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Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
1. When you look into the eyes of a newborn baby you are seeing the face of God. Joseph Smith was true in intent and in his description of meeting Moroni. But this encounter is repeated throughout history and occurs to many people, who never then act upon their 'spiritual encounters', needless to say form a 'new religon'. The plates are indeed related to the Urim and the Thummin described in the Torah. The Torah is a book of archetypes, all highly potent and 'energized'. Therefore the intensity of religious fervour and zealotisms born from dagmatic interpretation of those archetypes and symbols. Mormonism, JW's, SDA and all the other 'sects' in divers degrees all then use THEIR (most often their founders like Joseph Smith) interpretations of those archetypes as 'holy writ' and the 'new prophecy' or such things. Therefore, from the higher 'umbrella' perspective, all of the 'sects' have a partial truth embedded in a falsehood of the misinterpretation of the archetypes. 2. Like any good story teller very adept in reading the bible, Joseph Smith's 'vision' of 'spirit encounter' (like alien abductions really) led to a conglomeration of likeminded peoples, who then BLENDED the OT with the 'Lost Tribes' (also prevalent in British Israelitism) and wrote the Book of Mormon. 3. Jesus IS the head of the Amazon tribe, who have never even heared the name 'Jesus'. So Jesus is the head of every church or group or individuation. BUT with 'Jesus' here I do NOT mean the 'religious figure' of ANY dogma derived institution. The 'Jesus' I refer to can only be realised in a One-To-One Personal Gnosis or Partnership. So again, none of the Christian denomination is wrong or better than any other in terms of their foundation, but all are incomplete and some are rather more 'missing the point', than others. I agree with you; I have known and debated with Mormons, and whilst 'brainwashed', they are sincere and warmhearted, especially from the grass roots level. They are much like the New Age movement - but with a very cumbersome dogmatic restrictivism, such as in regards to sexual desire, food, body expression and so forth. 4. You are spiritually attuned to Mormons, because you have been very intimately engaged with them, say over the last 200 years or so. I perceive you have been a devoted Mormon wife and mother in a recent past and just before you incarnated this time around; you sert yourself the task to 'get at the bottom truth' of mormonism in NOT directly adhering to their belief structure. 5. You are already on the path to the discernment and the answers you seek. You only have to remember your lifepath from the beginning of the universe. You are as old as the universe as a consciousness; to validate your 'heart feeling' about the Mormons as being just one of many expressions for all seekers to 'find their way home' int full self remembrance. Being part of a forum, such as this one, is a magnificent methodology to become aware about the oneness of all things, religions included. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
1. Everyone is a mirror for everyone else when incarnated at some place at some time in the material universe. So can you see yourself as the 'starving' Ethiopian and as the 'queen of England'? You are both of them when NOT in incarnation. Where does this knowledge come from? Or is this just some personal innuendo and imagination? It is the prerogative of the 'dead' people of the 'mysterious beyond' to KNOW after leaving the 'use by dated' 'bodies' behind. Then the dichotomy of life and death is of couese engaged in this scenario as well. So where does the knowledge from Thuban derive from: The Land of the Dead. {Hint: There exist a story, that promises 'Eternal Life' with the abolishment of physical death, but requiring new bodies}. 2. It is sufficient to ALLOW relevant information to 'invade' ones personal intimate space; as the 'inner soul's superconsciousness' can process all information from the perception of the unity, without the waking consciousness fully understanding the information given. 3. No, I am as much related to anything else as you are. I have remembered more than you at this point in spacetime and to help you to remember more, I am sharing what I know. 4. You are on cloud Nine. You are filled with an all penetrating idealism as how you have envisioned or 'dreamt' of how life could be and you are attempting to infuse your environments at work, with your friends and family and your familiars, with your ideas; though often you lack the confidence to express yourself as you would like to do. 5. 2008 began the great transformation in a midpoint of a warptime loop beginning in December 2004. 2009 began the declaration from 'Dragonspace', meaning the 'Land of the Dead' above the limiting 8th dimension of what many here term the 'Reptilian agendas'. Dragonspace encompasses dimensions (or densities) 9-10-11-12. 2010 will allow 1 in 50,000 inhabitants of the earth to sow internal seeds for a harvest beginning on the Mayan nexus date and culminating in an 'end of all old prophecy' in August 2013. In that time period, the total population count of the earth will have reached the required saturation level of 7.2 billion incarnates. The 1 in 50,000 represents a Core for a new starhumanity (Old Human Caterpillars cocooning to become StarHuman (or Dragonised) Butterflies. The former 'eating' or consuming the Gaian environment, the latter POLLINATING and FEEDING the Gaian environment. Around this core of humanity will be spo 200 Million humans, also able to graduate into a new form of humanity. Post 2012 there will so be TWO different RACES of humans inhabiting this planet - Old Humans and New Starhumans. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
1. Ra and the Law of One is one of the best channels of the times past. Edgar Cayce is a wonderful ambassador of Thuban at the timespace he was engegd in. Another very good channel, especially as forerunner for the now manifesting 'membrane physcis' is Jane Roberts/Seth (but because the 'science' is so pertinent, the spiritual data on history, especially the New Testament is almost 100% disinformation - why? because the polarity must be maintained UNTIL its maximisation allows triggering in inversion as minimisation - ergo unification in oneness}. 2. Dion Fortune and the Theosophists and then Steiner and Schauberger, Russell, Reich and then on to Sheldrake, Lovelock and Penrose; all are very valid exponents in the calibre of 'The Law of One'. What they all do, is tap into the universal superpotent archetype of the holistic monad (scientifically espoused by Newton, Leibniz and Spinoza in the Infinitesimal, the Monad and the Essences) - and then attempt to translate the older 'often very convoluted language' (as say Blavatsky's and even earlier found in the Dead Sea Scrolls) into then more 'modern' terminologies. So the criteria is simple; whenever you encounter holism, blending yin and yang and attempting to harmonise the 'light' and the 'dark', then the Quabbalistic Tree of Life and the 'Knowledge of Good and Evil' of the Mirror of the Kabbalah is becoming invoked and the 'highest guardians' are automatically invoked on the reader's quest to find the keys to truth, gnosis and wisdom. 3. I would fully support David's works on his 'psychic attunements' as this part of his work (not his physical singing or some of his superpositions and conclusions regarding his data base) is indeed the legacy of Edgar Cayce; who is seeking a physical presence in this realm for the time of the transformations. Allow me to state clearly here; that David Wilcock's selfID with Ra is correct; but that you are as much Ra and the author of the Ra material as David is. This statement only appears to be selfcontradictory from the perception of the separated individuality and disappears say in invocation of the Jungian collective consciousness perception. The longitudinal waves of sound as pressure-rarefaction changes require a medium for its propagation; whilst its transformed state of transverse electromagnetic waveforms do not. This then becomes the transmutation of sound energy into light frequencies using phenomena like the piezoelectric effect and on a higher level (of David) the multidimensional amanifestations of sound and light. 4. George Green's vision is that of a true 'seer' and he has filtered the 'truth' rather succinctly. As with all 'channels' from the disincarnate to the incarnate or the 'dead alive ones' to the 'living dead ones'; the data will and must be FILTERED through the perceptions and words of the 'seer'. Then the difference between 'good' and 'bad' seers bnecomes how 'spotted' they are as the Mirrors for the transmitted data. There was only One 'perfect' such mirror; perfected after a 'baptism', which allowed the human ego of a tripartite consciousness (waking-sub-siper) to transform into a unified superconsciousness. This then became a WARPTIME in the human history from December 24 AD to April 32 AD. George Green's 'Mirror of the Soul' say; was 'in the footsteps' of that of the Galilean and so of a pristine quality. I recommend him as a gnostic of the highest calibre in intent and principle. Some of the detailed interpretations are, as always and necessarily, a reflection of the time of the transmission. Finally the Council of Thuban in a sense extends the vision of George Green. 5. The incarnation is ongoing but will be 1 in 50,000 when the Gaian populus has reached 7.2 billion in 2013. 6. You are Ra, SHOULD you be able to modulate the frequency of that archetypical selfstate into harmonisation with your personal individuated frequencies of spaceawareness or consciousness. This process is none other than the Cosmic Christening - the eating of the Lion, instead of being eaten by the Lion (of Judah) {Revelation.5.5 and GospelofThomas# (07) Jesus says: (1) "Blessed is the lion that a person will eat and the lion will become human. (2) And cursed (anathema) is the person whom a lion will eat and the lion will become human." 7. You WERE not doing what you should have been doing, because you were searching for missing data. Consider to watch a movie: Star Trek - The Motion Picture (the initial film). There you will encounter the NATURE OF GOD and the 'Game of Life' and the present situation on the planet. Once you have found the missing data, you will know, just as George Green says, that YOU have written the script, but then you have become lost inside the movie, not remembering that you have created it. Of course there is a purpose for your 'forgetfulness', namely a grand awakening and the rendering of the (Lonely) Oneness a Manyness. 8. Absolutely. The aliens are learning from Us and waiting for Us to remember enough to allow contact on many fronts. With Us here I mean, the bilocality of Gaia WITH Thuban for example and not local isolation and distinction. 9. FREE WILL is inviolatable by all dimensions, even the 12th cannot ever violate the 'Free Will' of ANY sentience. The great confusion about 'Free Will' derives from the FACT, that God=Oneness=Unity=ONE FREE WILL... and ALL 'Free Wills' are part of God's Free Will. So whenever anyone realises its kinship and FAMILY with God; then the question becomes a non sequitur. God's Will is your will and there is no difference anymore. But of course to reach this kind of selfawareness requires the unified consciousness and not the tripartite obscuring one; iow the human ego must evolve into a 'divine ego' of understanding there is one Father and one mother and this fathermother is YOU, both in disincarnate Oneness and in Incanate Manyness. This is the Brosisterhood of the New StarHumanity ready to become galactically engaged. 10. I've known about PC for a long time and have followed the developments. Especially I noticed the relative inability of the founders to make penetrating usage of the powerful information given by James of the Wingmakers and their relative ignorance about the true meaning of Unification. This thjen became plainly obvious in the Greer Interview and I reacted to this and decided to join this forum to: 1. Further the scientific aspects of the wingmakers data (It is my position, that James of the wingmakers is waiting for the extension of his work and that his anonymity does not serve the higher agenda as he envisages) 2. To publish a quasi-public 'face' yet remaining in the shadow of the anonymity, which is solely for the purpose to NOT engage personality issues BUT simply share and provide free information for anyone able to 'digest' some of it. 3. To answer Q and A in my capacity to further expand and promulgate the 'Wisdom of the Ancients', who are Humanoid Dragons as its archetypical label. Thanking you for asking and allowing me to answer. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Yes Sabina; you are a Dragon-Queen should you allow yourself to remember your past and THEN having remembered your origins REINVENT or recreate yourself. So I see you: 1. Taking a Bubble-Bath---IN-A-BAS=Sabina 2. A self-baptized DragonPrincess ZANSIBAR emerges from the primordial foam like Aphrodite did. SABINA+MIND=SABINA+40=SABINA+US=SABINA+ZR=46+40=96 . 3. THUBAN=66=ANUBIS=FREEDOM=WOMAN=THE NAME=THE AMEN=33+33=US+26=US+Z=US+GOD=US+DOG=... 4. SABINA = A QUEEN OF THUBAN = A QUEEN OF FREEDOM D.I.Y to continue The human Sabina has become Zansibar de Thuban and as a DragonQueen Zansibar is already friends with the Andromedean Dragon sisters similiarly initiated into DragonLife. Abraxas of the DragonHeart (remember Draco with Sean Connery of 007) |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
1. Yes, the DEVIL is LIVED backwards. The power of the 'darkness', the 'reptilian agendas', the 'EVIL is LIVE backwards; and so on are as powerful as the image of yourself in the mirror of your bathroom. If you go into the bathroom, look into the miorror at your image and ask it to come out and attack you, what would you think would happen? Your image is mimicking your words and stays where it is. The falseness of images is all what the 'Devil' is, absolutely human selfcreated. So when man abuses man and the environment, then it is man as the Devil image, which does the EVIL and not some antiGod. You hiippibillbobbi are BOTH God and DOG GOD and DEVIL. Which part of the fairy story do you wish to play: Cinderella or the Evil Sister? Knowledge about these things will set your mind free; marry heaven and hell (both states of mind and perceiving and not physical locations) and REDEEM the evil, past, present and future in this human world. 2. If someone calls me a werewolf then I am a werewolf as the mirror image of the one calling me a werewolf. If someone calls you a elven queen than you become an elven queen relative to the miiror reflection of the one who has imagined you as such an eleven queen. If one has nothing 'good' to say about someone; then one should hold one's tongue; because all things return to the one creating them - as a wisdom saying goes. So should you believe in the 'great evil', then the 'great evil' will continue to haunt and persecute you. What you resist, will persist as another wisdom saying goes. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Hi Abraxasinas,
Two things: 1) What is your take on the information that all of the Elohim are incarnate on earth at this point in time? Do you feel they are indeed all here and are they all awake? 2) Is the Chemtrail program primarily involved in stablising our climate/spreading activators etc for pandemic flu or masking the presence of Nibiru from behind or near the Sun? I just have observed so much hiding of the Sun lately in my regeon it is very draining to have the sun blocked out most of the time. It is getting more and more observable. Thankyou in advance, Initiate |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
You have such a powerful avatar yet your heart is filled with ire and with a despair of your soul. Do you not know that the time of the selfremembrance has come? I am but a simple messenger of the oneness - as Malachi who is preparing the way for the undeniable truth to arrive but a little while. You have banned me and you have torn a post of mine apart in your role as moderator and so you have prevented Sprigovori to read my reply to herhis question about the origin of God. I have written this reply; it was not posted or copied from an external source. I had obtained permission from another moderator to post 'my work' if not from an external source. If you find my words laughable then read them for your entertainment or ignore them. The Love of Gaia is a Love from the Cosmos Gaia Love - It awaits your cooperation. Your hostilities derive from one place and one place alone - it has many names but one name is the 'Evil Reptilian Agenda'. Be well and honour your soul Gaia Love Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
1. Yes, all the elohim are here, because the WITNESSES are here. Think of it as a mirror for the universe in all space and all time hitherto unfolded. The Witnesses are simply a HOLOGRAM, as you are too and anyone in incarnation from the neutron to the supergalactic agglomerations. You may watch a movie: The Dark Crystal (of Jim Henderson's Muppets). There the story is about a 'missing shard' which renews a Dark Crystal as Light again. These 'missing shards' are the holograms - all containig all the information necessary to make the broken thing whole again. You are this shard and all the elohim reside within you as part of your soul - ask them inpure intent and you shall know that what I have said is true. Now you know how the 'ascended masters' are channelled. You can channel them too; perhaps not with public words, but in appreciation and in perceiving the universe in the ant crawling on a tree in your garden. 2. My information about chemtrails is that it is an agenda similar to the fluoridation- and immunisation schemes and has little to do with metaphysical agendas like Nibiru (actually Nemesis as a second sun, which will NOT visit earth, but represents a second focus point in the geometry of the solar system WITHIN the sun itself - The New Earth=Nibiru AS a Dark Starplanet, see some of my other messages). Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
There will be NO rule and NO Lordship of any higherD being over any lowerD being BECAUSE all of the lowerD is the core or building basis or skeleton for the higherD. The higherD is meaninless without the lowerD. The highest echelons of Thuban are also the lowest echelons in say a ROOTMEMORY. Is the little toe of your body inferior to your nose? Do not both transmit their pains and joys to your heart in divers manners? You are Oneness and this Oneness is Lord. It is time for a the misinterpretations of archetypes in many records to become retranslated in 'correction'. This retranslation, this EDIT is the 'Last Judgment' prophecied. The ARMAGEDDON=DRAGONMADE and every One of you will experience a PERSONAL Armageddon. Because of the misappropriation of archetypes; many will succumb to their 'brainwashing' and react in a physical manner causing 'havoc' instead of processing their 'apocalypse' mentally and emotionally as required for the self-transformations. The misuse of physical power and influence in political-military-economic fields of human endeavour has in the past and will in the future result in 'calamities'. It is of little effect to 'blame' interdimensional aliens or Gods and Devils for those manthought and manmade disaters. A truly advanced civilisation would KNOW if an earthquake is imminent or a twistor approaches; BECAUSE GAIA's language would be understood upon a planet in environmental harmony. Watch your fauna and flora to find the wisdom in those words. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
I was wondering if you are familliar with Courtney Brown's book 'Cosmic Voyage' & if you are, what you think of it.
I'm also curious what your opinion is about Supriem David Rockefeller's claim that he is the reincarnation of Lucifer. So if you have some time to spare, I would appriciate to hear your point of view in these matters. |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Not demented at all Raven; I meant to FEMINISE the Quantum Big Bang as the FEMALE GODDESS of the UNIVERSE to EMERGE from her archetypical definition just as such SHEBANG=Cosmos as the Physical Reality fopr the Body of the Goddess (and God) in partnbership to be realised post 2012. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
The banning was an admitted error. It was done because of a hunch that was probably wrong. It was not just GaiaLove who decided but a quorum. GaiaLove just pulled the trigger. Perhaps there was manipulation in that hunch that derives from the many named source you mentioned - we don't know - maybe you do? The error was fixed. We are all sorry about the error. I am sure that GaiaLove is not working for the evil reptilian agenda. I am also sure that GaiaLove is entitled to his opinion of the value of your material - personally I would prefer it done with respect or without any disrespect - but there it is freewill at work - you dont always get what you want. Yes a post of yours was modified. As a team of moderators we are trying to strike a balance that keeps the forum operating optimally. It is a guideline that is hard to enforce because there are not any stated limits. So we dont always get this right - and that particular guideline is one of the ones that is the most inconsistently moderated. We are working on this. We do ask that you provide links to outside texts rather than copy and paste, but common sense also works. Please dont get nasty with eachother. With your permission I would change the title of this thread to "Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)" In the light and in the love of you know who. A.. |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
The Cosmic Voyage of Courtney Brown is an analogy, a mapping between the higherD and the lowerD perspective and implementation of an identical raw archetype. The lowerD perspective in scientific terms is the status quo universe of the lightspeed invariance. In this perspective there are NO bases in the moon or on Mars and no aliens visiting earth due to the 'tyranny of the spacetime metrics'. The important parameter in this scenario is the linearity of the quantum of time, linked to the arrow of stochastically defined entropy (chaos or disorder). In the higherD perspective the linearity of the timearrow becomes multidimensional and so there exist civilisations like the Martians below the planetary surface and the Greys reflect the present calamities of 'dying bees' or frogs on a global level and related to a 'beehive' or amphibious-reptilian group-consciousness. Once you can understand this; say there is a hollow earth in hyperspace (up to the 7D timeconnector) and in quantumspace (up to the 10D timeconnector); BUT physically drilling into the earth will find no such 'hollow earth'); THEN you will become familiar how this multidimensionality operates. This is a most important question of yours; as it will fully engage all those 'alien agendas' and the Service To Self and Service to Others dichotomy and so on. So I shall refrain for now to elaborate and refer you to this thread and another related one, which will introduce to your someone else from the 'Council of Thuban'. We shall manifest this thread in the next few days. About Lucifer; the 'illuminated ones' have for long known what I am sharing here freely. It is part of their 'secret information and database' (but restricted to 10D - Thuban data derives from the 12th). You are as much Lucifer as David Rockefeller is; but he knows the 'whyfores' of the archetypes as part of the 'priviledged classes' a lot more than you allow yourself to remember. I am on this forum to balance the equations and allow everyone to 'tap and personalize' the cosmic archetypologies. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
I am also sure that my reply to Gaia Love has in no manner compromised my agenda and did not imply in any way whatsoever that Gaia Love is part of the 'Evil Reptilian Agenda'. And you 'hit the nail on the head'. The 'hunch' is what I then termed 'under many names' - you might also call it 'Spiritual wickedness at high places'. {Ephesians.6.12}. Those places are not physical, this is part of the confusion. So if not physical, Gaia Love or anyone cannot be responsible for the 'evil hunch' I am not here to either 'dominate debate' or to grandstand 'my superior knowledge'. All of this is 'personality politics' or similar. I am solely here and do what I do for the reason to share data, you will NOT obtain from whistleblowers, nobel prize winners in physics or the newest New Age Channelings. My 'persona', 3D or 12D is of complete inconsequence. If I am banned or censored I simply will leave. I only came back because the moderator's stance impressed me and there and then I thanked Gaia Love for doing the most beneficial for the collective. This long post was specific to Spigovora's question and NOT from an outside source, as I composed the message in its entirety. Yes, your renaming is a good idea. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Truly fascinating thread! Thank you Abrax, StarDustAquarian and EveryOne!
This service to self and service to others. Is it not so that to be of service to others is being of service to self? If so, then to be of service to self is also service to others. as in in ol' lords prayr: "forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive others theirs... happens simultaneous, as in the giving you are given... correct? I don't see a problem understanding this, but it's spouted off so often, so yes the dichotomies serve as a distraction, the two sides of the coin. Ok, so did I ask this too late, you are away now for the time being? I look forward to the 18th and the "rest of the story". Also, would you mind telling what you see is up with the sun? Heart thinking & mind feeling< like that!!! |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
thank you, 'a' for your sharings :) |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
The Omicron Draconis starsystem in 4D spacetime is mirrored in a colocal 10D Omicron Draconis starsystem as a holographic Image. This holographic image then becomes Thubanese in 12D as an image of an image. Your GrandFather association bespeaks of great wisdom and you have intuited well. Yes, there is great value in Anna Hayes work, however ALL of her works are biased towards the feminine and so are in intrinsic archetypical disharmony. The complexity of her writings derive from the yin substituting as a shadow yang for the natural yang. The Thubanese material is the Perennial Philosophy extended, indeed. As such there is 'Nothing New under the Sun' - but the insights and interpretations of symbols are. Your 36D matrix is a threefoldedness of the 12D archetype. Extensions in multiples of 12 are possible but unneccessary, as the 36 finestructure finetunes in 12 sectors becoming tripartite; just as the 7-hierarchies in related systems. The universe is simulated in the form of its holographic- and holofractal underpinning nature. The key to it all becomes the tripartition to be rendered a quadruple partition as this will allow the timeconnector dimensions to become spacelike in normal vector extension. Linear time so can become looped. This is what is 'intuited' as a transition from 4th to 5th 'density'. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
An excellent contribution Raven. Indeed the GROKING is directly from the handbook of the Dragons. Handbook of the Dragons? Can you eludidate a bit on this... and thanks for the compliment:) It means that you have written LikeADragon. The Groking IT is the same as technically becoming quantum entangled as object of observation and the observer - Schroedinger's Cat is Groking IT. Yes I agree, to understand all these metaphors and archetypes you have to "become" them. This is a potent realisation. I shall henceforth use this terminology when describing the Solution of the Schroedinger Cat paradox. The solution in Ravenese is the Cat has Groked IT in its Groked selfstate of quantum entanglement and I am rather serious here. Groked in specific terms then implies that the 'Cat' is NOT EITHER Alive or Dead, but is in fact BOTH Alive and Dead simultaneously. Hence the void or the great dream? It's rather deep in terms of mathemartical logic. It does solve the Schroedinger Paradox. So instead of describing the collapse of the wavefunction as Aliveness in particle/bodyform with the Deadness of the corresponding wave/mindform; One can saty the 'Cat' is Groked, because IF Dead as a waveform it MUST be Alive as a a Particleform and vice versa. Then in either state of the 'Cat's' Grokedness the 'Cat' is always BOTH Alive and Dead relative to either the wavemind or the particle/body perspective or observer frame. So to describe the solution to the Schroedinger quantum paradox one simply stes that the 'Cat' is Groked. What 'vibes' do I get from you Raven. I receive rather particular vibes and those are rather strong. Your incarnation addresses a very potent, yet most often overlooked archetype in the scroll of the Genesis. After an archetypical and metaphorical calamity, called 'the flood' and after the archetypical evolution of the Adam archetype had assumed the characterisation of Noah; this archetype decided to extend its 'sphere of influence' and activity. So in the 'Play of the Gods' YOU as Adam have become engaged to fill the character role of Noah. So what is the first thing Noah does in the 'script' of the 'play'? He extends himself in sending his first messenger the Black Raven to check out the scenario following the 'mental archetypical' calamity of the changing of the guarding symbols describing the encoded storylines. So I know what you are up to Raven. You are the messenger of yourself, heralding and preparing the way for your glorious return into full remembrance about your origins, purpose and destinations. Thank you, you are truely aware and i 'feel' your mirror is accurate. I knew you'd like this. That is why I could say I got strong vibrations. And the 'frequency transmission' was so strong, because you are mentally ready and prepared to receive this information about yourself. The Raven did not return to Noah as you may chechk out for yourself; but the Raven "went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth." {Genesis.8.7}. So Raven you are the messenger of Noah, who acts INDEPENDENTLY from his own self. You so represent a renegade part of your greater self, which does not require the permission of its 'greater more encompassing' self to do what is appropriate under the circumstances. You might also perform the function of the 'Secret Agency' which like the Council of Thuban manouvers in the shadows until the time becomes appropriate to interact with Oneself again after a period of absenteeism or AWOLness. Has been performed and is done, was allowed to go AWOL, or "LOWA" once again to observe the birth :) Very Good- Yes' observing one's own birth. You should read the Gospel of Thomas which IS the Handbook of the Dragons by the way. Then ask me the questions you may formulate after reading the 'Master's handbook'. http://www.geocities.com/mwgrondin/5thGospl.htm There is a strong astrological influence 'in the air' for another two weeks until January 18th. Stationary Saturn in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn with a quadruple joining of Sun, Venus and reverse Mercury in Capricorn. Added to this are the quadrantids meteor shower January 3rd and the solar eclipse of January 15th at New Moon in Capricorn. The astrological significance of Capricorn-Cancer oppositions are always extremely unsettling for 'unbalanced' entities in either physical-, emotional- or mental bodies; because Capricorn archetypes the Father (Saturn) opposing the Mother (Full Moon) archetyped in Cancer. So an inversion of the 'home energies' of Father in Capricorn with Mother in Cancer occurs on January 15th; when the Father and Mother exchange places in their celestial 'houses'. For the metaphysically attuned however, this 'unsettling' also allows great harmonisation in quasi-unified exponents who are in full remembrance of their inner yin-yang unifications as mirrors or shadows of objectification and subjectification or as positive print and negative image in say photography. Dan Winter's platonic solids are excellent, but he seems to get a little sidetracked when attempting to link the isocahs and the dodecahs to mainstrem science. I have had informants who told me they found some of my essays on his site, but going there I could not find it. I also shared some ideas with Dan in times past. Yes at times Dan tends to plaigerize, but truely, being all ONE this is not his intention, i understand that. Yes indeed; he means so well and my comment was not meant to be derogatory, just observant. Thanks for a spiritually very mature reply raven. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If you have the time and inclination...take a look at this thread regarding Amen Ra (and friends!?): http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18223 There is an evolution of speculation in this thread. It's sort of a 'Discovering Egyptology' thread. I don't expect a response...as I don't really have a question. You might find the naivety and innocence refreshing!
:original:Namaste:original: |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Yes, what you have said and realised - you have admitted that you have NO problem understanding this - is the Wisdom of Thuban=Anubis=Freedom=WoMan=The Name=The Amen=66=33+33. The Dichotomy IS a distraction, but serves the important purpose to ALLOW a contextual background of 'Service to Self' versus 'Service to Others' to play itself out in a maximum polarisation. Then, just when the balloon is about to burst, it is minimised in a deflation WITHIN an ENCOMPASSING (umbrella) spacetime; which will then crystallize the underpinning unity of the balloon in exhalation-inhalation mode metaphorically writing. The important thing here is a partial inflation (not reaching busting point) will also result in a partial deflation and the cycle ontinues (it's like pumping a tyre or pushing a swing). This in a nutshell is the human history upon Gaia for the last 26,000 years. The Sun is a 'hidden' binary sun (hence the Nibiru agendas) revolving around its own center of gravity relative to the planets in the solar system. So NEMESIS, the second sun, is gravitationally IMAGED onto the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud and the mythologies of Nibiru, Hale Bopp spacecraft, visiting asteroids and what have you evolve from this manifested archetype. Gaia Herself is Nibiru, as it is destined to attain Galactic Consciousness in Her ascension from nonluminous planet with a thermodynamic core to a Starplanet, able to radiate a 'Dark Light' back into the cosmos after her ascension. So the Sun as RahSol becomes the MIRROR for Gaia in receiving galactic information (from the center and other star systems), as well as reflecting back the Gaia-transformed information. The Earth, all humans and all lifeforms so become DATATRANSFORMERS for the universe. Thi8s is the 'LightWorker' scenario. But it is Dark Light which shall be harvested, noy Sunlight. So the Sun is the mirror for the planets and the stars are the mirrors for the galaxies. Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
My agenda is quite anti-reptile, I am no lamb however. I too have been changed by reading the Law of One. I will never forget the feeling of reading words I never saw before but knew in my soul were truth. I believe a lot of what you say here as it is inline with the common belief here at Avalon. I hold much love in my heart for the kind souls I've met here and elsewhere during this incarnation and have a very strong bond with the Earth. I have a lovely wife of 25 years or so, 3 grown children and an awesome lil grandson. I am generally a happy soul who enjoys keeping the people around me happy too. That being clarified, my issue is and always has been that I consistently get the honor of protecting the people I love, there's a few hundred of them here at Avalon. You must of course see the sheer quantity of false prophets as well as disinfo agents that has increased tenfold in a very short time. I have held back my opinion as my position here warrants such however I am human, mistakes happen. I bear you no malice and if you are truly a multidimensional being choosing to get your message out on a internet forum rather than something perhaps a little more global then I humbly beg your forgiveness. When I take an action here, whether its editing a members post so their video works or I am banning a member for some infraction, I do it with love. I am a volunteer here because I love the duty of taking care of the finest grouping of souls ive ever come across. Excuse me if I'm a little edgy, it was a rough December:shocked: I'll go back to watching now and wont bother you again unless required to. In Love + Light Richard |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
My oldest son has a name which is DRACHIR! You may find some 'coincidence' in this name compared to yours. Also there is a famous play called 'The Nibelungen' (Richard Wagner - this name again) where the 'adversary' is a Dragon - Der Drache Fafnir! Yes, I understood your concerns from the beginning. The disinformation on open internet forums (most unintentional however) is 5 to 1. The innermost core of the human identity is the reptilian brainstem. It defines the survival modes of fight-or-flight so not only for the vertebrata lifeforms, reaching their maximum terrestrial expression in the Mesozoic era of the Dinosaurs (Terrible Lizards); but also in the mammalian midbrain and its human topbrain. If then the human evolution is characterized to EXTEND this human topbrain via its mammalian midbrain and the reptilian brainstem at its base; then it stands to logical reason, that all three parts of the human brain must be harmonised to allow that extension in the course of human evolution into its next highest extension. So then should this evolutionary course of affairs be successfrul, then the fourth brain of the new human will be based on the reptilian brainstem, but having processed its basic instinctual survival modes it might well be labelled a Dragon Brain as the Crown or Kether of the Higher Kingdom yet requiring and in Harmony with the Lower Kingdom of the Malkuth of the Serpentine Roots. In Honour Abrax |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Thanks for answering my previous questions. I have tried to read the work of Dewey Larson. He is a man who was referenced in the Law Of One, but is widely denounced as having been a bit of a crackpot "scientist". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewey_B._Larson Quote:
In the work you have presented so far, is the Space/Time and Time/Space the two sides of your mirror? I have always conceptualized that my higherself exists in Time/Space, where as the incarnated me that is typing this is stuck in Space/Time. In moments of inspiration (the ideas kind!), I deem it that the inspiration is a flow from my t/s resident self to s/t resident self - issued through a connection between the two - where "help" is passed from one to the other. At some moments when I can align myself to hold this connection I become inspired. Does this map to your explanations of "everything"? Have I got the wrong end of the stick ? A.. |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Perhaps that is not what you are saying, but that is sort of how it "reads" to me.... Can you clarify? |
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