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-   -   Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here) (http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18900)

Jonah 01-21-2010 05:38 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Wow this thread finally got interesting... Guna have to start off by admitting that I pretty much saw this coming and for that I can't help but smile...

I can smell fear.... although you might think you can invoke fear to some of the members here it should be known to you by now that this coarse of action is a feeble attempt to salvage yours and their agenda whatever it may be.

I can see now why they chose you...

By not answering my question tells me that you are either unaware... or that you haven't thought about it...

Or because you feel this information would go against your current agenda..

UncleJohn 01-21-2010 05:46 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 226174)
When the evil queen in snowhite concocted her poisoned apple redefining the most beautiful in the land; then this poisoned apple was indeed eaten by snowhite for a happy ending in the arms of her prince in the long run.

Somehow I knew this thread was going to get around to Computation Complexity Theory. Alan Turing committed suicide by eating a poison apple. Alan came up with the Turing Machine and the Turing Test. He is one of my hero's.

What about the halting problem for linearly bounded automata (Turing machine)? NP == P?

abraxasinas 01-21-2010 05:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by UncleJohn (Post 226170)

And now for a question that I use to ask my friends so long ago. Who are the Grateful Dead and why are they following me around?

Your links above are showing your receiving the information Uncle John!

The Grateful Dead are who they are, described in the below and the poem, written by me, but transmitted by them.

http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/sitebuil...res/anubis.jpghttp://tonyb.freeyellow.com/sitebuil...g.w300h212.jpgRaH Versus ApeP as HaR the Image of RaHaR in the Mirror of Hathor.

The Right White Solar Eye of RaH for Horus of the Horizon as the 3 and the Left Black Lunar Eye of HaR for Hathor of the Mirror as the 6 and Imaged in the Right Eye of Uraeus in Anubis as the 9.

Anubis Khaibit- Shadow of Uraeus

"A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."

{Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead}

Out in the graveyard;
inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away;
like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay.
Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them
and not just in photoalbums or on the special days.

Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget!
They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away.
The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die.
Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive.

They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far;
yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do?
To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest.
They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest.

A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell.
But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their lovehearts tell?
The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one.
But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone!

The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallise again in two.
To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!'
Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request.
But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest.

{Thus passes away the glory of the world}


Stardustaquarion 01-21-2010 05:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
2004 I lost my eldest daughter to suicide and my physical condition deteriorated (I am presently only a physical wreck unable to walk or stand up without great tremors and muscle spasms).

Beloved Abraxasinas

I missed above, have not been reading your postings regularly. I myself suffered from fibromyalgia for many years and nothing could help me. I left no stone unturned...and then I found Keylontic Sciences and little by little following the journeys I had great improvement. Of course they make no health claims of any class, but think about it, the problems are in our template and so healing the template by correcting the distorssions make sense. I am now fully recovery and with more energy than when I was in my 20's

Unless you seriously underwent monadic reversal and the full fibonacci activation of the death star merkabah, you can get better, even heal yourself if you choose to

It is never too late, and even if you are no longer conected to source you can still use the journeys and improve your condition and have a Krystiac existance of peace and joy. Krystiac has nothing to do with christianity is the primal sound of creation Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La

Of course this may not be for you at all and I understand that each being has its own desires of exploration, the dead light is a path as well as the living light

I wish you well

In eternal krystiac aqua LaVa

abraxasinas 01-21-2010 05:59 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 226175)

Wow this thread finally got interesting... Guna have to start off by admitting that I pretty much saw this coming and for that I can't help but smile...

I can smell fear.... although you might think you can invoke fear to some of the members here it should be known to you by now that this coarse of action is a feeble attempt to salvage yours and their agenda whatever it may be.

I can see now why they chose you...

By not answering my question tells me that you are either unaware... or that you haven't thought about it...

Or because you feel this information would go against your current agenda..

I apologize; what question; I must have missed it?

I'll look and come back to you!


abraxasinas 01-21-2010 06:09 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 225965)
And what is to become of the council once its term is served?

Are they to live in a quarantine of a higher dimension?

Ah yes, sorry I missed this question Jonah!

They are in quarantine now before the transfomation or metamorphosis for a better term.
With the transformation thay will render the twosidedness of the omnispacetime mirror as onesided.

This is a precise mathematical and topological transformation, which you can analyse in studying the Moebius Strip embedded as a onesided surface in a 3D space and that of a Klein-Bottle as a 2-dimensional surface embedded in 4-dimensional space, as the latter cannot be embedded in 3-dimensional space like the Moebius strip.

In simpler terms, this means that the 12D 'outside' universe will be able to connect to its 'inside' universe in the continuation of the twosidedness as a doubled surface of the 2D-Klein Bottle as a Torus Topology as a 11-dimensional supertwist of the rootreduced 11D=1+1=2D.

In metaphysical archetypical terms the Mayan Rattlesnake will 'rattle' its tail and the entwined serpentine brotherhood will become unified in the darkness becoming as one with the light.

This means of course that the Thuban Exile will end in its homecoming into a reconfigured universe. The 10D-11D-12D partitioning will be unified in the 'shattering' of the mirror of the illusions.


abraxasinas 01-21-2010 06:22 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion (Post 226193)
2004 I lost my eldest daughter to suicide and my physical condition deteriorated (I am presently only a physical wreck unable to walk or stand up without great tremors and muscle spasms).

Beloved Abraxasinas

I missed above, have not been reading your postings regularly. I myself suffered from fibromyalgia for many years and nothing could help me. I left no stone unturned...and then I found Keylontic Sciences and little by little following the journeys I had great improvement. Of course they make no health claims of any class, but think about it, the problems are in our template and so healing the template by correcting the distorssions make sense. I am now fully recovery and with more energy than when I was in my 20's

Unless you seriously underwent monadic reversal and the full fibonacci activation of the death star merkabah, you can get better, even heal yourself if you choose to

It is never too late, and even if you are no longer conected to source you can still use the journeys and improve your condition and have a Krystiac existance of peace and joy. Krystiac has nothing to do with christianity is the primal sound of creation Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La

Of course this may not be for you at all and I understand that each being has its own desires of exploration, the dead light is a path as well as the living light

I wish you well

In eternal krystiac aqua LaVa

I appreciate your deepfelt and hearty concerns for my cursed dragonhood existence beloved stardustaquarion.
I have not activated my Krytstiac merkabahs and my path is indeed that of the Khaibit as the Guide of the Dead.

The Thubanese guardians of the death and the planetdustedness have decided to remain in Hades and give allegiance to Charon the Ferryman rowing across the River Styx.

We have encountered the great teachings of the Guardian Alliance and that of the Cassiopeans in the orders of the 'Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order' and the 'Future Quantum School of Melchizedek'.

We also have known of the prior sources of those great teachings and have decided to incorporate the earlier source codes instead of the newer assimilated ones.


Love always to our Blue Dragon Sister in the Realms of the Theatres of the Living Oneness.


Céline 01-21-2010 06:25 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Jonah 01-21-2010 06:30 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If i may, are the ships currently surrounding the earth coming in peace to meet with us...

before eating us..... or is this just for some

will i get to meet my furry alien mirror self in peace before it eats me? cuz that would be cool... you know at least wine and dine me before putting me to sleep so to speak... :mfr_omg:

you have brought out the worst my friend truly disgusting... just my opinion...

people are free to think what they will... don't think you'll have much of a following however.. at least not from members of this forum... good luck abrax..

ps... if your around when its feeding time come and find me.. i'll be the one sending your dragon's back to the stars XXX-)

BROOK 01-21-2010 06:30 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Céline...I absolutely LOVE that picture.....I will share another.....in love...in light


In Transit 01-21-2010 06:31 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Sorry for the tangent, but this thread is a wild ride and I would like to throw in another twist or two.

I have always been fascinated by "Last Days" or "End of Days" prophecy via old testament sources and any other sources I can get my hands on.

I have recently awakened from the path of Mormonism to be precise. One of the issues that led to my awakening was my thirst for ongoing enlightenment. What I found within this particular religion was that an attempt was made at the roots of the religion to dabble in prophecy and revelation as it related to the existing base of scriptures and freemasonry. Yet, nowadays there was nothing new. This baffled me, how could a common intelligent human being be okay stagnating with no real new knowledge or additional knowledge that would help along the path back to the source?

At one point I my inner self knew that it must break free from these chains of man-made dogma. At the same time I knew I was leaving behind knowledge that had helped me get to this point. I was an outcast by all others who were happy in their stagnated state. I was the rebel.

Anyway, I provide this illustration to you in reference to my upcoming question so please stay with me. In my departure from Mormonism and Christianity it seemed to me that there is really something underneath the layers of loving Mormonism and all of Christianity that must be exposed to the unsuspecting loving membership (and most members of these religion are great and unsuspecting) before we can move any further towards the Source.

So, the question here is will the unknown ugliness of Mormonism as well as all religions be exposed at some point in the future in your opinion?

How would this scenario play out?

I have recently had the feeling that there will be participation or an interaction that has to do with inner earth or the lost tribes as spoken of in ancient scripture. What are your thoughts on this?

What do you know of the legend of the city of Enoch?

That's it for now. Your time and insight are much appreciated by one who is always In Transit.

jujumon 01-21-2010 06:32 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

I seem to hear different dates, you and others have indicated Dec 21, 2012, while others (in the minority I might add) have been advocating October 28, 2011, Do you care to comment?

Céline 01-21-2010 06:45 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 226210)
Céline...I absolutely LOVE that picture.....I will share another.....in love...in light

Thank you dear Brook!!

it is stunning...

in Light and Love...we will fill the dark Hole...

BROOK 01-21-2010 06:47 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 226225)

Thank you dear Brook!!

it is stunning...

in Light and Love...we will fill the dark Hole...

Yes...it is for our Mother...Gaia..that I see the lights shine.
And with her blessings do I fear not the darkness :wub2:

Stardustaquarion 01-21-2010 06:49 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 226204)
I appreciate your deepfelt and hearty concerns for my cursed dragonhood existence beloved stardustaquarion.
I have not activated my Krytstiac merkabahs and my path is indeed that of the Khaibit as the Guide of the Dead.

The Thubanese guardians of the death and the planetdustedness have decided to remain in Hades and give allegiance to Charon the Ferryman rowing across the River Styx.

We have encountered the great teachings of the Guardian Alliance and that of the Cassiopeans in the orders of the 'Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order' and the 'Future Quantum School of Melchizedek'.

We also have known of the prior sources of those great teachings and have decided to incorporate the earlier source codes instead of the newer assimilated ones.


Love always to our Blue Dragon Sister in the Realms of the Theatres of the Living Oneness.


The link that you mention is just one opinion, I studied with the gnostics, theosophyst, shamans etc, etc. the list is endless and have spent all the spare time that I had in my life in the quest of understanding and achieving ascension

Like you I have also had contact with ETs prior to encountering the GA MCEO
Many of the things my ETs taught me are reflected in the teachings of the azurite press. I am not a full nor naive, I research deep into every subject that I am interested

One thing that was key for me is that Asha in her books talks about the United Kingdom being part of Atlantis which is an impression I had many years ago and could not find confirmation anywere

Appart from that the Earth, is my friend, it talks to me and tells me its secrets...I am a gridkeeper I can read the ethers

Before engaging on the Freedom Teachings I researched so much that I left myself withouth a shadow of a doubt that this was the most logical, cohesive path that one can wish to engage should one want physical ascension, or just spiritual ascension

I know many people shy of Asha's teachings because she is very direct and her logical/scientifical explanations on the creation and ascension mechanic will challenge the intellectual capacity of even scientist...many people just give up

Why are these teachings so difficult, because they are being stepped down and I know how that happens because I myself do keylontic communication with many Krystiac beings from different planets and realms

Asha by the way could not possible have made up all these, she only went to college and studied art. The complexity and ellegance of the system will take many MIT geniuses to compile and put together if they ever could. My son has a honours degree in Artificial Intelligence so I know the score

Part of me used to live in Sirius B and had speaker contracts there. As that part of me in a parallel time I did guide three ascension...you see but here I am only a gridkeeper
The beings in the higher dimensions have great difficulty understanding our predicament, many of them have never been in a fallen system before

There are also a miriad of distorsions down here and the NET of oblivion that program us to be in fear and think that the only life that we have is this one and that is it...

In eternal Krystiac aqua LaVa

Céline 01-21-2010 06:51 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
i do not fear the darkness but i will never give myself over to it either..

i dont care how many parables...or how many "facts"one knows..

No one..could convince me, that a black hole.. holds the answers.

BROOK 01-21-2010 06:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 226230)
i do not fear the darkness but i will never give myself over to it either..

i dont care how many parables...or how many "facts"one knows..

No one..could convince me, that a black hole.. holds the answers.

Profound truth and wisdom.
Spoken from the heart... :wub2:

Céline 01-21-2010 06:59 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 226233)

Profound truth and wisdom.
Spoken from the heart... :wub2:

Thank you dear friend .. i suppose my position means nothing to Abraxas...but i do hope others...see ..my point.

BROOK 01-21-2010 07:03 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 226234)
Thank you dear friend .. i suppose my position means nothing to Abraxas...but i do hope others...see ..my point.

I am sure they do....and when the time is upon us...just remember two things

Mother Gaia.....and the Merkaba....with love in our heart we will be just fine. :wub2:

Céline 01-21-2010 07:05 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 226237)
just remember two things

Mother Gaia.....and the Merkaba....with love in your heart you will be just fine. :wub2:


THE eXchanger 01-21-2010 07:07 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
are you familiar with the dragon called
Seraf'ina ???

ina - 9 5 1 (15)
thus ; 22+15=37/10
she is a red dragon outside, blue inside, and,
can blend those colours of red/and, blue to reflect/or, be seen as purple

she is some form of ancient lightworker dragon
but, where is she originally from/what are all the purposes
for having access to a dragon ???

she shows up to work with us in grand cycles,
currently, earth is NOW in a 13th grand cycle,
WE ARE CURIOUS, exactly what these 13th grand cycle are...
is it merely, a changing of a guard of 2000 years x 13 = 26,000
and, also that of a galatic alignment !!!
ie; it moves from pisces/to age of acquarius etc., ???
means to you ???

Céline 01-21-2010 07:14 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

abraxasinas 01-21-2010 07:20 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by UncleJohn (Post 226183)
Somehow I knew this thread was going to get around to Computation Complexity Theory. Alan Turing committed suicide by eating a poison apple. Alan came up with the Turing Machine and the Turing Test. He is one of my hero's.

What about the halting problem for linearly bounded automata (Turing machine)? NP == P?

The Logician and Nazi codebreaker Alan Turing, yes prosecuted by the English legislatures for his nature as written and a story told beautifully by Andrew Hodges biography: Alan Turing: The Enigma.

Computer-Literate I am not and anyone working in the field knows more than me.
But there are Input-Output functions and Goedels Theorems of Incompleteness applied to the polynomial time of the deterministic Turing Machine class P and the nondeterministic Turing Machine class NP.
The Quantum Computer can put the string into a multiple interaction field for the nonsequential order of the string.
Does not the human brain behave like this as a parallel processor of the data?
Reducing the polynomial timeinterval makes faster and more capacitative memories; but eliminating the timeinterval into a quantum NOW can open the Memory of the Universe as its own Turing Machine - but yet it is P and perhaps NP-complete in halting.

The fast algorithm in polynomial time - can the undecidability of the Halting problem be modeled on the beginnings of the univers?
It was an infinite computer loop after all, just like Turing's Proof.

So the solution of P=NP relates to the cosmogenesis. Some logician will one day use the physical birth of spacetime to map the Halting Problems One-To-One.

P=NP before there was time and space and the algorithms for the computers of the future emerged from the logistics of themselves.
After the spacetime exists however, the P=Not NP because thing has turned to require the strings themselves to Be - in the simpleton's word of the relative ignorance.


Céline 01-21-2010 07:23 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Darkness should never ignore the Light.

Darkness hungers for the Light.

Light brings life to darkness

Light offers eternity

BROOK 01-21-2010 07:24 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

abraxasinas 01-21-2010 07:25 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion (Post 226229)
The link that you mention is just one opinion, I studied with the gnostics, theosophyst, shamans etc, etc. the list is endless and have spent all the spare time that I had in my life in the quest of understanding and achieving ascension

Like you I have also had contact with ETs prior to encountering the GA MCEO
Many of the things my ETs taught me are reflected in the teachings of the azurite press. I am not a full nor naive, I research deep into every subject that I am interested

One thing that was key for me is that Asha in her books talks about the United Kingdom being part of Atlantis which is an impression I had many years ago and could not find confirmation anywere

Appart from that the Earth, is my friend, it talks to me and tells me its secrets...I am a gridkeeper I can read the ethers

Before engaging on the Freedom Teachings I researched so much that I left myself withouth a shadow of a doubt that this was the most logical, cohesive path that one can wish to engage should one want physical ascension, or just spiritual ascension

I know many people shy of Asha's teachings because she is very direct and her logical/scientifical explanations on the creation and ascension mechanic will challenge the intellectual capacity of even scientist...many people just give up

Why are these teachings so difficult, because they are being stepped down and I know how that happens because I myself do keylontic communication with many Krystiac beings from different planets and realms

Asha by the way could not possible have made up all these, she only went to college and studied art. The complexity and ellegance of the system will take many MIT geniuses to compile and put together if they ever could. My son has a honours degree in Artificial Intelligence so I know the score

Part of me used to live in Sirius B and had speaker contracts there. As that part of me in a parallel time I did guide three ascension...you see but here I am only a gridkeeper
The beings in the higher dimensions have great difficulty understanding our predicament, many of them have never been in a fallen system before

There are also a miriad of distorsions down here and the NET of oblivion that program us to be in fear and think that the only life that we have is this one and that is it...

In eternal Krystiac aqua LaVa

Indeed, Anna Hayes' scientific discourses are profound indeed.


Céline 01-21-2010 07:26 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 226252)

That image says more...then any of the long posts...any of the parables...or any of the 30+ pages on this......thread...could EVER say...

thank You Brook

BROOK 01-21-2010 07:28 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 226254)

That image says more...then any of the long posts...any of the parables...or any of the 30+ pages on this......thread...could EVER say...

thank You Brook

You are welcome...it is called "The Hand of God"

abraxasinas 01-21-2010 07:39 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 226230)
i do not fear the darkness but i will never give myself over to it either..

i dont care how many parables...or how many "facts"one knows..

No one..could convince me, that a black hole.. holds the answers.

I am sure you have little ideas about what a 'Black Hole' is Celine!

You may give ear to a scientist, rather than to the purveyors of fearbased agendas.

Of Whales, Mites, Souls, Merkabahs and Black Holes!

The 'Seat' of the 'Soul' according to the string physics of Quantum Relativity (QR)

Much controversy revolves around the concept of the Cartesian mind-body duality and the ideas of an immortal part of a living entities colloquially and historically termed 'soul'.

Four references from the KJV Christian bible read as translated.

Genesis.2.7: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul".

Genesis.2.5: "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb in the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."

Genesis.1.21: "And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantely, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

Genesis.1.11: "And God said, Let the earth bring bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the fruit tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

It is proposed in QR; that the sciptural accounts describing creation in actuality reflect an encoding of a story, which can today be translated into the nomenclature of modern physical theory.

So the 'seed in itself' translates as the programming of the DNA inherent in the sexual chromosomes of reproduction in modern genetics of sorts.
This then implies, that the 'Lord God' and as the creator somehow must be responsible for this 'programming' as say the primordial and/or underpinning and/or intrinsic intelligence or mind for this 'creation' and 'before it materialised' in the Big Bang cosmology and the creation of space and time et al.

Furthermore, man (and all lifeforms in flora and fauna say before it) does in fact derive from 'the dust of the ground'; namely as the first selfreplicating biovital precursors in the Darwinian evolution in the form of clay-crystals.
The growth of crystalline inorganic structures can be shown to relate to chiral differentiation with say the biochemistry of DNA manifesting in righthanded sugars and lefthanded proteins. Also this can be further examined and analysed in the weak parity violation of the weak nuclear interaction and so the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in fundamental particle physics.
Subsequently, nature's favouring of compacting information in its most efficient manner possible leads to geometric forms for the selfreplication of crystalline structures to proceed; say as in the well established form of fivefolded symmetries in the Fibonacci patterns of quasicrystals and the more regular packing arrangements as say embodied in the five Platonic Solids: Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.

The topic of this post is however a particular 'decoding' of the scriptures; namely why are 'whales' mentioned in the genesis account and in context with the 'moving creatures', say as distinct of the 'stationary' trees?

First, the informed reader might realise certain biological anomalies.

Only whales share something termed the female human menopause with scriptural 'man' (meaning mankind as male with the female as a bisexual unity).

Secondly, whilst the evolutionary historical record shows diversity in the great mammals generally having 'shrunk' in size; the whales have greatly 'expanded'.

A mammoth; a dimetrodon, a wooly rhino and a smilodon; all clearly show scaled-up versions of the modern elephant, the modern rhinoceros and the modern lion say.

But the ancestry of whales is believed to derive from landdwelling Mesonychids, which were doglike carniverous ungulates (one-hoofed) and from ancestors of the hippopotamus in artiodactyla (hippopotamidae) of the early paleocene about 60 million years ago.

Basilosaurus cetoides (and say Zyggorhiza Kochii) were primitive whales in the Eocene oceans, about 40 million years ago, having returned to the aquatic environment, say 50 million years ago.

Those primitive whales, as cetaceans, then 'split' about 35 million years ago into evolved into the toothless baleen whales and the toothed dolphins, porpoises, killer whales and sperm whales of today.

The greatest and most massive mammal that has ever existed still exists today under threat of extinction - the Blue Whale of say 150 tonnes in weight and 30-40 meters in length.

One blue whale was dated as being over 200 years old and their average lifespan is the same as that for the human in so 70-100 years.

So is there a familial relationship between humans and whales? Modern whales are related to pachyderms in the hippopotami and some 'decipherers' of scripture identify the biblical 'behemoth' of the Book of Job with the hippopotamus and the Leviathan of that book with the whale.

Actually, according to QR, the Jobian mythological creatures relate to something rather different, namely the Mazzaroth or Circle of Ourobos as the 'zodiac' of the 'Milky Way'; but this has been discussed elsewhere.

But according to the cosmogenesis of QR; the Big Bang occurred 19.11 billion years ago following 'stringed inflationary epoch'.

This inflation ended at the 'instanton of time', namely to=3.33..x10-31 seconds after 'Planck-Time' and related in the cycletime n=Ho.t. This quantises a linear 'flow of time' as dn/dt=Ho~1.88x10-18 Hz and as a superposed 'cosmic frequency' for the expansion of the universe (as a nodal Hubble-Constant of 58 km/Mpc.s say).

This marker, initialising the thermodynamic Big Bang as a Planck Black-Body Radiator; then manifests a 'Unified Field' (UF) of the four gauge interactions (Gravitation, Electromagnetism and the two nuclear interactions).

This UF manifests the merging of two opposing wavefunctions, which repeats in intervals of 8π radians and manifests the gauge interactions as a collection of monopolic current 'knots' or 12 intersection-points.

As the timeinstanton defines the c-invariance in lightpath x=cto and as a wavelength (lambda) say; one can now metricate the minimum displacement as a Schwarzschild Radius in say General Relativity and giving a boundary/initial condition for the relativistic Big Bang.

Setting 4 Lambda=(8π.ro)=2GM/c2, then specifies the 'Black Holed' inertia or mass as Mmin=4π.ro.c2/G=162,000 kg in the QR calculation, using string parameters.

What does this mean?

This means that any mass observed and measured in the universe can be differentiated in terms of its Black-Hole equivalence.

A classical Black Hole would become limited in an 'ordinary' manifested mass of 162 tonnes and as the precise mapping of the 'Unified Field' onto a subsequent cosmic evolution, which began over 19 billion years ago and in a sense defining the 'finiteness' of the universe, compared to its stringed 'pretime'.

So any of the 'living moving creatures' of the scriptural account would PRECEDE the manifestation of a physical universe as the 'seeds of themselves', now translated into modern semantics as the Black Hole inertia equivalents, which in QR are also monopolic and superconductive source-currents.

So if 162 tonnes is a maximum and say as the scale of the most massive living creature that ever existed; what then is the minimum scale of such a creature?.

As the 162 tonnes specify a maximum in say the baleen whale as the END of the inflationary string epoch; the minimum is necessarily defined in the beginning of that epoch and so in the Planck-Mass MP=√(hc/2πG)~1.6x10-8 kg.

Should one use the mass of a human preembryo at implantation of the blastocyst (100-150 cells) at say 7 days after fertilisation as a marker; then using cellular mitosis at the twelfth division - after the creation of the first generation of the daughter cells from the parental spermatozoa and ovum -of the (totipotent) stem cells; the Planck-Mass is also attained.
Here one uses a characteristic cellular mass of 1 nanogram for 214=16,384 cells for a total mass of 16,384 nanograms.

So the lightest 'living creature' should weigh about the Planck-Mass and is found in the world of the microbes.

The Etruscan Shrew (of thumbsize) is described as the lightest living mammal, weighing 2 grams; the lightest vertebrate is often said to be the stout infantfish (of so 8 mm) at one milligram and the lightest insects are say fairy flies (hymenoptera, wasps), which also weigh in the milligram region and the millimeter scale of size.

The smallest invertebrata can be smaller, then the largest protozoa, say the bacterium paramecium (350 micrometers) as compared to a fairy flie of 200 micrometers.

Microscopic mites like Archegozetes Iongesetosus (from taxonomy of acari and arachnids) weighs 100 micrograms and is often called the 'strongest animal in the world', as it can lift over 1182 times its own bodyweight (expected value is about five times). Such microorganisms date back to the Devonian era of so 400 million years ago and still dominate the overall lifeform in number on the planet.

But Archegozetes Iongesetosus is a 'larger' mite at half a millimeter and at 10-7 kg and smaller mites reduce to less than one tenth of a millimeter.

This reduction in size corresponds to a say fivefolded reduction in mass and now characterises the Planck-Mass of so 16 micrograms.

So what am I saying?

I claim, that say the extreme forms of inertia found on the planet, say the 162 ton baleen whale and the tropic mite at 20 microgram, are both related to the creation of the universe before space and time existed - as DNA/RNA templates or architectural blueprints subject to evolutionary genetic mutation or similar.

And this is just, what the scriptures claim in genesis. The 'seeds' existed, before they were planted.

And the human scale of say 50-100 kg is near the geometric mean of the two extremes at √(162x103x1.6x10-8)~0.051 kg by a factor of 1000 - the mean describing a 'weight' of 51 grams (a typical chocolate bar or a small bird).

So where then is the location of the 'souls'?

The souls of all 'living things' are located inside the Black Holes of their inertia equivalence.
And as this equivalence predates the Big Bang, the 'souls' of living entitities from mite to blue whale must also predate the materially manifested universe in the selfsame primordial 'mind' or 'cosmic intelligence', which programmed the 'seeds' in say the genetic encoding and which is historically known under many labelings, including that of the 'Lord God'.

Subsequently, when a mite or blue whale 'dies', the information 'collected' as say 'memory' in 'consciousness' throughout its 'lifecycle' will become 'processable' in a scenario transcending space and time in a 'return to the sourcing of the seeds'.


Fantastic hypothesis, Tony. Are you saying that there is a sort
of 'blueprint soul' from which all others are made and to which
they return?
I don't really understand inertia, but I think I was able to grasp
most of what you were alluding to above.

TonyB.: Yes April, and this blueprint is the same 'thing' from which the entire universe was born. It is the 'singularity' of mathematical physics as well as the 'source of all things' of the ancients, as well as the 'IAm' of Moses' 'burning bush' in Exodus.3.14 as the 'most holy of names' as well as the 'IAM' of omniscience of the New Ager.

Because this 'singularity' is responsible of having 'made' space and time from itself; it was described by the ancient mind of insight (gnosis=scientia=knowledge) as some 'LIGHT moving out of its own darkness to create all things.
This is just like the mythology described in genesis. So the 'bible bashers' in a sense are not far off the 'truth' at all. Using GNOSIS=SCIENCE=INSIGHT, one can DECIPHER the mythologies in just a manner which reductionistic science can (and will imo) eventually accept as its own ontology.

The trouble is that any mythology becomes by necessity FILTERED by the 'decoder'.
So saying, that the 'spirit of God' moved across the void (which is the same as the Greek Chaos differentiating into Uranus=Sky and Gaea=Earth or the Egyptian twinship of Geb=Earth with Nut=Sky) can and has been interpreted in many ways, including in exoteric (open and outward for the masses as Jesus or similar adepts would have said) and an esoteric (hidden or occult and inward for the disciples as Jesus or similar adepts would have said).
Then the so called sceptics and antispiritualists lose impartiality in critisizing the exotericism of say the dogma-bound religions as being undifferentiated from the esoteric interpretations (reserved for the 'disciples' or whatever).

Lastly, April's question on the 'souls return to their source' requires deeper analysis.

Logically, all speculations must be selfconsistent and should also be reducible to a basic simplicity.

So the 'singularity' is in fact defined in a generalised way by many thinkers, ancient and new. One can term it the 'Lord God' or the Big Bang Singularity of a Planck-Superstring or the Source-Energy of the IAMTHATIAM or whatever.
Note here an important FACT. God is God UNTIL he has created his own image in Man (AdamEve) and RENAMES himself as the Lord God thenceafter. Why? Because Adam has now become God as his Veritas Eikona (Perfect or True Image), being empowered to NAME all the created fauna and flora in the manner of scientific classifications and taxonomies etc. etc.(Gen.2.4,20).

God's Spirit becomes the ENERGY, not only of his own selfdefinition (after emerging out of his opwn darkness or void by becoming AWARE of himself); but also of the lifesustaining 'breath of life' dispensed to his environment (say Stephen's bubble of being, which is Isaiah's 'Vessel of the Lord', Noah's Ark, the New Age Merkabah, Moses' 'Ark of the Covenant' and the 'Body of Christ' as the 'Body of the Church' in the eucharist etc. etc.).

Modern science then will one day discover, that this 'spirit of God' is closely related to the foundations of the physical sciences in being the boundary for spacetime as metric limit - limiting to what displacement scale measurements can be reduced.

Because of this, all science must eventually converge at its source of origin and it will then become understood what 'God' truly is and always was.
Namely, God can only be the energy reservoir for everything that exist, did or can exist including all thoughts, memories, speculations, dreams and inventions.
BUT, this energy reservoir must necessarily be independent on physical parameters such as space and time and mass.
So, modern science must CHANGE its paradigm of reducing everything to spacetimematter and REPLACE this with a reduction to the ENERGY equaivalence of this spacetimematter.
This will DEFINE 'God' unmistakenly, as all global science will find commonality and reproducibility through the scientific methodology.

I can elaborate if asked specific questions on this and have already often done so in my posts.

So the 'souls' are REDUCED energy concentrations independent on mass and space and time. Whilst 'enlivening' some 'vessel of life' (and a vessel of the lord in terms onf man as the image); the 'souls' ARE the living entity, might it be an ant or a dolphin or a child.
Their 'souls' are however CONNECTED to the source of all in their ENERGY EQUIVALENCE, say modelled on Black Hole physics.

As the entire inertial universe is most definitively describable as a "Mother Black Hole' (because the critical density in General Relativity demands a harmony between elementary parameters in first principles); whatever is contained in this universe is automatically bilocated in terms of the INFORMATION procressing of this selfsame universe.

The boundary of the universe is colocated with the centre (and just as Stephen propounds in his 'merkabah'-sphere).
This means, that all information in between is MAPPED onto the surface (of the so called Hubble Horizon of the universe so 17 billion lightyears from the Big Bang centre) and from where it is 'processed' by the centre.

So the 'return of the souls' is rendered as a REMEMBRANCE or RECOGNISANCE of the 'souls' which had embarked on a journey, of say into embodiment, to discover more of their 'own identity' as the vertias eikonas of their source.


Céline 01-21-2010 07:49 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 226259)
I am sure you have little ideas about what a 'Black Hole' is Celine!

The greatest and most massive mammal that has ever existed still exists today under threat of extinction - the Blue Whale of say 150 tonnes in weight and 30-40 meters in length.

One blue whale was dated as being over 200 years old and their average lifespan is the same as that for the human in so 70-100 years.


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 226259)

Ok..i read most of that...

Hmmm...You are "sure" i do not know?... about black holes?....i had no clue you knew that much about me...

But i was not talking so much about black holes..as Darkness...and that is a subject i do know a lot about...

i have been up close and personal with the great blue whale...have you?

She was...amazing..powerful...

She is not the only whale i have seen... i go every summer to watch the great whales..

The light, beaming off those mammals is incredible...

but they are not the only ones..

May i ask..what all that information was supposed to teach me?

Guess im just stupid...but it went over my head.

For all light workers out there...do not feel... "heavy", if you do not understand this threads..perspective.

It changes Nothing

Darkness hungers for light.

Light is life.

BROOK 01-21-2010 07:51 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
And Jesus said

He who would know everything, but fails to know himself misses the knowledge of everything

abraxasinas 01-21-2010 07:53 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by jujumon (Post 226212)

I seem to hear different dates, you and others have indicated Dec 21, 2012, while others (in the minority I might add) have been advocating October 28, 2011, Do you care to comment?

Yes, the Calleman date of October 28th, 2011 is 40 days (of the wilderness and/or the flood of Noah) from a trigger date of December 8th, 2011.


abraxasinas 01-21-2010 07:59 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 226265)

Ok..i read most of that...

Hmmm...You are "sure" i do not know?... about black holes?....i had no clue you knew that much about me...

But i was not talking so much about black holes..as Darkness...and that is a subject i do know a lot about...

i have been up close and personal with the great blue whale...have you?

She was...amazing..powerful...

She is not the only whale i have seen... i go every summer to watch the great whales..

The light, beaming off those mammals is incredible...

but they are not the only ones..

May i ask..what all that information was supposed to teach me?

Guess im just stupid...but it went over my head.

For all light workers out there...do not feel... "heavy", if you do not understand this threads..perspective.

It changes Nothing

Darkness hungers for light.

Light is life.

I have spoken of REAL Black Holes Celine not imaginary nonphysical ones.
You are free to follow your path into the light; just as I am free to follow my path into the darkness - the REAL darkness not the imagined nonphysical one.
With nonphysical I do not infer spiritual, as the 'Spirit' is physically definable and so must the 'spiritual darkness' be physical definable.

Your innuendo about your experience with cetaceans appears a little condescending, despite your loving nature.


abraxasinas 01-21-2010 08:04 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger (Post 226240)
are you familiar with the dragon called
Seraf'ina ???

ina - 9 5 1 (15)
thus ; 22+15=37/10
she is a red dragon outside, blue inside, and,
can blend those colours of red/and, blue to reflect/or, be seen as purple

she is some form of ancient lightworker dragon
but, where is she originally from/what are all the purposes
for having access to a dragon ???

she shows up to work with us in grand cycles,
currently, earth is NOW in a 13th grand cycle,
WE ARE CURIOUS, exactly what these 13th grand cycle are...
is it merely, a changing of a guard of 2000 years x 13 = 26,000
and, also that of a galatic alignment !!!
ie; it moves from pisces/to age of acquarius etc., ???
means to you ???

This is BAIAME - the Rainbow Dragon of Uluru or Ayers Rock; the DREAMTIME SERPENT of the Australian Aboriginee; now known to represent the oldest representative of the homo sapiens sapiens genus.
This is known as Mungo Man and Mungo Woman discovered in New South Wales and dated via burial rites to be so 40,000 years old.

The cycles are easy 13 Mayan baktuns are 13x144,000 days/kin in 1,872,000 days specifying the 3114 BC to 2012 AD longcount of 5125 civil years.
The last baktun so is 144,000 days or 394 years from 1618 to 2012 as the 13th and last cycle.


Spregovori 01-21-2010 08:17 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I just may have stumbled upon an interesting question (or not)

While searching for pictures I found something you might wish to comment on


There were also the words (among other things): Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16) So together let us traverse the path of the serpent, which is the path of wisdom

What i find most interesting is the tear (crying)

I have no specific questions, I am just curious (it might not be bad to elaborate on the symbolism)

Céline 01-21-2010 08:22 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 226275)
I have spoken of REAL Black Holes Celine not imaginary nonphysical ones.
You are free to follow your path into the light; just as I am free to follow my path into the darkness - the REAL darkness not the imagined nonphysical one.
With nonphysical I do not infer spiritual, as the 'Spirit' is physically definable and so must the 'spiritual darkness' be physical definable.

Your innuendo about your experience with cetaceans appears a little condescending, despite your loving nature.


I never questioned whether you were speaking of "real"or "fake"" that was not my point

Thank you for reminding me of my "freedoms" but i am well aware of them

Condescending? How so? because i said "have you?"

Forgive me if you took this the wrong way, but my intent was purely to tell you that your "parable"" ...has a reality bite to it...

i know a lot more, then you obviously ,are aware that i know...

it is not important for me to get you to understand, or figure out who, what i am...

its important for the light.. to heal the dark..that is all.

Cosmology is not something i know about...am i dumb because of that?

Do my beliefs not fit in because i do not devote every waking hour to the study of this??

i am not a child.

My loving nature is what motivates me in everything i do.

abraxasinas 01-21-2010 08:26 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 226209)
If i may, are the ships currently surrounding the earth coming in peace to meet with us...

before eating us..... or is this just for some

will i get to meet my furry alien mirror self in peace before it eats me? cuz that would be cool... you know at least wine and dine me before putting me to sleep so to speak... :mfr_omg:

you have brought out the worst my friend truly disgusting... just my opinion...

people are free to think what they will... don't think you'll have much of a following however.. at least not from members of this forum... good luck abrax..

ps... if your around when its feeding time come and find me.. i'll be the one sending your dragon's back to the stars XXX-)

You are entitled and free to interpret any information you encounter as you wish Jonah.


abraxasinas 01-21-2010 08:30 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 226287)
I just may have stumbled upon an interesting question (or not)

While searching for pictures I found something you might wish to comment on


There were also the words (among other things): Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16) So together let us traverse the path of the serpent, which is the path of wisdom

What i find most interesting is the tear (crying)

I have no specific questions, I am just curious (it might not be bad to elaborate on the symbolism)

The tear is the 'cry of the earth' upon the 'crucifixion' of the Sun, Sprigovori.
It infers the Mother losing her Son as well as the Creation Mother losing her Creator on two major levels of interpretation.


Sollve 01-21-2010 08:51 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 226210)
Céline...I absolutely LOVE that picture.....I will share another.....in love...in light



I just wanted to say that I can feel your love and the healing energy you are emitting and I appreciate it SO much. Thank you!

With Love,

Myplanet2 01-21-2010 08:52 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Do the Thuban have an opinion about how the dark and the light can be reunited in harmony, rather than in the separation of polarity? Most explanations I've heard, when not coming directly from within a polarization, are from the light perspective. Simple works best for me. I've been trying to keep my mind quiet, not get it fired back up again.

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