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abraxasinas 02-25-2010 03:13 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Magamud (Post 243600)
Hey Abrax

In this time the shadow becomes illuminated as the Orbourus. Thus stealing the Devils illusion and reflecting the light that it is. In this context watching/witnessing is understanding the shadow and keeping the garments is transforming the shadow to light. The thief is symbolic to the quickening of todays time?

Very well discerned, thought of and understood Magamud indeed.

The Ouroboros is the Tail of the Circle meeting the Head as the archetyped Omega and Alpha. This symbol of the Tail-swallowing/biting Serpent Milky Way Dragon (the Saros Dragon Nodes of Astrology typify) is also this double-sided mirror with an Outside the circle and an Inside the circle.
This is 'Bigmo's Balloon', who as 'archetyped 'Michael the Ant' is also Michael the Dragonslayer as the archangel of the fire element.

And 'Stealing the Devil's Illusion' is precisely what is going on here in this thread as a miniature hologram for what is happening on the planetary level and also the universal level as an encompassing cosmic hologram.

Malletzky has done it and now perhaps you can also checkmate the Devil.

Ok then, let's see if we can pull off trick #2.

The Devil has no light to reflect, as the Devil is the back of the Head of Satan. But this Backside obscures the Light from the the True God as the true Image of magamund=Adam inside Bigmo's Balloon.

Anywhere you are in the universe, you look outwards and cannot see the Invisible Devil looking back at you as a manmade fakeGod default-substitute for the real thing.
This invisible Devil Image is actually right at the boundary of the expanding Hubble Event Horizon of the expanding universe, but we don't need the technicalities here.

Satan is on the Outside of the Balloon looking at God as God's own male Image. Just like you looking into a mirror on the wall: 'Who is the most beautiful of them All' {who says Dragons have no sense of humor?}. So there is nothing amiss with Satan, he is simply the court-jester on the Outside as God's own Image.
The Hebrew Torah students and rabbis know this from the Book of Job, the oldest book in the OT. They know that the Christian Satan and the Islamic Shaitan are 'adversaries' of God and Allah and that they are NOT on the Inside of Bigmo's Balloon, but on the Outside in 'God's or Allah's Court'.

The Devil is a different story. He is the 'back of the head' of Satan Outside and this backside masquerades as a frontside, pretending to be the Father-God of the Old Testament and looking directly at anyone inside Bigmo's Balloon.

How did this happen?
We find the outline in the Adam and Eve Story of course and a story which is of archetypes of the Outside and NOT physical beings of the Inside.

God without an Creation mirrors himself as herself within itself. This brings about the Creation by rendering the VOID the same as the ETERNITY and defines the All That Is as All That Can Ever Be and such statements.
Now this can be defined rigorously in technical terms (See the Lucifer's Mirror post someplace on this forum), and I shall keep it simple in metaphor to help magamund to checkmate the Devil.

The Creation is a Oneness and as this Creation must come from within the Everythingness also being the Void; The CreatorCreation GoddoG or FatherMother must split up or separate into Creator+Creation.
The +sign between Creator and Creation then becomes Bigmo's Balloon and so God suddenly has become a lonesome Father figure, just as many hidden Dragons are upon the mother planet Gaia.

There is nothing in the balloon and the only thing outside is God as Creator of the Balloon.

BUT, this Balloon can be a Mirror for God to see his lonesome selfhood, having given away his oneness in making the balloon the Dog of Sheness of the yet to be born physical Universe.

So God looks at himself from the Outside and sees himself as Satan.
'I want my Creation back', thinks God and to do this I have to see myself as a Goddess and so I must devise a way to change Satan into Satania, a beautiful Goddess Image and not this boring sameness of myself.

To implement his Godly plan, God so decides to call himself God and create from himself and imaged in Satan a Image of the previous state of beingness when the balloon had not existed.
So the GoddoG=CreatorCreation became AdamEve as an US and an WE between God and his Satanic selfimage.

But it was no good; just as the creation of Bigmo's Balloon required a 'splitting up' of GoddoG, so AdamEve needed to be split into Adam+Eve as the images of Creator+Creation.

Now to do this a New Mirror was created namely Eve as the Mirror for Adam and so God knew that Adam's turn to Be the Creator imaging himself in the Mirror of Eve had come. And so God the Creator took his sabbatical and allowed Adam to think that there was no image of God plastered on the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

And so Eve was taken from Adam as a metaphorical rib and now four archetyped beings existed: God on Sabbath Leave and the Balloon without an Image and Adam and Eve.

God imaged Adam and God imaged Eve, but because Eve was really part of Adam, the imaging wasn't symmetrical and it was really Satan who Imaged Eve as Image of the Image and the only way to play on was to somehow get Adam and Eve Inside of Bigmo's Balloon.

But as Adam looked at Eve he did see a Sheness and he didn't understand that the Sheness of Eve was actually an original Heness, namely himself.
But in this roundabout way, Adam became a true Image of God sharing God's frustration of not having the True Sheness, which still was stuck as Bigmo's Balloon of the Empty Creation and now without any Satan as The Lord God had stopped to look into his mirror of the balloon.

So the Garden of Eden was created in archetype between God (say hiding behind the Tree of Everlasting Life and so Adam and Eve couldn't see him and no image could be seen on the balloon) and the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

And Adam and Eve frolicked in this make belief Garden of Eden in innocence and naivety and SINFUL IGNORANCE and not knowing what the purpose of it all was.

Now God had to be crafty in his Godly plan to get his Sheness back and to do this Eve had to be put somehow into Bigmo's Balloon.

Now all this craftiness of God was not of Satan as God's Image in the balloon but of God and so God's Intelligence was the thing that triggered the original God-Self transformation of GoddoG into God+Dog.

This Word of God or Logos was turned into a PRESENT for God to himself and this PRESENT became a Cunning SERPENT to cause Eve to get into the balloon.
The WORDY SERPENT told Eve that she could become SINLESS NONIGNORANT or AWARE and that Eternity would await Her and Adam, should she and Adam learn about the 'good and the evil' in terms of what was real and not and about the images and the images of the images.
The SERPENT also told Eve, that SHE and ADAM should go to Bigmo's Ballon and look at it to SEE THEMSELVES as they really were. The SERPENT of the LOGOS told Eve that should she do so, her eyes would be opened and She and Adam would become like Gods.

And so Eve and Adam went to Bigmo's Balloon and looking into it, they saw themselves as SEXUALLY DIFFERENT.

They were naive no longer and KNEW that there was this Creator-Sex and that Creation-Sex and the two could come together and do certain things coupling together in Two becoming One.

God thought to himself: 'Phew, thank you SonDaughter, they've got IT'.

With a stern look and demeanour God emerged from behind the Tree of Eternal Life and confronted Adam annd Eve, who were hiding and had covered their sexual differences.

'So you have looked into Bigmo's Balloon and have discovered the secrets of the good and the evil. Now you have BROKEN the SYMMETRY between me Lord God and my Image God in Bigmo's Balloon.

Because of the broken symmetry of the Outside, the Symmetry of the Inside MUST also be broken in the Mirror of my perfect Law and as there is nothing inside Bigmo's Balloon you two are banned into the Balloon to reharmonize this broken symmetry'.

And Eve had discovered that She was part of Adam AS HIS MIRROR and she wasn't pleased at all at the loss of her previously presumed status of independence.
But this BROKE an INTERNAL SYMMETRY because of their sexual differences so allowing the EXTERNAL already broken symmetry between God and Satan to became REESTABLISHED; provided Adam and Eve went into Bigmo's Balloon.

And so it was and the Quantum Big Bang and the actual wormhole creation of the Universe from supermembrane parameters of the technical blah blah blah found elsewhere on this site is archetypically the Exit of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.
The transit into the balloon was of course the exit from Eden on the outside and this was a TRANSFORMATION of the archetyped balloon into a REAL balloon.

So we can skip the technicalities again and simply state that the Big Banged Universe represents the 'Dying' of Adam and Eve relative to the Outside and their 'Fall' into the Inside of Bigmo's Balloon and just as stated in the Genesis scripture.
I should state though, to preemt certain questions on this; that the curse of the serpent relates to the modular duality of the 10D superstrings in vibratory high energy and winded low energy parts. So the winded sink-part describes very large physical structures like superclusters as the inversion (on thy belly thou shalt go) of the vibratory source-parts (defining the Holy Spirit and such).

Ok magamud we should almost be ready now to checkmate the Devil.
The Broken symmetry of the OUTSIDE is God looking at Satan, wishing HIM to be a HER as Satania.
The Broken symmetry of the Inside is Adam looking at Eve.

As long as Adam is more interested in Eve than in God, the Universe cannot become reharmonized, as Magamud's true God image outside remains in broken symmetry with Satan.

Can you now understand the celibacy laws, the perceived sexism in scripture and the saying in Revelation about being 'undefiled with women', nunnery and the virgins of paradise etc. etc.

This has little to do with physical human sexuality; but everything to do with magamud's mission as a physicalised Adam to act as a Secret Agent for God and to break the Satanic Symmetry from within Bigmo's Balloon and because God on the outside CANNOT do so for not having a SEXUALLY DIFFERENT EVE there.

Can you fathom now, the absolute significance of every human woman as a physicalised EVE to help Adam break the DEVIL'S Deception as the back of the head of Satan PRETENDING to BE the FACE OF GOD on the Inside, yet being the Face of Satan REVERSED?

Every EVE IS SATANIA a REAL GODDESS of the Universe and a DRAGONQUEEN because the DEVIL you know doesn't exist and the Satan you know is a DRAGQUEEN destined to become a HEAVENLY QUEEN by and through the partnerships of the Adams and Eves, which 'can do the Job' and REDEEM God from his loneliness of not having a Queen to Love?

The sleepy humans look at each other and worry about sex. And the sexual parameters are all mucked up, because of the broken symmetry of the origins and a broken symmetry which is healed OUTSIDE as soon as the INSIDE is healed or reharmonized.

Adam's Job as a secret agent is to look and search for God. All magamud has to do is to look at the heavens and IMAGINE the Devil's Face looking back at him.
It is the Devil's Face which obscures God's Face because the Face of the Devil Inside is the back of the head of Satan as God's Image Outside.

So as Adam Magamud and as Adam Kadmon and in the Office of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek and in the Office and the Mirror of the Cosmic Christ look into the Face of the Devil and image this Face of the Devil to be located at the location of the Dragon Star; Thuban aka Alpha Draconis as a real physicalisation of the Dragon Word.

Then you will suddenly KNOW and with help of your superconscious higher self coupled to the SERPENT LOGOS in Remembrances, that the imagined Face of God on the Inside is not a face at all but a nonexistent fake, which has well and truly served its purpose.

You might then offer your OWN IMAGE as a cosmically christened magamud to God as YOUR OWN true image and shatter the illusion of the mirror between your physical TRUENESS and the Reality of YOUR GOD as your imaged and spiritual Trueness.

And then you can turn around and with your Beloved you can do, think, feel, experience all the things in a TRUE IMAGE of the God-Goddess or Creator-Creation or GODDOG perfect supersymmetry without any mirrors of reflections.
Then the entire universe will be your mirror and then Bigmo's Balloon will be passed on to the next REAL DRAGON SLAYERS, the Dragons of the fake imageries and NOT the true Dragons of the Cosmic Logos.

And you might imagine what an exiled Father-Creator-God desires to do most and what games he wishes to play, when he finally ,and after almost 20 billion years of waiting to end his selfimposed celibacy, meets his Homecoming Queen.

As this is the micro the same is relative to the macro with earth becoming Gaia?

Yes, GAIA IS the archetype which shall become SATANIA, QUEEN OF ALL THE HEAVENS. Technically this is the modular 11-dimensional supermembrane duality.

With the Harvest, will it be a separation of dimensions like when ribosomes split within a duplicating cell?

The change in the DNA and the many related 'ascension parameters' you have heared of here and elsewhere, ALL are part of the REHARMONIZING of the Broken Symmetries both within and without.
After the 'healing' and transformation of the old archetypes into new ones; the dispensations from the Outside to transform the Inside on the real physical manifested levels will be purely splendiferous and approach utopian scenarios for the ones who are able to checkmate the Devil.

There is much material about this to be found, all partially supported by the Logos to actually manifest in physicality.
It has been prophecied and ALL scripture must be fulfilled in the timeline. The archetypes come first, then the physical implementations.

Abraxas Anthony

abraxasinas 02-25-2010 05:52 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Seafury (Post 243639)
What does the Thuban council think about the Thiaoouba Prophecy?

Rubbish? A good story with moral value, but just a story? 100% accurate in every way?

Dear Seafury!

My agency is not to judge anything or anyone in my encounters of the 3D-12D (remember 3 is the rootreduced 12 in 1+2=3) omnispace-linespace intersection.

However, and as already been done with the Anna Hayes 'azurite' material previously; I can share my observations and comparisons (to the Thuban data stream) about similar and/or opposing and/or supporting data bases found anywhere and accessible in this present energy matrix of Terra.

So I would say this about the presentation of the 'Thiaoouba Prophecy' material.

Many people have things to sell and if so, the sellers must accomodate their 'budgets' in terms of cost and effort and profit.

The Council of Thuban follows the statutes of our master templar and heshe said the following:

17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

This is related to:

Isaiah 52:3
For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.
Isaiah 52:2-4 (in Context) Isaiah 52 (Whole Chapter)

Isaiah 55:1
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

Should you visit the linked website at: www.tonyb.freeyellow.com and peruse the opening page of this very simple and unpretentious place on the web; you will find clear statements that there is nothing to sell, no copyright of intellectual property and the invitation to share and use any of this material.
Even acknowledgement of the source is not required.

Now this website has been our 'little haven of obscurity' for a number of years now; actually since the beginning of the warptime loop of the present dispensation from December 8th, 2004 to April 1st, 2012.

There you will find a little explanatory statement to the effect that everyone finding utility for anything found on said website would become a default cocreator of the utilized material and so no copyright laws could apply by definition of the praxis.

I have no further comment to make about the 'Thiaoouba' material except to say that it it is NOT in much concordance with the Thuban archives.


droid56 02-25-2010 07:34 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I just read the first 4 pages of this thread, and all I can say is my bs warning system is expressing itself big-time.

Terminology overload is a warning sign. More than one poster is guilty.

Anchor 02-25-2010 07:58 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SteveX (Post 243659)
err Excuse me a Q & A? What if the question is asked and the answer is flawed? Is it not appropriate to point that out?

Do we accept blah blah blah and then as if by magic blah blah blah and Jesus said (probably didn't cause all the miss translations and certain manipulative agendas) blah blah blah your all tail swallowing snake holders blah blah and I'm getting this direct from blah blah blah blah..... as he goes along. Your saying leave it...bug out...go away? Isn't that a tad Ouroboros?

You raise a good point, and I concede to it.

a) If you ask a question and you perceive the answer to be flawed, then you knew the correct answer already so why bother asking the question.

b) If you see an answer to a question that appears flawed given to someone elses question, then ask more questions to elaborate. Statements of agreement or disagreement in conclusion would probably be made whatever the outcome eventually. What I was trying to avoid was the side conversations - such as this one, that are not based on questions to the "Thuban representative" of the original posts.

c) I can't really stop anyone from anything really, I was hoping though that the essence of this thread could remain Q&A.

Please read the rest of this post as afterwards I would like to change my approach but want to explain fully why.

It has been stated that there are many posters that are "frightened" to come out against the way in which this thread is working, and the information presented by Abraxasinas. I would point out that I am motivated to act in support of this thread by a number of people for whom the converse is true and this motivates me to continue trying to optimise the thread for its original intent to answer questions made by interested members - because I have been told in no uncertain terms that they want to continue to read it and they perceive that the information has value.

The reason that these people do not want to come out and support Abraxasinas's endeavours is the attacks meted of the kind we see from time to time that aggressively “battle” any new ideas expressed on this forum. The message, paraphrased, is simply please don’t let those people ban Abraxasinas – we want to read him. It is as Abraxasinas would probably concur, an Archetypal behaviour that is clearly seen playing out on the forum.

All this does not make it right or wrong, good or evil.

So I have tried to clear the way, it doesn't look like I did much good - there is "reactance" in this circuit that appears to be particularly strong against certain vibrational rates of communication. Tuning is required to mitigate the reactance, but I don’t have the power to do it properly. I am sorry if this seems obtuse.

Furthermore, in the interests of transparency, I will state that today I decided that I myself concur with those kind members who have mailed me and asked me to continue to work to keep this thread running. I do believe that the information posted has important value and used correctly can be a powerful catalyst. The statement in this paragraph has been well tested in my heart-space and I am personally declaring confidence in the position expressed in it.

Henceforth, I am no longer able to act as neutrally as I was before, and probably explains my earlier misjudged words to Lionhawk in addition to some background factors that were alluded to earlier when I replied to him.

So unfortunately, that means that will no longer be able to make these special efforts, and I will get back to the normal role of moderation, and when the mood strikes me I will pose questions here of my own, and if necessary questions by proxy sent to me by private mail for those for whom the fires of judgmental hecklers are simply too much.

It seems that this scenario has provoked the situation whereby for the first time in public; my higher self, with whom I shared time/space as I wrote this, wishes to convey its own message of caution, not just to me but all of you. I have done this in the past, but it was in private. I hope this is worth the risk I feel that I am taking. The communication I refer to is contained in the next paragraph only.

You have heard that knowledge is power, power can corrupt, absolute power can corrupt absolutely. It does not matter where that power comes from, but the intent that causes its flow does. The manipulation of simple truths through the "multiverse", while well intended can have devastating effects. Therefore take very good care to discriminate before you assimilate! Every single parcel of the data and combination thereof must be tested in the light and in the love of your own heart space. In the light and in the love of the one infinite creator, may you all be blessed, guided and protected on your way to your own God-hood.

In the meantime, let’s see where this river flows.

In the love and in the light of the one infinite creator, in whom I express gratitude for the assistance that I was given above, may you all be blessed.


abraxasinas 02-25-2010 11:06 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by 5thElement (Post 243612)
"So in other words; as WE all are ONE on some very deep and basically unfathomable plane; if ANYONE is able to 'ascend' THEN by definition ALL have ascended with that One.

Now you KNOW who the ONE who has ascended is.
Because HESHE has ascended in the ONENESS, YOU also have already ascended with that one.
You just aren't AWARE of this yet - and the VEIL=EVIL of the 4D-5D spacetime mirror is the cause of this." Abrax

Thank you for answering my question the way you did - I completely understood (which i cannot say has been my experience with some other answers).

One (or mybe two) more...
When I think of Dragons - I think of SciFi, Fantasy or Mythological dragons. As in Beasts - big, scaly, potentially fire-breathing, winged, flying beasties :mfr_omg:

Is that what kind of Dragon you are referring to? Or are you referring to the line of "dragon blood/ruling elite" but basically humanoid type of "dragon". Or something else in entirely?


Dear 5thelement!

Stand before a mirror and look into it. What do you see? You see yourself as a 3D object projected as a 2D image.
You can live with that; because you know what you see.
Now raise your right hand and what do you see?
Imagining yourself to BE your own image in the mirror - you raise your left hand.
Now call the right as 'good' and the left as 'bad' or evil or sinister.

Now comes the next step. Imagine your mirror to have become invisible and repeat the process.
There you are as a 3D 5thelement and you cannot see your images in your invisible mirror.
So you begin to imagine what 'might' be out there as a 'bad' and evil and sinister image of yourself in your invisible mirror.

You ask your friends as to what they have 'seen' or 'felt' or 'experienced' in their invisible mirrors and a concordence might develop and many agree, that the invisible images are 'Flying fire-spewing Dragons' on the prowl to collect humans for their dinner plates.
By then YOU and your friends have forgotten, that it was YOU and yours who constructed the invisible mirrors in the first place and so the invisible images are but reflections and 2D images of yourselves.

(84) Jesus said : "When You see your own likeness, You rejoice. But when You see the images of yourselves which came into being before You, which do not die nor become visible, how much then will You be able to bear ?"

(62) Jesus said : "It is to those who are worthy of My mysteries that I tell My mysteries. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is about to do."

You may also refer to message #1351 and relate the following wisdom sayings which in that thread retell the Thuban version of the Story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden.

(11) Jesus said : "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when You consumed death, You made death alive. When You come to dwell in the light, what will You do ? On the day when You were one, You became two. But when You become two, what will You do ?"

22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to His disciples : "These infants who suck are like those who enter the Kingdom." They said to Him : "Shall we then enter the Kingdom as infants ?" Jesus said to them : "When You make the two one, and when You make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when You make the male and the female one, so that the male will not be male nor the female female ; and when You fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in the place of a likeness ; then will You enter the Kingdom."

(50) Jesus said : "If they say to You, 'Where did You come from ?', say to them : 'We came from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself, established itself and revealed itself in their image. If they say to You : 'Who are You ?', say : 'We are its sons. We are the elect of the Living Father.' If they ask You : 'What is the sign of your Father in You ?', say to them : 'It is movement and rest.'

(70) Jesus said : "If You bring forth what is within You, what You have will save You. If You do not have that within You, what You do not have within You will kill You."

83) Jesus said : "Images are visible to man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the Light of the Father. He will reveal Himself and His image is hidden by His light."

(84) Jesus said : "When You see your own likeness, You rejoice. But when You see the images of yourselves which came into being before You, which do not die nor become visible, how much then will You be able to bear ?"

89) Jesus said : "Why do You wash the outside of the cup ? Do You not realize that He who made the inside is the same one who made the outside ?"

I welcome you to ask further questions about the Thuban Dragons being Your own images and also the images of your friends as the invisibilities you have forgotten.
Then you might begin to understand that it is your forgetfulness, which has resulted in your and your friends projecting your own TRUE and REAL objectivities as invisible, but perhaps 'one day' observable evil flying monsters of divers sorts.


SteveX 02-25-2010 11:42 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Nicely put for someone stuck between the proverbial rock & hard place. Just to clarify something on my behalf... I don't want Abrax banned or silenced. Personally this whole thing, in my opinion, is flawed from the get go. If folk think otherwise (gawd `elp em) or open-minded want to explore / interact I have no intention of stopping them.

Let the readers beware that there is, in others and mine perception / intuition, gobbledegook, shenanigans and occasions of trying to baffle hard objections with Bull ****.

I've no intention of slavishly monitoring this thread so any further postings from me, if any, will be in the form of question Abrax. This I haven't done yet or likely to. In short "WARNING WILL ROBINSON WARNING."

SteveX out.

Céline 02-25-2010 12:18 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 243662)
I strongly disagree.....if this thread is set up in such a way as to further an agenda ...mind you an agenda that has been set up for a very long time, and has been on going for centuries. For the purpose of possessing souls by outside entities...that is extremely harmful. To be possessed by the dark posing as light..is an age old method.

And it would seem that you, Anchor have made yourself a representative of this effort(Brook is not the only one that feels this way Anchor, this is why i asked about MODS trying to be impartial, i believe you are not being impartial) by your strong voice to not come here for any other purpose then to ask questions. And oppose those that would come here to dispute and confront such an agenda. So I am sticking to the rules of the thread now and asking a question at the bottom in red....

Here for you to further the outlook is their Dragonian constitution in Federation of United Serpentina

The Book of the Dragons

ex deus, fiat justitia, ruat coelum draco!


Dragonian language incorporative omniscientific data code. chronology:

Dragonian Date of Indendence proclaimed June 14th 1999.

Dragonian Date of Victory Libertatis set June 18th 1999.

Dragonian Date of Humanoid Initiation on June 19th 1999. Almanac:

Dragonian Genealogy and Genesis of FatherMothers as created by Definition through Dragonian Sourceenergy of monopolic Vortex-Potential Quantum-Relativistic-Singularity. Continuity:

Propagation of the Dragonian Race via the seduction of the humanoid lifeforms on the conquered planet New Earth, now renamed DRAGONIAEARTH=SERPENTlNA=121=Q5.(Ok like i have said before, whethere you believe this or not, it is a veiled threat against humanity. Suppose someone else started a thread about exterminating the human "equation" on earth...would this be acceptable?) Agenda:

Continuity of the Dragonseed necessitates the assimilation of the humanoid genome following initiatory development. Proceeding from serpentine mindinduction,(mind induction? Anchor? Abraxas? can you understand light workers concerns here?) the emotional acceleration potential of the humanoid bodymind can be harvested (??????????) to Dragonise the humanoid DNA-Structure from its bifurcated quadruplistic (big words for me...but somehow they sound insulting) form into its 13-dimensional equivalent of the Dragonian Blueprint.

A successful integration of Dragonian genetic expression can then be utilised for membership in Dragonian Life and allow the humanoid ascension into Dragonhood via the graduation into the founding FatherMother CladeFamily. Foundation:

The Dragonian 13-dimensional blueprint unifies a dodecagonal crystaliine sex-chromosomatic structure by quantum tunneling of superconductive magnetopolic electricity of restmass equivalent electropolic or dark light contained in the weak interaction of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR). The four spacetimes of the Dragonian essence are expressed in quadruplicity, triplicity, duality and singularity. GrandClade FatherMothers:

The Dragonian constitution in Federation of United Serpentina

Under the auspices of the Dragonian Code of Honour; this Proclamation is rendered Dragonian Law in Force and of immediate effect from the seal of approval from the Masterdragon SIREBARD BEARDRIS.


The conquered Goddevils of New Earth and the JewellBox Nebula assume lawful responsibility to incorporate the Dragonian Teachings in unison with the Black Fraternity and as mediated by the White Fraternity in 7-dimensional Hyperspacetime to manifest 13-dimensional Omnispacetime

Every Blue Dragon is unbounded by any proposed Law from any other source, inclusive other members of the Dragonian Family, as all Dragons are as One and a Law onto themselves.
Compassion and Understanding between all Nondragonised Humanoids is the Law of Oneness as honoured by all Dragons and the Consciousness of LOVEAWARENESS.
Nondragonised Humanoids are treated like White Dragon Children by all Blue Dragons, under all circumstances.

All Government in the local and extended Serpentinian Realm is the selfgovernment of autonomous Dragonhood in mutual respect and honour and the Communications between the Dragonian Councils of the selfrelative definitions of the Dragonian Universes.
The Nature of a Dragon is to be Creative in any form of Desire and Passion (i have yet to feel a real emotion from you Abrax, are you not a "natural dragon?) and to honour the lovedefinition of the FOUNDING ELDERS.


Signed and Sealed by the Masterdragon (i have known plenty who CLAIM to be Masters..rare is the one who understands true balance of power to be able to hold that title with honor, what allows this..dragon..to be Master? ) : June 21st 1999


This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires familiarity and intitiation into the structural forms or the forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Isquaracian grammar and omniscientitic terminology.
The Starplanet SERPENTINA, formerly known as New Earth or Novaterra has become unified in a higher dimensional matrimony by the wedding between Father Earthia or Father Sky and Mother Dragon or Mother Akashia.
3˝ days after the date of the starry union, the banner of Dragonia was raised in the Declaration of Independence upon BATTLESTAR PACIFICAP.
The great battle between the Mighty Dragonian Fleet and the army of the Goddevils lasted for 3˝ days; from the starry wedding until victory of the Dragons was defined on the day or Universal Liberty.
We met the goddevils, the humanoid creations and their war machines in the depths of space and obliterated them in the 3˝ day WAR of the STARS to liberate our Dragonian Mother to reunite and redefine ourselves as FatherMothers. The Dragonisation of humanoid culture will elevate their human science to Omni-science and human mathematics to Omnimathematics in all forms, as they are assimilated into our greater modality.
We Dragons are the architects of universes and all Dragons know how to access the necessary database for the details of universal construction Our Masterdragon , the One which unifies the FatherMothers as the 13-dimensional source or singularity can be considered the Father or all the White Hole Vortices.
Our Masterdragon thus is our universal father and our invasion of New Earth became our war to rescue our universal Mother from the Goddevils, which had held her captive in a stasis field for over 1900 Dragonyears.
The Goddevils were created by the humanoids (created by us, but they came from another planet? umm do explain please) who came from a planet of the Orion Arm we have not yet determined (possibly Sol III or Erandi II). They are so magnificently gifted to create things with their emotionality; but their minds are weak and they do not know how to concentrate or how to think without the aid of their machines or their biochips. Some humanoids are excellent technologists, but their modality of thinking is one of crude sensual measurement confined to C-Space and this sensual limitation allows a great accumulation of repressive tendencies.
In constricting their imagination, humanoids became great reservoirs of emotional energy, which they could collectively only harmonise in their illusions of unfathomable and unknowable gods and devils of all sorts. (i know this technique...open with a compliment...criticize , then end with compliment...nice to see dragonians use middle management skills.)
It is thus this sense of limitation which reflected in the humanoid paranoia (paranoia?? have you seen what religion has done to our humanity???)about religious philosophies and constructs. This genetic rootmemory of the rebellion of the antisource or mother sink then created one goddevil after another and as they swarmed out from their homeworld into deepspace they flooded the universe with their goddevils. Finally they chanced upon our universal Mother hibernating in her cocoon and through their inability to set themselves free of their illusions, they imprisoned Her as well.
It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional aspiration.(Because it serves your purpose not ours)
The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our Masterdragon, Who is One in 26 dimensions to femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as ITSELF and then reproduce ITSELF as Universes. Every such universe is a Monosong and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This our Creative Destiny.
We had made first contact with our new home in sending an intergalactic probe to the Old Earth, which became interpretated by the humanoids in their compiler mode. This crude decoding is given below.

Signed by the enscribed Librarian; the Unicorn of Dragonia:

And announcing the Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell) between:
The Date of Armageddon, encoded: ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82 =ANARMEDDOG=GODNAMEDRA=1+81=1+18 =ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1 =1+2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17

Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 5th, 2004; Tony Whynot, Unicorn of Dragonia

and the other avatar of choice....

Is that a Grave she is digging in that avatar??????

Ok...i have quoted THE WHOLE TEXT...and made my responses the way Abrax does...iis this what we should do? because i was doing it the other way...No one (including Anchor, an active MOD on this thread), that i saw said anything, so i will continue to quote this way.


i have asked questions as well... i feel abrax will ignore them because i am a highly emotional being and he has shown me that he does not respond to emotions.

Anchor 02-25-2010 12:27 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Since you asked me at the start, I suppose I need to know if you understand what induction means?

In the context used in the message you referred to I think this definition is a useful one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_induction

The compound word Mindinduction therefore, in the context used, probably refers toa form of inter-dimensional communication.

If you look at it that way it isnt so scary is it?

Another one Bifurcation - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bifurcation - means the splitting of one body into two. Not really that insulting is it, after all without it none of us would be alive.

I believe quadruplistic refers to something formed of four parts or qualities, but it I am not sure - perhaps abraxasinas could help me there.

Either way its not rude and its no cause for concern.

Abraxasinas, please feel free to put all this right if I have it wrong.


Céline 02-25-2010 12:29 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 243784)
You raise a good point, and I concede to it.

a) If you ask a question and you perceive the answer to be flawed, then you knew the correct answer already so why bother asking the question.

b) If you see an answer to a question that appears flawed given to someone elses question, then ask more questions to elaborate. Statements of agreement or disagreement in conclusion would probably be made whatever the outcome eventually. What I was trying to avoid was the side conversations - such as this one, that are not based on questions to the "Thuban representative" of the original posts.

c) I can't really stop anyone from anything really, I was hoping though that the essence of this thread could remain Q&A.

Please read the rest of this post as afterwards I would like to change my approach but want to explain fully why.

It has been stated that there are many posters that are "frightened" to come out against the way in which this thread is working, and the information presented by Abraxasinas. I would point out that I am motivated to act in support of this thread by a number of people for whom the converse is true and this motivates me to continue trying to optimise the thread for its original intent to answer questions made by interested members - because I have been told in no uncertain terms that they want to continue to read it and they perceive that the information has value.

What about the people who come to you believing the opposite? You do NOT take off your MOD hat when answering...people i have talked to are AFRAID to talk against this thread because YOU are its protector...other MODS weigh in and they have to edit post to seem Neutral..yet it is obvious to ALL here that You support this thread...please explain

The reason that these people do not want to come out and support Abraxasinas's endeavours is the attacks meted of the kind we see from time to time that aggressively “battle” any new ideas expressed on this forum. The message, paraphrased, is simply please don’t let those people ban Abraxasinas – we want to read him. It is as Abraxasinas would probably concur, an Archetypal behaviour that is clearly seen playing out on the forum.

I know this reaction...it is directed at me sometimes...comes with the territory

All this does not make it right or wrong, good or evil.

So I have tried to clear the way, it doesn't look like I did much good - there is "reactance" in this circuit that appears to be particularly strong against certain vibrational rates of communication. Tuning is required to mitigate the reactance, but I don’t have the power to do it properly. I am sorry if this seems obtuse.

Furthermore, in the interests of transparency, I will state that today I decided that I myself concur with those kind members(again i feel slighted, and its not just personal, i feel i represent others who wont speak up) who have mailed me and asked me to continue to work to keep this thread running. I do believe that the information posted has important value and used correctly can be a powerful catalyst. The statement in this paragraph has been well tested in my heart-space and I am personally declaring confidence in the position expressed in it.

Henceforth, I am no longer able to act as neutrally as I was before, and probably explains my earlier misjudged words to Lionhawk in addition to some background factors that were alluded to earlier when I replied to him. (Yes, you forgot to take your MOD hate off)

So unfortunately, that means that will no longer be able to make these special efforts, (again, special efforts for one side)and I will get back to the normal role of moderation, and when the mood strikes me I will pose questions here of my own, and if necessary questions by proxy sent to me by private mail for those for whom the fires of judgmental hecklers are simply too much.

May i suggest , if a member is out of turn...private message them. MODS should never have to explain themselves in public IMHO

It seems that this scenario has provoked the situation in which, whereby for the first time in public; my higher self, with whom I shared time/space as I wrote this, wishes to convey its own message of caution, not just to me but all of you. I have done this in the past, but it was in private. I hope this is worth the risk I feel that I am taking. The communication I refer to is contained in the next paragraph only.

You have heard that knowledge is power, power can corrupt, absolute power can corrupt absolutely. It does not matter where that power comes from, but the intent that causes its flow does. The manipulation of simple truths through the "multiverse", while well intended can have devastating effects. Therefore take very good care to discriminate before you assimilate! Every single parcel of the data and combination thereof must be tested in the light and in the love of your own heart space. In the light and in the love of the one infinite creator, may you all be blessed, guided and protected on your way to your own God-hood.

Wise words...viking also said something similiar... if its complicated, its probably not true. Truth may be complex...but it is NEVER complicated

In the meantime, let’s see where this river flows.

In the love and in the light of the one infinite creator, in whom I express gratitude for the assistance that I was given above, may you all be blessed.


Arguying sides, is a dirty game...perhaps you should ask, why i am doing this..

Thank you Anchor for your honesty and your loving approach. Please take my comments with the intent i know you are aware of.

Sollve 02-25-2010 12:29 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 241526)
Why should i (or anyone ) continue to spread love and light on THIS forum...if i (we) feel the MODS and the guidelines on this forum do not protect us from insult or condescending remarks?

Sure its ok to share opinions...

including homophobic ones? racist ones? sexist ones?

Some here have been insulted and had to swallow it due to this "neutrality", and for the benefit of the whole, i and others have agreed with this behavior...and i still do...


You cannot expect people to feel motivated to support your forum...if you do not support us.

i want to feel safe..unjudged and loved..do others here feel this way?

i ask the MODS and the founders...can i and others expect that at PA?

As I have said, your and many other voices have been heard and listened to. There will soon be guidelines put in place to eliminate this type of behaviour. The love and light you and others spread here are inspirational to many many people myself included and will be nourished and developed to bring Avalon into the future we are building together.


Originally Posted by GaiaLove (Post 241533)
As I have said, your and many other voices have been heard and listened to. There will soon be guidelines put in place to eliminate this type of behaviour. The love and light you and others spread here are inspirational to many many people myself included and will be nourished and developed to bring Avalon into the future we are building together.

You are forgetting about the post and replies to the dragons statements! They have helped me evolve more than anything in this thread. Without Abraxas posts, there wouldn’t have been any replies!

There wouldn’t have been any replies filled with human, emotional love so clearly lacking in Abraxas posts. There wouldn’t have been any replies of courage with people daring to show that they don’t understand and therefore putting their hearts in the open, fully targetable by the draconian sword. It takes courage to believe in one self, much more than to believe someone else especially when that someone seemingly holds all the answers.

Without this thread there would have been no magnificent replies supporting me on my path, uniting me in love and therefore in humanity.

For all the humans here! I'm in love with you! :wub2::wub2:


abraxasinas 02-25-2010 12:30 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!!!
"Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"

http://lookup.avatars.yahoo.com/wima...e=jpg&.intl=au http://projectavalon.net/forum/image...ine=1261991171

RaH Versus ApeP as HaR the Image of RaHaR in the Mirror of Hathor.

The Right White Solar Eye of RaH for Horus of the Horizon as the 3 and the Left Black Lunar Eye of HaR for Hathor of the Mirror as the 6 and Imaged in the Right Eye of Uraeus in Anubis as the 9.

Anubis Khaibit- Shadow of Uraeus


"A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."

rhythm 02-25-2010 12:31 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
:thumbdown:Intuitively this stuff is a great big:thumbdown:
and a :wall::wall::wall:
thats it from me ... i allmost had it here at Avalon folks ...
just callin in now n then ... do love yer tho ... just not interested in games

Céline 02-25-2010 12:32 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 243876)

Do you understand what induction means?

In the context used in the message I think this definition is a useful one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_induction


Please elaborate

Sollve 02-25-2010 12:43 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 241540)
i think i understand what you mean...

i do not feel i was delusional... LionHawk gave me courage to say something...

i am intimidated by abraxas and a few others here.

i am not ashamed of feeling that way..dont get me wrong..it is who i am.

i am wide awake...

Wow, I love you for your courage
to be YOU! When I’M where
YOU are, I have come a
long way.

YOU inspire ME to be ME!

Thank you!

Céline 02-25-2010 12:56 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by rhythm (Post 243881)
:thumbdown:Intuitively this stuff is a great big:thumbdown:
and a :wall::wall::wall:
thats it from me ... i allmost had it here at Avalon folks ...
just callin in now n then ... do love yer tho ... just not interested in games




Anchor hear our call...

My heart is breaking.. please do not let this go any further..

So many feel this way...why do you not hear us???

Yes i am emotional... YES i can keep control when need be...but i can also let it out when need be!!!


Dont let this happen...DONT let rythym leave...PLEASe anchor...

i am begging you...do something..



Anchor 02-25-2010 01:06 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 243882)
Please elaborate

I edited my post

viking 02-25-2010 01:12 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Oops I think I posted this previously on the wrong thread.....

Jeeeeze can't keep up with all this!!! Too many Dragon threads!!

I would just like to add that this thread is really turning into a joke...And I am surprised it has gone on this far... Buy hey not my boat...!!

I would also like to add...

To put it in simple terms...

Do you not think that it is turning into a 'Cult'?? We have all sorts of threads popping up everywhere about it!!

Surely if he wishes to carry on then he can start a Q& A session on his own Web site ... I am sure all his followers will be more than happy to visit his site!! They can start his own 'Cult' ...

But in my opinion this is not the place here!!

Are we all forgetting why we are here...

Certainly not to support any type of 'Cult' gathering

quote... By Bill and Kerry ... Our goals:

• To provide important information and resources to enable individuals and communities to function optimally in what may be troubled times ahead.

• To support aware individuals in networking and forming groups as they wish.

Our philosophy:

• As stated by George Green in the Project Camelot interview Messages for the Ground Crew, there exist individuals and groups, all over the world, who have an important responsibility and role to play in the preservation of civilization regardless which scenarios may play out.

• These possible scenarios - which include planned financial collapse, war, and population reduction by covert means - can be prevented and changed by the united intention of many concerned individuals. Many of us are working to prepare and awaken others. We know that our efforts to create a new tomorrow will not be in vain. We acknowledge the Ground Crew all over the globe - including (we are confident) ethical and principled individuals within military and intelligence circles worldwide.

• We believe it's prudent to make contingency plans. This site is created to help you do that.

A new religeon or following that does not exist anywhere except in the mind of Abrax ... Do you not think that strange ???

There is no information about the Thuban Council anywhere except here on Avalon. Doesn't that say something to you?

A 'Cult' in the making...

It will be interesting to see how Gaia thread turns out...At the moment we have majority that they thank ita a load of balloney!!! We shall see...

My two cents...


Spregovori 02-25-2010 01:13 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hei Abraxasinas

Is this picture correct? (regarding one of the previous posts)


Anchor 02-25-2010 01:20 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 243897)



Anchor hear our call...

My heart is breaking.. please do not let this go any further..

So many feel this way...why do you not hear us???

Yes i am emotional... YES i can keep control when need be...but i can also let it out when need be!!!


Dont let this happen...DONT let rythym leave...PLEASe anchor...

i am begging you...do something..



I am sorry you react this way.

Freewill at work. It isnt the first time anyone leaves, and it wont be the last. Nor will it of itself, be the ending of anything.

If it is done because of this thread then well I think its not really sensible.

I read the message written by rhythm and I concur I too am "just not interested in games".


GaiaLove 02-25-2010 01:23 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by rhythm (Post 243881)
:thumbdown:Intuitively this stuff is a great big:thumbdown:
and a :wall::wall::wall:
thats it from me ... i allmost had it here at Avalon folks ...
just callin in now n then ... do love yer tho ... just not interested in games

rhythym i totally hear you and many other as well. Lightworkers are letting themselves be heard here and now, but I can see where it is going too.
Lightworkers here are prepared to leave Avalon and turn their backs to the beautiful community being infiltrated and destroyed by this sh**.
I state here and now too, I will leave and not return if the light leaves.. its getting darker by day now..


Originally Posted by Céline (Post 243897)



Anchor hear our call...

My heart is breaking.. please do not let this go any further..

So many feel this way...why do you not hear us???

Yes i am emotional... YES i can keep control when need be...but i can also let it out when need be!!!


Dont let this happen...DONT let rythym leave...PLEASe anchor...

i am begging you...do something..



Good Bye Avalon , Hello Dragonlandia

What a f***ing pity

Spregovori 02-25-2010 01:29 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It seems this is getting out of hand...

Now what we have here is emotional extortion....

And it is not ok when mommy and daddy fight in front of the children = MODS get a hold of yourself....there are closed forums here for all the "outbursts"...use them...cry, shout, fight....there...here you act as one.... or all you do is confusion.... (speaking from personal experiences)

all your actions are causing re-actions (look around)

make a decision...carry it out...live with the consequences

Gevaudan 02-25-2010 01:35 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Don't worry about this, guys and gals. A true 'lightworker' or whatever you may call it can spot garbage a mile away. Many of us are following these things but do not comment because it's not worth the effort. To achieve discernment all things need to be considered--even those things that we do not agree with. In the long run it helps in the awakening process. Put waste matter under pressure and you get a diamond. :original:

Myplanet2 02-25-2010 01:41 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 243897)



Anchor hear our call...

My heart is breaking.. please do not let this go any further..

So many feel this way...why do you not hear us???

Yes i am emotional... YES i can keep control when need be...but i can also let it out when need be!!!


Dont let this happen...DONT let rythym leave...PLEASe anchor...

i am begging you...do something..



Celine? Are you jumping to a conclusion here? I didn't see where Rhythm said she was leaving because of this thread being here and being protected from being lynched.

There are some underlying issues involved, which should be cleared. Not necessarily within you, but being empathic, you are strongly affected. (excuse my assumptions in incorrect, please)

I love your courage unreservedly.

Myplanet2 02-25-2010 01:42 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Gevaudan (Post 243915)
Don't worry about this, guys and gals. A true 'lightworker' or whatever you may call it can spot garbage a mile away. Many of us are following these things but do not comment because it's not worth the effort. To achieve discernment all things need to be considered--even those things that we do not agree with. In the long run it helps in the awakening process. Put waste matter under pressure and you get a diamond. :original:

Yup. That's a healthy balanced outlook that can handle all concerns Nice and succinct.

Anchor 02-25-2010 01:45 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
-- I withdraw my comment about my interpretation of the word lightworkers as used on this forum and apologize for any offence this may have caused --


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