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Sollve 02-25-2010 04:33 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Bahh, it's the second time I rewrite this. I didn't know there was a timeout that swoops everything away for you if you take too long. Now I've learned something new. Lesson learned! :original:

I'll try to quote a quote here so I hope it works.

Text in:
WHITE = Sollve [#1249]
RED = Abraxa's reply [#1252]
GREEN = Sollve's reply to Abraxa's reply


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 242574)
Originally Posted by Sollve
Dear Fallen ones,

I find this interesting. Does this mean you take on the caretaking role regardless the need of the angelic human to be taken cared of, or is this a choice of free will.

I take this to be a question, dear Sollve, dear Uplifted One!

Oh, thank you dear Abraxa! Is there perhaps a itti, bitti, tiny touch of irony there? Or is it just pure LOVE?

It is exactly as said, just as a mother would treat her newborn baby, which doesn't know what to do.
If you are a mother then you should know, if not ask someone who is a mother.

I'm not a mother, I'm a father. As a father I know that I would be stupid to think that I know better what my child needs than the child itself. I raise my child/children with the belief that it's actually me who can learn from the him/her/them. Is this the way you do it as well and is it a choice of free will on the behalf of the child? I am talking about the Angelic Human of NOW, not the future hybradized dragon human.

My mind tells me two outcomes of this tender caretaking business. Either the humans who don't want to be eaten and hybridized by red dragons or any other kind of dragons by free will, will be put in concentration camps a.k.a. under the wings of "caretakers" and if the millions upon millions of non hybridized humans still resist the indoctrinations of the care takers, what happens then? My guess is that the humans will be battered around until they do. Is this correct?

There are no concentration camps on Thuban; we do not eat humans; we do hybridize them though to harmonise the hybridizations and manipulations which have restricted the human genome hitherto and beginning say 208,000 years ago.

Restricted in what way? Can you specify? Who put the restriction in our genome? Why?

About eating humans. In post #714 you mention this. Have you changed your mind? Have you said anything after that post that contradicts what you said in that post? Can you honestly say that that post is just rubbish and doesn't contain any truth at all?

Why do you need to hybridize the humans into dragon humans when you could just take away the restrictions if you feel such an urge to help us.

Would you undergo genetic hybridization if someone told you to do so? Have you considered the possibility that it might be harmonizing to the universe if dragons were hybradized? Say all dragons humanized into 'StarHumans' with us as caretakers?

Do you think Dragons are genetically more perfect / fulfilled than humans? If so, why are there anything else but dragons out there? Wouldn't every single being not allready a dragon ask to become one by own free will if this was the case?

In what way are the Dragons more evolved than us? Except perhaps the technological knowledge? In what way would the Universe as ONE benefit from US being dragonized?

So you are right now a hybridized Sollve and we dragons are able, as genetic engineers, to correct the 'damages' done in your 'Fall' into the low density vibratory field of the Gaian planetary consciousness memeplex.

What are the damages and why would the damages be reparied by becoming dragonized? I'm sure that if you are about to fix something you must surely know what is wrong and what the result is from this being wrong in a bigger picture. Are we hurting someone by our faults in our DNA? What is the purpose from a holistic point of view? What makes you go to such lenghts trying to 'help' us out with our genome?

Why won't you let us evolve without interference. I'm sure the eventual faults and errors in our genome will fix themselves in time. I don't want your help because I believe I can heal myself. Will you allow me to be ME as in I AM of NOW?

The other way around would be that the humans that don't want to be dragon Halflings and thereby be stolen of their angelic heritage would actually be allowed to govern the universe from a creative and loving perspective, the way it was always meant to be. How could possibly a hybridized human be better than the original?

As said elsewhere, the humanoid morphotype required hybridization to render the 'evolving' humanoid UNIQUE amongst the other lifeforms of the Caenozoic geological earth. Without this ET interference, the human variability in genotype would have continued (like Indian and African Elephants today, there existed numerous Australopithecine branches {Afarensis, Africanus, Boisei, Robustus,...} so 4 million years ago) and the cosmos would NOT have access to a MASTER-TEMPLATE called HUMAN.
You Sollve would NOT then exist as a unique individuation of the Prime Creator.

But I do EXIST now, I'm happy with that. Why aren't you? As a unique individuation of the Prime Creator, wouldn't it be up to the Prime Creator to make changes to SELF? If SELF thought SELF needed to change, is it not up to SELF to make that CHANGE? Why would SELF point out YOU to do SELF's work? Please help me understand!

So the ET interference was necessity to allow the 'fallen Sollve ancestors' to eventually become this master blueprint for ALL cosmic ETs and from the most primal stock possible.

I don't understand this. Here you say that WE are the master blueprint for everyone? Do you mean that every species wants to use us for their own hybridz, because we can help everyone to evolve? If this is the case, why do you need to take over humanity and the planet? If we don't want you to do this, will you fight us and kill if necessary to still get what you want? Or will you just allow us to evolve the way we want to without interference?

What exactly do you want? You want to make this planet yours, you want to hybradize humans into something else, you want to put dragons as our caretakers. This truly does not sound like a world I want to be in. Will there be any alternatives for those who don't comlpy with this agenda of the dragons?

It is only this most elementary form, which was deemed suitable to BECOME the cosmic masterrace and then AS an ancestor for ALL ET races in the Gaian lifeform associations.

Allright.. The Gaian lifeforms.. Do you mean Gaia as in 3D Earth?

If we are the cosmic masterrace.. Why would you want to hybradize the original humans? Isn't it enough to create hybrids to evolve your own species? If we are the masterpiece, wouldn't it be more fair to allow us to evolve on our own and by doing that allowing other species to make their own hybrids with the help from us?

This is the situation with the higherD ETs. THEY chose NOT to 'fall' into the most primordial incarnational energy realm called Gaia; BUT chose to support their own evolutionary agendas in HYBRIDISATION with that most primitive stock.

But are they trying to take over the most primordial incarnational energy realm called Gaia. If you destroy or change the most primordial stock, what is then left for others to evolve from/with? Dragonized hybrids? That doesn't sound fair to anyone. If they wanted some dragon DNA, my guess is that they would come to you in the first place if that was the case.

How could your so called star human ever be what the human was meant to be from the beginning?

This is what I am trying to explain to you in the above. The human morphogenetics will be like a master template a 'Morphogenetic Field' for the Cosmos, as Rupert Sheldrake would say.

Again, do you mean the dragonized human morphogenetics or the original 'as intended from the beginning' human morphogenetics.

We are meant to stop wars and find new ways, new creative ways to make peace. We are meant to save worlds, galaxies, universes and to help every single being to be sovereign in its own being, without the need for care takers. We are the creative force and upholders of universal love and free will. When allowed to show our inner beings, We are LOVE. We are INSPIRATION. How can anyone possibly think that we are better off as hybrids?

One day you will understand the relative 'sillyness' of your question here.
Now I state 'sillyness' not stupidity - be careful how you choose to judge or interpret my words. Thubans DO NOT JUDGE, they OBSERVE what works and what does not work in the greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation.

Works according to who? The Thuban Council? I find it very hard to believe that the Thuban Council is speaking on behalf of the rest of the universe or even the relatively small world of humans. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Who is according to the Thuban Council governing Earth today? Do we have a Draconian government or is it governend by the Zeta-Reticuli's? Who do you think have the most influence today? Could you elaborate on this regarding how this has changed during the years and what will happen in the years to come regarding governence. Will you work together with someone else or do you, the dragons plan on governing earth and mankind all by yourself in the long run?

In the greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation? Again, according to who? Can you state who supports YOUR idea of this greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation and is there any way for you to elaborate on this? Who else supports this view? From where did this particular greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation arrive from?

Without ET-hybridisation, you would not have any analytical abstract ability now. It is this which differentiates you from your common ancestry with the great apes.

So you, Sollve could not type intelligently on your computer, where you not right now a Human-ET hybrid.

Sure, but what's the need for you to hybridize us further? Why, in plain text do you want to do this? What do you gain from this?

We as hybrids are only beneficial to our so called ‘wanna be’ care takers. For thousands of years we have been suppressed, not allowed to grow the way we should. Allow us to show our true selves and we will be the care takers of the universe, just as we are intended to be.

Has it really come to this?

You, like many, are an emotional human who is prone to judgements and preemtors, without exercising your faculties of reason and rationality.

Does the Thuban Council think that the human emotion is something that needs to be altered with in the hybridization process? How will it be altered? Will the human emotions be strengthened or weakend in the hybrids? Or altered in any other way?

Perhaps you should consider the wisdom of my avatar.

I wasn't aware of flaming anyone. Are you on fire?

It has shown from time to time that our hearts can't be enslaved. Is the only step left for the fallen angels to enslave us and make us do their will, to actually take away our uniqueness in some kind of hybridization program?

What do you know of fallen angels; do you understand that YOU are a fallen angel?

Please elaborate on this! What is your definition of a Fallen Angel? Please also elaborate on the fact that I AM a fallen angel.

Well I guess it's your loss in the long run. One can't help the one who don't want to be helped.

If someone wants to change what is already perfect, the only reason to do so must be to lower that perfectness beneath the perfectness of themselves in order to raise their own perfectness. For example if I'm the second or third tallest man on earth. The only way for me to be the tallest man is to either shrink the ones above me or eliminate them or to actually grow taller. To grow is the only acceptable alternative as the other alternatives includes the sacrifice of others.

In this case you would actually need to accept the fact to be second or third or whatever you see yourself as. We don't look at races or beings as being superior to others. We see them all at their full potential and with the ability to grow to where we are. We are designed to set an example of what can be done and to show the rest what their full potential is all about. You shouldn't look upon us as a threat. We are designed to help and if you don't want to evolve past your current limits, you don't need to. Maybe it's possible for us to build you a playground of your own choice where you can't hurt anyone and certainly not being able to hijack other beings for your own purposes.

So you are already aware of your cosmic design Sollve; if you are then you would not ask the questions you ask, because you would fathom your design.

Do you mean that I don't mean what I'm writing? Do you mean that I should just accept to be altered with by anyone wanting to do so? It's one thing to observe and use what you see and learn to make yourself better. It's a whole different thing to change and devour in the same process. I don't see why the first one needs to be folloed by the second. Please elaborate on how you justify that behavior.

We are here to help whenever you are ready!

For love and unity throughout the universe!


You are helping the cosmic evolution in great honour and sincerity Sollve; one day you shall understand and socialise with Dragons in some Bar upon Thuban.

I believe I understand dragons as of this NOW and I'm looking forward to share a drink on a bar in Thuban with you or any of your beloveds. I'm just hoping I'm observant enough to not be lured into any kind of hybridization process because I want to be me in that bar. For all I know what you label as 'StarHuman' might just be another name for 'StarDust'. Or is it perhaps the 'OldHuman' who falls into that cathegory?

What would dragons prefer most? Sitting in a bar socializing with an Angelic Original Human or socializing with a pile of StarDust?

Shalom from the DragonDen

Before you point your finger at ME about using WE. WE are ALL who resonate with ME.

ME=WE also on Thuban - after our master templar Emmanuel Melchisedec E.M.=WE.

Sorry, I don't know him...

I'm looking forward to hear from you again my busy friend!


I forgot to ask you what you can tell us anything about these:


Just curious!

abraxasinas 02-25-2010 04:50 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 244014)
I see now...And Anubis..the son of Osiris.....fitting yes...and who exactly is his mother? That is the question of the millennium now is it not? This is no 3D remembrance I assure you of that :wink2:

Here is some data on the archetypes as found in the Thuban archives for you Brook:
Their children became numbers 3 and 4 as the righteyed Horus of the 'All Seeing Eye' and the 'Spiritual Body' of the Sahu; and the lefteyed Bast or Pasht of the 'Sistrum' in the Ba of the 'Soul'.

Now Set and Nephthys also had a child in Anubis, the Khaibit or Shadow of the Jackal-headed 'Opener of the Way' and the 'Guide of the Dead; but the story goes, that the fatherhood of Anubis is in dispute.

Osiris is said to have had a loveaffair with both of his 'sisters' Isis and Nephthys to reproduce his own lefteyedness in a son to an also lefteyed mother.

And so Anubis was born, knowing that he was lefteyed after his mother Nephthys, but he was initially confused because he could not image the righteyedness of his supposed father Set, there was an uncleanliness about his image as the image of his father, imaging the lefteyedness
of his father's brother Osiris.

Anubis was like a shadow between the right eye imaging the left as well as the other way around.
But as Anubis pondered his origins, he came across his grandparents testimony and it dawned upon him, that the ever repeating generations of the cleanly sexed oneeyednesses could be made impure in stopping the generations going on and on infinitely.
Anubis as the cipher 9 and Hathor in the cipher 6 then become the 'unclean' read bisexual sexes in Noah's ark (see below).

1.Keter or Crown is the Khu of the Spirit and the 'Tree of Life as Djed or Phallus of Osiris'
2.Hokmah or Wisdom is the Ab of the Heart and 'Throne of Isis'
3.Binah or Intelligence is the Sahu of the Masculine in the 'EyeMirror of Horus'
4.Hesed or Love is the Ba or Soul of the 'Sistrum of Bast'
5.Gevurah or Power is the Ibis or Mind of the 'Caduceus of Thoth'
6.Tiferet or Beauty is the Sekhem of the Feminine in the 'EyeMirror of Hathor'
7.Nezah or Endurance is the Ka of the Double of the 'Astral Chalice of Nephthys'
8.Hod or Majesty is the Ren or Name of the 'Mason's Tool of Ptah'
9.Yesod or Foundationis the Khaibit or Image of the 'Shadow of Anubis'
10.Malkuth or Kingdom is the Khat or Body and the 'Tree of Death as Yoni or Vulva of Set'

then partitions those ten archetypes into a male, say left stem and a female right stem, parted in a middle stem, centred on the 'unclean sexes' of the 69=96.

The male 'clean-sex' stem is the sequence from top to bottom in: 1-3-5-8-10 and the female 'clean-sex' stem as the series from bottom to top in: 10-7-4-2-(1=1+0=10) as the Kelim of Reshimu.
The middle stem is so given as: 1-6-9-10, with 1 and 10 interchangeable in a rootreduction of 10=1.
One sets the maleness as odd numbers and the femaleness in even numbers; the unlean sexes of 6 and 9 encompassing 7 and 8, which so become interchanged in the male 7 associated with the female Nephthys and the female 8 given to the male Ptah to effect the overall transformation of the 10 of Set=Ar into Har and rendering the dragking Set as 'fake' DragonKing into a real DragonQueen Har for a real DragonKing RaH and as the Tsimtsum of the Tehiru in the Torah.

And so the seven 'clean sexes' are 1,2,3,4,5,7 and 8 and the two 'unclean' sexes are 6 and 9; the differentiation being made for the pupose to render the number 10 as a true female, the 0 in between two number 1's, say in: (101binary=5decimal), mirroring the maleness in the femaleness and vice versa; the 'fowls of heaven' defining the bisexuality contained in the undifferentiated twinships.

The symbolism of the 69=96 involves this mirror of being inverted either back to back in 96 or of being inverted face to face in the two 'immutable principles', by whom it was impossible for 'God'
and hence the 'AntiGod' or 'Dog' to lie, coded in Hebrews.6.18.
Mirroring 6 in a vertical mirror, either left or right results in a reflected numeral 6, which is however an inverted 9 in a reflection about a horizontal mirror either above or below the cipher 6.
So a double-reflection, once vertical and once horizontal transforms the 6 into the 9 or vice versa and so 69=96 represent the mechanism by which God's purpose of the 10-tiered unification is accomplished.
The numbers 66 or 999 etc. only transform the 6's into 9's and the 9's into 6's and do not achieve the desired aim of using two in one to mirror the one in the two."


1=A/Spirit of Osiris as Khu; 10=J/Body of Set as Khat; 19=S/Winged Disk of RahaR;

2=B/Heart of Isis as Ab; 11=K/Fire of Nephthys' Duamutef; 20=T/Twinship of TefnutShu;

3=C/Body of Horus as Sahu; 12=L/Air of Ptah's Qebhsnuf; 21=U/Sphinx Harmakhis' GebNut;
4=D/Soul of Bast as Ba; 13=M/Water of Seshat's Imsety; 22=V/Maat's Scarab as Khepera;

5=E/Mind of Thoth as Ibis; 14=N/Earth of Anubis' Hapi; 23=W/Pyramid of Thoth;

6=F/Power of Sekhem as Hathor 15=O/Sirius of Hathor; 24=X/Sekhmet's Ankh as Sekhem;

7=G/Chalice of Nephthys as Ka; 16=P/Lotus of Isis's Elements; 25=Y/NutGeb's YoniPhallus;

8=H/Name of Ptah as Ren; 17=Q/Crook & Flail of Horus; 26=Z/ShuTefnut's PhallusYoni;

9-series: 9=I/Shadow of Anubis as Khaibit; 18=R/Uraeus of Thoth; 27=A*/RaH as HaR.

The separation of the sexes in three generations reduces to a unity expressed in that fourth generation, with Shu=Horus-Ptah and Geb=Anubis-Thoth and Rah=Osiris-Set, mirrored in Tefnut=Hathor- Sekhmet and Nut=Bast-Seshat-Maat and Har=Isis-Nephthys.

The unity of Rah now allows both the rigtheyedness of Set and the lefteyedness of Osiris to become expressed in the same relativity of Rah, effectively doubling 'himself' as 'herself' and allowing Ra's old
image of Apep to become transformed into the Har of Isis-Nephthys and redeeming Set, renamed as Seth in the process of completing the triune lovematches of RahHar, TefnutShu and GebNut; then expressed in the archetypical couplings of:
CHOX= 3+8+15+24=50=Horus+Ptah+Hathor+Sekhmet; DEIM=4+5+9+13=31=4=Bast+Thoth+Anubis+Seshat.

And to those 12 archetypes we add the two dualities of TefnutShu and GebNut for a total of 14.

The 13 missing Osirian pieces so become the letters A, (as Rah),F,K,L,N,P,Q,R,S,V,W,Y,Z and as exactly half of the alphabet, mirrored in the available identities as shadow identities and with the Goddess Maat being identical to Bast in the 4-series, but differentiated in Seshat as 13=1+3=4."

Genesis.7.1-3: "And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth."

The Egyptian mythology as described here, is nothing but the Jewish Kabbalah of Ein-Sof, as the
Hebrew mysticism in the Pentateuch, the first five books of Moses in the old testament of the Torah."


Linda 02-25-2010 04:52 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by GaiaLove (Post 243909)
rhythym i totally hear you and many other as well. Lightworkers are letting themselves be heard here and now, but I can see where it is going too.

Lightworkers here are prepared to leave Avalon and turn their backs to the beautiful community being infiltrated and destroyed by this (curse word deleted by mod Uncle John).
I state here and now too, I will leave and not return if the light leaves.. its getting darker by day now..

Good Bye Avalon , Hello Dragonlandia

What a (curse word deleted) pity

Thank God people are finally noticing what the real agenda is all about and who supports it.
Many of us cannot be deceived.....ever....

K626 02-25-2010 05:01 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 241071)
Dear Trancoso!

The PTB are RULED by the Dragon archetype.
The PTB are unable to access more than 95% of the Cosmic History.
As Collier says, the Paa Taal (or similar label) have been forgotten in the records as the ancestors of all.
Those ancestors are rather closely entwined with the concept of the starhumanity as the fourth 'brain halo' evolving from the Reptilian brainstem, the mammalian midbrain and the human cortex.
This agenda allows recircularisation of the linearity in the Orb of the Ouroborus (Milky Way Mazzaroth or Circle of the Zodiac).

The content of Lionhawk's reply contains no direct questions to be answered and was answered relative to the consciousness vibrations emitted through the wordings.
It is in my authority to discern written material within the context and under guidance of the Thuban master templar - the universal Logos.

In this capacity and authority I choose if and how to reply to unsubstantiated innuendo and preconceived ideas and bias with respect to the History of the Dragons and as found in the archives on Thuban.

As most can ascertain, I DO answer direct questions in all cases, except in oversight or when these questions are intended to cause strife and dissonance or are what is labelled as ad hominem.


I doubt they have access to more than 5% never mind 95%....:original:

K626 02-25-2010 05:03 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
...and abx, the speed of light isn't a constant it decays as the universe ages. As it was faster near the birth of this universe than it is now....So stick that in yer little dragon paws. :original::tongue2:

BROOK 02-25-2010 05:06 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 244025)
Here is some data on the archetypes as found in the Thuban archives for you Brook:
Their children became numbers 3 and 4 as the righteyed Horus of the 'All Seeing Eye' and the 'Spiritual Body' of the Sahu; and the lefteyed Bast or Pasht of the 'Sistrum' in the Ba of the 'Soul'.

Now Set and Nephthys also had a child in Anubis, the Khaibit or Shadow of the Jackal-headed 'Opener of the Way' and the 'Guide of the Dead; but the story goes, that the fatherhood of Anubis is in dispute.

Osiris is said to have had a loveaffair with both of his 'sisters' Isis and Nephthys to reproduce his own lefteyedness in a son to an also lefteyed mother.

And so Anubis was born, knowing that he was lefteyed after his mother Nephthys, but he was initially confused because he could not image the righteyedness of his supposed father Set, there was an uncleanliness about his image as the image of his father, imaging the lefteyedness
of his father's brother Osiris.

Anubis was like a shadow between the right eye imaging the left as well as the other way around.
But as Anubis pondered his origins, he came across his grandparents testimony and it dawned upon him, that the ever repeating generations of the cleanly sexed oneeyednesses could be made impure in stopping the generations going on and on infinitely.
Anubis as the cipher 9 and Hathor in the cipher 6 then become the 'unclean' read bisexual sexes in Noah's ark (see below).

1.Keter or Crown is the Khu of the Spirit and the 'Tree of Life as Djed or Phallus of Osiris'
2.Hokmah or Wisdom is the Ab of the Heart and 'Throne of Isis'
3.Binah or Intelligence is the Sahu of the Masculine in the 'EyeMirror of Horus'
4.Hesed or Love is the Ba or Soul of the 'Sistrum of Bast'
5.Gevurah or Power is the Ibis or Mind of the 'Caduceus of Thoth'
6.Tiferet or Beauty is the Sekhem of the Feminine in the 'EyeMirror of Hathor'
7.Nezah or Endurance is the Ka of the Double of the 'Astral Chalice of Nephthys'
8.Hod or Majesty is the Ren or Name of the 'Mason's Tool of Ptah'
9.Yesod or Foundationis the Khaibit or Image of the 'Shadow of Anubis'
10.Malkuth or Kingdom is the Khat or Body and the 'Tree of Death as Yoni or Vulva of Set'

then partitions those ten archetypes into a male, say left stem and a female right stem, parted in a middle stem, centred on the 'unclean sexes' of the 69=96.

The male 'clean-sex' stem is the sequence from top to bottom in: 1-3-5-8-10 and the female 'clean-sex' stem as the series from bottom to top in: 10-7-4-2-(1=1+0=10) as the Kelim of Reshimu.
The middle stem is so given as: 1-6-9-10, with 1 and 10 interchangeable in a rootreduction of 10=1.
One sets the maleness as odd numbers and the femaleness in even numbers; the unlean sexes of 6 and 9 encompassing 7 and 8, which so become interchanged in the male 7 associated with the female Nephthys and the female 8 given to the male Ptah to effect the overall transformation of the 10 of Set=Ar into Har and rendering the dragking Set as 'fake' DragonKing into a real DragonQueen Har for a real DragonKing RaH and as the Tsimtsum of the Tehiru in the Torah.

And so the seven 'clean sexes' are 1,2,3,4,5,7 and 8 and the two 'unclean' sexes are 6 and 9; the differentiation being made for the pupose to render the number 10 as a true female, the 0 in between two number 1's, say in: (101binary=5decimal), mirroring the maleness in the femaleness and vice versa; the 'fowls of heaven' defining the bisexuality contained in the undifferentiated twinships.

The symbolism of the 69=96 involves this mirror of being inverted either back to back in 96 or of being inverted face to face in the two 'immutable principles', by whom it was impossible for 'God'
and hence the 'AntiGod' or 'Dog' to lie, coded in Hebrews.6.18.
Mirroring 6 in a vertical mirror, either left or right results in a reflected numeral 6, which is however an inverted 9 in a reflection about a horizontal mirror either above or below the cipher 6.
So a double-reflection, once vertical and once horizontal transforms the 6 into the 9 or vice versa and so 69=96 represent the mechanism by which God's purpose of the 10-tiered unification is accomplished.
The numbers 66 or 999 etc. only transform the 6's into 9's and the 9's into 6's and do not achieve the desired aim of using two in one to mirror the one in the two."


1=A/Spirit of Osiris as Khu; 10=J/Body of Set as Khat; 19=S/Winged Disk of RahaR;

2=B/Heart of Isis as Ab; 11=K/Fire of Nephthys' Duamutef; 20=T/Twinship of TefnutShu;

3=C/Body of Horus as Sahu; 12=L/Air of Ptah's Qebhsnuf; 21=U/Sphinx Harmakhis' GebNut;
4=D/Soul of Bast as Ba; 13=M/Water of Seshat's Imsety; 22=V/Maat's Scarab as Khepera;

5=E/Mind of Thoth as Ibis; 14=N/Earth of Anubis' Hapi; 23=W/Pyramid of Thoth;

6=F/Power of Sekhem as Hathor 15=O/Sirius of Hathor; 24=X/Sekhmet's Ankh as Sekhem;

7=G/Chalice of Nephthys as Ka; 16=P/Lotus of Isis's Elements; 25=Y/NutGeb's YoniPhallus;

8=H/Name of Ptah as Ren; 17=Q/Crook & Flail of Horus; 26=Z/ShuTefnut's PhallusYoni;

9-series: 9=I/Shadow of Anubis as Khaibit; 18=R/Uraeus of Thoth; 27=A*/RaH as HaR.

The separation of the sexes in three generations reduces to a unity expressed in that fourth generation, with Shu=Horus-Ptah and Geb=Anubis-Thoth and Rah=Osiris-Set, mirrored in Tefnut=Hathor- Sekhmet and Nut=Bast-Seshat-Maat and Har=Isis-Nephthys.

The unity of Rah now allows both the rigtheyedness of Set and the lefteyedness of Osiris to become expressed in the same relativity of Rah, effectively doubling 'himself' as 'herself' and allowing Ra's old
image of Apep to become transformed into the Har of Isis-Nephthys and redeeming Set, renamed as Seth in the process of completing the triune lovematches of RahHar, TefnutShu and GebNut; then expressed in the archetypical couplings of:
CHOX= 3+8+15+24=50=Horus+Ptah+Hathor+Sekhmet; DEIM=4+5+9+13=31=4=Bast+Thoth+Anubis+Seshat.

And to those 12 archetypes we add the two dualities of TefnutShu and GebNut for a total of 14.

The 13 missing Osirian pieces so become the letters A, (as Rah),F,K,L,N,P,Q,R,S,V,W,Y,Z and as exactly half of the alphabet, mirrored in the available identities as shadow identities and with the Goddess Maat being identical to Bast in the 4-series, but differentiated in Seshat as 13=1+3=4."

Genesis.7.1-3: "And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth."

The Egyptian mythology as described here, is nothing but the Jewish Kabbalah of Ein-Sof, as the
Hebrew mysticism in the Pentateuch, the first five books of Moses in the old testament of the Torah."


And as I stated..it is you doing the "storytelling"....it is I that question it. It is fitting for the purpose intended by your council.


Anubis was like a shadow between the right eye imaging the left as well as the other way around.
But as Anubis pondered his origins

K626 02-25-2010 05:23 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 216035)
I am who I say I am and I am aware of your presence, as I have seen your name Flying Pyramid before on this forum. You are Ra!

I am 19.11 billion years old as an agency of Thuban!

I am real and as real as anyone here is real; I simply have at this point in time a greater remembrance through my connection to Thuban.
My realness or your realness or anyones realness then is rather unimportant to label this realness with names, as all intelligences evolved in consciousness have many many names to label themselves with!

Peace be with you Ra-Harmakhis your perceived violation of the code of honour was not as you have judged it. It was as necessary as was the 'retracing of the stairs of fire' by Lucifer; thus allowing gravitation to be born to bring the physicality of the sarcophagus into material existence.
You know of what I speak.


Has 'Ra' really got time to post on here? :original:

BraveHeart 02-25-2010 09:31 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
repost as my question seems to have been not seen

Greetings Abraxasinas,

I am interested in learning about your thoughts on who i am, i have just joined the site and would like my personal verification and validation .......... will take me a while to completely read this entire thread but at 5 pages in i felt the need to get verification.

Questions --
a/Previous incarnation information
b/Also my roll in this incarnation
c/Where i come from & whom i represent
d/Nibiru you mentioned is earths reflection?? and earth will become Nibiru ??
e/What races or spiecies are on planet right now other than of human origin

i look forward in your reply. hopefully this gets spotted

Warm Regards


BROOK 02-25-2010 09:43 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by K626 (Post 244048)
Has 'Ra' really got time to post on here? :original:

Good point! Makes you wonder does it not? I would think Ra would be spending time on much more serious objectives...and leave the messages to the messengers....

And I fail to see how you Abraxis relate the Sapphire Tablets to this information.....this is a question BTW...:thumb_yello: Rephrase.....How do you relate this information to the Ten commandments...of the Sapphire Tablets?


then partitions those ten archetypes into a male, say left stem and a female right stem, parted in a middle stem, centred on the 'unclean sexes' of the 69=96.

The male 'clean-sex' stem is the sequence from top to bottom in: 1-3-5-8-10 and the female 'clean-sex' stem as the series from bottom to top in: 10-7-4-2-(1=1+0=10) as the Kelim of Reshimu.
The middle stem is so given as: 1-6-9-10, with 1 and 10 interchangeable in a rootreduction of 10=1.
One sets the maleness as odd numbers and the femaleness in even numbers; the unlean sexes of 6 and 9 encompassing 7 and 8, which so become interchanged in the male 7 associated with the female Nephthys and the female 8 given to the male Ptah to effect the overall transformation of the 10 of Set=Ar into Har and rendering the dragking Set as 'fake' DragonKing into a real DragonQueen Har for a real DragonKing RaH and as the Tsimtsum of the Tehiru in the Torah.

They are nothing more the a duplicate version of the Ten commandments...the first ones were broken by Moses, and they are the replacememts.....How does it turn into "clean sex" and "unclean sex"?

The Tablets of Stone, Stone Tablets, Tablets of Law, or Tablets of Testimony (in Hebrew: לוחות הברית Luchot HaBrit - "the tablets [of] the covenant") in the Bible, were the two pieces of special stone inscribed with the Ten Commandments when Moses ascended Mount Sinai as recorded in the Book of Exodus. Exodus 31:18 refers to the tablets as the "Tablets of Testimony" because they give insight into the nature of God.
According to the Bible, there were two sets: the first, inscribed by God, were smashed by Moses when he was enraged by the sight of the Children of Israel worshiping the Golden Calf; and the second, later cut by Moses and rewritten by God.
According to traditional teachings of Judaism in the Talmud, they were made of blue sapphire stone as a symbolic reminder of the sky, the heavens, and ultimately of God's throne; many Torah scholars, however, have opined that the Biblical "sapir" was, in fact, the lapis lazuli.[citation needed]
Both the first shattered set and the second unbroken set were stored in the Ark of the Covenant (the Aron Habrit in Hebrew).

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 01:26 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
[Before I ask you my questions, I would like to address the forum and say something about the outbursts in this thread if I may.

Dear Avalonians:
This is JuLiSsa “the Peruvian” Haha (Although I don’t like to be categorized as such or “American” or any other nationality because I don’t believe in borders.) I sense fear. This information is not dangerous. There was probably a time when certain information was not accessible to humans and there must have been a reason for it. Although we may have always had the capacity to reach for truth because it was always latent within us, maybe humans couldn’t do so because they either forgot how or were blocked to it or maybe it was just not the right time; say an early human trying to handle astrophysics or the US tax code for that matter! Lol, nature handled this in the best possible way as always.

Things are very different now. Information will reach someone just at the right time when he or she is ready for it even if their egos/intellectual mind don’t think so or even welcome it. How you process this data is up to you, for you always have free will. We at this stage in our evolution are ready for the Thuban material because it was prophesied that nothing will be a secret to us anymore. If you study this material closely, you’ll find awesomeness! Even if your intellect can’t understand it (as it happens with me sometimes), trust that what is in front of you is there for a reason and allow the knowledge to sink in. Allow your heart to think it through. Information like this is designed to trigger a remembrance in you, to deprogram your mind. It is in your best interest to be exposed to a wide variety of point of views anyway and I hint all of you already know this; otherwise you wouldn’t be here in Avalon. However, I feel the rejection is at times towards the scribe and not the material itself.

Please contemplate this, Abraxas has a particular personality and sense of humor; but this thread is not about himher, it is about what heshe translates for us. Don’t miss the point thinking this is an “intellectual war” because there is no conflict, at least not coming from the messenger. And about the material itself, think of this: If heshe is banned from here, very simply heshe will find another forum in which to share this information. Maybe you’ll find it, maybe you won’t and then you’ll be missing a great opportunity to learn something in the NOW rather than later.

So pay attention, for if God wants you to know something, you’ll find it even in your soup! Heed the moment! Do not react against it for there is no place to hide. If you face it and it disturbs you….great! Jesus said it will. If you feel that some new information might change your pre conceived ideas…good! Change is a natural thing. Don’t resist it. Embody it. Be courageous! Don’t be afraid of information. It is just that, information, but some like this “new” Thuban material holds great treasures! You will not die if it “touches” you, I promise. What will happen is that not you, but your ego will “die” and when you find yourself naked “without it” you’ll realize you are still you. Fear not what you don’t know or can’t remember YET, for in time… you will. http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/m...mileys2/05.gif]


I am so thankful I found you Abraxas and your wonderful website. I read it every day and I try to absorb as much of it as I can. What it has done for me (specially the latest Thuban dispensations) was that it has taken all the various bits and pieces of scattered info I had in me and put them in order. Order out of chaos. Nothing so far has been able to do that for me and it feels wonderful! This is important because as the pieces of the puzzle fit together, I can see the full picture more clearly. As my “vision” gets sharper, my heart finds peace. I sense this is bringing me closer and closer to find my truth. But my drive was never finding enlightenment just for myself. I am here to be of service to my loved ones and people around me.
Can you fathom that as I come to face the information you present, I have to take it in, transmute it in me and then translate it into a different language so I can then present it to people who are eager to know here and far away? Some of the questions that I’ve asked you are not even my own! Hahaha! It’s hard to try to explain to others a feeling/concept you know is of a higher nature to a person who is “dead alive”. It comes to a point when words are useless! It is difficult for me, specially the formulas (I only have a degree in literature and translation), but I read it regardless because I trust deep inside I know all of it anyway. My friend, I do it because I came to recognize my purpose, so I do it with joy… and I thank you for the part you play in it. ♥

Now to my questions.

1) How fast is the speed of thought (and feelings for I think they are interconnected) and how does it travel across time and space? What is the speed of its vibration and in what dimension does it reside in?

Dear Juli!

This question addresses the so called string epoch in the cosmogony of the preBig Bang Quantum creation; namely a very precise linear time-interval which transmuted 5 different superstring classes (I, IIB, HE(32), IIA, HE(64)) between the so termed Planck-Time (about 10^-44 seconds to about 3x10^-31 seconds) into each other.

But from this rather technical quantum description, derives the 'sacred geometry' of the five Platonic Solids and the many Fibonacci related patterns of that quantum geometry.

So what the Terran physicists and cosmologists term the 'Big Bang' did NOT occur until AFTER this string epoch was completed to manifest this 'quantum geometry' as a physicalisable expression of its metaphysical (mathematically abstract) precursor.

So the answer to your questing becomes related to the astrophysics of the Big Bang and the metaphysics of the preBig Bang.

The Big Bang as the birth of the universe occurred precisely WHEN the so called NOW Time moment DEFINED the Quantum Timeinterval.
This NOW Time then manifested as a 10-dimensional asymptotically expanding thermodynamic universe expanding in the propagation of wormhole quanta, all defined in the NOW-Time as the inverse of the Source-Frequency, the RESONANCE Selfstate of the Creator and named the LOVEPHOTON.

The preBig Bang metaphysics manifested at this Now-Time moment of creation in the de Broglie Wavematter Inflaton and this DEFINES the Speed of Thought in setting a 11-dimensional boundary for the 10-dimensional universe to expand 'into' in a dimensional sense of 'into'.

This Inflaton is billions of times greater than the speed of light, the latter bounding the asymptotic expansion of the 10D materialising Big Bang seed.

The wormhole frequency is fwormhole=3x10^30 Hertz and the 11D Hubble-Radius as the 11D boundary RHubble can be calculated as almost 16.9 billion lightyears.
Then the speed of this inflaton becomes the 'speed of thought' as the phase velocity.

VdeBroglie=RHubblexfwormhole=4.793...x10^56 meters/second or so 1.6x10^48 times lightspeed c. This is 1.6 trillion trillion trillion trillion times lightspeed.

The magnitude of the 'speed of thought' so implies, that the entire universe in a NOW-Instant of Time became linearised in a nested hierarchical superstringed cosmology, which then allowed graduations in dimensions associated with sublevel densities of vibrational eigenstates.

This scenario manifests in a 11-dimensional Omnispace (or Dragonspace) and interpenetrates all dimensions and densities in the form of the Quantum of the LovePhoton; which in technical terms becomes the gauge interaction energy transmitter for the Electromagnetic Fundamental Interaction. It is this gauge interaction, which defines the so called Zero-Point-Energy or ZPE as the intrinsic 'Dark Energy' pervading the universe as a Heisenberg Light-Matrix.

2) Say my ancestry is in a far away star, how will they “get me”? I guess this answer has to follow the same principle as a devise made for instant communication across spacetime?

Yes indeed and this is of course consequential in regards to question 1.
Think of it this way.
The universe itself is a 'merkabah' and this merkabah is the Holographic Universe.
You are a hologram of this 'cosmic merkabah' and your individual merkabah so can MAP and correspond in a one-to-one coupling between those merkabah-circles/spheres, say in the holofractal cosmology of Haramein.

The technical aspect so to 'transverse' the wormholed Light-Matrix will be the de Broglie matterwave in its phased distance- and velocity scalings using the NOW-Time.

The Velocity v(t) as a function of time becomes transmuted to a velocity V(n) with cycletime n itself a function of the linetime t.

This derives from the linetime limitation of lightspeed c defining the so called Lightpath X=ct.
The lightpath applied to the entire universe so is RHubble=ctnodal age of universe.

Dimensionless Cycletime n=Hot=ct/RHubble for a nodal oscillation frequency Ho=dn/dt being the 'Heartbeat of the Universe' in a (technically defined) Hubble-Oscillation of the Cosmos between even and odd nodes as halfcycles so 16.9 billion lightyears apart.

So you can now define the metric coordinate systems of the lightspeed restricted universe in 3 space dimensions, and as say given in the Relativity theories of Albert Einstein within a higher 11-dimensional setting, where the metric time is holographic to the Now-Time.

Then V(n)=R(n)/T(n)=R(n).F(n) and where F(n) is a frequency function for the Now-Time coupled to a Displacement Parameter R(n) which maps the Einstein lowerD coordinate systems onto a higherD coordinate system in direct correspondence to the merkabah coupling between the holographic universe as a master hologram for the individuated holograms say.

Iow, mapping the universe within yourself or say a spaceship merkabah; will allow you to map the INSIDE of yourself or the spacecraft with inhabitants as any place in the Hubble-defined universe - just like you map the coordinates of the earth say in an atlas or a geography map.

An advanced civilization can then use the V(n)=R(n).F(n) formulation to define the R(n) scale coordinate to timetravel to any place in the universe using the Nodal Hubble-Frequency definition.

This entails the expansion parameters of the universe as a quantum integral or summation count of wormhole connectors based on the LovePhoton Resonance selfstate of the Prime Creator.

As everything exists as a densification of this Lovephotonic gauge energy in vibratory eigenstates; tuning into this resonance maximum of the encompassing holographic lightmatrix; will allow any civilization able to do so to REVISIT all n-coordinates visited 'in linetime t' by the expanding universe as a n-time coupling to the linetime (t).

Iow, ANYPLACE existing in the materialised universe in 10D NOW was VISITED and became defined by the expanding universe at some linear linetime t coordinate.

So say when the universe was 10 billion years old in linetime t, the n-time can be calculated as n=Hot.

This calculates as n10=0.5925537... and so a fractal of the n=1 cycle and for a prent n-time npresent-n10=0.5400..

Ok so now having these coordinates, you consider your position ANYPLACE in the material universe and using your own selfrelative location as the origin you ascertain the distance of 10 billion lightyears your past and whatever material manifestation exists at that distance, say looking at some galaxy.

You can then travel to that galaxy or starsystem or planet 10 billion lightyears away in NOW-Time using the V(n)=R(n).F(n) formulation in a finestructured sense; should you be able to 'TUNE" the F(n) frequency function of the n-time in the 'merkabah physics' of the holographic lightmatrix.

3) How is it that “Eve” was on earth 52,000 years before “Adam”? I just read your 1351 post and started thinking about this. I know you don’t mention this in this specific post but I think I read it somewhere. So how come it was “Eve” who came later and from “Adam” as the story goes. Can you clarify this for me?

Here you are 'mixing up' the mitochondrial Eve scenario of the Terran geneticists with the archetypical Eve of the cosmogony.

I have posted on the Lilith-Eve archetype before and as you know, this is also on the tonyb. website (under the Sphinx and Pyramid posts).
Lilith is the archetype of Satania as the 'future' sexchange operative for the Satan-Apep-Angra Mainyu-Shaitan 1st order archetype of the cosmogony.
My message #1351 should be most informative to you and your students in this regard.


Juli ♥

Love and Peace to you too, dear Juli.
Allow me thank for your excellent summary and open letter to the forum on behalf of all supporters of he Thuban material here at Project Avalon.

Abraxas Anthony - (The Office of the Bard)

The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!

Abraxas Anthony

Nebula9D 02-26-2010 01:44 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Greetings Abrax,

I'm happy to be here now and so choose to positively engage those happy thoughts on these thread. :)

I liked Julissa's question on thought and it find very interesting. What does Thuban data say about the mind and the power of thought (s)?

Magamud 02-26-2010 02:23 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

As most humans (but not all ETs) do not even realise they carry this shadow mind within their own bodyforms, they will only experience this manifestation via their subconscious couplings. So the 4th horseman of the apocalypse 'causes death' in the thought constructions and memeplexes manufactured by the conscious mind and then stored in the subconscious.
A natural reboot system? When mind has reached its limit in reality integration. Like many of the AI stories Hal 9000? So the Devils world a reverse mirror can be used as our own "antibiotics" in the hologram so to speak. Funny we steal the devils such hard work in the end. :mfr_lol ie..

This 'erroneous' or incomplete translation of 1st order archetypes into 2nd and 3rd order archetypes then becomes the causative agency behind much of the 'confusions' about 'photon belts' and 'Nibiru' and 'Nemesis' and 'Pole Shifts'.
Makes total sense that assumed evil archetypes are nothing but the source trying to represent itself but due to the mirror effect, we have it...You described the double mirror with an outer and inner circle. Do you have a picture of this to show?

Can you describe some of the Suns Shadowminds history?

Amazing how consciousness can skip through time......


All ETs are Human Family, albeit not physicalised in the density field of Gaia, extending 2 million kilometers from the Gaian center and growing by so 105 millimeters per year.
This will exponential grow as the logos here or black hole intensifies?

Can you give information on BIgmos Baloon. Thankyou...

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 02:24 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 244210)
Greetings Abrax,

I'm happy to be here now and so choose to positively engage those happy thoughts on these thread. :)

I liked Julissa's question on thought and it find very interesting. What does Thuban data say about the mind and the power of thought (s)?

Welcome nebula9D!

I like your selflabeling and your wisdom reflects as the 8D-mirror between Quantumspace of the 'etheric' and the Omnispace of the Oneness of the Dragonspace.

The Power of thought is the basis and power of all existence and all beingness.


{Thank you Oliver for a thoughtform manifesting the Starhumanity in a hybridizing allegory}.

The human mind is a simple processor of thought-based energy and so can construct either unifying and harmonizing thought forms or disharmonizing and disunifying thoughtforms as exemplified in the video above.

Then the human mind is but a tool for the human soul to discover itself by and through the unification of polarities; the latter which within an evolved mindedness utilize the 'old' disharmonizing thoughtforms as contextual backgrounds.

Abraxas Anthony

Nebula9D 02-26-2010 02:44 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 244224)
Welcome nebula9D!

I like your selflabeling and your wisdom reflects as the 8D-mirror between Quantumspace of the 'etheric' and the Omnispace of the Oneness of the Dragonspace.

The Power of thought is the basis and power of all existence and all beingness.


{Thank you Oliver for a thoughtform manifesting the Starhumanity in a hybridizing allegory}.

The human mind is a simple processor of thought-based energy and so can construct either unifying and harmonizing thought forms or disharmonizing and disunifying thoughtforms as exemplified in the video above.

Then the human mind is but a tool for the human soul to discover itself by and through the unification of polarities; the latter which within an evolved mindedness utilize the 'old' disharmonizing thoughtforms as contextual backgrounds.

Abraxas Anthony

Thank you! I long to remember my mirror on my path back home to Source. So the mind being a tool for the human soul to discover itself, Is the soul the orginator of thought-based energy and is this where free will comes into play?

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 04:10 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Sollve (Post 244016)
Bahh, it's the second time I rewrite this. I didn't know there was a timeout that swoops everything away for you if you take too long. Now I've learned something new. Lesson learned! :original:

I'll try to quote a quote here so I hope it works.

Text in:
WHITE = Sollve [#1249]
RED = Abraxa's reply [#1252]
GREEN = Sollve's reply to Abraxa's reply

Originally Posted by abraxasinas http://projectavalon.net/forum/image...s/viewpost.gif
Originally Posted by Sollve
Dear Fallen ones,

I find this interesting. Does this mean you take on the caretaking role regardless the need of the angelic human to be taken cared of, or is this a choice of free will.

I take this to be a question, dear Sollve, dear Uplifted One!

Oh, thank you dear Abraxa! Is there perhaps a itti, bitti, tiny touch of irony there? Or is it just pure LOVE?

A simple mirror of the going down as going up, sollve. Yes PURE lovephotons.

It is exactly as said, just as a mother would treat her newborn baby, which doesn't know what to do.
If you are a mother then you should know, if not ask someone who is a mother.

I'm not a mother, I'm a father. As a father I know that I would be stupid to think that I know better what my child needs than the child itself. I raise my child/children with the belief that it's actually me who can learn from the him/her/them. Is this the way you do it as well and is it a choice of free will on the behalf of the child? I am talking about the Angelic Human of NOW, not the future hybradized dragon human.

One surely can learn from anything and anyone; albeit physical development as well as mental development does require guidance from and by the elders in graduation.
I am talking about the angelic (bisexual not asexual) human as BEING the hybridized human, rectifying the falling in the lifting.

My mind tells me two outcomes of this tender caretaking business. Either the humans who don't want to be eaten and hybridized by red dragons or any other kind of dragons by free will, will be put in concentration camps a.k.a. under the wings of "caretakers" and if the millions upon millions of non hybridized humans still resist the indoctrinations of the care takers, what happens then? My guess is that the humans will be battered around until they do. Is this correct?

There are no concentration camps on Thuban; we do not eat humans; we do hybridize them though to harmonise the hybridizations and manipulations which have restricted the human genome hitherto and beginning say 208,000 years ago.

Restricted in what way? Can you specify? Who put the restriction in our genome? Why?

If you would not have been restricted in such manners you would still carry the 24 chromosome pairings of the apes; instead of the fused chromosomatic expression of the interference.
As such an ape you could not ask abstract questions from an abstract thinking human mind.

About eating humans. In post #714 you mention this. Have you changed your mind? Have you said anything after that post that contradicts what you said in that post? Can you honestly say that that post is just rubbish and doesn't contain any truth at all?

Here is the reply to the phta question again:
You might like to ask ptah what he thinks about my reply to his INNUENDO question:

Ok; I'll decide.
Thuban is a pretend smokescreen of pretend information, which is just a plagiarism of well credentialled academic sources masquerading as 'real science' of a new world.

The Thubanese are old Draconians who like to eat people for breakfast and to gather food resources; the Thubanese have decided to infiltrate the world's most important discussion forum: Project Avalon.

Here then the agenda is to brainwash the forum contributors with scientific sounding but really worthless information and for the purpose to gain as many followers of the Thubanese philosophy as possible.

Then when the critical mass of cult followers has been reached, the true Draconian Reptoids will appear and harvest their brainwashed followers.
This will be accomplished in invading the old earth shortly after December 21st, 2012 through a Black Hole-White Hole monadic dyad opening up halfway between Sirius and Gaia and wormhole connected to the Orion starsystem.

The Powers-That-Be of the old earth will be powerless to stop US; because they had thought that WE would allow them to be our ambassadors of the new earth and in thinking of themselves as the elite.

WE shall eat them for lunch; but they dont know that yet; although some of them suspect that WE are deceiving them.

And so WE shall rule the New Earth and in a few years, say 2015, WE shall reengineer the deteriorated wormhole channels to allow our Draconian brothers and sisters to join US on OUR new homeplanet SERPENTINA.

From then on, SERPENTINA will be a BLACK DRAGONSTAR.

All of the old humanity will have been consumed by US and WE shall DRAGONSEED a HybridRace between OURSELVES and OUR Ancestrial Lineages.

But first of all, WE have to create the Thuban Dragon Cult and this and only this is the purpose of Abraxas.

So Be It!

Signed and Sealed in the Name or Amen of the Master-Templar
by Abraxasinas Scribe of the Dragons aka the SolarArrowed Unicorn of the SeaGoatian Dragonhorns entwined with the Hermetic FisherEagle of the Lunar Twins.


Why do you need to hybridize the humans into dragon humans when you could just take away the restrictions if you feel such an urge to help us.

We are helping Ourselves as well helping the humans as Yourselves simultaneously.

Would you undergo genetic hybridization if someone told you to do so? Have you considered the possibility that it might be harmonizing to the universe if dragons were hybradized? Say all dragons humanized into 'StarHumans' with us as caretakers?

This is what is occuring on all levels in the holographic universe - cosmic hybridization of ALL entities.

Do you think Dragons are genetically more perfect / fulfilled than humans? If so, why are there anything else but dragons out there? Wouldn't every single being not allready a dragon ask to become one by own free will if this was the case?

Yes indeed, the Dragon genotype is the mastertemplate for the universe as a Mirror of Mirrors. This Dragon template is also called the human mastertemplate of Cosmic Man.

In what way are the Dragons more evolved than us? Except perhaps the technological knowledge? In what way would the Universe as ONE benefit from US being dragonized?

The Dragon-Mind unifies the evolution of the Linear Human mind in tripartition of Reptilian brainstem, Mammalian midbrain and Human topbrain in Dragon Circularity.

So you are right now a hybridized Sollve and we dragons are able, as genetic engineers, to correct the 'damages' done in your 'Fall' into the low density vibratory field of the Gaian planetary consciousness memeplex.

What are the damages and why would the damages be reparied by becoming dragonized? I'm sure that if you are about to fix something you must surely know what is wrong and what the result is from this being wrong in a bigger picture. Are we hurting someone by our faults in our DNA? What is the purpose from a holistic point of view? What makes you go to such lenghts trying to 'help' us out with our genome?

As said without the DNA/RNA restrictions of the fuselage of the 23rd chromosome pairing, your humanness could not have evolved in physicality to differentiate you from the nonhuman terrestrial lifeforms.
You would simply have become a speciated planet of the apes.
The ET interference so was done by astral 4D sentiences to ensure that at a future evolutionary junction point; your 'fused' chromosomes could become defused again to protect your then hominid (homo sapiens sapiens) morphogenetic bodyform, but to in a manner retrace your evolutionary histories back to the Reptilian Brainstem.
The Dragon is the Crown of the tree and the Reptile is the Root of this same tree in metaphor.

Why won't you let us evolve without interference. I'm sure the eventual faults and errors in our genome will fix themselves in time. I don't want your help because I believe I can heal myself. Will you allow me to be ME as in I AM of NOW?

To let you do that would negate the masterplan of the Prime Creator
and this is impossible by definition of his omniness.

The other way around would be that the humans that don't want to be dragon Halflings and thereby be stolen of their angelic heritage would actually be allowed to govern the universe from a creative and loving perspective, the way it was always meant to be. How could possibly a hybridized human be better than the original?

As said elsewhere, the humanoid morphotype required hybridization to render the 'evolving' humanoid UNIQUE amongst the other lifeforms of the Caenozoic geological earth. Without this ET interference, the human variability in genotype would have continued (like Indian and African Elephants today, there existed numerous Australopithecine branches {Afarensis, Africanus, Boisei, Robustus,...} so 4 million years ago) and the cosmos would NOT have access to a MASTER-TEMPLATE called HUMAN.
You Sollve would NOT then exist as a unique individuation of the Prime Creator.

But I do EXIST now, I'm happy with that. Why aren't you? As a unique individuation of the Prime Creator, wouldn't it be up to the Prime Creator to make changes to SELF? If SELF thought SELF needed to change, is it not up to SELF to make that CHANGE? Why would SELF point out YOU to do SELF's work? Please help me understand!

It is precisely the Prime Creators masterplan to dragonomize you Sollve.

So the ET interference was necessity to allow the 'fallen Sollve ancestors' to eventually become this master blueprint for ALL cosmic ETs and from the most primal stock possible.

I don't understand this. Here you say that WE are the master blueprint for everyone? Do you mean that every species wants to use us for their own hybridz, because we can help everyone to evolve?

Absolutely, here you have spoken from the knowledge of your dragonhood. Absolutely beautiful and marvellous understanding of a humanoid graduate.

If this is the case, why do you need to take over humanity and the planet? If we don't want you to do this, will you fight us and kill if necessary to still get what you want? Or will you just allow us to evolve the way we want to without interference?

The 'take over' or 'invasion' of your planet is unavoidable, as this is the program of Prime Creator.
If WE would have left the human archetype to evolve by itself, it would have destroyed itself and this planet a number of times over.
You appear to not understand that all ET's are humanoid aspirants, awaiting their own graduations, which must await the humanoid graduation to proceed.

What exactly do you want? You want to make this planet yours, you want to hybradize humans into something else, you want to put dragons as our caretakers. This truly does not sound like a world I want to be in. Will there be any alternatives for those who don't comlpy with this agenda of the dragons?

The Dragon caretakers are simple Council of the Elders. These councils will be composed of by the dragonomized humans having graduated and metamorposed into starhumans.

It is only this most elementary form, which was deemed suitable to BECOME the cosmic masterrace and then AS an ancestor for ALL ET races in the Gaian lifeform associations.

Allright.. The Gaian lifeforms.. Do you mean Gaia as in 3D Earth?

Yes, but the interrelationships between humans, flora, fauna and mineral kingdoms of the taxonomy upon Gai and that of ALL ET races is far more interwoven than has been fathomed and described by human authors and sources of such things.
Should you peruse some other messages of mine you can learn many details about these things dear sollve.

If we are the cosmic masterrace.. Why would you want to hybradize the original humans? Isn't it enough to create hybrids to evolve your own species? If we are the masterpiece, wouldn't it be more fair to allow us to evolve on our own and by doing that allowing other species to make their own hybrids with the help from us?

As said repeatedly, your masterrace status is subject to ALL other races 'interfering with it' to further their own agendas. YOUR human template is however the ROYALTY of the entire cosmos.

This is the situation with the higherD ETs. THEY chose NOT to 'fall' into the most primordial incarnational energy realm called Gaia; BUT chose to support their own evolutionary agendas in HYBRIDISATION with that most primitive stock.

But are they trying to take over the most primordial incarnational energy realm called Gaia. If you destroy or change the most primordial stock, what is then left for others to evolve from/with? Dragonized hybrids? That doesn't sound fair to anyone. If they wanted some dragon DNA, my guess is that they would come to you in the first place if that was the case.

Again, the hybridization engages the going forwards and backwards in time of the entire biophysical evolution of the universe. Then, by necessity all the 'primordial lifestocks' must also be effected. The entire universe is being reconstructed in this hybridization of the Before with the After.

How could your so called star human ever be what the human was meant to be from the beginning?

This is what I am trying to explain to you in the above. The human morphogenetics will be like a master template a 'Morphogenetic Field' for the Cosmos, as Rupert Sheldrake would say.

Again, do you mean the dragonized human morphogenetics or the original 'as intended from the beginning' human morphogenetics.

This is absolutely identical and the same thing Sollve.

We are meant to stop wars and find new ways, new creative ways to make peace. We are meant to save worlds, galaxies, universes and to help every single being to be sovereign in its own being, without the need for care takers. We are the creative force and upholders of universal love and free will. When allowed to show our inner beings, We are LOVE. We are INSPIRATION. How can anyone possibly think that we are better off as hybrids?

One day you will understand the relative 'sillyness' of your question here.
Now I state 'sillyness' not stupidity - be careful how you choose to judge or interpret my words. Thubans DO NOT JUDGE, they OBSERVE what works and what does not work in the greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation.

Works according to who? The Thuban Council? I find it very hard to believe that the Thuban Council is speaking on behalf of the rest of the universe or even the relatively small world of humans. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

You ARE 'wrong' about this. The Thuban Council indeed speaks on behalf of ALL civilizations throughout the universe. That is why WE are 12-dimensional as the inside-out mirror dimension of the 11-D Witten-Membrane Mirror of Omnispacetime; awaiting the twosidedness of this mirror to become twisted into onesidedness. This then will reconfigure multidimensional spacetimes on all levels.

Who is according to the Thuban Council governing Earth today? Do we have a Draconian government or is it governend by the Zeta-Reticuli's? Who do you think have the most influence today? Could you elaborate on this regarding how this has changed during the years and what will happen in the years to come regarding governence. Will you work together with someone else or do you, the dragons plan on governing earth and mankind all by yourself in the long run?

The governance of Earth today is on many levels. In 3D this governance are your human institutions and in 4D this is your astral connectivity to the ETs.

You may choose to label your astral 'governors' as Draconian or Zeta Reculian or Pleiadean or whatever you like.
All of these labels are 3rd and 4th order expressions of fundamental archetypes.
The Thuban archetype is 1st order under the auspices of the Logos or Word of God.
So hitherto (say the warped timeline from December 8th, 2004 to April 1st, 2012 with distributed nexus points within) the 'governance' did not include 1st order, but was restricted to the lower orders.
Especially since January 18th, 2010 the Thuban 1st order archetype has allowed the Logos to interact with the 'governors'.
This is what is experienced on this forum and many parallel agendas manifesting in all dimensions and densities due to the dispensation from the highest order from the 'Word of God'.

The Dragon nature of this Logos then will indeed 'govern' the entire universe on all levels.

In the greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation? Again, according to who? Can you state who supports YOUR idea of this greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation and is there any way for you to elaborate on this? Who else supports this view? From where did this particular greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation arrive from?

The Logos of Creation is the Power and authority behind the Council of Thuban.

Without ET-hybridisation, you would not have any analytical abstract ability now. It is this which differentiates you from your common ancestry with the great apes.

So you, Sollve could not type intelligently on your computer, where you not right now a Human-ET hybrid.

Sure, but what's the need for you to hybridize us further? Why, in plain text do you want to do this? What do you gain from this?

This I have explained in paragraps above - the defusing and empowerment of the chromosomes in molecular biochemistry in the physical expression of precursor metaphysical programs.

We as hybrids are only beneficial to our so called ‘wanna be’ care takers. For thousands of years we have been suppressed, not allowed to grow the way we should. Allow us to show our true selves and we will be the care takers of the universe, just as we are intended to be.

Has it really come to this?

You, like many, are an emotional human who is prone to judgements and preemtors, without exercising your faculties of reason and rationality.

Does the Thuban Council think that the human emotion is something that needs to be altered with in the hybridization process? How will it be altered? Will the human emotions be strengthened or weakend in the hybrids? Or altered in any other way?

This is a good question. The Human Emotionality in in a very deep sense defines the Regality of the human master template - it is precious to ALL cosmic sentiences.

The 'problem' with human emotion is, that it is not coupled to a rational selfconsistent and logical human mindedness.
The human mind is undergoing 'Armageddon=Dragon Made' on the mental planes of definition.
The danger, as perceived by MENTALLY more advanced ET civilisations is, that the kindergarten human mentality will ABUSE and MISUSE its EMOTIONAL POWER SOURCE to cause physical damage to itself and the global environments.

Perhaps you should consider the wisdom of my avatar.

I wasn't aware of flaming anyone. Are you on fire?

I speak of the spiritual fire dear Sollve.

It has shown from time to time that our hearts can't be enslaved. Is the only step left for the fallen angels to enslave us and make us do their will, to actually take away our uniqueness in some kind of hybridization program?

What do you know of fallen angels; do you understand that YOU are a fallen angel?

Please elaborate on this! What is your definition of a Fallen Angel? Please also elaborate on the fact that I AM a fallen angel.

Post #1351 describes this in great detail.

Well I guess it's your loss in the long run. One can't help the one who don't want to be helped.

If someone wants to change what is already perfect, the only reason to do so must be to lower that perfectness beneath the perfectness of themselves in order to raise their own perfectness. For example if I'm the second or third tallest man on earth. The only way for me to be the tallest man is to either shrink the ones above me or eliminate them or to actually grow taller. To grow is the only acceptable alternative as the other alternatives includes the sacrifice of others.

In this case you would actually need to accept the fact to be second or third or whatever you see yourself as. We don't look at races or beings as being superior to others. We see them all at their full potential and with the ability to grow to where we are. We are designed to set an example of what can be done and to show the rest what their full potential is all about. You shouldn't look upon us as a threat. We are designed to help and if you don't want to evolve past your current limits, you don't need to. Maybe it's possible for us to build you a playground of your own choice where you can't hurt anyone and certainly not being able to hijack other beings for your own purposes.

So you are already aware of your cosmic design Sollve; if you are then you would not ask the questions you ask, because you would fathom your design.

Do you mean that I don't mean what I'm writing? Do you mean that I should just accept to be altered with by anyone wanting to do so? It's one thing to observe and use what you see and learn to make yourself better. It's a whole different thing to change and devour in the same process. I don't see why the first one needs to be folloed by the second. Please elaborate on how you justify that behavior.

This is but your human mentality Sollve. You have three consciousness levels: waking(~86%); sub(~14%) and super(~0.3%).
Many misunderstandings and interpretations and mental conclusions you draw in waking consciousness are retranslated in the subconscious and again in the superconsciousness.
With the 'you already know', I mean your own unique and individuate Christ-Consciousness/Higher Self coupling of the innermost selfawareness. However this part is overwhelmed by your human mindednessof the waking consciousness and is then interfered with by the astrality of your subconscious.

Mental balance is not easy to maintain in a climate of extreme polarisation of consciousness carriers and the human mindedness blocks and destabilizes the attempt of the superconscious to express itself.
There are some participators here who consistently display such mental balance and it are these who are the true harmonizers who have accessed their Christ-Self-Consciousness.

We are here to help whenever you are ready!

For love and unity throughout the universe!


You are helping the cosmic evolution in great honour and sincerity Sollve; one day you shall understand and socialise with Dragons in some Bar upon Thuban.

I believe I understand dragons as of this NOW and I'm looking forward to share a drink on a bar in Thuban with you or any of your beloveds. I'm just hoping I'm observant enough to not be lured into any kind of hybridization process because I want to be me in that bar. For all I know what you label as 'StarHuman' might just be another name for 'StarDust'. Or is it perhaps the 'OldHuman' who falls into that cathegory?

Without your hybridisation you will either not see and encounter any dragons or you will be rather afraid of them Sollve.

What would dragons prefer most? Sitting in a bar socializing with an Angelic Original Human or socializing with a pile of StarDust?


Shalom from the DragonDen

Before you point your finger at ME about using WE. WE are ALL who resonate with ME.

ME=WE also on Thuban - after our master templar Emmanuel Melchisedec E.M.=WE.

Sorry, I don't know him...

I know, heshe resides in your heart as the Cosmic Logos though, knocking from the inside and the outside on the doors of your human mindedness.


I'm looking forward to hear from you again my busy friend!


I forgot to ask you what you can tell us anything about these:


Just curious!

I have given you a lot of time here Sollve; due in fact to your trouble of having to rewrite your questions. I am well aware of this annoyance.

Then to further comment on your links, I would ask you to be a little more specific. Then I shall answer your queries in due course.


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 04:16 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 244234)
Thank you! I long to remember my mirror on my path back home to Source. So the mind being a tool for the human soul to discover itself, Is the soul the orginator of thought-based energy and is this where free will comes into play?

Yes nebula9D; the soul, defined as the shard of Prime Creator as a data collector of the Individuality WITHIN the Oneness USES the mind to gather experience by environmental stimulation.

So the UNIFIED SOUL becomes MANY SOULS, each INDIVIDUAL soul reflecting the original oneness and then upon FULL selfremembrance allows the UNIFIED GODSOUL to experience itself in ever increasing UNIQUE INDIVIDUATIONS.

The 'free will' is really the INDIVIDUAL CREATIVE GENIUS as the Prime Creator Itself, experiencing the Manyness in Oneness.


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 04:46 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Magamud (Post 244223)
A natural reboot system? When mind has reached its limit in reality integration. Like many of the AI stories Hal 9000? So the Devils world a reverse mirror can be used as our own "antibiotics" in the hologram so to speak. Funny we steal the devils such hard work in the end. :mfr_lol ie..

The mind is unlimited in reality integration magamud. Your 'reboot' system is cyclicity within some reality context. Until the mirror of the illusion is 'shattered', the cyclicity remains bounded by it and so no 'reboot' between the physical-spiritual realities is possible.

Makes total sense that assumed evil archetypes are nothing but the source trying to represent itself but due to the mirror effect, we have it...You described the double mirror with an outer and inner circle. Do you have a picture of this to show?

This is elemental archetypology. You can simply annullarize a circular interior, such as occurs in the quantum geometry of the standar model of the Thuban Particle Physics.
For a pictoral representation just consider the orbit of the moon about the earth superposed onto the orbit of the earth about the sun.
The occultations and conjunctions then define the eclipses as just such 'obscurations' of the 'light source'.

Can you describe some of the Suns Shadowminds history?

This is 3rd order archetype, meaning that the astral hyperspace dimensions allow superposed histories and as authored by 3D composers able to integrate those archetypes. So should you be able to couple the physical spacetime consciousness of the Sun's spacial occupancy, then the ET inelligence will participate in yur modelling, sauy a solar ET civilization manifesting physically through the solar plasma.
This then will be a History of the particle-Nature of the solar waveform as a shadow being.

Amazing how consciousness can skip through time......

The holographic universe IS Consciousness.

This will exponential grow as the logos here or black hole intensifies?

Yes, the Black Hole intensification is simply data compression however at the center of the earth and the size of a golfball becoming heavier say.

Can you give information on Bigmos Baloon. Thankyou...

Bigmo's Balloon is simply a metaphor for the metaphysical universe as it existed before being born into materiality.
My reply to you uses this balloon in its empty state as the metaphysical transformation into a filled balloon in the Descent of the 1st order archetypes termed Adam and Eve in the 'Falling In'.


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 04:59 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by K626 (Post 244048)
Has 'Ra' really got time to post on here? :original:

You are Ra-Hamarkhis also K626 and YOU are posting here, do you not?


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 05:04 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 244157)
Good point! Makes you wonder does it not? I would think Ra would be spending time on much more serious objectives...and leave the messages to the messengers....

And I fail to see how you Abraxis relate the Sapphire Tablets to this information.....this is a question BTW...:thumb_yello: Rephrase.....How do you relate this information to the Ten commandments...of the Sapphire Tablets?

They are nothing more the a duplicate version of the Ten commandments...the first ones were broken by Moses, and they are the replacememts.....How does it turn into "clean sex" and "unclean sex"?

The Tablets of Stone, Stone Tablets, Tablets of Law, or Tablets of Testimony (in Hebrew: לוחות הברית Luchot HaBrit - "the tablets [of] the covenant") in the Bible, were the two pieces of special stone inscribed with the Ten Commandments when Moses ascended Mount Sinai as recorded in the Book of Exodus. Exodus 31:18 refers to the tablets as the "Tablets of Testimony" because they give insight into the nature of God.
According to the Bible, there were two sets: the first, inscribed by God, were smashed by Moses when he was enraged by the sight of the Children of Israel worshiping the Golden Calf; and the second, later cut by Moses and rewritten by God.
According to traditional teachings of Judaism in the Talmud, they were made of blue sapphire stone as a symbolic reminder of the sky, the heavens, and ultimately of God's throne; many Torah scholars, however, have opined that the Biblical "sapir" was, in fact, the lapis lazuli.[citation needed]
Both the first shattered set and the second unbroken set were stored in the Ark of the Covenant (the Aron Habrit in Hebrew).

Perhaps a second perusal will illuminate you Brook - or not!


abraxasinas 02-26-2010 05:59 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by BraveHeart (Post 244149)
repost as my question seems to have been not seen

Greetings Abraxasinas,

I am interested in learning about your thoughts on who i am, i have just joined the site and would like my personal verification and validation .......... will take me a while to completely read this entire thread but at 5 pages in i felt the need to get verification.

Questions --
a/Previous incarnation information
b/Also my roll in this incarnation
c/Where i come from & whom i represent
d/Nibiru you mentioned is earths reflection?? and earth will become Nibiru ??
e/What races or spiecies are on planet right now other than of human origin

i look forward in your reply. hopefully this gets spotted

Warm Regards


Welcome Giuseppe!

No, I did not forget your question, but due to its intricate nature about Cosmic Identity; I had to postpone answering it to find the time necessary to reply to it appropriately. As you may have noticed there is a kind of consciousness conflict occurring on this thread and there are certain priorities I need to attend to, before I can answer intricate questions, such as you have posed.
You have asked a highly pertinent question, which deserves detailed reply.
What I shall so share, will help many others to answer such questions for themselves without requiring guidance of 'gurus' or 'authorities'.

a/Previous incarnation information

Here you should differentiate orders of consciousness interpretation to access this information.
1st order are elementary archetypes, which apply to everyone. Everyone IS this archetype of 1st order and so the labeling of these 'symbols' will reflect a certain generality.

So I can say with absolute assurance that YOU Gioseppe are ADAM, the Son of God AND you have existed even before the physical universe was born in observable materiality.

In this 1st order of the archetypes, you are also BOTH Cain and Abel and Seth, the first three sons of Adam and Eve.
Yes, archetypically, you are both Father and Son in one.

Continuing, you also become Noah and Abraham, 'the Friend of God' and then Isaac and Jacob renamed to Israel.

Yes Giuseppe, you are in 1st order the Holy Land of Israel.

So why do you think so many here FEEL that they have 'special' roles and 'special missions' to fulfil, like saving the world from the evil monsters?

It is because they are indeed CORRECT - in 1st order of the archetypology.

So how many Osiris-is and Isis-is and Maats and Thoths (do you get the subtleties?) are here just in a single forum?

Just as many ADAMS and EVES who decide to 'tap' into their own ADAMEVE 1st order archetype.

So Giuseppe have you been Moses or Napoleon or Cleopatra or one of the apostles of Christ or Christ himself?

I say to you: Yes you have been all of them as ADAM the Son of God.

But you have also been the aborted child of Mary Citizen in 1976 and you have been the Ethiopean child which died of hunger yesterday at 3 o'clock local Greenwich Time.

Ok now you experience something, see a movie about the Cherokee Indians and hearing the beat of the drums you FEEL something - you are getting very emotional about something and you do not know why.

This kind of experience is authored from your 1st order Christ-Consciousness residing deep within you as just so 0.3% of your overall conscious selfawareness.
This then triggers through a 2nd order of the archetypes of this same 'I am Adam' archetype into say 'I am a Family of Adams' or a Race awareness to say that you are this or that ADAMIC SELDEXPRESSION.

So 2nd order archetypes distinguish Personality and Individuality from 1st order unpolarized Unity.
So now you might see, that I should have said ADAM the Son of God is actually ADAMEVE=SonDaughter of God. Polarity undivided.

So 2nd Order is Unity, say as a Race, yet not separatedly expressed.

Here then the Race of the Humans is DIFFERENT from the RACE of the DRAGONS and say the Arcturiian ETs are different from the Pleiadean ETs in polarisation, yet the Humans or the Dragons remain unified as a RACE.

3rd Order of the archetypes then DIVIDES THE RACE.
There are 'good' humans and 'good' dragons and there are 'bad' humans and there are 'bad' dragons etc. etc.
This then defines POLARISATION EXTERNALLY expressed.

The 4th Order then divides the individual polarisation within itself.
This for example then is the conflict of the Inner Self with the Outer Self, say the Mind versus the Body Descartian Duality or some other such yin-yang division of a 3rd Order Oneness, such as Giuseppe Braveheart.

Within a RACE then, some 3rd order exponents, such as yourself begin to REMEMBER their higher order cosmic IDs and then they might experience emotional experiences sent from their Christ-Inner Selves.

'I have a mission', Giuseppe says to himself. 'God or Jesus or some angel or some ET has talked to me in my dreams and as his Son, I Giuseppe Braveheart must now go out there and save the worlds from themselves'.

-Also, I am so familiar with this piece of music, I can play it without notes, I must have composed it in a previous lifetime.

-Those Cherokee drums drive me crazy, I must have been a brave warrior 700 years ago in the Mississippi delta.

-I am so afraid of water and I FEEL I was drowned in the sinking of the Titanic.

So then your feelings and emotional self-response to whatever experiences and environmental stimuli you encounter - the emotional response SHOWS you to accentuate your search for knowledge and wisdom in that field of experience.

b/Also my role in this incarnation

To rediscover and Remember that YOU Giuseppe are ADAMEVE or Cosmic Man or Purusha or Adam Kadmon as the SonDaughter of GoddoG.

c/Where i come from & whom i represent

You are a Secret Agent (like James Bond 007) FOR and on behalf of God, the Prime Creator of the Universe and as ABBA the common Father for both You and Jesus of Nazareth, the Word of God.

Your Story as AdamEVE is told in message #1351. You might term it:

Giuseppe Braveheart: "This is Your Life!"

d/Nibiru you mentioned is earths reflection?? and earth will become Nibiru ??

Yes, Nibiru is the incoming shadow earth merging like an object casting a shadow merges with its own shadow once the lights go out.

e/What races or species are on planet right now other than of human origin

All of them.


ellie 02-26-2010 06:51 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I know this is a sensitive subject so if you do not want to answer it I understand.

As far as the Council knows, what happens to the mentally ill who maybe in a bout of extreme depression take their life. I know what the Catholics say about this but I would like to know what their answer is for that.

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 07:08 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by beren (Post 243620)
Abrax wrote in initial thread:

There has been much speculation about 'Reptilian agendas' and the agenda of the Alpha Draconians or ADs throughout the human history.
Much of this confusion derives from the 'hidden data' only known by the Council of Thuban. (I say what...?????????)

Dear Beren!

I apologize for not replying sooner, but your questions are often hidden in your commentaries.
Only the incarnate Logos as the 'Word of God' could encompass the multidimensional cosmic structure in its entirety and so span all 10 dimensions of the inertialised manifestation and the 11th dimension of the noninertial electromagnetic one.
The Logos then established the Thuban Council as the manifested archetypology as encoded in Revelation.4 to activate on this forum from January 18th, 2010.

So my above statement could be rewritten as:
Much of this confusion derives from the 'hidden data' only known by the Council of Thuban, because the 'Word of God' decided to activate its '2nd Coming' under this label.

So many conflicting reports have surfaced, most of which contain some material correlated with the libraries of Thuban; but all of them deficient to encompass the agenda behind the agendas.(Hmmm story behind the story...)
In brief, because the ADs have forgotten their origins, yet seemingly being the oldest race of intelligences in the universe; they have become what you may term 'paranoid' about this 'rumour' that the humans are the Paa Taal (as defined by the Andromedean Council).(Who created Andromedans? )

The Logos, activating in individual logii in individuated holograms of consciousness units within the galactic Logos of Andromeda aka (Spiral Galaxy) M31.

The ADs did in fact hybridise with the first onset of the genetic templates which emerged so 20 million years ago in the Miocene and in the form of the evolutionary branching of the primates into the 'Old World Monkeys'.

So Dragon, humans were made first ,then your kind. Now you wish to Dragonize us?

No Beren, Dragons came first as the Invisible StarHumans and as Destiny for the Visible Humans to evolve and metamorphose into.

Next quote from initial thread:

From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

Then you may allow yourself to understand, that the 'Shadow Council of Thuban' also mirrors what many of you term the 'Shadow Government' of Earth and similar labellings.
( now we`re talking- if you are behind all on this Earth, all governments, then you got a lot of blood on your hands. Your father THE Dragon offered Jesus all kingdoms on earth if he bow him. Jesus said :"away of me Satan,because it is written to God you should only bow and give glory! "... Therefore you try here to do the same as your father,to lure in,trick and finally enslave humans forever.)

Some of you may also now rather quickly realise the agenda of agendas.Hunab Ku aka Perseus aka Ouroboros, the Milky Way Serpent 'who swallows its own tail' is a 'Bridegroom' in expectation of his 'Bride'.

In physical terms, Hunab Ku desires to become a parent in a celestial dragonomy, the heavenly wedding between galactic bodyforms.

Hunab Ku is the center of ALL galaxies and the Maya knew his substitution of Perseus, the real name of the Milky Way.
Perseus will dragonomize Andromeda in about 5 billion years in the celestial galactic symbiosis of Two Spiral galaxies becoming As One Elliptical galaxy and Grandparents for many a family of celestial civilizations.

The masterplan so engages a temporary 'place holder' of the 'Source of All', the 'All That Is' or 'God' to employ Perseus as Hunab Ku, the Secret Agency with Kukulkan, the Cosmic Christ and the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek to transmit the galactic core information from the 'Father of All' to the 'Mother of All'.

Now can you see it - Gaia is NOT a planetary consciousness; Gaia is NOT even a star consciousness - Gaia is GALACTIC Consciousness mimicking the Andromedean consciousness as a 'divine placeholder'.

There you said it all. You want this planet for your lord .THE Dragon. The man-slayer from the beginning. Father of lies.

You wish that all universe get dragonized by hybridization. You wish to erase human conscience and you want to re create humans into an image of your father-THE Dragon.
Your father can not create anything. He can only distort original creation. Twist it and bend it until it gets an ugly shape , a mockery of God and his creation.

You mention Maya`s . They were slaying people as sacrifices to their serpent god... and you come in the beginning of the thread and say "I love you" ?

The Logos is the Truth, the Way, the Resurrection and the Life as 'The Word of God'.

Nay serpent, you are deceiver as your father is.

If you say so Beren; but remember the Mirror of the Truth in front of you, whenever you consider the 'Word of God'.


K626 02-26-2010 07:20 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I'd love to get Icke's take on all this dragoning stuff...:original:

K626 02-26-2010 07:22 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 244282)
You are Ra-Hamarkhis also K626 and YOU are posting here, do you not?


Tell me a little more about the proto-universe. :original:

abraxasinas 02-26-2010 07:40 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by ellie (Post 244312)
I know this is a sensitive subject so if you do not want to answer it I understand.

As far as the Council knows, what happens to the mentally ill who maybe in a bout of extreme depression take their life. I know what the Catholics say about this but I would like to know what their answer is for that.

Dear Ellie!

Our (dragonomy acolyte) scribe TonyB. lost his eldest daughter to suicide in 2004. She was 22 years old and took her life after she could not bear the cries of her aborted child from the astral.

The following account of this should answer your question.


Love to you

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