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Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
i do not know if this is the right thread to pu this under...
but... an old friend of ours, a sister friend, mother of two..and very spiritual person... ...died on dec. 23rd in a snowmobile accident.... i miss her...and feel so extremely sad... her two children, Justin and Katie (19-16) will need so much love right now... thank you ... :tears: |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
and much love will be sent to you and all those in need of comfort ... rhythmm .. |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Lee was a beautiful person, and is a beautiful soul... Her light will be missed. |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Seasoned Greetings of love to all,
This is my first post But which means so much more than most.... To me! To be a part of the love above from heaven Angels here on Earth hear our prayers and for rebirth. Let 2010 be enlightenment again and again....angels on Earth! We pray for healing each and every soul forever let it begin here first.... With Love and The heartfelt healing white light of God, Miracles4ever |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
:welcomeani: in Avalon miracles4ever
and to this thread. Holiday Greetings to you too! Thank you for your prayers of love and blessings to all those who seek healing. Blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
UPDATED LIST 27 DECEMBER ******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz Susan Zeddo Edwin Judyknott Patricia Annette Christine Swanny Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin Candy Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Maria (AZ) Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle FIIISH Robert N Kathy Montoya David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Katherine, Matthew, Adrian All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies ADDING to LIST: MILITZA REMOVED FROM LIST per request: CHRISTINA Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Your healing prayers are most welcome here Ellie.
Thank you for joining us. Your family is held in the Love flow. May you find peace in your heart. Love from me mudra Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Celine I hold your old friend in my heart and bless her journey into the Light.
I hold Justin and Katie dearly in my heart and surround them with great Love. Love from me mudra Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Miracles4ever warm welcome in Avalon.
Blessed be your journey here. Thank you for joining your heart to ours and thereby expand the healing flow that Love is. Love from me mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz Susan Zeddo Edwin Judyknott Patricia Christine Swanny Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin Candy Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Maria (AZ) Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle FIIISH Robert N Kathy Montoya David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Katherine, Matthew, Adrian All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies REMOVED FROM LIST per request: ANNETTE Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I apologize for the delay in relaying this information, as my friend who is reporting it to me, suffers from Lupus and is not always focused enough to speak about it. Due to her delicate immune system, has not been able to visit Becky yet.
Dated: 12/18/2009 BECKY HAS COME A LONG WAY!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND HEALING THOUGHTS. Becky cannot walk yet and may never walk, but said yesterday in an email to my friend, that she would return home today, in a wheelchair. Legs and back were most damaged, including pelvis. She is still suffering from severe leg and back injuries. There is a lot of therapy to go through yet to learn to walk again. Ribs have healed. Her neck and back damage has resulted in a staff infection. Staph infection in her throat where she has a trachea tube. Hank is home and doing well and has had many operations on his hip. He has been in rehab for months. They have been living in a trailer since they normally moved around alot, and at the time of the accident were taking care of her mother parked on her mother's lot. 35' RV trailer. Son, Mickey was hit by a car while driving his truck about 45 days ago. Someone pulled out in front of him and hit him, totalling his truck, went to hospital broken bones but is ok now. After 151 days since June 10th, 2009 she was going home for dinner. Review: June 10th two motorcycles 2 people on each (motorcycling with friends), truck coming hit both motorcylces. Becky got the worst part of the deal. UPDATE: This last week Becky returned to the hospital to have work done on her trachea incision, but expected to return home again. |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
My sister Linda has a long history of painful problems that put her on long-disability. Among other problems, she has hepatitis-C, apparantly due to a blood transfusion she had as a part of giving birth to her son. Several months ago she was in a car accident that resulted in injuries to her foot. Doctors can't seem to provide any relief. When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas, this is what she said:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I will be here at 02:30-02:45 Mtn... I will pick up the Healing List and get
started 03:03 Mtn... I now have to do the healing list in three sections. Please We Need More people to Help with healing... I'm calling for the support of other members... Trooly, Tango |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
i wouldn't normally ask for myself, but my family and i brought back the flu from visiting my family in michigan over the holidays. i have now seen the inside of every rest area on the eastbound ohio turnpike. :-( as well as the side of the road in a few places. :-(
we can't afford for my husband to miss very much work, so getting well quickly is important. thanks everybody. |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I will add your sister Linda to the list. May the One Infinite Creator surround her with love and blessings. Blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi morganlilith,
I will add you and your husband to the list. Sending love and blessings to you both. May healing be within Gods will and when for higher good. Maybe start with the solfeggio frequencies video, to get the healing going as suggested by Tango earlier. Blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz Susan Edwin Judyknott Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin Candy Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Maria (AZ) Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle FIIISH Robert N Kathy Montoya David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Katherine, Matthew, Adrian Jnana sister Linda morganlilith and husband DonJuan All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies EDIT:TO ADD: Jnana sister Linda; morganlilith and husband; DonJuan REMOVED: PER REQUEST: ZEDDO and SWANNY Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
AUM MANTRA Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
HOLY HARMONY Yod-He-Shin-Vav-He (Jeshua) Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
http://i960.photobucket.com/albums/a...loflight-1.gif A CALL TO ALL MEMBERS to help with healing ... Please include those who seek healing in your daily meditation. BLESSINGS AND LOVE TO ALL! lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Special thanks to all of you who've had Curtis in your hearts. It has been a rough few days. He got bad enough Saturday that he agreed to go to the ER. The doctor said that due to numerous absesses in his mouth, he now has a severe inner ear infection as well. He was prescribed ten days of amoxicillin. Now he can't hold anything on his stomach for very long at all, even though he does try to eat before taking the meds. His fever remains very high. I was able to get him an appointment at a clinic tomorrow at 1 PM, so I'm praying that they will be able to give him a referral to an oral surgeon that will either work out payments or is part of a free clinic. Please continue to keep him on the list. He says he is very grateful for your help too.
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
sending special love n light his and your way let the healing be .. namaste rhythmmm |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I hold Becky in my heart. I hold Hank in my heart . I hold Mickey in my heart. Loving energy and healing thoughts to all of them. Love Always mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Jnana ,
I hold your sister Linda in my heart. Loving energy and healing thoughts to her. May she be relieved from her pains and her wishes come through. Love Always mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I hold Curtis in my heart . Loving energy and healing thoughts to him . May he soon be relieved from his pains. Love Always mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
A CALL TO ALL ! http://nmazca.com/dharma/icon/bhaishavaguru.jpg DIVINE BLESSINGS and LOVE TO ALL! NEXUS HEALING MEDITATION TODAY WEDNESDAY 30 DECEMBER 2009 AT 08.00 PM GMT PLEASE JOIN IN WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE TO SEND YOUR BLESSINGS, HEALING ENERGIES AND LOVE TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING AND TO MOTHER EARTH. Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaishaja Guru Vaiduria Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arahate' Samyaksham Buddhaya Tayata Om Bekajye Bekajye Maha Bekajye Bekajye Radzaya Samudgate' Svaha For the world clock please go to alchemikey's website: http://www.healingexperiment.com/ Many Divine blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
nanaste rhythmmm :thumb_yello: |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
have you heard this term a broken heart lets the light in .. you are on the list .. so be open to healing and let it be ... namaste rhythmmm :original: |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz Susan Edwin Judyknott Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin Candy Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Maria (AZ) Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle FIIISH Robert N Kathy Montoya David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Katherine, Matthew, Adrian Jnana sister Linda morganlilith and husband Angela Heather (ellie) All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies ADDING per request: Morem niece's daughter Angela Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing EDIT: TO ADD Heather (ellie) to list |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I would really appreciate putting Heather on the healing list please. That is my real name and I do need it at the moment badly.
Much love everyone and I will try to help everyone on the list with prayer with intent. xo |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi ellie,
Thanks for your request. Will add you to the healing list. Sending you love and blessings. May healing be. Blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
This isn't so much a healing request, but more of a request to help with trying to find a way for me to pay our rent. Circumstances have coincided that have impaired my finances to pay our rent on time. I already talked to our property manager last week, and she said that if we can get in something by the 10th, that would help things. It's just a matter having enough money left over to pay bills, food, and gas. Yeah it's the PTB trap, but I don't want to be sucked in anymore. So this is not a request for money, this is a request to help my wife and myself be able to make ends meet in a satisfactory manner with help of the Universe. Many thanks. And thanks again for those who helped with my wife when she was having medical trouble a couple of months ago.
Bill "the Doctor" |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
THINK yourself to better health using:
" Consciousness is the programming language of the universe.... We are Consciousness Conductors... That’s what we' do, that's why we're here. That’s who we are. Consciousness comes through, or emanates from us. "We" Are the creators. 'We' are the ones who are targeted on this planet because 'we' are the ones who transmit the reality, just like everybody else does." Trooly, Tango |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
aimee costa
kendra costa david costa |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi 1love,
Will add aimee, kendra and david to the list. Please join in the weekly Nexus Healing meditation on wednesdays at 8 PM GMT. Blessings lightbeing Quote:
All times are GMT. The time now is 08:09 PM. |
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