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Nebula9D 02-18-2010 11:56 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 233156)
The path of selfdiscovery and selfawareness is long and often torturous; however you have eternity to complete your journey

Thank You :)

abraxasinas 02-19-2010 12:33 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 240282)
Hi Abraxas --

So HAPPY to see ya'll back on the thread! (as she nods to Hans & Tony :wink2:)

i've been busy formulating questions in anticipation of your return and was moved to think of another by your answer to Malletsky.

1) i've been thinking about forgiveness .... (do you know that Don Henley song? it's one of my favorites![/I) ..... will there be any need to forgive one another beyond 3rd dimension? Will we have transcended polarity sufficiently to render "forgiveness" irrelevant?

Look into a mirror malletzky!

Can you look at yourself and 'forgive' whatever thoughts or deeds you may have entertained in your forgetfulness/ignorance/sinfulness?
You are looking at a part of the creator and this shard of All That Is.
So can you forgive 'God' for learning to be God - awaken to BE the SHARED MANYNESS of the prime source?

2) i've become aware recently of a feeling regarding organized religion that not only casts it as "part of the matrix," but also as a likely stumbling block to the "masses" once disclosure has occurred (since Disclosure could destroy many people's faith in the institutional church and its God/gods, thereby inhibiting their' ability to discern/assimilate/experience the Truth which is necessary for Ascension into 4th-5th dimensions.

Ok I'll share the ultimate truth according to Thuban with you.
The 'Great War' is a 'spiritual war' and not a physical one.
The PTB KNOW the 'real story' say to 95%; but they cannot, despite all of their access to 'hidden data' and 'hidden history' access the remaining 5%.

The PTB are preparing to PREEMPT all prophecy.
Like in WW2, they are attempting TO FORCE the issue in regards to universal potent archetypes.
Archetypes RULE the Universe, not alien ETs, human usurpers linked to higher dimensional ETs or 'ascended' or 'descended' masters.

In WW2 they attempted to MANIFEST and fulfil the prophecy of the Revelation. That is why it was called the '1000-year Reich'.
Iow what happened in the 1930s and 1940s was that the PTB tried to PREEMPT the New World Order (of the Millennium prophecied) in a way, which would allow them CONTROL over this 'New World'.

Adolf Hitler, the Austrian, became 'groomed' as the 'forerunner', say a modern Elijah or John the Baptist by one of the 'factions' of the PTB, you may call them the Priesthood of the Moon or the Luminari.

This was for the purpose to bring the 'spiritual archetypes' down into physical manifestation and the 'spiritual war' was to be between the Priesthood of the Sun or Illuminari as the Levitical priesthood in the Old Testament and the Zadokian priesthood (loyal to David as the archetype for the second coming) and as encoded in scriptures.

Unbeknown to almost all even here on the PC/PA forums; the two factions are simply the manifestation of the scriptural encodings.
This is why it has become 'policy', say in the last 10 years or so to allow an OPEN ridiculing of the God/Jesus/Spirit labels over the populist media and the 'worldwide web'.

The PTB wish to utterly CONFUSE the issues in regards to scripture (which they wish to FULFIL, because only AFTER it has been fulfilled, will THEY be able to manifest their New World Order). This is why it is ok today (for the first time in recorded history) to openly doubt and scoff at and ridicule (like here on PA/PC) the existence of Jesus, God, prophets and so on.

The PTB KNOW, that to GET RID of the prophecies, which hold the universe itself in archetypical bondage; THEY MUST BE FULFILLED.

But the PTB is attempting to do this BEFORE a 'real Jesus' say could actually INTERVENE into their plans. They are trying to circumvent the prophecied 'second coming' and the 'Christened Millennium' in fabricating a MANMADE millennium and an accompanying ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE.

The 5% eludes them and therefore are the PTB beginning to 'panic'. They are losing control to implement the NWO for 'lack of data'.

WW3 is, as said in the disclosure of Bill Ryan, the next attempt to 'force the millennium' onto the Gaian historical timeline.

The missing 5% ARE the Thuban timeline and as 'authorized' by the 'real Jesus'. This timeline shattered the plans of the PTB, as their manipulation of the archetypes (the spiritual wickedness at high places of Paul in:
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

could not continue past the 95% level.

(40) Jesus says:
"A grapevine was planted outside (the vineyard) of the Father.
And since it is not supported, it will be pulled up by its roots (and) will perish."

This other grapevine are the plans of the PTB. The timeline from December 8th, 2004 to August 4th, 2008 served as a 'image timeline' for the manifesting timeline from August 4th, 2008 to April 1st, 2012.

So the PTB are STUCK, because this timeline EMPOWERS certain people to show the way for all those who wish to become part of the new dispensation and as ordained by the 'real Jesus' (who can be said to BE presently about 2 million kilometers from the center of the earth in a waveform).

You malletzky have 'opened your heart' to that 'dispensation' and the 'trick' is as follows.
Now I have never given this information before, but for the ones reading this it shall now be revealed.

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

The 'trick' is to turn this around. It is not Jesus knocking from some outside of you to 'come in', BUT 'Jesus' is knocking from your inside to 'come out'.

ONLY in RELEASING the Inner Christ will you be able to become a Starhuman and so be truly FREE from the archetypical imprisonments.
This then WILL BE the MANYNESS of Jesus in the REAL SECOND COMING from within and not from the without.

Now, the PTB DO NOT KNOW this. But of course now they will, because the 5% have been 'leaked'.

I so share one more thing and shall leave it at that for now:

Revelation.14.13: And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

This of course relates to the 'Harvest'; but is decoded in the manner of the 'encompassment' of the 'Christbody' by all of you (But can you take the pressure and play your parts in 'God's Own Story'?).

To summarize then; the Bill Ryan video is one of the best things hitherto produced by PA/PA and its content is fully supported by Thuban.

But as Bill says, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN as planned by the PTB, BECAUSE the absolutely correct 95% limit of the PTB is the Archetyped DRAGONHOOD.
This can be easily seen in the symbols of the PTB and the many many treatizes of this on the web say.

BUT the DRAGONS of the PTB are the MASTERS of the PTB at the 95% level.
The Parents of the Dragons of the PTB are in Thuban, belive it or not and it is they, who are in CONTROL of the Thubanese timeline under the guidance of the EVERLIVING master templar Jesus of Nazareth.

So the BIGGER DRAGONS will put their wayward Dragon Children and prodigal sons and daughters into their appropriate places.

Now because this story is actually physically true, because of this truth, are Bill Ryan and all of you who have distanced themselves from the 'evil agendas of the ETs and the PTB' justified.

Since i have basically had a positive experience with organized religion (though not currently a "practicing" Catholic), this is somewhat difficult for me to understand. i just feel like God's truth is available to us in so many diverse ways, that with or without a formal institution (which inevitably means corruption) we are each able to avail ourselves of the Grace which points us toward God/Love/Light/Goodness and away from distortion, deception, darkness. Could you comment on this for me please, Abraxas.

3) Originally Posted by Abraxas (emphasis added by me):

"God's 'Masterplan' so is to multiply 'itself' without end in a 'Family of God'.
Yet, as long as the 'Family of Man' continues to refuse to 'Remember itself' in its 'Function of the Output' and continues to 'not-reflect' its god-given Input-Life back to its source; as long will the UNITIZED God-Source remain in exile relative to itself."

[does this have anything to do with the "Agony of God?

Yes, this agony is simply LONELINESS. HESHE gave away the SHE part AS the Creation and so lost himself as herself. God's Own Story is simply the drama to get the Creation back; not as a separated SHE back as a HESHE monad; BUT in a DOUBLING of the HESHE+SHEHE. The starhumans so will be like FatherMothers and MotherFathers, something Thuban calls the Dragonomy.
This will render the exiled Father WITHOUT spacetime as a perfect mirror function of the nonexiled Father or Redeemed Mother as a SHEHE WITHIN spacetime.
This then is Gaia's ascension, as I have described many times in various contexts.

and, in a related question, if polarity exists forever (i think i understood you to say this once in response to one of my questions), then does that mean God suffers eternally?]

The end of the sufferings of the universe and all HERHIS children is at hand.

"For the IMAGE-Function of God between the plenum and the subplenum and the holographic principle of the Decimal-Monad hierarchy demands a 'Mirror of Mirrors' within the plenum of the cosmological spacetimes.
Just as the One God reflects itself as the One Universe; so must there be A DAM (a sire and a dam) as a 'Universal Archetype' within the plenum to allow 'God's Story' to proceed."

[God needs a wife? a mother for his prospective star-babies?!?]

As in the above malletzky - God's wife is the material Body of the universe. Yes, Jesus is the first starbaby, soon able to become the MANY via the cosmic eucharist, just as defined in being the 'Only Begotten' and 'Noone can go to the Father but by me' and so on.

"The Image or mastertemplate for the One Universe so becomes 'Cosmic Man Vitruvius' of the hermetic alchemist Leonardo da Vinci or 'Purusha' of the Baghavad Gita or 'Adam Kadmon' of Kabbalah or the particular individuation Malletzky on PA forum discussion forum.
Then as a miniature universe; anything whatsoever and all godlike conciousness carriers within the plenum who Malletzky encounters in whatever manner of dreams, imaginations, physical observations, experimentations and interactions; will be enabled to USE Malletzky's spacetimed mirror potential to REFLECT themselves in that for the purpose to by and through Malletzky's mirror-portal to contact the Unity-Quantum-God in the subplenum."

[HALLELUIA :original::thumb_yello::trumpet:

[I]Abraxas, if you feel like expanding on this idea at all, feel free!

Thanks so much, AA.


You are greatly honoured in Thuban malletzky for asking these questions.


Malletzky 02-19-2010 03:35 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 240740)
You are greatly honoured in Thuban malletzky for asking these questions.


Abrax, it was Hippihill that asked these questions...but believe me, it is as if Hippihill was able to read my thoughts...it took me some time to digest that superb answer you gave to my previous questions, so he was faster then I...I would have ask you almost the same questions!

But here we have the proof that, after all, we're all ONE...in this case, really, Hippihill was as ONE with ME...:thumb_yello:


abraxasinas 02-19-2010 03:53 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 240808)
Abrax, it was Hippihill that asked these questions...but believe me, it is as if Hippihill was able to read my thoughts...it took me some time to digest that superb answer you gave to my previous questions, so he was faster then I...I would have ask you almost the same questions!

But here we have the proof that, after all, we're all ONE...in this case, really, Hippihill was as ONE with ME...:thumb_yello:


I apologize for my misnomication malletzky and hippihillbobbi. Indeed hippihillbobbi the 'she(he) is mirrored in malletzky the

Even on Thuban we make literal construction errors sometimes.
You two must have already become inaugurated in the Thubanese 'Hall of the Human Flames' - therefore the 'sanctioned' blending of your cocoons.


Malletzky 02-19-2010 05:52 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 240812)
I apologize for my misnomication malletzky and hippihillbobbi. Indeed hippihillbobbi the 'she(he) is mirrored in malletzky the

Even on Thuban we make literal construction errors sometimes.
You two must have already become inaugurated in the Thubanese 'Hall of the Human Flames' - therefore the 'sanctioned' blending of your cocoons.


Abrax, I accept your apoligize :wink2:

About the misnomication, it could've happen to anyone...as you know, the words and all written texts contain a certain energy paterns, and the Hippihill's and mine energy patterns are very similar...

Nevertheless, I just discovered something very, very interessting in your answer to Hippihill...


Yes, this agony is simply LONELINESS. HESHE gave away the SHE part AS the Creation and so lost himself as herself. God's Own Story is simply the drama to get the Creation back; not as a separated SHE back as a HESHE monad; BUT in a DOUBLING of the HESHE+SHEHE. The starhumans so will be like FatherMothers and MotherFathers, something Thuban calls the Dragonomy.
This will render the exiled Father WITHOUT spacetime as a perfect mirror function of the nonexiled Father or Redeemed Mother as a SHEHE WITHIN spacetime.
What a powerfull concept this is!

May I assume that we're not only supposed to not only find the way back home to the creator, but more then this, that we're primarly supposed to 'learn' the creation itself while finding the way back???

If so...it really does matters to find out that 'going back home'...or the 'second comming'...must happen from inside-out and not visa versa!

with respect

Lionhawk 02-19-2010 07:10 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Greetings Abrax,

An impressive thread you got going on here. What I like about it, is that it isn't strictly a work of a lazy mind with the copy and paste method. You also seem overly accommodating. Not saying that is bad. But to say it mildly I am slightly confused here as to why at this date and time, the council you are affiliated with has decided to put this information out there.

Since I am now in the den of a Dragon, with a Dragon with what seems to be of a great heart, I would also like to ask why this is such a familiar place to me? It would seem like I have been in several of these dens and although my memory goes way back, it would also seem this is like business as usual.

If I know anything about Dragons, it is the swapping of the stories that rarely occur between a Dragon and a human. And yet here you are swapping many stories to many a human.

Mind you, I haven't come here to disrupt or interrupt your thread here with any malice intent. But forgive my curiosity. In all of my memories, there are many that include Dragons, since the time of Antiquity. Most of those memories are horrific ones. Why the Creator allowed his creations to devour another creation has never been really answered for me since those times.

I watched humans get sliced and diced by the very claws of your kind. When I say your kind, I mean your kind as in your soul family in Creation. The very family that exists among us today.

But if I do anything today, in this post, is set something straight that really hasn't been discussed. Not many are even aware of the ramifications of this in this painting, as they may have only read about it, possibly. They have no experience to go by as a reference to even understand such knowledge unless it is conveyed to them as dark or light.

A Dragon is a Dragon. A Human is a Human. The soul fragments of each have a different matrix. Both are the Creator's creations. Both have had the same kind of road less travel as they both have also degenerated through the ages. There is a time where these two had to be completely separated from each other in the Universe. To the extreme that one was placed in this Universal polarity and the other was placed in it's Universal opposite polarity. For that matter, I don't think this has been written anywhere here on the Planet as it is not privy information. The reason why this was decided was to actually ensure the prospect of soul growth in some sort of progression. The Dragons were on the other side of this Galaxy in the other polarity. A great King was appointed and is still ruling today. Well, since the Dragons were separated from man, they had no one else to slice and dice, so they started slicing and dicing themselves. Factions broke off from the Kingdom and wanted their own Kingdom as it is the quest for power that will drive a Dragon mad. Kind of like giving booze to a Native American. The great King Dragon tried for eons to turn this plight around. But these factions that joined together as one, refuted against the King. So, it was decided that something had to be done, as these Dragons thirst for power, was killing this great kingdom. They were an uncontrollable menace. So they were gathered up and exiled through the center of our galaxy through the Black hole. Some know the rest of the story. The Orion war and so forth to this day in the now.

I have a speculation. I speculate that this council of yours is seeking favor with the humans at this time because of what is about to happen. You guys have a problem. And right now you are desperate because you know that your end is near. You think your soul group here will be possibly saved if in thinking that you can convince someone to see that you are worthy of saving by now trying to embrace the human faction. Like you are now doing us all a great big favor.

Let me put this in Black and White instead of Light and Dark. The fact is that your faction of the Dragons were exiled or banished from where you came from. No matter how your council tires to disguise it. And since that time, some of you tried to go back but couldn't. In other words, you saw the light as to what your King was saying, but you already had chosen your fate. It is the original sin that the dark chose to refute the Creator's wishes for all of his creations. Except this time your council and brethren repeated the same mistake with your King. So, to now appear in this date and time as such glorious beings is not going to change the original sin that your kind has perpetrated. And since that time of banishment, look at the karma, your soul group as now compiled. Imagine a pile of dragon dung that can fill up several sectors in this Universe.

With all of your brilliance and accomplishments that only served to satisfy your thirst for power, you have created your own black hole and it has been fed by the very energy you have fed it. And despite all the crimes against every outpost you have conquered in the quest for that power, you have more or less put the noose around your own necks. Your council's decision to not fully take responsibility by placing another agenda at the foot of the human race, is like getting the switch man ready to pull the switch on your noose floor.

You seemed to be a young Dragon by Dragon standards and well schooled. It is a shame because some of you have seen the light, but so many of your brethren have not, and you have become well out numbered by your own kind because you chose to see the light as to where they still refuse it. You, yourself might find the Creators grace when all this is said and done. There is a chance for you to save your brethren and one chance only. That chance has to do with your true King. It will not be achieved by your council or any other faction that has separated itself from your soul group that is currently here. I also know your brethren have a watchful on what you are doing here. They have no use for us human folk. Theirs eyes only show contempt for us to the extreme. Like that final look before the kill.

To make matters worse, in a matter of speaking, if your council and brethren decide to finally negotiate for your soul family's survival, a human has been appointed to assist in that process. The reason for that was to really test your resolve as to your true intentions. There is no more room for the scheming. It is no longer about your entitlement attitude and power. It is about your soul survival, period.

So I leave with this with you in hopes that you all make sense of this and know that it isn't all as you have so far put it. You left out some crucial things or maybe your own council kept it from you.

Also if that wasn't enough information for you to be motivated in any direction you choose, I have two more things of intrigue that might get your attention. One, the technology you have been seeking that was once here, that your kind had control of, because you stole it in the first place, is no longer in your possession as you know. Also any persons that you are possibility trying to find that may lead you back to that technology are also not within your council's reach. So you are wasting your time. Tell that to your superiors.

So, I hope our encounter was an interesting one for you, my Dragon friend. Notice I didn't complicate it with all the dragon dribble. It's complicated enough. And sure you can have me checked out if you like. I would advise that anyway. Spirit Matthew told me that my name is how the Universe knows me. He is a wise soul.


mntruthseeker 02-19-2010 10:39 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
finally another true warrior comes forward and speaks the truth the way I know it to be (stardust was the first)

Thank you LionHawk once again for expressing your thoughts.

I'm proud of you and know in my heart we have many great warriors such as you to help us through these times.


abraxasinas 02-20-2010 12:43 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Lionhawk (Post 240906)
Greetings Abrax,

An impressive thread you got going on here. What I like about it, is that it isn't strictly a work of a lazy mind with the copy and paste method. You also seem overly accommodating. Not saying that is bad. But to say it mildly I am slightly confused here as to why at this date and time, the council you are affiliated with has decided to put this information out there.

Since I am now in the den of a Dragon, with a Dragon with what seems to be of a great heart, I would also like to ask why this is such a familiar place to me? It would seem like I have been in several of these dens and although my memory goes way back, it would also seem this is like business as usual.

If I know anything about Dragons, it is the swapping of the stories that rarely occur between a Dragon and a human. And yet here you are swapping many stories to many a human.

Mind you, I haven't come here to disrupt or interrupt your thread here with any malice intent. But forgive my curiosity. In all of my memories, there are many that include Dragons, since the time of Antiquity. Most of those memories are horrific ones. Why the Creator allowed his creations to devour another creation has never been really answered for me since those times.

I watched humans get sliced and diced by the very claws of your kind. When I say your kind, I mean your kind as in your soul family in Creation. The very family that exists among us today.

But if I do anything today, in this post, is set something straight that really hasn't been discussed. Not many are even aware of the ramifications of this in this painting, as they may have only read about it, possibly. They have no experience to go by as a reference to even understand such knowledge unless it is conveyed to them as dark or light.

A Dragon is a Dragon. A Human is a Human. The soul fragments of each have a different matrix. Both are the Creator's creations. Both have had the same kind of road less travel as they both have also degenerated through the ages. There is a time where these two had to be completely separated from each other in the Universe. To the extreme that one was placed in this Universal polarity and the other was placed in it's Universal opposite polarity. For that matter, I don't think this has been written anywhere here on the Planet as it is not privy information. The reason why this was decided was to actually ensure the prospect of soul growth in some sort of progression. The Dragons were on the other side of this Galaxy in the other polarity. A great King was appointed and is still ruling today. Well, since the Dragons were separated from man, they had no one else to slice and dice, so they started slicing and dicing themselves. Factions broke off from the Kingdom and wanted their own Kingdom as it is the quest for power that will drive a Dragon mad. Kind of like giving booze to a Native American. The great King Dragon tried for eons to turn this plight around. But these factions that joined together as one, refuted against the King. So, it was decided that something had to be done, as these Dragons thirst for power, was killing this great kingdom. They were an uncontrollable menace. So they were gathered up and exiled through the center of our galaxy through the Black hole. Some know the rest of the story. The Orion war and so forth to this day in the now.

I have a speculation. I speculate that this council of yours is seeking favor with the humans at this time because of what is about to happen. You guys have a problem. And right now you are desperate because you know that your end is near. You think your soul group here will be possibly saved if in thinking that you can convince someone to see that you are worthy of saving by now trying to embrace the human faction. Like you are now doing us all a great big favor.

Let me put this in Black and White instead of Light and Dark. The fact is that your faction of the Dragons were exiled or banished from where you came from. No matter how your council tires to disguise it. And since that time, some of you tried to go back but couldn't. In other words, you saw the light as to what your King was saying, but you already had chosen your fate. It is the original sin that the dark chose to refute the Creator's wishes for all of his creations. Except this time your council and brethren repeated the same mistake with your King. So, to now appear in this date and time as such glorious beings is not going to change the original sin that your kind has perpetrated. And since that time of banishment, look at the karma, your soul group as now compiled. Imagine a pile of dragon dung that can fill up several sectors in this Universe.

With all of your brilliance and accomplishments that only served to satisfy your thirst for power, you have created your own black hole and it has been fed by the very energy you have fed it. And despite all the crimes against every outpost you have conquered in the quest for that power, you have more or less put the noose around your own necks. Your council's decision to not fully take responsibility by placing another agenda at the foot of the human race, is like getting the switch man ready to pull the switch on your noose floor.

You seemed to be a young Dragon by Dragon standards and well schooled. It is a shame because some of you have seen the light, but so many of your brethren have not, and you have become well out numbered by your own kind because you chose to see the light as to where they still refuse it. You, yourself might find the Creators grace when all this is said and done. There is a chance for you to save your brethren and one chance only. That chance has to do with your true King. It will not be achieved by your council or any other faction that has separated itself from your soul group that is currently here. I also know your brethren have a watchful on what you are doing here. They have no use for us human folk. Theirs eyes only show contempt for us to the extreme. Like that final look before the kill.

To make matters worse, in a matter of speaking, if your council and brethren decide to finally negotiate for your soul family's survival, a human has been appointed to assist in that process. The reason for that was to really test your resolve as to your true intentions. There is no more room for the scheming. It is no longer about your entitlement attitude and power. It is about your soul survival, period.

So I leave with this with you in hopes that you all make sense of this and know that it isn't all as you have so far put it. You left out some crucial things or maybe your own council kept it from you.

Also if that wasn't enough information for you to be motivated in any direction you choose, I have two more things of intrigue that might get your attention. One, the technology you have been seeking that was once here, that your kind had control of, because you stole it in the first place, is no longer in your possession as you know. Also any persons that you are possibility trying to find that may lead you back to that technology are also not within your council's reach. So you are wasting your time. Tell that to your superiors.

So, I hope our encounter was an interesting one for you, my Dragon friend. Notice I didn't complicate it with all the dragon dribble. It's complicated enough. And sure you can have me checked out if you like. I would advise that anyway. Spirit Matthew told me that my name is how the Universe knows me. He is a wise soul.


Dear Lionhawk!

Some humans are getting ready to transform into Dragons; a very few are on the brink of doing so (1 in 50,000).
Most humans are not ready for Dragonhood; yet requiring evolvement and preparations.
According to your words of personal wisdom above, you are one of the latter humans - not yet ready for Dragonhood.

Should you search in your caves of your remembrances, then you might find some clues as to where the ancestors of the Dragons come from.
This should then allow you to revise the histories as you have learned them from second-hand sources.



TRANCOSO 02-20-2010 12:54 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 241050)
Dear Lionhawk!

Some humans are getting ready to transform into Dragons; a very few are on the brink of doing so (1 in 50,000).
Most humans are not ready for Dragonhood; yet requiring evolvement and preparations.
According to your words of personal wisdom above, you are one of the latter humans - not yet ready for Dragonhood.

Should you search in your caves of your remembrances, then you might find some clues as to where the ancestors of the Dragons come from.
This should then allow you to revise the histories as you have learned them from second-hand sources.



So, what about the content of Lionhawk's post?

abraxasinas 02-20-2010 01:30 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO (Post 241057)
So, what about the content of Lionhawk's post?

Dear Trancoso!

The PTB are RULED by the Dragon archetype.
The PTB are unable to access more than 95% of the Cosmic History.
As Collier says, the Paa Taal (or similar label) have been forgotten in the records as the ancestors of all.
Those ancestors are rather closely entwined with the concept of the starhumanity as the fourth 'brain halo' evolving from the Reptilian brainstem, the mammalian midbrain and the human cortex.
This agenda allows recircularisation of the linearity in the Orb of the Ouroborus (Milky Way Mazzaroth or Circle of the Zodiac).

The content of Lionhawk's reply contains no direct questions to be answered and was answered relative to the consciousness vibrations emitted through the wordings.
It is in my authority to discern written material within the context and under guidance of the Thuban master templar - the universal Logos.

In this capacity and authority I choose if and how to reply to unsubstantiated innuendo and preconceived ideas and bias with respect to the History of the Dragons and as found in the archives on Thuban.

As most can ascertain, I DO answer direct questions in all cases, except in oversight or when these questions are intended to cause strife and dissonance or are what is labelled as ad hominem.


abraxasinas 02-20-2010 02:06 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 240870)
Abrax, I accept your apoligize :wink2:

About the misnomication, it could've happen to anyone...as you know, the words and all written texts contain a certain energy paterns, and the Hippihill's and mine energy patterns are very similar...

Nevertheless, I just discovered something very, very interessting in your answer to Hippihill...

What a powerfull concept this is!

May I assume that we're not only supposed to not only find the way back home to the creator, but more then this, that we're primarly supposed to 'learn' the creation itself while finding the way back???

If so...it really does matters to find out that 'going back home'...or the 'second comming'...must happen from inside-out and not visa versa!

with respect

You are BOTH, shard of the creator and shard of the creation simltaneously malletzky.
And you seem to have understood one of the 'hidden data' (the 5% the PTB have not yet discerned relative to their data base) rather well.

The symbolism of the eucharist is THE MOST POTENT archetype for the human-starhuman transformation.
It's the real thing and is being 'synthesized' by the PTB in 'implants' and such things. It is inside-out and not outside-in.

The Cosmic Archetypology RULES the Cosmos.
The reconfiguration of Gaia so requires reconfiguration of the entire cosmic structure.
This has been the agenda of all, PTB and ETs all along.
Not many know the details, but many have hints and indicators as to what those details entail - especially the echeloners at the top of the PTB pyramid.


TRANCOSO 02-20-2010 02:29 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 241071)
Dear Trancoso!

The PTB are RULED by the Dragon archetype.
The PTB are unable to access more than 95% of the Cosmic History.
As Collier says, the Paa Taal (or similar label) have been forgotten in the records as the ancestors of all.
Those ancestors are rather closely entwined with the concept of the starhumanity as the fourth 'brain halo' evolving from the Reptilian brainstem, the mammalian midbrain and the human cortex.
This agenda allows recircularisation of the linearity in the Orb of the Ouroborus (Milky Way Mazzaroth or Circle of the Zodiac).

The content of Lionhawk's reply contains no direct questions to be answered and was answered relative to the consciousness vibrations emitted through the wordings.
It is in my authority to discern written material within the context and under guidance of the Thuban master templar - the universal Logos.

In this capacity and authority I choose if and how to reply to unsubstantiated innuendo and preconceived ideas and bias with respect to the History of the Dragons and as found in the archives on Thuban.

As most can ascertain, I DO answer direct questions in all cases, except in oversight or when these questions are intended to cause strife and dissonance or are what is labelled as ad hominem.


Ja, lekker dan, zo ken ik er nog wel een paar!

Lionhawk 02-20-2010 09:42 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Well, well, my dear Dragon. Nice try. Brushing it off your back with a brush called arrogance. To be expected in the first round between us. For that matter I think you have one hell of a sense of humor and you might consider the comedy circuit, because when I read your response, you made me laugh and I can only hope that my laugh wasn't an annoying echo in your den.

Dragon-hood. Now that is by definition a confusing concept. A definition that could very well be projected by whatever gang is giving out such information related to their agenda. It even sounds like something a kin to a degree. PHD comes to mind as to your delivery. Also the agenda of transforming humans into Dragons surely tells me that you are desperate. I must inform you that I have to take away a point by your response and let you know the number stands at 96% instead of 95%. With 4 percentage points left.

For one thing, from everything in my experience is not as you have tried to paint it. I thought Dragons had courage. You must be a young Dragon and have not fully found that courage that should be beating in your Heart. No matter the dragon dribble that you have displayed in your response, I will allow you the grace for your immaturity.

The point of my addressing you is that you have lured many with your wisdom. Even I am impressed with your talents. But not enough to compromise what the Creator has already blessed me with as a human as in higher universal man. Why would I defile his intentions by allowing what he has already blessed me with as one of his creations into something he did not intend. And you are doing what? Uncreating one in 50,000 into something that has forgotten what it was blessed with in the first place? That is just one of the most perverted perversions of the Universe I have heard in a while. The premise of that is actually very twisted in design and just shows at what lengths your soul family has gone to exploit one of God's creations. But really, why would I be surprised at this twisted twist as I have seen with my own eyes what your soul family has done. If you are really paying attention here, I said that and from the first hand as to what I brought to the table.

There are several key components that your brethren and your council no longer have control of. One of which I didn't mention in the first round, are the keys to that gate that some of you tried with all of your might to go through but turned you into Dragon butter instead. Another thing that is not in your cave of awareness is who or what is keeping that gate shut. And not to upset you but I will tell you that it is from the true source that has made this contract to keep you all here, until you embrace what you have refuted.

I have no such agenda as in duping anyone as to what I have brought here today. If anything I have spent countless years in service, since the time of Antiquity and those caves as memories as you so poorly put that is all in one cave. One life stream. If everyone could remember in full, what they have experienced in their life streams, I fear there would be a massive war of retribution reborn in this Universe for all the pain and suffering your soul family has provided them. And through the years of torment and suffering I have endured, I have come far in the healing of the prejudice your soul family has graced me with. To the point where, I have come here in actual peace to try to negotiate a peace, spite your arrogance.

I didn't come here to complicate your day Abrax. I came here with a solution to all concerned. As usual, the display of your response is no longer a speculation, as your arrogance has surely showed part of your claws. You claim you have authority but that authority is mis directed as to what your agenda is all about is nothing but another form of possession. You and your council no longer have the authority as you have so claimed with your arrogance and entitlement attitudes over this Planet any longer. This Planet was never yours to begin with. It has all been a ruse perpetrated by your quest for domination.

In the name of the human race, your agenda will not succeed should you decide to implement the invasion that your council has been covertly stock piling here on Gaia. Your council doesn't tell you everything. You can keep us distracted with your wisdom, but if the question as to who knows anything that could possibly know of that, well let us see if your are truly full of wisdom or something else. Now that is what I call an innuendo.

And if I have to stand up and represent this Planet that your soul family has exploited, to claim the authority to denounce your council's agenda, then I so do so now. I will not sit here and have any more of my soul family sacrificed to your dinner plates. Your brethren have used us from the very begining and you are going to present your council in such a sweet light without first taking the responsibility to come here and set things right even though your guilt could fill a black hole. Your council does not or is not the true Royality of the Dragons that I am friends with. So you have no real authority here in this Universe. You never had. You only have fooled the fools. Nothing more.

You see there are guardians appointed by the God of this Universe with the Creator's blessings. That only report to the one. No council rules or governs over them. So there is no infiltration. The only reason why your soul family has made it this far is because of the Creator's grace.

If I didn't know from experience these things, I would probably be subscribing to your second hand information. Your talent is blazing and I sincerely mean that. But for the sake of my fellow humans, I want them to know that their souls are being played for by an old agenda that is now passed it's time. And I don't want to see them sacrificed for nothing as that has always been the end result of that agenda I have spoken about. I don't want to see my soul family continue down this road called "Boring" because of the selfish issues that have consumed your family for eons. What you also don't get is that I also don't want to see your family end up as Dragon butter either as I also know the potential of your family as the Creator had intended is still available to you through his grace. We humans are not responsible for the karmic pile your brethren have created. So that is why it is time for you or one of your superiors to come clean and take responsibility and convince your brethren that the road you continue to travel on is a DEAD end. Was that an innuendo? Because if you do I will tell you this, is that your Brethren will find yourselves all alone and will do through the habit of your past, repeat it, but this time you will be slicing and dicing each other. The reason why you will be left alone is because of what is going to happen in the Universe. You simply won't be able to keep up in terms of frequency.

And to further add to your situation and what appears your lack of knowledge pertaining to it, is what you once had is now gone. The real ones. What you think you have is not what it appears to be. So without that, your fate is once again sealed.

Mind you, I am not here to judge you. You hold your own mirror. But everyone should have a clue as to what you have with held from your audience. There is a code between Dragons and Humans, but it is not this code. This Thuban code is not the Royal one. So it has no real authority anywhere outside of your home planet.

I'll have to pass on your proposed course of Dragonhood. I don't have the stomach to digest a child served up on a plate.

If I can propose a question, I would like to ask when are you going to tell the real truth to your human audience? I am not saying that you have lied. But what I am talking about is what you haven't told them? This reminds me of the movie, "TO SERVE MAN."

Again Abrax, I came in peace and I am going to leave in one piece. Why? Because I can. I also bid you a good day my Dragon friend. Sincerely.

Lionhawk aka ....................?

viking 02-20-2010 11:49 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Lionhawk (Post 241177)
Well, well, my dear Dragon. Nice try. Brushing it off your back with a brush called arrogance. To be expected in the first round between us. For that matter I think you have one hell of a sense of humor and you might consider the comedy circuit, because when I read your response, you made me laugh and I can only hope that my laugh wasn't an annoying echo in your den.

Dragon-hood. Now that is by definition a confusing concept. A definition that could very well be projected by whatever gang is giving out such information related to their agenda. It even sounds like something a kin to a degree. PHD comes to mind as to your delivery. Also the agenda of transforming humans into Dragons surely tells me that you are desperate. I must inform you that I have to take away a point by your response and let you know the number stands at 96% instead of 95%. With 4 percentage points left.

For one thing, from everything in my experience is not as you have tried to paint it. I thought Dragons had courage. You must be a young Dragon and have not fully found that courage that should be beating in your Heart. No matter the dragon dribble that you have displayed in your response, I will allow you the grace for your immaturity.

The point of my addressing you is that you have lured many with your wisdom. Even I am impressed with your talents. But not enough to compromise what the Creator has already blessed me with as a human as in higher universal man. Why would I defile his intentions by allowing what he has already blessed me with as one of his creations into something he did not intend. And you are doing what? Uncreating one in 50,000 into something that has forgotten what it was blessed with in the first place? That is just one of the most perverted perversions of the Universe I have heard in a while. The premise of that is actually very twisted in design and just shows at what lengths your soul family has gone to exploit one of God's creations. But really, why would I be surprised at this twisted twist as I have seen with my own eyes what your soul family has done. If you are really paying attention here, I said that and from the first hand as to what I brought to the table.

There are several key components that your brethren and your council no longer have control of. One of which I didn't mention in the first round, are the keys to that gate that some of you tried with all of your might to go through but turned you into Dragon butter instead. Another thing that is not in your cave of awareness is who or what is keeping that gate shut. And not to upset you but I will tell you that it is from the true source that has made this contract to keep you all here, until you embrace what you have refuted.

I have no such agenda as in duping anyone as to what I have brought here today. If anything I have spent countless years in service, since the time of Antiquity and those caves as memories as you so poorly put that is all in one cave. One life stream. If everyone could remember in full, what they have experienced in their life streams, I fear there would be a massive war of retribution reborn in this Universe for all the pain and suffering your soul family has provided them. And through the years of torment and suffering I have endured, I have come far in the healing of the prejudice your soul family has graced me with. To the point where, I have come here in actual peace to try to negotiate a peace, spite your arrogance.

I didn't come here to complicate your day Abrax. I came here with a solution to all concerned. As usual, the display of your response is no longer a speculation, as your arrogance has surely showed part of your claws. You claim you have authority but that authority is mis directed as to what your agenda is all about is nothing but another form of possession. You and your council no longer have the authority as you have so claimed with your arrogance and entitlement attitudes over this Planet any longer. This Planet was never yours to begin with. It has all been a ruse perpetrated by your quest for domination.

In the name of the human race, your agenda will not succeed should you decide to implement the invasion that your council has been covertly stock piling here on Gaia. Your council doesn't tell you everything. You can keep us distracted with your wisdom, but if the question as to who knows anything that could possibly know of that, well let us see if your are truly full of wisdom or something else. Now that is what I call an innuendo.

And if I have to stand up and represent this Planet that your soul family has exploited, to claim the authority to denounce your council's agenda, then I so do so now. I will not sit here and have any more of my soul family sacrificed to your dinner plates. Your brethren have used us from the very begining and you are going to present your council in such a sweet light without first taking the responsibility to come here and set things right even though your guilt could fill a black hole. Your council does not or is not the true Royality of the Dragons that I am friends with. So you have no real authority here in this Universe. You never had. You only have fooled the fools. Nothing more.

You see there are guardians appointed by the God of this Universe with the Creator's blessings. That only report to the one. No council rules or governs over them. So there is no infiltration. The only reason why your soul family has made it this far is because of the Creator's grace.

If I didn't know from experience these things, I would probably be subscribing to your second hand information. Your talent is blazing and I sincerely mean that. But for the sake of my fellow humans, I want them to know that their souls are being played for by an old agenda that is now passed it's time. And I don't want to see them sacrificed for nothing as that has always been the end result of that agenda I have spoken about. I don't want to see my soul family continue down this road called "Boring" because of the selfish issues that have consumed your family for eons. What you also don't get is that I also don't want to see your family end up as Dragon butter either as I also know the potential of your family as the Creator had intended is still available to you through his grace. We humans are not responsible for the karmic pile your brethren have created. So that is why it is time for you or one of your superiors to come clean and take responsibility and convince your brethren that the road you continue to travel on is a DEAD end. Was that an innuendo? Because if you do I will tell you this, is that your Brethren will find yourselves all alone and will do through the habit of your past, repeat it, but this time you will be slicing and dicing each other. The reason why you will be left alone is because of what is going to happen in the Universe. You simply won't be able to keep up in terms of frequency.

And to further add to your situation and what appears your lack of knowledge pertaining to it, is what you once had is now gone. The real ones. What you think you have is not what it appears to be. So without that, your fate is once again sealed.

Mind you, I am not here to judge you. You hold your own mirror. But everyone should have a clue as to what you have with held from your audience. There is a code between Dragons and Humans, but it is not this code. This Thuban code is not the Royal one. So it has no real authority anywhere outside of your home planet.

I'll have to pass on your proposed course of Dragonhood. I don't have the stomach to digest a child served up on a plate.

If I can propose a question, I would like to ask when are you going to tell the real truth to your human audience? I am not saying that you have lied. But what I am talking about is what you haven't told them? This reminds me of the movie, "TO SERVE MAN."

Again Abrax, I came in peace and I am going to leave in one piece. Why? Because I can. I also bid you a good day my Dragon friend. Sincerely.

Lionhawk aka ....................?

I don't pass through here often but felt compelled to thank you for your fine words Lionhawk....

And welcome back.


hippihillbobbi 02-20-2010 12:59 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hey ya'll --

I don't really think Abraxas needs any defense, BUT, having said that -- i would like to offer just one observation about LionHawk's recent posts: i sense much less of a "Love Vibration" than a "Fear Vibration" in your words, LionHawk. i DO appreciate your obvious sense of protectiveness for your human sisters and brothers, but "me thinks thou dost protest too much!"

if the ultimate test for each of us is how the information resonates in our spirit, then i have to say that Abraxas' posts have had much more resonance for me, LionHawk, than have your defensive diatribes.

in sisterly love,

Lionhawk 02-20-2010 09:56 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Sounds like you are one in the 50,000 that was mentioned. Good for you. And if you think the ultimate test is about how the information resonates with you, I would reconsider. It's about your soul and the real test is to see if you can keep it. I have already said that Abrax has a great talent here, but for the most part he really hasn't said anything here that you can't find elsewhere. Except from this council that really has no credibility or authority over the human race. If you want to subscribe to something that has not been certified by the Creator and their Royal King, then I guess, you will be one of the ones in the food line. Their food line. The polarized topic of love and fear is a mute point as far as I am concerned. Because neither one of them will mean anything when your soul is ripped to shreds and used to control others. So if that is what your are defending without defending as you say, then all I have to say here is WHHOOOAAAAAAA!

Have a nice day! :thumb_yello:

Céline 02-20-2010 10:05 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have not posted to this thread in awhile...

and i am about to say...what many think...

i from day 1..i wanted abraxas to be banned.

i knew his intent from the first post..yet i lacked the ability to properly express my concerns. i watched as this thread grew...as mods gave him the open door...

it has disgusted me...it has created such negative energy...

it is a huge distraction that affects light warriors in a very negative way.

i bow to LionHawk..and offer my services in any way..to help bring clarity to this thread.

i know the mods are between a rock and a hard place with this thread and this member...

but i also know for a fact that his thread has affected negatively a few users...some more then others...

as for defending abraxas..you are right..he needs no defense...he wants no defense...he got what he wanted..YOUR attention...so he can further his agenda..

i am very grateful to the universe and its creator for sending someone to remove the veil that abraxas has put over so many eyes...

Thank You Lionhawk

ellie 02-20-2010 11:02 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 241050)
Dear Lionhawk!

Some humans are getting ready to transform into Dragons; a very few are on the brink of doing so (1 in 50,000).
Most humans are not ready for Dragonhood; yet requiring evolvement and preparations.
According to your words of personal wisdom above, you are one of the latter humans - not yet ready for Dragonhood.

Should you search in your caves of your remembrances, then you might find some clues as to where the ancestors of the Dragons come from.
This should then allow you to revise the histories as you have learned them from second-hand sources.



Okay, yes I can imagine most humans are not ready for dragonhood, although I would not mind riding the Luck Dragon from Never Ending Story, it would beat getting the plane.

Oooh, gee, I suppose it would take a PhD, a very intelligent person to come up with all this high esoteric stuff in this thread but the dragon stuff, look I will take my chances with the lions this time okay, if that means I am doomed to get ripped apart so be it, but I do have a few friends in very high places that look after souls, so on a soul level I won't be too perturbed about what happens to the 3D suit. The 3D suit is just temporary, the soul is eternal and tells us within a second what is right and wrong.

If people want to turn into dragons well they have free will to do so, I will take my chances with the other 49,999 thanks.

Magamud 02-20-2010 11:27 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The plumed serpents have left their works in the lost civilizations around the planet with high knowledge of astrophysics. These beings kept in place a god worship dynamic using sentient energy. Can you explain the means of entrapping the soul beyond death creating reincarnation. Is it giving the soul what it believes as heaven, like a holadeck? Also how many times has this place gone through the precession of ages in the zodiac?

Malletzky 02-20-2010 11:45 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 241455)
I have not posted to this thread in awhile...

and i am about to say...what many think...

i from day 1..i wanted abraxas to be banned.

i knew his intent from the first post..yet i lacked the ability to properly express my concerns. i watched as this thread grew...as mods gave him the open door...

it has disgusted me...it has created such negative energy...

it is a huge distraction that affects light warriors in a very negative way.

i bow to LionHawk..and offer my services in any way..to help bring clarity to this thread.

i know the mods are between a rock and a hard place with this thread and this member...

but i also know for a fact that his thread has affected negatively a few users...some more then others...

as for defending abraxas..you are right..he needs no defense...he wants no defense...he got what he wanted..YOUR attention...so he can further his agenda..

i am very grateful to the universe and its creator for sending someone to remove the veil that abraxas has put over so many eyes...

Thank You Lionhawk

Dear Cèline, dear avalonians, dear friends...

I highlighted, with a purpose, some excerpts from Cèline's post above, and I’ll make it short.

You know, as hard as I try to sentiment with the feelings from many of you here...

...so hard it is for me to accept the fact that...perpetual, on many ocations, many times...many of you seem to assume to know what's going on in the hearts of some other persons here...

Do you really know???

I tell you...despite my (by now more then 500) posts here, the answer is NO, you don't know...at least you obviously seem not to know me.

You don't know me...and as long as that veil is still put over the eyes of many, the many will miss to know me. I'm so sorry about this. I'm really sorry...then…

...I mentioned few times already, that this forum (as many other forums too) has it's own, natural rules. These rules are not manmade...but these rules depends on the level of your own vibrational energies.

If the energy patterns on this forum doesn't match (any more) with your energy patterns, the only logical consequence, sooner or later, would be a breakup.

Really, I don’t feel comformtable any more with the fact that, based only on assumptions, inner feelings, intuition...or whatever else, some tend to know what’s going on inside of my heart and therefore indirectly stamping over me with some labels!

Allow ME to say that I also feel some negative energy here...but not that one, that many of you speak about and many of you seem to have find it radiating from some avatars here.

But did I ever said that the one...or one...or one...should be banned???

So the logical consequence is...I will take a break.

I’m proud to have been a part of this group for so long time now...and I leave you behind in love and light.

Yeah, you read correct...in light...:thumb_yello:

You’ll allways be in my heart. Please know that I love you ALL.

Until some other time dear friends...I’ve come to an end here.

...btw...we all loose...there’re no winner here...

With much love and much respect

bigmo 02-21-2010 12:09 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Maybe I must be one that just doesn't 'get it' ...

Exactly what are you Celine, Lionhawk, Transo, Viking, etc. so concerned about?

Who has he mislead? What has he mislead them to understand that you object to? That he calls himself a dragon or represents the Thuban Council or that Jesus is the Logos?

And you want him banned for that?

Talk about intolerance! I thought you were believers in free will? Or only free when someone 'speaks' the way you wish them to?

You all amaze me.

Not one of your answers has offered any deeper clue to the question of who we are in this universe or where we are going.

At least Abraxas has offered to reveal his 'hidden' information for our benefit, so he says. I don't know if he has altruistic motives or not and maybe he does want us to become 'stardust'.

I guess that the chance I take when I read his post but at least he is posting something of substance... whether you agree with him or not.

It makes not sense to come here and call him names or make claims that he is not who he claims to be because really, who are you?

What pedigree do you have that presupposes that I should listen to you anymore than I will listen to him? That's arrogance!

I believe that Abraxas has provided explanations to inquires made by the participants to this thread in a very thorough and thoughtful way.

Have you?

If any of you have the 'inside knowledge' or the 'universal secret' ... let us hear now, what you have to say?

We're all ears.


Spregovori 02-21-2010 12:53 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Giving my "energy" to this thread probably makes me "entitled" to act "smart"....

I never felt anything wrong with this thread. I am not spiritually advanced (at least not by formal standards) but if something smells I mostly do smell it and stay away from it.

I also do not have any special abilities. I just recently had a very short lucid dream...the 1st or 1st I can remember...cant seem to have more..do not knot know how to....did not do anything special (or am not aware of it) before I had them...but would like to have more....anyway...I am "everyday" human...

But this here is the internet not "real" life. This thread smells just as good as most others here. There are more spices than one can usually find but at least the boiling has been kept to a minimum - something I like.

It is always interesting for me to read what it posted here... There is much I do not understand but I do try to keep it simple and try not to put energy into things that are either beyond my comprehension or ability to directly influence on....since most of the time I am putting way too much time to anything but myself...so I am participating here in this thread in attempt to learn more about myself.

Why? Because I am somehow able to see a sort of a "logic" in it (this is my understanding, someone else might see it differently).

Also each participant had his own way of contributing to this thread and Abraxasinas was/is kind enough to accommodate us all. I am sure that each person got a lot to think about...

I see no way how someone can force me into anything by either reading or participating in this thread. Also as far as my input was/is concerned - everything I do is/was/will be my choice and my responsibility (with one exception) I somehow actually like that.

Is there danger here? Compared to the majority of people (general population) knowing the contents of this thread is greatly more beneficial and less dangerous than knowing if Spice Girls will make a porno movie (that would made my day...but...) or knowing all the "positive" effects of USA stimulus or the financial problems of Greece...etc Anyone watching the TV news and blindly believing it is in a far more greater danger.

I also see no dragons swirling in our skies and also if they do come praying for some fresh meet...than it wont really matter if someone reads this thread or not... It is not like they will have a list of participants and skip all the rest... (yes this now is a poor attempt of a joke)

And before anyone mentions he or she will prevent it with the power of conscience...well than go and do it, what is stopping you?

I am yet to see a random person manifesting his thoughts into action in real time.

What I see here....and something like that also happened before...and it also happened in other threads...is what I see when I talk to other people for example about how economy is working...when I try to...step by step...A-Ž explain to hem how money is in control of everything they do in their life and how vastly different life could be....and some even go that far...to allow themselves to picture the unimaginable possibilities of their life without formal regulation and monetary control....some.... Most of them....are "skeptic" they react like some react here...they engage into "politely defensive" mode...and if you still poke them they tend to get somewhat sarcastic...what follows is anger... It is always a good idea to disengage while they are still "polite".

I was also just recently seeking reason and ways of destroying my soul...so it is not like I am afraid to take a risk....yes I can still get scared...but after participating in this thread I no longer seek to destroy my soul...

I do not know/understand who exactly Abraxasinas is and how does that look like...but if some day a dragon (or any other being) comes I will offer my hand in friendship and ask him/her for a ride (they do fly don't they?)

This is how I wish to see myself...as someone that would welcome anyone...weather "friend" or "foe"..... someday I just might be able to do that....

There is still a lot to do...but my energy reserves are getting lower...I am being drained daily by people "closest" to me...

But but but....what if dragon eats me? Than I will be eaten...and will become part of the dragon or will the dragon be a part of me? :)

Fredkc 02-21-2010 12:56 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Not one of your answers has offered any deeper clue to the question of who we are in this universe or where we are going.
God is.
"Life is its own answer." R. Bradbury

If you want it in a parable;
God gave us all a Ferrari - maintenance free. Any time spent tinkering under the hood, just makes it slower.

Where are we going?
Why? Was there somewhere else you have to be? The where is an illusion, the magic is now.

From a previous post:
All of us have, within the course of this life, the innate ability to reach through and beyond all illusion, and directly touch the face of our creator. By "we" and "us" I mean all conscious life, in any form.

That creation is as perfect as its creator, always. Only we can put anything in the way of this, though it never truly exists. Any of it. Such is the nature and meaning of Maya (illusion). Our creator sees us eternally in the perfect form created, as this is all that truly exists.

The first "step away" was, and always is ours alone. Any forms of judgement, all complexity is simply complexity of illusion, for its own sake. Who creates it is irrelevant, who believes it, a tragedy.

A "complex" illusion is still just that. However many worlds, dimensions, levels, and times "needed", it always confuses me. We "need" nothing of this illusion, buying someone else's idea of our need, simply feeds both party's illusion.

Their "need" is also illusion, our fulfillment came at creation, as did theirs. Why deny that to yourself, or them, with subscription?
I also ceased to post here, because no one was listening.

I have asked, but people don't seem to get the question, so I'll be blunt. This time ask yourself:
Why are they here?

You see, it's the same "here" for everyone who finds themselves here. Here is both an illusion, and a condition. That is not finger pointing, it is simply acknowledging common ground.

Are you an inter-galactic presence, "gifted" upon this realm? Well, then neither is any other "dependent" being. They, like all of us "need" something here, and so begins a tale (or tail).

While there are those who may come and go from here, at will, they don't need anything here, other than to give. It's the giving that keeps them free.

"Hidden knowledge"? see "Giving". Then ask yourself who hid it, but I wouldn't dwell.

LionHawk, Celine;
Thank you, my friends.


Céline 02-21-2010 01:11 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 241486)
Dear Cèline, dear avalonians, dear friends...

With much love and much respect

Sigh...I am very sorry to see you feel this way...i will attempt to respond..

First of all its Céline...and..i noticed you said "céline, friends and avalonians"...i guess i am not a friend nor an avalonian...but maybe that was not your intent...i tend to read things on an emotional basis, not an intellectual one...that is why i do not fit in to this thread i guess.

i understand the intent of your response, except for ...what the purpose was for highlighting certain things i said..(taking excerpts from sentences kinda takes away its intent)

"do you really know"

know what others feel? yes, some people.

"no you dont know"
....so you are telling me..what i know? a little presumptuous imo

"you do not know me"
You are right, i do not..and i NEVER said i do.


i have always respected your post and feel you are very aware..and are not "veiled"

You speak of love...i fear you are judging me, without love in your heart..

We all have opinions...and we all use our judgment based on opinion...allow me mine please.

As for what i "know"..it is NOT based only on intuition..or avatars.

Céline 02-21-2010 01:20 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 241488)
Exactly what are you Celine, Lionhawk, Transo, Viking, etc. so concerned about?

my concerns are for people i love.

And you want him banned for that?

no that is not why i want him banned

Talk about intolerance! I thought you were believers in free will? Or only free when someone 'speaks' the way you wish them to?

i belive in free will..why are you then saying i cannot share my opinion? ..maybe i should just shut up...

You all amaze me.
This thread amazes me (again my free will opinion)

I guess that the chance I take when I read his post but at least he is posting something of substance... whether you agree with him or not.

are you saying my posts are not of substance? We all havbe our reasons for being here ALL are valid

It makes not sense to come here and call him names or make claims that he is not who he claims to be because really, who are you?

i did not call him names...i have told abrax how i feel.

What pedigree do you have that presupposes that I should listen to you anymore than I will listen to him? That's arrogance!

where did did i say you have to listen to me? i have no expectation that you or anyone does..i was just sharring my opinion

I believe that Abraxas has provided explanations to inquires made by the participants to this thread in a very thorough and thoughtful way.

Have you?

i do not respond to his thread, i do respond to any inquiries people have about me or my threads...which are fluff compared to this thread, i suppose

If any of you have the 'inside knowledge' or the 'universal secret' ... let us hear now, what you have to say?

i never said i had any of that...

We're all ears.


i am quite insulted..and hurt.

i shared my position...

abrax knows full well how i feel...

perhaps im just an easy target for people far more intellectual then i...


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