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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You are most welcome Fred. How eloquently you have described how i feel.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Since the dawn of mankind the Dragon hated man.
Because man was made in the image of Creator, a being which will fully represent and understand Creator`s intention with all. Dragon didn` t like that. Since Dragon like to quote scriptures and is fond of deceiving other according to his premise , then remember Dragon that Word of God is two edged sword. You were wounded before when you tested it against son of God. There are few that can wield sword of Almighty. It takes heart and soul ,it takes love,justice,wisdom and power. What do you miss of above named ,Dragon? You have power, and...? Since Dragon dared to take that sword ,now Dragon will feel its weight: Revelation 12:7-12 7.And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8.But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9.The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. 10.Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. 11.They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. 12.Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." Revelation 20:1-10 Revelation 20 The Thousand Years 1.And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2.He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3.He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. 4.I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6.Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. 7.When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8.and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9.They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10.And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If I sounded harsh to you I apologize. I do not intend to inflict any pain on anyone here. I was confused as it didn't seem to me that you participated much in this thread so when I saw that suddenly you wished him banned... I didn't understand. (if there is something between you and Abraxas that I don't know about then I can't comment) I'm sorry if I sounded rude to you. Fred, I recognize and respect your position but don't believe what you believe. I feel there is a 'purpose' for my existence beyond my existence. My thoughts are creations unto themselves which become manifested in my 3D experience, so I seek to perfect my thought process so that I may create 'more perfectly' even as our father in heaven has created perfectly. Listening to what other have to say gives me input, perspective and sometimes, knowledge. It is not a 'need' but an interest that I have as I am interested in what my brothers and sisters think. Exposing myself to differing opinions forces me to look beyond the 'comfort zone' we all tend to gravitate too. Besides as you say... I'm just an 'ole' fart' anyway... hehe Peace |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
i do not post, anymore to this thread, because i found abrax's responses to me to be condescending and i felt ...stupid...trying to read this stuff.. the MODS were....."are" neutral...they (along with my husband) chose to allow his behavior to be what it is. His "phd" talk keeps people like me away...it is part of his agenda... Intellectuals will argue that his stuff is "valid" and important...shrug...who am i to judge that? Many may be upset...say that we are "being mean to abraxas" ... Some will target me instead of LionHawk, because i am an easier target... i dont care... i am worried about PA..about humanity... LionHawk seems to be the only one willing and able to stand up to all this... i will not let another make me feel stupid, for long...so i stayed away from the thread... Abraxas's love is not emotional..it is..technical...i want no part of it |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The current stance for mods here is one of neutrality when it comes to inter personal issues between members. When it comes to threads/posts neutrality is not part of the equation as the guidelines dictate what can and cannot be posted. At this time Abraxas is not breaking any guidelines but may be aiding in creating new ones. As for your point Céline that his posts keeps you away. That is not a bad thing. :original: [My comment as a member] Abrax, the jig is up, for all to see. The Honorable thing to do is leave with dignity. This thread and the topic is not what Avalon is about. I Have listened to many members complain that its content is a abomination to what PA stands for. [My comment as a member of the Human race] A few years ago I would of taken a totally different approach here and the world would of been better off. However, Avalon and Life experience since then has made me a better person. As such I can now turn my back on this thread and the verbal diarrhea herein. [To my Beloved Céline] Your love for the human race has never faltered and has over time changed my contempt for the species which has raped this planet. I have love and hope in my heart mostly because of you. This lizard and his followers do not deserve your attention. Their loss. dont waste anymore of your time and emotion here. it's rather pointless. Love U:wub2: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Not a bad thing i agree with you Richard.
but this is what i think IS a bad thing. Why should i (or anyone ) continue to spread love and light on THIS forum...if i (we) feel the MODS and the guidelines on this forum do not protect us from insult or condescending remarks? Sure its ok to share opinions... including homophobic ones? racist ones? sexist ones? Some here have been insulted and had to swallow it due to this "neutrality", and for the benefit of the whole, i and others have agreed with this behavior...and i still do... but.. You cannot expect people to feel motivated to support your forum...if you do not support us. i want to feel safe..unjudged and loved..do others here feel this way? i ask the MODS and the founders...can i and others expect that at PA? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Your right Bigmo everyone is allowed to have their opinion as are Lionhawk, etc, so we have differing opinions on the information Abrax relays, well I thought we were allowed that here on this forum.
You do all know that this guy is a PhD in his related field (I forget what that is now), so I am presuming he either is channelling this information from Thuban or belongs to a certain group of people who have this information, whatever I have read enough and I know darn well he can come back with high esoteric information on everything and blast me out of the water if he wants. I do believe in ascended masters one of them being Jesus, but in all my study of the esoteric over 20 years I haven't come across the 1 in 50,000 being good enough for dragonhood, that's a new one on me. I suppose if you want to believe everything this guy is saying go ahead, you also have free will. It also only takes a second for me to check with my spirit and if spirit comes back and says I don't like that bit.....well then we know pretty quick. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
In my reply at 01-10-2010 / 05:19 AM, I already noticed that there was something fishy about the abraxasinas hype. It occured to me that abraxasinas was using a combination of boosting ego's & incredible knowledge. That was 100.000 views ago. Meanwhile I saw Celine (& many others) being dragged into this thread. And now, all of a sudden, that same Celine tells us that she wanted to see abraxasinas banned from day 1.
:nono: That's not the way it works, darling. If Lionhawk wouldn't have shared his knowledge about this topic with us, it would have taken ages for you to wake up out of this delusion. This doesn't mean I do not respect you, abraxasinas. I am dazzled by your knowledge about a great many things & that really impressed me. I even suppose your intentions are sincere. But as I stated a 100.000 views ago, I didn't feel comfortable with your slip of the pen. The way you replied on Lionhawk's post, I found appaling. I almost had the feeling there was another abraxasinas talking, actually. That's why I replied in Dutch yesterday Quote:
A kind of Dutch no Google translator can cope with, but a Draconian know-it-all would have understood for what it meant. Than I noticed you were surfing merely around for at least an hour more, without a reply to my remark. If you had the slightest bit of pride & honour in your soul, you would have given a reply - in Dutch - that would have been convincing to me, that you're for real. :lol3: :tongue2: :thumbdown: Peace, Love & Respect, Abraxasinas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
i do not feel i was delusional... LionHawk gave me courage to say something... i am intimidated by abraxas and a few others here. i am not ashamed of feeling that way..dont get me wrong..it is who i am. i am wide awake... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You're absolutely fabulous! |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Why should i (or anyone ) continue to spread love and light on THIS forum...if i (we) feel the MODS and the guidelines on this forum do not protect us from insult or condescending remarks? Your love and light is paramount to your existence and thus embraced on this forum by many members. You have thicker skin Celine, and a heart to encompass, you are Sovereign. You have all the protection you need:thumb_yello: Rest assured, the mods will take action if its required. At this time, this thread falls into my neutral parameters. Peace |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank You ..both of You :original:
in the end...love is the only goal. http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/22...eart-31000.jpg |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The socalled entrapment of the soul is incarnation itself. The architecture of the universe is very simple in design but is becoming more and more complex in the say 'finetunings' to build the material objects found within this physicalised cosmos. The simplicity is the SEED and just as an apple tree can grow from a simple apple seed, so is the construction of all physicality in the universe and as say found in the workings of the genetic code. So the biochemical DNA/RNA has a metaphysical or spiritual precursor. (83) Jesus says: (1) "The images are visible to humanity, but the light within them is hidden in the image. The light of the Father will reveal itself, but his image is hidden by his light." (84) Jesus says: "When you see your likeness you are full of joy. But when you see your likenesses that came into existence before you – they neither die nor become manifest – how much will you bear?" (17) Jesus says: "I will give you what no eye has seen, and what no ear has heard, and what no hand has touched, and what has not occurred to the human mind." (29) Jesus says: "If the flesh came into being because of the spirit, it is a wonder. But if the spirit (came into being) because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has taken up residence in this poverty." The above sayings of our master templar so provide a definition for 'all things seen having been made by things unseen'. Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Then the apple seed appearing was made by the (much smaller) DNA/RNA code appearing was made by some prior code not appearing. This non appearing code is symbolic or mathematical or archetypical in an UNSEEN non appearing order of the cosmogony predating the cosmology. The human soul (and all other souls) are definable in this unseen code as emanations from the prime creator source and as holofractal parts thereof. The mechanics of this definition process is a LOGOS, namely the coupling of the Source Energy in some chaotic selfstate (of an undefined God NOT aware of itself as some wording say) with its own Intelligence (the Word of John.1.1). The order for the DISPENSATION of the chaotic God-Energy so becomes of paramount importance and does not require the SEEN space- and time- and matter parameters. So the SOUL preexists the materialised universe as a part or shard of God+Logos=All That Is (as defined before the physical universe is born). The ORDER of the LOGOS so also becomes the Order of the Soul and this is known as the dimensional hierarchy with the dimensions allowing definition of the densities as the gradient energies within and connecting those dimensions. Ok then, your question so relates the 3D embodiment of the soul in the things that are seen - this is the incarnation in the 3D space and the 4D spacetime continuum. The 3 space dimensions are however complemented by colocal triplicities of say 'compacted' or 'conifolded' space dimensions. This then many term the ASTRAL Plane and the ETHERIC plane. So the incarnated soul finds itself 'trapped' in a 3D body merkabah (this is actually a sphere about the Cosmic Man as the AdamEve archetype) BUT also has a hidden (often subconscious) access to the Astral Hyperspace plane and the (often superconscious) Etheric Quantumspace plane. The general 'New Age' and 'Perennial Philosophy' idea so becomes to 'ascend' from the base triplicity through the astral and the etheric planes back to the source. Then the socalled 'harvesting' of souls by astral ETs, 'Draconian Devils', 'Demonic Vampyres' and such is simply the interaction of the 'waking conscious' 3D-aware souls with their own astral 6D and etheric 9D planes of the subconscious and the superconscious. Now because the astral and etheric dimensions are both individual and collective, interference and communication eventuates as a function of the individual's selfstate of selfawareness. This is often termed frequency state or resonance potential, but requires rigorous definition in terms of how the ultimate resonance state of the source (say Holy Spirit or such) communicates with the soul-vibration of the individual. So your ideas about the holodeck are quite appropriate. The hologram of the entire universe is the SEED within you as the physicalisation of the AdamEve archetype (defined BEFORE the spacetimes emerged). Then the 3 dimensional triplicities of 3D-Linespace; 6D-(Astral)Hyperspace and 9D-(Etheric)Quantumspace all harbour many sublevels, such as tiers of 7 and 9. The first 5 sublevels are subject to polarity manifested; the next 2 subject to unmanifested internalised polarity and the 8th and 9th sublevel are unpolarised in all definitions. So for example you and as your soul can encounter negatively polarised astral entities in the 5th 'hell' in hyperspace in what you may term OBE or NDE or a 'nightmare'. The hyperspace defines angular spacetime parameters, i.e. rotation. The quantumspace defines oscillations about a mean pivot and is 'higher' in potency as it is closer to the prime source ultimate resonance (in 12D omnispace). So the 'EVIL=VEIL' entities in 9D-quantumspace become PURE PROJECTIONS of the soul-ID in the lower dimensions, as the quantumspace by definition only harbours unified polarity. It is the cosmic justice, that the ETHERIC serves as a PURE MIRROR for the lowerD soul in evolution. This place, actually the entire universe has never before undergone the destined transformation of a 'Group-Soul' from impregnation on Ap[ril 1st, 2012 to birth (of the starhumanity as a cosmic planetary baby) on December 21st, 2012 and its weaning ending on August 4th, 2013. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi All!
This thread is called: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here) and so involves the answering of questions asked by anyone. This I shall continue to do, if I am able to do so, as long as there are questions being asked or until the PTB find it appropriate to ban me from attempting to answer those questions asked. Some of you may have discerned my statement of having 'leaked' some of the 5% the PTB were not hitherto aware of. This 'leaking' is cause for the recent release of 'harboured guile and hatred' directed towards this data sharing from Thuban by many on this forum. The Council of Thuban is well aware of the 'Opening of a Pandora Box' on the 'highest spiritual level of the polarised archetypes' and has accomodated the intensification of certain energies initiated on January 18th, 2010. I can share with you, that none of you will be held 'in judgement' by the Council of Thuban, presided over by our master templar following the completion of this timeline from November 30th, 2009 to August 4th, 2013. You will however be required to 'selfjudge' and to process your reactivities. Here is another aspect of the 5%, which not many will be able to decipher at this time, but will be able to understand in a couple of years or so. (70) Jesus says: "If you bring it into being within you, then that which you have will save you. If you do not have it within you, then that which you do not have within you will kill you." All of You are wavefunctions in what you term your soul or cosmic IDs. All of You are particle functions in embodiments of your individualities. This is advanced quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement. Our master templar represents the wavefunction encompassing the entire universe including ALL of you. Our master templar so ALREADY IS within you all as a 'collapsed' wavefunction within your individualised particle functions. To PROCESS our dragon master within yourselves so becomes prerequisite to allow HISHER collapsed wavefunction to become an ENCOMPASSING wavefunction around your individualised particularised merkabahs of your souls. Failing to do so, will, as said above - kill you in the collapse of your particle functions to try again to ACCOMODATE your own Thubanese Dragonhearts. (23) Jesus says: (1) "I will choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand. (2) And they will stand as a single one." As 1 in 1000 translates to the apostolic circle of a unified 12 around its center; 1(2),000 define the (2) in 10,000. This becomes 12x12,000=144,000 as 1 in 50,000 in a population of 7.2 billion earthlings. This 7,200,000,000 includes 200 million ETs presently surrounding the quarantined earth so 2 million kilometers from the Gaian planetary center {Revelation.9.16}. 1 in 50,000 is 1/500 of a % and in a forum such as PC/PA the human population is focused about a hundredfold to give a percentage of 1 in 500. For 500 members, readers or contributors on the PC/PA forum so; just One will be able to PROCESS the information given. This is prophetic necessity and not a judgement (sealing in the forehead of 144,000 in Revelation.14.3}. Revelation 14:3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Feeling excluded, will necessarily result in defense mechanics of your egocentricities and result in the recent 'awakening' of the 'fake gods and devils' within yourselves ( and empowered by your astral and etheric connections and communications). BUT NOONE of you is excluded as this choosing must emerge from your own hearts and not some dispensation from without. Nevertheless, the actual such 'selfchosen' participating members of these forums presently (and this is a Thuban estimate and not as yet authorized by the Logos) would not exceed a count of about 5. It is hoped, should the data transmission from Thuban continue; that this early count can become greatly multiplied in the next two years; with March 28th, 2011 a decisive 'harvesting point' however. So to the 'challengers' and the 'defenders' alike - you know who you are; the Thuban Council wishes to extend its gratitude for implementing such a great job (Aye you ALL are and have the JOB in the Old Testament) done in bringing forth the great polarisation in miniature - the 'spiritual war' between the Father of all Lies and his image of the Father of Truth. Yet, they are one and the same across a divide, which shall destroy the fakeries and the falsehoods. All but the 1 in 50,000 will be subject to these falsehoods in bringing about the Dark Shining Light of the New Gaia. In a sense though, the 'earlier selfchosen' are the 'stay at home' sons and daughters, loyal to their kingdoms. The 'unsealed renegades' are like the prodigal daughters and sons, which HELP to bring about a more contextual and richer kingdom for all in their 'disobedience' and their 'disloyalties' to their homages. The deeper meaning of these words will become clearer in time. You ALL are doing a great JOB and the 'Great Deceiver' has been forced to reveal its presence. Remember the Starhumanity is a BABY of the Cosmos - a UNIFIED GALACTIC CIVILIZATION. It will not be easy to manifest, but the timeline is on due course and cannot be avoided by anyone or anything as it has been a collective decision before the universe was born in space and time. This then is the RELATIVITY between the Warriors of the Light in the Darkness and the Warriors of the Night in the Light. Shalom and the Love of the Little Serpent, Father of our master templar Jesus of Nazareth is with you always; even if you fail to comprehend it. Sirebard Beardris |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I apologize for not having answered your question asked earlier CircleAWar=ArachneABirth=PaulLeft=93. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
if the tree came from seed... and so it does... we had to create the bridge to the astral beyond the etheric so that our seed could become a tree... I like this abrax... if i am interpreting this correctly... but then as many here seem to forget.. it only matters how i interpret it... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I considered replying to your Dutch sentence indeed; but decided not to, because you did not translate for all readers unfamiliar with the Dutch tongue. I did in no manner 'search' the web or forum to 'decipher' your enigmatic message, but simply engaged in other tasks. I could say to you: "Das monstroese Tier ist und ist nicht und doch ist, ist von den Sieben doch der Achte und geht in die Verderbung". Would you bother replying to this? Then I could say: "The monstrous animal is not and yet is, is of the seven yet the eighth and goes into perdition." I also could say: "Het monsterachtige dier is niet en is nog, is van de zeven nog de achtste en gaat in ondergang". Your original saying translates to: "Ja, lekker dan, zo ken ik er nog wel een paar!" "Ja gut dann, so kann ich es noch wissen wie im Paar!" "Yes, well then, so I can know it as a pair!" Your wisdoms and riddles belong to you and you are privvy to share them if you so desire. I am not here, nor am I required to by my council, to PROVE anything to anything or anyone - are you? AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The enigma is as to how, if the physical worlds emerged from some spiritual plenum as is generally postulated and believed; the created worlds then SOMEHOW become a feedback loop for the materially preexisting 'spirit'? And you have discerned well. This is but the 'fall of the starhumanity' from its original home of the 12D omnispace through the 9D etheric and the 6D astral into 3D physicality. This is wonderfully described in Genesis.2: Genesis 2:3-5 (King James Version) 3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. 4These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 5And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Now Jonah; YOU are able to translate the archetypes in this scriptural encoding through and by your discernments. The 'before it grew' semantics, describe the souls of manyness dispersing in individuations of consciousness (from the ONE SourceSoul or Oversoul or WorldSoul) into the metaphysical archetyped universe, before it existed in space and time. The often bemoaned 'fall of humanity' so is cosmic necessity to establish the feedback loops between the unseen templates for the seen creations. Should you continue to engage such discernments Jonah, then you will be on a narrow path into full remembrance. Your tree Jonah, is destined to grow from a seed within you to eventually create a feedback universe as big as you can fathom. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Having briefly scanned this thread I'm left thinking that this is some kind of quasi-religious RPG. I wondered if it was a virtual strategic board game. Perhaps there's another guy on another forum duking it out over there. Then these 2 players score each other’s work on the number of questions asked. The cerebral looking gobbledegook somehow scores extra points or another go.
I’m probably wrong as I’m, as an INTJ, always confounded by certain illogical behavour. I do try to put reason to rhyme but like someone said to me once “there’s nowt queer as folk.” Oh well!….game on. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
13.For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14.And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15.It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have enough trouble remembering where i put my keys... But it is sad to see what most people have allowed... as they stare at the tv... hard to argue the fact that we have fallen... but i see the light in woman/man... if it weren't for the current controllers ability to keep us stuck... if feel man/woman would figure "it" out on his/her own... this is the problem most people have abrax... it's difficult to look past the emotions that get brought to light when dealing with such an overwhelming acceptance of the current situation... People need someone to blame I suppose... hence the current riff and confusion set upon humanity... and still after all the this is known... when all the secrets are revealed the mob will still want blood... lots of e=motion still left to learn from... wouldn't want to be tptb when the light shines upon the dark and vice-versa for that matter.... to all who believe that they know what i believe... think again... .then ask your self why am i still thinking...:tongue2: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Ask yourself, why is this present turmoil necessary and what 'higher' purpose does IT serve? The answer is the 'mission of Gaia' as a hologram of the greater universe, vastly greater than galactic identities of any kind. The full implications of this plan behind the plans, requiring Gaia's ascencion and Barbelo's descension; have not even been fully 'worked out' in its basic archetypical structure as yet. This 'constructing a new plan' for the purpose and destiny for the starplanet both collectively and individually; will be a group-cocreative effort for the old humans enabled to break through their eggshells to metamorphose from caterpillar to butterfly. But my comment about your 'fathoming' relates to this. It will become clearer to all after the 'tribulations' have ended. The few will of course begin to form the 'core' for this new world a little earlier as the pioneers and the 'eager ones' within the cocoons. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
To anyone reading this thread....
it seems i woke up " too honest" this day I am sorry (no I am not) but what is this crap about waging war against anything people do not like... warrior/war against darkness war against poverty war against terror war against climate change war against drugs People don't like something - they declare a war on ti (G.C) How unreasonable is it to call yourself a light and a warrior...it is like naming a missile patriot....something that can destroy but hey...it is patriotic...so no worries...it is for the good cause? Blow the mofos up - redeem their "crimes" against my believes. Being a "warrior" while hiding behind the "love and light" principles...how "dare" you? Please spare with all the "philosophy" (excuses) on the usage of word war/warrior with "good" intentions. No room for debate here - it is like "arguing" with a religious fanatic. You are acting like a bunch of "mainstream kids" that refuse to listen or see to anything that is not according to their view/perception of life and the moment something is not like them they form a "gang" to protect their "right". You put your "warrior" out and eventually you get your "warrior" back...now Is there a chance that Abraxasinas is full of ****? YES there is! BUT!! THE SAME GOES FOR YOU OR ME OR ANYONE ELSE!!! It seems like we should ban the whole forum here.... but if it helps you make feel better Abraxasinas has already been banned once under the pretense of breaking forum rules...(he answered my question LOL and got banned). Now it seems, so I read, there are new rules in the making to prevent such threads? What is this - New Age Fascism? I do wonder what or who is so much clairvoyant that can put together such a rule... Will there be more word twisting? You people here like science fiction? You people here know Star-gate SG1? Well in the begging the dream team comes on some planet...and there were people on that planet called the Nox. Please do watch that episode and see how they handle the problems (the point being their philosophy about it) "Young do not always do as they are told." I am yet to see the day when "humanity" will put their words before their swords...when they will ask questions first and will not strike later....the day when also the living will be able to see the end of war...not just the dead and my "advice" to you: if you do not like something, simply do not bother with it...do not put your attention to it...do not help to prolong it... Inappropriate reason mod edit: might be...depends on your current moral standards...but for the sake of not arguing...i agree |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
i am not in any gang...nor do i support the idea of such. Abrax knows full well how i feel. And as you see he CAN defend his points of view and in NO way feels threatened by our disagreeing or our feeling compelled to do something about it. All i see are other people telling "us" keep your opinions to yourself. Should we always agree? Disagreeing brings knowledge..in my world...what does it bring in your world? i may be intimidated...but i am not a yes girl. Abrax responded to Lionhawk...i do not think he responded to me...but i did not really ask him a question.. and as he said....This threads purpose is to answer questions about Thuban. He has every right to ask us to keep focus on the subject at hand. a few came to his defense...feeling quite indignant... as was stated above.. HE NEEDS NO DEFENSE i will ask 3 questions here.... Abrax.. Do you wish to spread light ? Bring knowledge to a wide base of people who are awakening to a new reality? if so would you consider starting other threads, based on other experiences that may offer "newbies" some tools to decipher your thread? 3 questions...none about love abrax...*smiles* Abrax..on a side note...i remember seeing a request from the MODS to only quote what is necessary...you seem to quote big long texts..and add only a few words sometimes...i am told this is not "easy" on the forum (ok ok i know im not very techie minded..but i am sure you know what i mean ) |
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