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Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi Susan,
Thanks for letting us know. You are welcome, for that is what we are here for. I will remove your name from the list. Blessings and love lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH KOGI Indians PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria Luz muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Judyknott Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Luana and Lindsay Val monique (sprained ankle) Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM HEALING LIST per request: SUSAN Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing EDIT: TO REMOVE FROM LIST per request: MUDRA AND LAURA and LeslieD |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
The Gift of Forgiveness To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. ~ Lewis B. Smedes To err is human, to Forgive is Divine. ~ William Shakespeare Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Please add Jeff and Rhonda to the list...
Sending Blessings...LOVE and Healing energies To all on the list...... Namaste......Freedom |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH KOGI Indians PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria Luz muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Judyknott Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Luana and Lindsay Val monique (sprained ankle) Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! ADDED to the list: JEFF and RHONDA Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
A CALL TO ALL ! DIVINE BLESSINGS and LOVE TO ALL! NEXUS HEALING MEDITATION THIS WEDNESDAY 10 MARCH 2010 AT 08.00 PM GMT PLEASE JOIN IN WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE TO SEND YOUR LOVE, BLESSINGS AND HEALING ENERGIES TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING AND TO MOTHER EARTH. Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaishaja Guru Vaiduria Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arahate' Samyaksham Buddhaya Tayata Om Bekajye Bekajye Maha Bekajye Bekajye Radzaya Samudgate' Svaha For the world clock please go to alchemikey's website: http://www.healingexperiment.com/ Many Divine Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH KOGI Indians PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria Luz muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Judyknott Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Val monique (sprained ankle) Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM list per request: LUANA and LINDSAY Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Tango, Rythym, Please take me of the healing list.
I feel much better,, and your energies are needed elsewhere. thank you for all you do..all of you |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria Luz muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Val monique (sprained ankle) Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM list per request: KOGI INDIANS and JUDYKNOTT and LESLIE Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi Ciline ....
look dear you need to be sure you want to come off the healing list there is no pressure .. and no one is too much trouble ... so please reconsider .... and get back to us when you have thought about ... till then we will leave you on the list ... i wait to here from you and if you feel you realy want to come off we will of course remove you.. take care Ciline ... i may not be around for a few days so let ligthbeing know is best i be back monday .. all love and healing light to you ,,, rhythmmm:wub2:.... |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
ok. i need this.. i will trust you.
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria Luz muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Val Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM list per request: monique Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
People, was excelent meet all in this forum ! Thank you very much for the support and for receive the healing waves here in south of south america for three weeks ! My ankles are better now ! Peace, love and kisses for all, Monique.:wub2::wub2::wub2::wub2::wub2::wub2::wub2:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi monique,
You are Most welcome! And thank YOU for letting us know. Have removed your name from the list. Blessings and love lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Val Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM list per request: monique and Luz Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Val Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM list per request:Levi and Lieve Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
hmmm...how much will it cost,
to put my old faithful 'purple' RAV4 - on the healing list ? (before the dealer calls with the estimate) :mfr_lol: that might 'bury' me ;) sure hope its isn't too much hopefully-it just was the 'too much' water in the air/and, on the road that caused it, to conk out !!! |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
be sure to put all the people in floods
in north america, and, around the world on the healing list ~ all this water :( |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
A CALL TO ALL ! DIVINE BLESSINGS and LOVE ! NEXUS HEALING MEDITATION THIS WEDNESDAY 17 MARCH 2010 AT 08.00 PM GMT PLEASE JOIN IN WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE TO SEND YOUR LOVE, BLESSINGS AND HEALING ENERGIES TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING AND TO MOTHER EARTH. Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaishaja Guru Vaiduria Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arahate' Samyaksham Buddhaya Tayata Om Bekajye Bekajye Maha Bekajye Bekajye Radzaya Samudgate' Svaha For the world clock please go to alchemikey's website: http://www.healingexperiment.com/ Many Divine Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
--[ MOD EDIT - This Comment has been removed. Due to its location here in the healing list. ]--
Please keep to the topic especially in this thread. Criticism are best made in private but at least do not do it on a thread dedicated to healing. Thank You. |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Aaaaaah... Your A pert, Your NOT happy, with My performance....
There is plenty of room for more help... But, be NICE... I Love these people... I Care for them... Gentle... Lionhawk... NOT So harsh... Easy, Guy... Tango Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza John T happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Val Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM list per request: SHANDA and TOM-EDDIE Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza John T happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM list per request: VAL and beanny and daughter Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hello lightbeing,
Thank you for all the lovely healing energy you put forth for my grandmother. She seems to be doing quite well. You may feel free to remove her from the healing list with great appreciation for all the care you have given. Love, Malynda |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi Malynda,
Thank you for letting us know. Great to hear she is doing quite well. Will remove her name from list. And Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Blessings and love lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza John T Filly Karen Celine Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM list per request: happyhollergal and Curtis; Malynda's grandmother Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
lightbeing we will need to add robert
his info is on the new thread .. steven cleared that Robert has requested to go on the list ..xx and Gita can Come off tho i think you may have allready ... its a bit confusing with out the other list up and running no idea why it has been temp removed ah! no worris ... |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi, Rythm and All! I would like to place myself, Sonia, and my husband, Curt, on the healing list...that our marriage may be healed from recent wounds. Thank you one and all!!! Much love!!!
La Galana (Sonia) |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi La Galana (Sonia),
Thank you for your request. May all sentient beings be free of sickness. I will add both of you to the list. Blessings to you and your husband Curt. May you be open and receiving of the blessings and love. lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Monique Daria muff (the eXchanger's dad) Edwin Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza John T Filly Karen Debby ross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle Robert N David Ferrari Beth Daniël Jnana sister Linda Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Lucia's mum Yorkie's mum Jeff and Rhonda (Freedom) Robert (Steven) Sonia and Curt Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. LET HEALTH BE MANIFESTED IN ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! ADDED to list per request: Robert; Sonia and Curt EDIT TO REMOVED: GITA Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Thank you!!!
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
A CALL TO ALL ! DIVINE BLESSINGS and LOVE ! NEXUS HEALING MEDITATION THIS WEDNESDAY 24 MARCH 2010 AT 08.00 PM GMT PLEASE JOIN IN WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE TO SEND YOUR LOVE, BLESSINGS AND HEALING ENERGIES TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING AND TO MOTHER EARTH. Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaishaja Guru Vaiduria Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arahate' Samyaksham Buddhaya Tayata Om Bekajye Bekajye Maha Bekajye Bekajye Radzaya Samudgate' Svaha For the world clock please go to alchemikey's website: http://www.healingexperiment.com/ Many Divine Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
hi everyone ........
informing you that the healing thread is now closed ........... please do not post eny messages here if you need please private message me..... many thanks ... love and kindness to you all........... |
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