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Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Indeed, this what is real and what is not real is a tricky question. One person's dream, vision or nightmare becomes another's hallucination, fata morgana or mental illusion or mental disease. The Roswell incident was a 'real physical event' and the crop circles (the ones NOT made by nighly stalkers) are there for anyone to see. The featureless 'spacecraft' of Rendlesham forest was 'really physically' touched by the military personell. But in the same instance the earth is not hollow if investigated with 4D spacetime physical equipment. So can there be lifeforms found in the mantle of the earth and can there be bases on the moon and constructs on Mars and Venus? The science of Roswell engages the intersection of 4D linear spacetime physics with its higher dimensional template or encompassment. Just as you can cast a 2D-shadow against the ground on a sunny day as a being manouvering in 3D space; so can a 4D space being cast a 3D shadow into a 3D space reality. So the Roswell 'crash' manifested a 4D reality in a 3D 'wreckage' and the zigzag '3D impossible acceleration physics of UFO's becomes a superimposition of say timeframes observed in a 'warptime' relative to the 3D space observer. For any 4D physicalised material reality to appear as a 3D object in that 3D space requires a bit of manouvering. Because the higherD reality is frequency based, this frequency modulation also relating to what is called consciousness in quantum terminology; requires the DECELERATION of this 'consciousness' becoming equivalent to a DENSIFICATION of a more 'plasmic' selfstate in quantum energy. In simplest terms, the lower the spacial consciousness (defined in technical detail in many posts on this forum); the higher the density. Corollarily then, any sentient lifeform inhabiting a 3D space must have a high consciousness to become 'quasi invisible' under ordinary circumstances and the 3D space measurements. Since the universe existed, there existed also a Frequency Shield. This Frequency Shield grows at so 105 millimeters per year and is centered on the center of the earth. This shield so has grown to encompass the earth at a distance of so 2 million kilometers. This swallows the Moon, but only extends so 5% to the planet Venus. So the Moon is very well suited to house bases build by 'higherD plasma physics' which then allows densification within the resistance field. So apart from the earth itself, only the moon will exhibit direct physical evidence of the ET presence in terms of technology and structure. Then the constructs on the other planets will allow partial manifestation (like Rendlesham), where the nature of the 'structures' remains ambiguous if observed by 3D space related measuremant apparatus, such as telescopes and cameras. The alien-human interaction proceeds on such a path of full densification of consciousness in the earth plane intersecting with partial densification of the higher consciousness (because of the Frequency Shield) of 'outer space'. There are no 'figments of 3D imagination', as all IMAGINATION serves to physically IMAGE the consciousness of whatever lifeform in whatever dimension. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Suddenly this thought came up.
It might just be that what the Greys have set as their ultimate goal, is the cloning of the human soul. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The (non robotic) Greys are attempting to BECOME part of the Human Soul, because their association with 'All That Is' is akin the insectoid group consciousness. All nonhuman terrestrial lifeforms are primarily capacitative, i.e. electropolically coupled in self-and mutual inductions and with a secondary inductive coupling as (shadow) intelligence. The human template is both electropolic and magnetopolic and in this way it is UNIQUE throughout the universe (hence Alex Collier's and other's humanoid races). All extraterrestrial intelligences are complementary to the nonhuman sentiences (i.e flora, fauna, mineral, fungi etc). So the Grey-Intelligence seeks harmonisation with the DNA/RNA of the insect fauna upon Gaia. Doing this will render the Greys capapble of the emotional-spiritual aspects of Gaian insect life and so harmonise with the human 'royalty' template (yes the Alpha Draconians are like the Greys in seeking the emotional components) ONLY accessible on Gaia (again evolved BECAUSE of the Frequency Resistance/Impedance Shield). The Humans as Gaian stewards ARE MEANT to MIRROR all the Environments within themselves and so become as One with their fauna and flora familiars. Hitherto only the native and indigenous peoples of Gaia have understood the human stewardship to be of COSMIC IMPORTANCE. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You mentioned crop circles. What is their purpose, how should they be interpreted? Are they to be seen as 'messages' to the human population, & if they are, why are they not much more clear in what the messages mean? If you could, please answer this question, for it is a subject of much debate. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The (noty made by stealth by artists in the dark) crop circles and ice circles and snow circles, all are messages from the Earth itself, using the magnetic higherD field of Gaia; albeit energy inducted from the interdimensional electromagnetomonopolic (the scientific name for spirit) energy residing as the Zero-Point-Energy (ZPE) or Vortex-Potential-Energy (VPE) in 'free space' meaning the Impedance ratio becomes the square of the magnetic permeability (muo) to electric permittivity (epsilono)constants in Maxwell's Equations for the Electromagnetic Field Vectors Sqrt(muo/epsilono)=120Pi~377 Ohm from c^2=muoxepsilono. Yes, they are meant to be messages to all of the human population and their meaning is relatively clear, as the messages are invariable geometric and in particular engaging the Platonic Solids and the underpinning 'sacred Geometry' of the Fibonacci pentagonal supersymmetry underlaying the creation of the physical universe from the metaphysics of mathematics. Most interpretations about the cop circles on the web are appopriate and much work and effort has already been undertaken to 'decipher' the messages. Should you be interested in a particular configuration, then I will be pleased to answer you in interpretation relatve to my data base. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thanks for answering my previous questions. I have tried to read the work of Dewey Larson. He is a man who was referenced in the Law Of One, but is widely denounced as having been a bit of a crackpot "scientist". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewey_B._Larson Quote: Dewey Bernard Larson (November 1, 1898(1898-11-01); McCanna, North Dakota - May 25, 1990 (aged 91); Portland, Oregon) was an American engineer and the originator of the Reciprocal System of physical theory (or Reciprocal System for short), a comprehensive theoretical framework, or Theory of Everything, claimed to be capable of explaining all physical phenomena from subatomic particles to galactic clusters. In this general physical theory space and time are simply the two reciprocal aspects of the sole constituent of the universe – motion. Unique aspects of the theory are that both matter and energy are represented mathematically as greater than or less than unity (t/s or s/t), and three dimensions of time, reciprocals of the three dimensions of space. All physical phenomena are reduced to space-time terms. http://www.lawofone.info/results.php..._type=any&ss=1 Quote: 20.7 Questioner: Is the physics of Dewey Larson correct? Ra: I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex, Dewey, is a correct system as far as it is able to go. There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory. Is the work you are bringing forth from the database of Thuban going to flesh out this work so to speak and bring about a more universal physical theory? Quote: 41.19 Questioner: Could you tell me the difference between space/time and time/space? Ra: I am Ra. Using your words, the difference is that between the visible and invisible or the physical and metaphysical. Using mathematical terms, as does the one you call Larson, the difference is that between s/t and t/s. I have frequently seen reference to higher numbers of dimensions in this thread. It truly boggles my mind. Six was quite enough for me. Three of space, three of time. In the work you have presented so far, is the Space/Time and Time/Space the two sides of your mirror? I have always conceptualized that my higherself exists in Time/Space, where as the incarnated me that is typing this is stuck in Space/Time. In moments of inspiration (the ideas kind!), I deem it that the inspiration is a flow from my t/s resident self to s/t resident self - issued through a connection between the two - where "help" is passed from one to the other. At some moments when I can align myself to hold this connection I become inspired. Does this map to your explanations of "everything"? Have I got the wrong end of the stick ? A.. Hi Anchor! Dewey Larson is no crackpot; as he fully expected the demetricated branetheories in a simplistic version of reducing physical parameters into 'dimensionless' constants of dynamics. The references in the Ra material is absolutely superb and 100% on the mark. I have interspersed the highlights. " I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex, Dewey, is a correct system as far as it is able to go. There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory" Dewey's less than 1 and greater than 1 approach for motion v=ds/dt or lightpath X=cT is insufficient for any descriptive physical theory BUT he has singlehandedly exposed the core of sdtring theoru called T-Duality. T-Duality defines a physics on a spacetime dimension R to beciome absolutely physically equivalent to a physics described in a radius 1/R. This renders R and 1/R in comnbination dimensionless and of course Rx1/R=1 which resurrects Deweys Reciprocity Physics. Ra says, that a DEMETRICATED (meaning no spacetime background as in Newton and aligned to continuous fields in General Relativity GR) theory of vibrations (strings) and mltidimensions (n) will refine Dewey's proposals. Next, the trouble with a continuous Gravitational field as in GR is of course incompatible with the Quantization techniques of quantum mechanics and so the 'fieldparticle' the Graviton cannot become deduced from a classical field theory such as GR. Yes, the Thuban science is the groundwork for the demetricated 'old' string theory and in its (relative) simplicity gives credit to Dewey. There are no three time dimensions; but I know where this concept (say David Wilcock's) stems from. There are the 3 space dimemensions of XYZ axes which define Translation. Now envisage either a clockwise or anticlockwise rotation about each of these axwes and you have 6 dimensions with 3 (Hyperspace) of them invisible due to the shrinking of R in 1/R (Dewey). Next allow each of the XYZ parameters to Vibrate, say oscillate to and fro for 3 (Quantumspace) dimensions for a total of 9 space dimensions. Now you can add a time dimension as the 4th (actually the 1st hyperspace dimension) as LINESPACETIME of Translation; a 7th (actually the 1st Quantumspace D or the 4th Hyperspace D) as the HYPERSPACETIME of (Penrose Twistorspacetime) and a 10th (actually the 1st Omnispace D or the 4th Quantumspace D or the 7th Hyperspace D) as the QUANTUMSPACETIME of the conventional 10D string theory. The Omnispacetime then spans 10-11-12-13=1 to close the continuum with the 10D becoming a inertial massparametric asymptotic lightspeed invariant METRIC spacetime MIRRORED in a 11D MEMBRANE/AREA spacetime and IMAGED in a 12D VOLUMAR/VOLUME spacetime. Mathematically and geometrically this engages the notion of defining a Hypersphere (Riemann) which in 3D looks like a doughnut but is actually the surface area (manifold) of a sphere in 4 space dimensions, called a 4-Ball. Because of the Moebius strip-Klein Bottle mathematical definitions, you can then transform the different dimensional spaces in topological transformations and turn the entire holofractal universe inside out, so doubling its volume AS a surface area of (say a balloon) adding the inside colour to the outside colour. As you can see this concept differs from the Wilcock idea of spacetime being the inverse of timespace. It sort of works in the liespace sense, but not in the recircularisation, as in the latter the timedimensions become absorbed in a multi-dimensional NOWTIME called the Instanton. The Instanton of that DEFINES the Quantum Big Bang. Similarly your t/s s/t inspirational moments are quite appropriate in the terms of the T-Duality, but not in the simplistic dynamics of Dewey. The string-membrane-volumars or BRANES ARE SPACE, TIME. MATTER and the dynamics reduce to twhat happened at the beginning of the universe; BEFORE inflation, before the Branes became physically defined as spacetimematter and so before the Oneness or God was anything else but a mathematically abstract concept. I AM THAT I AM = MATHIMATIA =95=All That Is (Exodus.3.14}. The in a most basic way, your intuitions and Dewey do map the 'God Theory' - in a most basic way it is however. Iow T-Duality - the 6th Principle of Inversion/Constancy Rules the Physicality of Beingness. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Good Morning...As you can tell from earlier I have a problem following this thread.
But I did have a question about the myths of Dragons and gargoyles from the middle ages and ancient times. Is there any connections of their manifestations in our world and the Draconians of which you speak?? Also there was a Camelot interview with the Brothers Pickering speaking of ETs looking like miniature T Rex dinosaurs...can you comment on that and the role that ETs played in Dino development? Thanks so much |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have read your thread and your 'egyptology' is highly relevant for the present time as 'Egypt' became the repository for the Atlantean data base and exodus and the wayshower for the present nexus time in the monuments of the pyramids and the sphinx. Also the Egyptian mythos was used to compose the hermetic archetypes later resurfacing in Mesopotamia then becoming the Torah (via Gilgamesh and such) and the bible. Iow the Egyptian archetypes, numerics, hieroglyphs and pantheons all are manifesting right now in the times of the fulfilment of the 'prophecies'. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The physical appearance or depictions of Dragons relates to the group consciousness of the planetery 'psychometric' field say. This is Verdansky's and Teilhard de Chardin's Noosphere as a kind of atmosphere surrounding the planet. It also relates to Rupert Sheldrake's 'Morphogenetic Resonance' to similar effect. The discovery of the 'Terrible Lizard' bones of 'Iguanodon' created the name 'Dinosaur' and so entered the human mind of the imaginations. From that time onwards, the older 'dragon pictures' as winged firespewing creatures (see DragonHeart with Sean Connery) became replaced by those of more T.Rex - and Alligator etc. looking ones. But before that, say in medieval Europe a Dragon was a twolegged human looking serpentine creature from the 'correct' archetype of the medieval SERPENT, which did not glide sideways, but like a SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM, that is up and down like the picture in an oscilloscope. So in its most fundamental form a DRAGON is a trigonometric waveform humanised in cosmic consciousness. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abraxasinas. I have posted it in the thread, but you might have not seen it, so I will ask again.
1. What can you tell us about the conflict between the Lyrians and the alpha Draconis? 2. What is Freewill in Creation? 3. Who are the Founders? Thanks, Steven |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Yes , his avatar is powerful. He has more strength then any man i have known. His love has grown ten time fold in the last year. His love for Gaia, is humbling ...i can still remember the look in his face, every time he saves a fly or some other bug from a spiders web....:wub2: Evil reptilian agenda... sigh..:tears: This has been thrown around a lot lately....and personally i doubt all the people using these terms truly understand them (not to say you dont).. Richard has 0 agenda. He , like all of us is here to learn. His mannerisms and view points may not always be presented with love...but his intentions are heavy with love. i know him better then anyone else ..any place..or anytime. *celine smiles at Richard and Abraxas * |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Lord wont you buy them each a mercedes benz..............
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thanks for your time on this matter. There are very few if any who really understand mormonism enough to give an educated answer. I have a few more questions for you if you don't mind in my quest for oneness of all things, religions included as you have stated. 1st set of questions: Joseph Smith Claimed at 14 to have seen God and Jesus in a vision. He calls it the First Vision. Moroni was the second Vision. Here is his discription in his own words. http://www.lds.org/library/display/0...-1-3-4,00.html Did he really see God and Jesus? He claims they looked alike. This is profound because that discribes to us the nature of God. If he did not see them then whom did he see or did he just make it up? 2nf Set of Questions: Joseph Smith wrote D & C (doctrine & covenants) formally known as book of comandments. The writings are directly from Jesus Christ to him about different subjects and trials that the mormons were going through at that time. Jospeh Smith wrote them down as he recieved them or as he inquired of the Lord as he puts it. Was Jesus Christ, aka Emmanuel really talking to him? Was Joseph Smith Channeling Jesus Christ/Emmanuel? If it was not Emmanuel who was he channeling? 3rd and Final set of Questions: This one has to do with Jesus Christ. I have watched and read accounts were people are being abducted and they don't want to be abducted. They have called out in prayer to Jesus saying "Jesus help me". The abductions have stopped and no longer took place. Some say these are the 200 Fallen angels that enoch wrote about. Also they could be Lucifer and his 1/3 that fell from Heaven. Why is it that the abductions stopped just by calling on Jesus to help? Why is his power unmatched on this earth? To me no one has been able to explain why people get so much help on every level of there life just by praying to him. What is the explaination for this? Thanks again for your answers and the time it takes to do so. I very much appreciate it. JoeSmoe |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
is the real fragment who walked earth as jesus ~approx 2000 yrs ago
(as, well as, walked in a few other beings) part of the oversoul group known as Sananda~ the one that Sal Rachele, of www.salrachele.com channels ? we are aware, there are others, who claim to channel this one, but, clearly do NOT, they just channel mischevious spirits, who are likely 4th/5th/6th density level beings, without enough light to get to their neXt destination. what incarnations, do you believe he walked in ??? thank you |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
does a spirit,
need to believe, or, give energy, to jesus/or jesus christ and/or sananda, (or, any other of his assortment of names) in order, for uttering the words, of his name/or names to work, or hold power over you ??? another question - why do some of us, have challenges with this one ??? what is that really related to ??? what was his fallen lifetime ??? (was his so-called exaluted lifetime-by the churches, actually a fallen lifetime) what is he made up of ??? was he able to create his own entry place, into the mills as, in, one who is a 'mill master' who knows how to travel in the mills, utilsing gatekeepers, to help you, along the way (ie; taking a trip to acturus to the big white healing tables, and, coming back to earth) did he learn to create the 33 steps to walk up to the door/his door, the one with concentric circles on the doorway that you utilise your own soul sigil/or soul signature in order to open it up ~ and, get into 'the mill' thru your own entry to 'the mills' ?? was that how, he could appear at different places at the same time, on earth ??? ie; in north america / europe / and, india, etc., at the same time or, did he do that, by utilising a different process such as, bilocation and, do that, by creating his own holograms ? we are aware of being more than one place ie; while dreaming - we might be in tibet talking to lamas while the physical body of suan, is in a bed resting/but; the other 12 out of 13 aspects are out we are aware of other beings coming to us, from tibet, during our waking hours ~ so, are they doing the same thing, bringing 12 out 13 of their aspects to us ? how many souls on earth - are 'mill masters' ? (which, likely is the same as a time traveller) and, we could tell you a funny story, from 2004, where we thought, it would be a good idea, to create our own set of holograms for protection - and, the result, was quite a disaster since, we ended up having to hunt ourselves with 'discarnate spirits' at the core of them, that jumped into our 'unsealed' holograms and, were stirring up a lot of ****, around the universe ~ iT was NOT an easy task, to capture them also - the records of ladies/and, lords - the dark/and, the light masters that are stored on the 26th dimension - why is it, so dangerous to travel there and - about the records in 33rd dimension there the covers of the books, are morphing - with symbols etc., however, most of the books, are empty ~ is this because those levels, have NOT yet been created and ~ is this part of The Library that appears in 3 places the core / or The Grand Central Sun of Earth and, The Grand Central Sun of Earth Venus, and, The Amurus, and, also The Grand Centreal Sun of Alcoyne, within the 7 sister star system, known, as Pleides ? what is the significance of a record-keeper who can read/and, write into the secured sections is this a wise place, to record book materials ??? Thank you/susan |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
full force, full throttle, and, really own iT you might be able to say 'benS there' :lmao: |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
I think I am gonna have to re-read that a few times. Maybe I am just not smart enough to grasp all of this. That is looking like more and more of a possibility every day. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello to all, this is my first post :)!
I always wondered when and where was Jesus Christ born. I think that Bible holds information about different person or am I wrong? Who is the information holder of the real Christ? Are we wrong when we want seek one believes. If someone says it is 100% right, than there must be something wrong with it. My opinion :). Thank you! |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
While trying to "organize" the posts here and get out of them what I see to be needed most at this time I made a "summary". It is totally possible I screwed up and that summary is incorrect!
What I see relevant might not be relevant to all...I am not "lecturing" here...I am just..."thinking things through"...in a way.... But it might help others that also...like to...touch, smell, taste, see...to understand better... The short summary thus far: The name is Sirebard Beardris - One of the Founding Elders of the Council of Thuban also known as the Northstar Alpha Draconis Northstar Alpha Draconis is at the original/prototype foundation of the Pyramids at Giza and the Harmakhis, the 'Horus of the Horizon' aka the Sphinx. The god of sun? You are not entirely here physically on Earth or Gaia or Terra or Akashia, but known as Serpentina the Mother of the Dragons, by many extraterrestrial sentiences. You will arrive when the planet will go through transformation. This process will cause a wormhole to appear in the center of the planet. This wormhole will make a "connection" which will enable the Council of Thuban to come here. After the opening of the wormhole there will be a "process" in which the universe size will increase - the planet will ascend from 4th into the 5th dimension. On January 18th, 2010 - a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of yet unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth This information is traveling from quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A. Quasars = first identified as being high redshift sources of electromagnetic energy, including radio waves and visible light, that were point-like, similar to stars. Sagittarius A = is a bright and very compact astronomical radio source at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy Hunab Ku = Perseus = Ouroboros = the Milky Way is the center of ALL galaxies. On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 light weeks or 1071 light days from the Gaian center, having traveled for 25624 years to reach its destination. From January 18th, you can to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban. 1071 light days = 27741115225555.2 kilometers The Reptilian agenda is misunderstood? Alpha Draconians have gone "senile" and forgot about how it all started? They consider themselves to be the biggest and the brightest and the Andromedan suggestion that the humans could be the Paa Taal is frightening to them since it shatters their believe system? Alpha Draconians "mixed" their DNA with human in the past. We the people...are creators of our experience...the experience is formed by how we put out our energy of thought and perception to the environment...by doing so we mirror ourselves in everything that happens to us...and...this is the process which helps us to find out how to love ourselves? This happens when we have enough experience to truly appreciate the good stuff??? During that experience we can create the falseness of images...and have a distorted view on all that is? We can experience things completely different than someone else that stands right besides us? We see what we want to see...or hear...or feel? There is no judge or jury...there is just us and what we choose to experience? At the end of all things...there is no king, no government....no higher authority...there is just us and what we make? The agenda of all agendas is to realize that....we just simply are...and can be what we want to be... the rest (all the shadow, nwo, Illuminati, draconian agenda...etc) is just...a bump in the road...just something we made to experience it? There is no "must" for anyone to become or do anything....no hierarchy to climb up to...no expectations to live up to? Project Camelot is a good thing since it brings people together and enables the discussion about relevant subjects? This can bring people of same thought together and form collectives. The "other side" also has a beneficial effect since the individual "collective" is formed and than we have polarization between the collectives? What is this polarization? Free Will might be a bad choice of words since it is given to choose to experience whatever you choose to experience with 1 exception - one can not deexist God......BUT....one can choose not to live miserably? The ET ships at present cannot enter the realm of the Earth in a physical manner to a distance of 2 million kilometers (encompassing the Moon and so 5% to the planet Venus)... However inter dimensionally UFO they are like the clouds you see in the sky in a plasmic form. This is due to the Frequency Shield? Is this shield the quarantine this planet is under? Why is it under quarantine? So we can no go and spread our "humanity" in other places? Since 2010 it will be possible for (1 in 50,000 at the time we have 7,2 billion people) inhabitants of the earth to represents a Core for a new star-humanity and Post 2012 there will so be TWO different RACES of humans inhabiting this planet - Old Humans and New Star-humans. We will be living together in am "harmony"? Thx for the answer about the begging of all that is...I have page 4 saved (before it was changed) so the answer is full...I have this all thread saved on my pc in case...."something might happen". I will have to ...read that answer again...several times.... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
iN the chart of wingmakers
shining ones elohim virachoca (noah?) kukulan along with The Creator Gods Genetic Planners/and, Life carriers |
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