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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Something to meditate upon ...
Love Always mudra |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The Thuban council has not and never will seek publicity from any of the institutions or communities you have mentioned. There are a number of publications, representing earlier groundwork by the owner of the website: www.tonyb.freeyellow.com which can be found in journals and publications. All these however, whilst used by the Council of Thuban, do not directly relate to it. A number of scientific papers, such as critique of the Haramein-Rauscher Cosmology are found at: http://www.wbabin.net/papers.htm Tony Bermanseder: Added Dec. 23, 2009: Genesis of the Genesis Added Apr. 7, 2009: Where Does Mass Come From? Added Mar. 5, 2009: Monatomic Superconductivity in the Alchemy of the Stability of the Nucleus Added Jan. 26, 2009: The Rotational Dynamics in Haramein-Rauscher Metrics and the Monopolic Current Added Jan. 15, 2009: A Newtonian-Einstein-De Sitter Universe in Cosmological Mirror-super-Symmetry Added Jan. 1, 2009: The Nature and Origin of Dark Energy Added Dec. 2, 2008: Algorithmic Elementary Constants for a Physical Finite Universe Added Nov. 18, 2008: The Mystery of Gravitation and the Elementary Graviton Loop Added Dec. 15, 2005: Some Elementary Initial Conditions for Francom Adjacency Added Dec. 14, 2005: The λ/m-Hamiltonian In Hitoshi Kitada's Treatment of Quantum Relativistic Time Added Dec. 14, 2005: Boundary Parameters Under Modular Duality of Quantum Relativity Other publications related to the linked primary website are:NEMESIS; DIE WOCHE; MAGICK; THE HARP-THERAPY JOURNAL. The Harp-Journal is run by Sarajane Willamson and is is one of the latest publications. Here is another request of Sarajane about DNA data (to Tony Bermanseder NOT the Council of Thuban, which is INDEPENDENT on this agency, often acting on our behalf) and his reply via a 2000 year submission to the Eureka Foundation of the Australian Museum. Hi Tony, Thank you so much for the wonderful article and commentary. What a nice way to be greeted in the morning and so nice to have my understanding of the way things work validated. I just wish I had a better grasp of quantum physics/math to fully appreciate the richness of your commentary – but I get the gist. Please keep the insights coming this way. On another note, there’s a question that’s been rolling around in my head for years and I’m not even sure how to articulate it or if it will make sense to you, but will try to here: Aside from providing a “blueprint” for cellular replication, does DNA have the energetic (or physical) capacity to somehow become a carrier for unfulfilled hopes/desires/talents or karmic issues of our ancestors? Then the “gene expression” would become apparent in a later generation??? Or if at all valid, does this idea have to do more with energetic/soul group resonance? Conversely, if healing DNA “healing or growth” occurs in present day does that have an effect on the spiritual/energetic essence of our ancestors? Thanks again. Have a lovely day! Hi Sarajane! It's all about what is behind the physical manifestation of the DNA/RNA in the scientifically measurable sense. The biochemistry is expressed in the ordinary Crick-Watson-Franklin double-helix but there is a higher dimensional expression, which you can google as Curtis pentagonal DNA. http://www.curtisdna.com/ This then defines a longrange translational and longrange rotational decagonal (double-pentagon) symmetry found also in Penrose tiling patterns and Shechtmanite quasi crystals. The membrane physics of Quantum Relativity is then based on this same geometry in the gauge Planckstring transformations. So what this means is, that the higherD DNA/RNA becomes a pure mathematical encoding not requiring molecular and physical support structures. The geometry itself becomes a sort of natural electricity (so emerges LIFE). Your queries then relate this selfsame natural (and superconductive) currentflow as vibration patterns to a coupling between magneto-inductive and electro-capacitative factors (termed L-magnetocharges and C-magnetocharges) in a higherD correspondence to the electrocharges on the physically manifested molecular level. In particular what is called Memory is associated with the Capacitative factors (as capacitors storing magnetic higher D or colour-charge) and with the Induction factors (as inductors/coils inducing these colour charges). You may term the C-factors as being basically instinctive or intuitive memory and the L-factors being analytic or rational in say the two right-left brain labelings. Now because these LC-factor coupling engages as mass independent electromagnetic field; the labels of discarnate memory, akashic records and the noosphere of Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin and the Morphogenetic fields of Sheldrake, all attain scientific feasability in rational-deductive yet indirect observable terms. The below gives further details. http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/imagelib...out/spacer.gif http://www.kheper.net/cosmos/genesis/cover.gif Robert Louis Jones and Anthony Paul Bermanseder This proposal is entitled: GENESIS - The Origins of the Genetic Code and subdivided into three parts and a supplement: 1. The Hierarchy Scale of Universal Genetic Structure 2. The Modular Symmetry of the 12-Dimensional DNA-Triple Helix 3. The Higgs-Bosonic Blueprint and the Restmass Induction Scale 4. The Supplement The Aim of the proposal is to once and for all eliminate any need or dependancy on supernatural or paranormal agencies to describe the natural environment of scientifically semanticised phenomena. The Objective for the proposed Aim is achieved in the developments of, from the universal matrix of information coded energy, the intrinsic eigenstate or gestalt of the universal wavefunction. The intrinsic nature of the peripheral standing wave is derived from mathematical principles and algorithmic codes alone; the primordial datacode defining the origins of numerical mensuration from an uncountable infinite binary set. The Results obtained from the Objective form a selfcontained and monistically principled description of the universe as a self-created and quantumised entity with defined boundary conditions and parameters. Description of the Agenda A single-principled search for an intrinsic energy value for the universe must necessarily find a metric-independent background for a spacetime continuum of classical geometry and quantum topology. This scalar energy field (of the Higgsian Temperature Vacuum) then weds Einsteinian Relativity to Quantum Mechanics in a theory of quantum relativity. We have named this the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity or UFoQR. The Hierarchical Scale in GENESIS invites the reader to participate in a journey to discover the scale of all things by beginning with the observable and measured environment in considering the world of the cellular biochemistry. The observed and well documented workings of the genetic code in its form of the double helix is invoked but tentatively extended in a quadruplistic enfoldment of spacetime within a continuum of inverse energy or magnetocharges. The 64-codon defined genetic codex is quadrupled and associated with dormant intron functions on a genome encompassing four interwoven spacetimes manifesing in 10 dimensions and reflecting via a 11 dimensional modular mirror in the 12th. A reconfiguration of the magnetocharges as dimensional intersections induces a potentially infinite distribution of magnetocharges to permutate into a dipolar representation or its unified state. This rearrangement specifies a 4x4 codon matrix as a chromosomatic differentiation associated with the sexual characteristics and splices the 64-codex into arbitrary male and female parts. An intrinsic wave-particle duality crystallises from this split and indicates a maximisation/minimisation or quantum scaling of an universal size parameter or wave1ength in human genomatic associations In discovering a pre-spacetime measurement of creation to modulate the macroscale in the microscale, the quantisation units for space and time are uniquely set as cosmic initialisation parameters and boundary conditions. A variety of necessary equations and cosmological relationships are derived and/or indicated to exhibit the primary origin of such scientifically measured results via experiment and data analysis. A primal background is defined and derived as a redefinition of the Planckian energy scale of unitary mensuration, rendering the space-time measurement dimensionless or magnetocharged. The Modular Symmetry in GENESIS extends the Watson-Crick-Wilkins (1951) double helix in 4-D into the Curtis (1998) decagonal helix in 12-D in defining the manifestation of the pentagonised helical geometry as consequence of the original mathematical coding in the complex plane. The 64-codex is revisited in view of the fourfold extension to show the amino acid coding as permutational configuration of modular symmetry and as primary partitioning of the 4x4 matrix. Separated DNA/RNA strands align for potential recombination via the definitions of magneto-inductive and electro-capacitative coupling LC-factors, also specifying the basis for sexual intercourse. The Higgs Bosonic Blueprint in GENESIS unites the Standard Models or Quantum ElectroDynamics and Quantum ChromoDynamics in merging Gravity with Quantum FlavourDynamics via the mass energy scale of fundamental particles from the quantum geometry in the UFoQR. Quarks and leptons are defined in supersymmetry to their interdimensional gauge field partners in a relationship of superparity. The Supplement then uses the unified and autonomous universal genetic superstructure to invent, in selfrelative authority, a mythology of symbolic language; taking the form of a universal religious-scriptural context and defining all "Gods/Antigods" to constitute mental fabrications by minds in oscillatorial resonances within the UFoQR. Assessment of the Agenda The assessment of the proposal is summarised under the following criteria:Originality in terms of scientific verifications The work is original in that a variety of scientific laws and premises become synthesised in a singular manner, leaving no room for disagreement past the monistic principle itself. A significant number of outstanding scientitic results become unified by the UFoQR; the experimental evidence having been published worldwide. Examples include: 1. The Kamiokande Neutrino measurements in Japan, pointing the research data towards a muonic/tauonic re5tmass induction of mean 0.05 eV, headline of June 4th 1998; New Scientist.,13-3-99, p.32 Equation #15 defines this energy value as 0.052106. electron volt*.The proposal as a critical thought-experiment The work does not rely on experimental science to deduce the evolved conclusions, but induces the unifying principles from the deductions obtained by an externally operating experimental science of measurement and observation. The analysis of experimental data so becomes the criteria for induction. The thought experiment rests on the premise to position the universal observer "outside" defined boundaries of a measured spacetime. This 12-dimensional F-space forms however the holographic reflection for a 10-dimensional quantisation of 4-dimensional 0-space. The hologramic modular mirror becomes the 11-dimensional medium of M-space, defined as surface topology of a Moebian Klein-Bottle-Torus. The thoughtful holographer/eiperimenter is literally in two places at the same time and by twisting a higher dimensional surface, renders the inside of the modular mirror continuous with its outside. A 4-D hypersphere Riemann-Volumar is effectively doubled as a 5-dimensional surface manifesting as quantum 13-dimensional monad or Weyl-tensor. The reproduction of the universal wavefunction then uses this 13-D nesting within itself to form a 26-D dyad by baseperfect genetic matching. The point of intersection or sexual intercourse becomes the scaling constant or wormhole radius as defined in GENESIS. A dyadic wave-particle duality is thus obtained as male-female match-making and the biochemical implementation via messenger-transfer nucleic acids in the interwoven spacetimes. The maleness pair of mRNA/tDNA reflecting in the female tRNA/mDNA, as described in GENESIS, actualises the Thymine/Enimine DNA-intron coding. The potential for a superhuman organism therefore exists as an intrinsic parameter in the UPoQR and the work explains the mechanisms for the necesary transformations to occur. All conclusions inferred are reductionistically derived from known and experimentally tested natural phenomena. The laws of science become however extended in their unificaticn in omnispace. The value of the proposal This proposal has significant applicability for any scientific researcher, thought experimenter and/or philosopher. Any such engagee familiar with the unifying force in the UFoQR, cannot but consider this work hisher own, which it is by definition of the genetic mastercoding in the Thymine/Enimine manifesto. The genetic mastercode is active within all living cells and transcends the biovital ideotype via the L-C factor couplings to all expressions of the quark-leptonic hierarchies or the Planck-Einstein-Higgs energy relations and the Newton-Maxwell forcelaw extensions as defined in GENESIS and its references. Any scientific endeavour is enhanced and harmonised through the permeating awareness provided by the resonance of the engagee's mindfulness with the unifying Vorcefield in the UFoQR. Instant communication in Quantumspace is achieved in tuning the individuated inductive- and capacitative chromosomatic factors in the data processor or antenna/brain into primary bosonic source reception. The mediating gauge forcefield is switched on via the restmass-photonic coupling of the RMP's to the gauge field interaction mediators in the UFoQR and as biochemically expressed by the decagonal DNA-forcefield. This manifests the monadic tensor as macroquantum tunneling wormhole, internalising the extroverted universal wavefunction as the engagee, who as offspring or "baby in the cosmic womb" becomes one with the universe as 13-dimensional quantum event embedded within 4-D spacetime. So any exponent of the omni-scientific modus operandi becomes infinitised via the UFoQR and the related omni-mathematical transformations, which, via the Feynman Path Integral of particular histories, allow the Cantorian Aleph-Null Cardinality of uncountable infinite sets to assume the Aleph-AlI Cardinality of every Infinity being counted as One. Thus the scientific engagee becomes All That Is; and it is he/she who breathes the fire of the living plasma into the equations as GODDEVIL! http://www.kheper.net/topics/thinrain.gif Genesis was submitted as an entry to the Australian Skeptics 2000 Eureka Prize for Critical Thinking AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Just popping back in to say that I understand both sides of this "argument."
I became disillusioned when Abrax gave me a bible reference when I was pointing at Zen. :P The information in this thread, should be shared freely, not in a way that is begging the question. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Mudra --
Thank you, Spiritual Mother, for the gentle interlude. It helps to refocus on our unity, especially when polarity seems to be trying to mask our essential oneness. Here's To the necessity of polarity, and Here's To our unqualified eternal oneness! :trumpet: :thumb_yello:: wub2::cheers: with Love to you, Mudra, and to all my sisters and brothers here. hippihill |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Mudra, do you have any questions for Abraxasinas?
I am going to try to steer this thread back on topic from now on. I hope this will not be a problem for anyone. A.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
No I do not have any at the moment Anchor.
My apologies to Abraxasinas if I went off topic. Love Always mudra |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Can you give information on what we call Wormwood, Niburu, our binary stary system. Thanks.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
A very good commentary of yours; as the astrocyclicities are very relevant at the present time. Allow me to give you this information from the archives of the Thuban astrologers or Magi. You know that the division of the Mazzaroth/Zodiac engages the particular configurations of the planetary-orbs at any instant in linear time, say the natal birthcharts or the auspices of historical time events. The present synchronization of the equinoxes allows a 65x144,000=9,360,000 day cycle of 25,626.81 civil years. This then defines a precessional rate of 1 degree per 71.1856 civil years. This precessional cycle is confined to the planetary precession of earth in the 'wobble of the earth-polar' axis. Now since the summer solstice of 2008 this precessional cycle has become superposed onto the entire universe as a whole. So when you cast your charts, you are actually casting a chart not only for the magnetoinductions of the orb GEOMETRIC ANGULAR configurations (say as a photograph FREEZING the timeinstant of the natal configuration) for the terran 'characteristics' of the interacting 30-degree sectors (the basic division, but extended to Koch and Placidus etc.); but you are actually casting a horoscope for the holographic universe, miniaturized say in the hologram of the terrestrial precessional configuration. Your treatize above so has become more accurate since the timing of the summer solstice 2008; as it utilizes a Mirror, situated so 2 million kilometers from the earth's center to reflect the orb configurations as a template onto ALL extraterrestrial civilisations. Perhaps you might also like to know; Thuban astrology fully incorporates Chiron as the ruler of Virgo and assigns the New Moon to Libra as a Saros Dragon-Node. Cancer so is assigned the Full Moon as rulership of the House of the Mother. Thanking you for a well stated and educational post. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abraxasinas,
I'm impressed with the over all accomplishment of this thread. Many posts later, and I think its still worthy of everyones attention. Again thanks for all your responses to everyone.:thumb_yello: I'm working on some good questions to ask you, but i want to form my words carefully. So I guess for now, I was hoping you and the council could tell me about DNA and how it operates with emotional frequencies. Thanks. peace:original: joey |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
how many different groups of dragons are there ???
we are particularly interested, in our trip to visit them, between 11/3/1991 and, 4/6/1993 - for 520 days when we visited some of them in 9th density temples of venus thank you |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
in healing, i've utilised the ancient light worker dragons from sirius
where is there original home ??? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Wormwood is a 1st order archetype and as defined in scripture: {Revelation.8}: 10And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 11And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. The Thuban librarians have received the following interpretation from the Logos. The three parts in the Book of Revelation (BOR) are to be interpreted in the scenario of a Lightsource shining onto the creation in the presence of a mirror. The creation or object or earth so casts a Shadow onto itself as reflection of the Light as a darkness. This can then be depicted or modelled in divers ways, say a Mind(Body)=Wave(Particular) representing the wavepart of a quantum duality and its counterpart or complement as a Particular(Wave)=Body(Mind). In a human or ET then, the Mindwave above is coupled to the Bodyparticular below; both expressions Mind and Body 'hiding' their shadow opposites (in the brackets). This relates to the four parts in: Revelation.6: 8And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. This fourth part then represents the (Mind) part in the Body(Mind) of the below. What this means then, is that, in the appropriate unfoldment of the timeline defined in the BOR, the Individual Shadowness of ALL becomes subjected to this fourth 'horseman of the apocalypse'. As most humans (but not all ETs) do not even realise they carry this shadow mind within their own bodyforms, they will only experience this manifestation via their subconscious couplings. So the 4th horseman of the apocalypse 'causes death' in the thought constructions and memeplexes manufactured by the conscious mind and then stored in the subconscious. This relates to this scripture and the BOR=ROB: Revelation.16: 15Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. The third part then describes this ROBBING of the Devil WITHIN the creation of his own kingdom of the ShadowMind within the physical bodyforms of the exposees. Iow, everyone NOT SEALED in the Forehead, will 'suffer' the loss of the Shadow(Mind) as the third part of the then Unified MindBody of the above and the then separated Body (as the second part) and the third part of the (Mind within the Body). A simple example is the Sun shining on a human standing on the ground. The human casts a shadow onto the ground, defining the three parts of the Lightsource Sun, the embodied human and the human's Shadow. The Sun also has a shadow as a conscious celestial being, but is unified in shining its light as a Wavebodied form of energy. The human cannot shine its light but can reflect the Sun's light and so create hisher Shadow. The physical reality of both the Sun and the human remain uncompromised, but the 'spiritual' reality of the human is 'taken away' or destroyed or jeopardised by the inablility of the human to act as a MIRROR to reflect the sun's energy back to its source. WORMWOOD so archetypes the influx of the Lightsource according to the timeline of the BOR. Wormwood IS NOT a physical celestial object, but represents the ENERGY of the Stars and in particular Rahsol. The mythology of Nibiru relates to the cyclicity of the the great evolutionary changes of Gaia and with respect to the ET-known plan of establishing the 'masterrace' for the cosmos upon a graduating 'homeplanet' for ALL ETs throughout the universe. This I have detailed in my reply to bigmo. Because the ETs have known about the 'masterplan' of the Logos and their part in it as a cosmic intelligence NOT physicalised in the density field of the graduate starplanet; they have engaged in the hybridisation of the primitive human template with themselves. As said, this has made ALL humanoids already Human-ET hybrids and beginning in a mindwave-induction so 208,000 years ago. None of you would have the sentience for abstract thought, would you be a 'pure' hominid stock, say as evolved from Old World Monkeys 20 million years ago into speciations of Australopithecines so 4 million years ago and diversivications in the Homo Erectus typology so 500,000 years ago. All of your so called intelligence IS in factr ET intelligence. All ETs are Human Family, albeit not physicalised in the density field of Gaia, extending 2 million kilometers from the Gaian center and growing by so 105 millimeters per year. So this 'masterplan' KNOWS that the Old Earth is destined to become a New Earth. The Old Earth is named Gaia from the Greek Gaea say and forms a partnership with Uranus as the Sky (Geb and Nut in Egyptian legends and as manifesting children of Shu and Tefnut). The 1st order archetypes are of course Creator and Creation transforming into second order archetypes like the above (internal then external polarity from an unified monad). Most astrophysical starsystems are binary with two suns rotating about each other to form a gravitational system; then allowing planetary systems to form from a bifocalised (the two suns) nebula of star consciousness. This star-nebula of basically hydrogenic and helium molecular configuration derives from an elliptic 2D geometry which defines the two-focus suns as becoming the emitter- and receiver stations for the starsystem's selfcommunication. In the case of Gaia, the second sun is omnipresent as the creator itself. This creator sun so becomes delegated NOT to some Nemesis cyclicity, say of a periodically ecliptically intersecting brown dwarf; but to the galactic center of the harbouring galaxy. This the Maya, as ET-human timetravellers understood as Hunab Ku, the 'Giver of all Wisdom' and the 'Street of Remembrance'. Now Hunab Ku is the gravitational center for the local Milky Way aka perseus galaxy and so communicates with the graduating Starplanet Gai as a substitute for the second sun (often termed Nemesis). As Gaia is distant about 26,000 years from the Galactic Centre; it will take exactly a precessional cycle of civil years for a message sent from Hunab Ku to reach the center of the earth. This 'incoming message' then is 'confused' with Nibiru as some incoming celestial object on a collision course with the physical earth. The Mesopotamian legends KNOW about the human-ET hybridisation plan and also so became informed, partially, about the 'masterplan' of the Logos. This 'erroneous' or incomplete translation of 1st order archetypes into 2nd and 3rd order archetypes then becomes the causative agency behind much of the 'confusions' about 'photon belts' and 'Nibiru' and 'Nemesis' and 'Pole Shifts'. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax wrote:
Dear gscraig! Quote:
For starters, I think it is suffice to conclude that your response did not comply. This..... Quote:
I did not request proof of you or the Thuban Council seeking publicity, only a concerted effort and show of great intention to inform those whom are better positioned to consider and spread your work across the globe. Apparently, you felt Project Avalon was the best approach. Regarding your provided data I have reviewed what you sent me, and I do agree that there may be some ground breaking principles being presented via Tony Bermanseder (also known for using Sirebard as a forum identity). However, there is simply not enough beyond theoretics to subject those on this website/thread to your proclamations. This Thuban concept can be compared similarly to a scientologists or Ron Hubbard himself starting a thread called Dianetics. Because they both are based on postulations supported by it's respective theories or self discovery. Although, one key difference is that the Thuban philospy utilize mathematics and scientifically comprised principles for most of it's conclusions. This helps explain why there seem to be a disconnect with answers that go beyond mathematical principles. Because I've also identified those whom support Tony's work are or were former physicists, science teachers, etc whom started or participated in forum dialogue and threads before. Journal Submissions The link you provided me (http://www.wbabin.net/papers.htm) are respectable theories entered by physicists. All of the PDF files you attached are mostly theories predominately based on Quantum Relativity/M Theory, Theoretical Physics, and Scientific and Mathematical Principles submitted by Tony Bermansede. Now, for those whom are not aware, the wbabinet.net link is a Science Journal. Most professions such as Science, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, etc have their own respective journals where their community members (Drs., Phd's, etc) can post their work or experiences for peer review and scrutiny. It IS NOT a consensus on the material presented by the submitter, or proof of anything concrete...At least not yet. Anyone in the field can enter almost anything. Tony Bermansede has not won a Nobel Prize, and having his work rushed into the annals of history (per this thread) as the solution to all universal riddles is quite irresponsible in my opinion. In Closing I also noticed via this material and my own research, that other Physicists have websites highlighting their work and theories just like Tony. Now, I did see some such as Dan Fitzpatrick and Robert Duncan whose websites seem to support Tony Bermansede's work. However, these are a mere few out of a pool of thousands. Again, Tony may have some significant concepts for future contemplation and perhaps implementation, but ultimately it all comes down to what I indicated in my initial thread #1212 which was.. Quote:
Thanks for everyones time, patience and pardon my interruption. For those whom disapprove of my disagreement or the manner for which it was presented, I will kindly make my exit. Kind Regards gscraig |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The 9th density is inaccessible to lower order consciousness and including ALL of the ET races you may have heard of. The only way ANY consciousness in the universe can visit dimensions above 6th is through and by the superconsciousness. Superconsciousness requires transcension of the subconscious and this is not possible in embodiment, inclusive of OBEs and NDEs. What many mistake as higher dimensions are but astral sublevels of the 4th dimension. There are as many dragon races as there are consciousness classifications - themselves arbitrary in 3rd and 4th order archetypes. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I hope this question is not a repeat.
On 21/12/2012 the people on earth become star humans so to speak, we are talking about them transcending into 4th or 5th D..........yes/no? Does the Thuban Council agree that there is a splitting of Gaia where those who ascend go off with the 4 or 5D Gaia. What about the souls that are incarnate at that time, who say are in the astral or wherever, maybe waiting to reincarnate, like our relatives and loved ones who have passed on, what becomes of them. I know my questions are very basic but I would like the Council's answer on these if I could, please make it easy for this soul to understand.:naughty: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Their original home is in the VOID=ETERNITY before the physical spacetimed universe existed. Their home today is in every Canine you encounter upon planet earth. So studying, analysing and discerning the Canine evolution, say from the Miacis of the Miocene epoch; will allow you to retrace the Sirian ETs. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
How old is the Thuban concil?
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This number is counted from a MAT time (Mean-Alignment-Time) synchronised to Midnight (+9 hours GMT), Local Canberra time, eastern Australia November 4th, 1996. The number (for a Unity Normalisation) is 1/Ho=RHubble/c=5.325584833x10^17 seconds +Delta and where Delta is the fraction part of 1.13267255. It so took about 56 million years for the Earth to crystallize from the solar nebula and it took about 56 million years for the earth to cool as the mirror function for this crystallization. For the Cosmogenesis of the Universe, the Minimum value for np=1.13267255 is used for an actual Age of the universe of 19.1151 Billion years*. The AgeEarth=(4.477992+4.590301)x109/2~4.5341465..x109 (Billion) Years Details are found here: The Coulombic Chargequantum 'e'; its Variation and the Ages of the Earth and the Universe http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id198.htmlAA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Is the speed of light a constant? |
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