D by ElectroMagnetoMonopolic Radiation EMMR-selfinduction (EMMR=Scientific Definition for the Spirit as differentiated sourcew energy). How do the Thubans explain spontaneous human combustion? Does this happen also in a different world or dimension or ET race? This is a related EMMR induction, manifesting through the circulatory nerve-neuronal-blood channels linked by endocrine (chakra) systems. If a biochemical system like the human body exists, this energy transform can occur. It is however always based on the 3D core-seed. What does the X symbol mean for the Thubans? Will it mean the same as this cross (+)? X=24 and relates to the Egyptian hieroglyph and ren=name of the cartouche of the Ankh. It is the 2nd resonance of the perfect number F=6=Mirror of Hathor, the 1st resonance being O=15=Circle=Sirius=Sothis=(Tarot Devil). It symbolises Immortality in say the 24 Elders about the 4 Elemental Beasts about the Monad of 'God's Throne' in (archetyped) heaven. What does it mean if a child sees this (X), say… on the walls; at the same time she starts seeing people’s auras? Does it mean anything if a child always draws the combined symbol of one superimposed on the other? It's again this most potent archetype of the immortality of the soul. A child doing what you describe REMEMBERS its own immortal selfhood of the disincarnate selfstate. Could a walk-in experience happen at childhood? Do all walk-ins know they are one? Walk-Ins DO NOT replace the existing soul, but complement the same. So a walk-in can occur at any time in the incarnation and simply represents a 'soul merger' leading to an enhanced remembrance of the 'family-soul'. A walk-in so simply represents a 'fuller' expression of the soul, as all souls are just such Family-Souls, as for example exhibited in the fundamental quadropolar sexual cosmic identification matrix. Some think Jesus is incarnate and walks on Earth at this time as Maitreya. What do the Thubans think of this? Indeed Jesus is 'walking the earth' - as a 'hidden' part of the Family-Soul within EVERYONE. This was the purpose of the Resurrection and the Transfiguration from the 'individual particle form' into its encompassing waveform. So all the 'crazy ones', claiming to be Jesus are actually correct in their underinformed selfexpression of 'the (w)hol(e)y name'. All the ones expecting or 'manufacturing' some 'future' individual, say emerging from a spacecraft as 'Jesus of Nazareth' or the 12th Imam or Kalki or a new Buddha or Maitreya are in a manner 'deluded' or 'deceived' by their own expectations and mistranslations of the archetyped 'holy writs'. The crux (x=+) of the matter is that 'Jesus' knocks on all doors/hearts KNOWING that heshe is already there. It then becomes the 'AntiChrist's' 'task' to attempt to 'deny entry' for the 'Cosmic Christ' in its required and necessitated function to fulfil all prophecies and timelines to the latter's completion. Abraxasinas best regards, Juli |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Sirebard. Have you written any detailed information on the thuban perspective of the merkaba? I was hoping you can expand on this a little..
Thanks! |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
dear abraxasinas,
i sincerely appreciate your responses, thankyou for taking time out to do so. interesting, i will investigate your references.:original::wub2: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
dear abraxas,
I have a question about the sphinx of gizeh why she has a lion head? Has it something to do with andromeda feline conection? according to some new geological views the sphinx is much more older than the pyramids. but still it looks like a guardian not for the pyramids but... I am looking forward what the council of Thuban has to offer about this monumental statue. Thanks a lot with all the best whishes have a got time sabina |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abraxasinas,
I would like to ask If the Thuban records have a Unified Field Theory that is shared by type 2 and 3 type civilizations (defined by Mitchio kaku) within the 3D universe? Could you explain this through Mathematics please. Thank you so much. peace:original: joey |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank You All for this thread! It's so mind blowing that I'm sure to be subconsciously digesting it for months. I may never cognisize it fully though I'm kicking it up to my higher self. I must admit to some skeptisizm though I also hope to one day understand it all. LVX |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The alignment of the Sphinx aka Hamarkhis, the 'Horus of the Horizon' refersto a precise East-West mapping of the celestial constellations at the midpoint of the 65 baktun count of the Maya, ending December 21st, 2012. It so signifies the beginning of the Age of Leo (opposite Aquarius in 180 degrees) as the East-West alignment of the sphinx and its lion-human hybridisation (regerring to the divinity of the pharaohs). The date for the BLUPRINTING of an exact mirror alignment between the 'Belt of Orion' and the three Gizean pyramid complex so becomes 4,680,000 days or 12,813.4048 (civil) years for July 27th, 10,802 BC. At this time then the material foundation for the building and rebuilding of the pyramids were laid archetypically by the 'ET-Atlantean-PreEgyptians'. Simultaneously, the Constellation of Draco was imaged above the Temples of Angkor in Thailand. http://www.guardians.net/egypt/sphin...phnxd-2001.jpgThe Sphinx, Guardian of the Horizon of Time. An Ode from the Guardian of the Horizon of Time! DE MORTUIS NIL NISI BONUM {Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead} Out in the graveyard; inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away; like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay. Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them and not just in photoalbums or on the special days. Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget! They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away. The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die. Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive. They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far; yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do? To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest. They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest. A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell. But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their lovehearts tell? The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one. But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone! The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallise again in two. To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!' Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request. But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest. SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI {Thus passes away the glory of the world} KJV:Jeremiah.32.20: "Which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and hast made thee a name, as at this day;". KJV:Matthew:24.27-28: "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together." Introduction to the Mystery of the Sphinx. What is the 'Riddle of the Sphinx'? The Sphinx is your Timekeeper; meaning it keeps time for the evolvement of the human species as incorporated aspect of the planetary evolution. The office of this Sphinxian Observatory engages a Circle of Time, which begins on March 1st, 23615 BC and ends on December 21st, 2012. The midpoint for this precessional cycle is highly significant in the history of humanity, as it depicts the physical manifestation of the Sphinx on Tuesday, the 27th of July 10802 BC. At that time, the Constellations of the Milky Way, the Ourobosian Serpent, who swallows its own tail, were aligned in such a manner, that the stars of 'Belt of Orion or Osiris' became directly aligned with the Gizean pyramidal complex in Egypt. The human history became magneto-induced via the biochemical DNA-Double-Helix in the polarisation of the nucleotidal basepairings. In particular, the segmented DNA-geometry allows a back-to-back correlation of doubled pentagons to manifest the potential for a decagonal 'inner cyclindrical space', which then forms the conduit for the magnetoinduction from the natural superconductive electrocurrents, which pervade universal spacetime. The Mayan precessional cycle so began with an enhanced Self-Programming utilised by the electromagnetomonopolic field defining the spacetime matrix and as 'prepared' in an arbitrary, but related previous cycle of precession. The effect of the 'reprogramming' allowed the evolution of the early human from 'caveman and nomadic hunter and gatherer' to 'farmer and domesticator' to manifest rapidly in utility of the morphogenetic holism inherent in the spacetime matrix. At the end of this precessional cycle, the 'farmer and domesticator' will similarly became empowered to potentialise a renewed 'programming' and to rapidly integrate into an extraterrestrial community, linked to the planetary evolvement as its holistic encompassment. This precessional cycle was determined by the Mayan timekeepers and maps the Venus-Sun Transition of the 8-year eclipse cycle from 7th of June, 2004 with 5th of June 2012 as the 'Morning Star', symbolising the appearance of their messianic archetype of the 'Plumed Serpent' aka Kukulkan (Quetzacoatl of the Aztecs) as this particular 'Coming of a new Morning'. This planetary evolution is required in the 'higher order of things', because this planet is destined to 'graduate' into a new planetary status of relevance to the rest of the universe also known as the extraterrestrial universe. This planet Gaia is purposed to become a 'Dark Star', shining its 'Dark Light' like a focus point in the Hubble Universe into its surrounding extraterrestrial 'spacetime'. The metamorphosis of Gaia into Serpentina requires a raising of the planetary group-consciousness. This means in physical terms, that the ENERGY of Gaia, which is not physically defined in terms of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation, must be accelerated or enhanced. Many of you know of this as a 'raising of frequency'; but many of you cannot perceive that this 'raising' is interdependent on the materialistic universe in precise feedback mechanisms. This feedback engages what you know as 'mind' and thought and consciousness and similar labellings. This 'mind' then is closely related to the physical and biochemical processes, which occur in the material substance matter you label as say your 'thinking brain' and say in a form of electromagnetic energy and a kind of biovital electricity, interacting with a biochemical form of magnetism. It suffices to share at this point, that the acceleration of the Gaian 'selfhood energy' is angular and so independent on the radial extent of 'space' as a medium of propagation. This acceleration is what is defined as AWARENESS acting upon any present such 'space' however. So the importance of the matter is to occupy spacetime and to allow, as medium of the awareness acceleration, for Gaia to become enhanced (or accelerated in consciousness) in its self-identification in terms of PLANETARY CONSCIOUSNESS. This Planetary Consciousness then will allow all of you to share in a REBIRTHING process upon a successful completion of the GESTATION or the SELF-PREGNANCY. Now the GESTATION for this BIRTH has begun quite some time ago and 38 years ago from the winter/summer solstice 2012 AD in its CONCEPTION in particular. A 'normal' human gestation is about 9 months or about 265 days with a deviation of a week. The ratio 38/9=4.2222 or about 4 years and 81 days as a beginning of the LABOUR PAINS and if we project the BIRTHDAY to December 21st 2012; then this chronological date of October 1st, 2008 will give you the reason for this information becoming available at this point in time. In the course of this disposition and the storyline you may, if you so choose, become privvy to some of the greatest 'secrets of the universe' and some of the 'mysterious occurrences' of the past. The 'Mystery of the Sphinx' is that of a Mother, keeping watch over her family. There are many encodings which testify of this and most of you will dismiss those 'encryptions' as coincidental or as spurious or as ad hoc contrievances. For this purpose then, on begins with some of the underpinning mathematics, which forms the basis for this code. This code is ALPHANUMERIC and allows certain parts of words like syllabels and grammatical permutations of letters to form particular meanings in some particular language codes. In due course, the engaged and interested readers of this message will understand the reasons for the chosen languages at this particular point in time and it's unique historical construction. The chosen languages are relatively Modern English and the Arabic Alphabet and Numeracy. Similar codes can of course also be constructed in other languages and numeric systems; but this particular dispensation represents a hybridal code between a language of antiquity, namely Hebrew with its alphanumeric associations; and its 'Modernisation' in the 'anglosaxonisation' extrapolated or superimposed. After this, one can demystify the concept of CREATION and particularly as this idea is encoded in Hebrew scripture (Pentateuch, Genesis, Torah, Old Testament in the Christian Bible etc.). For this purpose a detailed analysis of the appropriate calendrical systems, used for the 'measurement' of cyclic times becomes necessary. Following, a detailed account for the correlation of modern (meaning 21st century) astronomical measurement-based 'time reckonings' with the calendars of antiquity, can be calculated. Following, two 'Grand Sphinxian TimeCycles' shall crystallise, the First as a Forerunner for the Second. The First Lesser Cycle shall encompass 38 years as a subset of 2019 years as the Greater Cycle. The second timeloop shall then use the first timeloop as a SEED and as a culmination for a number of great sphinxian cycles and including an encompassing 'Precessional Cycle of 25,920 'Ancient Years' or AYs and where an AY has 360 Days as analogy to the 360 degrees in a geometric circle. One 'Great Ancient Platonic Year' or a GAPY then presumes a precessional variation of 1 degree per 72 years and results in 360x72=25,920 'Ancient Years'. A redefinition or refinement for the duration of a 'Precessional Cycle' is given in the 'Mayan LongCount Years' or MYs of 13 Baktuns, each baktun encompassing 144,000 Kin or 'Mayan Days'. Five Mayan Years then encompass 5x13x144,000 Mayan Days or 5x1,872,000=13x720,000=9,360,000 Days. A modern TROPICAL YEAR defines the 'time taken' for the earth to orbit the sun relative to the vernal equinox or as the 'First Day of Spring', when the sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north in the 'First Point of Aries' (in Right Ascension). The vernal equinox moves westwards by about one seventh of an arcsecond (106.8 billionth of a total 360-degree cycle) per day as the precessional effect. The spring-equinox of the northern hemisphere occurs on or near March 21st every year and is 'mirrored' in the spring-equinox of the southrern hemisphere and as the autumn-equinox of the northern hemisphere on or near September 23rd every year subdivided into the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The northern summer is the summer solstice on or near June 20th and 'reflecting' in the northern winter solstice on or near December 21st. The northern seasons so are labeled as the First Points of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and are given as zodiacal transition points in Cardinality mutating from Mutability in: Pisces-Aries, Gemini-Cancer, Virgo-Libra and Sagittarius-Capricorn. A Tropical Year in modern (referring to the 21st century) astronomical measurements comprises 365.24219 Days. Five Mayan Years or 9,360,000 Days then become 25,626.83134.. Tropical Years as a REDEFINED GAPY and as a Grand Cycle of Precession. 65 Baktuns + 1 Day = 9,360,001 Days = 1,337,143 Weeks = 1,337,142 Weeks + CREATION WEEK and where now a GAPY comprises 25,626.83407... Tropical Years. A Gregorian Year is defined as a Civil Year of 365.2425 Days and a Julian Year is defined as 365.25 Days. The Gregorian calendar was instituted 1582 AD by Pope Gregory XIII to replace the Julian calendar of Julius Caesar of 45 BC. The last day of the Julian calendar was Thursday, 4 October 1582 and this was followed by the first day of the Gregorian calendar, Friday, 15 October 1582 (the cycle of weekdays was not affected). The Julian Date for Thu.4Oct.1582 is 2299160 and the JD for 15Oct.1582 is 2299161 for a calibration standard in time as noon GMT. This Julian Day (JD) count is arbitrarily defined to begin at Day Zero as 1Jan.4713 BC. The BC/AD transition so becomes the 2 Julian days of Fri.31Dec1BC as JD=1721423 to Sat.1Jan1AD as JD=1721424. The Difference- 'Error' between a Tropical Year and a Gregorian Year is (.2425-.24219)/365.24219=8.48752x10-7 or 0.00031 Days per Tropical Year or 0.021 Years per GAPY or 7.9 Days per Precessional Cycle or about 8 days in 25,627 Years. The Ancient Calendar makers and Timekeepers now observe the seasons in phases of the moon and the coming and going of the seasons. In particular the daily setting of the sun in the EVENING is followed by its renewal in a dawn of the MORNING and the divison of a lunar month of about 29.5306 Days becomes specified in a four-week interval of 28 days. The CREATION WEEK then becomes an arbitrary interval of 8 Days as a Subset of the GAPY and beginning on a 8th Day as a Zero- or Null-Point Day followed by the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh Day. After the seventh Day, the eighth' day becomes a Mirror day of the zeroeth' day as a 'Reflection-Sabbath-Day' and from then onwards, a count of weeks of seven days, will specify a succession of sabbath-days, each 'day of reflection' mirroring the 'PAST week of BEFORE' into the 'FUTURE week of the AFTER'. The Zeroeth Day becomes a MIRROR-Day of the BEGINNING, arbitrarily defined as a Starting Point of History relative to the ancient timekeeper, but within the Great Cycle of History of a GAPY. Then ABRAXAS, the ancient Hebrew Timekeeper and pondering the past history of 'hisher people' and a history which was conveyed in stories told orally and written scripturally decided to BEGIN a PERPETUAL JEWISH CALENDAR in accordance and in the TRADITION of this conveyed past. Future Shadows in the Time of Now For the Eye of the Shaman of Ophis, the Eagleman and for the Ear of the Witch of Arachne, the Spiderwoman. These translations form a continuity to the dispensations given under the Mayan code of honour (In Lak'ech!). The 2009 timeline requires an extended polarisation between human factions, adhering to an agenda of increased separation; for the implementation of the timeline for the metamorphosis of the universe, centered on the planet of the humanoids, to proceed. Only after the nexus point of December 6th, 2011 has been reached, will the necessity of depersonalisation and the absence of debate and commentary with respect to these Mayan messages, become increasingly apparent. The reason for publishing certain facts on relatively obscure sites and forums then serves the purpose to allow cessation of opinionated analysis of probabilities regarding those facts and as witnessed in books, media channels, the internet and expert references. These messages of 2009 so shall serve for clarification for those readers, who can identify with the Eye of the Shaman and the Ear of the Witch. The major message is this. The Mayan Precessional Year of 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 kin or 'mean solar days' will be fulfilled on December 21st, 2012 AD, having begun on July 27th, 10,802 BC as a precessional midway point. This midway-point then mirrored another precessional median at about 23,616 BC and a greater cycle of humanity, which began about 36,429 BC with the advent of what is commonly understood to be 'Modern Man' or Homo Sapiens Sapies. This date is also specified in the prophetic scriptures of the Judeo-Christian worldview (Genesis, Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation) in a date beginning December 8th, 2004. This latter date and the Mayan nexus are also indicated in the timeline of the Great Pyramid. The human history so converges from the oldest timeline of the Sphinxian Pyramid as a midway precessional nexus to the Mayan calendar and the biblical reckonings. These messages so convey a particular information to give due notice of preparedness; as once this 'shift in spacetime' has been attained, a certain metaphysical reality will no longer be subject to belief or opinionated suppositions. This implies, that the 'unprepared in mind' will experience great difficulty to mentally process a particular 'new physical reality', revolving about the addition of a fourth spacial dimension to the present 4-dimensional Euclidean Minkowskian spacetime continuum. The 'preparation' for this new dispensation so engages and requires a familarisation of the perceived 'selfhood' or individuation in the present climate of 'beingness' within an imagined 5-dimensional environment, in which the present reality reduces to a cross-sectional part of a greater and encompassing reality. The true reality and as known by the adepts throughout the ages of humanity will then cease to be subject to ignorance, denial or ridicule; as this metaphysical reality will become understood to form a background for a c-invariant electromagnetomonopolic radiation matrix, no longer subject to the lightspeed barrier for inertial parameters. The production of electromagnetic radiation by inertia carriers will become supplemented by the production of wormhole- or sourcesink string-energy by a mass- or inertia-precursive agencies. In other words, considering this information within your own sense of relativity and your own frames of reference will allow you, should you so choose, to arrive at the appropriate (meaning unified or holistic or holographic) conclusions regarding thoses facts and a subsequent closure of opinionated ados and squabbling debates, based on various extrapolations upon those facts. This first dispensation will address the Pyramid of Khufu of the Gizean complex in Egypt. This subject matter is highly controversial, as it it well known in 'initiatory' circles located in 'high places', that the information encoded in the pyramid serves as a testimony and 'guideline' for the 'mental and physical' evolution for the terrestrial humanity in the collective and the individual sense. It is so considered necessary by the 'echelons,' to sequester the 'deeper unified' interpretations and analysis from public discernment. Having access to all and sundry information hitherto 'discovered' by the humanoid collective and without encumberances of fiscal restraints; the 'secretizers' use all means possible to disinform the populus via public media as to the importance of the pyramidal timelines and agendas. The pyramidal agenda necessarily relate the metaphysical realities to their physical manifestations and expressions. Therefore the analysis and research into the nature and purpose of the pyramid becomes very often 'emotionally charged' in a seeking of the harmony between the physical realism and its metaphysical or 'spiritual' derivative and progenitor. The 'sequesterers' so utilize this 'climate of intensity' to filter any relevant information made public, be it based on scientific deduction and measurement or extrapolated superpositions of historical sources, such as prophetic scriptures and mythologies. This becomes evident in the public acceptance of open legal slander with regards to labeling so called pyramidologists as pyramidiots. No other topic matter 'scares' the 'echeloners' more, than should members of the 'ignorant' populus 'discover' the final 'hidden secrets' of the pyramid; as the complete 'decipherment' still eludes even the 'most initiated' 'leaders' and members of the 'independents'. The many books and documents published on the Great Pyramid so are all 'incomplete' and contain extensive disinformation, no matter how 'authorative' they are presented by adherent or skeptic alike. http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id101.html AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Here is an introduction to the 'Unified Field Theory' of Thuban in somewhat 'easier to digest' mathematical formalism. I have kept the semantics qualitative, but indicated the Genesis of the Genesis in terms of description, rather than mathematics. The electron is indeed the cornerstone of particle physics in terms of the interface between the 'manifestation' and the (metaphysical) 'creation'. As I have previously pointed out, in the 'real theoretical physics community', membrane physics is the 'only game in town'. Even Weinberg is 'coming around', namely because of the 'proofs' of the 'mirror dualities' at Princeton in 1996 by Greene, Aspinwall and Morrison and their subsequent applications in statistical thermodynamics (which 'proved' the Hawking thermodynamics of Black Holes). Yet Susskind's zillions of string solutions are a 'red herring'. The problem with the original string theory were the five classes (plus gravitational supersymmetry) in 10D. Witten's realisation of the M-space (via class IIA becoming 2D from the 1D string) 'solved this' in the umbrella of M-theory, but because the underpinning principle of M-space is unknown, the zillions of solutions remained. Using somthing called BPS states of a nonperturbative (series expansions DO NOT converge to limits) approach, however has made some good ingress in crystallising the HE-8x8 class to be the class most likely to lead to an unique solution. The original string theory was metric dependent and so required a spacetime background for the strings to move in. Removing the 'singularity' of the Big Bang by 'Planck-smearing' however indicated that the strings themselves should be the spacetime they are moving in. This then led to a synthesis of sorts between the old string theory and the quantum loops of Smolin and Ashtekar's 'parallel vector transport'. Many people think that those models compete against each other, but they actually converge in the ideas underpinning the formalisms. BUT the 'underpinning principle' of M-space is still missing and it is this which 'frustrates' the pundits. They KNOW that M-theory is 'right' and that the 'Unified Field' contains the 'branes' both AS spacetime and the transformations of energy and matter contained therein. The KEY to M-theory is the selftransformation of the five classes and an ALREADY present supersymmetry (there are NO SUSY particles as such). The basic dilemma is the baryon- and lepton-genesis immediately following the Big Bang (Weinberg's 3 minutes say). Postulating the energy of the Big Bang to derive from a dispersing Mass seed (say the 5 pounds of Alan Guth) has led to the matter-antimatter symmetry (as both have positive mass content). This then becomes a bosonic (GUT) superforce termed the X-AntiX-Boson coupling to matter and antimatter respectively to then (under the appropriate temperature evolution) decay into fermionic neutrons, protons, electrons and their antimatter counterparts. Then of course the asymmetry between matter and the (naturally nonobserved) antimatter becomes a dilemma and the photon-baryon ratio (1:1 billion) is invoked to allow pair-annihilation to eliminate the antimatter with a slight matter excess. And from this then the standard cosmology continues in nuclosynthesis and the formation of matter agglomerations under the thermodynamic arrow of entropy and so on. This then is the standard cosmology and it is just about 100% correct in terms of the temperature background, the so called CMBBR. But it is fundamentally 'flawed' in its presumptions about the Big Bang mass seed. There was no X-AntiX-Boson coupling, but there was the XL-superstring, namely class HO32 at an energy of so 2x1015 GeV reduced in a factor of 5000 from the Planck-String of so 1019 GeV. The pundits do not know this (or have not yet published); but this heterotic brane energy is the unification force, which split Gravity from the yet unified StrongElectroWeak superforce at that energy. To experimentally probe this energy, the boson temperature is so 2x1028 K for a cross-section of 10-31 meters. But knowing this, now allows this XL-string to bifurcate into two fermionic parts - one which would later (under utility of the electroweak decoupling of the Higgs template at about 3x1015 K) become the quark-X-fermion and the other the lepton-L-fermion. So where is the antimatter? There is none, because the decoupling of the XL-string derived from a nonmassive 'Goldstone Bosonic' supercoupling between the 'higher' stringclasses. {The order in energy is: I=Planck; IIB=Monopole; HO32=XL; IIA=CosmicRay; HE64=Weyl}. This 'higherD' string coupling is bounded by the INHERENT SUPERSYMMETRY, previously mentioned. This inherent supersymmetry is defined BEFORE the strings became classified and it is massless in the Goldstone Bosons of the preBig Bang and so are part of the Inflation-Scenario, which lasted from Planck-Time to Weyl-Time (about 10-44-10-31 seconds). The Planck-Time classifies class I and so the Planck-Boson as a Goldstone Boson to be selfcoupled to its anti-Goldstone state. Those two states define the modular duality between the so called 'vibratory high energy high frequency short lambda' and the 'winded low energy low frequency large lambda' selfstates in then 'photonic energy'. The question is however where did the UNDIFFERENTIATED Planck-String come from? The Planck-String itself emerged from the prinmordial Genesis-Boson (you might term it the real 'God-Particle' and not Lederman's Higgs Boson). The Genesis Boson is defined in an 'algorithmic' temperature of so 7x1037 K at so 7x1024 GeV in NOSPACETIME - that is BEFORE the Planck-Boson allowed the emergence of spacetimematter parameters. To understand from where this Genesis-Boson came from requires not theoretical physics or convoluted mathematics, but the 'Consciousness existing without spacetime'. So this becomes a 'philosophical' and 'spiritual' quest in allowing the 'After the spacetime Fact' to be as one with the 'Before the spacetime Fact'. It suffices to say here, that the Genesis-Boson is defined from 'algorithmic constants' and series, which underpin the cosmogenesis, such as the five classes of superstrings (mapped onto 'quasiperiodic' fivefolded symmetries such as the pentagon and the Platonic solids). So what happened to 'create' the Planck-string? You both should like this - there was a Goldstone Supersymmetry between two selfstates, which can be understood as nonmass coupled Photonic Radiation and Antiradiation. Today, the photon is its own antiparticle with either polarity and say defined in Maxwell vectors and Bose-Einstein statistics. BEFORE the Planck-Time, there existed a right-polarised Gauge Photon and a left-polarised Antiphoton as forms of the Genesis-Boson. The simple sinusoidal circular waveform connecting the two flipped polarity at the halfway point (180 degrees in a radially and so space independent formulation). The dynamics (in ALGORITHMIC NOSPACE) so set up a 'Standing Wave' akin the Infinity-Symbol with selfinflection nodes at 0, 180 and 360 degrees. This vector dynamics was completely supersymmetric with all dynamical parameters of energy and momentum (as defined today in spacetimematter) conserved. EITHER only ONE Infinity symbol is traced by the Standing Wave by a MUTUAL INFLECTION at the 180 degree node in a multicyclicity; OR the ONE Infinity symbol is supplemented by infinite extension (of the number line) in the 180 degree or pi-radian intervals of the sinX waveform beginning at the 0 node and the sin(-X)=-sinX waveform beginning at the MIRRORED 360 degree node. This of course also becomes the selfstate of the universe in the Standard Model preceding the Big Bang as the singularity. Then the supersymmetry BROKE in say the left node at 0 degrees NOT inflecting towards negative infinity BUT RETRACING the path of sinX in clockwise chirality LIKE the 360 degree node, which DID inflect AS sinX. So now a GREAT VIOLATION of symmetry has occurred, as two clockwise angular momentum vectors are required to become balanced or REHARMONIZED or RENORMALISED by a double-spinning anticlockwise vector. This is the Birth of the Graviton from the foundations of string theory by Schwarz and Green and Witten. Ok now the templates of the Photon-Antiphoton gauges crystallize. The original Photon was right-polarised and remains right-polarised in its inflection at the 360 node. The original Antiphoton was left-polarised but in NOT inflecting at the 0 node, also became right-polarised AND SO CAN BECOME SUPPRESSED in favour of a NEW CREATION (namely the fermions from the bosons in the inherent supersymmetry). But we are not there yet. The righthanded photon gauge and the righthanded antiphoton gauge are now harmonised with the double lefthanded graviton. {To picture this- simply plot the graph sin(3x/2)-cos(3x/4) as a function f(x). The sine wave represents the righthanded photon moving to the right and the cosine wave represents the graviton moving to the left with the antiphoton suppressed}. The important point of those gauges is that they are COLOURCHARGED. This is the reason for the strong nuclear forces of the gluons and the quarks deriving from the so called Higgs Template, which contains all of the gauges in the colour charges in SU3 unitary symmetry. A normal (mass produced by the acceleration of Coulombic ELECTRIC Charges) photon is NOT colourcharged and therefore IT becomes its own antistate particle. Ok, some 'nitty gritty'. The suppressed antiphoton gauge has its colour charges 'mirrored' (Parity or P-symmetry) in those of the expressed photon gauge. The former is mathematically labelled in the permutation state BGR=GRB=RBG; whilst the latter is RGB=GBR=BRG. These two states are anticyclic relative to each other in Quantum Relativity. So this should allow you to visualise or perceive the Goldstone Eigenstate of the Universe before the Planck-Time (setting the initial and boundary conditions for the material universe to emerge from following Inflation in the Quantum Big Bang). You have 'three' gauges RGB-photonic(spin+1), BGR-antiphotonic(spin+1) and BGR-gravitonic(spin-2) interacting to form the Goldstone Cosmogony. Now the quantum spins cancel, but one of the BGR's is now in excess, so demanding another harmonisation to conserve the supersymmetry. Now 'mixing' colourcharges, say in superposing trisected 120-degree areas of a circular partition will give RGB(+1)+BGR(-1)=MGGM(0)=CRRC(0)=YBBY(0)=VPE(0) with the quark-antiquark definition of the Mesons say in colour-anticolour triplets (Red-Cyan; Green-Magenta; Blue-Yellow). Vortex-Potential-Energy is the label for the VPE of the mixing of the wavefunctions of the colour charges and is equivalent to the ZPE of a 'Virtual Heisenberg Background matrix of energy say. Three colours or anticolours (in equal proportions) will give a 'pure' radiative White (E=hf) or a 'pure' massive Black (E=mc2) eigenstate and any colour-anticolour doublet will do the same. This becomes the observed and measured 'appearance and disappearance' of the subatomic particles in the Unitary Symmetries. Ok so the photon and the graviton would neutralise into the VPE(0), if the graviton would have the spin of the original antiphoton. It does not but replaces it in the BGR template. The original antiphoton actually carried an RGB(-1) template inflected to BGR(+1) at the 180 node and then REFUSED or LASUFERED (anyone get the hint to Ezekiel.28.14-18&Isaiah.14.12-14); but on Purpose (otherwise the Gravity of the 'Grave' and NO physical universe could have emerged from the supersymmetry of the gauges); to mirror the inflection of the RGB(+1) to BGR(-1) to RGB(+1) cyclicity of the gauge photon. So another NEW template must be 'created' or emerge from the NATURE of the 'Genesis-Boson'. We require an RGB(0) as the spins are conserved and this then is known today as the Gluon gauge. Now we can SUPPRESS both the Antiphoton BGR(-1) and the Gluon RGB(0) in the VPE(-1)=ZPE(-1) BUT NOT in spin. Now I did not mention what happened at the original RGB(+1)+RGB(-1) colourcharge mixing; the one which 'created' the Infinity symbol. Analysis will show you; that the 60- and 120 degree points will create an YCM(+1-1) template, which one can term Matter YCM(0) and the 240-and 300 degree points will make the Antimatter MCY(0). The dilemma with the scalar (spinless) Gluon now ALLOWS or INDUCES the HIGGS BOSON to assume its Goldstone precursor selfstate as HB (0) as a doubled- or squared {because x2=2x for unique solution x=2} YYCCMM(0) selfstate for matter and as MMCCYY(0) for antimatter to become defined. So now we have 6 particle template gauges interacting: Photon RGB(+1)+Antiphoton BGR(+1)+Graviton BGR(-2)+Gluon RGB(0)+HB YYCCMM(0)+HB MMCCYY(0) The two RGB+BRG and the HB-AntiHB all reduce to the VPE(0); EXCEPT the nonspinning Gluon cannot interact and must somehow become SPININDUCED. This scenario above IS LEADING INTO THE CAUSATION of the Quantum Big Bang. The first particle to be rendered superfluous is the AntiHiggs Boson HB MMCCYY(0). Instead the spininduction BIFURCATES the HB YYCCMM(0) into TWO YCM(+1)+YCM(-1) FERMIONIC SUSY-Strings. This sets up the 'Dark-Matter' Gauge of the RMP YYCCMM(0) in a DINEUTRONIC selfstate 2{YCM(+1/2)+YCM(-1/2)}=NEUTRONIUM (as Gamow's primordial YLEM matter). As can be seen - NO antimatter is necessary, but the supersymmetry derives from the (later to emerge) Parity violation of the weak interaction coupled to the weakons as mass-and spin-induced Higgs-Bosons. The cosmogony has now entered the Planck-Energy realm except for the missing template for the still outstanding spin induction of the Gluon gauge. We have the matter gauges in the form of a BOSONIC NEUTRONIUM (which is Parity violated because of the definitions of the L-Boson string in ordinary beta decay and the HB mass induction - yet to occur). So the matter templates YCM(halfspin) become COUPLED to the Graviton BGR(-2) in their inherent supersymmetry in the SUPPRESSION of the Antiphoton BGR(+1) in the colour charge template BGR and the Antiphoton's suppression allowing the MASS-Inertia Induction to occur in the SPININDUCTION of the HB YYCCMM(0) as a WEAKON YYCCMM(+1). {The weakon for antimatter MCY(halfspin) is of course MMCCYY(-1) and as characterised by say the well studied beta plus decay}. Here then is the KEY. The SpinInduction of the HB YYCCMM(0) as a W- YYCCMM(+1) simulates the GLUON's spin induction as a RGB(+1) then requiring the original 'Dark Matter' template RMP=RestMassPhoton YYCCMM(0) to assume the opposite spinstate for the OVERALL SUPERSYMMETRY to hold. Then the total 'Unified Gauge Field' becomes: 1) Photon-Gauge RGB(+1) in longrange ElectroGravitational unification with the Graviton-Gauge BGR(-2) and where the Graviton is coupled to the SUPPRESSED Antiphoton-Gauge BGR(+1) in colour charges but so becomes spin harmonised and as GravitoWeak coupling. 2) Gluon-Gauge RGB(+1) now harmonises with the colour charge of the Gauge-Photon in ElectroStrong coupling and couples as nuclear shortrange interaction to the RMP-Gauge YYCCMM(-1) in the 'Consciousness Unification' of the VPE=ZPE and so by and through the Weakon gauge definitions. 3) The Unified Field is established in conservation of spin momentum and colourcharge mixing and NOW the ENERGISATION of the Quantum Big Bang from its string hierarchical Goldstone Precursors can become implemented. This 'Energization' renders Parts of the ZPE=VPE Goldstone Boson (or Higgs) Energy as manifesting in the NEUTRONIUM 2{YCM(+1/2)+YCM(-1/2)} and as a simple constituent of the HIGGS BOSON TEMPLATE. A detailed description of the common beta minus decay of the standard neutron serves as an example for the unification physics of the gauges The neutron has a dud quark configuration and transforms into a proton of quark content udu in interacting through a gauge weakon in the shortrange weak interaction. Note here, that I have written the 'supersymmetric' versions in a linear notation. In particular the neutron d(-1/2).u(+1/2).d(-1/2) must have this basic (no internal gluon energy-momentum distribution) to have a resultant lefthanded (-1/2) quantum spin momentum. It is understood, that ONLY lefthanded hyperons (including nucleons) engage the weak interaction in the phenomenon of weak parity violation discovered officially in 1957 by Lee and Yang. The linear alignment is defined in a colour (or gluon) charged magnetoaxis which then can 'loop onto itself' as a quark-ring of the form -d.u.d.- , say within a spherical template or envelope about the quarks, gluons and gauges (all defined in HUP wavefunctions and not some mechanistic billard ball-spring model often found in popular literature (wikipedia, SciAm etc.)). The interacting weakon for matter is called Wminus (W-) and has a quantum-waveform encompassed in a spheroidal envelope. It is a bosonic gauge of quantum spin (+1) and is 'made up' (and as known from its experimentally observed decay-product) of an electron (+1/2) with its antineutrino (+1/2). The old neutron is linearly (read magnetically) 'supersymmetric' because the d-quark in the linear arrangement is 'asymptotically confined' by the size of the envelope, which happens to be the scale of the 'classical electron' in QFT, and the range of the nuclear interactions itself at about 3 fermi. This is also the 'size' of the strange quark as a resonance of the d-quark. The 'supersymmetry' so allows (one of the endpoint) d-quarks to oscillate to its (higher) s-quark energy level and to INTERACT at that level with the weakon. Were the linear quark content of the form udd (as inappropriately depicted in the popular press); then this neutron would NOT be 'supersymmetric', as the linear arrangement would have already 'broken' that symmetry. The quark content u.d.d exists however and is base-defined as a neutral delta in the SU(3) baryon octet and where all the quarks are spinaligned for a total spin angular momentum of 3/2. So one of the dud d-quarks oscillates to the energy level of the W- and exchanges the 'leptonic ring boundary' AS the weakon's electron with the mesonic- or d-ring level of the old nonoscillating neutron. The weakon (of the Feynman diagrams) so is 'destroyed' with its righthanded electron ABSORBING the lefthanded spin of the d-quark and so neutralising the meson-lepton ring spinstate, but EMERGING the observed righthanded (+1/2) electron antineutrino as product of beta minus decay of the neutron. There one observes however a LEFT POLARISATION of the MATERIALISING electron in conjunction with the emission of the weakon defining righthanded electron antineutrino(+1/2). So the 0-spin bosonic lepton ring (as electron precursor), becomes SPININDUCED by the gauge interaction at the kernel between the (already materialised) antineutrino and a gluon coupled to the up-quark (which was part of the transforming down-quark in: d(charge -1/3)=KIR=Kernel(charge +2/3)+InnerRing(charge -1)=(K+IR). The weakon ring then is labeled OR=OuterRing. The +1 weakon spin so interacts 'weakly' with the -1/2 spin of the interacting down-quark (d*) to MATERIALISE first the righthanded electronic antineutrino (+1/2) coupled in strongweak unification to a 0-spin OR and then SPININDUCES the 'virtual' weakon AS a 'real' electron in conjoin with the K=Kernel to OR gauge unification. The 'virtuality' of the weakon gauge can be extended into a nonvirtual or 'real' expression for the conservation law regarding quantum spin in the introduction of a massless Goldstone Spinor, here called the GraviPhoton or GP(±1). The GP is COLOURLESS and so does not interact with any other gauge and its derivatives in the inertia carriers of mass and the massless photon gauges produced by inertia coupled particles, such as accelerated fusion protons emitting energy as photons of electromagnetic radiation. The conservation of quantum spin in 'virtuality' so is expressed in the form: W-(+1) + GP(-1) → antiνe(+1/2) + e-(-1/2) Then the 'virtual' weakon disappears into the vacuum of the HUP and leaves behind the original 'virtual' antineutrino, seemingly MATERIALISING from the neutron-proton transformation., as well as a real leftpolarised electron. The GP(±1) exchanges or flips the quark spins of the linearly adjacently aligned but not weakly interacting quarks and the GP(-1) 'shares' its bosonic spin in distributing it in bifurcation to the scalar OR(0) spin and the 'left-over' quarkian u-quark kernel of th weakly interacting d-quark. This 'flipping' also changes the cyclicity in the permutation dud* to u*du in the recentering of the linearly (but not circularly) central quark of the neutron (u) in dud to the central quark of the emergent proton (d) in udu. The intermediate transitional energy state so becomes a magnetically aligned transformation: neutron →d(-1/2).u(+1/2).[u(0)+antineutrino(+1/2)] + OR(0)+GP(-1)+GP(±) → u(-1/2).d(+1/2).u(-1/2) + antiνe(+1/2) + e-(-1/2) As an alternative, this transition gauge interaction can also be expressed in the utility of diquarks, such as double-up=uu=U. Then the transformation becomes: neutron →d(-1/2).uu(+1/2) + antineutrino(+1/2) +GP(-1)+GP(±1) → [U(-1/2-1/2).[d(+1/2)] + antiνe(+1/2) + e-(-1/2) →u(-1/2).d(+1/2).u(-1/2) + antiνe(+1/2) + e-(-1/2). Here then the relooping circumpasses the OR(0) , which 'disappears' with the 'virtuality' of the W-(+1) and the spin sharing of the GP(-1) takes the form of the 'breaking up' of the diquark state U(-1/2)=uu(-1/2) into a resymmetrised linearised form as bounds for the central down-quark incorporating the quantum geometry of the kernel-ring or up-dowm structure of stability. This renders the SPIN EXCHANGE as REAL from the VIRTUAL Inertia selfstate, as the virtuality of the energy in inertia has become finestructured in the energy of the quantum spin distribution. The generalised supersymmetric conservation of the quantum spin for the looped-linearised-relooped neutron so becomes: dud(-1/2)→dud*(-1/2)→duu*(-1/2)→u*du(-1/2)→udu(-1/2)+e-(-1/2)+antiνe(+1/2). The circularisation of the magnetoaxis 'destroys' the magnetic spinfixation and temporarily allows a spin-realignment, which manifests in the beta minus decay of the neutron into its observed constituents via the weak interaction. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I want to ask about the idea that certain knowledge is seeded within psychedelics that are sent to planets to help with understandings about ourselves and the nature of reality. What is your knowledge of this theory, that civilizations encode the chemicals and plant them into different planets? If this is true, what races have done this? peace:) |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hei Abraxasinas
I have a question... something happened to me for the 1st time and it is too "exotic" for me to explain it to myself... Your thoughts on this would be very welcome. I am not making this up, it did happen and it surprised me. A few days ago on 5-6.2.2010 (dd.mm.yyyy) the time between Friday and Saturday i had a dream: at about 8:00-8:15 am gmt+1 i woke up and decided to put everything down on a digital paper...before i forget it. I had a dream it was in my house with the usual hard to figure out happening in my head...inside of my house was like some research laboratory...and than...zombies attacked (i know and no i can not tell how and why) and i killed one with two screw drivers and i got a very detailed look at my "hand work" than i rushed out into the room (that looked like the real one) there was my mother (i think it was my mother i did not have a good look at her) and it was something about a zombie baby and i took her hand and told her we need to go..and we exited the house via the actual exit that exists (but not main exit) than we were running and i figured i am running in the same direction (around the house) as i would be if i exited via main exit (which was "dangerous") on the actual road that exists...and i though to myself: "why am i doing this, this is stupid" and than i saw some strange "post-apocalyptic" dwellings by the road that do not exist...than while running pass the front yard i saw three large vehicles parked on it...one of them being a big blue garbage truck and I thought to myself: "wtf, this can not be, why are this on our yard" (i know our yard...there are no such things on it)...and than while still running i thought to myself: "this is **** it is like in a movie" and than we reached the fire station area (which really exists)...where i experienced another dream...dream I know...i am 100% sure i had before at least 1 time...there were different people on different transportation vehicles/devices driving around the area in front of the fire station...and i remember one of them telling me...that...(i can not remember exact words) that: "this is not real and that i can go back" So i decided to go back home (without second guessing the advice) where the zombies are (mother was there all the time). Just at the point where i was to go start going back...i said to myself in dreams: "this is not real i am dreaming" and everything went "blank", everything was gone but me...there was nothing but me...it felt like i was alone in infinity i wanted the ocean to appear and the beach but was not able to do it...i tried hard but could not do it...than i stopped trying and realized if feels like i am in the air in this "state" where there was nothing but me....i always wanted to fly...like the time i was little and i could "fly"....and there i was flying over the road of some city with all the necessary detail....there was even music around me or in the "background" and it felt fantastic...i was flying.....but it was over very quick and i found myself flying very high towards some mountains and there were smaller airplanes around me and i was faster than them...and than i was back at some other city (this "jumps" were beyond my control) and than i wanted to stop so i stopped flying but i noticed that wile i am still levitating in the air...the earth beneath me is moving and i wanted earth to stop moving but failed and that also woke me up or perhaps it was some other noise... (my "home" environment is not exactly what one could call private...calm and peaceful) ---------- this is how i remember it...this is how it happened... i think i did not dream i have a lucid dream and that i actually had one...a first one...or at least a 1st one i can remember so clearly....upon realizing...with help from others in my dream...that i am dreaming...it was like someone pushed a switch...i felt it in my head...still felt it the first moments after i woke up.....it was different...it was a holodeck under my control (not entirely though) and it seems that it is easier to create something via feeling than by demand....it was just so very hard to maintain control...it was over...so very quickly... :( i liked it and i wish i could do it more often... i did some thinking and i think it was the dream environment (house i live in and the immediate area around the house) that helped me to realize that something is not "right". i am extremely familiar with how things "really" are...and that i believe somehow triggered me to be suspicious...that started the dream at the fire station...where i was somehow helped to realize it is not real. i have a feeling i was at the fire station before but most likely failed to get past it.... I did not use any self-suggestions (affirmations?) before the sleep or anything....I do not recall/remember anything out of the ordinary that Friday or the time before i went to sleep. I have 0 idea about how that happened and how to make it to happen again. I am especially interested in what it felt like...being alone in infinity...i acted very human and wanted an ocean and a beach...etc...instead i could explore that "infinity" or whatever it was. Also all that time it felt like i am almost or very close to being awake. I wish i knew how to recreate the experience...how to do it again... I cant help myself to think that the second dream (fire station) i was helped to realize that i am dreaming...not sure who the helper was/were (was it my "other self" ?) The last few nights were usual...void, confusion, and a headache.... What purpose do headaches serve? btw, I hope you are feeling ok and doing some good work |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Abraxas --
Hope everything is well with you. :wub2: I have been a Christian (Roman Catholic) all my life and feel i have had the fortunate experience of having had good teachers at a formative age. So -- this "upbringing," plus the obligatory tour through "new agey" type thought in the 70's, combined with some charismatic/pentecostal theology thrown in for good measure (!) as well as basic study of eastern (Buddhist, Taoist) philosophy -- these comprise the main threads of my religious education. for some reason i felt like i should put the following statement in that context : my main problem with "orthodox" Christian theology is the concept of "substitutionary atonement." i DO believe that Jesus' life-death-resurrection is a pivotal event in human history, and an understanding of its significance has been pivotal in my spiritual growth and development. Yet, i could NEVER feel comfortable with the idea of God the Father demanding a "perfect blood sacrifice," in his Son's death.....to compensate for all human beings' failings throughout eternity. (Thankfully, there have been other ways for me to interpret the significance of Jesus' crucifixion in my life!) So anyway, perhaps you can imagine my delight in coming across these passages in one of the readings listed on your website. I thought maybe you could comment on these thoughts for us. Thank so much, AA. "Below is the unedited dictations of Yeshua, channneled to Helen Shucman and in cooperation with William Thetford. These channelings, of course, made up A Course in Miracles." "If the Crucifixion is seen from an upside down point of view, it certainly does appear AS IF God permitted, and even encouraged, one of his Sons to suffer BECAUSE he was good. Many very devoted ministers preach this every day. This particularly unfortunate interpretation, which actually arose out of the combined misprojection of a large number of my own would-be followers, has led many people to be bitterly afraid of God. "This particularly anti-religious concept happens to enter into many religions, and this is neither by chance nor coincidence ..... The real Christian would have to pause and ask "how could this be?" Is it likely that God Himself would be capable of the kind of thinking which His own Words have clearly stated is unworthy of man? ..... "Sacrifice is a notion totally unknown to God. It arises solely from fear of the Records. This is particularly unfortunate, because frightened people are apt to be vicious. Sacrificing others in any way is a clear-cut violation of God's own injunction that man should be merciful even as His Father in heaven is merciful." hippihillbobbi |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The universe is electromagnetically about 19.14 billion years old, but appears to be about 13.8 bilion years old inertially. This is because electromagnetically, the universe is always oscillating at lightspeed, but expands at less than lightspeed in its matter content. The local galaxy crystallized as one of the oldest galaxis at a cosmological redshift of z=1.19 so 4 billion years after creation and so 15 billion years ago electromagnetically and so 8.4 billion years ago inertially. The local starsystem crystallized about 4.6 billion years ago, with the earth created shortly (about 40 million years) thereafter. The 16.876 billion year coordinate is rather important, as it mirrors the Gaian evolution in the PRESENT objectivity in its NODAL IMAGE crystallization. So the (electromagnetic) Age of the Universe minus the Nodal Age, will give you the IMAGE EARTH in blueprint AND the OBJECT materialised EARTH as the average value between a maximum at so 4.59 billion years for the starsystem and a minimum at so 4.48 billion years for the emergence of the planet. The average so is about 4.53 billion years and as measured by radiactive carbon/uranium dating and similar. So how does this relate to your question? Half the age of the earth is about 2.27 billion years and so the mirror function for the Gaian lifeform evolution became manifest so 2.27 billion years ago. It is known scientifically, that at that time the earth's atmosphere became oxygen enriched, so allowing flora and fauna lifeforms to become terrestrial in flowering plants and aquatic eukaryotes emerging on land (say as amphibious lifeforms). This evolution was both, naturally experimental and harmonious in duality expressions. So for every 'poisonous chemical' there existed or evolved an 'antidote'. This evolution is ongoing and even if a 'synthetic' biochemistry is introduced (like the HIV virus); then after some time, 'nature' will evolve a 'natural' antidote. This was the case with the AIDS virus, where so 10 years after its introduction, HIV negative babies were born to HIV positive mothers. Specific data in regards to 'dotes' and 'antidotes' are common nous in indigenous populations. This information is then sequestered and manipulated by pharmaceutical companies, which produce the drugs in varoious forms; often disharmonizing a natural biochemical balance in chiral and antichiral ingredients of the natural 'drug'. This disharmonization then causes the 'side effects'. Particular drugs for particular effects are tabulated in many sources you can then find on the web or in books or in the other appropriate medias. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You are beginning to enter your LUCID DREAMSTATE. This is a natural development for individual souls which have begun remembrances about their 'natural states'. The most natural state of the soul is that of being 'free' to experience and to create. This awareness of the self is most often entered in the dreamstate of being consciously aware of being able to fly and this also often occurs in the OBEs. The creative soul KNOWS, that the environment in the astral is subject to emotion; hence the emphasis of FEELING in Images, instead of THINKING the images in the normal rational waking consciousness. Your zombie image became the superposition of the waking reality (of ordinary people interacting) of forgetfulness. So you 'killed' an aspect of your own ignorance or forgetfulness in that imagery. Your mother seemingly running away with you, yet remaining in the old house exemplified this 'old state of forgetfulness' also. Because this dreamstate experience of yours was introductory, the blending of your subconscious (dream-alpha-state) with your waking consciousness resulted in your headache as the physical manifesto for that intersection of ordinarily separated consciousness selfstates. AA |
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