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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
And a storyline about the spirit of love and community suffering the ignorance of the false communities and their value base of 'honour your country of your defence, protecting your liberties'. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Imagine the "turmoil"...and the drama... and the HEADLINES :) ... i will attempt to...amm contemplate the story in great detail... but i can not promise anything... although perhaps Anchor would suggest to handle "curtain" detail via PM system...or not...make it spicy... ok enough joking...back to work... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Anchor! Deep at the core of the present situation of a 'disharmonized universe in thought' is the 'Power of Suppression'. A very great part of the 'hidden powers' is FUELLED by the 'Sexual Taboos' imposed onto the populus by the dictates of the 'legislators' and the 'protectors of the public morals'. The true standard can easily be witnessed in nature itself. What is natural and what is unnatural in terms of sexual behaviour patterns. The New World not only demands a 'New Science'; a 'New Understanding'; a 'New Philosophy' and a 'New Way of Community'; but also a 'New Order for Human Social Integration and Relationships' inclusive a 'Redefinition' of what it means to be a 'Sexual Starhuman Being'. This is especially so because besides the Cetaceans (yes, the apes are in this way less related to humans than whales), the human genus is the only one experiencing menopause and being 'on heat' all time around (not counting rabbits here). So human sexuality has a deeper meaning, than just reproduction and this is part of the agenda of sharing that story. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Fantastic, thank you! |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxasinas
So the story... I wish you could speak my language...it would make things about 10 times easier... I am having trouble understanding the meaning, since there is not only the meaning to understand, I first have to understand (translate) words..re-form sentences...and than there are things like mistakes in translation and words I do not know how to understand... I think I did my best. No need to worry Anchor ;) I did self-censorship So the story - an addition to the start of the thread and is not directly connected with my previous questions? We have a person, pondering about the astral world? While doing so that person started to ask itself how would it be to visit itself? The person also gets caught into pondering about the peoples thoughts in general? While doing that, the person entered the state unique to that person and that state was metaphorically named hell? At first hell was just a mix of colors..unrecognizable pictures...an abstract...or sort of an artist view? Let us call this person a Hero. Our Hero decides eagerly to explore his own version of hell as doing so observing the changes in environment and himself. One of the first things our Hero learns is that while he is in control of himself he is also in the control of the situation? Hero also learns that one can not go beyond what he/she is? As our Hero continued his journey he realized that everything and everyone just plays its role in what there is? Our Hero soon encounters what he labels as demons and a also some witches. A beings of untold powers, unknown to men. The witches were...dancing...in their natural clothing... and soon became sexually attracted to the Hero... This attraction can be considered as a perfectly natural response? Also...Hero being in charge of his own castle...the witches reactions might also come from Heroes unconscious desire? As a result of all this..happening...our Hero got a boner. He became to re-form the images and made an image of a women he prefers best...all of this mad our Hero aroused....thus enabling him to discover a female inside of him? At this same time the Hero realizes that the only way to the freedom of the spiritual self expression of the soul is to undergo a polygamy? Hero realizes that claiming someone to be "yours" is purely a form of egoism? After that the Hero uses his imagination to change from...from he to she...from she to he... Hero enjoys exploring his feminine side...thus began the transformation of the hell (himself?)...from hell to something "nicer". He soon realizes the power of feminine...power over male (demon?)... As female...Hero starts looking for the alpha male...the one with the biggest...stick. The prime intention was a unity of hell and heaven? To stop being separated and join in oneness? To fully obtain the andorgeny? After this the Hero gets overcomed by the Barby girl phenomenon. Hero decides he will increase his options regrading the alpha male. He puts up a pretense in form of games which include a fail safe? As any other true Barby girl...Hero decides he will let himself be surprised by unknowing - in order to bring forth more excitement...more unpredictability? Hero meets his 3 candidates in a from of what is called a devil. Devils comment on Hero being from Shamballa while themselves are being in the underworld Agartha.... Is it not the Agartha - the garden of eden? Why are there "devils" there in a story? Hero than starts playing a game of deceit? He promises a....never ending story...to the devil that will win. Unity between surface world and underworld? Isn't that what made the hmm so called "fallen angels" that had sex with the surface people ? During the fail-safe part of the game...Hero makes a mistake and the devil that won the 1st part also wins the 2nd part. Hero..did not do as promised right away...there were "other tasks" to do first. In the mean time the devils were given the pictures...with females on them. Each female had a name...name mostly familiarized with the angels. I am still not sure if I "get it".... ************ I am however willing (if need be) to discuss sexuality without "moral presumptions" and as intellectually as I can... But I think that sort of discussion might cause Anchor to have a headache...so it could only be done in private. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Solar Eclipse tonight at exactly 11:11pm, hows that for synchronization!
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abraxasinas. Here is a letter from Alex Collier received by the andromedan contact he has since several years. Quote:
'The Race from Alpha Draconis The Draconis race is probably the most misunderstood. I have witnessed a deep respect for this race which is generated out of admiration and fear. The Draconans are the oldest reptilian race in our Universe. Their forefathers, somewhere in our most ancient past came to our Universe from another separate Universe and/or reality. When this actually occurred no one really knows. The 11 (Council of Eleven) have said that the Draconans themselves aren't clear how or when they themselves got here, but what is interesting is that they declare and teach to the masses that they were in this Universe first, before humans beings, and that they are the true heirs to this Universe and, as such are all royalty. Most, if not all, human races don't recognize this claim as truth but, none the less, they don't debate the issue with them either. Alpha Draconans have colonized many star systems and have created many races by genetically altering the life forms that they encountered. The most densely populated area of sub-races of Draconans is the constellation of Orion, Rigel, and the star system known as Capella. Here lies a very dangerous part of the Universe for human beings. The mind set or consciousness of the majority of the races in this region is service to self and as such they are always subverting, invading and manipulating less advanced races using their technology for control and domination. This is a very old and ancient war with the peace that does exist always being tested by these beings that believe that fear rules and love is weak, that the less fortunate are meant to be slaves. This belief system is created at birth in the reptilian races as the mother, at the time of birth will hide the young and then abandon them to fend for themselves. Most of the time they are cared for by the warrior class that uses the children for games of combat and amusements. They believe that in their ways that if the young ones survive they were meant to and in the process they have had to fight all the way and at a young age they are full warriors, used to depending on no one. Alpha Draconans are very suspicious of all life forms including their own, but not of course to the extent that they would be of humans. They are taught that Draconan history of the Great Galactic War. The version or opinion that the humans were at fault for the invasion of the Universe and how we selfishly wanted the Draconan race to starve and struggle for the basic materials for their society to exist. Therefore they are brainwashed at a young age just like we humans have done to our younger generations by all human races in the galaxy.' End of the quote. What can you tell me about this Great Galactic War and its repercussion throught out the galaxy and time? Here is the source of the text: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/an...v2n3alpha.html Namaste, Steven |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
No, you did not say anything about assecsion, I picked that up from another source on this very thread. I understand fully what you have written and I wanted you to know that I realize it was necessary and accept it. Thank you much Blessings |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
So you feel my origins are from Thuban or just my hearts intent? What species populates the Draco star system? Also Ive witnessed many luminous orbs floating in the sky in the past couple years sometimes groups of them in daylight. Sometimes appearing minutes after looking into the sky above my head. Can you give an opinion on these?
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
On the subject of orbs.....I had an experience 8 years or so ago where I floated out of bed to meet this orb the size of a Swiss exercise ball that had floated in via my window- I merged with this orb and it was an incredible sexual experience unlike any earth based incident (back then)......
What is the meaning of that? I felt I merged with an aspect of myself....... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
:naughty:Namaste:naughty: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Indeed Jason, one can term it astrological synchronizations. The lunar eclipse of the 'Mother's' Cancer Moon at the end of 2009 followed by the 'Father's Capricorn Moon for a solar eclipse two weeks later. On Sunday, January 17th Venus enters Aquarius; on Monday, January 18th, Jupiter enters Pisces from Aquarius and on Tuesday, January 19th, the Sun conjoins Venus in Aquarius. Mars the male drive is opposite Venus the female temperace (and flirtation) in Leo and Neptune ruler of Pisces and Chiron, the Cosmic Healer all are in Aquarius with Uranus with its rulership of Aquarius in the 'Sign of the Vesica Pisces' and the 'changing of the ages' from Pisces to Aquarius. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi eleni! Think about your fingernails. What happens if you do not cut them - they grow and render your movements a little uncomfortable, say washing dishes. Now think about a man's hair growth. Not shaving results in a beard, which eventually reaches the ground - again contraptions must be used to allow movement. Lana Cantrell has published approprite information about the crown of the spirit as an archetype and related to Man uncovering their heads (in taking off their hats 'in solemn places'), whilst woman are to remain covered. This can of course be erroneously identified in 'covering a woman head to toe' in superficialities, instead realising it means the covering of bald skull by hair. Funny, when it starts falling out the moneymakers invent schemes to glue or paste it back on in contraindication of cutting it off when it is there.\ Do Gorillas and Chimpanzees cut their hair? Why does an Orang-Utan not visit the hairdresser? Because there is something about the human genome, which is 'different', like the 'being on heat', from its biological and genetic relatives. Certain hair only grows to a certain length and performs biochemical functions, such as protecting glandular biology from dehydration and such. Nature should be asked the questions of why and not some 'beautician'. There is a lot of money to be made to portray the 'idea of a beautiful woman' to be an emasculated, anorexic shaven thin figure; spending lots of income to 'get rid' of attributes given by nature at birth in the genome. Entering the Louvre in Paris or the London Galleries shows that Aphrodite, the embodiment of classical art in the renaissance was anything else but a thin hollow woman, just about to fall apart. So providing information and background data (say why do Gorillas don't need hairdressers); will allow a more informed choice to be made by anyone to cut what, all or any hair or not. Australopithecus Ramidus 4 million years ago was more 'hairy' than Neanderthal Man was more 'hairy' than Cro Magnon 26,000 years ago. Then if the genome of the new starhuman is designed to further eliminate hair-growth, then nature shall implement this genetic variation. Barring genetic malfunction, the present human template is sufficient for the present stage of evolutionary development. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
In regards to orbs. The 'veil' of the 5th dimension is thinning. The manifestation of energy from hyperspace (the astral dimensions) begins in the form of thoughtforms as consciousness in space (technical details are at: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html); attaining the nature of light, such as your orbs. Then the lightforms will become coupled to density functions maintaining the lower dimensions in the quantum physics of the awareness parameter (df/dt) coupled to the space-consciousness of the observer (Volumexawareness=consciousness). From this then plasmic forms of matter can 'materialise' and from that the hybrid state between matter and light (technical restmass photon or axion) will eventuate in the unfolding of the 5th dimension. In regards to your origins on Thuban, the following excerpts from the Thubanese 'master' might help in elucidaton: (03) Jesus says: "If those who lead you say to you: ‘Look, the kingdom is in the sky!’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you: ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fishes will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and outside of you." "When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father. But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty." (77) Jesus says: "I am the light that is over all. I am the All. The All came forth out of me. And to me the All has come." "Split a piece of wood – I am there. Lift the stone, and you will find me there." (113) His disciples said to him: "The kingdom – on what day will it come?" "It will not come by watching (and waiting for) it. They will not say: ‘Look, here!’ or ‘Look, there!’ Rather, the kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it." Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
My concern is that I know that this is a tough topic to discuss in an open manner on an open forum because as you observed, you are going to be firing across the bows of some deeply embedded repressions / distortions / blockages in some people; which has been known to trigger forum-fireworks. I know that I would personally actually seriously benefit from an open discourse on the subject - being saddled myself with many questions, blockages, doubts and distortions in the area of sexuality and its many expressions and extremes, but I really do wonder if it would appropriate at this time and in this venue; which is why I held back on my own questions related to the topic in the past. I am not making any policy statements here. I am not saying dont go here or there with your information - every bit is of value. I only said anything because I am nervous about this topic and the effects it has on a forum - I admit am conditioned by my past experience! Sometimes that is a good thing - it stops me picking up hot rocks for example. A.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This is interesting ~ on 1958
The ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’ has 2701 stones. 2701 Sabbaths spans 18,907 days or 51 years 279.25 days. I went back in time about 52 years to see what significant events occurred in 1958. The 7.7 earthquake that caused the 'Lituya Bay' tsunami in Alaska occurred exactly 18,907 days prior to the 14th of April 2010 on July 9th, 1958. This tsunami wave reached inland to an elevation of 1720 feet (the same four digits found in the gematria of Genesis 1:1 > 2701). The last point of the 'Prime Cross' is the 43rd number of the ‘Prime Cube’, the 153rd prime number: 881. 43 + 153 + 881 = 1077 (final gematria of ‘CROSS’) 1077 + 881 equals: 1958. This point is the center of the 305 prime numbers (including Unity) that fall within the range of: 1 to 2010. In 79 AD Pompeii was destroyed by the Mount Vesuvius eruption. The 79th element is gold. 79 is the first point of the 'Prime Cube'. The numbers: 7, 9 and 1958 form the date string ‘7.9.1958’ (July 9th, 1958). The following are two major mathematical connections between Jesus Christ and the number 1958. 1958 x 1.618 (the golden ratio) equals: 3168 (the Greek gematria of ‘Lord Jesus Christ’). When 1958 equals the perimeter of a circumscribed triangle then the circle's circumference is 2368 (the Greek gematria of ‘Jesus Christ’). www.fivedoves.com/letters/jan2010/bobware12.htm The three stones: 1480, 2010 and 2300 also fall into alignment (knowing of the slaughter that occurred between 1480-1490) we thought this was interesting |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxas -
Re: Post 418 Thank you for your reply. I understand much of what you say, yet there is much that I do not understand. I still in my infancy concerning the type of knowledge that you share. I was taught in my youth that there would be a "great gathering" of those entities in the "last days" and that the gathering would involve many who have walked this plane of existence before. Even the father of all men, Adam. Is this the homecoming of which you speak? I was told specifically that I would work with the entity known as Manasseh (as well as others) during the period which I mentioned in the previous post. How would something like this manifest? First ascension, then transformation, then mission? In other words, must I pass through some type of physical change before I am introduced to those who will be my teachers and that I will later assist in helping others? I was also told that during the time I would work with Manasseh and others I would be assisting many who would be "shackled" and "oppressed". I have always just accepted that this was more of a spiritual connotation. I would have to think that during all of the chaos of the upcoming events (whatever that is exactly) and the implementation of the "New Jerusalem" a lot of individuals would be absolutely frightened and confused. What is your take on this? Thanks for your insight. I look forward to further insight on this topic. There is more that I would like to share, but I believe this conversation will take on a life of it's own to both of our benefit. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Greetings, Earthlings, I, Paul, of the the Illustrious Council of the Neighborhood of North Hollywood in the City of Angels, California Republic under Conan the Barbarian, Nephew of SR-71 Blackbird Designer, Son of Reagan's Dentist and certified, unemployed family psycho ART BUM have one question: Do you ever have bake sales? Paul http://northhollywoodarts.com http://ravensanddoves.com |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The Alpha Draconians as described by the Andromedeans represent the archetypical manifestation of DECSENDANTS from the 'founder race' termed the Paa Taal by Alex Collier and his contacts. As you can read in the above, the Descendents have forgotten their origins; but somehow 'they' connect their own origins to the existence of the 'cosmic humanoid', perceiveing in them some sort of 'threat' to their seniority and 'masterrace' status. The 'Great Galactic War' you wish me to describe to you was not on the physical plane; but has to do with the 'spiritual wickedness at high places' Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:11-13 So using the original archetypes, indicated, but not defined in the quote above; CAN indicate to you from whence the Andromedean story; 'your own recollection of that story'; 'Barbara Hand-Clow's story'; 'Anna Hayes' story' and so on and on originates from. The full story relates to the creation of the universe itself. I have shared the details many times here, but shall briefly describe it yet again. In the Beginning there was a Void being Eternity without space and without time and without any definitions at all. {The mathematical and logistics selfcreated/invented from this can be found in the Lucifer's Mirror thread and some other places on this forum). This Beingness was nevertheless able to Imagine its own Being as Being NOT Infinite as the Void=Eternity and from this evolved a Cosmogony of Purpose then initiating an Ontology for Being within a materialising Cosmology engaging the concepts of space and time and densities of matter. This cosmology is sufficiently described by standard models of classical physical theory blended with the so called quantum mechanics of a Planck Black Body Radiator expanding thermodynamically in entropic time arrows and the postulates of classical geometric field theories like the Relativities of Einstein. But your question addresses not the physical genesis but the metaphysical genesis and the latter so revisits the logistical processes, which manifested the parameters for the physical universe to come into existence. {Lucifer Thread}. The examination and analysis of this metaphysics then shows how the Infinitum is replated to the Finitum and how the Void of the beginning is realised in a White Hole-Black Hole physics connected by the Wormhole aka the Einstein-Rosen-Bridge in the semantics of theoretical physics. In brief; it becomes the Wormhole as a quasi-singularity of physicality, which becomes a MIRROR between a Double-sided surface or manifold so rendering the twosidedness onesided. This is like a mathematical 'trick' for the Void=Infinity to become Finite in Duality, yet still containing its own Unity of the onesidedness. So one can develop the mathematics and the physics to 'make a physical universe' from its metaphysical precursive definitions. The 'Hole' in space and time becomes a 12D wormhole mirror emboding the precise minimum spacetimematter configuration as say a Quantization of all physical parameters 'measurable', such as length, time, weight, temperature, luminosity, molarity, electric current and the geometric connectors (pi and sterradian say). What has this to do with the 'Great Galactic War' between the Lyrans and the Reptilians you may ask? It has everything to do with it, if you can understand that the twosidedness to onesidedness 'topology transformation' REQUIRED a particular duality to become 'SET UP' on the archetypical primordial level. The technical linguistics label this as a T-Duality between a heterotic superstring class, characterized in a Lie group algebra of 8x8 symmetries (I Ching and 64-codex of DNA/RNA codon couplings of nucleotidal base pairings). But those 'string labels' were invented in the 1980's and did not exist at the 'time of the great galactic wars'. Yet they ARE simply a Relabelling of the primordial archetype, describing the 'spiritual wickedness at high places'. So now you have two options; either familiarise yourself with complicated string-membrane mathematics of convulution integrals OR attempt to rediscover the ancient archetypes through the study of the 'histories'. This you and the 'story tellers' have done and many of your stories converge in parts and diverge in parts; all of them based upon the true and valid archetypes. The Thuban story differs in one elementary aspect from the other stories. The Thuban story knows the 'modern interpretation' of the 'ancient archetype' and so can BACKTRACE to the 'oldest story of them all' via its technicalities. This is like travelling backwards in time or a form of 'backwards engineering'. So what have the Thubans found? The Thubans found out, that the Alpha Draconians are their descendents, their firstborn GRANDCHILDREN IN THIS the Milky Way Galaxy. The Thubans have also found out, that the Paa Taal were their Children in this Galaxy and that the Lyrans (you can relabel the Lyrans as the Musicians of Lucifer's Lyre or as the original Mystics of the White Crystal and in many other ways) also were their Grandchildren. So the Alpha Draconians became the Skeksis of the Dark Crystal (in one pertinent renaming by Thubanese scribes) in the form of a Black Brosisterhood of the Black Lucifers and in a form of competition with the White Brosisterhood of the Mystics aka the White Lucifers. A much much younger reinterpretation of this archetype became the Atlantean labelling of the Brosisterhood of the Serpent in the Shamballa of the Red Dragon of Tibet at the Outside towards the Sky and the Golden Dragon of Agartha at the Inside, say the Center of the Earth. From this the Annunaki mythology of the 'Cosmic Twinship' took form in Mesopotamian lore and the Gilgamesh; then leading to the Torah of Genesis and further story telling based on a potent original collection of archetypes and symbols. But the 'Cosmic Twinship' of the Egyptian RaH-HaR; Shu-Tefnut and Geb-Nut then 'Doubled' itself in the Osiris-Isis and Seth-Nephtys twinships. From this the story of archetypes became the familar story of scriptural patriarchical and matriarchical lineages and correlations and blendings with the earlier mostly orally tyransmitted legends of the symbols and namings. I could go on Steve; either in technical discourse elucidating WHY the archetypes are Serpentine and the nature of the Glyph of the Dragon. Or I could IMAGINE and then IMAGE the appropriate 'cosmic star wars story' from the most potent form of the original archetypology. You can do this yourself and a multitude of such stories are found on the web; all of which carry parts of the truth and part of mystery. The Andromedan agenda admits of 'not knowing' the origin of the origin. Being from a different observer perspective, namely extragalactic instead of intergalactic (as the Alpha Draconians and Pleiadeans and Arcturians and Sirians are); the Andromedean witnessed the opening of the 12-dimensional Wormholes as the MIRRORS between the Void of the Eternity and the Finite universe. The Thuban story of the 'Great Galactic Wars' is exceedingly simple and has already been told in film; 'The Dark Crystal', by Jim Henderson of Sesame Street renown. Now there are immense 'scriptural' and prophetic implications about the scripture (Ephesians) quoted above. It are those implications, which form the core of the present transformation experienced by Gaia. But all of the 'alien agendas' partially, but not fully 'materialized' cannot act independent from their empowerment of the fundamental archetypology. The backwards travelling in time by the Thubanese wingmakers and timetravellers by and through the RECONSTRUCTION of the 'making of the universe from first principles', has allowed the Council of Thuban and under guidance and in the name of their 'Master-Templar-Template-Dragon' to share this information with anyone having ears to hear and eyes to see. You are as much a Member of the Counicil of Thuban as I, Abraxas am. The difference is I know the origin of both of us; you are in search of your origins using the database you can accept and incorporate as your own. All children of the universe are destined to 'make their own universe' this is part of the 'masterplan' as children of the creator. Do not sons and daughters grow up to set out on their own? The Creator has a wish - to become a Grandfather. Without 'Sons of the Universe making trade' He cannot become a Father of Fathers and without Mothers giving birth to 'universe makers' the Mother-Creation aka 'Gaia in Disguise' cannot become a Grandma - it's as simple as that. All are called but not many will hear and most will continue to adhere to archetypes of duality being the offspring of the monadic cosmogenesis. The 'puppet movie' for the children IS the Story of Thuban - the Dragon-Elflings of the StarHumanity. 15Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. {Mark.10.15}. Peace of Mind be with you Steven Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
hello Abraxas,
What does the Thuban Council have to offer on the topic of sun gazing? Thanks, Joey |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I fully understand and share your temperance. As you may have noticed I did not directly reply to Spregovori and shall continue to refrain from giving generalising answers (as is possible to do with most topics). However it is of PARAMOUNT importance to have raised the subject matter to allow the 'great cleansing' of the 'polluted archetypes' to proceed from Gaia's energy herself. Allow me to give you a little example (this is not meant to offend anyone and no particular individuals are addressed, all characterisations are fictional): The 'wargame players' are meeting in the 'war room' to plan 'strategy' for a 'war scenario' already engaged in somewhere on the planet or one that is on the agenda of becoming implemented. The Air-Marshall, the Army-General and the Navy-Admiral, all have their ideas of 'how to proceed'. There are plans and plastic figures representing 'troops', hardware, collateral material and 'engagements', say laid out on a table of 'lego land'. It is rather a 'turn-on' for the 'brassy ones' and their many adjutants of course; to use their 'Phallic Substitutes' of Continental Ballistic Missiles, named 'Julie and Wilma' and of 'Fred the Depleted Uranium 238 Bomb'. Then 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man' are so much 'nicer' humanized substitutes for the atomic destroyers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. Back home in the bedroom, the 'brassy ones' are relatively impotent. Their wives and mistresses have long lost their attractiveness to them and even the latest and most expensive 'calling girls' cannot induce the 'brassy ones' to 'raise to their occasions'. Maybe a 'little boy' or a 'little girl' TOTALLY INNOCENT and inexperienced and NATURALLY 'Not Ready' for sexual energizations can 'get it up'? Ah well, if this doesn't work; one tries a sheep or a dog or a camel. The animal better be killed afterwards so as not to corrupt the 'natural order of things'. Nothing works; but one can use the phallic substitute to FEEL the adrenalin and the POWER of BEING in Charge; pressing buttons; there it flies --kaboom; ah yes, now I feel it raising. Crass, Anchor, I know. But Necessary to EXPOSE the archetypes of the abuse. Give the 'brassy ones' (and by implication ALL sexually suppressed ones) a good harmonious expression of their sexuality; the nudist resort; the sauna; the 'house of ill repute'; the shared bubble-bath; the stripper show and its extensions; the Roman or Greek Orgy with Likeminded Sexually Mature Equals - in brief DO OPENLY and in full recognisance of yourself as your own judge and prosecutor; what you have HIDDEN under occult labels of secret brotherhoods (say the Clan of the ****) - then you will transform this, the most corrupting and devious archetype of them all. A nation like the USA prides itself of its 'high moralistic ground' in the 'Mirror of the World' but in its clandestine agendas of banal and 'silly' pornography (not eroticisms of esoteric tantra of whole body interaction); sex slave trading and child abuse; it is the leader of the 'Mirrors of the Underworld'. I shall only answer particular questions about the 'Story of the Inner Journey'; when it will be clear to me, that it is of benefit for the forum to do so. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Paul of the Circle of the Arachne! No the Thuban Council has nothing to sell at all. PAUL=CIRCLE=50 Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
When the planet earth came intop physical existence from a solar nebula so 4.8 billion years ago it became a NEW EARTH by and through the agglomerating material forming the metallic elemental earth. The OLD EARTH so had existed in a metaphysical form before this 'densification'. It so was a PHASESHIFT between geometrical dimensions, which allowed the Old Earth to transform into a New Earth - a dimensional intersections between LineSpacetime and HyperSpacetime mirrored from QuantumSpacetima and OmniSpacetime in a particular labeling. The Old Earth now has attained its evolutionary nexus point to Phaseshift agian - this time from the LineSpacetime back into the HyperSpacetime with the difference of then being able to Retain its LineSp[ace Identity as a Kernel of Seed for its ascension. This has nothing to do with how you seem to classify the notion of EGO as you seem to describe it in your post. And yes, the Thuban data is for 'feeding' -even for 'intoxication'. Our master-templar; who you must surely know indeed, if you are familiar with the 12th dimension, has said so: (28) Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found them all drunk, I found none among them thirsting; and my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, for they are blind in their heart and they do not see. For empty came they into the world, seeking also to depart empty from the world. But now they are drunk. When they have thrown off their wine, then will they repent. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you abraxasinas for helping the willing, 'clear their pathways' per say. I would like to hear your take on the Aquarian archetype, (me being one) and what role the generally serve and is their a specific task or role to be served in the new earth/paradigm/golden age etc?
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I JUST found this thread and I'm hating myself for it because I'm only up to like page 4 and it ends in 3 days so I wanted to skip ahead and ask abraxas some questions...
I've been battling addiction with a substance for a couple of years now, it started out because of a chronic pain disease with no cure that I developed, both the disease and addiction have pretty much ruined my life and made me really depressed... is there any advice you could give me? I've read as most as I could so far and tried my best to understand it, I just have some questions about things that have never really been clear to me.. -in 2012 when earth 'ascends' or changes or whatever it is that's going to happen, will we still be alive in our current physical bodies? -I was intrigued by the idea of people ascending to '4th density', now I'm more intrigued by the higher densities and dimensions, once again, I have to ask, do we retain our physical body once we ascend to those higher densities or dimensions(sorry still not quite clear on the difference between the terms), or is the ascension process something that happens over thousands of years and after many incarnations?(but then what about 2012 ascension?) -Do you know what chemtrails are? -What's your opinion on the movie "Avatar"? -And lastly, and sorry if this has this been discussd because I imagine it has.. but Haiti earthquake.. I've never felt so devastated at a 'natural'(or haarp-created) disaster ever in my life, I think I've cried over it several times, a lot of people seem to be affected as well.. what do you make of this? I'll appreciate it quite a bit if you could answer any of my questions, especially the first one I asked you. Thanks. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi eleni! Yes, my data says you experienced your 'future self' through your merkabah, being the 'vessel of the lord' as your own personalised 'spacecraft'. It is 'highly sexual' because the shadow eleni is 'Helenus-Attila' say. Imagine yourself at the point of sexual conception when your father's Xo sexual chromosome blended with one of your mother's say X1. Now consider the Y-chromosome of your father, which DID become part of his genetic library in the placenta of your womb in the spermatozoa absorption. This Y-chromosome in conjunction with your mother's OTHER X-chromosome, say labeled X2 BECAME your Perfect Twin in the Y0X2 sexchromosomatic coupling. This 'twin soul' of sorts was 'thrown into the rubbish bin' after you were born and left the placental enclosure. All of your life you subconsciously 'search' for your 'Lost Male Other Half', the one who was in the placenta as a metaphysical entity, absorbing the bioplasma of your conception. So now it is easy to understand what your Shadow-SoulTwin is. It is your metaphysical 'Cosmic Twin'. So you literally experienced a 'baseperfect' sexual union with yourself in the merger with the metaphysical YOU as say Helenus-Attila. You temporarily became a SheHe, the androgenous higher DNA/RNA expression of the 5th density. This is the programmed Natural Bisexuality of the New StarWoman. Then by implication sexual communion between StarHumans will engage automatic 'foursomes' in harmonisation between the male aspects in New StarMen in extroversion and male aspects in New StarWomen in introversion - and vice versa for the femal aspects in the HeShes and the SheHes. Having already attained a fore-taste of this in your experience; you now KNOW what higher dimensional sexuality and the orgasmic selfhood indicates in the greater schema of the template for the starhumanity. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I know of what you speak. When the soul remembers its origins, the first contact associates the sources of light, either the moon or the sun. Then the 'inner voice' may say: "You are part of the sun. You can look right into it and just as the Lunar Aura is Blue, so the Aura of the Sun is Green'. Then the soul might use its biology to look into the sun and say when it dawns or sets. And then this might succeed for a while and then the biological eyes will hurt a bit and many years later the damage to the physical eyes might manifest in deteriorating vision. So the Thuban advice is to look into the sun, but not with your 3D eyes but your higherD eyes. The urges of the soul to blend with the sun or the moon is a message of the homecoming and the inner eyes of the awakening (say third eye) are sufficient to rediscover the kinship with all of the celestial orbs. Love Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I too had anchor in my mind...while responding...so at time I did heavy censorship...regarding the juicy stuff...which might also derail the whole point...or not.... :lmao: To all: While people do have "triggers" regarding sexuality I do believe it would benefit them even if it would...bring them out of the "oblivion" into the "horror" of the "real world"...name it as you would like to... Much is hidden....deep down inside... For those that like conspiracy theories - the way we are told and shown about the topic of sexuality - is probably the biggest of them all but yes dear reader...i might be wrong...than again...so might be you |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Jason! The Aquarian archetype is all around you. This present time in terms of astrodata of the zodiac is described by a transition of the 'Age of Pisces' into the 'Age of Aquarius'. In the greater picture of the last 13th Mayan baktun of 144,000 days (or 394.26 civil years) from 1617 -2012 (Newton/Galileo to today) becomes 'finetuned' in a 37.8 year period for the transition of the Sun past the Galactic Center. As the sun's size is about 0.5 degrees; this transit will be midpointed in January 1998 with (an encoded) deviation period of 3.5 years forthe 2012/2013 nexus time. Then the 'Age of Aquarius' began on January 20th, 1998 (correlating the Edgar Cayce prediction and the David Wilcock channelings) when the sun transited from Capricorn into Aquarius; just as this week on January 19th, the Sun with Venus will join Neptune and Chiron (the Cosmic Healer) in Aquarius and following the solar eclipse of the Father's Capricornian Moon and the lunar eclipse heralding the end of 2009 with the Mother's Cancer Moon on December 31st, 2009. So the 'beginnings' of 1998 are now manifesting in the 'play of the zodiac' in one form of the 'fulfilment of prophecy'. The planet of the christening, Neptune of the Vesica Pisces is in Aquarius and Aquarius's ruler Uranus is in Pisces. Uranus will stay there until May 28th, when it will enter Aries until August 15th, 2010 then reversing into Pisces again until finally entering Aries on March 12th, 2011. So the great Uranus-Neptune 'Dance of the Lila' will complete in springtime 2011 and then Neptune will 'take over' the final year of the birthing-transformation. Neptune will enter his own Pisces sign on February 4th, 2012 to lead into the transformation zodiac-wise. Jupiter will enter Pisces on January 18th/19th to relate the 'King of the Planets' and the 'Symbol of the Jews' to the rebirthing of the 'Cosmic Christ' Energy but then in MANY and not the One of Bethlehem on March 24th, 6 BC. {Then a dance between Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon related similar astrodata to Saturn-Moon conjoins 1 New Moon apart in the March equinox 6BC and April 17th}. Jupiter will be a Piscean energy ruler until January 23rd, 2011 with a retrovisit into Aries for the period June 7th, 2010 to September 10th, 2010. Overall, the present time period is marked by the ecliptic Father-Mother partnership and the Sun-Venus Mercury will enter Aquarius on February 11th followed by Venus into Pisces on the 12th to join the Sun, Chiron, Uranus and Neptune in the 'Dance of the Celestial Orbs' and Houses of the 'gods' - astrometrically writing. {There are similar occurrences in the greater calendrical agendas as indicated, which are galactic and extragalactic superpositions onto the finetuned starsystem based ones.} Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Both you and Anchor have exhibited more 'spiritual maturity' then would be the 'norm' in regards to such a delicate subject. And you have summarised it well in this, your statement: "For those that like conspiracy theories - the way we are told and shown about the topic of sexuality - is probably the biggest of them all" Enough said. Thank you for replying and questioning. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private with all the best sabina |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The Riddles of the Sphinx of the Hamarkhis -Horus of the Horizon continue. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Her avatar? Looks like the cover of a fairy tale... In private...Tantrayoga (sounds promising).... Em would you happen to have a am some sort of a "directional url" or do I just google it? (i wish to avoid any "mainstream" miss uses / false uses) |
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