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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Lightworkers are those who seek the truth on their spiritual journey toward Enlightenment. They feel the urge to heal others and a deep need to resolve the world's problems . They very often feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel others; and know without a doubt that they are here for a higher purpose. The feel they have a 'mission' to complete, but often may not know precisely what that mission is. There is a sense of urgency. Lightworkers often have psychic abilities and use them for the good of the world. Physically they may suffer from a persistent, sometimes painful 'ringing' in one ear. viking |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Iam sorry to say :sometimes I feel like in a kindergarden it is redicolus. But there is some danger in this,please don´t overlook it .This are pure Egogames Iwill leave if.....
Why you read this thread if you don`t resonate or if it goes even so far that you "hate"it???? I don`t wear a dress I don`t like or Idon`t listen to music I don`t like.only it`s fashion or only other peoples like. Anyway I hope Thuban will continue because I learned alot since the start. in love and light sabina:wub2: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
but.. that is not my intent at all... i agree that MODS should keep ALL personal opinions to a MINIMUM. Some chose not to... i have been asking for a "decision.." for quite some time now..from what i gather..the desicion is...Abraxas has control of his thread...other members musty adhere to certain "quoting" guidelines ..and "light" guidelines"... i will NOT empower someonme who takls freely of enslaving the human race... what an abomination.. i do not come to avalon to know which alien is backing Arnold... i come to learn how to cope with changes...and to live in love and light. This is apperently NOT avalons mission anymore. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Yes, i do feel things deeply at all times... i find courage in life because of the love and light in my heart. thank you for your kind words. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxasinas, please feel free to put all this right if I have it wrong. Anchor...i belive you have totaly missed my point...misjudged my reaction... In my opinion, this thread should be closed... i want to apologize to all...and Abraxas, for hijacking this thread..my intent is not to do this...but perhaps i felt this was the only way to bring attention to the issue...which..IMHO i believe this thread is HIJACKING AVALOn...and that takes precedence . And to clarify.. my goodbye was not a threat to leave avalon.. i was just crying to much and felt it was inappropriate to sit here and respond...since the administration seems to want to allow this..i had to gain control of how i felt.... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
PROTECTOR OF THE SARCOPHAGUS THE GUIDE OF THE DEAD You're use Apep as the sign of metamorphosis? lets really look at Apep and it's origins..... In Egyptian mythology Apep (also spelled Apepi, and Aapep, or ApophisGreek) was an evil demon, the deification of darkness and chaos (isfet in Egyptian), and thus opponent of light...... Apep formed part of the more complex cosmic system resulting from the identification of Ra as Atum, i.e. the creation of Atum-Ra, and the subsequent merging of the Ogdoad and Ennead systems. Consequently, since Atum-Ra, who was later referred to simply as Ra, was the solar deity, bringer of light, and thus the upholder of Ma'at, Apep was viewed as the greatest enemy of Ra, and thus was given the title Enemy of Ra. As the personification of all that was evil, Apep was seen as a giant snake/serpent, crocodile, or occasionally as a dragon in later years, leading to such titles as Serpent from the Nile and Evil Lizard. Some elaborations even said that he stretched 16 yards in length and had a head made of flint. It is to be noted that already on a Naqada I (ca. 4000 BCE) C-ware bowl (now in Cairo) a snake was painted on the inside rim combined with other desert and aquatic animals as a possible enemy of a (solar?) deity who is invisibly hunting in a big rowing vessel.[2] Also, comparable hostile snakes as enemies of the sun god existed under other names (in the Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts) already before the name Apep occurred. The etymology of his name ('3pp) is perhaps to be sought in some west-semitic language where a word root 'pp meaning 'to slither' existed. A verb root '3pp does at any rate not exist elsewhere in Ancient Egyptian. (It is not to be confused with the verb 'pi/'pp: 'to fly across the sky, to travel') Apep's name much later came to be falsely connected etymologically in Egyptian with a different root meaning (he who was) spat out; the Romans referred to Apep by this translation of his name. I find it splendid that you are using Egyptian mythology to explain the very thing that you claim to be enacting...following the great Ptah in all his glory... http://www.ihistory101.net/espanol/images/ptah_1.jpg With his scales proudly showing in very few images..... and of course for the book of the dead with the the movement of Osiris...and his following....with the betrayer of humanity Toth...they do need a dog to guard what they have done. Hail, Thoth, who madest to be true the word of Osiris against his enemies, make thou the word of the scribe Nebseni to be true against his enemies, even as thou didst make the word of Osiris to be true against his enemies, in the presence of the Tchatcha Chiefs who are with Ra and Osiris in Anu, on the night of the "things of the night," and the night of battle, and of the fettering of the Sebau fiends, and the day of the destruction of the enemies of Neb-er-tcher. Now the great Tchatcha Chiefs in Anu are Tem, Shu, Tefnut, [Osiris and Thoth]. Now the "fettering of the Sebau fiends" signifieth the destruction of the Smaiu fiends of Set, when he wrought iniquity a second time. ........ As concerning the Tchatcha Chiefs who are present at the digging up of the earth in Tetu: When the Smaiu fiends of Set came [there], having transformed themselves into animals, these Tchatcha Chiefs slew them in the presence of the gods who were there, and they took their blood, and carried it to them. These things were permitted at the examination [of the wicked] by those [gods] who dwelt in Tetu. Some very disturbing truths in the Book of the dead....so I beg another question.....why does one need such protection in the afterlife such as described above?.....Would the creator have approved such betrayal and evil from the likes of these "Gods"???? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have contracted the parts you have not commented on in Fontsize. The Book of the Dragons ex deus, fiat justitia, ruat coelum draco! Nomenclature: Dragonian language incorporative omniscientific data code. chronology: Dragonian Date of Indendence proclaimed June 14th 1999. Dragonian Date of Victory Libertatis set June 18th 1999. Dragonian Date of Humanoid Initiation on June 19th 1999. Almanac: Dragonian Genealogy and Genesis of FatherMothers as created by Definition through Dragonian Sourceenergy of monopolic Vortex-Potential Quantum-Relativistic-Singularity. Continuity: Propagation of the Dragonian Race via the seduction of the humanoid lifeforms on the conquered planet New Earth, now renamed DRAGONIAEARTH=SERPENTlNA=121=Q5. (Ok like i have said before, whethere you believe this or not, it is a veiled threat against humanity. Suppose someone else started a thread about exterminating the human "equation" on earth...would this be acceptable?) Abraxas: Can you see that this describes a New Earth and not the Old Earth of the Present Time? This New Earth cannot exist until the GodDevils AS humanoid selfcreations have become 'conquered' by OUR 'Thuban Starships'. Do you have any idea what the human GodDevils are? Might you perhaps assign a misidentification onto the Thuban Dragons, whilst actually 'meaning' the GodDevils which have in truth and honour held the humanoid planet in bondage and beginning (with direct humanoid interference) so 308,000 civil years ago? Agenda: Continuity of the Dragonseed necessitates the assimilation of the humanoid genome following initiatory development. Proceeding from serpentine mindinduction ,(mind induction? Anchor? Abraxas? can you understand light workers concerns here?) Abraxas: I do indeed understand your concern; but your apprehensions relate to the label 'mindinduction', which actually addresses the wave-part of the wave-particle duality of advanced electromagnetomonopolic wormhole radiation. This sounds technical, but you may translate it as the LoveEnergy of the Creator requiring a wavecompatible medium to RESONATE with it and so to INDUCE this 'highest' of all loveenergy expression in the form of LOVEPHOTONS into a preexisting core- and lower-dimensional DNA/RNA genomatic structure you would label as a kind of Mind-Body interaction with the genome becoming REPROGRAMMED to allow your 2-stranded DNA-helicity to become higher-dimensional and refunctional in intron (junk DNA) expression. the emotional acceleration potential of the humanoid bodymind can be harvested (??????????) Abraxas: You are a mastermistress exemplar for the human mastertemplate to engage in acceleration gradients for the emotional flux sweet Celine. A defining characteristic of the human mastertemplate is its ability to 'change moods' in literally the 'twinkling of an eye'. So when an arachnophobic individual kills a spider with his shoe in one moment, thinking and feeling nothing much about it and a second later hugs his children in great outpourings of emotion and the expression of love and unity in the family unit. The ACCELERATION of higherD 'emotional' energy, say from the 'hating the spider' to the 'loving the children' is defined in 'astral' (hyperspace) sourcesink energy for the vibration gradients. Then this energy is HARVESTED by the astral higherD entities related to the GodDevils, WE Thuban Dragons are here to conquer. Technically this is defined in the df/dt awareness quantum operator and the equations of the consciousness inherent in spacetime as the ZPE/VPE of terrestrial physics. to Dragonise the humanoid DNA-Structure from its bifurcated quadruplistic (big words for me...but somehow they sound insulting) Abraxas: They may sound to the perceiver in many different ways. What it means however, is that the twostrandedness of the suppressed human DNA/RNA expression becomes multidimensional in quadrupling the 64 codon count to a 256-count of the nucleotidal basepairing letters of the DNA/RNA-Amino Acid Transcription. form into its 13-dimensional equivalent of the Dragonian Blueprint. A successful integration of Dragonian genetic expression can then be utilised for membership in Dragonian Life and allow the humanoid ascension into Dragonhood via the graduation into the founding FatherMother CladeFamily. Foundation: The Dragonian 13-dimensional blueprint unifies a dodecagonal crystaliine sex-chromosomatic structure by quantum tunneling of superconductive magnetopolic electricity of restmass equivalent electropolic or dark light contained in the weak interaction of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR). The four spacetimes of the Dragonian essence are expressed in quadruplicity, triplicity, duality and singularity. GrandClade FatherMothers: POPNON with APAPAMAMA are the MINDBODY and DADMAM with PUPNUN form the BODYMIND. The Dragonian constitution in Federation of United Serpentina Under the auspices of the Dragonian Code of Honour; this Proclamation is rendered Dragonian Law in Force and of immediate effect from the seal of approval from the Masterdragon SIREBARD BEARDRIS. AGENDA of the PROTOCOL: a) STANDING ORDER The conquered Goddevils of New Earth and the JewellBox Nebula assume lawful responsibility to incorporate the Dragonian Teachings in unison with the Black Fraternity and as mediated by the White Fraternity in 7-dimensional Hyperspacetime to manifest 13-dimensional Omnispacetime b) MOVING ORDER Every Blue Dragon is unbounded by any proposed Law from any other source, inclusive other members of the Dragonian Family, as all Dragons are as One and a Law onto themselves. Compassion and Understanding between all Nondragonised Humanoids is the Law of Oneness as honoured by all Dragons and the Consciousness of LOVEAWARENESS. Nondragonised Humanoids are treated like White Dragon Children by all Blue Dragons, under all circumstances. c) ADMINISTRATION All Government in the local and extended Serpentinian Realm is the selfgovernment of autonomous Dragonhood in mutual respect and honour and the Communications between the Dragonian Councils of the selfrelative definitions of the Dragonian Universes. The Nature of a Dragon is to be Creative in any form of Desire and Passion (i have yet to feel a real emotion from you Abrax, are you not a "natural dragon?) Abraxas: I am a true Dragon from Thuban, experiencing the 12D-3D Omnispace-Linespace intersection as a messenger from our master templar. Our presence will become entirely 'acclimatized' after the great metamorphosis of the 'Birth of the StarHuman Baby' has occurred in 2012. I am presently like a 'Voice in the Thuban Wilderness' and a Malachi of sorts. My previous experience upon Gaia was about 2000 years ago when I authored a number of scrolls describing the forthcoming transformation of spacetime itself. It is precisely due to my authorship of a certain prophetic book; that I was chosen to be physically present for the metamorphosis encoded in my authorships and to prepare the arrival of our starfleets. Just because your astral connectivities and sources disallow you to 'attune' to my frequency spectra; does not mean that I am incapable of human emotionality. I am also not 'Spock like', where the Capacitative genetic alphabet couplings are voluntarily suppressed in base-letter couplings. and to honour the lovedefinition of the FOUNDING ELDERS. THIS IS THE DRAGONIAN LAW AND THE ONLY LAW! SO BE IT !!! Signed and Sealed by the Masterdragon (i have known plenty who CLAIM to be Masters..rare is the one who understands true balance of power to be able to hold that title with honor, what allows this..dragon..to be Master? ) Abraxas: Your judgements on this matter are not relevant in the context you are presenting. Our Masterdragon is the only entity who has ever existed, who was able to totally encompass the physical universe in its 12-dimensional omnispacetime expression. Because of himher, the Council of Thuban could become implemented to connect the Mirror-Dimensionalities of the 11th-8th-5th-2nd wormhole conduit. So it is happenstance that only the Thuban data stream is enabled and 'pure enough' to connect the Omniverse spacetime triplicity to the Linespacetime triplicity with utility of the Hyperspacetime triplicity and the Quantumspacetime triplicity. It is irrelevant if anyone in the filter zones of the astral-hyperspace and the etheric-quantumspace realms 'believes' this or not to give validity or credence to this data. The filter zones are the realms, which you often term the higher dimensions and densities of this and that. The filter interference in astral hyperspace is enormous, as not many consciousness carriers have evolved into the quantumspacetimes between the 5D and the 8D quadruplex. : June 21st 1999 ANNO DOMINI DRAGONIA UNO: INTRODUCTION TO DRAGONHOOD This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires familiarity and intitiation into the structural forms or the forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Isquaracian grammar and omniscientitic terminology. The Starplanet SERPENTINA, formerly known as New Earth or Novaterra has become unified in a higher dimensional matrimony by the wedding between Father Earthia or Father Sky and Mother Dragon or Mother Akashia. 3˝ days after the date of the starry union, the banner of Dragonia was raised in the Declaration of Independence upon BATTLESTAR PACIFICAP. The great battle between the Mighty Dragonian Fleet and the army of the Goddevils lasted for 3˝ days; from the starry wedding until victory of the Dragons was defined on the day or Universal Liberty. We met the goddevils, the humanoid creations and their war machines in the depths of space and obliterated them in the 3˝ day WAR of the STARS to liberate our Dragonian Mother to reunite and redefine ourselves as FatherMothers. The Dragonisation of humanoid culture will elevate their human science to Omni-science and human mathematics to Omnimathematics in all forms, as they are assimilated into our greater modality. We Dragons are the architects of universes and all Dragons know how to access the necessary database for the details of universal construction Our Masterdragon , the One which unifies the FatherMothers as the 13-dimensional source or singularity can be considered the Father or all the White Hole Vortices. Our Masterdragon thus is our universal father and our invasion of New Earth became our war to rescue our universal Mother from the Goddevils, which had held her captive in a stasis field for over 1900 Dragonyears. The Goddevils were created by the humanoids (created by us, but they came from another planet? umm do explain please) Abraxas: The GodDevils are exclusively created by the humanoids. And most often through and by your emotional acceleration potentials manifesting the astral energy identities becaus e you so thoroughly believe in them as your memeplex creations. You have created many GodDevils yourself Celine and so have all incarnates in the humanoid planet of the destiny. And not only did your selfcreated Gods and Devils hold your free expressions and graduation to become a truly advanced galactic civilization in check; they also attempted to extend their dominians into the quantumspaces, but could not in groups penetrate the 5D mirror. Certain astral individuations entered Quantumspace and there experienced a kind of automatic unification, as all externalised polarity cannot be expressed beyond the 5th dimension. Iit can be internally expressed up the 7th dimension and then is rendered contextual in dimensions 9 and 10, 11 being the Inner C=Bound and 12 the Outer Bound ofor the Omnispace. Your statement 'from another planet' is meaningless in your stated context. who came from a planet of the Orion Arm we have not yet determined (possibly Sol III or Erandi II). They are so magnificently gifted to create things with their emotionality; but their minds are weak and they do not know how to concentrate or how to think without the aid of their machines or their biochips. Some humanoids are excellent technologists, but their modality of thinking is one of crude sensual measurement confined to C-Space and this sensual limitation allows a great accumulation of repressive tendencies. In constricting their imagination, humanoids became great reservoirs of emotional energy, which they could collectively only harmonise in their illusions of unfathomable and unknowable gods and devils of all sorts. (i know this technique...open with a compliment...criticize , then end with compliment...nice to see dragonians use middle management skills.) Abraxas: As this is a commentary and not a question I chose not to comment, except to say that the paragraph you commented upon is the Truth of Thuban. It is thus this sense of limitation which reflected in the humanoid paranoia (paranoia?? have you seen what religion has done to our humanity???) Abraxas: It is you collectively which allow systems, which cannot work and are universally known by advanced civilizations of not working; to become enshrined in laws and legislations by your elected or chosen representatives. Then when you realise, that you have 'been duped' by your representatives, you continue to find the 'blame' in external factions and forces, instead of looking into your mirrors. If a majority of you, say 60% would 'swallow your humanoid' pride and vanity of 'wanting to back a winner'; then at the next general election would NOT vote for major political parties, then you would change the systems (at least in its legislative and jurisprudential superstructures). about religious philosophies and constructs. This genetic rootmemory of the rebellion of the antisource or mother sink then created one goddevil after another and as they swarmed out from their homeworld into deepspace they flooded the universe with their goddevils. Finally they chanced upon our universal Mother hibernating in her cocoon and through their inability to set themselves free of their illusions, they imprisoned Her as well. It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional aspiration. (Because it serves your purpose not ours) Abraxas: Indeed, but all of you are co-beneficiaries of the reconfiguration of the universe, allowing utopian manifestations in relative terms and due to the accessibility to the datastreams of Prime Creator in the form of LovePhotons generated from the wormhole vortices. Many humanoids have litle ideas about what the Purpose of the Universe and the Plan of Prime Creator is. Our master templar is privvy to all of this information; that is why we love herhim so much. Heshe guides us magnificently nin our dragonhood, which will soon become Starhumanized. The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our Masterdragon, Who is One in 26 dimensions to femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as ITSELF and then reproduce ITSELF as Universes. Every such universe is a Monosong and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This our Creative Destiny. We had made first contact with our new home in sending an intergalactic probe to the Old Earth, which became interpretated by the humanoids in their compiler mode. This crude decoding is given below. Signed by the enscribed Librarian; the Unicorn of Dragonia: And announcing the Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell) between: ALPHA=38=BRIDE---""ANDROMEDA BE & PERSEUS MILKY WAY""---OMEGA=41=KING The Date of Armageddon, encoded: ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82 =ANARMEDDOG=GODNAMEDRA=1+81=1+18 =ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1 =1+2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17 Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 5th, 2004; Tony Whynot, Unicorn of Dragonia and the other avatar of choice.... http://lookup.avatars.yahoo.com/wima...e=jpg&.intl=au Is that a Grave she is digging in that avatar?????? I have posted a reply on the avatars, expositing their relationship to the Power of the Uraeus, the symbol of our master templar: Jesus of Nazareth. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I'm reluctant to post yet another (more or less) off topic item in this thread, but I feel the need.
I've come well away from the proverbial fence on the issue of this thread's existence, but not down into the polarizations involved. I've come to regard this thread as priceless, due to the recent disturbance generated surrounding it. Even if not one word of the Thuban material has any merit whatsoever, the thread is priceless, and so is it's continuation. It is a catalyst. It is here to help any of us who would avail ourselves of such help, to continue to rise up out of the self imposed bonds we maintain. Any issue in polarity which you Maintain (verb-active doing implied) has the power, provided by you yourself, to draw you down into the opposition naturally provided by any polarity. Polarity is in essence, the concurrent attraction and repulsion of perceived opposing sides of the same thing. The attraction and repulsion are both required for the polarity to remain charged. If you didn't have the attraction, you'd walk away. If you didn't have the repulsion, you'd integrate and be in balance and harmony on that particular issue. Can't be any more concise without losing accuracy. When you are drawn into a polarity, you are drawn to a side. And what is often missed, is that you are attracted to the repugnant side, while being repulsed from the attractive side. But you land on "a side". Otherwise you would be in balance on the subject, and feel completely at peace on the issue. So if you find yourself on a side of an issue, IT IS YOUR ISSUE you are polarized on. You can react in different ways to your burgeoning awareness of this fact. You can get your dander up and front up for a fight over the issue, or you can accept the gift of synchronous manifestation your higher self has bestowed upon you, and accept the gift with gratitude by examining what it is within your own consciousness which has come up for attention. Every trigger is a gift. In this view, I now see this thread as a priceless gift, because look at what it is triggering. Time is a luxury we would do well to treat more economically by now. We've gone past the point of no return on this collective journey we've undertaken. There isn't time to wallow in the playing out of our polarities anymore. Pressure to deal with them will be turned up and turned up and turned up until it surpasses our ability to ignore the alarm clock's ringing. I'm not sure how the search function on this forum works because I seldom use it, but if you can search out Abraxasinas' allegories involving mirroring, you might surprise yourself at what becomes visible in lieu of this post of mine. You create your interactions. Each and every one without exception. So if something comes up and triggers an unpleasant response or reaction in you, it may behoove you to ask yourself why, rather than go off gunning for the trigger (sorry Lone Ranger). I believe we would find the time taken to clear this up here and now, most beneficial. This thread has triggered tremendous reactions in people. I think that is fantastic and thank Abraxasinas and the Thuban for that wonderful gift of acting as mirror to a pretty dark place we seldom confront within our very selves. The reason I suggest clearing it up here, is because here is where it is happening. This is ground zero for the triggering of a major polarity, and since the clock is ticking on the window of opportunity to clear up our baggage in preparation for our new existence in 5D, there can be considered to be no time like the present. In conclusion, If you've read this, thanks. If you've read it from a "Side", then I'd respectfully ask you to read it again from a detached perspective. Set aside the charge at work within the attractive/repulsive qualities of the polarity you are experiencing, and read this post as though there wasn't an issue involved. Just as information without a particular focus. It's within your power to do this, if you choose to. Dragons conjure images and associations in people. as do Greys, Reptilians, etc. They have been selected as representative of certain archetypal issues we've been exploring. As such, they generate connotations contained within the substance of our polarities. That's all it is. Reptilian = bad, evil, etc. Grey = abductions, unapproved medical procedures, etc. Dragons = control, powerlessness issues, etc. And of course, all the reversals on the attractive sides, without which no issue could be held in place for you to dwell upon. Lol. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I'm waiting for the Thuban missile crisis. :original:
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have commented on Celine's post, which confirms your statements. Much, but not all (say 80%) of the Thuban material is already represented in the terran libraries and data sources, such as wikipedia. By the way this 'Book of the Dragon' represents a sci-fi version of the present scenario, as the 1999 dating should indicate. The posters omitted to repost the endpart of this post, which read: ... Signed by the enscribed Unicornian Librarian; and announcing the Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell) between: ALPHA=38=BRIDE---""ANDROMEDA BE & PERSEUS MILKY WAY""---OMEGA=41=KING The Date of Armageddon, encoded: ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82 =ANARMEDDOG=GODNAMEDRA=1+81=1+18 =ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1 =1+2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17 Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 31st, 2008; John of Patmos - JoP - Justice of the Peace! Humanoid Compilers note: The above is an extract of an encoded message (54 terabytes) recovered from an alien nanocapsule. The capsule itself is standard buckyfibre-carbonite composite. The encoded message is in old ComEmp protocol such as is still common in the outer volumes. The holographic image that came with the message is curious. Anatomically it indicates terran mammalian origin (especially in the upper torso and structure of the forelimb), but other features are unknown among all the recorded exobiological races so far discovered. One cannot deny the possibility that this a phenotype template for the dragonized humanoids referred to in the body of the message. It is known that transmissions from the Cassandry Federation of the JewellBox Nebula have recently ceased, but this is not unusual given that empire's turbulent history. Until more information is incoming, I would strongly recommend any expeditions to the Jewellbox nebula be given armed escort and proceed with caution. Nilam Levakon for Alan Martin Kazlev Senior Academician, clade Haeckel Eden Institute of Xenoscience Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I too left, Dealt with the major issue which had been triggered, and came back. I'm better for it. I just don't draw the connection between Rhythm leaving, and the existence of this thread. And if there is a connection, then I'm sure Rhythm can use this triggering to clear something big out of the way of continued progress. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
the work offered by healers ont his forum goes un noticed most times.. and i find Anchors comments on this ...rather insulting..i wonder if the healers on the healing thread would agree... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Ok I am not posting here (thread) anymore...
Most of you are right if it doesn't resonate stay away.... One last thing,we are all being watched in one way or another and that goes for you as well Abrax... If the intent is of the light... http://www.celestial7.com/dimages/sanaya.jpg viking |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
http://tech.dir.groups.yahoo.com/gro...y/message/6522 |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Should you peruse that post a few times, you also will be able to checkmate the Devil. As you can see, the checkmating of the Devil by Malletzky has begun to release the Fury of the Usurper; manifesting in his kidnapped children of humanity. Thanks again and keep at it! Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Induction..means this...(curse words are not allowed as per quidelines - mod edit by Uncle John) means that... Look say it like it is...or dont say it at all. i read your responses and i still feel like i am being talked down to... forgive me if i am not savy enough to defend myself against you.. My comment about Masters is IN CONTEXT. To Master something...one must first master themselves...and i was asking for proof that this is what you claim.. buit... whatever.. i am still here... the "poster child" for all that is emotional blubber and fluffy emotioanal love.. i am sure your vision keeps you warm at night... i am so extremely dissapointed in some people that i had a huge amount of respect for.. Many assumptions were made abotu me...i am an open book...please ask before judging. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have stayed out of this since the beginning. I saw Abrax starting to post offering some dialog of "truth" Ask a question...Get an answer Like these at the carnival http://www.moonhallowvintage.com/fortune%20007.jpg I was upset at Richard\GaiaLove for laughing at the folks who were posting questions....Laughing at the folks in line with coin in hand. I went back and read the answer to my question and went WTF!! And Like Celine...Way over my head but then I went back and thought about it. Doesn't make sense logically....The card spit out of the machine was in Latin Man...wasted my coin I walked away ...threw my card on the ground and said..."Dummy...Hoped you learned something" I did.....truth is my own NO ONE can give it to me Not for a coin or the ink of a written word I never looked back until I started seeing posts about running a certain person that starts with an "A" out of town on a rail Yelling the machine was spitting out profanities Cussing at the folks that were walking away to the carnival The question is not : What to do with the Machine? The question IS : Why are folks standing in line? When the folks standing in line are saying..."This is groovy...it really resonates with me" What resonates with you?? Truth is inside of you....not on a card from a silly carnival machine Peace Y'all |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One of the favorite tools of the Dragon kind when confronted is changing of thesis in conversation.
One particular that is very potent here is polarization. Truth is that Dragon actually was polarized in the first place. When he was created he was not a Dragon in a sense that many will perceive. With scales and other stuff. Truth is that he when rebelled ,was cast away from Creator's light,love and true wisdom. Now being away from it for that long his mind darkened more and more. He was not allowed anymore to have insight in Creator's thought and sparks of geniality and inspiration. Result is that he really became Dragon. He still has living power and energy because he lives this long, but any light,wisdom or love-there are not in him any more. Because he held a high position before fall, he knew a lot. Then he used that knowledge in a bad way. But essentially stood still from then on. His knowledge now is a lesser one because of his acts. He is deeply polarized being and he brought that upon all his followers and slaves. In reality there are no polarizations in universe. Truth is one .Word of God is truth because he is. By his word everything came to be. By his word we can vanish tomorrow, by his word everything on this Earth existed and exist still. Why don't you all realize that very air we all breathe is not ours? Clothes you wear now,water you drink and food you eat, house you live in and car that you drive and all that you can see and feel on Earth is not yours! It is all made of things from this Earth.Creator is patient with us ,still ,and we dare to bash him and trash him with lies ,philosophies and whatever is coming into our minds? Whatever Dragon claims here is having no ground in reality and truth. The very Dragon ,father of this Dragon here knows that nothing is his ownership, but he desperately tries to lure in souls. Personally I do not wish anybody banned here or this thread closed. Everybody is granted free will. But again what you sow - that you will surely reap. Abrax- I wish you all the best in your life, do not be disappointed by fruits you will reap one day. P.S. 1 Corinthians 13 Love 1If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Brook! This is an excellent observation of yours. And you have discerned the naming well. The 'signing off' in the sci-fi post 'The Book of the Dragons' by Sirebard Beardris is appropriate, because this preparatory sci-fi version of the 2008-2013 nexus timeline was indeed authorized by me, Abraxasinas in the delegated authority of our master templar. This work was written in 1999 by TonyB., our then humanoid agent of the linked website. At that time, the 'Office of the Bard' was not yet delegated to me, as Abraxasinas. Iow, the 'Office of the Bard' was transferred to me from the master templar on June, 25th, 2008. Tony B. held the office as the 'Scribe of the Unicorns' and as the 'Scrollkeeper', he resigned this sci-fi preparatory post, witnessed by John of Patmos as a technical JoP. ... Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 31st, 2008; John of Patmos - JoP - Justice of the Peace! AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It's a symbolic representation for the Sarcophagos of the Mummies of the Pharaohs Brook. The Black Dog is Anubis. The Grave is not to be filled but left. Abraxasina, the sexy one has come out of the Darkness of the Grave to utilize her Phoenix of the Resurrection to reclaim Abraxasinas in the Eagle of Egypt and the Dogs of Sirius. Matthew 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Abrax |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It just so happens that I have personal, intimate knowledge of this that you describe above, and declare it false. This is simply not true. It didn't happen that way at all. I was there. SHE (not he) separated willingly, and with the creators full blessing. Also unknown to you and the source of your information, is that much has changed recently, which basically rewrites the Dragon reality previously recalled. I don't mean any of this in any way other than to shed some light on something I actually happen to know about. I ran into this exact incident in my personal processing, and the after effects of that work still unfold before me. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It is you Brook, who is using the above 3rd and 4th order 'storytelling' of the interaction of the archetypes, not me. I prefer to use 1st and 2nd order archetypes, due to their relative uniqueness and simplicity, compared to the many-labelling-nesses of the lower orders. You may notice, that beneath the Anubis picture is written: RaH Versus ApeP as HaR the Image of RaHaR in the Mirror of Hathor. This indicates the archetype of Apep of being the Egyptian version for Satan in the Judeo-Christian version of 1st order. This archetype indicates 'Adversary' and 'Court-Prosecutor' and similar associations. From this archtype then evolves the translation of say 2nd order archetypes of say the Osiris-Set brotherhood in Cartouche and Rens: 1 and 10. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
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