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Anchor 02-23-2010 09:52 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Lionhawk (Post 242484)
Did you even consider why he did not want to have a conversation as to what I posed to him?

Yes I did. In my view you didn't really appear to ask a direct question, the majority of your posts appeared to me to be more concerned with rendering your opinion on what Abrax is/is not. That's ok, but it did not appear to solicit the desired response.


I was also actually "nice" about it and not as confrontational as you put it.
Mea culpa. I apologise you are correct. The sense of confrontation I get is because you are "going up" against Abraxasinas and his agenda - unlike others here, I am free to admit my intuition is not always allowed by me, enough freedom to function and I therefore should not make judgmental statements without taking more time to think - bad habit. Things to do, so much pressure. Bad excuse.


I have seen other way more confrontational comments in this thread but you never even mentioned any of those.
Again, some prejudice based on our private email exchange on the kinsuemei matter - I must have unjustifiably had some prejudgment of the outcome of your posts here and let that cloud my judgment. I am really sorry.


But since it would appear that I am near attacking this Dragon and someone you feel more in alignment with, anything I say is going to be more amplified in your mind. Why is that Anchor? I'm just curious as to how you play this game.
You are correct. For the reasons stated above, it was more amplified in my mind. I am trying to be neutral, but maintaining the balance in neutrality in this case appears to have eluded me.

One thing, though I claim no special alignment with Abraxasinas.

I have stated neither agreement nor disagreement with the generality of Abraxasinas's posts - one or two I may have expressed appreciation for, particularly the answers to my own questions - answers to which I deeply appreciate. I have stated that I find all of the posts that I have read of his uniquely interesting.

So, although it has been stated that I do, in fact I do not "support" him beyond the right for him to answer the questions he is asked in a manner congruent with the forum guidelines. I admit also extending some license to the allowed length of the posts and quotes, which is an unusual way of working on this forum - and regrettably has annoyed a few members.

I have been consistently amazed at the attacks he has drawn. If he is who he says he is, he needs no special support from me - except to stop him from being banned for any reason other than a genuine and serious forum guideline breach - yes as you have seen there are those gunning for him to be banned. I hope he wont be banned unless he does anything seriously wrong. In that respect I have supported him - a lot.

I see Abraxasinas as interesting and a great contributor - especially as he does it the way he does - non infringement. This is highly resonant with my favored approach to the way forums could work.

The problem seems to be that his answers have made people come out and paint him as evil incarnate - seemingly on the basis that they can't even start (or won't even start) to understand what he says, or find his data challenging. My conclusion thus far is that this is fear of the unknown. I don't have that fear, so I don't resonate with it and it is a bit bewildering to see.


As far as what I know, I am not the only one who knows. However I do bring something to the table as to a soulution and for the most part none of you who have this new alignment with Abrax here see that. Now that tells me there is a spell on you. And I can not write what some of my scans have shown me about this thread and some of the participants.
I hope my statements above have clarified the matter. You have my explicit permission to reveal the results of any "scans" against me in the matter of me being deluded by a spell, however, in so doing you may not reveal my real name, place of residence, place of birth or place of work; nor may any numeric data pertaining to my life be revealed - but you may scan it.

I agree that I have not seen the soulution you bring to the table, I beg for an elaboration. My real difficulty is that I do not see the problem you claim to want to solve, so if you were to elaborate, that would be my requested focus.

Sadly you also say:


The reason why I don't say it all out and put it on a silver platter for you is that you also have your free agency I must respect that and I have given enough big clues here so that you can actually go validate it for yourself. Again don't take my word for it, but go prove it. If you want the real data, go prove it. I am not here to spoon feed you or anyone else here. That would be disrespectful and would lack integrity if I was to do so. Get the data in the first hand so that no one has to convince you other wise in the second hand. In other words, get real. I really thought you of all people could handle that. But that is not what I see is being reflected back in this thread.
Which means I won't be getting what I want. Mind you, does it not count that I am asking you a direct question in this matter? If the issue then is that I do not speak for all present (which is true) then perhaps we just have to let this rest - or if you are so inclined, a private exchange.


And by what responses and energies I am picking up, apparently I am not the only one here and many don't really want to say what they really feel because they seen from the past what kind of reactions they will get back. And it is because they care and know what side of the fence they are on. Not the lukewarm like Jesus spoke of as he would spit that out first as compared to knowing if it was cold or hot.
I concur with your assessment. I think those others are all answerable for keeping quiet as well - its equivalent to walking away from a road accident without helping. This is why I appreciate you responding in the manner you have, you have perceived a problem and you are trying to help. You are the only one so far that has come close to outlining the problem, but you didnt finish the job, So it is not straightforward but I really appreciate the effort you put into it. You have done it in a way that others fail to do and so they end up in a direct attack that if serious has to be prevented by the moderators. I salute the moderators for their tolerance for this thread - albeit through gritted teeth in some case.


I may have said I know but I have never said to take my word for it. I always say don't take my word for it because I want everyone to find that validation for themselves. You've taken that way out of the context of what or where I stand, for the record. Everyone who really knows me here will also tell you that. So where the hell did that come from? Fact is I want people to know what is going on and it isn't a game here as some type of fictional drama between polarities that you just read about. The ones that only want to see love and light are blanketing their horrific memories. They are in essence the most wounded and I really don't blame them from everything I have seen. But always remember there are different domains of knowing in a soul's life. I guess the Arch types refer that as cycles as well.
Thank you for clearing that up. Again, sorry I took you out of context. It did appear to me at the first reading that you were stating it like it was a fait-accompli - again I rushed. Should read again. Did not obey my own rules.


Point is I am in the now and have done much work in remembering who I am. I am not going to deny who I am because someone has a prejudice and think that warriors suck. If it wasn't for a lot of the warrior cast I am aligned with, many things would be much worse. Look at the records and see it for yourself. Personally, I hate war. But I defend what I love and if anyone has a problem with that, tough. I have paid my dues and I don't need to be disrespected because I chose to defend that. I don't need to be spat on because I have served the Creator. At least I know who I serve. Which leads me to a question as to some here and who they serve. I also don't have to point fingers as some of you here have already pointed your own finger onto yourselves and if you think no one noticed that, then you are blind. To think just because we are not all Einsteins here, you are smarter, is one of the biggest jokes in this Universe. And that joke is on you. Intelligence is just an aspect of Creation. It isn't the whole ball of wax. Do some tuning work on that.
I am not sure that part is addressed at me particularly, I have not intentionally disrespected you, and if anything I have said is considered as such then I am again sorry. If my summarizing of your position was seen as disrespectful or overly distorting, then please know it was not meant to be.


Problem is that many are still sleeping. And you may think what I have spouted off as a dream. I am not here to take you away from dreamland. It is your choice what you do with that or as you define it. And you will surely be limited if all you can see is 3D data. It will keep you asleep. That is how the second hand information highway has been used.

As far as young Dragons go, was not said in disrespect. Just an observation as compared to other Dragons I have known. Just be what I had written in the construct of that sentence. Ask him.
Well it looked pretty testy to me. Again, thanks for clearing that up. I express no opinion about what you believe - in fact I wanted to know more about it, but that silver platter remains empty :)


Well then, Anchor, you haven't tested your fear in this other domain of knowing. I always have tried to keep people from it, but you know what, to hell with that from now on. The door is opened and you choose to open one of the door and keep it opened here at this forum. If you are as good as you try to convey with your subtleties , then by all means step on through. Just make sure you bring an extra pair of britches.
I chose to open the door ? You mean by unbanning abraxasinas in the first place and then preventing the re-banning? Ok, now what?

I hope I have not tried to convey anything about being good at something or otherwise. I am confident of what I know, but I am well aware of my imperfections and some of my weaknesses. I am certainly no warrior - and you obviously clocked that right off the bat. If you don't know it yet, I will tell you that I understand my main specialty/mission purpose is that of a manifestor - a kind of reality technician. I can elaborate more if necessary but I don't feel like doing it here. In any case I don't yet possess the kind of recall that you evidently have achieved.

I don't walk through open doors unless I have too, or unless I have a fairly good idea what is on the other side. In this case, its academic, because I don't even know about the door you are talking about.


What shocks many here is the double standards and who it suites. I have seen other threads closed for much much less. And although I am not into slamming threads closed as I do support free speech, I am really surpirised by the past history here as compared to what you all are allowing now. It doesn't seem like your normal ways of doing things.
I don't run this forum, I contribute to the running of the forum. More often than not the moderators function well as a team. One of the strengths of our current mix is the degree to which we can disagree to some serious extremes yet still operate effectively. It is one of the best and most rewarding moderating experiences I have ever had - which when you take a look around this forum, you can see it needs to be.

I agree that there has been, and probably will be some inconsistency. I don't think it can be helped, all we can try to do is do our best and keep each other honest. Closed threads can be reopened. Bans can be lifted. Most mistakes can be rectified. There is established case history for this. I speak from experience - I made a few of those mistakes myself. It happens. Never said or claimed I didn't.

All other things unchanged, if I understood Abraxasinas correctly, this thread will self terminate if and/or when people stop asking Abraxasinas questions - or shortly thereafter.


As far as starting my own thread, that idea is a dead horse on life support. Let me just put it this way and you can read between the lines if there are any lines. I did start one thread and it got slammed closed. I learned my lesson. Now I appreciate you suggesting that I should start one again. As that would take the pressure out of this thread if I took myself out of this one. But all you had to do was ask. So this is what I am going to do. I am just going to bow out of this one as I have only asked for a fair handshake as to integrity, and I didn't get that despite my efforts. Good luck with this thread. May you all learn many valuable lessons from it.
I hope I have undone some of the disrespect you have perceived from me. I have addressed the matter of the thread closure in a private message.


I know when to detach.
Seems I don't really yet :naughty:


God Bless
Thanks, you too.


PS: I respect your desire to bow out of this thread, but if you make a response here I hope that you wont feel like I forced that - alternatively a private message works - especially on the scan thing.

abraxasinas 02-23-2010 10:44 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Sollve (Post 242550)
Dear Fallen ones,

I find this interesting. Does this mean you take on the caretaking role regardless the need of the angelic human to be taken cared of, or is this a choice of free will.

I take this to be a question, dear Sollve, dear Uplifted One!

It is exactly as said, just as a mother would treat her newborn baby, which doesn't know what to do.
If you are a mother then you should know, if not ask someone who is a mother.

My mind tells me two outcomes of this tender caretaking business. Either the humans who don't want to be eaten and hybridized by red dragons or any other kind of dragons by free will, will be put in concentration camps a.k.a. under the wings of "caretakers" and if the millions upon millions of non hybridized humans still resist the indoctrinations of the care takers, what happens then? My guess is that the humans will be battered around until they do. Is this correct?

There are no concentration camps on Thuban; we do not eat humans; we do hybridize them though to harmonise the hybridizations and manipulations which have restricted the human genome hitherto and beginning say 208,000 years ago.
So you are right now a hybridized Sollve and we dragons are able, as genetic engineers, to correct the 'damages' done in your 'Fall' into the low density vibratory field of the Gaian planetary consciousness memeplex.

The other way around would be that the humans that don't want to be dragon Halflings and thereby be stolen of their angelic heritage would actually be allowed to govern the universe from a creative and loving perspective, the way it was always meant to be. How could possibly a hybridized human be better than the original?

As said elsewhere, the humanoid morphotype required hybridization to render the 'evolving' humanoid UNIQUE amongst the other lifeforms of the Caenozoic geological earth. Without this ET interference, the human variability in genotype would have continued (like Indian and African Elephants today, there existed numerous Australopithecine branches {Afarensis, Africanus, Boisei, Robustus,...} so 4 million years ago) and the cosmos would NOT have access to a MASTER-TEMPLATE called HUMAN.
You Sollve would NOT then exist as a unique individuation of the Prime Creator.
So the ET interference was necessity to allow the 'fallen Sollve ancestors' to eventually become this master blueprint for ALL cosmic ETs and from the most primal stock possible.

It is only this most elementary form, which was deemed suitable to BECOME the cosmic masterrace and then AS an ancestor for ALL ET races in the Gaian lifeform associations.

This is the situation with the higherD ETs. THEY chose NOT to 'fall' into the most primordial incarnational energy realm called Gaia; BUT chose to support their own evolutionary agendas in HYBRIDISATION with that most primitive stock.

How could your so called star human ever be what the human was meant to be from the beginning?

This is what I am trying to explain to you in the above. The human morphogenetics will be like a master template a 'Morphogenetic Field' for the Cosmos, as Rupert Sheldrake would say.

We are meant to stop wars and find new ways, new creative ways to make peace. We are meant to save worlds, galaxies, universes and to help every single being to be sovereign in its own being, without the need for care takers. We are the creative force and upholders of universal love and free will. When allowed to show our inner beings, We are LOVE. We are INSPIRATION. How can anyone possibly think that we are better off as hybrids?

One day you will understand the relative 'sillyness' of your question here.
Now I state 'sillyness' not stupidity - be careful how you choose to judge or interpret my words. Thubans DO NOT JUDGE, they OBSERVE what works and what does not work in the greater context of a galactic-cellular civilisation.

Without ET-hybridisation, you would not have any analytical abstract ability now. It is this which differentiates you from your common ancestry with the great apes.

So you, Sollve could not type intelligently on your computer, where you not right now a Human-ET hybrid.

We as hybrids are only beneficial to our so called ‘wanna be’ care takers. For thousands of years we have been suppressed, not allowed to grow the way we should. Allow us to show our true selves and we will be the care takers of the universe, just as we are intended to be.

Has it really come to this?

You, like many, are an emotional human who is prone to judgements and preemtors, without exercising your faculties of reason and rationality.

Perhaps you should consider the wisdom of my avatar.

It has shown from time to time that our hearts can't be enslaved. Is the only step left for the fallen angels to enslave us and make us do their will, to actually take away our uniqueness in some kind of hybridization program?

What do you know of fallen angels; do you understand that YOU are a fallen angel?

Well I guess it's your loss in the long run. One can't help the one who don't want to be helped.

If someone wants to change what is already perfect, the only reason to do so must be to lower that perfectness beneath the perfectness of themselves in order to raise their own perfectness. For example if I'm the second or third tallest man on earth. The only way for me to be the tallest man is to either shrink the ones above me or eliminate them or to actually grow taller. To grow is the only acceptable alternative as the other alternatives includes the sacrifice of others.

In this case you would actually need to accept the fact to be second or third or whatever you see yourself as. We don't look at races or beings as being superior to others. We see them all at their full potential and with the ability to grow to where we are. We are designed to set an example of what can be done and to show the rest what their full potential is all about. You shouldn't look upon us as a threat. We are designed to help and if you don't want to evolve past your current limits, you don't need to. Maybe it's possible for us to build you a playground of your own choice where you can't hurt anyone and certainly not being able to hijack other beings for your own purposes.

So you are already aware of your cosmic design Sollve; if you are then you would not ask the questions you ask, because you would fathom your design.

We are here to help whenever you are ready!

For love and unity throughout the universe!


You are helping the cosmic evolution in great honour and sincerity Sollve; one day you shall understand and socialise with Dragons in some Bar upon Thuban.

Shalom from the DragonDen

:arrow: Before you point your finger at ME about using WE. WE are ALL who resonate with ME.

ME=WE also on Thuban - after our master templar Emmanuel Melchisedec E.M.=WE.


beren 02-23-2010 11:13 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dragon I have a question for you;

Why do you constantly avoid straight answer when questioned?

You elaborate quite long and well but you never answer a question.
That is one more sign that you are not of the light. Your master is not Jesus Christ .
Your master is THE Dragon,liar and the one who rebelled.

The very Christ that you claim that is your Lord said that Pharisee's ,Scribes and all of its kind in the entire universe are of their father-Dragon, who is a liar and murderer from the beginning.
He abandoned truth and love and light for madness and his pride and desire to rule, desire to be God.

If you wish to serve him , that is your wish and that's fine with me.

Everybody has a free will.
But what you sow -that you will reap.

One more thing for people to remember here:

Dragon is talking about genetic hybridization and manipulation, making people into Dragons...
What does that tell you?
Where the bell rings?

To an ancient world made by fallen angels and their offspring that made chaos on earth in those days until their destruction in flood.
When you read the Book of Enoch you find that after their little experiment ,fallen angels actually mourned before Enoch and asked him to bid for them before throne of Glory. They asked Enoch to pray for them in order that Creator grant them mercy.

They were not granted mercy. They thought that they will be pardoned just like that. They spilled blood, destroyed lives, caused much damage and they wanted to come and say :"Father please forgive us..."

Sure Creator could have erased all they did wrong but that would be not responsible of him. That would give an example to the entire creation that they can do as they please because ,anytime,the Father will erase it with a erasing gum and all will be new.
No -Creator did not created his children to be brats. Everybody has to be aware of holynes of life.

The one who became Dragon did exactly oposite of Creator's intention.

Genetic manipulation between species is not allowed by Creator.
You find that when reading in Bible where is stated that whom ever , be it man or woman ,lay with the beast of any kind - is to be destroyed.

Now you see here that this Dragon speaks positively about genetic manipulation. Whom does he represent ?



abraxasinas 02-23-2010 11:31 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 242541)
Hi All!

This message engages the wordings of another initiate, who could be termed a postgraduate human approaching membership within the Council of Thuban. I shall 'colour in' the discourses of Richard T., when so appropriate. Most of the time, Richard T. aka DRACHIR T. {the German word for Dragon translates as DRACHE} presents hisher information as a member of the Thuban Dragonhood and requires little input from myself.

If anyone wishes clarification on the meanings of the statements of Richard T., then I shall answer accordingly.

Continued from #1248:

Originally Posted by Richard T
5)Hello Vorian.

I ask if I make sense to insure the door is opened to opposition. Otherwise, it would be like saying that it is so and you must learn from me.

There is a universal law that says that it is impossible to be intelligent alone. Communication is to allow people recognize they can access intelligence. Unfortunately, people use communication to prove they are intelligent, or to question and seek intelligence in others.

Technically, we should learn from what we say. When I say something, I should be learning something. And this is possible if we realize that we access intelligence rather than think we are intelligent.

And if we do not believe what we say, we ask others to validate through their own access to intelligence.

Sometimes, I wonder if what I say is helpful or if it actually mixes people up.

How is the weather down there?


6)Originally Posted by Richard T
Earth consciousness is currently under the laws of domination. It will be in the hand of another origin in the next evolution, but that will not
happen before the end of this cycle.

Originally Posted by Vorian's Revenge
Perhaps I was under the impression that both are in store for evolution. And that they would happen together.

There will be a change in vibration of the planet that will coincide with the reversal of its polarity. Astral energies come to the planet by the North pole. As do solar particles that create the aurora borealis effect. This reversal will push those energies away while accepting energies of another order altogether that have nothing to do with the history of humanity.

Abraxasinas: This poleshift will occur in a multidimensional manner. Should the magnetic polarities reverse and stabilize, then the entire electromagnetic structure of the planet would become disfunctional.
So the magnetic polarity shift in 4D Minkowski Spacetime will be accompanied by a 5D Kaluza-Klein 'polarity' shift at the center of the earth.
This latter occurrence allows the 4D spacetime metric of Gaia to become gravitationally collapsed to a golfball sized Black Hole WITHOUT affecting its lower-D manifestation as say a planet with a perimeter of about 40,000 kilometers.

Following this gravitational collapse of the Earth in Hyperspace will be a 'turning inside out' of the golfball sized Black Hole.
The Black Hole will contain the entire history of the Gaian evolution history in a datastreamed form; say as scifictionalized in Star Trek - The Motion Picture in the V(o)yger data collector.
This movie was authorized and channelled from Thuban by the way.

The Black Hole data absorption/concentration will then become a data emitter, rendering the Black Hole Sink in Hyperspace as a White Hole Data Source in Hyperspace and transmitting the absornbed data of the Gaian- and Humanoid history back out into the universe and its trigger Hunab Ku aka the Sagittarius A* RadioQuasar aka the Galactic Center of the Milky Way.
From then on the HUMAN EXPERIENCE will become 'common property' for all ET races and civilizations as a contextual background HOW NOT TO BE a Galactic Civilization.

The Black Hole - White Hole wormhole tunneling will then rereverse the magnetic polarity shift and the electromagnetic viability of Gaia will become reset.

Evolution is perhaps not what we tend to think, since we think mechanically based on our history and that we project our own psychological understanding onto intelligences and systems that do not evolve psychologically, such as the Earth. The Earth will rise in vibration because of the energy that will be at the base of man's evolution. And that energy comes from the source of the consciousness of man, that is not god, but that is an energy that is radiated by each individual's source, these radiations being called rays of creation by some.

7)Originally Posted by Vorian's Revenge Are you a finaliter?
If so, and if you don't mind me asking, when do you experiance your fusion flash?

Hi there

Fusion flash, as you call it, only happens for the greatest descending initiates, such as Bernard.

Abraxasinas: Bernard (James of the Wingmakers is another) is another human graduate and on the highest level of human incarnation preceding Dragonhood.

They create the living proof of their words.

Luckily, we don't have to live this absolute torture in such a massive dose, and fusion for the ascending consciousness is a progressive process.

You will notice that I am careful to what I answer when I reply to questions of a personal nature.
Here is why
There is a universal law by which when a person says something, makes a statement using the 'I', events are automatically created to test the reality behind the words.

So, if I say "I would do this or that if this or that happened" you risk being tested in time. Best is not to brag, and really be certain, without any possibility of a doubt, that what is said, is.

Those events become part of the solar initiation of the individual, where he is tested against any and all forms of psychological failure.

Man cannot decide if and when he is contacted from inside.

It is his cosmic counterpart who initiates the movement.

Abraxasinas: Yes, this is the adjuster aka the 'Higher Self' aka the superconscious self coupled to the Christ-Consciousness.

But they find it extremely difficult to communicate with the mortal because of the huge amount of memories, because of the density of astral energy, because of the insecurity of the ego and of his spirituality, and mostly because of the personalization of the reflective process.

The ego must then prepare himself by starting to pay attention.

Abraxasinas: This is the Christmas Wish of Thuban.

And paying attention requires him to be aware that all the artifacts that are part of his planetary consciousness are a game to steer his evolution.

This brings him to depersonalized the impressions that result from the experience over time, according to his capacity to support the loss of his false identity, that comes often with the loss of the impression of control over his life, and that has the tendency to create an impression of failure in the ego.

And the ego must realize faith in his reality and know that he is not failing, but that work is being done to increase his vibration.

The less he is impressed psychologically by the experience, the less he implicates himself in the experience, the more the experience can be increased in dosage and the more he is bombarded by thoughts, fears, and soul pulsations, who seek to bring him back to instinctual behavior.

All is a question of internal strength and all is a question of not believing, of not taking one's life seriously, but rather to be serious about it.

Some people cannot watch a movie without being traumatized.

How will they fare when the world collapse around them?

And this is where it comes together.

Man must learn to not be impressionable. Then, as he does his part, he allows the other side to do its part.

Abraxasinas: Many on this forum and thread would be well adviced to take this to heart.

But they do their part on their time, and we must use our time effectively.

As for where we are, we always are where we are supposed to be. But they just don't tell us always.

The only reason why man does not know his future is because he would not accept it, he would feel that life is not worth being lived, and it is extremely important to those forces that man lives the life he is meant to live, until the work is done.

Does this help at all?


Abraxasinas: One can discern in expectation Drachir TKB.


ellie 02-23-2010 11:34 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This thread is getting beyond a joke as far as length goes. I have to tab to the end of the computer screen to find the latest pages of posts. I know it might be a bit of a stupid gripe but it is becoming annoying. Isn't there some way to break it up somehow?

Beren at least I can follow what you say in your posts. When you quote scripture I know what I am reading, it is easy to understand and follow. I really would like to, having a curious mind about esoteric philosophy know exactly where Abrax is coming from, but alas it is just too difficult for me to sort out.

I do have a question Abrax and I hope this has not been asked before but I am not wading through these pages and pages of posts..............that question is does the Thuban Council agree with the Mayan date of 21 December 2012 being the end date for life as we know it..........or transition to 5th D at that time................and please Abrax try not to answer me in high cryptic or symbology or numerology I just want the layman's answer for this one please.

Thank you.

abraxasinas 02-23-2010 11:40 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by ellie (Post 242590)
This thread is getting beyond a joke as far as length goes. I have to tab to the end of the computer screen to find the latest pages of posts. I know it might be a bit of a stupid gripe but it is becoming annoying. Isn't there some way to break it up somehow?

Beren at least I can follow what you say in your posts. When you quote scripture I know what I am reading, it is easy to understand and follow. I really would like to, having a curious mind about esoteric philosophy know exactly where Abrax is coming from, but alas it is just too difficult for me to sort out.

I do have a question Abrax and I hope this has not been asked before but I am not wading through these pages and pages of posts..............that question is does the Thuban Council agree with the Mayan date of 21 December 2012 being the end date for life as we know it..........or transition to 5th D at that time................and please Abrax try not to answer me in high cryptic or symbology or numerology I just want the layman's answer for this one please.

Thank you.

On December 21st 2012, a gestation period of 265 days will end and the Baby of the Starhumanity will be born WITHIN everyone incarnated in the Earth-Plane.
A period of Weaning for a 'Collective Groupmind' AS the 'Christmas' core will then continue and end scriptural prophecy on August 4th, 2013.


abraxasinas 02-23-2010 11:42 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Oliver (Post 242553)
Hello, Abrax,

I have a serious question for you.
I am interested what you/Thuban think about HUMOR?
What is humor?
Were it came from?
Are dragons laugh?

Please, do not answer me in numbers or equations, only words if possible.

I repeat: I am quite serious.


Do YOU have HUMOR Oliver?

You are a Dragon in disguise Oliver.
Does this answer your question?


ellie 02-23-2010 11:42 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 242593)
On December 21st 2012, a gestation period of 265 days will end and the Baby of the Starhumanity will be born WITHIN everyone incarnated in the Earth-Plane.
A period of Weaning for a 'Collective Groupmind' AS the 'Christmas' core will then continue and end scriptural prophecy on August 4th, 2013.


Well in that case I hope to see the end of war, famine, homelessness, cruelty, everything like that gone, let's hope so.

abraxasinas 02-23-2010 11:50 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by beren (Post 242583)
Dragon I have a question for you;

Why do you constantly avoid straight answer when questioned?

Sure Beren; but show and quote me a question such as this and I shall answer it. I sometimes overlook questions and this is my fault indeed.
About 'straight' answers; if one asks a complex question, then the Nature of a Dragon is NOT to simply say yes or no, but to place the answer in a more meaningful context of the complexity of the question asked.

Now, before judging this, recall I qualified my words in 'complex question' engaging context, such as monotribal commentary or similar.
If you ask me, if I eat little children, I can say NO, I don't.
If you ask me about what the Mayan calendar means or what the mind is or what such and such scripture implies, then a simple yes or no often does not suffice.

You elaborate quite long and well but you never answer a question.
That is one more sign that you are not of the light. Your master is not Jesus Christ .
Your master is THE Dragon,liar and the one who rebelled.

The very Christ that you claim that is your Lord said that Pharisee's ,Scribes and all of its kind in the entire universe are of their father-Dragon, who is a liar and murderer from the beginning.
He abandoned truth and love and light for madness and his pride and desire to rule, desire to be God.

If you wish to serve him , that is your wish and that's fine with me.

Everybody has a free will.
But what you sow -that you will reap.

One more thing for people to remember here:

Dragon is talking about genetic hybridization and manipulation, making people into Dragons...
What does that tell you?
Where the bell rings?

To an ancient world made by fallen angels and their offspring that made chaos on earth in those days until their destruction in flood.
When you read the Book of Enoch you find that after their little experiment ,fallen angels actually mourned before Enoch and asked him to bid for them before throne of Glory. They asked Enoch to pray for them in order that Creator grant them mercy.

They were not granted mercy. They thought that they will be pardoned just like that. They spilled blood, destroyed lives, caused much damage and they wanted to come and say :"Father please forgive us..."

Sure Creator could have erased all they did wrong but that would be not responsible of him. That would give an example to the entire creation that they can do as they please because ,anytime,the Father will erase it with a erasing gum and all will be new.
No -Creator did not created his children to be brats. Everybody has to be aware of holynes of life.

The one who became Dragon did exactly oposite of Creator's intention.

Genetic manipulation between species is not allowed by Creator.
You find that when reading in Bible where is stated that whom ever , be it man or woman ,lay with the beast of any kind - is to be destroyed.

Now you see here that this Dragon speaks positively about genetic manipulation. Whom does he represent ?



Your superconsciousness is awakening Beren - take notice of your dreams in the next few nights or so - you shall be visited by the one you love.


SABINA 02-23-2010 12:05 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
[SIZE=]Again, Dragonhood MEANS the manifestation of a Fourth Merkabah-Brain, supplementing the Reptilian brainstem of the First Level and the Mammalian midbrain of the Second Level and the Human Cortex of the Third Level.[/SIZE]
This then brings the LINEAR evolution of the old human merkabah to an end and RECIRCULARISES your reptilian brainstem with your starhuman perceptions, accessing your 'obscured' superconsciousness.

This then is the TRU meaning of the Ouroboros, the Milky Way abd the Zodiac in the Serpent who swallows its own tail.

All of you are Ouroboros and all of you are Serpent-Tamers under the 13th starsign of Ophiuchus transforming the Scorpio of John into the Eagle of John.


dear abrax,
is the halo in art significant to the "recirculares" our reptilian brainstem?
Jesus has mostly a halo arround his head like other saints

Oliver 02-23-2010 12:09 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 242594)
Do YOU have HUMOR Oliver?

You are a Dragon in disguise Oliver.
Does this answer your question?


Dear Abrax,
So, you think your answer is funny? Come on..! You tried to put some logical manipulation, not knowing that humor has nothing to do with the logic.

The way of your answering is telling me that you dragons/thubans do not have sense of humor nor you understand it and it`s powers. I am sorry to say this, i posted these questions exactly to see what will be the reaction. I hoped you will answer with humor, which would be the best way, and would tell me something positive about dragons.

Don`t be scared from humor, Abrax...I am not making jokes with you. Humor has the power to release enormous quantity of Love since it`s source is Love itself. I will explain to you this some other time, if you wish.

Now, I am dragon in disguise? Well, this is probably the best joke you made in your life. Not intentional, of course.
No, my friend, I am not a dragon, and you are also not a dragon, you are just a human, still not conscious about your human powers.

As you know, I have nothing against you, I defended your rights to share what you have to say, and will continue that if necessary...but hey, relax, man, don`t take it so serious. Laugh a bit...:winksmiley02:


abraxasinas 02-23-2010 12:11 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 242601)
[SIZE=]Again, Dragonhood MEANS the manifestation of a Fourth Merkabah-Brain, supplementing the Reptilian brainstem of the First Level and the Mammalian midbrain of the Second Level and the Human Cortex of the Third Level.[/SIZE]
This then brings the LINEAR evolution of the old human merkabah to an end and RECIRCULARISES your reptilian brainstem with your starhuman perceptions, accessing your 'obscured' superconsciousness.

This then is the TRUE meaning of the Ouroboros, the Milky Way abd the Zodiac in the Serpent who swallows its own tail.

All of you are Ouroboros and all of you are Serpent-Tamers under the 13th starsign of Ophiuchus transforming the Scorpio of John into the Eagle of John.


Yes indeed dear Sabina; the Halo of Divinity is the Dragon-Brain.
A wonderful observation of yours as a dragon tamer and allowing me a simple answer of yes.

Alles Liebe

Abraxas Anthony

dear abrax,
is the halo in art significant to the "recirculares" our reptilian brainstem?
Jesus has mostly a halo arround his head like other saints[/QUOTE]

abraxasinas 02-23-2010 12:13 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Oliver (Post 242603)
Dear Abrax,
So, you think your answer is funny? Come on..! You tried to put some logical manipulation, not knowing that humor has nothing to do with the logic.

The way of your answering is telling me that you dragons/thubans do not have sense of humor nor you understand it and it`s powers. I am sorry to say this, i posted these questions exactly to see what will be the reaction. I hoped you will answer with humor, which would be the best way, and would tell me something positive about dragons.

Don`t be scared from humor, Abrax...I am not making jokes with you. Humor has the power to release enormous quantity of Love since it`s source is Love itself. I will explain to you this some other time, if you wish.

Now, I am dragon in disguise? Well, this is probably the best joke you made in your life. Not intentional, of course.
No, my friend, I am not a dragon, and you are also not a dragon, you are just a human, still not conscious about your human powers.

As you know, I have nothing against you, I defended your rights to share what you have to say, and will continue that if necessary...but hey, relax, man, don`t take it so serious. Laugh a bit...:winksmiley02:


No Oliver, my answer wasn't meant to be funny.
It is simply the case that you cannot remember what you are.
I am telling you the truth.


Oliver 02-23-2010 12:19 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 242607)
No Oliver, my answer wasn't meant to be funny.
It is simply the case that you cannot remember what you are.
I am telling you the truth.


Nope, Abrax, you are telling me YOUR truth.
I know who I am.
And I have no problems with that.
You have.

bigmo 02-23-2010 12:25 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by ellie (Post 242590)
I do have a question Abrax and I hope this has not been asked before but I am not wading through these pages and pages of posts..............


Look at this thread as reading a short novel. It really is worth the effort as you will likely never encountered a Q&A such as this on any forum and may never again.

You could be part of history in the making ellie!... hehe


Spregovori 02-23-2010 12:56 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Lionhawk (Post 242484)
And I can not write what some of my scans have shown me about this thread and some of the participants.

As one of the participants of this thread - may I please be scanned? You have my full permission to publicly publish/write here in this thread/forum anything your scans show/tell/say/ about me. Do not let nothing hold you back.

abraxasinas 02-23-2010 01:01 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 242618)
As one of the participants of this thread - may I please be scanned? You have my full permission to publicly publish/write here in this thread/forum anything your scans show/tell/say/ about me. Do not let nothing hold you back.

Now this is Dragon Humor!


orthodoxymoron 02-23-2010 03:01 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If the Devil Himself (or Herself) tried to become a Good-Guy or Good-Gal...some of us would try to crucify them...rather than try to assist them on their new path. I keep saying that I want No Gods...and that the first and last commandment should be 'Thou Shalt Have No Gods'. This goes for All Gods...good and evil. I don't discriminate. I also keep saying that, at some point, I would like to share a bottle of fine wine with Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer...and I mean it...even if they are Draconian Reptilians. I'd even have a beer with Satan. I want all of the Bad-Guys and Bad-Gals to become Good-Guys and Good-Gals...but will the sanctimonious and triumphalistic Do-Gooders allow this to occur? Even Jesus was courteous and respectful when he talked to the Devil (the God of This World) face to face. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6eTbhHE0jM Viewer discretion advised on the next link - actual exorcism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te8Tt...eature=related Who are you gonna call? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyRqR56aCKc Can't we all just get along? Why is this so hard?


bigmo 02-23-2010 03:27 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Almost every post you make raises more questions in my mind. There is so much info on this thread now that it is becoming difficult to re-trace ones steps to find the pertinent post for a particular question. So I have decided to write down questions as I read your post so I can address them immediately before something new pops up.

As always thanks for your input.

If the starhuman is to be conceived on or about April 21, 2012 then there must be a courtship occurring as we speak. Can you describe this?

After the starhuman is weaned in Aug. 2013 then scriptural prophecy has been completed. If I was in a comma from 2007 until September 2013 and miraculously awoke. How would the world look different to me as I gazed out my hospital window?

What you speak of has profound implications across the entire spectrum of humanity and truly includes all and everyone. Why would this little backwater of public space be chosen as opposed to outlets that can reach millions of people? Is there something ‘unique’ about the participants at Avalon that the Thuban Council recognized which caused them to choose this site to start their dispensation through Abraxas?

If the ‘end of scriptural prophecy’ as imminent as you suggest, them when will the 144,000 take up their cloaks and begin their ministry?

Explain what you mean by the 1st order of participants in the 2nd coming and who they might be?

Are their other dispensation localities that the Thuban are using to disseminate their information and can you speak of these and where they are located?

Am I correct is saying that the ‘collapsed’ Logos within me as the Christ Consciousness can only ‘expand’ in my recognition that I am too that Christ Consciousness? (sorry I couldn’t figure out how to word it any better)

Since the Thuban Council has chosen Avalon as a release point of their information, what are their expectations from the membership of this forum or thread?

Can you explain the significance if any of your avatar?

Thanks and Peace to you Abraxas


gscraig 02-23-2010 04:35 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

This will be my only request/interaction with you. I will not expend any additional energy on this thread, as I started out doing after I first viewed it.

Please provide/post/link any and all dated documents/passports/correspondence you have in your possession detailing your attempts to submit your information for review and/or discussion with, but not limited to the following entities;

- All Heads of Church (all denominations) globally
- All World Leaders
- All Heads of Science Institutions/Community
- All Heads of Biblical Scholar Institutions
- All Alternative Media Outlets
- All Archaelogical Institutes globally

We can start with these six outlined above.

It does not matter if you were turned away or shunned, it is the "attempt" that I am seeking.

You are here to provide the truth of all things for humanity to understand, so surely your initiative and approval to communicate such information would have begun with the above entities first and foremost. Long before an outreach effort to a fraction of a whole website such as Project Avalon was initiatated.

I think a window of 24 hrs would be a sufficient amount of time to respond to this request?
According to the World Clock is currently 11:34 am Eastern Pacific time. Please provide correspondence to the above aforementioned by 11:34 am Eastern Pacific- Wednesday February 23, 2010

Thanks in advance,


truthseeker 02-23-2010 05:21 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi there everybody,

I had hoped to be asking Abraxas some more questions by now, or at least elaborations on my earlier questions (see post 939). However, it looks as if this will have to wait for a bit.

It appears that this thread has once again fallen into a polarity of views (those for and against this thread and its author), as it did back in January. However, this time, with the aid of one particularly strong minded and eloquent poster, the polarization now seems even more extreme.

In my last post on this thread, I finished with the following, which seems very pertinent, again, to the conflict and opposition that has become so evident, once more, here at Avalon: -


It seems to be difficult for many here at Avalon, and elsewhere within the alternative and conspiratorial communities, to grasp that science and spirit are one, and do not need to be continuously at odds with each other. However, it is just such a polarity between fixed beliefs and opinions that has become so evident within this and so many other threads here at Avalon. There are many diverse opinions and beliefs held here by the contributors to this forum, just as there are out there in the real world. We seem to have a need to find certainty within the scientific, philosophical, political, religious and spiritual frameworks that we come to adopt during the varying phases of our individual life-cycles. This is both natural and human. However, it becomes extremely hard for us to even begin to let go of a given perspective on truth and reality that has seemingly proven itself to us. We thus hang on to the old perspective and resist any new approaches for far longer than we need to.

Abraxas, you have clearly unsettled quite a few contributors here with your presentation from the Thuban Council combined with your own scientific understandings. Hence the defensiveness and hostility you have received here from many at Avalon. We all feel very uncomfortable when yet another perspective arrives to challenge the one we are currently adopting. We often then become defensive of our own presently adopted set of opinions and beliefs and hostile toward the new perspective being presented to us.

Personally, I take your message (and anybody else’s) at face value and have no reason to doubt that you truly believe this information is coming directly from the Thuban Council. Who am I to judge? I merely weigh what you say up against other things that I have learned, and think I know, and then try to use my discernment and discretion. Of course, I rarely, if ever, have a final answer!

I certainly do not feel that you are either a fraud or a disinformation agent, as some seem to believe. I sense that you are presenting your own wisdom as experienced and received. It is, of course, possible that some of this information has been distorted by either your own personality or by the Thuban Council itself. Indeed, the latter could have its own agenda, unbeknownst to you or anyone else. This is clearly what many here at Avalon seem to suspect. However, the same can be said for any other transmitted or channeled source, including that of Ashayana Deanne, which many here seem to hold in, what I believe to be, an unreasonably high regard. I fail to understand why folk are so willing to accept her work as pure and untainted and yet believe your own transmissions are so tainted. I guess it is all a matter of belief and opinion in the end? That is until such time as any one particular approach can be clearly shown to be true or false.

Others here might think you are simply deluded. However, such could equally be said of most of the personalities presented both at Camelot and Avalon. Whilst that might be the case with a few of the whistle blowers and witnesses interviewed by Kerry and Bill, in my humble opinion, I do not feel this is the case with either yourself or many others.
In addition to the above, I do not really buy into this idea that Abraxas and his ilk (the Thuban Council) are some kind of evil reptilian or demonic entities. However, even if Abraxas is either or both of these, or the ‘Devil’ himself, I would still be asking him questions about his perspective on humanity and the reality in which we live. By asking him questions, I am not necessarily accepting all that he and his Thuban Council state to be true. Indeed, though there is much wisdom here, in my view, I still have lots of questions about the material he has presented here and am far from convinced that what he presents is the whole truth of things. But then, as already stated, I extend a similar view, to a greater or lesser degree, to virtually every other perspective and framework I have ever heard presented, whether here at Avalon, at Camelot or elsewhere. The suggestion that I and others are mesmerized by Abraxas as he strokes our individual ego’s, simply because we engage in constructive dialogue with him, is to my mind rather melodramatic. Whether he is truly a dragon or not, I do not know? However, to my mind, whatever else he is, or indeed any of us are, he is most certainly a fellow human being with all the usual imperfections that such entails. I am sure Abraxas himself would acknowledge this. As for any other human being, I do feel their is an onus on us to treat him with respect, whether we actually agree with him or not.

As a serious student of astrology, I can not help but wonder if this polarization and conflict, as expressed on this thread, is not yet another manifestation of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus opposition. This began in 2008 and will finally come to an end later this year (2010), when these two planets make their last two exact oppositions to each other in April (Virgo-Pisces polarity) and July (Libra-Aries polarity) respectively. This clear polarization of ideas and perspectives on this Thuban thread is, to my mind, but one expression of this conflict that has or is being expressed here in this microcosm of the Avalon Forum. Others include the St. Clair-Camelot, Burisch-Camelot, Greer-Camelot, High-Camelot & Ryan-Cassidy (re. Kinsumei and the Heather material) conflicts. I also see comparable microcosmic conflicts and polarizations in my own life; in my place of work; with some particularly difficult neighbours of ours; and in relationships with certain member of my wider family. It is also clear that this same conflict and polarization is occurring in the wider world of politics (e.g. right wing-left wing and moderate-extremist conflicts), religion (e.g. Muslim-Zionist conflict) and science (e.g. main stream science-alternative science conflict) as well.

It would be nice to see some resolution too all this conflict, personal and collective, in the near future. Perhaps this will begin to occur this summer when structured and disciplined Saturn (in Libra) and unpredictable and changeable Uranus (in Aries) oppose each other for the last time in July-August of this year. At that time both of these planets also form an approximate 90° angle (a square aspect) to deeply transformative Pluto (in Capricorn). Expansive and escalating Jupiter also joins the fray when it conjoins with Uranus in Aries at that time (June-August). Even the assertive warrior, Mars, and harmonious peace-maker, Venus, join the scene for a short while in late July (Mars) to early August (Mars and Venus) as they both conjoin with Saturn in Libra, in its opposition to the Arien Uranus-Jupiter conjunction. With Pluto at the apex of this astrological configuration (known as a ‘T-Square’) it is likely going to be a key player in this up and coming astrological scenario. When the Moon opposes Pluto from Cancer on 6th/7th August 2010, we may then begin to see some kind of breaking point for this volatile configuration (with the Moon in Cancer it becomes what astrologers call a ‘Cardinal Grand Cross’). The Moon, when applied to the collective of humanity, represents the common people in conflict with, and in opposition to, the ‘Powers That Be’ (PTB), who are best represented in this configuration by the Libran Saturn (the status quo) and the Capricornian Pluto (the secretive power elite behind the governments of our world) as they square each other (was exact on 15th November 2009 and on 31st January 2010 and will finally do so again on 21st August 2010). The Arien Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has the feel of a massive (Jupiter) unpredictable (Uranus), and potentially destructive, revolution about it, something that could hurt both the common people and the PTB. Mars with Saturn suggests draconian (no offence meant, Abraxas) actions coming from the PTB (such as martial law), though Venus’ presence there too might help appease such actions somewhat.

So the conflicts here on this thread, at Avalon in general and in the wider world, do seem to be reflecting the astrological dynamics of our time. However, whether such conflicts and polarizations are resolved or not, here and elsewhere, will ultimately depend on our individual and collective levels of consciousness. So, this year, 2010, does seem to be offering us an opportunity to begin to make some changes for the better. What better place to start than from both within ourselves as individuals and as a small group of people who meet here in cyberspace on this Avalon forum.

So now would be a great time to stop the irrational, and to my mind baseless, accusations of lies, delusions or evil intentions that have so clearly been expressed, toward Abraxas, by so many of you on this fascinating thread. I think many of you need to take a closer look at yourselves before pointing fingers at others. Having said that, I would also like to thank you all (those so vehemently opposed to Abraxas) for their contributions. It would seem that this polarization of thought and the conflict it has created is part of a process that we all need to work through at this time. So thank you all for helping bring this entire dynamic to the full attention of myself and others who read this thread.

In my own case, you are truly a reflection of my own shadow self; my self-denials and my projections.

As within, so without! As below, so above!

Best Wishes

Truthseeker (Andrew)

GaiaLove 02-23-2010 05:25 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by gscraig (Post 242746)
You are here to provide the truth of all things for humanity to understand, so surely your initiative and approval to communicate such information would have begun with the above entities first and foremost. Long before an outreach effort to a fraction of a whole website such as Project Avalon was initiatated.

THAT is it in a nutshell, I look forward
to seeing this response. though a
straight answer is not likely
in my opinion. It appears
to me our beloved

have had

Oliver 02-23-2010 05:29 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One more thing only to be known:

In your first reply to my questions, you wrote that I am "Dragon in disguise", which implicite that I am cosciosely hiding my real "face...
Than, in your second reply, you wrote: "It is simply the case that you cannot remember what you are", which means, now, that I have no idea of "being" Dragon.

I am alowing this confusion to be some kind of dragonian sense of humor.
Have nice trip.

abraxasinas 02-23-2010 05:33 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 242683)

Almost every post you make raises more questions in my mind. There is so much info on this thread now that it is becoming difficult to re-trace ones steps to find the pertinent post for a particular question. So I have decided to write down questions as I read your post so I can address them immediately before something new pops up.

As always thanks for your input.

If the starhuman is to be conceived on or about April 1, 2012 then there must be a courtship occurring as we speak. Can you describe this?

Yes bigmo, the conception of starhumanity on April 1st, 2012 describes the archetype of the Creator 'making love' to his Creation, just as was the case BEFORE the universe was conceived in archetype (or spirit) before space and time were defined in mathematical 'abstraction' of the Logos=Word.

So it was the Word=LOVECHILD which became the Conception of what is called God=Prime Creator=All That Is=Source of Everything etc.
But as there was no time, the conception of the LOGOS by ITSELF coupled to a form of Chaos=Undefined God instantaneously (so DEFINING what TIME is as a Quantum Selfstate for Space and Time and all other physical parameters by association) DEFINED the CREATION as a Sheness in archetypical polarity to the Heness of God thus defined.

John 1

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

So Michael, now you have the archetyped differentiation between He=Creator=Void=Infinity=Mind=Wave=Yang and She=Creation=Universe=Body=Particularisation=Yin and AS COUPLED by the LOVECHILD, called CHRIST say.

This is happenstance in 'spirit' of symbols and archetypes (a reference is say the Ideal Forms of Plato).

This also allows the LATER incarnated Jesus Christ to assume the function of this Logos and to say: "Before Abraham was, I Am!" and similar 'arrogant' sayings in the Gospel of Thomas and the scriptures, such as: "I Am the Life and the Way and the Resurrection and the Truth" and "Noone comes to the Father, but by me."

Now, as the 'only begotten'; this Conception of the Lovechild as ONE will be the conception of the same Lovechild as the MANY.
This then will DEFINE the 'Second Coming' in the Birth of the Manyness of Christ in whoever is incarnated on the planet at that time and will also allow incarnation in ALL disincarnate or 'dying' or 'being born' entites throughout the entire universe.

The saying in Revelation.14. exemplifies this:
12Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
13And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

After the starhuman is weaned in Aug. 2013 then scriptural prophecy has been completed. If I was in a coma from 2007 until September 2013 and miraculously awoke. How would the world look different to me as I gazed out my hospital window?

If awakening from a coma, the physical 3D world would not look any different, except that the addition of a 4th spacial dimension will BLEND the now veiled astral dimensions (where many of the discarnates and the dead and many ET intelligences are) with the now experienced 3D spacial reality.

Allow me to give you a very simple analogy, which might allow you to fathom the actual science and physics of this.

Imagine yourself to be an ant crawling around the INSIDE of a blown up balloon.
You have a distinct surface area you can crawl over as the Inside of this balloon.

If you were an ant on the OUTSIDE of this balloon the surface area would be the same (provided there is no thickness of the balloon in materiality).
What will happen on December 21st, 2012, is that there will be made a hole into this balloon (this is the incoming energy, erroneously physicalised as Nibiru, a Comet or asteroid or the binary brown dwarf Nemesis as a second sun by many 'New Agers').

So what can you as the ant do now?
You can crawl through the hole from the INSIDE and so meet your say 'image ant' from the OUTSIDE in a Doubled surface area.

This 'doubling of things' will also double the space the Gaian 3D observers and measures can access (as a minimum extension).
So then the 'lightbody' of the resurrected Jesus will become multiplied in the materialisation of the Lovechild within anyone able to handle the 'energies'.

Again, EVERYONE will become SEEDED, like the kernel of a peach by the now present physicality of the human bodyform; but there will be then a SOFTNESS about this Old Human Body and just like the 'flesh of the peach' around the solid and hard core.

This 'doubling' has many many effects and consequences, some of which I have already described.
One very important effect will be the Doubling of the Original Creator-Creation duality in the archetypes (remember the scenario BEFORE the universe itself was born so 19.1 billion years ago in linearity).

So the He=Creator=MindWave will 'double' in allowing the 'Lost Kingdom' to return as a real Shadow and as the HeShe=CreatorCreation=MindWaveBodyParticle=YangYin =-+ etc. etc.
Corollarily the Old Creation will become a SheHe=CreationCreator=BodyParticleMindWave=YinYang =+- etc.

This is termed the Dragonomy or Heavenly Wedding of the Old Archetypes of Separation/Distortion becoming New Archetypes of Unity/Symmetry.

What you speak of has profound implications across the entire spectrum of humanity and truly includes all and everyone. Why would this little backwater of public space be chosen as opposed to outlets that can reach millions of people?

I have explained this before in generality and except saying that the present mental climate of the globe is polarised in a rather peculiar way (I'll explain shortly), I do not know. I am only the messenger for this data from the Logos. I am not the author of it, albeit its translator.

The peculiar mental polarisations are somewhat like this:

1. The Brotherhood of the Serpent; say the interface between the collective KNOWN database of humanity in interface with the astral ET agendas. This is termed the PTB here and this highest level of humanities nous is NOT polarised, but pretty much would understand most of what I am sharing here. It actually is THEIR agenda as well and this is one reason that the THuban label is potent and true - it dovetails with all the 'secrets' of the PTB.

2. The OPEN global polarisation between say the 'Supernatural Believers' and the Skeptic/Atheist societies.
The former encompasses all religious dogmas, especially the Teleevangelists and the proselytizing 'denominations'. It also includes all forms of what is called orthodox religions, might these be Islamic, Christian, Buddhistic or whatever.
The latter are the scientific rationalists, the atheistic societies, agnostics and so on.

Now recall, that the PTB of 1. are NOT polarised and it is these PTB, which foster and 'feed' (by popular media and such) this polarisation.

3. The HIDDEN global polarisation between the 'Alternatives', the New Age groups and the participants in forums such as this one.

The expression of the human egocentricity varies across the groups 1.2.3.

1. Expresses a dominating Unified perspective of say 'hidden control'.
2. Expresses a structure of Belief; either in a supernatural intervention in the future of this planet WITH a 'all conquering' spirituality OR a belief in the 'inevitable progress' of a 'all conquering' science WITHOUT any 'Spirituality'.
3. Expresses a structure of nondominating Unified perspective of say 'open noncontrol'.

Now to disseminate this Thuban data stream is practically futile in 2; due to the OPEN polarisation between what the factions understand 'spirituality' to mean.
As you can witness here; one cannot 'with words' or intellectually 'teach an old believer dog' any new tricks.
Corollarily, one cannot 'with words' or intellectually 'teach an old nonbeliever dog' any new tricks, if those words imply the reality of the 'spirit'.

The 'supernaturalist' will label the 'rational word' as the words of the Devil and the 'antisupernaturalist' (or rationalistic skeptic say) will label the 'irrational word' (of the spirit) as the work of an irrational mind.

To disseminate the Thuban data stream in 1 is also futile, as access to any recipients is denied by the 'hiddenness' in an OPEN way.

So the Thuban data stream is 'forced' to share the information with 3; despite the general unfamiliarity of the recipients with the technical data (which 1 and the skeptic faction of 2 would understand) and the many members in 3, which eschew the data belonging in content to the beliver faction of 2.

I joined this forum on Christmas Day 2009 to trigger this data sharing and which was prepared in physical implementation from August 4th, 2008.

I was banned and did not think any more of it, but sent an explanatory request for the reason of the banning to the moderators. To my surprise, I was reinstated and because of this, I then began to receive the Thuban authorisation to represent the Council as its translating agency.

Is there something ‘unique’ about the participants at Avalon that the Thuban Council recognized which caused them to choose this site to start their dispensation through Abraxas?

I do not know Michael. I did not even know about the December 25th, date. I am guided by Thuban and truly simply relay the messages and the data (from a database constructed over 26 years admittedly, albeit infused day-by-day by information and guidance of how to answer these questions).
In a real sense what will happen next is not in my capacity to control or influence in any way.
Many would like me to leave and in many ways I would not mind to end this. It is a day-to-day eventfulness.
If no more questions are asked I shall not answer or post; so it is up to the participants of this thread and forum, if this data stream continues.

If the ‘end of scriptural prophecy’ as imminent as you suggest, then when will the 144,000 take up their cloaks and begin their ministry?

They have already done so Michael and you might be one of them - only you and your 'adjuster' aka 'Higher Guidance Self' or Christ-Consciousness can answer this.

Explain what you mean by the 1st order of participants in the 2nd coming and who they might be?

The 1st Order are the archetypes, however manifested, BEFORE the universe emerged just from this manifestation - turning the metaphysicality into physicality. However this 'split' the hitherto unified Creator-Creation Unity into Two - one the Source-Sender and the other the Sink-Receiver.

Are their other dispensation localities that the Thuban are using to disseminate their information and can you speak of these and where they are located?

No not at the moment, as this is a period of preparation (of the 144,000 say - remember the caveat of how this number is extended in assimilation of the apostolic circle however). There is a crucial date of March 28th, 2011 however where one prophetic cycle ends and another (he Noahic One) begins. Then there will be a kind of end of a 'witnessing' which will begin on December 8th, 2011 and 40 days after a known 'Mayan enddate' of Johan Calleman as October 28th, 2011.
My information is, that from December 8th, 2011 many of the 144,000 will have remembered their missions, tasks and responsibilities.

Am I correct is saying that the ‘collapsed’ Logos within me as the Christ Consciousness can only ‘expand’ in my recognition that I am too that Christ Consciousness? (sorry I couldn’t figure out how to word it any better).

You said it very well and thew answer is yes. You must participate in the resurrection event as your own rebirth from Old Bigmo into New Bigmo.
However, as soon as you experience remebrance, the Logos within you will communicate with you and, as said FULL remembrance might occur from December 8th, 2011. Full remembrance is NOT possible before that date however, but partial remembrance of course is.

Since the Thuban Council has chosen Avalon as a release point of their information, what are their expectations from the membership of this forum or thread?

There are no expectations. The prime directive of the Logos as the Definition part of Prime Source is to absolutely honour and crystallize the INDIVIDUALITY and UNIQUENESS of itself in the Manyness within the Oneness.
So you as Michael are an UNIQUE and IRREPLACABLE part of God and through your adjustor you will realise your Godhood and Identity as the Cosmic Adam of the precreation. Iow the ADAM in the bible (as 2nd order creation image) is the Old bigmo and also the ADAMEVE of the 1st order of creation. You and everyone IS ADAMEVE as the PERFECT IMAGE of GODDOG=CREATORCREATION in the unified unphysicalised Monad.

Can you explain the significance if any of your avatar?

Well there is the Whiteness of the Feminine and the Blackness of the Masculine. The Dog is ANUBIS=KHAIBIT=SHADOW as the guide of the dead in Egyptian lore as the 'Protector of the Sarcophagus'.
Anubis is also Anubia and Lucifer is also Lucifera and Satan is also Satania.

God looks at the ballon from OUTSIDE and sees Himself as Satan.
God looks inside the ballon and sees Michael as Adam.
Adam looks at the backside of Satan from the INSIDE and sees the Devil.

So Satan relative to God as the 'adversary' or 'court prosecutor' or 'Devil's Advocate' is the Devil relative to Adam=Michael the ant.

God can USE Adam to for all time 'get rid' of his false image of Satan as a male image of himself.
God wants his creation back, lost when Adam was put inside the lost kingdom of the universe as God's Goddess.

Should Adam=Michael REALISE that HE is the Image of God WITHIN; then Adam=Jesus Christ can look the DEVIL as his own Image 'in the eye' and say: "You are a fake-image of myself and a man-created false image for the real God, my true father ABBA, which is in exile OUTSIDE this creation.
Then the MIRROR of the ILLUSIONS will simply shatter and this will be the 'hole in the balloon=universe of Bigmo, the ant.
Then the DEVIL will be no more and the REAL GODDESS, namely the UNIVERSE=CREATION (in archetype) will be able to SEXCHANGE the SATAN image and the DRAGQUEEN of the DEVIL=SATAN will become the GODDESS SATANIA and imaged in the Goddess LUCIFERA, archetyped in MaryMagdalene and imaged in the EVES of the cosmos as ambassadoras for the exiled universe's HOMECOMING via the archetyped GAIA.

Thanks and Peace to you Abraxas


Thanking You Michael of the Big Dragonheart.

Abraxas Anthony

viking 02-23-2010 05:37 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by gscraig (Post 242746)

This will be my only request/interaction with you. I will not expend any additional energy on this thread, as I started out doing after I first viewed it.

Please provide/post/link any and all dated documents/passports/correspondence you have in your possession detailing your attempts to submit your information for review and/or discussion with, but not limited to the following entities;

- All Heads of Church (all denominations) globally
- All World Leaders
- All Heads of Science Institutions/Community
- All Heads of Biblical Scholar Institutions
- All Alternative Media Outlets
- All Archaelogical Institutes globally

We can start with these six outlined above.

It does not matter if you were turned away or shunned, it is the "attempt" that I am seeking.

You are here to provide the truth of all things for humanity to understand, so surely your initiative and approval to communicate such information would have begun with the above entities first and foremost. Long before an outreach effort to a fraction of a whole website such as Project Avalon was initiatated.

I think a window of 24 hrs would be a sufficient amount of time to respond to this request?
According to the World Clock is currently 11:34 am Eastern Pacific time. Please provide correspondence to the above aforementioned by 11:34 am Eastern Pacific- Wednesday February 23, 2010

Thanks in advance,


Well Abrax...if you get out of this one...

I'll be calling you the new Mr Copperfield!!!

Good day.


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