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Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi Debby, :welcomeani: back !
Will put your name on the list. Sending you love, blessings and healing energies. So Be It!! Love and blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz rhythm Susan Zeddo Edwin Judyknott Patricia Doreen Stephanie Annette Christine Swanny Miriam Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Christina Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko Lydia Shanda Tom-Eddie Jan and Dave John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies Divine Blessings and Love lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi all,
Can I be put on the healing list please... Bad news yesterday:sad: Thank you, Much love to all:original: |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi jross,
I'm real sorry to hear that you've got bad news. Sending you love, blessings and healing energies ! So Be It!! Will add your name to the list. Love and blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz rhythm Susan Zeddo Edwin Judyknott Patricia Doreen Stephanie Annette Christine Swanny Miriam Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Christina Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko Lydia Shanda Tom-Eddie Jan and Dave John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies ADDING: jross to list Divine Blessings and Love lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Listen to a Phd...... Remote viewing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN9nIMgdpuw To VUE or Not to VUE........ There are several parts... You Can Regenerate..... You TOO can Heal... Will, You help me.... Or, to use the words of A.. ....... allegedly remote views. Trooly, Tango |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Love is healing...
You are Love Enjoy this video that Lightworker shared with us http://www.youarelovemovie.com/ Be Love Always mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I would definitely love some healing for my parents, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore. My mom has multiple sclerosis and cannot do things for herself, and my father just doesn't have the greatest health from all the damage he's done to his body over the years.
Please also send healing to myself and my sister Candy. Plain ol' love is appreciated, too! ;) <3 |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Holly and Candy,
Sent you both Love and support... Stay strong girls and go above all this and FEEL what I sent this morning while you slept. It will take a few times before I turn it up for you two... I'm making Linda as comfortable as possible and held her closely to me for my time of transmission of intention of strength as she goes through her burden. And, Bruce... I tried to transmit... Understanding as we age the damage that we do to these Earth suits [as mudra, calls them] when we are young doesn't show until we age... His hands... back... hips... I will try to EASE some of that for That is My intention when I send to your loved one... And tolerence... With deep understanding and Love to you and your sister... For being sooo kind as to ask for HEALING for your dear parents... We need more children of parents to feel as you two do... Thank you for allowing us your Trust and coming here... Trooly, Tango Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi hollylindin
Apologies for the delayed reply. Will add your parents name, yours and your sister Candy to the list. Sending you all Divine blessings, love and healing energies, receive in love and joy! Blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz rhythm Susan Zeddo Edwin Judyknott Patricia Doreen Stephanie Annette Christine Swanny Miriam Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Christina Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko Lydia Shanda Tom-Eddie Jan and Dave John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin Candy Linda and Bruce Dinsmore All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
If Your face, ear's, arm's are senitive to electrical devices, wireless connections.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stxtqkZzJ-U 440 hz, Takes it away, clears the Rash, Hot skin.... Karen, this is one that will help You. Trooly, Tango |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Holographic Healing Chambers http://www.spiritual-midwife.com/_Ch..._Chambers.html Love Always mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
So how does the Brain work... How do we Heal ourselves...
This how it works... We send Frequencies... I transmit Frequencies... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKwD7...eature=related You Can Do This... Heal yourselves... Trooly, Tango |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Humans can make themselves immune to illness all by themselves. A healthy lifestyle helps no doubt, but more importantly I think its a state of mind. I have not been ill for over a year now :original: Once you have taken care of yourself you can start helping others around you ... as Tango mentioned, send the correct frequancies out |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hello all,
Please add to the healing list: Maria in Phoenix, AZ to the list. Thank you Tango :original: and all for your support Love and peace to all. Roland |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi Roland
Will add Maria to healing list. Sending blessings, love and healing energies ! Namaste lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz Susan Zeddo Edwin Judyknott Patricia Doreen Stephanie Annette Christine Swanny Miriam Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Christina Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko Lydia Shanda Tom-Eddie Jan and Dave John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin Candy Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Maria All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies EDIT: removing rhythm from list per request Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
http://www.peacewithsoraya.org/FWThu.../medbuddha.jpg DIVINE BLESSINGS and LOVE TO ALL! NEXUS HEALING MEDITATION THIS WEDNESDAY 16 DECEMBER 2009 AT 08.00 GMT PLEASE JOIN IN WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE TO SEND YOUR BLESSINGS, HEALING ENERGIES AND LOVE TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING AND TO MOTHER EARTH. For the world clock please go to alchemikey's website: http://www.healingexperiment.com/ Many Divine blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Thank you... You are another one I watch over... I am quite impressed with your abilities, your really talented. The more you Heal the stronger you get... Roland, I blessed your mother Maria, I held her close to My heart I'm trying to make her hungry, I'm trying to send her pictures of her making meals for you. Trying to get her to L00K in my eye's... I'm placing thoughts of Eating in her mind. I have to start very gently though or I'll scare her. With Loving intent for her. Trooly, Tango Lightbeing, Honey... Thank you for everything U do... |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Thank you so much for your healing towards my mom. I am on my way to see her now. Praying she comes home soon. I Hope you are doing okay too. :original: Roland |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Ross I hold you in my heart and surround you with Love
HollyLindin I surround your parents Linda and Bruce with Love Rfebres I hold your mother Maria in my heart. Blessings to you all mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
After having read Unified Serenity's thread " Missing Child "
http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=18339 I would like to add Mel ( the mother ) and Amber ( the 14 years old child ) to our healing list . Amber has'nt returned home for a few days now. I surround Mel and Amber with Love and hold them in my heart. May connection between Amber and her family be restored. Love Always mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
~Paul |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Blessings to you Shiftmonkey .
Love is there to move in a circle and wash away the shadows we may go through. For the unbalanced condition of one is affecting all. And the Love we give to others restores harmony. I hold you in my heart and surround you with Love. Love Always mudra |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
in the asking is the recieving .. bless you dear one.. let healing be ... open to recieve ... know you deserve... to be well and healed .. rhythmm xx |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi mudra,
Will add Mel and Amber to the list. Hi Paul, Will add you to the healing list. To those who ask for healing, I send love, blessings and healing energies. Within Gods will and for their higher good, May it be so ! May your hearts open and receive in love and joy. Blessings in love and light lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* Earth light surfer ross paul Brad Maria sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz Susan Zeddo Edwin Judyknott Patricia Doreen Stephanie Annette Christine Swanny Miriam Craig Julianne Kogi Indians Maurice Malynda's grandmother Ammit Christina Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko Lydia Shanda Tom-Eddie Jan and Dave John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin Candy Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Maria Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) All living all planes of existence Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
How lovely you are, my brothers and sisters .... co-creators .... fellow lovers-of-the-light. So thrilled to join with you in this holy enterprise. So blessed to have found you. God is good! Her will be done in and through us. His healing be made manifest in our hearts-minds-bodies, country, world and universe. Her "queendom" come!!! Marantha, Lord. Marantha.
Gracias, mis amigos .... merci, mes amis. Le bon Dieux est ici maintenant et toujours! Amen. |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Get going on this list please.
http://www.stjude.org Once you're all done with that, I'll give you some more. How long will it take you to finish? |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
With great love to all on the list.
Love Always, Bushycat |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Can I be added to the list?
Thanks |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Dan, in Marietta needs healing on his leg...and
Daniel in Seattle needs help with his immune system, or whatever is truly wrong, whatever that may be. May every healing be for highest good, and so it is. So much appreciation, from me. LB |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Just a first name is needed for addition of the Healing List...
I print the List at 02:30 Mtn. I will hand write any additions if the girls aren't in. Trooly, Tango Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Got it.... I will hand write Dan, I have the location...
I Will also add Daniel.... Trooly, Tango Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Could you guys put me on the healing list again, please? I broke the little toe on my left foot this morning. It is very painful and difficult to walk. Without insurance, I am on my own to treat this. I appreciate any assistance that can be provided. Sincerely, FIIISH |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hello yellowcosmicseed :welcomeani: in Avalon.
Thank you for your request. Will add you to the list. Sending blessings love and healing energies to you. Within Gods will .. So Be It! Open your heart and receive in love and joy. Blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hello Linda,
Thanks for your request. Will add Dan in Marietta and Daniel in Seattle to the list. Sending both blessings and healing energies in Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator. Within Gods will and for their higher good, may It Be So! Many Divine blessings. lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Sorry to hear about the toe. Will add you to the list. Sending you love, blessings and healing. May it be so, within Gods will. Blessings lightbeing Quote:
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