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greybeard 03-16-2010 07:30 AM

God is alive and well
There is an idea that God created the world then retired to heaven and is waiting there to judge us.
I don't believe that.
At the risk of being annoying I again point to a Mystic of our time Dr David Hawkins.
He is presenting Eternal Truth in a modern scientific way.

The energy of God is Love creating moment by moment through every atom in the Cosmos. Likened to a giant electromagnetic field of which we as electromagnetic are part of.
Nothing comes into existence except through that energy we call God.
God as timeless eternal truth does not change but our perception of Him does as we evolve in consciousness.

The Bible was written for the populous of that time and is still valid as is the Baghavad Gita and other great spiritual works but they were in a language relevant to time and culture, therefore open to miss understanding in our time.
God would not leave us in these troubled times with out advanced spiritual teachers that we can relate to.

Dr Hawkins says that the ego has been the cause of all strife I believe him, he explains how the ego came into being as an animal survival mechanism. It served its purpose well, times change we need to move on.

He also claims that "The book of Revelations" in the Bible was channeled from the lower astral, that it is true for that realm but not true for us. in other words no Armageddon here.
If you can believe Dr Hawkins then you can see that many religious beliefs are founded on a fallacy. Wars have been fought over this book in the Bible. It has certainly produced a lot of fear. Anything that promotes fear could not possibly be attributed to a God of Love.
That would just not make any sense.
Dr Hawkins first book "Power vs Force" is a bridge between the intellect and the heart.
Later books like "The eye of the I" go into great depth on spiritual matters,
If you are really interested in moving forward spiritually I suggest that you at least read "Power vs Force" which has an endorsement by the late St Mother Teresa of Calcutta India.

RedeZra 03-16-2010 04:10 PM

Re: God is alive and well
God is alive and well

Good News

if God is One

then who are we

if God is Love

then why are we

if God is Truth

then what are we

seems to me that God is

everything everywhere ever

then where came all this diversity from

and why don't we see and feel the underlying unity of God

besides what we see is just the tip of the iceberg

Creation is manifold with diverse layers of existence and beings

what is it that clouds our eyes from the wisdom and vision of Light

it must be a pretty powerful agent of God

perhaps God Himself


so the sport and play of the countless inhabitants in all levels of existence

will be believed and acted upon

while God oversees it all and intervenes at His own discretion

the Great work of God which He Loves

and if we seek Him in all earnestly we will naturally Love Him and abide His Laws

and He will rush out from His place of hiding and meet the seeker

He is in the Heart in the Heaven in everything Really

greybeard 03-16-2010 04:59 PM

Re: God is alive and well
Hi RedeZra
I believe what you say is so.
We take ten steps towards God and He takes a 100 towards us.

Religious beliefs have always puzzled me.
How can a God of unconditional Love judge us and send us to a hell?
Yes we are told there are consequences for our actions but the advice comes from love, we are not threatened just advised.

My belief in a God of love is born out with much evidence in my life, no need to go into any detail.
Yes there have been difficulties but I always came out the other side stronger and yet humbled by the way things turned out.

With Love

RedeZra 03-16-2010 06:28 PM

Re: God is alive and well

Originally Posted by greybeard (Post 257969)
Religious beliefs have always puzzled me.
How can a God of unconditional Love judge us and send us to a hell?
Yes we are told there are consequences for our actions but the advice comes from love, we are not threatened just advised.

yes I believe God is sentimental lol

and loves us with the Love of a thousand mothers

that is why He is so quick to forgive when someone repents

but God is Truth too

so He is just

the charm of a game is in the rules

if there was no rules to soccer

the game would soon loose all purpose and interest

likewise the Universe is adorned with self governing universal laws

some like gravity is more evident than the cause and effect

when someone chooses to break one of these laws

and does not repent earnestly

then the boomerang of karma will eventually backfire

so we are the cause of our own fortune and misfortune

now it seems we are approaching the end of this age of chaos

a golden age is dawning behind the horizon

an anticipation of harmony is in the air

if the world is to witness peace for a thousand years

then where will the warmongers and their ilks go

perhaps they will be restricted access into the world for a time

but I doubt they will leisurely spend a thousand years in heaven

beren 03-16-2010 09:27 PM

Re: God is alive and well
Greybeard and RedeZra,

I can tell you from my own experience ,as soon as I think that I got it all, in a sense that I finally start to "get it"...
a new layer unfolds before me.

But there is always one string that is present,tiny string which requires a keen eye to see it always and that is ,if you trust God, he will never abandon you and will always lead you through your life towards knowledge that YOU particularly need to own regarding him and his intentions.

What do you think?

greybeard 03-16-2010 09:47 PM

Re: God is alive and well

Originally Posted by beren (Post 258188)
Greybeard and RedeZra,

I can tell you from my own experience ,as soon as I think that I got it all, in a sense that I finally start to "get it"...
a new layer unfolds before me.

But there is always one string that is present,tiny string which requires a keen eye to see it always and that is ,if you trust God, he will never abandon you and will always lead you through your life towards knowledge that YOU particularly need to own regarding him and his intentions.

What do you think?

Yes Beren
The path is narrow, straight, and time is short.

When I look back the path has been pretty straight.
learning from one teacher/book, then when think I understand another teacher/book appears. Eckhart Tolle I refused four different time/ four different enthusiastic people.
I said " I only read teachers who are enlightened, time is short I have set a goal of enlightenment so I don't read others", little did I know. I thought only Indians were enlightened.
Read the first few pages to please a friend. Wham bang I couldn't put the book"The Power of Now" down, read it 7/8 times, thats a first for me. Enlightenment isn't a personal goal now its a spiritual intention which is different.
Dr Hawkins I was ready for but it came through a friend leaving a cd set with me. That was good, no sooner listened to that then another friend gave me his book.
So looking back I can see the thread. I got exactly what I needed when I needed it.
Same with arriving here.

Question Beren is, Do we actually do anything after the first serious step towards God?
Seems to me we are led every step of the way.
I liken it to getting on a conveyor belt at an airport, once on it it is easier to stay on it.
Becomes effortless.

Oops didn't mean to say so much, -----did I?????

Regards Chris

RedeZra 03-17-2010 02:11 AM

Re: God is alive and well

Originally Posted by beren (Post 258188)
I can tell you from my own experience ,as soon as I think that I got it all, in a sense that I finally start to "get it"...
a new layer unfolds before me.

But there is always one string that is present,tiny string which requires a keen eye to see it always and that is ,if you trust God, he will never abandon you and will always lead you through your life towards knowledge that YOU particularly need to own regarding him and his intentions.

What do you think?

I think it's brilliant Beren

understanding is like the unfolding

of the thousand petals lotus

when the unfolding is complete

when the understanding is perfect

God will Grace the Soul

this is the silent sermon of Buddha


to trust God

to really trust God

to still trust God

after tests and tribulations

that is an accomplishment worthy as the Angels in Heaven

make no mistake about it

God will shake the tree of faith

so the lip serving leaves will fall

greybeard 03-17-2010 06:05 AM

Re: God is alive and well
Thank you both Beren and Redezra
Beautifully put.

orthodoxymoron 03-17-2010 06:08 AM

Re: God is alive and well
God is alive and well...and living in Orange County...and vacationing in Pine Gap. :original:

greybeard 03-17-2010 06:27 AM

Re: God is alive and well

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron (Post 258380)
God is alive and well...and living in Orange County...and vacationing in Pine Gap. :original:

Think I can guess where you live, O.M.:welcomeani:
Happy holiday.----vacation
Regards and Namaste

orthodoxymoron 03-17-2010 06:35 AM

Re: God is alive and well

Originally Posted by greybeard (Post 258386)
Think I can guess where you live, O.M.:welcomeani:
Happy holiday.----vacation
Regards and Namaste

Namaste from Lunar Base II :original:

MyShadow 03-22-2010 04:17 PM

Re: God is alive and well
Yes, "he" is - in the minds and beliefs of many on this planet. My personal philosophy is whatever brings one comfort during their time in this place - that's ok by me - we all have choices, preferences, ways to find the answers to the purpose of our existence.

For me, I've experienced the major belief systems and have come to a clear understanding of ego - and have been able to "let go". If you study the social anthropology and biology of our leap into existence, you can clearly see how the human spirit and the modern day psyche came to be.

We are "babies" in the scheme of evolutionary time. What I find is that we are slowly opening up to a clear view of this reality. An interesting perspective that in order to cope in this environment, one has to filter it's experiences in delusions. A distinct characteristic of the human spirit.

Some, including me, are turning this page.

orthodoxymoron 03-22-2010 04:55 PM

Re: God is alive and well
Are Interdimensional Draconian Reptilian Beings and Perfectly Possessed Human Beings playing God? Be very careful how you define 'God'...and be even more careful who you worship, praise, obey, and submit to. Does 'One Nation Under God' not imply a theocracy? Is the United States of America really a theocracy? What if the harsh reality is that we are really dealing with 'One Nation Under Satan'? Don't dismiss these questions by assuming that I'm just a bitter atheistic rebel. I am not. I just want a Solar System Exorcism...to remove all demonic influences from Earth...and from the rest of the Solar System. I fear that we live in a Haunted Planet...and that many of the Powers That Be Are Dealing With the Devil.

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