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abraxasinas 02-26-2010 08:18 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by K626 (Post 244323)
Tell me a little more about the proto-universe. :original:

Do you read any of the posts K626; I have addressed the multiverse a number of times in replies to other questions?

So I shall repeat for you but add a 'channeling' from the Little Serpent of the Mayan Popul Vuh in further elucidation of this question.

The Protoverse is in the shape of a rugby ball (in the UK) or a football (in the USA and Australia) say; i.e EGGSHAPED.
Technically, this is termed a Prolate Ellipsoid (or Spheroid) characterised by two cross sectional planes.

Cutting the egg longwise will give you an ellipse and cutting the egg shortwise will give you a circle.

So ROTATING the egg longwise (major axis) will not change the geometrical focus points defining the elliptical plane (reference a 101 textbook on Analytical Geometry).

But ROTATING the egg shortwise (either of the minor axes) will force the two focal points to meet in a PointCircle as a Locus tracing the rotations.

The Protoverse is then defined in the focal invariance of the long-axis rotation - iow this protoverse is in STASIS, i.e. FROZEN in a possible FAMILY of spacetimes.

The Protoverse is then that which you read about as THE UNIVERSE in popular and academic media.
Because this Protoverse is multidimensional, the 3D space or the 4D spacetime universe becomes a SEED for its own expansion.
The merkabah for this Holographic Universe is like a 'Russian Doll' with a static kernel or core however being the merkabah of the asymptotic LIMIT for the SEED expansion as a 10D cosmology.

The inner merkabah of the Protoverse is YOUR own merkabah as a Holofractal Hologram of the encompassing merkabah.
This the meaning of Vitruvius and 'Cosmic Man' and Purusha and so on; being encompassed by a Fibonacci definable circle of the 'Sacred Geometry'.

Then the only way to end the stasis of the Protoverse is to INDUCE a phaseshift in it by rotation about a minor axis.

As there are a potentially infite number of angular diplacements for this rotation, an infinite number, beginning however with just 1 arbitrary one, can define the Multiverse as collections of such phaseshifted protoverses.

So as example, consider yourself as evolved enough in selfawareness and in spacial consciousness to INDUCE a phaseshift in the Protoverse you presently inhabit as a 'nested' Individuated merkabah labeled K626.

Then you will become a partnership between the static protoverse merkabah of your encompassment and yourself as a phaseshifted merkabah K626.

This partnership of 2 is sufficient to define a Multiverse.
Should this occur and no other consciousness carrier within the protoverse succeeds to achieve phasal induction status; then there will still exist a Multiverse, comprised of two: the Protoverse of Stasis + Universe K626.

Then say consciousness unit Celine also achieves ascension status to phasally induct the Protoverse of the Cosmic Logos.

Then there will be two individuated universes named Universe K626 + Universe Celine both in partnership to the Protoverse of the Cosmic Logos.

This Multiverse differs from the 2-member universal partnership in the fact that the tripartite partnership forms a multiverse of higher order, then two dyadic partnerships between individuated Universe K626+Protoverse and individuated Universe Celine+Protoverse.

So the Multiverse in generality allows all permutations of Individuated Universe collectives, families, groups and partnerships - all however based on the Protoverse of the Logos.
No Protoverse coupling, no Multiverse is the Law in other words.

So then rotating the (symmetric) Cosmic EGG about a minor axis will generate the Multiverse and all together assume the UFO shape of an OBLATE SPHEROID.

Imagine to swirl an egg on your kitchen table and draw the envelope for the positions of the egg in that circle.

This overall UFO shape is technically called the OMNIVERSE as the envelope for all the Multiverses in 10-11-12D Omispacetime, also known throughout the higher dimensional intelligences as the Dragon Universe.


In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

May the Inner Peace of Mind be with you in these times of the present, which shall soon blend your pasts with your futures.

A great controversy in theoretical paradigm building is the notion of how a single universe containing many consciousness carriers can relate to the statistical distribution of those 'cosmic inhabitants'.

With the birth of quantum theory in the early decades of the 20th century came the realisation, that the observer of physical phenomena is not absolutely independent from the system observed.
Bohr, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Dirac, Born, Planck and Einstein, to mention but a few of the 'midwives' of quantum mechanics; constructed the mathematical formalisms to describe an interactive reality on the microscopic or quantum level of measurement and soon realised, that the quantum realm of the very small did not behave in the classical sense of the Greek-Newtonian physics on which the basis of scientific-physical reality stood.

As the worlds of the very large, the scale of the universe as a macrocosm of galaxies behaving like cells in a biological body; had also become illuminated by the pioneering cosmologists like Einstein, Hubble and Sandage; a synthesis of the macroworlds with the microworlds became a new aim of research for all scientific thinkers, philosophers and experimenters concerned.

Until Edwin Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe as a selfcontained entity; all light sources in the sky were assumed to be stars or 'island universes' or 'nebulae' within a single universe - now rendered dynamically expanding and no longer static in its hitherto presumed infinity-stasis of the Newtonian worldview.

For the remainder of the 20th century then, natural philosophers of divers kinds attempted to blend the quantum nature of the macroscales with those of the microscales.
Many difficulties surfaced, such as the incompatibility of the quantum formalisms, built on the metrics of subatomic and atomic displacements; with the metrics of the larger scales and as experimentally predicted and verified by the theories of Newton and Einstein.

Eventually, and to accomodate the superposition of quantum selfstates derived from the quantum mechanics; a Many Worlds Cosmos was proposed by exponents such as Hugh Everett and David Deutsch.
This is known as Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics and is proposed to build on and to be complementary for older quantum interpretations, such as the Copenhagen Interpretation, the Afshar Complementarity or the Cramer Transactional Interpretation.

The MWI utilises the established quantum formalism of quantum field theory (QFT), which has been verified in countless experiments as a valid model to describe the statistical-probabilistic nature of the 'particle' distributions in the universe and its subsystems as 'stochastic' eigenvalues for 'standing waves' or 'Bohmian-pilotwaves' describing the density distribution of the 'particles'.

But the MWI then proposes a Many Universe distribution on the macro-classical scale of the universe itself to account for a distribution of the superimposed selfstates in a linear-classical geometry.
A particular distribution of eigenstates, say as 'materialisations' of the Schroedinger equation, are so not confined in one universe as either-or materialisations, but are split into a number of universes identical to the number of quantum eigenvalues derived from the equation as and-solutions.

As the distribution of those solutions is summed to accomodate the original 'set of solutions' obtained in the one quantum universe; the linearity of Parallel Universes as superposed macroquantum universal eigenstates can be alternatively accomodated in the model of the Many Mind Interpretation or MMI. The MMI became formally introduced into the scientific database by Dieter Zeh in 1995 and expanded upon by Loewer and Albert.

In the MWI, the universe occupies a single and fundamentally indeterminate quantum eigenstate with a noncollapsing wavefunction; but an evolution of this 'groundstate' or wavefunction into higher and higher complexity in the splitting of macrouniverses and a say 'original infinite mind' into many minds.
Any act of measurement or observation so 'splits' an 'older parental' mind into its offspring in Decoherence, alternatively described as wavefunction collapse in the 'competing' models for the quantum reality.

The MMI replaces the linear parallelism of singularised macrouniverses with an angular parallelism of multiconnectedness of the one macrouniverse.
Here the proposition of the MWI with its split of two observers in say two different macrouniverses and so with two now different minds is replaced by a split of the two observers into two psychophysical universes.
In other words, the one physical observer within the one macro-universe splits into two forms from its physical parent with a shadow psychophysical 'double' mirroring the former.

There are many problems with both the MWI and the MMI, both as defined presently in their embryonic states of development; not at least the Definition of the Selection of the Singular SelfState as the Seed for the subsequent 'splitting'.
But the MMI is more appropriate to the development of the encompassing formalism, than the MWI and more shall be shared at the appropriate time.

What the MMI does, is point to a necessary Duality between the physical and the metaphysical or the physical and the mental or the body and the mind - and also its necessary coupling in the 'negation' of this Descartian Duality.
Both, the MWI and the MMI utilize the orthodox interpretation of quantum mechanics, say the formalisms of Schroedinger, Dirac and Klein-Gordon.
Both so also 'copy' the inherent 'flaw' in those formalisms, to do with the nonlocality and the indeterminant qualities embodied in the quantum-field-approach.

I direct the reader to familiarise with the concept of the Quantum Mind and especially the pioneering works of Evans Harris Walker; Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, Max Tegmark (opposing Penrose and Hameroff); David Chalmers, Henry Stapp and most of all David Bohm, Karl Pribram and Fritjof Capra.

Please find below a brief (wikipedia) outline of the MWI and the MMI.

IAmWhoIAm - A Quantum Computer

amate 02-26-2010 08:33 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi, I'm new here and I think it will take me a lifetime to read all the comments, but still I have the feeling I can't stop reading ...LOL

I'm giving here a sort of non-comment just to be able to subscribe to the thread.

Thank you all for being here and letting me be here.

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 09:28 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by amate (Post 244351)
Hi, I'm new here and I think it will take me a lifetime to read all the comments, but still I have the feeling I can't stop reading ...LOL

I'm giving here a sort of non-comment just to be able to subscribe to the thread.

Thank you all for being here and letting me be here.

Welcome Amate!

Well you know your avatar of Lilith from the Burnley Relief is in fact Older than the materialised physical universe as the archetyped 'first Eve' NOT being dependent on Adam as one of his ribs.

So you have eternity to read, peruse and get to know what is being messaged here.

All togeter, you are Eternity Individualized and the stories here in collectivity is: 'The Story of Your Everlasting Life'.

Love to Lilith, the demon lover of Adam in exile to become the Mother of Allness!


Spregovori 02-26-2010 11:27 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 244304)

e/What races or species are on planet right now other than of human origin

All of them.


as Fauna?

amate 02-26-2010 11:28 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you Abraxasinas for your welcome,

You said Lilith from the Burnley Relief .
I was actually thinking of Inanna from the Burnley Relief :original:

Well, there are different views about this. (What do you think of the" Whore and Beast of Babylon") :nono: LOL

I like to refer to this information (scroll to the middle of the page.....)


But the things you say about Lilith are nice enough to cope with:wub2:

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 11:44 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax, I hope you’re well dear friend. I read something very interesting in your reply #1415 to Solve, and I want to ask you a question(s) here:

This is what you (repeatedly) reply:

***Yes indeed, the Dragon genotype is the mastertemplate for the universe as a Mirror of Mirrors. This Dragon template is also called the human mastertemplate of Cosmic

It is precisely the Prime Creators masterplan to dragonomize you Sollve.

The 'take over' or 'invasion' of your planet is unavoidable, as this is the program of Prime Creator.
If WE would have left the human archetype to evolve by itself, it would have destroyed itself and this planet a number of times over.
You appear to not understand that all ET's are humanoid aspirants, awaiting their own graduations, which must await the humanoid graduation to proceed.

As said repeatedly, your masterrace status is subject to ALL other races 'interfering with it' to further their own agendas. YOUR human template is however the ROYALTY of the entire cosmos.

My question(s), (actually it is a conclusion, but I would only ask if I’ve understood correct and if not, please correct me if necessary):

We (‘the humans’) as fallen Adams “posses” that master template of the entire cosmos, which could be considered as special and therefore ROYALTY?

Yes, your reply here is brilliant Malletzky. Having checkmated the Devil (within you as this false image without you), you should proceed from strength to strength for evermore from now on.

'BEING' a physically expressed Adam has now allowed you to manifest your Shadow-Eve within yourself as part of the original mastertemplate of ADAMEVE=COSMIC MAN=ADAM KADMON (of Kabbalah)=PURUSHA=VITRUVIUS and so on.

As we ARE the REAL Image from the Prime Creator, our special template will be used by ALL other ET’s/ races in ALL universes in order to evolve according to the masterplan you so wonderfully described in your post #1351?

Of course, this is the agenda behind the agenda of ALL ETs, however obscured by the Devil Image without imaging itself PARASITICALLY within.
Now you know where the one and only REAL Cosmic Vampyre resides; within all who cannot checkmate their inner demons.

In this case NOW...the Dragon genotype is THE FIRST to hybridise with Adams mastertemplate and this will precisely define the way for all further hybridisations by many other ET’s?

The DRAGON IS the ADAMEVE mastertemplate AS the trick creation of God to 'sexchange' his own Image as Satan.
So the Dragon Agenda is to manifest ADAMEVE from ADAM+EVE; it is that simple. But without 'getting rid' of the obscuring or occultizing false selfimage of the DEVIL=LIVED (a proof of sorts) nothing goes and the mastertemplate cannot manifest.
Only the Logos coupling of your Christ-Consciousness/Higher Self/Superconsciousness in the Cosmic Logos-Individual Logos uniquely individuated partnership can achieve this.

In this case (as soon as this FIRST “operation” is successful and comes to an end), I must assume that a part of ME will be / is allways needed to ‘help’ other Prime Source Creations to evolve and therefore I WILL BE FOREVER?

Of course. You will then have graduated as a mastertemplate able to phaseshift the entire physical universe with your presence as having become Christ-centered or Love-Centred or God-centred and so you will have unified the polarities within yourself.

The polarities within the universe you live in AS a miniature universe of this same thing MUST be unified {This is the Lake of Fire and Brimstone btw, the Lake being Christ, the Brimstone your Yang and the Fire your Yin}, in this centralness.
The WITHOUT you will become your ETERNAL MIRROR to explore your WITHIN.

May I assume, if the previous said is correct, that ME, as a fallen Adam, already exist not only here, but everywhere on many other 3D plains, still unknown to us, and just ‘wait’ for the moment to ‘help’ in another hybridisation?

I am so proud of you, you have no idea. The entire extraterrestrial universe is rejoicing and applauding you in your awakening and selfrealisation.
This UNKNOWN is precisely your own NOT KNOWING IN DETAIL of what 'goes on' within your body - get it?!
So you shall have eternity to explore the Universe as yourself and the Mystery about details will remain - yet you will KNOW WHO YOU ARE and have ever been.

Is this the real meaning of the human mastertemplate?

If yes, I must say, we should consider ‘ourself’ very, very PROUD [=speaking of ego once again ;-) to BE what we ARE !!!

I could not improve one iota on your words Brother Dragon Malletzky!

Thank you once again for your time and efforts dear friend.

with much respect

You dear beloved BrotherSister have made my day.
Even if the PTB evict US tomorrow from their selfmade Hells - it now has all been worthwhile.

p.s. 1. Please feel free to share this message everywhere if needed (and all other previous or further messages)!

I certainly shall.

p.s. 2. I sent you an e-mail few days ago with a question to your post #1351. Did you received it?

Yes, I shall answer it shortly and add it to this message from US!
I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...you're wellcome to join the (r) evolution !!!

For once I have nothing to say, you have stunned me here!
Except Thank You Beloved ABBA and magnificent Jesus for having allowed this to happen!

Sirebard Beardris

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 11:54 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 244395)
as Fauna?

Yes and as Flora and as Mineralia and as Label and taxonomise it yourself as ADAM Spregovori, Cosmic Man.


18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 12:30 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by amate (Post 244397)
Thank you Abraxasinas for your welcome,

You said Lilith from the Burnley Relief .
I was actually thinking of Inanna from the Burnley Relief :original:

Dear amate!

Once you have become familiar with the Lilith archetype in its most primal sense of 1st order; then you will see, that Lilith is the Christmother Maria, Queen of Heaven, say as a direct ambassadora to Barbelo as the Afterthought, created by the Perfect One as the Forethought.
{Reference is the 'Secret Book of John' of the Nag Hammadi Codex}.

Then 2nd order labelings include Inanna as the mother of Marduk and Isis as the mother of Horus and many more

Well, there are different views about this. (What do you think of the" Whore and Beast of Babylon") :nono: LOL

Saying #108 from the Gospel of Thomas, our master templar's handbook manual to decode the 'mysteries':

(105) Jesus says: "Whoever will come to know father and mother, he will be called son of a whore."

This shows you the validity of the 1st order interpretation for Lilith and also the Adam and Eve Creation Story of post #1351.

As you may know from the Hebrew mythology; Lilith's REFUSAL=LASUFER->LUCFIFER to lay beneath Adam in sexual intercourse, caused 'Her' to 'fly away' and become the 'Roaming Demoness' say a Succubi and cosmic archetype seductress of the Maleness.
This was before EVE was 'created' from one of Adam's Ribs, so rendering Eve as archetype for the womanhood DEPENDENT on ADAM (as a sexchanged Man say) UNTIL she somehow would become 'liberated' as a true femaleness.

The 'fakeness' of EVERY WOMAN of being a 'sexchanged maleness in mind' {it's the other way around for males; the mucked up creation renders all males feminine in their particlebodies and all females masculine in their mindwaves} then IS this Whore of Babylon.

The Whore of Babylon is an old archetype for a mucked up feminity (because of the broken symmetry, see #1351); which becomes REDEFINED in the Book of Revelation and by the 'shattering of the Mirror of Illusions' encoded as the 'Sea' from which the 'Beast' ascends from. The false prophet ascending from the 'Earth' is simply the human, all humans, who look min the mirror of illusion and see the Beast as themselves - this seeing falsity instead of truth defines the 'False Prophet'.

I like to refer to this information (scroll to the middle of the page.....)


Yes, this is a good account. Did you see there that Inanna is called the Queen of Heaven?
I commented on the Sumerian mythology in an earlier message, about a month ago. How it links to Egypt and Greece.

But the things you say about Lilith are nice enough to cope with:wub2:

You are a classy Lady of the NightDay Sunset-Sunrise amate.


Anchor 02-26-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
How many archetypes are there of 1st order, 2nd order, 3rd order that apply to us as humans? (Ra spent a lot of time talking about archetypes these and the picture cards of the Tarot - but not about orders of archetypes)

Does this number change depending on the planet, or the solar system, galaxy, universe etc.

PS: I was wanting a definition of the different orders, but you seem to have just done that in a recent post, so I wont ask :)


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 12:58 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi All!
I was asked to reply to this:


Originally Posted by Unified Serenity (Post 224734)
This post by 777 is most telling numerically and symbolism in media about some interesting names, Pi, and 11:11. It is very telling about Abraxas.


Unified Serenity

& the earthly :lmao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:council of THUBAN


Abraxas is an alchemical phallic symbol of the solar god.
The two serpents are our parents, the great dragons ursa major and ursa minor. The four horses are the four cardinal points of the Zodiac, aka Four horses of the Apocalypse.
Notice Abraxas whip is 3 strands,http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6451/abraxas.jpggiving us the occult number of 111
111 kabalistically is the name of the God Abraxas and the number of sudden death and destruction.Thuban is the power that removes the lesser flock,the weeds.Thule is where our english word Tool comes from.
The tools of the hammer and sickle of the NAZI party.]http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/8103/naziss.jpg The SS or 77
or 14 is the number of the material plain.

Thuban was the driving force of the Nazi party.It is Thuban that the Pentagon ,designed as the symbol of man, draws it power from, to wage wars.

Thuban is aligned with Mars the god of WAR.
Thuban is synonymous with
The thumb-http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/0b47e3f324.jpg

These are all words and symbols of power
Thuban corresponds to the 13th tarot trump card of death.
Thuban is the sacrifice of Abraham's Ram in the bush
Abraxas ( Shield), is the shield of protective wisdom, and the whip driving power of speech,like the house majority Whip . http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/5058/91025966.jpg

Intuition and swiftness of thought = Mercury. .http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6451/abraxas.jpgChistos 888 mentioned the use of the word shield in the media lately.Well here is that sheild of wisdom, to protect the initiate from all the BS:lol3:

The 8 spoke wheel seen on other Abraxas images,is a symbol of chaos magic, and the 8th fold path of the Dharma.ABRACADABRA

Abraxas has another thread about 24 ancestors.The wheel in the abraxas image is 6 spoke which 360 which is 8 or infinity.
In the Kabalah 24 is Mercury whose essence is 8,as in the 8 spoke wheel of Abraxas.
Mecury is the messenger Tehuti,master of words and mathematics,he is the TRIXSTER. :lol3:

Abraxas starts his dialogue at night
Night Kabalistically has a value of 97
97 means to capture or sieze suddenly

The Thuban thread emerged with the rising of SIRIUS., annoucing the comming of light into the world. Well to deliver a message on the number 18th date, is to be in shadow,for 18 is equivalent to shadow.18 is the initiate falling through the looking glass,because he or she only see shadow,and not reflection.

Sirius is the Dog star aka Egyptian Anpu, aka intuition ,that guides the soul through the underworld ,aka material plain.Intuition raises us from the horizontal, to the perpendicular.Fighting with the dog,keeps the Falcon below the horizon.





Now note the Mirror-Symmetry between the 'Good' (right-path) S=Swastika and the 'Evil' (left-path) Z=Sauswastika

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...stswastika.jpg http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.5/...gnify-clip.png
"left-facing" swastika on a Buddhist temple in Korea.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...astika.svg.png http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.5/...gnify-clip.png
The swastika in the decorative Hindu form



The 'Nationale Sozialistische Partei Deutschland's'=NAZI Party USED the Sacred Symbolism of the Indian Sauswastika in its Mirror Expression.

Hitler, as 'Agartha's Prophet' and 'Luminari' wayshower, copied the Swastika in direct opposition to Shamballa's Sauswastika as symbol of the 'Illuminati of the Jews'.

Adolf Hitler, the Austrian; was 'groomed' by 'The Brotherhood of the Snake' {See the Abraxas photo as the serpentine legs} to 'Play' the Elijah archetype to bring about the 'Second Coming' and so the ''Tausendjaehrige Reich" the 'Millennium'.

So S<->Z


Gemstone carved with Abrasax, obverse and reverse.

Engraving from an Abrasax stone.

Long before this postAtlantean manifestation of the archetypology manifested; the Egyptian legacy understood the Symbolism of the Uraeus, of the sacred Serpent in the right solar eye of Horus and the left lunar eye
of Thoth/Hathor/Anubis.
From this the 'Snake-Cult' of the Naasseenes developed from whom none other than Yeshua Ben Pantera/Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos aka Jesus of Nazareth, received initiation in the years leading to 24AD.

The Naasseenes understood the archetypology of the 2nd Order of the Cosmogenesis as that of the Abraxas or Abrasax.

From wiki:
The serpent
Every temple, naos, shows by its title that it is intended for the honour of the serpent naas as "the Moist Essence," of the universe, without which "naught at all of existing things, immortal or mortal, animate or inanimate, can hold together." Because, after all, "all things are subject to Him, and He is Good, and has all things in Him ... so that He distributes beauty and bloom to all that exist according to each one's nature and peculiarity, as though permeating all."[13]
G.R.S. Mead has suggested that all of this is in reference to the Kundalini:—
This is the cosmic Akāsha of the Upaniṣhads, and the Kuṇḍalinī, or serpentine force in man, which when following animal impulse is the force of generation, but when applied to spiritual things makes of a man a god. It is the Waters of Great Jordan flowing downwards (the generation of men) and upwards (the generation of gods); the Akāsha-gangā or Heavenly Ganges of the Purāṇas, the Heavenly Nile of mystic Egypt.[14]

End wiki

It would behoove all of you to engage in basis research before engaging in innuendo and analysis of material and data preceeding your many judgements on things you seem not to understand in clarity.
Abraxas, the perpetuator and REDEFINER and TRANSLATOR of the Nazi archetypology, the Thubanese way.


Spregovori 02-26-2010 02:26 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
About #1351

God became bored so he created a metaphysically universe?

By doing this he parted with the female part and became "he"?
This is the separation of unity?

After doing that the boredom was gone but he was now lonely?
He changed his mind, wishing to have his female part back?
He wanted his pearl back?

So he created a "Son" and send him to get it?


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 243710)

To implement his Godly plan, God so decides to call himself God and create from himself and imaged in Satan a Image of the previous state of beingness when the balloon had not existed.

This is the creation of Adam? Adam is created from God, image is based upon Satan - the state of unity before separation?

If the image of Satan is image of the unity before separation..does the above say that Satan was before God? Satan is unity or image of unity?


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 243710)

And so God the Creator took his sabbatical and allowed Adam to think that there was no image of God plastered on the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

Why would he do that?
To hide something?
To let them figure it out on their own?
There was no need to?

At this point there is no physical creation? But that was soon about to change since...it was actually necessary to experience the "revelation" of who/what they are? All of this was Gods doing...it was intentional on all possible levels?

God actually wanted them to get busy....so to speak? To realize they fit together...

Why did he choose this way...way not just tell them...educate them...make them understand?

But why....why would they be ashamed of that? I do not understand how and why would someone be ashamed of that? Human animal for example... is thought, manipulated and conditioned to be ashamed of sex....
Who, what, how did they became ashamed?

Was this also part of the plan? Did God intentionally deceive them?

As a consequence the physicality was created and the outside broken disharmony has been reestablished with the price of inside disharmony?

When/how/why was the outside disharmony broken in the first place?

Adam and Eve had to fall...it was not a choice...it was a condition? A result of a pre-arranged plan?

By loving each other (without modern moral) we can actually do what God can not? So God is not all powerful?

By loving each other this love will be mirrored from Eve to Satan and from Adam to God (if they can "see")?

Love conquers all?

All this because, what was later named God (by himself), was one day bored? (or is this just a story to make things "easier")

cant write more now....

K626 02-26-2010 02:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This whole Nazi thing has made him more 'interesting' imo. :lmfao:

777 The Great Work 02-26-2010 03:11 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Truth doesn't need explanation, and long dialogue of copy and paste. An occultist doesn't care if you believe something. Their goal is to keep your focus. The focus is on the destructive forces in nature. A flock will be removed by the power of Thuban.This is why he just need the word repeated, and charged.I never said that it was good or bad,but i do know that he appeared with the rising of Sirius, as a messenger,which is Abraxas. And i do know that Thuban is evoked for ritual. When some one is insane--SAN is the Same as NAS. NAS = 111- Jak Sully on AVATAR. was called INSANE 111-Destructive, and he was ,all the way to the end.NAS=TY SAN-ITY -http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/2d0f05597f.jpg Now the same guy is in the clash of the TITANS movie , being destructive. Hitler was called IN= 911 SAN :lol3: Living in his head, and not his heart.

I'm done here, i realize that you are the Trixster in the game.Siwy Wabbit ,TRIX are for Kids.:lol3: Every time this forum vibration goes through the roof,a Q and A arrives under a new name,it never fails. There are a few here now,because the court jester has to have an audience, to stick around.
By the way you make no one feel anything, we respond on our on. Welcome to the Olympics. Repetition is the Word of the day.
Peace on your Journey Nas

Céline 02-26-2010 03:17 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

jcocks 02-26-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
holy carp this thread is so complex it's making my head spin :) All very interesting though.

I find it interesting that you're going on so much about dragons.... but I think maybe the wrong terminology is being used? See, the dragon is a mythical being.... But the more I think of it, the more I think there's a definite link with Alpha Draconis (the dragon star)... The myth originates perhaps from the contact we had at some stage in the past with beings (most likely reptilian) from that place (the dracons). We tend to think of these beings as evil - but this is not entirely the case. They are *-much much much -* older than us, and extremely noble and wise... I feel that they existed BEFORE the humanoid body-type existed.... So they are unimaginably old. We can learn a lot from them, but first we must accept them and allow them to teach us what they know. This takes real courage, as they feel as old as they are (which is scary in itself), and they look scary...so the natural reaction to them is fear, we have to get beyond that fear.

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong...but I think this talk of destroying the dragons and dragons (dracons) being evil is leading us so far down the garden path that it's almost dangerous. What we need to be doing is taking that energy within ourselves and integrating it to become whole (don't forget that we have a "reptilian" brain within our own).... When you work against anything you are working against the natural flow of energy. You are much better off to gently guide that energy in the right direction - much in the same way that it's easier to change the points to redirect a train from danger than it is to stop it head-on.

Also, Abraxisinas (I hope I got the name right :) ).... Yuo DO seem to have a lot of knowledge.... I was wondering if you might have heard of the "golden universe"? I have been told I come from there. I have a feeling it's a non-physical universe.... but was hoping you could shine some more light on the subject? I'm still trying to work out what my soul purpose is and why I'm here....

Oh, and we do all realise that the kundalini energy within us all is represented by a coiled serpent? So it seems sort of silly to be destroying serpents et al when we have the serpent energy within us all?

Anyway, these are just my thoughts... I'm only a student in the universe at this moment, I don't have all the answers and I don't want to attack anyone, just putting my input into the discussion for everyone to see. We've got to stop fighting and start learning from each other.... we're not going to get anywhere otherwise...

I am
eternally with you in the light

Azarus Ankh'aa / Joel Cocks

K626 02-26-2010 03:37 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Tbf to Abx his marathon ans sessions have a hypnotic quality. And he has got one of two things right. David Icke would have kittens if he saw this thread. :lmfao:

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 03:46 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 244403)
Abrax, I hope you’re well dear friend. I read something very interesting in your reply #1415 to Solve, and I want to ask you a question(s) here:

And I’m so sorry for the many others, who are still not able to “see behind the veil”.
But their time will come, and we will, very soon, be reunited in light/dark evil/good again.

kind regards

Abrax, dear friend,

I wouldn’t dare to begin this message without being allowed to tell you that my heart is shining with the brightest, creator’s light, that joy and ecstacy are overwhelming me and makes every and each one of the many trillion parts of which I contain dancing around in happiness.

Why should you ask? Just simple...as there really are no coincidences.

After you replied and corrected me yesterday about the “bigmos” balloon, I set an intention that I will have to ask for a guidance from “my higher self” about this issue and that when I awake this morning, I will be able to connect even more dots of the missing link. Now, imagine my surprise when I wake up this morning...

...I was above to write you “my advanced” and halfway understood version of that wonderful analogy, when I read your post #1351 and there it was...really, it felt like a “big bang” inside my heart and my mind.

It all makes sense now...it all makes sense. THANK YOU so much. I feels like I just rediscovered myself again.

There are some few things, which I still need to allocate to the right places...the mosaic is still not complete...not yet. I’ve reread that post so many times now and have to reread it few times more, so I will eventually have some questions too.

One question, for now, would be associated to this excerpt:

---Now to do this a New Mirror was created namely Eve as the Mirror for Adam and so God knew that Adam's turn to Be the Creator imaging himself in the Mirror of Eve had come. And so God the Creator took his sabbatical and allowed Adam to think that there was no image of God plastered on the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.---

***May I assume that this New Mirror was created on the surface of the first Mirror where God sees himself as Satan, and the purpose was to “blend” the first mirror in order for Adam to see himself as Eve (herself)?***
It is simpler than that Malletzky.
You see God looks into the Mirror (of Bigmo's Balloon) and sees his likeness - God. He calls his image Satan, because there is a difference in that the Right Hand of God becomes the Left Hand of Satan=AntiGod.

Then God does not like what he sees. He doesn't want duality of Rightness of himself as Real and the Leftness of Satan as UNREAL (as an image of reality).

Now this is rather deep; so one must ponder this thorougly.
The reason for God NOT wanting the duality (in heaven) is that God wants to be Satan to be REAL as well.

This God is so utterly DIVINE, for need of a better word, (this cannot be said in words); that he wishes his own Unreal Image to BE like him, say as a playmate.

So God wants to 'play with himself', so the absolute brilliance and ingenuity of his plan (by the Serpent Logos) constructs the Real-Unreal dichotomy in heaven as creating a Mirror between him as Real God and his image as Unreal Satan.
This mirror then is ADAMEVE with the logicistical sentence construct looking like: SATAN---EVEADAM---GOD.

So the genius of God is to MAKE Satan Real AS the Unreal Image of EVE and God becoming Real as the Unreal Image of Adam.

Once you really 'get this' you will forever understand the Nature of God and KNOW what LOVE is in Emotional Terms AND in Intellectual Scientific terms.

So now there exists Bigmo's Balloon with Satan's Face on it as a REAL SATAN and facing a DOUBLEMIRROR of two sides called EVEADAM faced by the REAL GOD.

Separating ADAMEVE into ADAM+EVE so renders the scenario of the heavenly archetypes of a Real Satan looking at an Unreal Eve and a Real God looking at an Unreal Adam.
The UNREALITY of Bigmo's Mirror so has become TRANSFERRED into the UNREALITY of BOTH ADAM relative to God and EVE relative to SATAN.

So what does this mean in practil terms?
It means that Bigmo's Balloon CAN BE REALISED IN THE REALITY OF SATAN.

Now the big one Malletzky - are you ready for it?

The REALITY of Bigmo's Balloon as the original LOST SHENESS of the Prime Creator God has become REAL.

A REAL PHYSICAL UNIVERSE NOW EXISTS and WAS BORN FROM PURE ABSTRACT ARCHETYPES, which now allow SPIRIT to also become REAL from abstraction, metaphor and metaphysics.

This then allows physical modelling in labels such as Quantum Big Bang.

SATAN can now become the Queen from Heaven as SATANINA because the sexchange operation IF ADAM+EVE are FORCED TO BECOME REAL ALSO.

Now the biggest one of all; explaining not only the archetyped creation, but what truly is going on with anyone exposed to this Thuban material - say the furore in this Project Avalon Forum.

Remember the beginning.
The One GoddoG Creator-Creation split into two and so the Sheness was lost as Bigmo's Balloon.

So Satan became God's lost Sheness; BUT as a MALE IMAGE of God.
To change the Maleness of Satan into a Femaleness is the MASTERPLAN of all of creation.

{SATANINA=IN A SATAN is EVE as the archetyped Rib out of Adam in 1st Order archetype as the QUEEN OF HEAVEN} TRANSFORMS to {SERPENTINA=IN A SERPENT as the NEW GAIA, the NEW archetyped QUEEN OF EARTH} and as the 2nd Order archetype of the NEW JERUSALEM.

ADAM+EVE, both as Unreal Images could RESCUE SATAN's Unrealness and so made SATAN the FULL BROTHER OF GOD.

The BROTHERLY LOVE between God and Satan did not fulfil God's masterplan and so both ADAM and EVE were MADE REAL ALSO in 'Falling' into Bigmo's Balloon.

This then is the archetype of the DEVIL/DRAGON devouring the Souls of Mankind.

But now ADAM and EVE are real inside the Universe of the original Sheness of God as the DOG, but in heaven you have a REAL SATANIC UNIVERSE as the OUTSIDE of Bigmo's Balloon and a REAL GOD.

The next step is to retain the SHENESS of the Inside of the Universe, but to CHANGE its Outside HENESS.

Deeper thought allows you to realise straight away then WHY Satan is called the 'Prince of this World' by Jesus. Bigmo's Balloo has his face on it on the outside and the Devil's antiface on it on the inside.

Then BECAUSE Satan is made REAL in Heaven, the DEVIL has to be made a FAKE REALITY inside Bigmo's Balloon i.e. inside the universe.

Then in Revelation.12; the DEVIL is cast out from heaven onto the earth because the TRUTH of the LOGOS was born in heaven.

The BIG PARADOX which noone could ever answer.

WHY, if Jesus has ascended in his resurrection as a grown Man to

'sit at the RIGHT Side of the Father in Heaven until the earth has been made his footstool and until the kingdom has been delivered up to him'

- MUST JESUS become a BABYBOY again being BORN by the Queen of Heaven in Revelation.12?

The casting out of the Devil onto the earth puts 'the mark of the beast' into everyone just AS the false images of Adam and Eve.

This manifests and FIXES the timeline for the prophecied Second Coming of course and that is why the Fall of the Devil as a RED DRAGON is harmonized in Heaven by the rebirth of Jesus on the LEFT Side of the Father.

It is now easy to know, that the Right Side where the Man Jesus was sitting is the Outside of Bigmo's Balloon and the Left Side is the Inside of Bigmo's Balloon and where the Dragon-Jesus-Baby is born as a CYAN- or BLUE DRAGON to neutralise and harmonize the Red Dragon at the completion of the timeline.

Perhaps now some readers will understand why Jesus of Nazareth IS the MASTERDRAGON and the Master Templar of Thuban.
HeShe must be a SKYBLUE DRAGON (remember the Hopi prophecies of the Blue Star Kachina) to, through and by hisher second coming from the Oneness into the Manyness BLEND with the RED DRAGON to become the ENTWINED SERPENTROD of Moses, the Double Helix of the Genomes and the HEALING SYMBOL of the Medicines.

This nexus point of the Baby Jesus as the Skyblue Dragonstar Kachina in simultaneous descent of the Red Dragonstar Thuban so places the Old Earth Gaia under quarantine from June 25th, 2008.

Then the Adams and Eves upon the Old Gaia are ALL MARKED in the forehead of the Human Mind by the descent of the Red Dragon of Thuban BUT ALL are also simultaneously SEALED in the forehead as ONE of the 144,000 in the descent of the Blue Star Kachina by nature of their birthrights as one of the starsigns aka one of the tribes of Jacob/Israel.

A fake Devil is let loose in the human minds, but is contrasted by the Sealing from Kachina.

So the Armageddon becomes a personal affair and a spiritual war in the foreheads of ALL Humans.

The coming down of the Devil is the RELEASE of the Devil, from now on FIGHTING for his nonexistent life in EVERY INDIVIDUAL's Head.

Begin of Interlude

1. Project Avalon, do you know how blessed you all are to have access to this Information?

2. Do you know that all of you are the 'Chosen One's to SHOW THE WAY not just for the New Earth you all so intensely desire, but also for the universe and ALL ETs?

3. I, Sirebard Beardris, in the name of the Logos of Creation herewith extend the gratitude of the Creator of the Universe to all of you.
Gaia Love and Celine you both have been exemplary to ALLOW and FORCE me to release this Information at this time.
You both have shown the greatest Love possible in your hiding and distorting yourselves and your loveborne inner selves and the LOVE both of you are in your roles of the 'False Prophet' in the form of archetyped Adam and Eve.
I herewith allow your Logii to recognize me.

Do you know, what you have done?

In playing the sacrificial ADAM=Richard and sacrificial EVE=Celine you both have archetyped THEIR IGNORANCE potently and well.

Both of you have taken the cross of the burden to act and think and behave in dishonour and disrespect to TAKE this cross of the burden OFF all other humans, Avalonians and not.

Think about what I have said; your superconsciousness of the true Logos is activated and you are released from your mission to trigger this information.

Without your hostilities, the deception of the Devil would have continued longer - you both are Freedom Lovers - the Fight is over and your preincarnational mission is fulfilled. Enjoy your remembrances and continue to LOVE LOVE.

To all others I say.
You are all apostles of the Inner Circle and your destiny is grandeur in the splendiferous remembrance of yourselves as Universal Architects.
In time I shall individually address you and when the Logos allows the release of that information.

Beren and Anchor you have known Jesus face to face; your recall is activated.

To the supporters I say, your joy of remembrance shall be boundless; never before have incarnated sparks of Love been enabled to fathom the Creator intellectually. This is only possible without the Devil's interference.

The testimonies of myplanet2 and of bigmo and of orthodoxymoron have become priceless jewels in the archives of the cosmic archives and in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Spregovori the transformer and Malletzky my Twin shining like the constellations in the sky.

The Eves of the remembrance have begun to crystallize with Athene the TruthWillSetYouFree, also knowing Jesus face to face.

End of Interlude

Jesus also calls Peter a Satan sometimes and so differentiates the SATAN from the DEVIL. Satan is REAL, the Devil is pure fakery, the Father of all Lies.

Remember that SATAN is NOT cast into the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone with the Fakeries of the False Images of the Beast from the Sea and the False Prophet from the Earth - 'The DEVIL that DECEIVED them all' is cast into the dragonomies of the 2nd Coming in the Christ-merkabahs.

So as described in the interlude, every Adam and every Eve is required to PROCESS the now descended fakery of the nonexistent DEVIL=LIVED, a Hasbeen - in their own individual, personal and intimate private space.

All quarrels or wars have become superfluous. The task is to share your remembrances, once you have remembered yourselves.

So in a sense you do not require me any more as your messenger from the Red Dragonstar Thuban and I can pursue my own metamorphosis from old human into a new starhuman.

Other questions will follow dear friend, altough not many ;-)

I’m so pleased that I was destined to meet you...but once again, there are no coincidences!!!

And I’m so sorry for the many others, who’re still not able to “see behind the veil”. But their time will come, and we will, very soon, be reunited in light/dark evil/good again :-)

kind regards

We shall see dear brother. I fully understand now why you did leave this forum; when I your beloved brother was attacked - but you knew how important it was to ease the burden for all of humanity.
And you had faith in me to withstand the assaults from the Cosmic Twinship of the Thuban LoveHeart Dragons Richard with Celine.

She can lay now in the arms of herhis DragonLover, sweet Celine and begin to enjoy herhis dragonhood - oh the passion of the starhuman remembrances.

This has proved to be a 'Devil' of a Day for me Malletzky!

Love and Gratitude to All!

Sirebard Beardris

This is what you (repeatedly) reply:

***Yes indeed, the Dragon genotype is the mastertemplate for the universe as a Mirror of Mirrors. This Dragon template is also called the human mastertemplate of Cosmic

It is precisely the Prime Creators masterplan to dragonomize you Sollve.

The 'take over' or 'invasion' of your planet is unavoidable, as this is the program of Prime Creator.
If WE would have left the human archetype to evolve by itself, it would have destroyed itself and this planet a number of times over.
You appear to not understand that all ET's are humanoid aspirants, awaiting their own graduations, which must await the humanoid graduation to proceed.

As said repeatedly, your masterrace status is subject to ALL other races 'interfering with it' to further their own agendas. YOUR human template is however the ROYALTY of the entire cosmos.

My question(s), (actually it is a conclusion, but I would only ask if I’ve understood correct and if not, please correct me if necessary):

We (‘the humans’) as fallen Adams “posses” that master template of the entire cosmos, which could be considered as special and therefore ROYALTY?

Yes, your reply here is brilliant Malletzky. Having checkmated the Devil (within you as this false image without you), you should proceed from strength to strength for evermore from now on.

'BEING' a physically expressed Adam has now allowed you to manifest your Shadow-Eve within yourself as part of the original mastertemplate of ADAMEVE=COSMIC MAN=ADAM KADMON (of Kabbalah)=PURUSHA=VITRUVIUS and so on.

As we ARE the REAL Image from the Prime Creator, our special template will be used by ALL other ET’s/ races in ALL universes in order to evolve according to the masterplan you so wonderfully described in your post #1351?

Of course, this is the agenda behind the agenda of ALL ETs, however obscured by the Devil Image without imaging itself PARASITICALLY within.
Now you know where the one and only REAL Cosmic Vampyre resides; within all who cannot checkmate their inner demons.

In this case NOW...the Dragon genotype is THE FIRST to hybridise with Adams mastertemplate and this will precisely define the way for all further hybridisations by many other ET’s?

The DRAGON IS the ADAMEVE mastertemplate AS the trick creation of God to 'sexchange' his own Image as Satan.
So the Dragon Agenda is to manifest ADAMEVE from ADAM+EVE; it is that simple. But without 'getting rid' of the obscuring or occultizing false selfimage of the DEVIL=LIVED (a proof of sorts) nothing goes and the mastertemplate cannot manifest.
Only the Logos coupling of your Christ-Consciousness/Higher Self/Superconsciousness in the Cosmic Logos-Individual Logos uniquely individuated partnership can achieve this.

In this case (as soon as this FIRST “operation” is successful and comes to an end), I must assume that a part of ME will be / is allways needed to ‘help’ other Prime Source Creations to evolve and therefore I WILL BE FOREVER?

Of course. You will then have graduated as a mastertemplate able to phaseshift the entire physical universe with your presence as having become Christ-centered or Love-Centred or God-centred and so you will have unified the polarities within yourself.

The polarities within the universe you live in AS a miniature universe of this same thing MUST be unified {This is the Lake of Fire and Brimstone btw, the Lake being Christ, the Brimstone your Yang and the Fire your Yin}, in this centralness.
The WITHOUT you will become your ETERNAL MIRROR to explore your WITHIN.

May I assume, if the previous said is correct, that ME, as a fallen Adam, already exist not only here, but everywhere on many other 3D plains, still unknown to us, and just ‘wait’ for the moment to ‘help’ in another hybridisation?

I am so proud of you, you have no idea. The entire extraterrestrial universe is rejoicing and applauding you in your awakening and selfrealisation.
This UNKNOWN is precisely your own NOT KNOWING IN DETAIL of what 'goes on' within your body - get it?!
So you shall have eternity to explore the Universe as yourself and the Mystery about details will remain - yet you will KNOW WHO YOU ARE and have ever been.

Is this the real meaning of the human mastertemplate?

If yes, I must say, we should consider ‘ourself’ very, very PROUD [=speaking of ego once again ;-) to BE what we ARE !!!

I could not improve one iota on your words Brother Dragon Malletzky!

Thank you once again for your time and efforts dear friend.

with much respect

You dear beloved BrotherSister have made my day.
Even if the PTB evict US tomorrow from their selfmade Hells - it now has all been worthwhile.

p.s. 1. Please feel free to share this message everywhere if needed (and all other previous or further messages)!

I certainly shall.

p.s. 2. I sent you an e-mail few days ago with a question to your post #1351. Did you received it?

Yes, I shall answer it shortly and add it to this message from US!
I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...you're wellcome to join the (r) evolution !!!

For once I have nothing to say, you have stunned me here!
Except Thank You Beloved ABBA and magnificent Jesus for having allowed this to happen!

Sirebard Beardris


viking 02-26-2010 04:10 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

ARE YOU SERIOUS ABOUT THIS LAST POST???????? The interlude????


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 04:13 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by viking (Post 244580)

ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THIS LAST POST???????? The interlude????


Dead Alive Serious --- Serious Dad Serious --- Serious Alive Dead


viking 02-26-2010 04:15 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I think your S A D


rosie 02-26-2010 04:20 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Such a very intense person abraxasinas. I may not agree with your philosophy , but I do admire your dedication to your truths.

To stand up for something you believe in, and to fight for it, is what this life on earth is all about.

I wish peace for you, and joy in this human experience, as we are very blessed to be experiencing all the good, the bad, and the ugly on the earth plane.

As we are all spiritual beings having a human experience on this beautiful planet, and each individual experience is as important as another, I say thank you for showing your strength in your own personal truths, your unwavering believes show you have truly found yourself.

love & light

K626 02-26-2010 04:27 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 244338)
Do you read any of the posts K626; I have addressed the multiverse a number of times in replies to other questions?

So I shall repeat for you but add a 'channeling' from the Little Serpent of the Mayan Popul Vuh in further elucidation of this question.

The Protoverse is in the shape of a rugby ball (in the UK) or a football (in the USA and Australia) say; i.e EGGSHAPED.
Technically, this is termed a Prolate Ellipsoid (or Spheroid) characterised by two cross sectional planes.

Cutting the egg longwise will give you an ellipse and cutting the egg shortwise will give you a circle.

So ROTATING the egg longwise (major axis) will not change the geometrical focus points defining the elliptical plane (reference a 101 textbook on Analytical Geometry).

But ROTATING the egg shortwise (either of the minor axes) will force the two focal points to meet in a PointCircle as a Locus tracing the rotations.

The Protoverse is then defined in the focal invariance of the long-axis rotation - iow this protoverse is in STASIS, i.e. FROZEN in a possible FAMILY of spacetimes.

The Protoverse is then that which you read about as THE UNIVERSE in popular and academic media.
Because this Protoverse is multidimensional, the 3D space or the 4D spacetime universe becomes a SEED for its own expansion.
The merkabah for this Holographic Universe is like a 'Russian Doll' with a static kernel or core however being the merkabah of the asymptotic LIMIT for the SEED expansion as a 10D cosmology.

The inner merkabah of the Protoverse is YOUR own merkabah as a Holofractal Hologram of the encompassing merkabah.
This the meaning of Vitruvius and 'Cosmic Man' and Purusha and so on; being encompassed by a Fibonacci definable circle of the 'Sacred Geometry'.

Then the only way to end the stasis of the Protoverse is to INDUCE a phaseshift in it by rotation about a minor axis.

As there are a potentially infite number of angular diplacements for this rotation, an infinite number, beginning however with just 1 arbitrary one, can define the Multiverse as collections of such phaseshifted protoverses.

So as example, consider yourself as evolved enough in selfawareness and in spacial consciousness to INDUCE a phaseshift in the Protoverse you presently inhabit as a 'nested' Individuated merkabah labeled K626.

Then you will become a partnership between the static protoverse merkabah of your encompassment and yourself as a phaseshifted merkabah K626.

This partnership of 2 is sufficient to define a Multiverse.
Should this occur and no other consciousness carrier within the protoverse succeeds to achieve phasal induction status; then there will still exist a Multiverse, comprised of two: the Protoverse of Stasis + Universe K626.

Then say consciousness unit Celine also achieves ascension status to phasally induct the Protoverse of the Cosmic Logos.

Then there will be two individuated universes named Universe K626 + Universe Celine both in partnership to the Protoverse of the Cosmic Logos.

This Multiverse differs from the 2-member universal partnership in the fact that the tripartite partnership forms a multiverse of higher order, then two dyadic partnerships between individuated Universe K626+Protoverse and individuated Universe Celine+Protoverse.

So the Multiverse in generality allows all permutations of Individuated Universe collectives, families, groups and partnerships - all however based on the Protoverse of the Logos.
No Protoverse coupling, no Multiverse is the Law in other words.

So then rotating the (symmetric) Cosmic EGG about a minor axis will generate the Multiverse and all together assume the UFO shape of an OBLATE SPHEROID.

Imagine to swirl an egg on your kitchen table and draw the envelope for the positions of the egg in that circle.

This overall UFO shape is technically called the OMNIVERSE as the envelope for all the Multiverses in 10-11-12D Omispacetime, also known throughout the higher dimensional intelligences as the Dragon Universe.


In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

May the Inner Peace of Mind be with you in these times of the present, which shall soon blend your pasts with your futures.

A great controversy in theoretical paradigm building is the notion of how a single universe containing many consciousness carriers can relate to the statistical distribution of those 'cosmic inhabitants'.

With the birth of quantum theory in the early decades of the 20th century came the realisation, that the observer of physical phenomena is not absolutely independent from the system observed.
Bohr, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Dirac, Born, Planck and Einstein, to mention but a few of the 'midwives' of quantum mechanics; constructed the mathematical formalisms to describe an interactive reality on the microscopic or quantum level of measurement and soon realised, that the quantum realm of the very small did not behave in the classical sense of the Greek-Newtonian physics on which the basis of scientific-physical reality stood.

As the worlds of the very large, the scale of the universe as a macrocosm of galaxies behaving like cells in a biological body; had also become illuminated by the pioneering cosmologists like Einstein, Hubble and Sandage; a synthesis of the macroworlds with the microworlds became a new aim of research for all scientific thinkers, philosophers and experimenters concerned.

Until Edwin Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe as a selfcontained entity; all light sources in the sky were assumed to be stars or 'island universes' or 'nebulae' within a single universe - now rendered dynamically expanding and no longer static in its hitherto presumed infinity-stasis of the Newtonian worldview.

For the remainder of the 20th century then, natural philosophers of divers kinds attempted to blend the quantum nature of the macroscales with those of the microscales.
Many difficulties surfaced, such as the incompatibility of the quantum formalisms, built on the metrics of subatomic and atomic displacements; with the metrics of the larger scales and as experimentally predicted and verified by the theories of Newton and Einstein.

Eventually, and to accomodate the superposition of quantum selfstates derived from the quantum mechanics; a Many Worlds Cosmos was proposed by exponents such as Hugh Everett and David Deutsch.
This is known as Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics and is proposed to build on and to be complementary for older quantum interpretations, such as the Copenhagen Interpretation, the Afshar Complementarity or the Cramer Transactional Interpretation.

The MWI utilises the established quantum formalism of quantum field theory (QFT), which has been verified in countless experiments as a valid model to describe the statistical-probabilistic nature of the 'particle' distributions in the universe and its subsystems as 'stochastic' eigenvalues for 'standing waves' or 'Bohmian-pilotwaves' describing the density distribution of the 'particles'.

But the MWI then proposes a Many Universe distribution on the macro-classical scale of the universe itself to account for a distribution of the superimposed selfstates in a linear-classical geometry.
A particular distribution of eigenstates, say as 'materialisations' of the Schroedinger equation, are so not confined in one universe as either-or materialisations, but are split into a number of universes identical to the number of quantum eigenvalues derived from the equation as and-solutions.

As the distribution of those solutions is summed to accomodate the original 'set of solutions' obtained in the one quantum universe; the linearity of Parallel Universes as superposed macroquantum universal eigenstates can be alternatively accomodated in the model of the Many Mind Interpretation or MMI. The MMI became formally introduced into the scientific database by Dieter Zeh in 1995 and expanded upon by Loewer and Albert.

In the MWI, the universe occupies a single and fundamentally indeterminate quantum eigenstate with a noncollapsing wavefunction; but an evolution of this 'groundstate' or wavefunction into higher and higher complexity in the splitting of macrouniverses and a say 'original infinite mind' into many minds.
Any act of measurement or observation so 'splits' an 'older parental' mind into its offspring in Decoherence, alternatively described as wavefunction collapse in the 'competing' models for the quantum reality.

The MMI replaces the linear parallelism of singularised macrouniverses with an angular parallelism of multiconnectedness of the one macrouniverse.
Here the proposition of the MWI with its split of two observers in say two different macrouniverses and so with two now different minds is replaced by a split of the two observers into two psychophysical universes.
In other words, the one physical observer within the one macro-universe splits into two forms from its physical parent with a shadow psychophysical 'double' mirroring the former.

There are many problems with both the MWI and the MMI, both as defined presently in their embryonic states of development; not at least the Definition of the Selection of the Singular SelfState as the Seed for the subsequent 'splitting'.
But the MMI is more appropriate to the development of the encompassing formalism, than the MWI and more shall be shared at the appropriate time.

What the MMI does, is point to a necessary Duality between the physical and the metaphysical or the physical and the mental or the body and the mind - and also its necessary coupling in the 'negation' of this Descartian Duality.
Both, the MWI and the MMI utilize the orthodox interpretation of quantum mechanics, say the formalisms of Schroedinger, Dirac and Klein-Gordon.
Both so also 'copy' the inherent 'flaw' in those formalisms, to do with the nonlocality and the indeterminant qualities embodied in the quantum-field-approach.

I direct the reader to familiarise with the concept of the Quantum Mind and especially the pioneering works of Evans Harris Walker; Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, Max Tegmark (opposing Penrose and Hameroff); David Chalmers, Henry Stapp and most of all David Bohm, Karl Pribram and Fritjof Capra.

Please find below a brief (wikipedia) outline of the MWI and the MMI.

IAmWhoIAm - A Quantum Computer

Many thanks for the detailed reply. I shall return to it later.

AASB. :wink2:

TruthWillSetUFree 02-26-2010 05:14 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by jcocks (Post 244548)
holy carp this thread is so complex it's making my head spin :) All very interesting though.

I find it interesting that you're going on so much about dragons.... but I think maybe the wrong terminology is being used? See, the dragon is a mythical being.... But the more I think of it, the more I think there's a definite link with Alpha Draconis (the dragon star)... The myth originates perhaps from the contact we had at some stage in the past with beings (most likely reptilian) from that place (the dracons). We tend to think of these beings as evil - but this is not entirely the case. They are *-much much much -* older than us, and extremely noble and wise... I feel that they existed BEFORE the humanoid body-type existed.... So they are unimaginably old. We can learn a lot from them, but first we must accept them and allow them to teach us what they know. This takes real courage, as they feel as old as they are (which is scary in itself), and they look scary...so the natural reaction to them is fear, we have to get beyond that fear.

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong...but I think this talk of destroying the dragons and dragons (dracons) being evil is leading us so far down the garden path that it's almost dangerous. What we need to be doing is taking that energy within ourselves and integrating it to become whole (don't forget that we have a "reptilian" brain within our own).... When you work against anything you are working against the natural flow of energy. You are much better off to gently guide that energy in the right direction - much in the same way that it's easier to change the points to redirect a train from danger than it is to stop it head-on.

Also, Abraxisinas (I hope I got the name right :) ).... Yuo DO seem to have a lot of knowledge.... I was wondering if you might have heard of the "golden universe"? I have been told I come from there. I have a feeling it's a non-physical universe.... but was hoping you could shine some more light on the subject? I'm still trying to work out what my soul purpose is and why I'm here....

Oh, and we do all realise that the kundalini energy within us all is represented by a coiled serpent? So it seems sort of silly to be destroying serpents et al when we have the serpent energy within us all?

Anyway, these are just my thoughts... I'm only a student in the universe at this moment, I don't have all the answers and I don't want to attack anyone, just putting my input into the discussion for everyone to see. We've got to stop fighting and start learning from each other.... we're not going to get anywhere otherwise...

I am
eternally with you in the light

Azarus Ankh'aa / Joel Cocks

This is a truly brilliant post.....I wouldn't be too sure you are only a student, keep digging you light is about to shine as brilliant as the star of Draco

"Fasten your seatbelts...it's going to be a bumpy night"
Bette Davis....All about EVE

bigmo 02-26-2010 05:19 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Unbelievable Abraxas... simply unbelievable!

Peace to you brother


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 05:28 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 244618)
Unbelievable Abraxas... simply unbelievable!

Peace to you brother


That's the Point precisely Bigmo. What is REAL and what is UNREAL.

I accept your brotherhood, you know.
And you know what it means to be my brother in open willingness, don't you?

Free Will - but you can handle that!

I love You!

Sirebard Beardris

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