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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One thing, though I claim no special alignment with Abraxasinas. I have stated neither agreement nor disagreement with the generality of Abraxasinas's posts - one or two I may have expressed appreciation for, particularly the answers to my own questions - answers to which I deeply appreciate. I have stated that I find all of the posts that I have read of his uniquely interesting. So, although it has been stated that I do, in fact I do not "support" him beyond the right for him to answer the questions he is asked in a manner congruent with the forum guidelines. I admit also extending some license to the allowed length of the posts and quotes, which is an unusual way of working on this forum - and regrettably has annoyed a few members. I have been consistently amazed at the attacks he has drawn. If he is who he says he is, he needs no special support from me - except to stop him from being banned for any reason other than a genuine and serious forum guideline breach - yes as you have seen there are those gunning for him to be banned. I hope he wont be banned unless he does anything seriously wrong. In that respect I have supported him - a lot. I see Abraxasinas as interesting and a great contributor - especially as he does it the way he does - non infringement. This is highly resonant with my favored approach to the way forums could work. The problem seems to be that his answers have made people come out and paint him as evil incarnate - seemingly on the basis that they can't even start (or won't even start) to understand what he says, or find his data challenging. My conclusion thus far is that this is fear of the unknown. I don't have that fear, so I don't resonate with it and it is a bit bewildering to see. Quote:
I agree that I have not seen the soulution you bring to the table, I beg for an elaboration. My real difficulty is that I do not see the problem you claim to want to solve, so if you were to elaborate, that would be my requested focus. Sadly you also say: Quote:
I hope I have not tried to convey anything about being good at something or otherwise. I am confident of what I know, but I am well aware of my imperfections and some of my weaknesses. I am certainly no warrior - and you obviously clocked that right off the bat. If you don't know it yet, I will tell you that I understand my main specialty/mission purpose is that of a manifestor - a kind of reality technician. I can elaborate more if necessary but I don't feel like doing it here. In any case I don't yet possess the kind of recall that you evidently have achieved. I don't walk through open doors unless I have too, or unless I have a fairly good idea what is on the other side. In this case, its academic, because I don't even know about the door you are talking about. Quote:
I agree that there has been, and probably will be some inconsistency. I don't think it can be helped, all we can try to do is do our best and keep each other honest. Closed threads can be reopened. Bans can be lifted. Most mistakes can be rectified. There is established case history for this. I speak from experience - I made a few of those mistakes myself. It happens. Never said or claimed I didn't. All other things unchanged, if I understood Abraxasinas correctly, this thread will self terminate if and/or when people stop asking Abraxasinas questions - or shortly thereafter. Quote:
A.. PS: I respect your desire to bow out of this thread, but if you make a response here I hope that you wont feel like I forced that - alternatively a private message works - especially on the scan thing. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dragon I have a question for you;
Why do you constantly avoid straight answer when questioned? You elaborate quite long and well but you never answer a question. That is one more sign that you are not of the light. Your master is not Jesus Christ . Your master is THE Dragon,liar and the one who rebelled. The very Christ that you claim that is your Lord said that Pharisee's ,Scribes and all of its kind in the entire universe are of their father-Dragon, who is a liar and murderer from the beginning. He abandoned truth and love and light for madness and his pride and desire to rule, desire to be God. If you wish to serve him , that is your wish and that's fine with me. Everybody has a free will. But what you sow -that you will reap. One more thing for people to remember here: Dragon is talking about genetic hybridization and manipulation, making people into Dragons... What does that tell you? Where the bell rings? To an ancient world made by fallen angels and their offspring that made chaos on earth in those days until their destruction in flood. When you read the Book of Enoch you find that after their little experiment ,fallen angels actually mourned before Enoch and asked him to bid for them before throne of Glory. They asked Enoch to pray for them in order that Creator grant them mercy. They were not granted mercy. They thought that they will be pardoned just like that. They spilled blood, destroyed lives, caused much damage and they wanted to come and say :"Father please forgive us..." Sure Creator could have erased all they did wrong but that would be not responsible of him. That would give an example to the entire creation that they can do as they please because ,anytime,the Father will erase it with a erasing gum and all will be new. No -Creator did not created his children to be brats. Everybody has to be aware of holynes of life. The one who became Dragon did exactly oposite of Creator's intention. Genetic manipulation between species is not allowed by Creator. You find that when reading in Bible where is stated that whom ever , be it man or woman ,lay with the beast of any kind - is to be destroyed. Now you see here that this Dragon speaks positively about genetic manipulation. Whom does he represent ? Creator? No. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This thread is getting beyond a joke as far as length goes. I have to tab to the end of the computer screen to find the latest pages of posts. I know it might be a bit of a stupid gripe but it is becoming annoying. Isn't there some way to break it up somehow?
Beren at least I can follow what you say in your posts. When you quote scripture I know what I am reading, it is easy to understand and follow. I really would like to, having a curious mind about esoteric philosophy know exactly where Abrax is coming from, but alas it is just too difficult for me to sort out. I do have a question Abrax and I hope this has not been asked before but I am not wading through these pages and pages of posts..............that question is does the Thuban Council agree with the Mayan date of 21 December 2012 being the end date for life as we know it..........or transition to 5th D at that time................and please Abrax try not to answer me in high cryptic or symbology or numerology I just want the layman's answer for this one please. Thank you. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
A period of Weaning for a 'Collective Groupmind' AS the 'Christmas' core will then continue and end scriptural prophecy on August 4th, 2013. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You are a Dragon in disguise Oliver. Does this answer your question? AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
[SIZE=]Again, Dragonhood MEANS the manifestation of a Fourth Merkabah-Brain, supplementing the Reptilian brainstem of the First Level and the Mammalian midbrain of the Second Level and the Human Cortex of the Third Level.[/SIZE]
This then brings the LINEAR evolution of the old human merkabah to an end and RECIRCULARISES your reptilian brainstem with your starhuman perceptions, accessing your 'obscured' superconsciousness. This then is the TRU meaning of the Ouroboros, the Milky Way abd the Zodiac in the Serpent who swallows its own tail. All of you are Ouroboros and all of you are Serpent-Tamers under the 13th starsign of Ophiuchus transforming the Scorpio of John into the Eagle of John. AA[/QUOTE] dear abrax, is the halo in art significant to the "recirculares" our reptilian brainstem? Jesus has mostly a halo arround his head like other saints |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
So, you think your answer is funny? Come on..! You tried to put some logical manipulation, not knowing that humor has nothing to do with the logic. The way of your answering is telling me that you dragons/thubans do not have sense of humor nor you understand it and it`s powers. I am sorry to say this, i posted these questions exactly to see what will be the reaction. I hoped you will answer with humor, which would be the best way, and would tell me something positive about dragons. Don`t be scared from humor, Abrax...I am not making jokes with you. Humor has the power to release enormous quantity of Love since it`s source is Love itself. I will explain to you this some other time, if you wish. Now, I am dragon in disguise? Well, this is probably the best joke you made in your life. Not intentional, of course. No, my friend, I am not a dragon, and you are also not a dragon, you are just a human, still not conscious about your human powers. As you know, I have nothing against you, I defended your rights to share what you have to say, and will continue that if necessary...but hey, relax, man, don`t take it so serious. Laugh a bit...:winksmiley02: Love&Respect |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
A wonderful observation of yours as a dragon tamer and allowing me a simple answer of yes. Alles Liebe Abraxas Anthony dear abrax, is the halo in art significant to the "recirculares" our reptilian brainstem? Jesus has mostly a halo arround his head like other saints[/QUOTE] |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It is simply the case that you cannot remember what you are. I am telling you the truth. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I know who I am. And I have no problems with that. You have. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Look at this thread as reading a short novel. It really is worth the effort as you will likely never encountered a Q&A such as this on any forum and may never again. You could be part of history in the making ellie!... hehe Peace |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Now this is Dragon Humor! AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If the Devil Himself (or Herself) tried to become a Good-Guy or Good-Gal...some of us would try to crucify them...rather than try to assist them on their new path. I keep saying that I want No Gods...and that the first and last commandment should be 'Thou Shalt Have No Gods'. This goes for All Gods...good and evil. I don't discriminate. I also keep saying that, at some point, I would like to share a bottle of fine wine with Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer...and I mean it...even if they are Draconian Reptilians. I'd even have a beer with Satan. I want all of the Bad-Guys and Bad-Gals to become Good-Guys and Good-Gals...but will the sanctimonious and triumphalistic Do-Gooders allow this to occur? Even Jesus was courteous and respectful when he talked to the Devil (the God of This World) face to face. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6eTbhHE0jM Viewer discretion advised on the next link - actual exorcism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te8Tt...eature=related Who are you gonna call? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyRqR56aCKc Can't we all just get along? Why is this so hard?
:sneaky2:Namaste:original: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Almost every post you make raises more questions in my mind. There is so much info on this thread now that it is becoming difficult to re-trace ones steps to find the pertinent post for a particular question. So I have decided to write down questions as I read your post so I can address them immediately before something new pops up. As always thanks for your input. If the starhuman is to be conceived on or about April 21, 2012 then there must be a courtship occurring as we speak. Can you describe this? After the starhuman is weaned in Aug. 2013 then scriptural prophecy has been completed. If I was in a comma from 2007 until September 2013 and miraculously awoke. How would the world look different to me as I gazed out my hospital window? What you speak of has profound implications across the entire spectrum of humanity and truly includes all and everyone. Why would this little backwater of public space be chosen as opposed to outlets that can reach millions of people? Is there something ‘unique’ about the participants at Avalon that the Thuban Council recognized which caused them to choose this site to start their dispensation through Abraxas? If the ‘end of scriptural prophecy’ as imminent as you suggest, them when will the 144,000 take up their cloaks and begin their ministry? Explain what you mean by the 1st order of participants in the 2nd coming and who they might be? Are their other dispensation localities that the Thuban are using to disseminate their information and can you speak of these and where they are located? Am I correct is saying that the ‘collapsed’ Logos within me as the Christ Consciousness can only ‘expand’ in my recognition that I am too that Christ Consciousness? (sorry I couldn’t figure out how to word it any better) Since the Thuban Council has chosen Avalon as a release point of their information, what are their expectations from the membership of this forum or thread? Can you explain the significance if any of your avatar? Thanks and Peace to you Abraxas Bigmo |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This will be my only request/interaction with you. I will not expend any additional energy on this thread, as I started out doing after I first viewed it. Please provide/post/link any and all dated documents/passports/correspondence you have in your possession detailing your attempts to submit your information for review and/or discussion with, but not limited to the following entities; - All Heads of Church (all denominations) globally - All World Leaders - All Heads of Science Institutions/Community - All Heads of Biblical Scholar Institutions - All Alternative Media Outlets - All Archaelogical Institutes globally We can start with these six outlined above. It does not matter if you were turned away or shunned, it is the "attempt" that I am seeking. You are here to provide the truth of all things for humanity to understand, so surely your initiative and approval to communicate such information would have begun with the above entities first and foremost. Long before an outreach effort to a fraction of a whole website such as Project Avalon was initiatated. I think a window of 24 hrs would be a sufficient amount of time to respond to this request? According to the World Clock is currently 11:34 am Eastern Pacific time. Please provide correspondence to the above aforementioned by 11:34 am Eastern Pacific- Wednesday February 23, 2010 Thanks in advance, gscraig |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi there everybody,
I had hoped to be asking Abraxas some more questions by now, or at least elaborations on my earlier questions (see post 939). However, it looks as if this will have to wait for a bit. It appears that this thread has once again fallen into a polarity of views (those for and against this thread and its author), as it did back in January. However, this time, with the aid of one particularly strong minded and eloquent poster, the polarization now seems even more extreme. In my last post on this thread, I finished with the following, which seems very pertinent, again, to the conflict and opposition that has become so evident, once more, here at Avalon: - Quote:
As a serious student of astrology, I can not help but wonder if this polarization and conflict, as expressed on this thread, is not yet another manifestation of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus opposition. This began in 2008 and will finally come to an end later this year (2010), when these two planets make their last two exact oppositions to each other in April (Virgo-Pisces polarity) and July (Libra-Aries polarity) respectively. This clear polarization of ideas and perspectives on this Thuban thread is, to my mind, but one expression of this conflict that has or is being expressed here in this microcosm of the Avalon Forum. Others include the St. Clair-Camelot, Burisch-Camelot, Greer-Camelot, High-Camelot & Ryan-Cassidy (re. Kinsumei and the Heather material) conflicts. I also see comparable microcosmic conflicts and polarizations in my own life; in my place of work; with some particularly difficult neighbours of ours; and in relationships with certain member of my wider family. It is also clear that this same conflict and polarization is occurring in the wider world of politics (e.g. right wing-left wing and moderate-extremist conflicts), religion (e.g. Muslim-Zionist conflict) and science (e.g. main stream science-alternative science conflict) as well. It would be nice to see some resolution too all this conflict, personal and collective, in the near future. Perhaps this will begin to occur this summer when structured and disciplined Saturn (in Libra) and unpredictable and changeable Uranus (in Aries) oppose each other for the last time in July-August of this year. At that time both of these planets also form an approximate 90° angle (a square aspect) to deeply transformative Pluto (in Capricorn). Expansive and escalating Jupiter also joins the fray when it conjoins with Uranus in Aries at that time (June-August). Even the assertive warrior, Mars, and harmonious peace-maker, Venus, join the scene for a short while in late July (Mars) to early August (Mars and Venus) as they both conjoin with Saturn in Libra, in its opposition to the Arien Uranus-Jupiter conjunction. With Pluto at the apex of this astrological configuration (known as a ‘T-Square’) it is likely going to be a key player in this up and coming astrological scenario. When the Moon opposes Pluto from Cancer on 6th/7th August 2010, we may then begin to see some kind of breaking point for this volatile configuration (with the Moon in Cancer it becomes what astrologers call a ‘Cardinal Grand Cross’). The Moon, when applied to the collective of humanity, represents the common people in conflict with, and in opposition to, the ‘Powers That Be’ (PTB), who are best represented in this configuration by the Libran Saturn (the status quo) and the Capricornian Pluto (the secretive power elite behind the governments of our world) as they square each other (was exact on 15th November 2009 and on 31st January 2010 and will finally do so again on 21st August 2010). The Arien Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has the feel of a massive (Jupiter) unpredictable (Uranus), and potentially destructive, revolution about it, something that could hurt both the common people and the PTB. Mars with Saturn suggests draconian (no offence meant, Abraxas) actions coming from the PTB (such as martial law), though Venus’ presence there too might help appease such actions somewhat. So the conflicts here on this thread, at Avalon in general and in the wider world, do seem to be reflecting the astrological dynamics of our time. However, whether such conflicts and polarizations are resolved or not, here and elsewhere, will ultimately depend on our individual and collective levels of consciousness. So, this year, 2010, does seem to be offering us an opportunity to begin to make some changes for the better. What better place to start than from both within ourselves as individuals and as a small group of people who meet here in cyberspace on this Avalon forum. So now would be a great time to stop the irrational, and to my mind baseless, accusations of lies, delusions or evil intentions that have so clearly been expressed, toward Abraxas, by so many of you on this fascinating thread. I think many of you need to take a closer look at yourselves before pointing fingers at others. Having said that, I would also like to thank you all (those so vehemently opposed to Abraxas) for their contributions. It would seem that this polarization of thought and the conflict it has created is part of a process that we all need to work through at this time. So thank you all for helping bring this entire dynamic to the full attention of myself and others who read this thread. In my own case, you are truly a reflection of my own shadow self; my self-denials and my projections. As within, so without! As below, so above! Best Wishes Truthseeker (Andrew) |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
to seeing this response. though a straight answer is not likely in my opinion. It appears to me our beloved Lightworkers have had enough. :wub2: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One more thing only to be known: In your first reply to my questions, you wrote that I am "Dragon in disguise", which implicite that I am cosciosely hiding my real "face... Than, in your second reply, you wrote: "It is simply the case that you cannot remember what you are", which means, now, that I have no idea of "being" Dragon. I am alowing this confusion to be some kind of dragonian sense of humor. Have nice trip. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas Anthony |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Well Abrax...if you get out of this one... I'll be calling you the new Mr Copperfield!!! Good day. viking |
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