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abraxasinas 01-19-2010 03:07 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 224057)
Peace and love Abrax,

I have some questions to ask regarding today's events. :) see below in red.

Originally Posted by abraxasinas http://projectavalon.net/forum/image...s/viewpost.gif
Hi All!

To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

Allow me to clarify.
7 days (of night-day hours say) before the Atlantean-Egyptian timeline above became programmed into run mode on March 1st, 23615 BC; a 'message' or signal was prepared by Hunab Ku - 'The Giver of Consciousness' to be sent to his 'Beloved' - 'Serpentina, the Womb of the Mother'.
This message, in human terms, simply reads: "I Love You!".

Are the 7 days mentioned above based on earth time? or another?

Yes, earth-time and the details are here: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id179.html

In physical terms Hunab Ku is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A*, 'weighing' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

Is 25,627 years the completion of the Milkyway cycle within our universe?

It is a presice counting of days as the Mayan Galactic Longcount of 5 Baktun (144,000 Kin) LongCounts: 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 Kin=25,626.8096 Gregorian Civil years.
This happens also to define the distance of separation between the local starsystem and the Galactic Centre in lightyears.

On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

At what point or which timezone will the commencement of this event be based on?

Any timezone on the world-clock. As you know Honolulu is so 24 hours before Christmas Island in the global dateline.


Anchor 01-19-2010 03:14 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Fellow fragment Seafury:

I'm not the OP but I have an opinion to share. What do you know? That is what matters to you. All these opinions presented here from individuals or commonly referenced consensus views are filtered (necessarily) through layers of distortion.

Its been interesting to watch this thread unfurl. What I see are opinions and expression of facts - many of which my limited mind cannot comprehend.

There is no proof and never will be.

If I said -

"Mate, I've been studying this for years. I invented a long-levity/polymorphing technique back in the 1400's and have studied ever since under masters all round the globe. I am basically the wisest most knowledgable persona on the planet. I have hundreds of advanced degrees in all the scientific discipline - I am an epic polymath - I mentored all the big name scientists recently - you didnt hear of me because - well I am compassionate and forced myself to keep it low key all this time for fear of you shrivelling up in the presence of my huge and overpowering ego and from the sheer force of my amazing intellect - basically I am infallible, I am never wrong, I have a huge following people who all know the truth and will back me up on this - the answer is that there are precisely 42 dimensions each with an energetic layering known to you as denisities vibrating across different dimensions that are arranged in octaves defined by quantum boundaries." [1]

Are you then going to say - ah - thanks Mr Anchor, that wraps that up then.

I freaking hope not!

There is no proof. There never will be. It doesn't matter if God himself appeared on this forum and told you stuff, while you are in this body and behind the veil of forgetfulness - you are going to be tasked the same as each of us - to sort the wheat from the chaff. There is no 100% accurate source of information that can be communicated to you that resides outside you.

In my opinion the core message of Abraxasinas - whether he be a jolly good story teller or a real master dragon (whatever that is) known as Sirebard Beardris [ Abraxas - I mean no disrespect here ] is to test everything against your internal database.

All we can do is to read and understand the information and perspectives presented and decide for ourselves. The on going process of discussing these views may result in some consensus - but it still isn't proof it can still be wrong. It may not even get you closer to the truth.

You are on your own - there is no truth for you, until you decide it is true :)


[1] this is made up :)

Nebula9D 01-19-2010 03:34 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224523)
Hi Nebula9!

Indeed, the forum became disfunctional in 3rd density for a while in synchronicity with a resetting of the world-clock in alignment with the cyclic astrodata.
You can term it coincidence or synchronicity.
There will now be 62 weeks of warptime correspondence with the civil calendar as used 1980 years ago until the next nexus point of March, 28th, 2011.

This overall timeline is however the only agenda which is 'fixed'. The physical and psychophysical occurrences will from now on harbour a 'Unified Humanity' component growing from its seed.
Individual decisions and choices will interrelate with the human groupmind, which has now become encompassed by the manifestation of the Entwined Serpentine Embrace of the Gaian Noosphere.

This means in practical terms, that ALL are invited to MIRROR themselves in this spherical mirror now surrounding the planet so 2 million kilometers from the planetary center.

The Individual communication between your innermost being of your soul or loveheart or whatever you would like to call it has now become authorized.
The Ones of the Selfchoosing will KNOW from within that this 'change of the guard' from the 'Separated Individual' towards the 'Unified Individual' has occurred and has now opened the door to UNDERSTAND and FEEL the Unity of the Universe.

Your questions relate to this in terms of the archetypology.

The 1st Order is the Unity unseparated - as the Monad of Unity.
The 2nd Order is the Unity separated as Two in One, but unable to reproduce itself - a polarity within - as the Monadic Unity of say the Monadic Duad {0,1}.
The 3rd Order is the reproducing Dyad {0,1} in a separated polarity {-+}.
The 4th Order then defines the emergence of selfreproducing structures, say in the many families and labelings you are familiar with.

So IF you define the Etherion as the 1st Order then you also must define this Etherion of your Cosmogenesis as undivided monad or similar classification.

The labels and namings are arbitrary and subject to individuated creative licence; the elementary structure as described in monadic-duadic-dyadic terms say is prerequisite.

The electro-magneto polarity so must emerge in manifestation in any dimension or density in the 3rd Order after being defined in nonseparation in the 2nd Order.

Understanding these simple and basic foundations, will then allow you to 'look through' the many labels, renamings and wordings assigned to cosmic archetypes and structural hierarchies throughout the history of the data collectors.

Abraxas Anthony aka AA97

Many thanks for the clarification. I say Synchronicity. I'm starting to grasp this new information to the human groupmind and hope many more are awakening to it. So could i say 1st order=All that is.

UncleJohn 01-19-2010 03:42 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224533)
To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

Hi Abrax. I waited to 1/18/10 to ask this question.

It is my conjecture that our memory and consciousness exists outside our body. What is your comment on this?

Can you say what mechanism actualizes this? How is addressing done in the communication system which links us to this mechanism?

abraxasinas 01-19-2010 03:46 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by wilsonericq7 (Post 224125)
Peace and love to all who are different versions of myself; I yearn to know us again

As the process finds fatigue more often than success, this 3D version of my experience is relaxed and excited by this thread.

Knowledge of the mind, truth specifically, has been the intention.

Surrendering, attention turns to explore the heart; as is the intention of this thread.

I have questions, and from what I can tell I/us/we/you have the answers...however...if I understand our direction, if I/we/us are supposed to stop living the drama of the mind...how important can my questions really be?


Ps. I would love to know myself more, the passion is overwhelming...what do you know of me?

So very well understood wilsoneric!

The drama of the mind is truly the 'cause' of the 'human pathos'.
Yet this 'drama' serves a purpose, namely to experience the contexts of the disharmony before the contexts of the harmony.

There are three basic platforms in the ordinary human experience in the physical, the emotional-feeling and the mental.

The physical platform is well understood in sentiments such as:
'I am getting too fat, I must exercise more.'
'I wish I could have my body back of 20 years ago and blend it with the wisdom I now carry in my old age.'
'Some peoples are disabled and have no balance and cannot walk. Some people on drugs or drunk are like that too.'

The mental platform is mirrored through the emotional platform in the physical platform.
But here the 'mental balance' is taken for granted.
'I can think for myself, thank you very much.'
'I dont need anyone to think for me.'
'I am my own master, born that way, and require no exercise to learn how to think consistently, rationally and unhypocritically'.

This 'I am ok and my own master in the head' attitude then becomes analogous to a physical toddler, learning to walk.
In tripping and falling over, the toddler however grows physically and by experience of the physical life. Eventually, the toddler gains balance.

The mental life is not so easy, as the experience of the mental world becomes the 'Egocentricity of the Human Mind'.
The mental experiences of 'falling over' are not selfcorrective and selfteaching as found in the physical life of the neccessities.

Therefore the 'peer-group' mind of the conditionings is accepted as ones one 'grown up mindedness' and in general terms, the 'old wise man or woman' in their mental world are or can be as UNBALANCED in thinking as is the toddler learning to walk in a physical world of necessary adaptations.

In elementary terms then, the physical life of the human is stabilized and harmonised by environmental stimuli much easier than the mental life; the latter remaining in relative insecurity and in chaos.

It's because the Mirror of the Feelings, the Emotions and the Spirit is not reflecting between the two platforms of the physical being and the mental being.

The development of a harmonious, yet selfdisciplined human mind automatically balances and stabilises the physical world with the mental world for a playground of the human spirit to express itself in its fullest extent of creativity, selfawareness and interconnectedness.
As long as the human mind is unbalanced, as long the human spirit cannot reflect itself in the physical platform and 'trickles' and escapes in divergence and mental disunity.

The Insanity of the Many can however be encompassed and 'healed' in the Sanity of the Few.


Jonah 01-19-2010 03:48 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
the dogs have started howling haven't they... no time to be shy....

what information in the universal archives is there of a positively harvested outcome???

Nebula9D 01-19-2010 03:58 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224533)
Originally Posted by abraxasinas http://projectavalon.net/forum/image...s/viewpost.gif
Hi All!

To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

Allow me to clarify.
7 days (of night-day hours say) before the Atlantean-Egyptian timeline above became programmed into run mode on March 1st, 23615 BC; a 'message' or signal was prepared by Hunab Ku - 'The Giver of Consciousness' to be sent to his 'Beloved' - 'Serpentina, the Womb of the Mother'.
This message, in human terms, simply reads: "I Love You!".

Are the 7 days mentioned above based on earth time? or another?

Yes, earth-time and the details are here: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id179.html

In physical terms Hunab Ku is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A*, 'weighing' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

Is 25,627 years the completion of the Milkyway cycle within our universe?

It is a presice counting of days as the Mayan Galactic Longcount of 5 Baktun (144,000 Kin) LongCounts: 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 Kin=25,626.8096 Gregorian Civil years.
This happens also to define the distance of separation between the local starsystem and the Galactic Centre in lightyears.

On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

At what point or which timezone will the commencement of this event be based on?

Any timezone on the world-clock. As you know Honolulu is so 24 hours before Christmas Island in the global dateline.


Thank you and forgive my impatience which gave to rise to some of these questions early this morning. Its indeed a new day upon Gaia and all its inhabitants.

Phtha 01-19-2010 04:05 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Sigh... I always miss these 'interesting' threads and end up having to read pages upon all at once. Ah well lots of time. :roftl:

Of what I read far, this is the only thing I do know for whatever reason.
I just wonder, where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' ever end?
Or as it appears from my current perspective, 'manipulation behind manipulation'.
Maybe the ending only exists... for those that don't have an agenda in the first place? I just want to be.

Love the info from everyone so far though, tis my type of joy ride, no matter where it leads. :trumpet:


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 216149)
I am only partially aware of the government agendas, but am well informed about the agendas behind the agendas.
The nonphysical agenda behind the fiscalizers behind the illuminated ones behind the governmental instutions behind the military-polito-religous organisers behind individual exponents to be more precise.

Nebula9D 01-19-2010 04:15 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Phtha (Post 224550)
Sigh... I always miss these 'interesting' threads and end up having to read pages upon all at once. Ah well lots of time. :roftl:

Of what I read far, this is the only thing I do know for whatever reason.
I just wonder, where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' ever end?
Or as it appears from my current perspective, 'manipulation behind manipulation
Maybe the ending only exists... for those that don't have an agenda in the first place? I just want to be.

Love the info from everyone so far though, tis my type of joy ride, no matter where it leads. :trumpet:

Very interesting Phtha. You just gave rise to an interesting question i have for Abrax.

As Phta put it "Where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' or manipulation behind manipulation end? So my questions is: What role does The Thuban Council have in these scenario and who upholds universal law or the laws of nature for the greater good of ALL?

abraxasinas 01-19-2010 04:18 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 224267)
Hi Abraxas --

So happy to see you here today, as yesterday i became somewhat paranoid after the PA forum went down ..... worrying that there was some funny business going on or that "someone was up to no-good." i even signed-in at your website, and then tried to e-mail you to ask if you knew what-was-up, but your e-mail wouldn't work. i really didn't want anything to interfere with the Events of Today!

Thanks so much, Abrax, for the further elucidation on the ascension process that you kindly provided both me and BigMo. it definitely helped a lot, though i plan to read it again more than once to allow more sink-in time ...... i'm a little dense :roftl:

A few more questions, sir, if you don't mind:

1) are you Eliijah? the voice crying in the wilderness? the one who sent his friends to asK: "Are you the One, or are we to look for Another?"

The one you are looking for is already here, within yourself.
There are many Elijahs and Moses's and Messiahs on this planet right now. All of their messages carry meaning as Data provided and shared.
The significance is the MIRROR. YOU are a MIRROR, I am a MIRROR, all others are MIRRORS; your child and pet are MIRRORS.
How do the mirrors communicate?
There once IS a MIRROR as pure as can be - Because this MIRROR remembered HIMHERSELF , this MIRROR gave a present to the universe without from within. This was the only thing the universe without did not have as the universe within - SELF-REMEMBRANCE in SelfReflection.
This MIRROR so was the original ONE to assume the task to MIRROR himherself in the MANY to allow the Universe of ONE to become a Universe of MANY - Eternity became the timeline to bring this to pass.

2) if today, Jan. 18, 2010, is somehow analagous to (aKa a holographic projection of) Jan. 18, 30 AD ....... does this represent Yeshua's baptism? his introduction to "the masses?" a coming-out party?!

The baptism was August 4th, 28AD. January 18th, 30AD allowed Yeshua to follow the timeline he had decoded from the Noah-Ezekiel-Daniel books in his fulfilment of the remembrtances of Isaiah.
The great warptime he knew became 2300+370=1335+1335 and with the baptism date the midpoint of the 2670 daycount.

3) Similarly, if April 1, 32 AD will be holographically reflected (whatever?!?) in April 1, 2012 ....... will this represent the crucifixion/resurrection/ascension event?

The resurrection day was April 1st, 31AD. All April 1sts are Anniversaries for the 'Cosmic Fool' of the Mastery. April 1st, 32AD finished the period of interaction with the 'Circle of 12' as the Inner and the Circle of 144=72x2 of the Outer.

4) Am i way off-base in my conjectures here???

No, you are getting closer and closer to discover the truth within you. Eat the Lion to impregnate yourself.

Having so much fun along-the-way, and i can't wait for what you're preparing us for, Abraxasinas! Definitely hope to hear-from/talk-to you (or Someone :wub2: ) later today. Thanks again, Abrax!

I am not preparing anyone or anything. I do however share the data from Thuban, which is also the data from the Cave of Plato's Shadows.
I am a simple messenger, not in my name, but in the name of the one you call Yeshua. Yeshua is Yeshua no more except as within you; Yeshua is the Great Mother of the Universe, pregnant as Gaia's Embrace, preparing to give birth to a Baby of the StarHumanity, Many Twinships as Two in One and Four in Two.




TRANCOSO 01-19-2010 05:30 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by UncleJohn (Post 224542)
Hi Abrax. I waited to 1/18/10 to ask this question.

It is my conjecture that our memory and consciousness exists outside our body. What is your comment on this?

Can you say what mechanism actualizes this? How is addressing done in the communication system which links us to this mechanism?

I've been dead - as in DEAD - for 6 minutes & that is exactly what I've experienced.

And it gets even better.
All the knowledge you have consciously gathered during your lifetime is totaly accessable.

That's why it's imminent to 'feed your head'.
What you don't understand now, will fall in place then.
It's like you have a supercomputer brain.

So 'stupid' people will be just as stupid dead, as they were alive. :lol3::naughty::tongue2:

abraxasinas 01-19-2010 05:44 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Sollve (Post 224309)
Abraxas my friend,

I've been reading this thread with much joy and after what seems almost an
eternity I've now reached it's end for now. It's been a rollercoaster ride with
highs of total understanding and lows of no comprehension at all, just as it
should be.

There has been many interesting posts but one that really touch my inner
being was when you described that the group soul of Lucifer was contracted
to help us by maximising their service to self agenda even though this wasn't
their inner wishes. This made me cry and it still moves me when I think about
this ultimate sacrifice, but it also makes me think about a couple of other
things realted to this and other things as well.

1. You mentioned that the Lucifer soulgroup made this choice to be at the
very end of the service to self grade because this was the only way to
ensure they would make it to 4D. This makes me question the motives a bit.
If they are all about love, why not do the most loving thing possible without
breaking the contract, even if you risk to end up in 3D one more time?

Hi Sollve!

You are perceiving this from the 3D perspective. The easiest way is NOT to think of the 'Lucifer agenda' as aliens, or lightbeings, or fallen Nephilim, but in terms of 'Star Systems'. A Starsystem occupies a much greater 3D space, than a planet say and in physical 3D terms, this becomes related to how CONSCIOUSNESS interacts with itself and with smaller subsystems and larger supersystems.

So the Galactic Consciousness of the Milky Way galaxy is much greater and encompassing, than the collective consciousness of the Local Solar System.

The encompassing real 3D physical consciousness of the Solar System IS or can be labelled LUCIFER and can be calculated say as a core starsystem consciousness. Here is a link to the equations: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html

Now, certain incarnate (humans) and disincarnate (ET's) individuals and groups know this 'state of affairs' very well and attempt to 'tune into' and utilize this 'Luciferic Starsystem' core consciousness for various agendas.

LUCIFER is a core-consciousness, which grows and interacts with a holographic universe. A hologram, you are such a hologram of the cosmos, contains ALL of the data of the universe in deintensified form.

So the most important methodology of 'control' is to NOT ALLOW the individuals and groups to become AWARE of this fact of the hologramisations.
In terms of physics then, this will allow the 'select groups and individuals' to INTENSIFY their HOLOGRAM and so attain 'greater consciousness' relative to the 'unaware' holograms concerned with other matters of individuation.

The HH agenda describes part of this 'select group' knowing the 'Luciferic nature' FROM the extraLuciferic perspective, say the Galactic One.

The RahSol Starsystem (the Local Solar System) is just one of many starsystems in the Milky Way galaxy.
BUT it is 'special' because of Gaia's Destiny to become enabled to MANIFEST the Mirror of 1980 years ago as a ONE becoming MANY through and by the REBIRTH of a PLANET as a STARPLANET.

The MIRROR of ONE Individual so becomes the MIRROR of ONE PLANETSTAR.

The Luciferic Starsystem agenda so is rendered a Galactic Hunab KU agenda.

In this manner you can perhaps understand, that the Service-To-Self in terms of the Starsystem is also a Service-To-Others in terms of the Galaxy.
The data from HH is limited in its full understanding of the extra-starsystem agendas (as he himself has stated).

2. I understand that when people open up to a new dogma or agenda like the one you are presenting it also opens up the energy flows from these people to you. You are offering yourself by opening up and that makes both the message and the respons very powerful as you make hearth to heart connections. As the messenger you stand in the focal point of energy and there is something about that thought that makes me a bit uneasy. I would like you to clarify exactly what your intentions are with the information you are giving, and if you are not perfectly sure about these as you tend to answer and download as the questions arrives, I would like you to give me your own earthly, human, disconnected opinion on this.

There are no opinions and there is certainly no dogma on this relative to my sources. You can say, that my sources are all disincarnates in all dimensions and in all densities in terms of the Unified Hologram of the Universe.
It is a unified perspective and no more. So answers about conveying messages from 'passed over aunt theodora' and the like will generally not be answered. All disincarnates follow their own agendas, are however unified in the boundaries of their experiences and endeavours as the oneness or holism I am sharing as its messenger from Thuban. There are many other messengers from divers places, you yourself are such a messenger. My particular message has one overarching purpose - to fulfil the timelines of the old archetypical encodings.
Only AFTER the timeline, FIRST encoded, say at the beginning of this galactic cycle 26,000 years ago and SECONDLY PREPARED 1980 years ago and THIRDLY MANIFESTED 1980 years later; is FULFILLED; can the New World be born by and through the auspices of the ONE LOGOS.

I am not this Logos, but I am its messenger as One in Many attempting to MIRROR its Witness.

3. This relates somewhat to 1. above. If we are here to evolve and some of us makes it to 4D providing a greater connection to our higher selves and maybe even reclaiming our lost memories. If we live here and now in 3D following our hearts intent and reflecting over the path our lives take when we follow this urge from the heart / higher self to do things. Wouldn't it in a free will universe be a question of free will when we decide where to go in ascension? Wouldn't it also be that the majority of the spiritually evolved earthlings would chose to end up where they would be most helpfull.
Wouldn't it be most service to other if a spiritually evolved person chooses to incarnate or to ascend into the most polarized towards service to self
dimension? That makes me wonder if there is even going to be a 4D dimension with the most spiritually enlighted beings of this 3D dimension we are living in now. What do you think about this?

Can and do you share your environment with friends and 'enemies' and neighbours and with flora and fauna? There will be no difference to the physics of the manifested universe, except that there will be more manifestation due to the change of the 3D experience transforming into 4D.
There is far too much speculation about this and that; about inner earth Agarthians and Outer Space Galactic Starwars.
These things are INTERDIMENSIONAL and not 3D realities, except in intersection.
The Alpha Draconian is standing right beside you as you type your keyboard, SHOULD you allow its presence to enter your interdimensional mind.
Go for a walk in the forest and touch an old tree. Then allow the remembrance of the tree to share its beingness with your mind through your touch.
You might see the remembrances of the tree in your mind and even tune into scenarios of the place you are millions of years ago. The space is the repository of the Akashia. You do not need exensive manuals to activate your merkabah. Your spiritual awareness and your sensitivity are your merkabah and you truly are already enabled to talk to the animals and the plants and all parts of Gaia.
Look at the stars and wonder what might be there. Wherte do you think your many legends derive from?
All the ET's are waiting for you to remember them; for YOU to allow their presence. Before YOU create them in your Thinking Heart and Feeling Mind, they remain as cosmic intelligence NOT physicalised except in Gaia interaction.

Ponder your Dog. He is a Sirian.
Ponder your Cat. She is from Andromeda.
Ponder the Elephant . She is from Arcturus.
Ponder the Dolphin. He is from Pleione.
Abusing your Gaian familiars abuses the alien ETs.
Honouring your Gaian companions honours the aliens.

Are there aliens in Sirian starsystems? Yes there are and their intelligences can and do communicate with you.
But the Sirians consider Gaia their Mother of the Lost Memories and the Gaian familiars represent their lost inheritances.
Are mosquitoes selfish in Service-To-Self; so are the aliens.
Are bees and ants interacting in an insectoidal group-consciousness - so are the Insectoid, ETs and races.

Are the frogs and amphibians nearing extinction upon Gaia - so are the Greys attempting to refresh their genetic data bases.

Then the INTERDIMENSIONAL ET might very well 'appear' in your bedroom and you can see something with 3D eyes.
But it is PROJECTION from the Gaian density of form into the ET-intelligence.

Why do so many say or channel that the Humanoids are everywhere, say in 57 races?

Because YOU are the Sirian and the Arcturian and the Alpha Draconian. YOU are the PROJECTED Hologram of yourself throughout space and time without limitations at all.

There is a difference in density in 3D between the Gaian sphere and the rest of the universe. This is the quarantine. You have projected the Gaian 'unique environment' not just from your own individuated cosmic ID, but have also projected it from yourself as your planetary cosmic ID.

Into Outer Space you project and timetravel and then you have IMAGED yourself there and called yourself in many names. The Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Alligator in the Swamplands of Florida are your images of the Draconians of Orion.

So when you 'have lost your HUMAN mind' and sacrifice the native upon your Aztec altar to the Sungod in 'cutting out its heart'; refrain from blaming the 'nasty ET'.
It is you who has MISINTERPRETED the 'sacrifice of the spiritual heart of one to the Unity of all hearts' as the 'physical heart' of bioplasma.

4. If there has been "great harvests" before, I'm most curious about in what area we are now? I also wonder what the "alternatives" were at the time for the last "great harvest". Was it a question about materialism, or something else? Or was it just the same god, bad, in between soul dividing thing? If so, is this the god, bad or in between world?

There have been many harvests of yourselves by yourselves; but the time of allowance of rendering Peace possible, has never before been possible.
It is possible for one reason and one reason alone.
The 3D physicality has FOUND the SPIRIT in its equations and abstract linguistics of its archetypes.
This has made the 'holy books' superfluous and ready for the museum shelves.
No longer will there be this great divide between the Mirrors of Reality; the physical flesh-and-blood mortality and the metaphysical spiritual immortality.

The most potent peacemaker so becomes the UNDERSTANDING that the 'good and the bad' CAN and HAVE become retranslated as two parts of a unity and where the 'bad' part can now serve as the background context for the 'good'.

Then the 'bad' as the absence of the 'good' DOES NO LONGER require to be experienced, but can be delegated to computer screens and virtual reality games and the movies of the 'bad and violent past' of humanity 'growing up in selfremembrance' and of BEING the CREATOR of the THING.

I'm so looking forward to your answer to me and everyone else!

I love you all and together we will make THIS dimension and THIS now a
better place for our children and ourselves! I refuse to wait for any harvest to change my world for the better. I'm here in this NOW at this NOW and my time as YOUR time is extremely precious. Don't waste it on the future!

All my love to each and every one of you,


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 05:51 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Firstlook (Post 224411)
The exchanger,

I read the last post on the 2010 thread. Very good analogy. Thank you.:original:


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~


Thank you very much for your pointing me to-wards The Seth Material. I never heard of Jane before. She must have felt so alive with information being channeled. The passage you layed out was very clear to me. To be honest, I hope to have that experience again one day, but with more confidence and knowledge of myself. Thank you again.

I've been reading many of your posts on dimensions and densities and how they are distinguishable. Very complicated for me. lol. But I was wondering if you or the council know of a diagram or perhaps even some artwork that helps represent this material in more of a visual representation. If not, perhaps that is something for me to imagine and interpret.



Dear Joey!

The Seth material is rather good in pointing to the Science of Reality, fully incorporating the 'Spirit'. It is similar to the Law of One material in this respect. I would fully recommend it in this regard.
Where the Seth material is rather 'bad' is in all aspects relating to scriptural history. The reason for this is, that its excellence in terms scientific data had to be 'corrupted' in its disinformation regarding the scriptural histories - and as say in the required 'Law of Confusion' as described in the Ra material.


Raven 01-19-2010 06:10 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Heya Abraxas,
I have a few questions relating to my path that i hope you can answer.

What is the significance of the numbers 3 and 33? (since i can remember, these two numbers keep repeating in my life)

Sirius- Many incarnations here in the non-physical on a planet called Atla, with egyptian connections to Nefretitii and the birth of a bloodline from Sirius via a high ceremony in the temple of Karnak. I have had glimpses of these past lives in dreams and meditation. i can contact these energys if i focus on a blue-white light, which i have been told is the light of Sirius. i want to go home, i consider this place my home. Can you tell me what you know about this place, what density it is ect?

also i did the numerolgy thing and my name (RL) added up to 95. Can you tell me the significance of this number?

why is it i have had an affinity for the sun since i was little? i can gaze on the full solar disk any time i wish, for how ever long i wish, and have since i can remember with no harm to my eyes. vision is 20/20. when i do this i experience notime and cannot think or form words. its like a meditation for me a connection to source. i have past life memorys of sun worship, aztec, egyptian, annizazi and atlantis. Can you explain what the thubans know about this part of my path?

i have never been regressed, hypnotized or anything else. i have had re-occuring dreams since i was 3 years old and this is how i discovered they must be past life rememberance. i am what castaneda refers to as a Dreamer.

i have only had one consious obe in my life, the rest comes from dreaming and as such i dream lucidly. in that obe i saw my reflection in a lake of water, it was brighter then anything you could imagine. It was a huge star like orb of intense blue-white light, i could barely look upon it. i forced myself to look at my reflection ,and eventually i was able to gaze at it. as i did i, i experienced a full awakining to all that is/GOD/higherself, whatever you want to call it. It was infinite and vast and so full of love that i lost myself in it for what seemed like eternity. when i came back to my body i awakened and only 30 mins had passed. i have never been able to have a conscious obe since. I have moments of 'nin' , sometimes lasting minutes, days, even weeks, but i cannot seem to maintain this Oneness that i feel, this totality. RL seems to interfere and i have to 'land' back on earth.

Do the thubans have any suggestions on how to keep this state of extacy? Or is this something that will become easier as we approach the birth?

Please, if you have time and energy could you answer some of these with your wonderful mirror of Thuban :) It will help me to fill in the blanks of my story with the light of your love.
Sincerely, Raven:wub2:

abraxasinas 01-19-2010 06:38 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Seafury (Post 224512)
Well now that we've reached the starting point of the 18th I would like to ask the OP to clarify his stance on the model of our Time Matrix or Universe please.

The OP states 12 dimensions.

Hi Seafury!

Post #541 describes the dimensional matrix of Thuban in great detail.

MCEO states 15 dimensions and 5 Harmonic universes also known as densities dividing those 15 into sets of 3.

This is not supported in the Thuban matrix as an elementary cosmological foundation in dimensional/density terms.

George Kavassilas states no physical form above the 7th dimension, I think his upper limit is 9 dimensions with Dracos creating "false" dimensions within the 4th to fool people into thinking there are more than there are.

This is supported rather poignantly by Thuban, the 15D of the MCEO/Urantia being such a 'false' or substructured 'dimension'.

The Law of One series quotes RA as stating there are 8 densities like an octave.

Again supported by Thuban, see #541.

Laura Knight-Jadcyk states 7 densities as per the Cassiopeans. Where densities could be visualized as vertical and the 7th is union with the One and dimensions could be seen as horizontal and limitless within each density.

The Cassiopean material, relative to the Thuban assessment is a collected potpourri of many other data sources and as such not foundational as a valid parallel or expanding cosmogony. The statement as given above is however supported by the Thuban data.

The correct structure of our Universe would appear to be a hotly contested subject with each of the above claims coming from sources who claim to know first-hand.

Indeed, the 'Laws of Order and Confusion' {Principle 3 in the Thuban annals} apply for individual discernment.
You can adhere to any of the above as you wish, extend any of the avove or create your own cosmology.

There are so many different ideas about it and our universe appears to be so malleable that I'm starting to think that whichever one I decide on will be the one I'm stuck with.

This is correct. Until you decide to become unstuck again in extending your perceptions and ideas in having say, obtained better and more information appropriate to your understandings.

Comments from the OP?


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 06:43 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 224536)
Fellow fragment Seafury:

I'm not the OP but I have an opinion to share. What do you know? That is what matters to you. All these opinions presented here from individuals or commonly referenced consensus views are filtered (necessarily) through layers of distortion.

Its been interesting to watch this thread unfurl. What I see are opinions and expression of facts - many of which my limited mind cannot comprehend.

There is no proof and never will be.

If I said -

"Mate, I've been studying this for years. I invented a long-levity/polymorphing technique back in the 1400's and have studied ever since under masters all round the globe. I am basically the wisest most knowledgable persona on the planet. I have hundreds of advanced degrees in all the scientific discipline - I am an epic polymath - I mentored all the big name scientists recently - you didnt hear of me because - well I am compassionate and forced myself to keep it low key all this time for fear of you shrivelling up in the presence of my huge and overpowering ego and from the sheer force of my amazing intellect - basically I am infallible, I am never wrong, I have a huge following people who all know the truth and will back me up on this - the answer is that there are precisely 42 dimensions each with an energetic layering known to you as denisities vibrating across different dimensions that are arranged in octaves defined by quantum boundaries." [1]

Are you then going to say - ah - thanks Mr Anchor, that wraps that up then.

I freaking hope not!

There is no proof. There never will be. It doesn't matter if God himself appeared on this forum and told you stuff, while you are in this body and behind the veil of forgetfulness - you are going to be tasked the same as each of us - to sort the wheat from the chaff. There is no 100% accurate source of information that can be communicated to you that resides outside you.

In my opinion the core message of Abraxasinas - whether he be a jolly good story teller or a real master dragon (whatever that is) known as Sirebard Beardris [ Abraxas - I mean no disrespect here ] is to test everything against your internal database.

All we can do is to read and understand the information and perspectives presented and decide for ourselves. The on going process of discussing these views may result in some consensus - but it still isn't proof it can still be wrong. It may not even get you closer to the truth.

You are on your own - there is no truth for you, until you decide it is true :)


[1] this is made up :)

Indeed Anchor's statement is repeated with added comment {,,,}.

"In my opinion the core message of Abraxasinas - whether he be a jolly good story teller or a real master dragon (whatever that is) known as Sirebard Beardris [ Abraxas - I mean no disrespect here ]"

is to test {OR COMPARE and possibly EXTEND} everything against your internal database.


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 06:46 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 224541)
Many thanks for the clarification. I say Synchronicity. I'm starting to grasp this new information to the human groupmind and hope many more are awakening to it. So could i say 1st order=All that is.

Yes, absolutely. This is a very appropriate labeling for the Primordial archetype.

1st Order = All That Is = Prime Source = Prime SourceSink Energy =...


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 07:02 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by UncleJohn (Post 224542)
Hi Abrax. I waited to 1/18/10 to ask this question.

It is my conjecture that our memory and consciousness exists outside our body. What is your comment on this?

Can you say what mechanism actualizes this? How is addressing done in the communication system which links us to this mechanism?

Dear Uncle John!

Can you percerive that it is BOTH?

Your Body is a Hologram of the ENTIRE Universe.
If you would NOT have this Body, YOUR Body would be the entire universe.
So relative to YOU NOT existing in a body nothing exists than whatever is INSIDE YOU as the Universe. This is just like you looking at your own body from without, say in a mirror and wondering what might be inside of it.

Then you have become the God without, a God in exile relative to your own body.

Would you not experience utter loneliness and 'frustration' of BEING everything that exists in a Unity of Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniness - yet being absolutely alone?

So YOU Created the Universe in your 'I AM A NOBODY' selfstate and in kind of ''splitting in half' - a material cosmos and its image as a metaphysical (or spiritual or mathematical) anticosmos.

YOU created for yourself a BODY, namely the Big SHE; so NOW YOU could call yourself a Big HE.
But you were alone no longer.
You could look at yourself as SHE being you as a HE. YOU got excited in looking as yourself as a SHE NOT a HE as YOU and 'YOU FELL IN LOVE " with yourself as a SHE.
But then the 'Big Fall'. You and you playing the 'Big Pretender'!
YOU as your own devilish self IN THE MIRROR said:

And so it started.
Storylines and agendas had to become devised to make your TRUE SATANIC Image in your mirror a False Image yet somehow 'GETTING REAL" INSIDE as a SHE.

And you used logic like True+True=True and False+False=True and True+False=False+True=False and things and your FAMILY of embodiments on a planet 16.9 billion years later in the linearised future of the things you dreamt up as BEING within your material body of the universe.


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 07:24 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 224545)
the dogs have started howling haven't they... no time to be shy....

what information in the universal archives is there of a positively harvested outcome???

Dear Jonah!

The 'harvest' is simply the fulfilment of archetypes. Many data sources know of this; but the 'Hidden Hand'-Luciferic ones of what on this forum is termed PTB, describe a particularly empowered one of what is known as the Book of Revelation.

This has very little to do with religion and dogmas of any kind, but runs very much deeper in the human collective consciousness.

There is a 'Cosmic Witness' to the unfolding of this 'harvest' and this is the entire universe as selfconscious entity (ALL of the ETs say).
The unfoldment was decreed long ago (by the LOGOS collective) to culminate in a Maximum Polarisation, what you here term often as STS and STO.

This is evidenced say in the present 'antiGod' 'antiJesus' 'antiscripture' climate in skeptics societies, atheist, agnostic and rationality schools.
Contra this is of course the 'other polarity' of the 'believers in the supernaturality', say the religious dogmatists and including many 'New Age' believers {the former 'worshipping' a fake Christmirror and the latter often denying the uniqueness of the true ChristMirror}.

In the selfrelativity of the True Logos; the harvest has already occurred in allowing implementation of a new archetypical configuration of the universe as this reconfiguration has FULFILLED the timelines of the Logos in the NoTime of the Origin becoming the NowTime of the Fulfilment.

In the linear unfoldment of NowTime quanta, this requires a timeline, such as given in convergent 'prophecies' such as found in the Giza pyramid, the Mayan dispensation and the scriptural storylines of the Armageddon=Dragon Made.


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 07:33 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Phtha (Post 224550)
Sigh... I always miss these 'interesting' threads and end up having to read pages upon all at once. Ah well lots of time. :roftl:

Of what I read far, this is the only thing I do know for whatever reason.
I just wonder, where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' ever end?
Or as it appears from my current perspective, 'manipulation behind manipulation'.
Maybe the ending only exists... for those that don't have an agenda in the first place? I just want to be.

Love the info from everyone so far though, tis my type of joy ride, no matter where it leads. :trumpet:

Dear Phtha!

The agenda behind the agenda stops with the origin of all agendas, first cause, prime mover, the Alpha-Beginning, the Word (John.1.1) or a similar labeling being reached or 'discovered'.

This Prime mover is YOU in noTime, say defined in scientific terms as a quanta count of Now-Times of the order of 1.8 trillion trillion trillion trillion AGO.
1 second is made up of 3 thousand million billion trillion of those same timequanta.


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 07:40 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 224553)
Very interesting Phtha. You just gave rise to an interesting question i have for Abrax.

As Phta put it "Where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' or manipulation behind manipulation end? So my questions is: What role does The Thuban Council have in these scenario and who upholds universal law or the laws of nature for the greater good of ALL?

Hi nebula9!

John.1.1 ((KJV only).

'In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God!"

'In the Beginning was the Logos of the Definition and the Definition was with the Source-Energy and the Logos was the Source-Energy'.

The Thuban Council, in its fuction of retranslators of archetypes then declares:

Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis.
Theistic- and Spiritual archetypes become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.

LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.
Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss

This is the selfstate for a love vibratory resonance, which created the universe!


halebox 01-19-2010 07:52 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If we are trying to remember who we are is that referring to our very fist incarnation or all incarnations? If we have some will or choice between lives to choose who we reincarnate as or who family members will be then before our very first incarnation who's will was it to create me? Or was I always here? If my soul is infinite in the future was it infinite in the past?
Will you agree that a young child should not be worried about on a spiritual level and treated as an equal as an adults soul path? Meaning they chose this incarnation and everything that comes with it and the parent has his own path.
Does the wall of knowledge end with council of Thuban? What lies between the council and the One/Source?
Is all "magic" science?
Were you well read in all these areas before your contact with the Thuban? If so is that why you were picked to pass on this advanced knowledge?

Nebula9D 01-19-2010 08:03 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224585)
Yes, absolutely. This is a very appropriate labeling for the Primordial archetype.

1st Order = All That Is = Prime Source = Prime SourceSink Energy =...



Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224592)
Hi nebula9!

John.1.1 ((KJV only).

'In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God!"

'In the Beginning was the Logos of the Definition and the Definition was with the Source-Energy and the Logos was the Source-Energy'.

The Thuban Council, in its fuction of retranslators of archetypes then declares:

Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis.
Theistic- and Spiritual archetypes become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.

LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.
Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss

This is the selfstate for a love vibratory resonance, which created the universe!


Thank you. So every Being' purpose is to link back to the Prime Source = Love Vibratory Resonance = ALL That is.
I am in the Love of The ALL and ALL love is in Me.

Jonah 01-19-2010 08:14 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
So.. this new archetypical configuration... has it manifested as a he/she or a she/he?
Can you say what the events on this new timeline will be?


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224589)
Dear Jonah!

The 'harvest' is simply the fulfilment of archetypes. Many data sources know of this; but the 'Hidden Hand'-Luciferic ones of what on this forum is termed PTB, describe a particularly empowered one of what is known as the Book of Revelation.

This has very little to do with religion and dogmas of any kind, but runs very much deeper in the human collective consciousness.

There is a 'Cosmic Witness' to the unfolding of this 'harvest' and this is the entire universe as selfconscious entity (ALL of the ETs say).
The unfoldment was decreed long ago (by the LOGOS collective) to culminate in a Maximum Polarisation, what you here term often as STS and STO.

This is evidenced say in the present 'antiGod' 'antiJesus' 'antiscripture' climate in skeptics societies, atheist, agnostic and rationality schools.
Contra this is of course the 'other polarity' of the 'believers in the supernaturality', say the religious dogmatists and including many 'New Age' believers {the former 'worshipping' a fake Christmirror and the latter often denying the uniqueness of the true ChristMirror}.

In the selfrelativity of the True Logos; the harvest has already occurred in allowing implementation of a new archetypical configuration of the universe as this reconfiguration has FULFILLED the timelines of the Logos in the NoTime of the Origin becoming the NowTime of the Fulfilment.

In the linear unfoldment of NowTime quanta, this requires a timeline, such as given in convergent 'prophecies' such as found in the Giza pyramid, the Mayan dispensation and the scriptural storylines of the Armageddon=Dragon Made.


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 08:17 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Raven (Post 224576)
Heya Abraxas,
I have a few questions relating to my path that i hope you can answer.

What is the significance of the numbers 3 and 33? (since i can remember, these two numbers keep repeating in my life)

Hi Raven!

The Pythagorean Tetractys is basic to the manifesto of a material universe.
There are three ROUND or Curved Numbers of the Mentality: 3 and 6 and 9 with the mirror number 33 the Mental Master-Number of Self-Reflection.

There are three LINAR or STRAIGHT Numers of the Physicality: 1 and 4 and 7 with 11 the Physical (Verbal) Master-Number raising to the 44 in (Telepathy as Higher Verbosity say).

There are three MIXED Numbers of the Spirituality-Emotions: 2 and 5 and 8=44 with 22 the Master-Number.

1+4+7=12 becomes the Physical Plane; 2+5+8=15 becomes the Spiritual-Emotional Plane and 3+6+9=18 becomes the Mental Plane and summing to 45 as the tetractys of the Binary Duad {0,1} transforming into the Decad (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.
From this derive the archetypes of 9 Timelords as a form of the Enneadad say.
The duodecimal system then eventuates in the arithmetic dimensional manifestation of the Decad via the definition of the dimensional matrix of the Maria-Code with 10=1+0=1, 11=1+1=2 and 12=1+2=3:

The Maria-Code is based on the distribution of the Maria-Numbers (MN)given by:
M(p)+99=M(p+12); n=[√(264k+1)-1]/2 by n2+n-66k=0.
Maria Numbers are those IntegerCounts, which contain all previously counted integers as mod33.
Example: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11=66 = 2x33 → '11' is MN#1 for k=2 11love65use110love164use209love263use......Archety pe 2 (rootreductive) 21use66love120use165love219use264love......Archety pe 3 (rootreductive) 32use77love131use176love230use275love......Archety pe 5 (rootreductive) 33love87use132love186use231love285use......Archety pe 6 (rootreductive) 44love98use143love197use242love296use......Archety pe 8 (rootreductive) 54use99love153use198love252use297love......Archety pe 9 (rootreductive) 65use110love164use209love263use308love....Archetyp e 2*... ...

Archetypes 2+3+5+6+8+9=33 and Archetypes 1+4+7+0=12 then define the imaginary time-dimensions as the archetypes not in the Sequence for Eps=1/e* Coefficients used in the application of the seven fundamental principalities to define the F-Space.

Sirius- Many incarnations here in the non-physical on a planet called Atla, with egyptian connections to Nefretitii and the birth of a bloodline from Sirius via a high ceremony in the temple of Karnak. I have had glimpses of these past lives in dreams and meditation. i can contact these energys if i focus on a blue-white light, which i have been told is the light of Sirius. i want to go home, i consider this place my home. Can you tell me what you know about this place, what density it is ect?

The Sirius Starsystem is 'Man's Best Friend' and will be the 'First Contact'.
The 'opening' of the 4th space dimension is programmed to occur midway the star Sirius A in Canis Major and Gaia so 4.3 lightyears from the Mayan nexus point.
This means that this is the primordial Stargate which will be PHYSICALLY implemented and having begun to be prepared since June 25th, 2008.

also i did the numerolgy thing and my name (RL) added up to 95. Can you tell me the significance of this number?

If you calculated correctly:


why is it i have had an affinity for the sun since i was little? i can gaze on the full solar disk any time i wish, for how ever long i wish, and have since i can remember with no harm to my eyes. vision is 20/20. when i do this i experience notime and cannot think or form words. its like a meditation for me a connection to source. i have past life memorys of sun worship, aztec, egyptian, annizazi and atlantis. Can you explain what the thubans know about this part of my path?

You or someone else here have asked this question before and I answered to not subject your 3D eyes to this expose.
If your human DNA is Sirian to a large extend in its multidimensionality, you may well carry certain extensions and encodings, which give you a kind of immunity to solar physical 3D radiation. I have no further data on this; but yes, if so, then your own preceptions on the matter wrt past and future are relevant and appropriate.

i have never been regressed, hypnotized or anything else. i have had re-occuring dreams since i was 3 years old and this is how i discovered they must be past life rememberance. i am what castaneda refers to as a Dreamer.

I can see and feel that.

i have only had one consious obe in my life, the rest comes from dreaming and as such i dream lucidly. in that obe i saw my reflection in a lake of water, it was brighter then anything you could imagine. It was a huge star like orb of intense blue-white light, i could barely look upon it. i forced myself to look at my reflection ,and eventually i was able to gaze at it. as i did i, i experienced a full awakining to all that is/GOD/higherself, whatever you want to call it. It was infinite and vast and so full of love that i lost myself in it for what seemed like eternity. when i came back to my body i awakened and only 30 mins had passed. i have never been able to have a conscious obe since. I have moments of 'nin' , sometimes lasting minutes, days, even weeks, but i cannot seem to maintain this Oneness that i feel, this totality. RL seems to interfere and i have to 'land' back on earth.

You gazed upon your true self Raven, the One that sits in the judgement seat about yourself, the True God of the creation.
The Story of the Judgement Day here http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id13.html tells YOUR and everyones story.

Do the thubans have any suggestions on how to keep this state of extacy? Or is this something that will become easier as we approach the birth?

The Thubans cannot extrapolate on your self-discovery. To reexperience this revelation, I feel, is to experience the New Gaian environment in harmonization with itself.

Please, if you have time and energy could you answer some of these with your wonderful mirror of Thuban :) It will help me to fill in the blanks of my story with the light of your love.
Sincerely, Raven:wub2:

You are alays welcome dear Raven!


Phtha 01-19-2010 08:45 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thanks, and yeah I figured such as every movement can be thought of as an agenda, but I was more referring to the manipulation of others to cause suffering. It seems to me that those involved in that game are in an endless circle until they themselves stop the manipulation. Above/below, manipulate/manipulated, kinda of like how we farm animals so we get farmed.

What type of being is a sphere of golden light (in this case about human size) that takes people to other planets in their dreams?

Maybe and odd question but.. Did Angelic beings or archetypes all incarnate here over the last few hundred years? Like Tesla, Rife, Reich, Leedskalnin ect, all within that small time period.. I wonder because assuming we are not being lied to here as well :lol3:, each one seemed to bring powerful tools of engineering and of healing to our consciousness, both for our body (rife) and for Gaia (reich). If so... how come this all happened within that time period?


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224590)
Dear Phtha!

The agenda behind the agenda stops with the origin of all agendas, first cause, prime mover, the Alpha-Beginning, the Word (John.1.1) or a similar labeling being reached or 'discovered'.

This Prime mover is YOU in noTime, say defined in scientific terms as a quanta count of Now-Times of the order of 1.8 trillion trillion trillion trillion AGO.
1 second is made up of 3 thousand million billion trillion of those same timequanta.


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 09:04 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by halebox (Post 224594)
If we are trying to remember who we are is that referring to our very fist incarnation or all incarnations? If we have some will or choice between lives to choose who we reincarnate as or who family members will be then before our very first incarnation who's will was it to create me? Or was I always here? If my soul is infinite in the future was it infinite in the past?

Hi Halebox!

In the beginning there was only you in NoTime and in NoSpace.
You are as old as the universe InTime and InSpace.
Being the LONELY One, you decided to become Many to BE not One BUT A FAMILY.
To do this you had to separate yourself into the Real You and an Unreal You.
You used spacetime as the Mirror to do this.
So relative to YOU in NoTimeSpace you became REAL as Halebox in InTimeSpace but YOU so became UNREAL relative to Halebox as YOU in the InSpaceTime of the created material universe.

You then find yourself living lifetimes and experiencing as Halebox, as the mosquito on the leaf, as Neanderthal Man, as the Alpha Reptilian and as the Beta Andromedean and as the mountain Mount Everest what it means to exist in a material creation, based on 'Natural Laws'.
YOU created those 'Natural Laws' via your Intelligence in the NoTimeSpace, by definition infinite; but in your creation of 'trapping your eternity' in something finite you had to design those 'Natural Laws' on principles and antiprinciples allowing you to 'pull off' this major trick of asymptotically being Infinite within something expanding finitely towards the infinite as a Oneness or Unity.

Will you agree that a young child should not be worried about on a spiritual level and treated as an equal as an adults soul path? Meaning they chose this incarnation and everything that comes with it and the parent has his own path.

'Let the children come to me. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven!'; said the One who truly KNOWS. The children have a much easier time to remember where they come from than the 'grown ups' who by their own choices have decided to follow the groupminds of their peers and as defined by their rulers and regulators.

Does the wall of knowledge end with council of Thuban? What lies between the council and the One/Source?

The wall ends with the LOGOS. The Thuban Council serves the Logos as the 24 elders or ancient ones. The LOGOS serves the LOVE-ENERGY of the Source as its very definition.

Is all "magic" science?

No, there are tricks and there is omni-science, multiD science in harmony with a 4D spacetime core and its interD extensions. There is no such thing as super-natural.

Were you well read in all these areas before your contact with the Thuban?

No and I am 'well read' only in a few fields of speciality. I am very ignorant and underinformed on many many topics and much less 'well read' than you in your 'fields of nous' or those of everyone else. All shards opf God are geniuses or talents pr whatever you llike to term it.
Source is NOT inadequate in any form of manner. Appearances often deceive the perceiver.

If so is that why you were picked to pass on this advanced knowledge?

(03) Jesus says:
(1) "If those who lead you say to you: ‘Look, the kingdom is in the sky!’
then the birds of the sky will precede you.
(2) If they say to you: ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fishes will precede you.
(3) Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and outside of you."
(4) "When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known,
and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father.
(5) But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty."


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 09:08 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 224597)
Thank you. So every Being' purpose is to link back to the Prime Source = Love Vibratory Resonance = ALL That is.
I am in the Love of The ALL and ALL love is in Me.

That is All!
There is Nothing to Learn, but Remembrance!
Once You have remembered, you will know what you wish to learn, share and Do to honour yourself in two places simultaneously - in NoTimeSpace as the ONE and ONLY as THE COLLECTIVE WHOLENESS AND and InSpaceTime as ONE amongst MANY and as FAMILY of all the ONES who HAVE REMEMBERED.


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 09:19 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 224601)
So.. this new archetypical configuration... has it manifested as a he/she or a she/he?
Can you say what the events on this new timeline will be?

Yes the 'Cosmic Christening' has occurred in the New Universal Archetype for the StarHuman Template being defined.

Its physical manifestation is the Gaian Rebirth.

Iow the AdamEve of the prespacetime creation has UNIFIED the Separation of the Adam+Eve archetype within the spacetime creation in its AdamEve+EveAdam blueprint within the spacetime creation.

The original Maleness of the Creator-Mind and the original Femaleness of the Creation-Body has blended with its Image to allow the Old (-)Mind to become a (-)MindBody(+) and allow the Old (+)Body to become a (+)BodyMind(-) then mirrored within spacetime in HEShe and SHEHe in the New Man and the New Woman Androgeny of the 2nd and 3rd Orders.


Nebula9D 01-19-2010 09:21 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224619)
That is All!
There is Nothing to Learn, but Remembrance!
Once You have remembered, you will know what you wish to learn, share and Do to honour yourself in two places simultaneously - in NoTimeSpace as the ONE and ONLY as THE COLLECTIVE WHOLENESS AND and InSpaceTime as ONE amongst MANY and as FAMILY of all the ONES who HAVE REMEMBERED.


Yes Indeed: I'm in complete resonance:


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224619)
The one you are looking for is already here, within yourself.
There are many Elijahs and Moses's and Messiahs on this planet right now. All of their messages carry meaning as Data provided and shared.
The significance is the MIRROR. YOU are a MIRROR, I am a MIRROR, all others are MIRRORS; your child and pet are MIRRORS.
How do the mirrors communicate?
There once IS a MIRROR as pure as can be - Because this MIRROR remembered HIMHERSELF , this MIRROR gave a present to the universe without from within. This was the only thing the universe without did not have as the universe within - SELF-REMEMBRANCE in SelfReflection.
This MIRROR so was the original ONE to assume the task to MIRROR himherself in the MANY to allow the Universe of ONE to become a Universe of MANY - Eternity became the timeline to bring this to pass.


Raven 01-19-2010 09:35 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you Abraxis, for your lovely reply. I am feeling very 'clear' atm. Also very tired, need to wake up in 4.5 hours. I would love to stay up all night and resonate more with this thread, but dreamtime calls:mfr_lol:
Love, Raven:sleep_1:

abraxasinas 01-19-2010 09:42 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Phtha (Post 224609)
Thanks, and yeah I figured such as every movement can be thought of as an agenda, but I was more referring to the manipulation of others to cause suffering. It seems to me that those involved in that game are in an endless circle until they themselves stop the manipulation. Above/below, manipulate/manipulated, kinda of like how we farm animals so we get farmed.

What type of being is a sphere of golden light (in this case about human size) that takes people to other planets in their dreams?

This is your own merkabah Phtah with a diameter the Sqrt(5)=X+Y for Y the Golden Mean and X=Phi and encompassing the Pythagorean Octagon.

Maybe and odd question but.. Did Angelic beings or archetypes all incarnate here over the last few hundred years? Like Tesla, Rife, Reich, Leedskalnin ect, all within that small time period.. I wonder because assuming we are not being lied to here as well :lol3:, each one seemed to bring powerful tools of engineering and of healing to our consciousness, both for our body (rife) and for Gaia (reich). If so... how come this all happened within that time period?

You may term these identities as angelic beings or as alien walk-ins or as inspired humanoids. They all are Rememberers and brought their knowledge and experiences under the difficulties and individual encumbrances encountered by the human incarnation.

All are souls and shards of the Creator and just to BE in human incarnation to experience physical separation of the unifying spirit represents a most honourable act for the 'recallers' to engage in.

The 3D human space embodiment is rather like an imprisonment for the soul; therefore you sleep and dream and therefore the incarnations have continued in the linear sense, expecting the graduation of the 3D vessel into its 4D expression.
Then the soul's journeys and experiences in embodiment will no longer be experienced as imprisonment; yet the soul's desires to partake in the physical sensations can continue.

Glorious adventures await the hybrid starhuman embodiments.


iainl140285 01-19-2010 10:15 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224592)
Hi nebula9!

John.1.1 ((KJV only).

'In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God!"

'In the Beginning was the Logos of the Definition and the Definition was with the Source-Energy and the Logos was the Source-Energy'.

The Thuban Council, in its fuction of retranslators of archetypes then declares:

Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis.
Theistic- and Spiritual archetypes become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.

LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.
Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss

This is the selfstate for a love vibratory resonance, which created the universe!


If the thuBAN council are "RE-TRANSLATERS of archetypes". what is the difference of THEIR/YOUR interpretations and that of the Church on the bible say? Or the Mayan texts? Summerian texts? :lol3: You C my point ... A chance to manipulate is present.

People want information so badly many will fail to take a step back and think about what has been shown to them.

Here is another perspective for ALL following this thread.


Anchor 01-19-2010 10:58 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by iainl140285 (Post 224637)
People want information so badly many will fail to take a step back and think about what has been shown to them.

That is likely true, but isn't that their problem? At least on this forum one should be predisposed to caution.


Malletzky 01-19-2010 12:28 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Just wanted to share something very strange. I just feel it has to do with this issue and this thread, so Abrax, I apologise if this is not the case. I would rather ask for "your" point of view here!

Yesterday evening, still 18.01.2010, I decided once again do a short meditation and ask "me/my higher self/my guidance/the creator" abouth this particular date. It worked well on the begning of this year, when I asked for guidance and was able to experience three extraordinary dreams/visions (described in the Thread "the concept of the unification")...

...so I said to me why not, it's very well worth of asking.

Well, to my astonishment, I received a very, very unusual dream/vision...This is what I experienced, and I know it could sound a bit weird (but not for me, as I got my message):
Two came and acted as one. They showed me “the new” and “convinced” me to “buy” it, which I agreed. Later, both of them came again and acted as one again. They brought “the new”, but I recognised that they brought “the old”. Nevertheless, I “paid” the required, as this was the agreement.

So I stood there and “examined” the supposed “new”, which was actually “the old”.

The more I examined it, the more I knew that I don’t want it. I felt that “the two”, which acted as “one”, deceived me. The more I examined it, the “older” it became. Until I realised that NO, this is not what I was supposed to “buy”. This was not the part of the agreement.

Then come one and we were “two” that acted as “one”. The other one that came, he brought a key. This key should be able to open a "gate", which leaded to “someone” where both of us, acting as “one”, could “complain” about “the old”.

So we as “one” went “there” and saw that there are also some other there in front of a "gate"...but they had no key to open the gate. Just as I wanted to pull out my key and tell the other that we could all pass thru that gate and go to "that someone", I saw that the other manipulated another gate and were able to pass thru.

Both of us that acted as “one” wanted to join them, as we suddenly realised that they manipulated another gate, which would only be detour to "that someone”. So “I/we” stepped back and decided to use our key to open the real gate, knowing that “that someone” is already expecting us.


And here at that point, I woke up...

Anyway, I'm sure that I understand the "message"...but I still need to "feel" about it.


Stardustaquarion 01-19-2010 12:41 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224621)
Yes the 'Cosmic Christening' has occurred in the New Universal Archetype for the StarHuman Template being defined.

Its physical manifestation is the Gaian Rebirth.

Iow the AdamEve of the prespacetime creation has UNIFIED the Separation of the Adam+Eve archetype within the spacetime creation in its AdamEve+EveAdam blueprint within the spacetime creation.

The original Maleness of the Creator-Mind and the original Femaleness of the Creation-Body has blended with its Image to allow the Old (-)Mind to become a (-)MindBody(+) and allow the Old (+)Body to become a (+)BodyMind(-) then mirrored within spacetime in HEShe and SHEHe in the New Man and the New Woman Androgeny of the 2nd and 3rd Orders.


You mean the FALSE 'Cosmic Christening'

Oficial disclosure 1, MCEO Guardian Alliance, Interdimensional Alliance of Free Worlds

http://www.azuritepress.com/New%20Co...summary_2.html for the rest of the disclosure

During the Load-Out Evacuation Cycle “200-year window” of open Ascension Star-Gates, will anyone who chooses to participate in Silver Seed Healing technologies be able to reclaim the ability of atomic Transfiguration for physical-biological Transmigration “Slide-Orb” Ascension to Higher Earth?
This is a “time-sensitive” question. During the Illuminati “Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Time Rip Alignment” peak of December 21, 2012, certain presently-dormant Metatronic “Alpha-Omega” Codes will activate within Earth’s Encryption Lattice, Halls of Amenti Star-Gates and geomagnetic field, initiating the third inorganic time-acceleration of Earth’s “wobble,” “precession of the equinox” cycle and two-thirds of Earth’s Encryption Lattice. Activation of the Metatronic Alpha-Omega Codes will cause the Illuminati Broadcast-NET in Earth’s geomagnetic field to partially blend with the corresponding Illuminati-NET of Parallel Earth, which will strengthen our Earth’s Illuminati-NET into an environmental electromagnetic Metatronic Time-Harness, within Earth’s geomagnetic field; this Metatronic Time-Harness is deceptively referred to, within some contemporary Death Science teachings, as the “Synthetic Christ Consciousness Grid” in Earth’s atmosphere. The activation of the Illuminati-NET Metatronic Time-Harness in Earth’s geomagnetic field will directly affect the DNA and existing biorhythms of all life-forms on Earth through the Epigenetic Overlay.
The greater quantum of the planetary Metatronic Time-Harness will override the smaller quantum of the existing Encryption Lattice, BPR and Epigenetic Overlay configurations of biological life-forms — and of the matter-base entrapped within the Metatronic Time-Harness — creating an automatic, environmentally induced inorganic time-acceleration/ vibration increase, Encryption Lattice BPR-deceleration/ drop, and corresponding biological-atomic Co-resonant Disharmonic Alignment with the Alpha-Omega Fall Path. The Illuminati’s 2012 Alpha-Omega Time-Harness/ “False Christ Consciousness Grid” activation will engage the biological-atomic structure to biochemically ensnare the embodied conscious awareness into the “perceptual harness” of Illuminati Broadcast-NET transmissions, and will cause the DNA Template and Encryption Lattice to engage the “Fibonacci spiral expansion” of the Metatronic Code. Once the Metatronic Code engages Fibonacci spiral expansion to the “55-Blending Ratio” within the Encryption Lattice, and creates corresponding Merkaba Field “55-speed acceleration,” the atomic structure and biological anatomy fall under the subjugation and dominion of the planetary Metatronic Alpha-Omega Time-Harness.

At the point of activation of the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” within the Encryption Lattice and DNA Template, any previously existing organic potential for biological passage through natural Ascension Star-Gates is permanently lost through critical-mass damage to the Encryption Lattice, DNA Template, chemical DNA and Epigenetic Overlay. With activation of the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” the “Common-man Blended DNA Mutation” becomes permanent, and human DNA becomes permanently transformed from that of the original eternal-life Angelic Human species genome, into the inorganic finite-life genetic imprint of a new Illuminati-Leviathan mutant-hybrid-human Fall-species, predestined to temporary subjugated dominance, and intended eventual extermination, by the Illuminati-Elder races to which its mutated Encryption Lattice is connected.

If the consciousness is ensnared within a biology that engages activation of the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio,” the conscious-spirit will become entrapped within the Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment of the “False Christ Consciousness Grid” within Earth’s geomagnetic field — even following death of the physical body. No biological life-form on Earth would be spared this 2012–2013 environmentally induced biochemical-spiritual holocaust and resultant De-evolutionary Fall Path Alignment — the intention of the Illuminati Master Plan — if it were not for the intervention efforts of the MCEO–Krystal River Guardians.

During the Illuminati “Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Alignment” peak of the December 21, 2012 solstice, the MCEO–Krystal River Guardians will synchronize activation of their “Silver Seed Host Grid,” called the “Stardust Silver Seed Ascension Grid” of eternal-life Krystal-Consciousness, with the Illuminati’s Metatronic Time-Harness/ False Christ Consciousness Grid. Activation of the Genuine Ascension Path “Stardust Grid” will engage one-third of Earth’s Encryption Lattice and BPR with the organic, slower-moving time cycles of the Higher Earth Aurora Silver Seed Ascension Star-Gates; this engagement will remain until 2230 AD. There is nothing the Illuminati Force can do to prevent or override the direct intervention of the Guardians’ Stardust Silver Seed Ascension Grid; the Illuminati Force will discover the truth of this reality when they find that the Cataclysmic Pole Shift of Earth, which they are currently predicting for 2013–2015, does not occur as they plan. The Illuminati-Elder Force “Alpha-Omega False God-Head” will also discover around 2976 AD that their Master Plan Prime Objective of creating the Death Star Black Hole Universe is also doomed to fail, because in 2976 AD the Parallel Milky Way Alpha Black Hole System explodes — as an energetic consequence to their own actions — even before the Death Star Solar System is created. Eternal-life First-Creation “has a way of taking care of itself…eternally,” and this is why the Cosmos “simply allows”; this is a lesson that Illuminati Fall-groups everywhere would do well to learn. That which is eternal, remains eternal, and that which is not simply eventually destroys itself.


Do you believe in Karma Abraxinas?


abraxasinas 01-19-2010 01:24 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by iainl140285 (Post 224637)
If the thuBAN council are "RE-TRANSLATERS of archetypes". what is the difference of THEIR/YOUR interpretations and that of the Church on the bible say? Or the Mayan texts? Summerian texts? :lol3: You C my point ... A chance to manipulate is present.

People want information so badly many will fail to take a step back and think about what has been shown to them.

Here is another perspective for ALL following this thread.


And Here; for some SANITY: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraxas

Howdy iainl!

Should you compare the translations and interpretations you might observe the differences.


JesterTerrestrial 01-19-2010 01:27 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
So whats new today abraxasinas?! Anything important on the agenda! I have lots on mine that involves DISCLOSURE! Is this something your council is working towards and if so how? and if not why?

Peace JT

Myplanet2 01-19-2010 01:27 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 224676)
Just wanted to share something very strange. I just feel it has to do with this issue and this thread, so Abrax, I apologise if this is not the case. I would rather ask for "your" point of view here!

Yesterday evening, still 18.01.2010, I decided once again do a short meditation and ask "me/my higher self/my guidance/the creator" abouth this particular date. It worked well on the begning of this year, when I asked for guidance and was able to experience three extraordinary dreams/visions (described in the Thread "the concept of the unification")...

...so I said to me why not, it's very well worth of asking.

Well, to my astonishment, I received a very, very unusual dream/vision...This is what I experienced, and I know it could sound a bit weird (but not for me, as I got my message):
Two came and acted as one. They showed me “the new” and “convinced” me to “buy” it, which I agreed. Later, both of them came again and acted as one again. They brought “the new”, but I recognised that they brought “the old”. Nevertheless, I “paid” the required, as this was the agreement.

So I stood there and “examined” the supposed “new”, which was actually “the old”.

The more I examined it, the more I knew that I don’t want it. I felt that “the two”, which acted as “one”, deceived me. The more I examined it, the “older” it became. Until I realised that NO, this is not what I was supposed to “buy”. This was not the part of the agreement.

Then come one and we were “two” that acted as “one”. The other one that came, he brought a key. This key should be able to open a "gate", which leaded to “someone” where both of us, acting as “one”, could “complain” about “the old”.

So we as “one” went “there” and saw that there are also some other there in front of a "gate"...but they had no key to open the gate. Just as I wanted to pull out my key and tell the other that we could all pass thru that gate and go to "that someone", I saw that the other manipulated another gate and were able to pass thru.

Both of us that acted as “one” wanted to join them, as we suddenly realised that they manipulated another gate, which would only be detour to "that someone”. So “I/we” stepped back and decided to use our key to open the real gate, knowing that “that someone” is already expecting us.


And here at that point, I woke up...

Anyway, I'm sure that I understand the "message"...but I still need to "feel" about it.


Very much what I "see" when I look, except for the elucive identity of the "other" one of two as one.

However, I always enjoy new (old) perspectives, for the opportunity to see newly (in the old way).

abraxasinas 01-19-2010 01:51 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 224676)
Just wanted to share something very strange. I just feel it has to do with this issue and this thread, so Abrax, I apologise if this is not the case. I would rather ask for "your" point of view here!

Yesterday evening, still 18.01.2010, I decided once again do a short meditation and ask "me/my higher self/my guidance/the creator" abouth this particular date. It worked well on the begning of this year, when I asked for guidance and was able to experience three extraordinary dreams/visions (described in the Thread "the concept of the unification")...

...so I said to me why not, it's very well worth of asking.

Well, to my astonishment, I received a very, very unusual dream/vision...This is what I experienced, and I know it could sound a bit weird (but not for me, as I got my message):
Two came and acted as one. They showed me “the new” and “convinced” me to “buy” it, which I agreed. Later, both of them came again and acted as one again. They brought “the new”, but I recognised that they brought “the old”. Nevertheless, I “paid” the required, as this was the agreement.

So I stood there and “examined” the supposed “new”, which was actually “the old”.

The more I examined it, the more I knew that I don’t want it. I felt that “the two”, which acted as “one”, deceived me. The more I examined it, the “older” it became. Until I realised that NO, this is not what I was supposed to “buy”. This was not the part of the agreement.

Then come one and we were “two” that acted as “one”. The other one that came, he brought a key. This key should be able to open a "gate", which leaded to “someone” where both of us, acting as “one”, could “complain” about “the old”.

So we as “one” went “there” and saw that there are also some other there in front of a "gate"...but they had no key to open the gate. Just as I wanted to pull out my key and tell the other that we could all pass thru that gate and go to "that someone", I saw that the other manipulated another gate and were able to pass thru.

Both of us that acted as “one” wanted to join them, as we suddenly realised that they manipulated another gate, which would only be detour to "that someone”. So “I/we” stepped back and decided to use our key to open the real gate, knowing that “that someone” is already expecting us.


And here at that point, I woke up...

Anyway, I'm sure that I understand the "message"...but I still need to "feel" about it.


Hi malletzky!

A very intriguing dream. You see the POLARISATION has begun.
What is Old and what is New?
Is The Source Changing or is it constant and if constant in what way is the Prime Source constant, yet allowing to change.

It will not be easy to decipher this.
Is Abraxas or Abrasax a 'God' of the Nazis or did the Nazi's misuse an archetype?

'By their fruits you will discern the spirits'.
Everyones PERSONAL ARMAGEDDON has begun. Anyone knowing of the Thuban Data is in the 'fire' - as said in the post to bigmo and reproduced here since the 18th of January, 2010.

The picture below is a 'Gnostic Charm' - the Nazis and the PTB of course are very familiar with the gnostic cosmology and Do and have used it throughout the human history.
This cosmology are archetypes of the LOGOS, the Rooster of the Insights harmonizing the Light and the Darkness.


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...familjebok.png http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.5/...gnify-clip.png
Engraving from an Abrasax stone.

As a god
Epiphanius (Haer. 69, 73 f.) appears to follow partly Irenaeus, partly the lost Compendium of Hippolytus.[4] He designates Abrasax more distinctly as "the power above all, and First Principle," "the cause and first archetype" of all things; and mentions that the Basilidians referred to 365 as the number of parts (mele) in the human body, as well as of days in the year.
The author of the appendix to Tertullian De Praescr. Haer. (c. 4), who likewise follows Hippolytus's Compendium,[5] adds some further particulars; that 'Abraxas' gave birth to Mind (nous), the first in the series of primary powers enumerated likewise by Irenaeus and Epiphanius; that the world, as well as the 365 heavens, was created in honour of 'Abraxas;' and that Christ was sent not by the Maker of the world but by 'Abraxas.'
Nothing can be built on the vague allusions of Jerome, according to whom 'Abraxas' meant for Basilides "the greatest God" (De vir. ill. 21), "the highest God" (Dial. adv. Lucif. 23), "the Almighty God" (Comm. in Amos iii. 9), and "the Lord the Creator" (Comm. in Nah. i. 11). The notices in Theodoret (Haer. fab. i. 4), Augustine (Haer. 4), and 'Praedestinatus' (i. 3), have no independent value.
It is evident from these particulars that Abrasax was the name of the first of the 365 Archons, and accordingly stood below Sophia and Dynamis and their progenitors; but his position is not expressly stated, so that the writer of the supplement to Tertullian had some excuse for confusing him with "the Supreme God."
[edit] As an Aeon

With the availability of primary sources, such as the those in Nag Hammadi library, the identity of Abrasax remains unclear. The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, for instance, refers to Abrasax as an Aeon dwelling with Sophia and other Aeons of the Pleroma in the light of the luminary Eleleth. In several texts, the luminary Eleleth is the last of the luminaries (Spiritual Lights) that come forward, and it is the Aeon Sophia, associated with Eleleth, who encounters darkness and becomes involved in the chain of events that leads to the Demiurge's rule of this world, and the salvage effort that ensues. As such, the role of Aeons of Eleleth, including Abrasax, Sophia, and others, pertains to this outer border of the Pleroma that encounters the ignorance of the world of Lack and interacts to rectify the error of ignorance in the world of materiality.

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