![]() |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you Abraxas, You know me and you know I only jest sometimes. I haven't been able to read all your posts, but I hope they will be archived. Your avatar is both gentle and powerful. Right now I'm listeneing to an old aquaintences song "In Deep" (by Bird York -she got an Oscar nomination for it in the movie "Crash"). It reminds me of you and others on Avelon. http://www.birdyork.com/site/ May we all stay In Deep. Abraxas, you are the lead violin in this symphony of a thread. Paul |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If you'll accept my apologies, I meant Abraxasinas (I blush). http://www.birdyork.com/site/ Paul |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I do know you and your experiences have been powerful indicators. You are well on the way to obtain even deeper insights and WE are sitting in the same boat. PAUL=ARACHNE=CIRCLE=3+9+18+3+12+5 and the Spider's Web in the Corner of the Cube inscribed in the Sphere allows the Merkabah the become a Tesseract. The artists of the Old World will be most important wayshowers and pioneers to translate the sciences of the parallel abstractions in the New World. Love and Gnosis to you PS.: You do look like the filmstar David Germanus Hasselhoff, the One who faced the synthetic Anacondas - if I were a goddess! Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One last post before I fall over with the sun rising. Without even reading all the posts, I find a refeshing vibe here. I just ran from a rather heated, nasty Illuminati forum: a place where everybody sees themselves as King of the World and the rest of us are just road kill. I'm sure Abraxasinas will agree that the best we can be is scholars and gentlemen and treat all others as though they (men and women) are the same... because they ARE the same as you and I and all sentient beings of the free universe. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Yoda is too old and brittle to move around much - but he knows the Story. Yoda, the Keeper of and Trainer of Dragons |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you for the reply Abraxasinas. I'm impressed by the time and dedication you give to answer all people here :thumb_yello:.
Thank you for your answer, interesting. You refer the "Great Galactic War" mentioned by the andromedan as not from our dimension and prime to our Universe. It is not the case dear. Not the same event. And the founder or "Paa Taal" are from unknown origin according to the andromedan, most probably not from Draconian origin, because they are not from our Universe, always according to the andromedan. So in other word, if I follow the logic of the Thuban material. The draconian are descendant of the "founder". They are native of this Universe and not the cause of the "Great Galactic War" that occurred in the past history of our galaxy... It is almost 180 degree opposite from what Alex Collier message received from the andromedans. I suspect the Thuban material being created by the draconian interventionists in the purpose to mislead Earth people into false doctrine to influence them further on the path of servitude... Thank you for your time, Steven |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Greetings abraxasinas,
I have been following this marvelous thread since you started it, I have been taking in this vast amount of information as best as I can. I must say having read most of it three times it all does start to make sense. I admit of all I think I understand, I feel that I am missing one detail that I can not decipher on my own. I have seen many of your responses contain phrases such as this: "PAUL=ARACHNE=CIRCLE=3+9+18+3+12+5" I have no idea on how to decipher these, or what they mean. I apologize to you and everyone else if this is "elementary", but i feel as if I may understand much more if you would kindly explain (or point me in the right direction) what these mean or how it fits with the rest of this tremendous information. Thank you, Namaste, ewhite |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear me, no my dear Steven! You have misunderstood the reply. The Andromedan stated, through Alex Collier, that they DID NOT KNOW where the 'elders' came from. This and the opening of the 12th dimension. I then outlined in some detail, that the Draconians (of Collier) as well as the Lyrans (of Collier) are the GrandChildren of the 'founding elders'. As you see, there is a missing generation - the Paa Taal (Collier), who are the 'common ancestors' of both the 'Draconian ' 'Dark STS' brotherhood say and the 'Lyran' 'Light STO' brotherhood (which then (Collier) gave issue to the Pleiadeans and the humans). Nowhere did I even mention your 'Great Galactic War' as being anything else but a 'war between archetypes'. I did however separate the observer perspective of Andromeda as being extragalactic, whilst the 'Alpha Draconians', as well as the Lyran-Pleiadean-Human perspectives are from the intergalactic observation platform. Then I attempted to clarify the Paa Taal as being a 'unified' observation point and I should have clarified, that this unified perspective 'transcends' all of your and Collier's notion of the 'Great Galactic War' in this galaxy and as say observed by the Andromdean extragalactic viewpoint. You can write your own story about those 'wars of the Stars' OR you can accept the many other legends about those wars in editorial function or copycat fashion. So yes, the Draconians (and all other races) are descendents from the Elders but the Elders are 'a generation' removed through the intermissiary of the Paa Taal. As the participants of the 'Great Galactic Wars' are all akin 'Grandchildren' of the Elders and akin Children of the Paa Taal; all of them remain 'in ambivalence' or mystery as to their origins. You can attempt to induce me to 'describe' the 'Great Galactic Wars' until the holy cows of Hathor return from Egypt, I will not do so. In your attempt to contradict my data base by and through your comparative data obtained by a variety of other sources and authors; you are conveniently omitting my statement, that all of those 'star wars records' depict secondary and tertiary accounts and manifestations of the archetypes FOUNDED by the Elders and MANIFESTED by the Paa Taal and then RECORDED by the Third Generation. As member of the Council of Thuban, I observe the many records of the 'story telling' of OUR Grandchildren. There is no need for me to IMAGE another accord for this, as the Archetypology described to you in some detail, ENCOMPASSES ALL of such stories and legends. You cannot contradict my database dear Grandchild. Perhaps it would be advisable for you to discover who your parents are, before you question the wisdom of the Elders. Grandpa Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Right, that is what I figured, what confuses me is how you get from PAUL --> CIRCLE, and what is the significance? Again, excuse my ignorance. I do not wish to throw the thread off track, for something that may or may not be "elementary" , but I do know that if one is confused there is a high probability that many others do not understand as well. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Its Infinite. Just like PI :original: Or CIRCLE. A quick example. PI = 3.14 Go to the middle letters of the alphabet - MN = 13 14 OR 3.14 :lol3: Its all connected |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Here is the story and your question will be answered within it. You are EWHITE and you have a Son called Tim, who being about 6 years old is learning to count and write in some school. You have taught Tim the alphabet of 26 letters and also the complementary 'Arabic' numeracy. Even before Tim began interacting in a schooling environment with other children, you taught him the SECRET of his NAME. Tim so knows his secret name when he begins school life and soon he plays with other children and they exchange names. 'I am Tim, what is your name', asks Tim 'My name is John and her name is Eliza', replies John. Tim scratches his head and thinks for a while. He also looks at the wall in front of him, where the treacher is sitting observing the school ground. 'John I know something about you, which you dont know and the same about Eliza', Tim grins to both John and Eliza. 'Yeah, what would that be', Eliza questions Tim. Tim says: "John your secret name is the Number 47 and Eliza your secret number is the number 53"! John and Eliza look at each other and John replies astounded: "how do you know that"? 'It's very simple magic. I'll teach it to you and then you can teach the magic of the numbers to the other kids", replies Tim. 'And I'll check you in both of you telling me my secret name', Tim continues. 'Wow, this could be fun", says Eliza and so the children teach and learn from each other - without teachers staring over their shoulders, except in some general role of the observer of the playground. The children learn both the Alphabet and Basic Arithmetic just by sharing their Names of the Magic Numbers. Ok, this is how Tim worked out John's and Eliza's 'secret numbers' of the Magic. On the wall behind the teacher is a grand banner of the Alphabet with numbers written under each number: A=1; B=2; C=3; D=4; E=5; F=6;......X=24; Y=25; Z=26. So Tim added up (in his head): J=10; O=15; H=8 and N=14. 10+15=25, 25+8=33 and 33+14=47. For Eliza then, looking at the banner of the Alpha-Numeracy: E=5; L=12; I=9; Z=26; A=1 for 5+12=17, 17+9=26; 26+26=52; 52+1=53. And the playfulness of mathematics, linked to visualisations in practical relevance, such as given names continues. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abaxanus...
Yes, I as well would like to thank you for your dedication with this thread...amazing amount of info...I need to read a couple of times for it to sink in...Hey, I am just a mere human...:naughty: Can I ask you a few questions please? If you are who you say you are, and you have a genuine message for mankind, so to speak... Why are you singing this tune to such a small audience? ... Surely you need to reach a much wider audience!... Perhaps you are pushing the message on various other forums? Yes? Sorry, I don't mean to demean your efforts in any way on the contrary I commend you on your thread which has been injected with huge information and some wisdom. There are a couple of topics I would disagree with! Also what is your understanding with regard to 'The Universal Laws of creation'? viking |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Iainl! Indeed you understand. You have graduated to the Title of Alphanumericist and you can now begin to share your knowledge of this simple key with the universe. The Arabic English system is used (one can use of course any other language), because it derives from the alphanumeracy of the Hebrew Kabbalah now 'Anglosaxonized', which subsitutes vowels with numbers, say in the Tetragrammaton YHWH and the Pentagrammaton YHWHY. 'After your seed shall the New Nation be called', it is written to Abraham via ISAAC=IS.AAC=IS.AA*C=IS.ABC because if A=1 and B=2 and...and Z=26, then the next A=A* will be like a B if the Z=A in the closing of the Circle of the alphabet. Hebrews 11:18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You can try this to build your Merkaba http://www.azuritepress.com/techniques/salutation.html the psonn of Lyra http://www.azuritepress.com/techniqu...e_maharata.htm It is a very safe method Love |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You have learned and discovered one of the 'secret keys' to decipher the archetypes of the universe. Love Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
What other 'titles' are there? :original: Any pointers on where I should focus my study on nxt? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Whatever you would like to become. The stars behind the stars shall be your nonlimitation. Before extending in knowledge and wisdom, secure your basis, would be my advice. :mfr_omg: Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The first question you forgot to answer... Why do you choose such a small audience with such an important message for mankind?? I would have thought you would have broadcast the information on a much larger scale... viking |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Here's a Story to share for you. The Parable of Hans Schatten There once lived a gardener in a place not known in part but in all. The gardener so could not plant anything somewhere in particular, but could only plant where he himself was as being nowhere and everywhere. The gardener wished to plant an apple-seed he had found to be part of himself in the place he was and so the gardener thought of himself as not being nowhere anymore, but to be right in the place of the apple seed. So the apple seed became real and occupied a real space, but caused the gardener to disappear from that real space into an unreal space. The gardener so became the unreal image in unreal space of the real image of the apple seed in the real space. And so the apple seed was born as real space to occupy, but being surrounded by an unreal space and there where the gardener still followed his dream to see the apple seed grow and blossom into a full apple tree after he had planted it. For the dream of the gardener was to grow the apple seed into a full apple tree and after reaching maturity, the apple tree would blossom and yield its fruit of apples which carried their own apple seeds within. Because this was the plan of the gardener as the unreal image of the real image. Should the single apple seed become two apple seeds, then any two apple seeds could image each other and the real images in the real space, would enable the gardener to use the real image of one of the apple seeds to mirror himself in the realness of one of the apple seeds in the gardener's unreality becoming real in the reality. Then the single seed of the gardener could multiply and the single apple tree could become a forest of apple trees and so on ad infinitum. But there would always have to be the first single apple seed which the gardener had become in real space as the image of himself in the unreal space. There could not have been two seeds of the one gardener, because two seeds would have meant that the gardener divided itself into two and that was not the plan of the planter. This initial apple seed would always remain to be the Seed of all Seeds around which the other seeds and apple trees and apple forests could grow, multiply and reproduce. Then the gardener would find himself in the real space too and leave his exile in the unreal space. The gardener would become reborn as the image of the image and all other apple seeds would similarly become gardeners themselves, as this was the nature of all things and the beginning of it all. Hans Schatten; for my apple seeded daughter in the unreal space to become real. Hans Schatten is the German translation for John Shadow Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxsinas- thank you for answering my question about the large orb.......
very interesting and makes sense to me........ As usual I have to reread your replies to others........and another thank you for taking time to answer everyone's questions in depth....... As far as the sexual material goes........I find it rather surprising that the subject doesn't get more coverage in *conspiracy communities*........ |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Eleni! The 'perpetrators' are as 'scared' of the subject as are the 'victims'. Allow me to thank you for coming forward with your experience, as it's sharing allowed me to elaborate on its significance for everyone - science and spirituality in harmony. Love Abraxas PS.: By the way the Denver Airport thing is a 'key archetype' empowered but somewhat 'mistranslated' by the 'performing artists'. But you, your children or anyone need not be 'afraid' of it. It has and will be negated in its archetypical engulfment. The Children with their Grandparents shall outfox their Parents and Children. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you once again for your speedy response...
And thank you for the Parable they are always so profound... Heres one for you ... I hope you like...:original: The story of a man going into another country, who called together his servants and loaned them money to invest for him while he was away. He gave $5,000 to one, $2,000 to another, and $1,000 to the last---dividing it in proportion to their abilities---and then left on his trip. The man who received the $5,000 began immediately to buy and sell with it and soon earned another $5,000. The man with the $2,000 went right to work, too, and earned another $2,000. But the man who received the $1,000 dug a hole in the ground and hid the money for safekeeping. After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to him and asked for an accounting. The man to whom he had entrusted the $5,000 brought him $10,000. His master praised him for this good work. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, he told him, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Begin the joyous tasks I have assigned unto you. Next came the man who had received the $2,000, with the report. "Sir, you gave me $2,000 to use, and I have doubled it". Good work, his master said. You are a good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over this small amount, so now I will give you much more with which to work. Then the man with the $1,000 came and said. "Sir, I knew you were a hard man, and I was afraid you would rob me of what I earned, so I hid your money in the earth and here it is." Ah, but his master replied, "Wicked man! Lazy man! Since you knew I would demand your profit, you should at least have put my money into the bank so I could have some interest. Take the money from this man and give it to the man with $10,000," shouted the master. For the man who uses well that which he has, will be given more, and he shall have abundance. But from the man who is unfaithful, even what little responsibility he has shall be taken from him for he has done naught with the gift. "Cast out that man who has been unfaithful for neither did he share of the cache that it be rendered useful." But when I, the Messiah, shall come in my glory, and all the angels with me, then I shall sit upon my presiding chair of glory. All the nations shall be gathered before me. I will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and place the sheep at my right hand, and the goats at my left. Then I, in justice, shall say to those at my right: "Come blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me." Then these righteous ones will reply, "Sir, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give unto you anything to drink? Or a stranger, and help you? Or naked and clothe you? We remember not that you were in prison and we visited thee. And I, in authority, will tell them, "WHEN YOU DID IT TO THESE, MY BROTHERS, YOU WERE DOING IT UNTO ME!" Then I will turn to those on my left and say, "AWAY WITH YOU, YOU CURSED ONES, INTO THE ETERNAL FIRE PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS. For I was hungry and you would not feed me; thirsty, and you gave me naught to drink; a stranger, and you refused me in; naked, and you would not help to cover my body; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me." Then these ones will cry out and reply: "Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?" And then I shall answer, "WHEN YOU REFUSED TO HELP THE LEAST OF THESE, MY BROTHERS, YOU WERE REFUSING HELP UNTO ME!" AND THUSLY WILL THE SEPARATION COME TO BE FULFILLED. SO BE IT AND SELAH. Ye ones carry a grave responsibility unto a weary people---ones crying out in pain and death. Ye shall be given that which is suitable into your hands for management; ye will be required to do thy job to perfection for the times are critical. Ye shall not throw it about in carelessness, but ye shall use of the abundance to gain more for the glory of the transition and the new kingdom at hand. With the asking, however, also comes the responsibility. Ye shall not be in asking just because you "are" and you expect to not put forth thine works, but rather to live off the labor of another. It shall not come to pass in such a manner. That is the irresponsibility of those who only read of half the passages. Come unto me ye who are weary and heavy laden and I shall give unto thee rest. I shall cast out those who come in expectations of riches without labor in my vineyards. Ye must be in the discerning between those who NEED and are honestly in pain and trouble, and those who are wanting to take of the abundance for themselves that they produce not. Ye shall be given to know the difference. If those who "take", go from you and learn their lessons and return to petition entry unto the kingdom, they shall be again given consideration, and if the testing is ratified, they shall be allowed entry. These things I say unto you of my beloved shepherds, for ye work in confusion at that which ye should do, and who is to be included within the tiny circle of management, in the final days of perplexity. Let is unfold gently. Sananda viking |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One thing I can share with you here. The goats and sheep are the SAME beings - one is real and the other fake. 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. So it will be YOUR FAKE IMAGES which shall be 'cast into the lake of fire and brimstone'; i.o.w it will be LIES and DECEITS NOT souls or living entities. The "Beast from the Sea' is the 'Beast from the Mirror - YOUR own false image as the MIRROR of YOURSELF. The Beast of the Earth' as the 'False Prophet' is YOU as this False Image of the Real YOU. This information is very deep. Should you not understand it now, you shall in the near future. Please try not to be troubled by it at this point in time. This info is a Master-Key. Abraxas beings |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Well, I hope my path will lead me to 'real' ... and may yours also. :winksmiley02: viking |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxas --
this thread is Blowing My Mind!!![I] and i also feel so blessed and privileged to have "happened" upon it! i know we're all thanking you a lot, Abraxasinas, but hopefully this is not getting "old" to you .... as i'm sure we all feel such a natural and intense gratitude for our exposure to this information and our interaction with your spirit. iow .... You Rock!!! i am probably not "getting" at least one fourth of the material you present, Abrax. most of the scientific, technical, astrological and numerical data elude me. but i'm sure i am "getting" the main thrust of your message to all of us here at this time and--again--am SO VERY appreciative of this opportunity to learn and grow. merci, gracias, grazi, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! i have 2 questions, please: 1) if the ascension is a sudden event as you seem to indicate, will those either "left behind" or those "matriculating" to other densities, planets, etc. (other than those ascending to 4th or 5th density positive) be aware of their friends and loved ones' (who have ascended) absence??? will it all be understood and accepted (by each soul/entity) before-hand? or, will there be some sort of "veil" that will serve to mask the absence of the missing/ascended ones .... sort of like the veil over our memories while in 3-d?? will we/they miss them/us??? would it be anything like grieving for loved ones after they die? or will it be joyous, like celebrating a resurrection?? or .... will it depend on our individual or group polarity at said time??? 2) will those of us who haven't any experience/knowledge of things like lucid dreaming, astral-travel, knowledge of past lives, astrology, numerology, physics (quantum or otherwise, LOL!) be handicapped by our lack of this type of awareness/experience? is a desire to "love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls .... and our neighbors as ourselves" sufficient to qualify us as potential "ascendees" without any further esoteric knowledge to back up our basic love-of/faith-in the eternal Father-Mother-Savior-Spirit God?? or, are we peons "doomed" to find a school like Harry Potter's to initiate us into the above-mentioned mysteries before we can hope to work and play and sing and dance with our Sister-Brothers, Brother-Sisters on the New Earth??? thanks again, dear brother. with love, hippihill |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Wow, Abrax, what a Parable. An eye opener...and so meaningful.
I understand that to: Quote:
Thanks :thumb_yello: Malletzky Quote:
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax, can you expand on the Denver Airport being archetypal? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I wish to conform or dismiss (if wrong) a few things....
Individuality should be perused since it is empowering to be yourself? Each individual is to do this by him/her self but advice may be given? Individuality helps us to maintain control of ourselves and our thoughts - thus the control of what we want to create? Creative potential of the mind of each individual is unlimited? We can be whatever we want to be? The only way one can be free is to stop being divided? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
hello Abrax, may i ask what happens to those kind souls who at this time have come from the higher densities to aid /help with humanity. Will they continue back to those densities when the ascension takes place or by choice or a plan contract made continue on another path either to further their enlightenment and or connect back to creator source.
Is it true that once you join the well of mass consciousness that you have achieved the oneness with creator that there is no going back? You have finally reached the point of no return shall i say. I think i will stand at that well and wait awhile before i make that decision, perhaps at that point you are ready but as i write this my comprehension of this is too overwhelming. Thank you again for your time, no one can be told that enough if they are helping those on their path to understanding. I would like to ask you Abrax you may not have the answer but i feel you will have i made a good choice to be here on Earth at this time or was i persuaded i have often wondered. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
today in mainstream tantrayoga is the most missunderstand yoga especially in the west.The ancient Raja(royal) familieswere initated in Shakti/Shakta (spiritual energie of female/male god) to "produce a vehicel" fitting for an advanced soul to come down to earth.Khajuaho tempel of sensuality(1000AD) google it maybe you find some Photos fom the old erotic status. there are thousends of books availible you have to search ....Iam sure you will find some which resonates with you Iam sorry its not so easy don`have a link to an internet site have had a nice book but in italian language.ca.30 years go out of Print. Google Kamasutra all the best sabina |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Is time Simultaneous? For if it is then NEW Earth is Not New. New is feeding our Ego. For we are trained to live by our Ego. Which Ego hungers for Power. How is this not Related? "this time from the LineSpacetime back into the HyperSpacetime with the difference of then being able to Retain its LineSp[ace Identity as a Kernel of Seed for its ascension." So our Linear 3D Minds will go back into HyperSpacetime which is a more a Multi Dimensional mind frame foundation. Threw which we Retain our Linear 3D mind set after/during Ascension. So why then will we keep one Identity of our 3D mind. When we all are Multi Dimensional. I am sorry but your explanation is quite strange. Many twist to known words with a Metapsychical add-on. Don't try to Resonate be it. "And yes, the Thuban data is for 'FEEDING' -even for 'intoxication'. Our master-templar; who you must surely know indeed, if you are familiar with the 12th dimension, has said so:" This statement of Feeding does not sit well. From what my heart knows. True 12 D beings don't not need to FEED us information. I know you are quite scattered in your search for truth. Almost all of us are. In time our searches will lead to other expressions that suite us at times. How do you receive your information? "Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found them all drunk, I found none among them thirsting; and my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, for they are blind in their heart and they do not see. For empty came they into the world, seeking also to depart empty from the world. But now they are drunk. When they have thrown off their wine, then will they repent." Why quote a Distorted Text all of which people awakening know this truth. Jesus name was not Jesus but Yeshua. The Reptilian incarnates at the time were apart of the Council of Nicaea which distorted the Bible even further. It is most proper to call Him Yeshua. It was indeed his proper name, given to him by his parents, and only in Hebrew does this name have any meaning. In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated form of Yahoshua, is "Lord who is Salvation." The name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English whatsoever. http://www.thenazareneway.com/yeshua..._real_name.htm FYI Yeshua was apart of the Priesthood of Melchizedek. Trance channeling is dangerous way to get information. You are agreeing to let entities in and could take over or crash your DNA template or what you call Master templar. I heard this guy talking about this being Ki or something like that and he said he has to be careful during his radio interviews about talking about the being KI because he loves to be on the radio aka TAKE OVER HIM. Why must one be careful if channeling is a good thing? Let me find the Link to the video. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
YOU are the gardener and the planter of yourself. Abraxas |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Winter Wolf |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The 'Big Picture' of this present time is archetypical in that the stories and many converging and diverging data streams experienced in the history of this galactic-planetary civilization are all records of a 'Third Generation'. There so is a 'Second Generation' and a 'First Generation' whose 'stories' have never been told. These 'legends' are 'hinted at' as say in Egyptian cosmology as the RaH-HaR Unity, the Shu-Tefnut Separation within the Unity as the Cosmic Twinlion of Egypt and the Geb-Nut Separation giving rise to the Osirian-Isis Family, the Sephirot of Kabbalah as the 'Tree of Life' etc. etc. Then the Fourth Generation becomes the experienced reality, shadowed however by the 'legends' of the third generation. What many perceive as this 'Great Galactic War' of the 'ET's versus Et's for and against Humans' is ALL 3rd generation stuff of mixed metaphors and symbols. The Cosmic Twinship of the Egyptian Lion is also the Brotherhood of Uraeus, the Clan of the Entwined Serpent. So the 3rd generation archetype (Geb=Father Earth and Nut=Mother Sky) is aligned to the Prehistory for this present cycle of completion as the 65 baktuns of the Maya and the 26,000 year cycle. This prehistory then identifies the 3rd generation archetype with the 'Rise and Fall of Atlantis' as the PreEgyptian manifestation of the 2nd generation archetype. The data gatherers and information sequesterers KNOW this archetypology of the 2nd generation and attempt to BE the Unification of the labeled Shu-Tefnut Separation within the unification. So Geb, as Shu=FatherSky becomes renamed say in the Shamballa of the SkyDragon from Above and Nut, as Tefnut=MotherEarth becomes renamed say in the Agartha of the EarthDragon from Below. Then of course the 'Knowers of the Egyptian LionTwin as 2nd Generation' of Shu-Tefnut attempt to play out the Separation within Unity archetype via the manifesto of the Geb-Nut 3rd generation. So you have the 'Brotherhood of the Illuminated Sun of Lucifer-Shamballa' and the 'Brotherhood of the Luminated Moon of Lucifera-Agartha'. Knowing of the 2nd generation origins; BOTH 'clans' SEARCH for the manifestation of themselves AS the 2nd generation from BEING 'in control' of the 3rd generation as the two clans and 'controlling and manipulating' the 4th generation of the 'separated humanity' by whatever means accessible. Denver airport is like a vortex of concentrated energy for the encoding of the search or 'calling' for the 2nd Generation. This 2nd generation is a blending of ET archetypes with the human constructed archetypes then interacting and relating to the former. Because the 3rd generation is and must be human as 'Children or Clans of the Separated power' (say Sun and Moon), but as 'offspring' from the 2nd generation can also be lineaged 'to the stars' - the ET agendas evolve and develop. The thing not hitherto understood by all, including the PTB; is that the 1st generation is ABOVE all of the alien agendas of say the 2nd generation and the human agendas of the 3rd generation and is so able to pursue a deeper and more encompassing agenda. In the 'bigger picture', the human cosmic ID is 1st generational by definition but suppressed. Therefore the 'partial remembrances' of the 3rd generation PTB assign the 'missing memory' to 2nd generational ETs and attempt to unify the 2nd and 3rd generation by 'clandestine means' keeping the 4th generation in ignorance about their 'wisdom of understanding the 'True Story of Humanity'. The confusion arises in the PTB (both the Sun-Lucifer worshippers and the Moon-Lucifera worshippers), because both clans misunderstand the nature of the 4th generation as being NOT a clan, but INDIVIDUATED aspects of the 1st generation. So 'their' masterplan of 'separating' the 4th generation so as not to allow their unification is exactly what is required by the 'master plan'. The 'master-plan' is to allow maximum separation in the 4th generation (the I am Osiris...I am Isis... I am Sananda... I am Ashtar... etc. etc. channelings and 'New Age' Love and Light ideas et. etc.) in a very particular, even PECULIAR fashion. You can easily witness this 'peculiarity' on this forum. The 'Love and Light' talk and writing is a form of 'quasi unification' and peculiar, exactly because it has replaced the ordinary 'Human Ego', based mainly on fear, conformity and surrender to 'law and order and morality' by a 'I am part of God' 'ego of divinity, say'. Now as you may also witness on this forum; MOST contributors have not at all 'overcome their human ego' - but 'they' truly think or perceive that they have done so. The 'master-plan' applauds this development; because this is one of the secrets of the 1st generation. To 'play being God' without truly understanding what the game (and God) is, is precisely what is necessary to absolutely and totally undermine the agenda of the PTB, trapped in their isolated clanships of the 'knowing'. In simple words; the Individual 'pretend Godhood' absorbs the archetypes within the individual and then it becomes a quest of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY to 'play the game, walk the talk and speak one's truth' and similar sentiments. So the clan-ships of the 'New Age'; also witnessed on this forum are fundamentally DIFFERENT from the 'clanships of the Illuminati and the Luminary. The former accentuate the 'True Law of the Cosmos' - Separation within the Unity of the Oneness of the Individual; whilst the latter accentuates the Unity within the Separation - this Unity becoming not the Individual but the hierarchical clanship or family. I'll end here, as this is getting too long; but shall further elucidate if asked the relevant questions. But perhaps you can see that the Service-To-Self versus the Service-To-Others motto is a misnomer at the present time. It was appropriate at the time of the Ra-channellings, when the seeds for the 'divine egocentricity' were laid. Today there are many Ra's and Thor's and Aphrodite's (all true and genuine BUT 3rd generational) around and all Service is to the True Self Unified in the Individual AND Unified in the First Generation - beginning with the 1 in 50,000 and of a number of which many are already on this forum. Finally, the Denver airport symbology serves as a 'calling beacon' for the 2nd generation of ET-walkins. For example the leader and groomed heir of Agartha was Adolf Hitler and the Agartha Clan expects a 'walk-in' from Bavaria to COMPLETE the implementation of the 1000-year third kingdom/reich. To be more particular, Adolf Hitler was an ordinary 4th generation entity then 'groomed' as a 3rd generation entity, 'walked in' by a 2nd generation ET entity where however this 2nd generation ET WAS CREATED (or soul energized) by a COLLECTIVE 3rd generation entity of the Lucifera-Luminari clan. This process is being attempted to be repeated, using the 'Bavaria-Munich-Austria' archetype of geographical location as a 'trigger' for a 2nd generation 'walk-in' short-cutting the 3rd generation creative energization. This has already 'failed' or has become implemented in 'tipsy turvey' fashion by the 'encompassing agenda' of the elders. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You quote the bible a lot. Is this coming from you or from Thubanese source?
Is Thuban a reptilian race? Are there whole planets of higher dimension of beings where only that dimension beings reside? If so are they visible to a lower dimension being like us? Or do you enter another dimensional universe as you go up? Or do you just become non physical at a certain dimension? Will you show a picture of yourself at some point. I understand being faceless may be better to get the info out. The other night I left my body during sleep but I was semi conscious so I could feel myself floating away. This has happened many times but I get scared and succumb to blacking out and going with falling asleep and not wanting to see whats going to happen next. I am going to face this fear and see where I am floating away to. I cant wait for a dimensional change all my energy is pushing it foward! |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
And yet you have many names, including Summer Deer, Spring Dragon and Autumn Harvest. Abraxas |
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