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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The other parts can be found by scrolling down on the right. 1. Dawn Of The Gods 2. Secret Brotherhood 3. Secret Prophecies 4. Return Of The Lightmasters (recommended!) 5. Battle Of Armageddon You can download them all here. *sorry to disturb your fascinating thread Abrax- carry on- I am watching always- and would love to participate when the time is right* |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have incorporated and shall produce a DVD from the download P2P for noncommercial utility and reference. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have not seen this magick in some time. The endless circle of life and our connectedness to all that is through growing and changing as we progress. I don't want to give it away, but the power embodied in this image is wonderful. Have you studied in this area for long? I have enjoyed studying Enochian, Strega, and other areas which all seem to point to the same truth of our eternal nature. This symbol touches upon coming to clear intention through harmony with the world around us which embodies spirit and the physical. Right now, I particularly like the one dealing with material wealth. LOL Thanks for sharing this with us. Unified Serenity |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Gnosis |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
i was told it is called an "elfin circle"....some might call it differently... than there are symbol names like: amar nat, kaler adali, elam lin, ...etc again this names might be different... i was told each symbol performs the function invoked by calling its name... i was also told the symbols were channeled...(after that the symbols were made as trinkets etc and were activated on one of the "dragon lines" along this earth) and this is why I asked the question |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abrax,
in one of your replies earlier, you posted this: Quote:
Do I assume correct if I say that some, more or less "awakened" individuals (according to their own personal "frequentional attunment"), which consciousness is more alligned with the consciousness of the source-resonance and groupmind then with the human groupmind, will be able to choose to grow towards source - resonance, or "must" they ? Are there any criteria existing and how do I recognise if my consciousness is more in attunment with the consciousness of the source-resonance and groupmind then with the consciousness of the human groupmind? Do you know any individuals in your everyday life and also, do you recognise any such individual here on this forum too, which consciousness is more alligned with the consciousness of the source-resonance and groupmind then with the human groupmind ? (if yes, please don't name any here). I must admit that the whole issue here is not easy to follow. At least not for me. But my inner guidance and my heart does confirm many of the presented "truths" here. I just wonder, if I'll be able to "spark" my own consciousness to another level after the 18th of January. with respect malletzky |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
So Abrax,
Would it be safe to assume then... that this harvest has been hijacked by these outer universal entities.. whilst explaining the denials of the mother... so the only thing that we can do as a species is wait for the beginning of the great cycle to return? They have done their job haven't they? Can't speak for all.... But this upsets me a bit. Yet somehow it feels strangely familiar.. When I was a child I used to have the same dream all the time... A great rolling ball, as big as the infinite, came rolling toward me, and all I could do was stare in awe as it approached and rolled over me. love has been the lesson my friend.. something to remember... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxis,
Thanks for your help.. 1. The so called "weight" of the Law of Confusion and Law of Freewill distills the cosmic essence in someone and this awareness is the thought form that will create new space in the universe? 2. Can you illuminate more on how the subconscious plays in the "minds" dynamic? 3. What is to become of "Yahweh" in this transition? 4. Can you tell about the history of the "Orion Wars". |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
No the 'harvest' has not been hijacked RELATIVE to ANY individual. Yes the 'harvest' has been hijacked RELATIVE to ANY form of collective humanity. The key is precisely what so many of you deny, or better said attempt to negate, yet cannot 'get away from' - your egocentricity. The 'hijacking' is what you 'know about' as the 'Lucifer-Agenda'. The 'illuminati' knows this very well also. The Lucifer-Agenda is and has been the hijacking of the human groupmind - for the purpose NO collective could become empowered enough in a 'concentration' or single minded focus of 'intent'. You can witness the 'potency' of this groupmind at sports events or the 'deaths' of Diana or John Lennon or JFK or in the 'phenomenon' of the Harmonic Convergence August 16-18, 1987. This potency of the group-focus is the power behind the 'hidden illuminati'. They have for long known (as legacy from the Atlantean presence), that surrendering a particular part of the individual self to a 'common purpose' multiplies the 'effectively' created thoughtforms exponentially. Then knowing the mechanics of this, the easiest way to prevent the 'outsiders' to participate in this 'secret knowledge' is to 'divide the individual selfhoods - as the egocentricity' on the most basic levels: family strife in fidelity and fiscal problems, drug dependencies and a Us versus Them mentality on all levels, from the sporting arenas to believer versus sceptik to patriot versus peacenik to chauvinist versus feminist to scientist versus spiritualist and on and on in the 'divide and conquer' motto. This 'causing strife and division by any means' becomes the 'Devil's Way' of the Luciferian Agenda. However the Lucifer label of this agenda of say the Black brosisterhood is contrapositioned by a White brosisterhood of a 'Light Lucifer'. This is also known by the 'hidden illuminati' and so there a 'factions' of the 'brosisterhood of the serpent' within the potent groupmind agendas of both camps. The reconciliation of those camps is in fact the 'Alien Agenda'; but all such attempts have failed and resulted in a 'stalemate' between all parties concerned. All now have become aware that the 'situation' cannot be controlled any longer and so all parties are in expectation of what will occur and in what manner in the next 3-4 years. This brings us back to the INDIVIDUAL Agenda like all here on this forum, being open to the individual responsibility, yet knowing of the 'ego'. Why are so many here convinced that they are indeed 'in contact' with higher selves, multidimensional aliens and/or guardians and why do so many here feel a kind of 'chosenness by the spirit', even 'messianic callings'? This is because IT is TRUE for those individuals on the highest expression of their DIVINE Egocentricity. The personal individuality and uniqueness is 'precious' to God-Source. The entire evolution of the human template is destined to converge to this 'individual selfredemption' scenario. Iow, God-Source redeems itself in the individual and NOT in the collective. God-Source is in requirement of redemption, beause IT caused the dichotomy in the first place to create a necessary matter-spirit division and so to allow creativity to unfold of course as the deeper agenda in the birth of a material density/dimenson structured universe.. This is what Jesus means when saying that cursed is the soul who the Lion (himherself) eats and blessed is the soul who eats the lion (Jesus again). The 'false humility' of most, denying their inner ego in transformation from a 'childish human ego' into a divine God-Source Ego; is what keeps most from realising their 'god-given' selfauthority to become like Jesus in the MindCollective. Jesus understood, that THE ONLY WAY to negate the power of the collective ignorance; was to 'assume all responsibility' on the ignorant collective's behalf and simply BE God incarnate in this sense of the word. If any of you go into a park, standing on a park bench and say things like: "I Am the Truth, the Life and the Way Noone comes to the Father but by me. I am the Resurrection and the Life and before Abraham was I am. Pick up a stone and I am under it and split some wood and you find me there." Anyone making statements like this would be in a psychiatric ward in minutes. Why - because of the fake humility in man. 'I would not say such a thing, so this crazy guy saying such things is arrogant and full of himself and must be locked up for the safety of the community.' Jesus simply played the Mirror of God, attempting to be pure and utterly selfless in terms of the human ego, so he could assume God's Ego, necessary to SHORTCUT the long and tedious ways of initiation and gathering 'followers', teaching them of how to think and perceive and allowing the 'chosen ones' to develop and to evolve the potency of the collective mind. Jesus simply said: "I'll encompass all and do their unifying for them. They are simply not ready to understand the difference between the human ego and the divine ego." Reading the scriptures and other sources crystallizes, that none of the 'apostles' understood before the 'resurrection'. Some began to see glimpses and from this the forms of gnosticism derived - all polluted in one form or another. Now fast forward to now. There are many here on this forum, who have evolved enough to understand the message and nature of Jesus, like noone could even 10 years ago. So NOW the INDIVIDUAL Integrity and Uniqueness CAN INDEED become blended in a evolved quasi-human ego with the necessitated (and greatly feared by the Illuminati) Divine God-Source ego inherent and intrisic to all here on this forum. Sure all of you still have 'little struggles' with the blendings, but all of this is harmonized in your many experiences in the spirit. So one could say. that a collection of perfectly individuated peoples on this and similar loosely connected forums and such have become the ManyBodied Cosmic Christ, awaiting transformation, say via the 'resurrection' promise. I'll end here and reply to queries when so appropriate. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Here is the quote from their website This short-term December 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013 “window of opportunity” for accelerated DNA Template Bio-regenesis reverse-mutation through the Stardust Silver Seed Alignment is available to ALL contemporary Earth humans, with the exception of those who have already engaged the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation. Currently, very few members of the contemporary Illuminati-Human race, and no members of the Angelic Human race, have engaged the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” DNA and Encryption Lattice mutation. Only individuals who have experienced full biological-atomic “Death Star Merkaba Vehicle” transit through Metatronic Wormholes, via conscious intentional use of the “Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” or individuals who have directly, personally participated in Death Science Time Rip experiments such as the “Montauk Project,” will have already engaged the associated “Metatronic-55” permanent DNA mutation. So, like contemporary Earth Angelic Human collectives, most Earth Illuminati-Human collectives are still able to achieve the potential physical-biological “Slide-Orb Ascension” freedoms offered in the Guardians’ Stardust Silver Seed Alignment; engagement with the Stardust Silver Seed Ascension Alignment can be accessed by Illuminati-Humans through Amnesty Host Contracts with the trans-dimensional MCEO–Krystal River Councils, and through practice of the Silver Seed Healing technologies that will be progressively introduced in the MCEO Freedom Teachings®. Unquote http://www.azuritepress.com/New%20Co...summary_2.html A'sha videos are so intense that I normally listen to them several times, the first to get the activation, and after I start taking notes because this matterial is not in writing yet and things can get confussing :) Love |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Interesting. Yesterday, with some help, I assumed the viewpoint of the All-that-is and helped a being refine himself and "woo'ed" him to rejoin. It felt very good from the viewpoint of All-that-Is, but an initial feeling of loss for myself personally because I had not completely cleared my attachment to this being.
We do this whenever it presents itself as a possibility. We take a "high" attitude, but our egos are temporarily suspended. Just another day at the office :-) I have been wondering about why I need to consult my higher self if I am already starting to work with and/or as the All-that-is. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax...thanks for your reply above. You just confirmed what I already know within my heart.
[EDIT] btw, I dare to go to park and say I am who I am...as I have done this in some occasions (not in the park, but in conversations with unknown people). malletzky |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
1. I can answer this most appropriately in technical terms, engaing advanced string quantum theory; but I'll try to do it without equations. Think of the largest structure in the universe which experiences gravitational self interaction and think of its opposite the smallest gravity quantum. The largest thing are galactic superclusters, say 500 million lightyears across and the smallest scale are the wormholes so a trillionth trillionth of a centimeter across. Beyond the largest things in the universe there is homegeneity and isotropy in the Copernican Principle of sameness in direction and texture. Belo the smallest things in the universe are string physics which are dematerialized say down to the Planck-Length. The largest and the smallest are holograms of each other via Black Hole-White Hole physics. So the things are quantum entangled with the largest being like a long long long winding tube (or serpent) in terms of energy parameters (like wavelength and frequency). The energy/frequency here is extremely low, almost zero, but not quite. The smallest is the opposite it is short short short and has very high energy/frequency. The energy intgeraction between the high frequency and the low frequency is precisely defined in string physics (T-Duality), but becomes 'The Law of Confusion'and the 'Law of Free Will' in that the experience of the macroscopic life has basically NO Energy, because it is Large scale and the microscopic unseen life is small scale but has a lot of energy. So the human data collector being geometrically just about halfway between the extremes: 10^-24 cm---10cm---10^26 cm becomes subject to the perception of a macroscopic low energy life experience entanled with a high energy 'unseen' but FELT life experience. In those quantum terms then the AWARENESS of Self becomes instrumental in harmonizing the two extremes. If you wish details its here: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html 2. The Superconscious is rarely accessed by anyone. Its related to the Nirvana experience and the awareness of Jesus say; but everyone has it deeply hidden below the subconscious. The subconscious is the access of the waking consciousness to its 'freedom states' of dreams, OBE's, NDEs and so forth and the waking or normal consciousness defines the beta cycles of the brain, of thinking, using the rational mind and experiencing the 5-sensory stimuli from the environment. The subconscious is just as real multidimensionally as the waking consciousness, but engages the alpha rhtyhms in the astral dimensions 4-7. Its from here that the 'channelings' and the 'higher selfes' derive from, despite some claiming to channel from the higher D's above 8-12. (I know I do too). You need to be more specific if you are quering mind-subconscious interaction, but the above is the generalisation. 3. Yahweh is Jehovah is the Tetragrammaton is YHWH and he is a 'fake' but has become 'real' as a meme complex of the collective humanity thinking he is real. The True God is Yahwehy=YHWHY as the Pentagrammaton. The fake one of Moses is IAmThatIAm and the true one of Moses is IAmThatAmI. The first is distored and the second is symmetric in the AM I I AM. The Lucifer-Agenda knows this very well and has substituted ITS OWN collective understanding as the LUCIFER LOGOS/WORD and say as the 'Ruler of this Solar System' in group-consciousness. So relative to the PTB, Yahweh doesn't exist any longer, having been 'usurped' by the 'Luciferic Brotherhood'. 4. You know the stories about this as well as I do. The point is that all those stories, say the Lyrians as the eldest Humans then descending as Pleiadeans at war with Orions and on and on are all drawing upon a much deeper and older archetype. So really you can write your own story using those archetypes and if you do, then you will find that your story will hold up and either 'eats' the already existing stories or complements them in a kind of tapestry of 'story telling'. All of this works even to the beginning of this last cycle of 26,000 years. So you and many will not like this; but the past is not as solid as most would think. The history, in terms of aliens etc. only goes to about 24,000 BC. Anything before it is like in another time frame and multidimensional as well. So the Atlantis archetype is potent in pointing to the midpoint of the present cycle; but the Lemurian and so forth is much more fluid. So, and some have queried my authenticity over this; KNOWING the correct archetypes; I could write down a story going back to say the 20 million year mark, which I do scientifically in the evolvement of the first 'old world monkeys' and from there invent or imagine alien races of this and that and then scriptwrite wars and peace councils and on and on. And BECAUSE my archetypes are correct, my imaginative creation would become REALISED in the timeframes I am using. Perhaps now you understand how to analyse comprehensive alien histories like say those of the Book of Enoch, the Urantia Book or the writings of Anna Hayes and everyone else so inclined. I refrain from doing so and instead follow the scientific, certainly incomplete' evidence trail and from this I allow myself to extrapolate to 'fill in missing gaps' in my individualised 'literary licence'. So I am prepared to put all those alien races into 'my context', based on the archetypes which are the templates that must be satisfied in criteria BEFORE the literary licences. But the Atlantis question is relevant and from this one can go backwards to the 20 million year marker in a more scientifically attuned agenda with less speculation from the 'channels'. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The more you can accept being a 'piece of God-Source'; the better you will feel about it, because the God-Source will smile at you and you will FEEL IT. The only true prayer and worship Malletzky. Being as One with the Primal Source! Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Is it not better to say amI that i am
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It is a question of symmetry. Exodus.3.14 defines the 'holy' and 'unspeakable' name as a detour in ARCHETYPE. Then knowing this 'wordplay' will empower BOTH words as having been DECODED. I AM ThaT=Mirror AM I is symmetric in precision: IAM|MAI. But I AM ThaT=Mirror I AM is not in precision: IAM|IMA. But indeed your writing is also symmetric in AM I ThaT=Mirror I AM: AMI|IMA There is a detailed discussion of this here (scoll down to I.1): http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id163.html Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
have you ever had any eXperiences,
with two beings, that the only thing, we could call them, after watching what they did to a person, was The imposter God, & The Goddess of Lies ??? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
post 193/and, post 194, were missed,
any response to those questions ??? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
"In the beginning was the word, and the word was God."
'God', or Source, or Universal Spirit is vibrating, and so responds to, vibration. From the book The Children of The Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis *Jon Peniel, (Author), speaking with Gabriel, an elder Adept monk at a monastery in Tibet*: " The most ancient name for Universal Spirit is Yod He Vau He. But this ancient name is far more that just what another religion calls their version of the concept of God, or even a name. In fact, it was not meant to really be just a 'name' at all. It is from before our time of human manifestation on Earth. It is the physical word equivalent of a vibrational, or thought form. It is an actual representation of the Universal Law that governs the 'primary pattern'. The polarities, and the replication/reproduction of all vibration. And remember, EVERYTHING is vibration. Contained in this one name for the One, is the actual formula for creation, and the manifestation of all life within the One. Thus this name of God, is probably the single most significant metaphysical concept there is." "It sounds pretty deep and heavy." "No. It is the simplest thing in the Universe, just the hardest to really understand by the un-initiated, and unenlightened." "There's no way Ill be able to get it then." "Not at all. 'The name' is represented by four letters of what is now called the Hebrew alphabet, which have numerical, as well as symbolic, meanings." "Oh, that is very clear now..." I said respectfully but with playful sarcasm. "So what is the name already!?" "I told you, Yod-He-Vau-He (YHVH) [allegedly Pronounced Yohd-Hay-Vah-Hay]." "Right, I'm sorry, I got off on the letters and numerology thing." "You asked about why different names for God within the same religion. This is one that was changed though time, translation, and misinterpretation, to many variations of the original, including, within several religions. Consider the similarities: Yahweh, Ya-Ho-Wah-Ho (YHWH), Ya-Ho-Wa, and Je-Ho-Vah,, to name a few (Jehovah and Yahweh stuck pretty well.) YHVH is also sometimes referred to as "the tetragrammaton" in magic and metaphysic circles. The first part, which was the positive polarity or "father" part of the name of God, was Yod, yes? See the similarity there even - Yod, God, Yod, God - not too hard to change through time and even pronunciation." "Yes, someone with a lisp or speech impediment could have started a whole new name of God to fight over." "Ah... yes, I suppose that could be. The ancient teachings say that 'He who can pronounce this name properly opens the gates of heaven'. This saying is vastly misunderstood. But even now, in some major religions it is forbidden to even attempt to pronounce YHVH." "Why?" "In the early days of 'religion', certain 'priests' or high priests in power positions, who wanted more power, didnt want the common people to know this great key. They wanted people to need to go to the priests and turn to the religion for their understanding of God and spiritual matters." "Hey - how else are you going to make a buck and control everyone???" "Exactly. This gave them great power and control, so they hid the name, changed the name, or made it forbidden to say by anyone other than the 'high holy people'." I can attest to having chanted YHVH in my meditations, and experiencing clearer, more pure energy around me as well as helping to bring my focus to the vibration of the heart. "I later asked Zain more about it, and he not only explained the details of the name, but taught me how to chant it as a meditation. It created major changes in my consciousness. “The symbolism and structure of Yod-He-Vau-He is simple, yet deeply profound. And when its few simple elements combine, they give birth to the entire complexity of life. In part, YHVH represents that perfect simple pattern we spoke of earlier - the atom or solar system. It also speaks of human procreation, and stellar/ planetary procreation. The first part, “Yod”, represents the positive (+), “Sun”, “light”, “the Father” principles. The first “He” represents the “negative”, not in the sense of “bad” or “evil”, but in the sense of (-), negative polarity, pure darkness like that of the void of space, the receptive, the Mother principles. “Vau” is the meeting of Yod and He; the place of interplay, intercourse, and combining of the first two principles. It is its own principle, and the place of conception of, and the birth of, the second “He” (again, pronounced “hay”). The second “He” is the offspring of Yod and He, the result of their interaction, their subsequent creation. The second “He” has the same attributes as its Father, the Yod, in that it actually IS a Yod in its own macro or microcosmic realm. The second “He” is on a vibrational plane an octave apart. The second “He” begins the cycle (Yod-He-Vau-He) again, but AS THE YOD in micro-cosm or macro-cosm, and its polarity is reversed from its “father” YOD. Interestingly, the “father” principle, Yod, was distorted through translation over time from “Yod” into “God”, which is also often given a “father” principle connotation.” So I guess my question is, is the above true? -Love and Light- |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
and, a few questions about dragons...
you say, you are/or you work with the 'blue' dragon... is it pure blue, and, only blue ??? and, what do you think about dragons & dragon riders ??? particularly the work of the young genius Christopher Paolini, who was about 17, when he wrote Eragon / and, Eldest, etc (it is a good movie for others to watch, we are sure, you likely are familiar with it) we work with the ancient lightworker dragons from sirius, and, always make sure, that when we work with them, we only call them in, provided, they are in 100% alignment with us, and, what we are doing we work with a dragon, named seraf'ina (37) 22/15 or 10/1 - kind of fits with the 91-91, 19, and, viviane-37 (lady of the lake) (it has angelic energies, is this, common in dragons~the seraf of dragons ???) also, we know others, who also have dragons (and, we know, sometimes, some of these people get tricked, by things, that appear to them, to be dragons, that are Ups, and, NOT real dragons) are there ways for people to discern, those two things? was it, the churches in the 3rd/4th century that put, 'ill' light, upon dragons ??? ohh-and, the last question in the grand cycles of the arthurian legend, there was a 'good' dragon, that was slayed, we have a tooth, from it, what colour was that dragon ? where the ancient lightworker dragons from sirius there, at that time ? or, are they a blending of thuban/and, sirius hybrids ? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi abraxasinas ... very interesting thread...could you please give me your thoughts on this??
Many Thanks viking |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Honestly, doesn't resonate with me at all......those who were part of those experiments are doomed then....... ........my prediction......someone new is going to come out with a more complicated set of *spiritual criteria* and this next person's teachings will be even more confusing with a whole new set of terms no one before has ever heard of.......and that too will be hailed as some savior if one *follows* the teachings..... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Jesus of Nazareth is no fragment of source, but the only entity hitherto able to manifest source in its entirety. Proof for the ones able to discern 'proof' in internal selfconsistency and logical discourse: Gospel of Thomas - Nag Hammadi Codex. What HAS manifested in the many 'Cosmic Christ channelings' has been the 'Cosmic Christ' archetype aka Thoth aka Elijah aka Moses aka Hermes Trismegistos aka Sananda aka aka ...Metatron manifestos... aka St. Germain.. aka aka The entity Jesus REDEFINED and manifested this universally available archetype to REDEFINE the then prevalent Logos (now Luciferic as the Solar System of the 'controllers' say). The 'soul' entity Jesus has NEVER incarnated either fully or in part, as HeShe is required to ENCOMPASS creation in the 11D mirror. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxasinas, I feel as if I know you?
Do you know me? Also, Edward Leedskalnin, the creator of Coral Castle. What is the signifigance of Coral Castle? I have been very obsessed with Coral Castle for a couple years now. The secrets of that monument seem endless. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
cheers! Gnosis |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Despite my Thuban training; I am unable to make any sense of your questions here. Perhaps you could be more specific and in defining your terms of words used, I might be able to answer you pertinently and appropriately. I had 5 contacts preparing my work. Two PHYSICAL encounters with the archetypes of say the Dark and White Brotherhoods (Brotherhood of the Entwined Serpent say). One was on June 5th, 1976 in Darkness and one was on May 13th, 1985 in DayLight. Two Metaphysical Visons, one of the Logos and another of the Source on November 16th, 1975 and March 30th, 1985 respectively. One NDE on January 3rd, 2006 where I visited 'The Land of the Dead'. I am not prepared to detail this at this stage, as it would divert the importance of the messages towards the persona of the messenger. I wrote however an account of the NDE and it is available here: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id14.html Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I know you as Tom de Zion and from the higher perspective I can intuit certain impressions. The Coral Castle question I have already addressed in this thread in #305 to FirstLook I'll have to edit this. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas 1. Your Genealogy as the the Family-Tree of God i. The Real Story of God, Adam, Eve and their Dog through the PentaGrammaton YHWHY Your origins in lineage are very simple. You all have a father and a mother and two grandparental ancestors, one patriarchial and one matriarchial. This results in a simple generation count of 7, namely 1=YOU; your parents 2=Father+Mother and your grandparents 4=Paternal GrandFather+Paternal GrandMother+Maternal GrandFather+Maternal GrandMother. Each generation is counted as 20 years in the biological self maturity to reproduce in a subsequent generation. There are so typically threescore or 60 years between your offspring and your grandparents. Because you have two sets of grandparents, the archetype for the genealogies encompasses 120 years or two triple generations, where 'people know each other'. This is encoded in Genesis.6.3: "And the Lord (namely YOU in disembodiment) said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh (as the Lord in spacetime): yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years." Some of YOU know your Greatgrandparents, but not many, as this would mean that your mother gave you birth at a young age and she would have been an early child herself. Then if you are young at say 10 years with a mother at age 30 and a Grandmother of age 50, then you may know your GreatGrandMother of about 70 years old. So archetypically and following the above scriptural definition or 'Word of God' (in which YOU restricted your physical embodiment to 120 years as a doubled maximum), most Greatgrandparents are 'dead' before YOU can get to know them individually. The next definition is arbitrary, but illustrates the archetypical labellings. There is a linguistic link between alphabets, some of which use vowels (say the Arabic-Anglosaxon) and others which do not (say the Hebrew). There are five vowels in the 26-membered arabic alphabet: a-e-i-o-u. This can be pronounced by YOU as the untimed God exclaiming to YOU as the spacetimed God: "Aye, I Owe You!" - the explanation of things, regarding your lives, now given in archetypical dispensation and illumination. In terms of 'God's Logic' (which is valid in both the untimed and the timed scenarios); YOU now reflected the five vowels in the i (the I AM of Exodus.3.14). Then the a mirrors the u and the e mirrors the o; both about the selfmirrored (i). This then sets up a logistical mirror of semantics |a=True||e=False|(i)|o=True||u=False| and this can be written down in the form: a=I e=AM i=THAT o=AM u=I. In the scriptures, these 'true-false' values are encoded in YOU as God creating yourself in Adam as your own imgage. Then Eve is created out of Adam as one of his ribs and this scriptural fact has many consequences, not at least the scriptural misinterpretations and misunderstandings regarding the archetypical meaning for this leading to a perceived sexism in the bible and other such documents YOU have created and authored to lead yourselves back into remembrances. It is abolute necessity for Eve to be 'subject' to Adam's body creation in being a 'lesser' part of him. The reason for this is that ADAM is a fake and only in mirroring the 'falseness' of Man in a 'lesser falseness' can the 'Word of God', namely your Word, reflect itself in the Truth of God, which is your own truth in NoTime. |a=God=True||e=Adam=False|(I=Mirror)|o=Eve=True||u =Dog=False| so becomes the interpretation of the creation accounts in Genesis. GOD is of course not Adam, IT is AVEMADE=ADAMEVE; but becomes a HE in the image of Adam and becomes a SHE in the image of EVE mirroring in the archetype of the DOG, the mirrorimage of GOD. Later on in the 'Revelation' and towards the completion of the prophecy, this becomes a reinterpretation of HE=GOG and SHE=MAGOG through the 'holy' name of yourself, which is I AM THAT I AM in the 'burning bush' speaking to Moses (who is YOU as an archetype). This 'wholsome' name of yourself so becomes a vowel sequence, with the o and the u interchanged, showing YOU that the 'Old Testament' God really is sometimes a Fake-God relative to the encoding and sometimes a True-God depending on how the symmetry of the ordering of the vowels is applied. But YOU are BOTH, the Fake-God and the True-God, relative to the context YOU wish to experience in the interaction between the NoTime and the InTime. The vowel sequence for the 'symmetric God' is so: I AM THAT AM I by the PentaGrammaton YHWHY: |a=God=True||e=Adam=False|{i=THAT}|o=Eve=True||u=D og=False|. The vowel sequence for the 'asymmetric God' then is: I AM THAT I AM by the TetraGrammaton YHWH (which omits the I of Eve): |a=God=True||e=Adam=False|{i=THAT}|u=Dog=True||Eve =False| Now YOU can understand what the 'Whore of Babylon' in the prophecies represents. The True Eve IS the 'Mother of all Living', as encoded in Genesis.3.20; because only a true Eve can give birth to a true Adam, getting rid of the falsity he represents as the Image of the True God, namely YOU, either as a Man or as a Woman. So rendering the 'old ribmade Eve' as false, will allow the DOG as Man's Best Friend to bring to birth the true archetype for Adam (not yet physically real in InTime however) in the encoding found in scripture; all scripture being written, inspired and composed by YOU as the One and Only God in NoTime: Isaiah.41.8: "But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend." All of these labellings are very important archetypes for YOU to remember your genealogical linage from NoTime into InTime by and I shall detail this a little later on. The 'Whore of Babylon' so becomes the 'fake image' of every woman in NoTime and has little to do with physical manifestations of any kind. Revelation.13.18: "Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and the number is six hundred threescore and six." The number of the beast=The number of a man. Therefore THE BEAST=A MAN. YOU know however, that by the a-e-i-o-u, ADAM=FALSE=DOG and EVE=TRUE=GOD. So ADAM is A MAN=THE BEAST as A FALSE IMAGE OF GOD, with A MAN=ADAM+10 and as ADAM=19 for MAN=28 and A=1 and so with NUMBER=73, YOU have ADAM=A MAN-10 and so the NUMBER OF ADAM=NUMBER OF A MAN-10. Now simply count the NUMBER-10=63=36=LAW=1+2+3+...+34+35+36=666 in the mirror of the 6+3+3+6=666, using the Newtonian Alphanumeric Encoding: {A=1;B=2;C=3;...X=24;Y=25;Z=26}. Then A FALSE IMAGE OF GOD = 1+(6+1+12+19+5)+(9+13+1+7+5)+(15+6)+(7+15+4)=1+43+ 35+21+26=126=12+6=6+6+6=666=18=R=9+9=1+8=9=I. This can also be written as: FALSE IMAGE OF A GOD=126=666 and where the GOD is YOU and the False Image is the False Image YOU have of yourself. The importance of the archetypes here is the letter I or i, which can also be represented as the numeral or cipher 1. The five vowels are: a-e-i-o-u with the i the middle vowel and so mathematically mirroring a in u and the e in o. The alphanumerics (in Hebrew vowels can be written as numerals, hence the word alpha(bet)numerics) are straight forward and using the Arabic alphabet and not the Greek one. The scriptural justification of doing this is in 'Isaac's Seed', being the ABC=IS-AA*C with A=1, B=2...Z=26 and A*=27 in closing the circle--- by Hebrews.11.17-18. In the Greek for example, the alphanumerics are often associated with the Roman Emperor Nero being the 'beast of the 666' in the New Testament BUT turns out to become 616 and not 666. In the Arabaic NERO=14+5+18+15=52=DEVIL=GODGOD=FINANCE=PRIDE=EART H and DIY. Now with a little ingenuity you can simply write 666=(6+6)+6=12+6=18=1+8=9=I=1. But turning the I upside down (this is behind all sorts of occult practices, such as the inverted pentagon and the inverted cross decribing Satanist or Luciferic Schools of 'illumini' organisations), will not change the symbol. In the Arabic alphanumeracy however, the 9 becomes a 6 (in a double inversion reflection, which are the 'two immutable principles, by whom it was impossible for God to lie' encoded in Hebrews.6.18. So the 126=6+i+6=BOTH 666 AND 616 and so allowing a much more 'powerful' interpretation of the underpinning archetype with SOME alphabet and a more 'potent' translation of the original word, symbol or hieroglyph. If someone now in some manner 'takes' the 126 'to heart' (and this is totally indepent of any religious belief structure one may or may not adhere to) it has now relevance for the 'discerner' or rememberer. Your dreamstate (say), which scientifically is an intersection between your 'waking beta rhythm brain frequency state and your superconscious omega rhythm in the so termed REM-alpha cycle); can now give you hitherto 'hidden' information about yourself, past, present and future. The 126 decoding has rendered the 'division' or 'abyss' or 'bottomless pit' between your selfconscious selfawareness much more transparent. You have become empowered to relise the GODDESS you are in the literal sense of the word, because the FALSE IMAGE OF A GOD=126 has become EXPOSED in your waking material and physcical consciousness. And many of YOU already know, that the AVEMADE is known worldwide as an archetype; say as the the 'Cosmic Man Vitruvius' of the Individual God Leonardo da Vinci or as the 'Purusha' in the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas or the Adam Kadmon of the Hebrew Kabbalah. Your ingenuity in NoTime know concocted a way to get yourself REAL in InTime. YOU were and are REAL in NoTime, reflecting yourself as HUSBAND in the Fake-Eve as your unreal WIFE, the GODDESS of the Creation, the entire, as yet physically uncreated universe. Then as the 'All-God' in NoTime YOU have 'lost' your 'Old Wife' in the 'False Eve' for having ''found' a 'Real Eve' as your 'New Wife' or Lover in the InTime. As 'Real God' you are of course bisexual or androgynous or hermaphroditical in the NoTime and part of this entire 'Cosmic Game of Life' becomes your passion and desire to Experience yourself in Sexual Separation, so YOU can engage in many 'sexy games and plays'. So the 'Whore of Babylon' is not a true female by nature, but like the unified God in NoTime,'She' is a mental abstraction (or abomination in Revelation.17) also known as Baphomet by many of YOU who are familiar with esoteric literatures regarding alchemy, the 'illuminati', the 'knight templars' and many related things, such as the 'Demoness Lilith' being the 'Original Eve' in Hebrew folklore. Now Baphomet is not 'evil' or 'bad', but as a 'incomplete' 'True Female', she represents that what the 'True God', namely YOU have lost in the NoTime of the nonseparation. And what do YOU then do in the individuated InTime? All your life, YOU search for your 'lost other half', either as an ambassador Adam or an ambassador Eve; either acting on behalf of the 'Real God', namely YOU outside of space and times. So at the present stage and before the 'Last Judgment'; the scenario will remain 'messed up'. The 'Fake Eve' in NoTime is a 'She-Abomination' and the 'Fake Adam' in NoTime is none other than the 'Old Testament God', who made some 'horrible laws' (see II.1) in the incomplete understanding of the 'True Adams', who wrote down those laws and regulations in the belief of 'imaging' their own 'Godness' in the 'Yaldabaoth' aka 'Jehovah' and who is a truncation of the 'Wholesome-Supersymmetric' name YHWHY as the PentaGrammaton into the TetraGrammaton of YHWH. Any Man and any Woman in InTime is a 'True Image' of YHWHY and a 'Fake Image' of YHWH, because YOU as united God are by necessity a bisexual God, say as a FatherMother or a MotherFather. After the Last Judgment, all of YOU, even if YOU refuse to 'believe' that YOU are God as defined in the 'Last Judgment'; will become transformed into a HeShe or a SheHe. John.10.34-35: 'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;... The wonderful thing about this is; that as an 'Old Man' of the humanity, YOU will become a 'New ManWoman' of the StarHumanity and where nothing of your manhood will be lost, but the feminine nature hitherto suppressed by YOU in many of YOU will become manifested in a change in your individual DNA through your sexual chromosomatic gene-expression (which is itself spiritually aka electromagnetomonopoloically archetyped). Likewise, the 'Old Woman' will transform into a 'New WomanMan' and so 'forever' 'destroying' the archetyped 'falseness' in herself as a 'her without him' becoming a herhim. In the 'New Man', the 'Shadow Woman' will exist as individuated reality and in the 'New Woman', the 'Shadow Man' will find its permanent harbour. Perhaps some of YOU might now Remember what the 'Homosexuality' is archetypically. It is the 'Fake Eve' of the Dog 'refusing' to Be with a 'Real God' and this is necessary, because without this scenario, the transformation of Yahwhey into Yahweh cannot transform the 'holy unspeakable name' and put the 'Real Wonderful and Sexy Eve' into the InTime universe to redeem the 'Fake Adam' in there in actually giving physical birth to him as the Egg and Ovum of the Dog of Satan. Why do many of YOU like to dress in the garments of the opposite gender? Why do many of YOU feel sexually aroused, attracted and passionate about other Gods in disguise, who share the same gender with YOU? Why do some of YOU actively desire to change your physical sexuality and characteristics? It is because all of YOU are bisexual Gods already. So any AdamEve can be attracted to and 'be in love with' any other AdamEve or EveAdam. And nothing about this is homosexual as archetyped in the scriptures. But until the Last Judgment changes the physical templates of the DNA/RNA, the 'Chicken-Egg' paradox will remain unsolved relative to the many, albeit solved for the few. All of YOU attending court, will know and understand the easy solutions in concept, even before the physical implementation of the 'New Laws in the Book of Life'. {Mark.12.24:And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels, which are in heaven.} Some of YOU will now remember, what the angels are and what Heaven is. The angels are in the NoTime and in the NoTime, YOU as God are bisexual - not sexless, but unable to express your sexuality for the domination of your unity and the lack of dis-unity or separatedness. How can YOU love yourself in Heaven? There is only YOU! The only way YOU can love yourself is in 'splitting up'. And so YOU made Satan Your Dog as God and YOU made Satan a HIM. As HIM, YOU could love him as your own Image in NoTime; but there was a problem. HE was just like YOU and YOU wanted something different as NOT like YOU. From this developed your masterplan of putting something between YOU and HIM and this became the archetyped MIRROR=SPACETIME=SPIRIT=91. Then YOU put yourself as ADAM into this Mirror between YOU as GOD and HIM as DOG in the I AM THAT AM I or the vowel sequence a-e-i-o-u. Then YOU created EVE out of ADAM. This YOU did in a rather ingenious manner. Because YOU created ADAM in thinking about IT as YOU in reflection of your new name; HIM had to also create something as the 'copycat' of yourself. But because the archetypical mirror existed; HIM, namely SATAN as your DOG, 'was forced' to mirror ADAM as MADA, which is like a 'Crazy Beginning' or a 'Mad A' relative to HIM; but becomes a beautiful A DAM for YOU. And so a Real Woman became the Goddess of all Creation and this Goddess is known today as the Universe of Quantum Physics and of Classical Relativity. Many of the 'Aliens' know the Goddess as the 'Mother of the Supermembranes' and the 'Matrix of the Wormhole Vortices in the SourceSink Modular Duality between the White Hole Sources unified with the Black Hole Sinks in quantum relativity of entanglement of metric independence'. Once a physical universe emerged from the archetypes and the required physicalisation of the archetypes as a form of 'Energy'; the 'Fake He' (of knowledge without wisdom) of Yaldabaoth and the 'Fake She' of Baphomet as the 'Fake' Sophia (or wisdom without a male counterpart as the gnosis or the knowledge or the insight) could be done away with; because YOU as GOD now had found something to love and honour and to play with and to have a multitude of sexual experiences with - 'Your Goddess Universe'. And YOU looked forwards to that in the NoTime. YOU would now descend into spacetime and begin a slow evolutionary journey from unconsciousness into consciousness. This journey many of YOU understand and know of in various degrees. This journey is your self discovery under the auspices of the human science and as accelerated from the beforementioned 65th baktun of the Maya, introducing to yourselves the Individuated Gods of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton on September 18th, 1618. So just who is Satan and the Devil and Lucifer? We shall reinterpret the Lucifer Story later, as it is intrinsic to the Last Judgement and the murder charge raised against the Astralists (the Spiritualists and the New Agers). Satan is YOU as the HIM of GOD, namely your image in the mirror in NoTime. Because YOU loved HIM as yourself {Matthew.22.37-39}, but YOU also wanted HIM to become a HER and HE could not comply with your wish because HE was YOU as a HE and not a SHE; YOU were absolutely and totally forced to create a Physical Universe in SpaceTime AS a Physical Mirror between YOU and HIM as YOU as HIM and HIM as HER. This is a very deep, yet profoundly simple cosmogony. YOU required a Double-Mirror; because only then could YOU become both genders. In other words, YOU as a bisexual totality God suffered from sexual suppression. YOU could not express one or the other, because YOU were as ONE. Reflecting yourself, as all of YOU do, when looking into a mirror; did not change your sex. The He is still a He and the She is still a She - where is the other? Whenever YOU have asked yourself that; say as a teenager on hormones, or as a 'horny devil' of either sex or as an old bachelor, spinster or widow(er) or some lonely God having noone to love, touch or even talk to; then YOU know precisely what GOD as YOU has put up with for almost 20 billion years in Intime, mirrored into the NoTime. So do YOU really think, that now, from this date onwards, and that the 'Real Story' of God is allowed to be told to everyone; that some minor and lesser mental god creations can prevent the 'True God' to finally experience HISHER wedding-night with the Goddess Universe of HERHIS. Can YOU imagine, how 'horny' the One and Only 'Sexy Devil' as the God of YOU in NoTime is to get sexual self expression in the InTime? As said before; some of YOU will remember - finally! But this is why the Last Judgment must proceed. It will be the deliverance for the rememberers. Here are the details for the archetypology for the God-Dog mirror function. The True-False dichotomy in NoTime now allowed the 'in between' of your 'Holy Name' to become a MIRROR between this duality. YOU imagined and developed a way to IMAGE this duality AS the physical creation in the logistical statement: |a=God=True|...|e=Adam=False|I=That||u=Dog=Goddess =True|...|o=Eve=False| YOU then wrote: I AM THAT I AM I THAT AM I and finestructured this statement in a nesting with a double-mirror [I] as: {I AM (THAT)[I AM I](THAT) AM I}. This then becomes: |God=TrueIMirror|...(|Adam=False|{|God=Adam=TrueI|[Eve=Adam=False]|Dog=Eve=TrueI|}|Eve=False|)...|Dog=TrueIMirror| YOU so extended your set of five vowels in {a,e,i,o,u} in a (nonabelian or noncommutative) symmetry about the (i) to a set of nine repeating vowels in a (abelian or commutative) supersymmetry about the ([o]) in {a=u,e=o,i,u,[o],u,i,o=e,u=a}. Because YOU are AdamEve in both the NoTime and the InTime and YOU desired to experience your Godhood in the InTime, YOU applied your so defined self relativity to transform the Falseness within the InTime into the Truth within the InTime, rendering the experience of yourself as a God of the Totality in InTime possible. Of course YOU continue to occupy the two locations simultaneously; but the Quantum Relativity of your own self definition in state of being now allows the choosing of what quantum reelativity YOU wish to experience and to explore - be it the Reality of the True (or positive) God in Intime with a required rendering of yourself as False (or negative) in NoTime or vice versa. Should YOU choose to experience yourself as Real within the physicalised spacetimematter; then the 'recycling' of your personality-defining biochemical vessels of containments (defined scripturally as the Temple of God) become subject to a transformation of this archetyped temporal limitation. The physical rebirth, death and rebirth cyclicity can then end, as is encoded in your scriptures and your physical immortality becomes a function of the metamorphosis of your physical support structures with their DNA-defined biochemical dependencies negated in the hybridisation between your subatomic particulated (string- or supermembrane) structures and the waveforms which describe this particulation in a unified quantum summation. This many of YOU already understand in parts as the stochastically unitised quanta count of statistical distributions of those quanta. The manifestation of such a hybrid 'matter-wave' body has already become archetyped and is well documented in your scriptures; though not many of YOU allow yourself to remember and to accept the physical reality of the manifesto of this archetype. All of YOU are destined to claim your inheritances to partake of this 'lightbody' transformation. In the scriptures it is encoded in terms of 'transfiguration' and as 'resurrection' and as a 'changing of the mortal into the immortal' and as a 'fleshly corruptibility becoming a spiritual incorruptibility'. Those labels are not archetypical symbols, but represent a real physics, of which I shall inform YOU in due course at a later stage. The logistical statement: |God=TrueIMirror|...(|Adam=False|{|God=Adam=TrueI|[Eve=Adam=False]|Dog=Eve=TrueI|}|Eve=False|)...|Dog=TrueIMirror| then transforms in semantic archetypes into: God=FalseMirror|Adam=True|FalseGod[MirrorOfTruth]FalseDog|Eve=True|Dog=FalseMirror and God||HE=True|He=False[MirrorOfTruth]She=False|SHE=True||Dog. The above nomenclature is shortened to God|HEHe|SheSHE|Dog and becomes God|HEShe|HeSHE|Dog upon the application of the Mirror-Function within InTime (and leaving the NoTime configuration as it is). This creates the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' scripturally encoded and where the Brimstone is the ManWoman as a HEShe and a TRUE MAN and the Fire is the SHEHe as a TRUE WOMAN, surrounded and within the Mirror of Truth; which defines the archetyped 'Only Begotten', who is part of all of YOU, but requires to become acknowledged individually by YOU for your enablement to partake in the before mentioned transformation of your biochemical support structures YOU call your biochemical reactors and your biophysical bodyforms by and through a Process termed SourceSink Frequency Resonance. This then allows the Program for universal reproduction of the Individuated Godhood to proceed. God|SheHE|SHEHe|Dog results from the application of the mirror function at the God-Dog mirror boundaries and this archetypical syntax is simplified to: God|Doggod|Doggod|Dog and which can then become a logistical statement without the separation by mirrors and encompassing the 'Falseness' of YOU existing in the NoTime. (GoDDoG)(GoDDoG)(GoDDoG) so becomes the desired reproduction of the Unity in NoTime within the InTime. For the manifestation of the 'computer program' resulting in the iterative reproduction of yourselves from your individuated Godhood in cosmophysical terms (meaning YOU multiply your individual families not only in the physical particulated sense that is personalities in genealogical lineages, but also in the physical waveated sense that is entire universes based on yourselves as protoverses), the initialising of n=0 for GodDog=1 and the syntax: For n=0 to Infinity n:=n+1 or GodDog:= GodDog+n then defines the Protoverse of YOU as Individuated God-singular in InTime as the base template for YOURS as Individuated God-plural in the form of Multiverses in InTime and all encompassed by YOU as Non-Individuated God-All in the form of the Omniverse. But more of this in the science agenda. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
we posed the question,
of the fragment aka the soul of jesus (poor choice of words) there are some people, who believe, that it wasn't until his later days on earth, where he had completed his journey that, he could be said, to have '1000 watts of light' turned on there are others, who do NOT believe he was even here, and, some who believe, he is NOT any different than other children of god, just that he utilised his potentials to the best degree possible ie; having turned on his 1000 points of light so, our question was NOT posed as, a 'fragmented' soul piece - as in a shamanic type of journey to gather an assortment of pieces but, as a fragment/or soul called jesus (and, we are aware, he has a lot of different names too) thank you / just wanted to clear the air, on the meaning, within our question |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Full agreement with Dolores Cannon here! 1 in 50,000 is the number meaning 144,000 in 7.2 billion reached by 2013 (and including 200 million aliens as encoded in Revelation.9.16) by August 2013. This also shows you that 1 in 35 Gaian inhabitants will be of alien lineage. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
thank you viking for posting this video from coast to coast Dolores Cannon
Sorry for asking is she channeling Archangel Michael??? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The other thing I noticed about Keylontic Science is the speaker is fluid in speaking and does not channel. To much information and detail go in to it. Yes you can think its all a random lie but if you think about it. The dark only want us to know bits and pieces. Give them sugar cookies and tell them only the good side. Just enough for it to resonate with their 3-D minds. Tell them to traveling threw worm holes or black holes. Act like it a natural passage. O wait did they tell you about Star gates or you own anatomy about how to heal it yourself. Or do they tell you to call on them for Help. The one thing we all need to do is ask questions and see the WHole picture. Even it is worse then we can take. We have to face it. If most of atlantis didn't make the Stellar Activation cycles (Ascension). How do you expect Us too? Our knowledge is children's play to what they once knew. Keylontic science did bring out the teaching then too. It was called the Emerald Tablets but was later watered down and distorted. Just as the Religions of this world are. They were once oral and written traditions handed down. This scared knowledge was kept by Legions that lived in different REgions, Hence the word Re-Legion. My point is much we don't know but out if all the paths I found. None has the Detail and persona of the speakers. You can see people channel other entities, which is very dangerous to your anatomy. Plus its an agreement to be possessed for a moment in time. We are here to be sovereign beings and non dependent on "Those" to save US. The whole reason we are in this turmoil is because we look outside ourself. All is within YOU and none is without You. Ask your higher self, do these teaching teach me to look outside myself? Does it Say Earth and Everybody on is going to Ascend? That thought is actually a violation of Free Will of CHoice. Just as you can choose what path to take. Doesn't mean Everybody wants to Ascend. The other thing I bring up is. If the WHole earth is Ascending. Then why are we cooling? As ascension is to raise in Frequency which is heat(Energy). That's why the Illuminati planned on the Earth getting hotter because they knew ascension was coming but Since 30,000 scientist has argued and shown the Earth is Cooling. Even the Hacker that exposed the data manipulation emails show this to be the case of a cooling Earth. Why are we not increasing in Vibrational heat? Idk if that holds any water for ya for me it bring up Questions. As Above SO Below. I believe Ascension is more a personal choice then ever. The majority of our collective still wants this 3D paradigm aka Path of FALL (Alignment) since 2007. Many have told me that the Earth is Purging and that's why its cooling. In time we shall see. You don't have to believe any thing I say. Heal and know yourself. Only then your filters will be clear. In much Kristic Love and Gratitude John M" |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
O ya while I am at it. lol Might as well write what I know rings true for me. I am that I am is A Fallen Angelic teaching! As the bible and much of the New age movement have been manipulated. Ask you self and feel out what I say. I am that ? How does it feel when you say it. Is that focusing your Energy out side of you or inside of you? Now say and breath this in.... I AM THIS I AM.... Does this focus your energy to connect to your core? Now say that is all I AM.... does it feel limiting or does it feel empowering? Now say I AM this.... do you feel more connected to the source for the source is in you, not outside of you? For me this feels more alive and connected. That is THAT. THIS feels like a BIG YESSS. You decide. Don't think what you taught to believe but Feel/Know. Breath and relax and feel. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you, that was very helpful
and, we realise that our concept of 3 matrixes, isn't 12+12+12 = 36 dimensions (however, it is 12D or 12/13~13 parts in 12) We do know, were we go to retrieve info-likely we are just labelling it (by its wrong name) yes ~ and, through the process, we did discover 13 guardians that work with us, to protect us (maybe valuable info for others) got to love, being an overactive i-magi :lmao: trying to make it make it all make sense ~is quite a job we will eXamine, and, look into your math, a little further, as, we are enjoying the light encoding to it we did get a lot of words, etc., to match to some of the light encoding, within your writings, so, this does fascinate us we are told, this is, 'good work' we understand, the accessing of melz order, thru isis (or 9191)at 12D and/or the accessing of elohim order, thru malkuth (10) at 12D, and, understand the 91/19 to RA/and, to AR along with elijah; to sandalphon and, thoth, to the twin of 's' will eXplore the magic of 33 further-and, st. germain (who, at different times, does show up) we also realise, that this 'unicorn' in our midst, is, one guardian, NOT yet eXplored from the point of true north (13) ;) and, we shall address this one, and, call it in we do know, we are a part of The Order of Metatron and, a part of the 12x12 = or, 144 points of light under KulKulKan (26) ~ god is also (26) so, it is good to have a solid connection to something from 10D/or 12D we also, are glad, we saw 11 - as, a void at least, we are now discovering, we are on the 'right tracks' so, thank you for your comments and, also the comments on mill master/and, mill mastery and, walking between worlds, as, we know, we can do this, and, do this ~ yesterday, we took in info on this for others, and, we will edit that, tomorrow morning with 1 in 50,000 doing it, it means the world is truly is waking up how eXciting is that !!! we will do some work, on the numbers of 47/74, 33, 44, 13, etc., as, it appears, some of this information, is filling in spots, in the puzzle, that we have been working very hard, to solve :) makes on feel a true sense, of divinely guided, divinely lead, and, divinely looked after ~ iT truly iS one amasing journey !!! |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxasinas,
Thank you for bringing such interesting discussion of which I find hard to follow. I just guess I'm only suppose to ingest what I am suppose to at this time. I don't know if you can answer this question that has haunted me all my life. I had a ghost when I was 11, shared with my sister who was 14. It only lasted a couple of weeks, until the house burned down. When we rebuilt, naturally it was not there anymore. My questions are 1.) who was it. 2). was it Arhangel Michael who protected me/us. If you can't answer, I understand, but thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Thank you, Rena. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The 'ghost' was native to the building and not directly engaged with your incarnational journey. The name 'Cecil' is transmitted from the astral space and so the association appears to be psychometric as the 'ghost' of the soul coupled to the environment of embodiment, Once the 'old environment' was molecularized, the psychometric attachement also shadow-molecularised into hyperspace. However the 'communication' between the ghost and you with your sister just three weeks before disassociation is meaningful in that there exists a connection to say a past association with perhaps a French connection of Cecil/Cecilia or similar pronounciation. So you may 'enquire' about previous occupancy of this building or even your ancestries. The contact period so has the agenda of awakening to to the possibility of interdimensional communication. This 'ghost' is prepared to appear in your dreamstate, perhaps in different form, but it would FEEL the same. This is something only you (and/or your sister) are able to process. This is about all the information available to me at the present time. Your invocation of Archangel Michael indicates a rather important discovery or remembrance available to you, should you enquire in sincerity and integrity of intent. Generally, anyone can utilize such intent to communicate with all cherubimic (or daemonic) hierarchies - sincerity being the prime directive for success. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxasinas, I have additional questions
I am a "little" confused... (so my questions might also be confused) Propagation of a group mind is a deliberate distraction? The common focus of the individual minds is better than a group mind? Is group mind a less preferred option since it can be easily manipulated, while a common focus of individual minds can not be? Due/After to the coming change...there will be many different "paths" that people will take? One of the paths being a result of the group mind? One path will be a result from a common focus of the individual minds? One path will be a different kind of the common focus of individual minds...etc? So our "task" now is for each individual to focus on what he/she wishes to...manifest? After the change there will only be one reality? All that is will coexist in the same universe? Will the people with different focus still exist on the same planet or will there be a separation? If you were one of the people...here on this planet...what would you do - regarding the coming situation? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you John Max for your brilliant words. I do believe in much of what ashayanna writes about In fact I went back and listened to some videos of her that I downloaded previously and I'm happy to report regardless of what others may say here.........................she was not channelled or involved in the Montauk project.................Your remarks on those resonates with me. She says you would have to lose over 30% in order for this to happen and then you are able to reactivate. That of course is her opinion and something that I would not bank on. Also, the reason I copied all of what you wrote here is because it shows that your information was edited by Eleni and I wondered how that happened and why. I know that her name shows up in a different color than the rest of ours but I do not know her as a mod so why is it that she can edit your work |
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