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Firstlook 02-07-2010 07:22 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 234654)
Sure Joey!

Here is an introduction to the 'Unified Field Theory' of Thuban in somewhat 'easier to digest' mathematical formalism.
I have kept the semantics qualitative, but indicated the Genesis of the Genesis in terms of description, rather than mathematics.


Thank you Abrax. Like you at the moment, I am a messenger.:wink2:

I want to ask about the idea that certain knowledge is seeded within psychedelics that are sent to planets to help with understandings about ourselves and the nature of reality. What is your knowledge of this theory, that civilizations encode the chemicals and plant them into different planets? If this is true, what races have done this?


Spregovori 02-09-2010 07:43 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hei Abraxasinas

I have a question... something happened to me for the 1st time and it is too "exotic" for me to explain it to myself...

Your thoughts on this would be very welcome.

I am not making this up, it did happen and it surprised me.

A few days ago on 5-6.2.2010 (dd.mm.yyyy) the time between Friday and Saturday i had a dream:

at about 8:00-8:15 am gmt+1 i woke up and decided to put everything down on a digital paper...before i forget it.

I had a dream it was in my house with the usual hard to figure out happening in my head...inside of my house was like some research laboratory...and than...zombies attacked (i know and no i can not tell how and why) and i killed one with two screw drivers and i got a very detailed look at my "hand work" than i rushed out into the room (that looked like the real one) there was my mother (i think it was my mother i did not have a good look at her) and it was something about a zombie baby and i took her hand and told her we need to go..and we exited the house via the actual exit that exists (but not main exit) than we were running and i figured i am running in the same direction (around the house) as i would be if i exited via main exit (which was "dangerous") on the actual road that exists...and i though to myself: "why am i doing this, this is stupid" and than i saw some strange "post-apocalyptic" dwellings by the road that do not exist...than while running pass the front yard i saw three large vehicles parked on it...one of them being a big blue garbage truck and I thought to myself: "wtf, this can not be, why are this on our yard" (i know our yard...there are no such things on it)...and than while still running i thought to myself: "this is **** it is like in a movie" and than we reached the fire station area (which really exists)...where i experienced another dream...dream I know...i am 100% sure i had before at least 1 time...there were different people on different transportation vehicles/devices driving around the area in front of the fire station...and i remember one of them telling me...that...(i can not remember exact words) that: "this is not real and that i can go back" So i decided to go back home (without second guessing the advice) where the zombies are (mother was there all the time).

Just at the point where i was to go start going back...i said to myself in dreams: "this is not real i am dreaming"


everything went "blank", everything was gone but me...there was nothing but me...it felt like i was alone in infinity

i wanted the ocean to appear and the beach but was not able to do it...i tried hard but could not do it...than i stopped trying and realized if feels like i am in the air in this "state" where there was nothing but me....i always wanted to fly...like the time i was little and i could "fly"....and there i was flying over the road of some city with all the necessary detail....there was even music around me or in the "background" and it felt fantastic...i was flying.....but it was over very quick and i found myself flying very high towards some mountains and there were smaller airplanes around me and i was faster than them...and than i was back at some other city (this "jumps" were beyond my control) and than i wanted to stop so i stopped flying but i noticed that wile i am still levitating in the air...the earth beneath me is moving and i wanted earth to stop moving but failed and that also woke me up or perhaps it was some other noise... (my "home" environment is not exactly what one could call private...calm and peaceful)


this is how i remember it...this is how it happened... i think i did not dream i have a lucid dream and that i actually had one...a first one...or at least a 1st one i can remember so clearly....upon realizing...with help from others in my dream...that i am dreaming...it was like someone pushed a switch...i felt it in my head...still felt it the first moments after i woke up.....it was different...it was a holodeck under my control (not entirely though) and it seems that it is easier to create something via feeling than by demand....it was just so very hard to maintain control...it was over...so very quickly... :(

i liked it and i wish i could do it more often...

i did some thinking and i think it was the dream environment (house i live in and the immediate area around the house) that helped me to realize that something is not "right". i am extremely familiar with how things "really" are...and that i believe somehow triggered me to be suspicious...that started the dream at the fire station...where i was somehow helped to realize it is not real. i have a feeling i was at the fire station before but most likely failed to get past it....

I did not use any self-suggestions (affirmations?) before the sleep or anything....I do not recall/remember anything out of the ordinary that Friday or the time before i went to sleep. I have 0 idea about how that happened and how to make it to happen again.

I am especially interested in what it felt like...being alone in infinity...i acted very human and wanted an ocean and a beach...etc...instead i could explore that "infinity" or whatever it was. Also all that time it felt like i am almost or very close to being awake.

I wish i knew how to recreate the experience...how to do it again...

I cant help myself to think that the second dream (fire station) i was helped to realize that i am dreaming...not sure who the helper was/were (was it my "other self" ?)

The last few nights were usual...void, confusion, and a headache....

What purpose do headaches serve?

btw, I hope you are feeling ok and doing some good work

hippihillbobbi 02-10-2010 04:09 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Abraxas --

Hope everything is well with you. :wub2:

I have been a Christian (Roman Catholic) all my life and feel i have had the fortunate experience of having had good teachers at a formative age. So -- this "upbringing," plus the obligatory tour through "new agey" type thought in the 70's, combined with some charismatic/pentecostal theology thrown in for good measure (!) as well as basic study of eastern (Buddhist, Taoist) philosophy -- these comprise the main threads of my religious education.

for some reason i felt like i should put the following statement in that context : my main problem with "orthodox" Christian theology is the concept of "substitutionary atonement." i DO believe that Jesus' life-death-resurrection is a pivotal event in human history, and an understanding of its significance has been pivotal in my spiritual growth and development. Yet, i could NEVER feel comfortable with the idea of God the Father demanding a "perfect blood sacrifice," in his Son's death.....to compensate for all human beings' failings throughout eternity. (Thankfully, there have been other ways for me to interpret the significance of Jesus' crucifixion in my life!) So anyway, perhaps you can imagine my delight in coming across these passages in one of the readings listed on your website. I thought maybe you could comment on these thoughts for us. Thank so much, AA.

"Below is the unedited dictations of Yeshua, channneled to Helen
Shucman and in cooperation with William Thetford. These channelings,
of course, made up A Course in Miracles."

"If the Crucifixion is seen from an upside down point of view, it
certainly does appear AS IF God permitted, and even encouraged, one of
his Sons to suffer BECAUSE he was good. Many very devoted ministers
preach this every day. This particularly unfortunate interpretation,
which actually arose out of the combined misprojection of a large
number of my own would-be followers, has led many people to be
bitterly afraid of God.

"This particularly anti-religious concept happens to enter into many
religions, and this is neither by chance nor coincidence .....

The real Christian would have to pause and ask "how could this be?" Is
it likely that God Himself would be capable of the kind of thinking
which His own Words have clearly stated is unworthy of man? .....

"Sacrifice is a notion totally unknown to God. It arises solely from
fear of the Records. This is particularly unfortunate, because
frightened people are apt to be vicious. Sacrificing others in any way
is a clear-cut violation of God's own injunction that man should be
merciful even as His Father in heaven is merciful."


abraxasinas 02-11-2010 06:09 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Firstlook (Post 234754)
Thank you Abrax. Like you at the moment, I am a messenger.:wink2:

I want to ask about the idea that certain knowledge is seeded within psychedelics that are sent to planets to help with understandings about ourselves and the nature of reality. What is your knowledge of this theory, that civilizations encode the chemicals and plant them into different planets? If this is true, what races have done this?


Hi Firstlook!

The universe is electromagnetically about 19.14 billion years old, but appears to be about 13.8 bilion years old inertially.
This is because electromagnetically, the universe is always oscillating at lightspeed, but expands at less than lightspeed in its matter content.

The local galaxy crystallized as one of the oldest galaxis at a cosmological redshift of z=1.19 so 4 billion years after creation and so 15 billion years ago electromagnetically and so 8.4 billion years ago inertially.

The local starsystem crystallized about 4.6 billion years ago, with the earth created shortly (about 40 million years) thereafter.

The 16.876 billion year coordinate is rather important, as it mirrors the Gaian evolution in the PRESENT objectivity in its NODAL IMAGE crystallization.

So the (electromagnetic) Age of the Universe minus the Nodal Age, will give you the IMAGE EARTH in blueprint AND the OBJECT materialised EARTH as the average value between a maximum at so 4.59 billion years for the starsystem and a minimum at so 4.48 billion years for the emergence of the planet. The average so is about 4.53 billion years and as measured by radiactive carbon/uranium dating and similar.

So how does this relate to your question?
Half the age of the earth is about 2.27 billion years and so the mirror function for the Gaian lifeform evolution became manifest so 2.27 billion years ago.
It is known scientifically, that at that time the earth's atmosphere became oxygen enriched, so allowing flora and fauna lifeforms to become terrestrial in flowering plants and aquatic eukaryotes emerging on land (say as amphibious lifeforms).

This evolution was both, naturally experimental and harmonious in duality expressions.
So for every 'poisonous chemical' there existed or evolved an 'antidote'.
This evolution is ongoing and even if a 'synthetic' biochemistry is introduced (like the HIV virus); then after some time, 'nature' will evolve a 'natural' antidote.

This was the case with the AIDS virus, where so 10 years after its introduction, HIV negative babies were born to HIV positive mothers.

Specific data in regards to 'dotes' and 'antidotes' are common nous in indigenous populations. This information is then sequestered and manipulated by pharmaceutical companies, which produce the drugs in varoious forms; often disharmonizing a natural biochemical balance in chiral and antichiral ingredients of the natural 'drug'.
This disharmonization then causes the 'side effects'.

Particular drugs for particular effects are tabulated in many sources you can then find on the web or in books or in the other appropriate medias.


abraxasinas 02-11-2010 06:26 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 235955)
Hei Abraxasinas

I have a question... something happened to me for the 1st time and it is too "exotic" for me to explain it to myself...

Your thoughts on this would be very welcome.

I am not making this up, it did happen and it surprised me.

A few days ago on 5-6.2.2010 (dd.mm.yyyy) the time between Friday and Saturday i had a dream:

at about 8:00-8:15 am gmt+1 i woke up and decided to put everything down on a digital paper...before i forget it.

I had a dream it was in my house with the usual hard to figure out happening in my head...inside of my house was like some research laboratory...and than...zombies attacked (i know and no i can not tell how and why) and i killed one with two screw drivers and i got a very detailed look at my "hand work" than i rushed out into the room (that looked like the real one) there was my mother (i think it was my mother i did not have a good look at her) and it was something about a zombie baby and i took her hand and told her we need to go..and we exited the house via the actual exit that exists (but not main exit) than we were running and i figured i am running in the same direction (around the house) as i would be if i exited via main exit (which was "dangerous") on the actual road that exists...and i though to myself: "why am i doing this, this is stupid" and than i saw some strange "post-apocalyptic" dwellings by the road that do not exist...than while running pass the front yard i saw three large vehicles parked on it...one of them being a big blue garbage truck and I thought to myself: "wtf, this can not be, why are this on our yard" (i know our yard...there are no such things on it)...and than while still running i thought to myself: "this is **** it is like in a movie" and than we reached the fire station area (which really exists)...where i experienced another dream...dream I know...i am 100% sure i had before at least 1 time...there were different people on different transportation vehicles/devices driving around the area in front of the fire station...and i remember one of them telling me...that...(i can not remember exact words) that: "this is not real and that i can go back" So i decided to go back home (without second guessing the advice) where the zombies are (mother was there all the time).

Just at the point where i was to go start going back...i said to myself in dreams: "this is not real i am dreaming"


everything went "blank", everything was gone but me...there was nothing but me...it felt like i was alone in infinity

i wanted the ocean to appear and the beach but was not able to do it...i tried hard but could not do it...than i stopped trying and realized if feels like i am in the air in this "state" where there was nothing but me....i always wanted to fly...like the time i was little and i could "fly"....and there i was flying over the road of some city with all the necessary detail....there was even music around me or in the "background" and it felt fantastic...i was flying.....but it was over very quick and i found myself flying very high towards some mountains and there were smaller airplanes around me and i was faster than them...and than i was back at some other city (this "jumps" were beyond my control) and than i wanted to stop so i stopped flying but i noticed that wile i am still levitating in the air...the earth beneath me is moving and i wanted earth to stop moving but failed and that also woke me up or perhaps it was some other noise... (my "home" environment is not exactly what one could call private...calm and peaceful)


this is how i remember it...this is how it happened... i think i did not dream i have a lucid dream and that i actually had one...a first one...or at least a 1st one i can remember so clearly....upon realizing...with help from others in my dream...that i am dreaming...it was like someone pushed a switch...i felt it in my head...still felt it the first moments after i woke up.....it was different...it was a holodeck under my control (not entirely though) and it seems that it is easier to create something via feeling than by demand....it was just so very hard to maintain control...it was over...so very quickly... :(

i liked it and i wish i could do it more often...

i did some thinking and i think it was the dream environment (house i live in and the immediate area around the house) that helped me to realize that something is not "right". i am extremely familiar with how things "really" are...and that i believe somehow triggered me to be suspicious...that started the dream at the fire station...where i was somehow helped to realize it is not real. i have a feeling i was at the fire station before but most likely failed to get past it....

I did not use any self-suggestions (affirmations?) before the sleep or anything....I do not recall/remember anything out of the ordinary that Friday or the time before i went to sleep. I have 0 idea about how that happened and how to make it to happen again.

I am especially interested in what it felt like...being alone in infinity...i acted very human and wanted an ocean and a beach...etc...instead i could explore that "infinity" or whatever it was. Also all that time it felt like i am almost or very close to being awake.

I wish i knew how to recreate the experience...how to do it again...

I cant help myself to think that the second dream (fire station) i was helped to realize that i am dreaming...not sure who the helper was/were (was it my "other self" ?)

The last few nights were usual...void, confusion, and a headache....

What purpose do headaches serve?

btw, I hope you are feeling ok and doing some good work

Hi spregovori!

You are beginning to enter your LUCID DREAMSTATE.
This is a natural development for individual souls which have begun remembrances about their 'natural states'.
The most natural state of the soul is that of being 'free' to experience and to create.
This awareness of the self is most often entered in the dreamstate of being consciously aware of being able to fly and this also often occurs in the OBEs.
The creative soul KNOWS, that the environment in the astral is subject to emotion; hence the emphasis of FEELING in Images, instead of THINKING the images in the normal rational waking consciousness.

Your zombie image became the superposition of the waking reality (of ordinary people interacting) of forgetfulness. So you 'killed' an aspect of your own ignorance or forgetfulness in that imagery.
Your mother seemingly running away with you, yet remaining in the old house exemplified this 'old state of forgetfulness' also.

Because this dreamstate experience of yours was introductory, the blending of your subconscious (dream-alpha-state) with your waking consciousness resulted in your headache as the physical manifesto for that intersection of ordinarily separated consciousness selfstates.


Firstlook 02-11-2010 06:49 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you Abraxasinas for your response to my last question.:original:

Could you offer any information you have about periods in which Gaia in 3D, experienced rapid (periods of days and weeks) geographical change? Perhaps you could explain the history of the rapid changes in a time-line? How many of these abrupt periods are there?

Thank you very much.


abraxasinas 02-11-2010 06:57 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 236399)
Dear Abraxas --

Hope everything is well with you. :wub2:

I have been a Christian (Roman Catholic) all my life and feel i have had the fortunate experience of having had good teachers at a formative age. So -- this "upbringing," plus the obligatory tour through "new agey" type thought in the 70's, combined with some charismatic/pentecostal theology thrown in for good measure (!) as well as basic study of eastern (Buddhist, Taoist) philosophy -- these comprise the main threads of my religious education.

for some reason i felt like i should put the following statement in that context : my main problem with "orthodox" Christian theology is the concept of "substitutionary atonement." i DO believe that Jesus' life-death-resurrection is a pivotal event in human history, and an understanding of its significance has been pivotal in my spiritual growth and development. Yet, i could NEVER feel comfortable with the idea of God the Father demanding a "perfect blood sacrifice," in his Son's death.....to compensate for all human beings' failings throughout eternity. (Thankfully, there have been other ways for me to interpret the significance of Jesus' crucifixion in my life!) So anyway, perhaps you can imagine my delight in coming across these passages in one of the readings listed on your website. I thought maybe you could comment on these thoughts for us. Thank so much, AA.

"Below is the unedited dictations of Yeshua, channneled to Helen
Shucman and in cooperation with William Thetford. These channelings,
of course, made up A Course in Miracles."

"If the Crucifixion is seen from an upside down point of view, it
certainly does appear AS IF God permitted, and even encouraged, one of
his Sons to suffer BECAUSE he was good. Many very devoted ministers
preach this every day. This particularly unfortunate interpretation,
which actually arose out of the combined misprojection of a large
number of my own would-be followers, has led many people to be
bitterly afraid of God.

"This particularly anti-religious concept happens to enter into many
religions, and this is neither by chance nor coincidence .....

The real Christian would have to pause and ask "how could this be?" Is
it likely that God Himself would be capable of the kind of thinking
which His own Words have clearly stated is unworthy of man? .....

"Sacrifice is a notion totally unknown to God. It arises solely from
fear of the Records. This is particularly unfortunate, because
frightened people are apt to be vicious. Sacrificing others in any way
is a clear-cut violation of God's own injunction that man should be
merciful even as His Father in heaven is merciful."


Hi hippihill!

On the highest levels of creation, the level of the source and the logos, there is no such thing as 'karma' and 'sacrifice' and 'atonement'.
On that level, there is only the source energy labeled as Love and the potential to EXPRESS this Love-Energy in whatever creative avenue presents itself in imagination and in imagery, say words and symbols and hieroglyphs.
This is why thought is followed by emotion/feeling about the thought is followed by (often ingenious) implementation and creation of the 'emotional thought'.

Jesus of Nazareth was one of many; BUT he remembered himself as existing before spacetime creation and THEREFORE, not because of any supernatural preconditions, did he MANIFEST the Cosmic Logos, hithereto laying dormant for anyone to 'take up as a CROSS' and to carry in the manifestation of this Logos aka the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek'.

Jesus so became the 'Office Bearer' of the Cross and his crucifixion was the physical manifesto of the office and had nothing whatsoever to do with 'atonement for sins=ignorance' and such dogmatic labelings.
Thousands of people were crucified by the Romans, but only Jesus COULD USE his own physical death to OVERCOME the grave in PHYSICALLY resurrecting.

There is a very simple reason as to WHY Jesus could 'overcome physical deterioration'.
Ordinarily, people who die, suffer decomposition and decay of their physical shells.
This then frees the soul, who then CONTINUES its evolutionary journey through the astral (hyperspace) and say the etheric (quantumspace) colocal dimensions until it potentially reaches the 'source-space' (omnispace) of the mythological heaven or nirvana.

Jesus KNEW, as the Cosmic Logos, that he had nowhere to go. He could not continue his own quest to 'find the source' on the soul level, because he was already AS ONE with the nirvana ('I am in the bosom of the father and the father dwells in me in the kingdom of heaven' and such statements of his).

So after 'death' Jesus' 'ghost or spirit' became as One with the ENTIRE UNIVERSE {John.19.30}.
This is simply the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics applied not just to the familiar electron say, but to all the atomic and subatomic 'particles' which comprised Jesus' physical bodyform.
The physical realism of the resurrection so is nothing 'supernatural', but advanced quantum theory.

The importance of the crucifixion is so simply the FULFILMENT of the archetypes and as found in the Old Testament/Torah, which Jesus had studied and deciphered in preparation for the fulfilment of the timeline.
This is why refereces such as:
'..so the scriptures are fulfilled'; ...'as it was written'; ...'..everything shall pass awaym but my words shall not pass away'..etc. etc. are so prevalent in the New Testament.

The records of the channelings of 'A course in miracles' are ok in generality, but not complete in its claim of being the 'words of the holy spirit'.


Initiate 02-11-2010 07:34 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxas,

The search for truth has lead me to path of Kabbalah and on investigation I feel strongly that Jesus must have had a background in this "Science". Apparently it was the teaching that Abraham gave in his tent probably around the time of Thubin as the pole star. The science supports your discourse. So I guess you could say this is a thumbs up to what you have shared. This video supports your number theory:

this path of knowledge found me which is interesting. Indeed as I seem to be working below so work is being done above both heading for the middle road.

I just want to say thanks for sharing your information.



Malletzky 02-11-2010 11:31 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abrax, the fact that whenever you post e new reply here there's a kind of trigger and possible explanations for some 'issues' which I'm still trying to understand, is pretty astounishing. Therefore...

...I would have two more questions for you.

First for the bellow:


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 236750)
Hi spregovori!...Your zombie image became the superposition of the waking reality (of ordinary people interacting) of forgetfulness. So you 'killed' an aspect of your own ignorance or forgetfulness in that imagery....


Back in the mid 90's, there was a time span of about 16-18 months when I had pretty wild dreams of killing a lot of people in a kind of wars. I just had a machine gun in my hands and I killed them all, in many different dreams...Back at that time too, I was one of the persons with many fears of many, many things...

So, I was (and still am) wondering what this could have mean, as I've never been an aggresive person, nor I was in any war...

Remarkable...and strangely...but not long after these dreams stopped, a process started in which I became what I am today...a much, very much different person, without any fear...to cut the story here, I became ME as I know ME and as you know ME!

Now, If I follow the analogy in your answer to Spregovori, then I must assume that back then, 'I was killing' all other aspects of I AM, that should've evtl. stand on the way in the process of my 'awakening'.

Is there any truth in this analogy of mine?

...and second, to this:


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 236756)
Hi hippihill!

On the highest levels of creation, the level of the source and the logos, there is no such thing as 'karma' and 'sacrifice' and 'atonement'.
On that level, there is only the source energy labeled as Love and the potential to EXPRESS this Love-Energy in whatever creative avenue presents itself in imagination and in imagery, say words and symbols and hieroglyphs.
This is why thought is followed by emotion/feeling about the thought is followed by (often ingenious) implementation and creation of the 'emotional thought'...


I've never ever in my life fellt that I have to deal with any 'karma'. This is something which I can't grasp at all...at least not, when it concerns ME.
(I am however, aware that 'what goes around comes around', if I can label karma that way. And that karma really could occur...if some circumstances allow).

Now, there could be two explanations, or both of them are correct, when it comes to the fact why I don't think that 'karma' could affect ME.

The first explanation would be the fact that I don't have any feelings or memories of any previous lifes in this evolutionary cycle...(which fits the informations I got from two sources, that my last 'appearance' here should've been back in the times of Atlantis).

The second explanation...well, you just delivered a possible one, and this is another of the so called 'aha-moments'.


On the highest levels of creation, the level of the source and the logos, there is no such thing as 'karma' and 'sacrifice' and 'atonement'!
Wow...really, what a great 'aha-moment' for me!

Could it be, that I'm beginning to 'tap' in this highest levels of creation...free from any boundaries, free from anything? (or is it only my ego speaking here?)

Anyway, I feel no presence of any 'karma'... so why not?

Thanks in advance for your short reply and opinion.

with :wub2: and respect

abraxasinas 02-11-2010 02:35 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 233286)
My dear Abraxas,


Dear Abraxas,
Is it true that our sun Sol is only capable of sustaining life on 3D Earth for say another 50 years or so, or is it just doom-and-gloom talk? What are the sunspots we see (from our 3D perspective) in reality or I guess in a higher D? I do think suns could be cool in higher frequencies. Some say there are 12 planets inside the sun. What can you tell us about this? http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/The_Sun_Is_Cold_I.htmhttp://www.davidpratt.info/hollow.htm#wi Will Earth ever have 2 suns and if so, when? Could it be that the new Gaia will become like a new sun (star) in the sky to the 3D Earth?

Hi Julissa!

The sun Rahsol is about 4.6 billion years old as a type G2V dwarf typical main sequence star on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

Its fusion energy derives from the mass into energy conversion (hydrogen into helium) of so 4.3 million tonnes per second and so the sun will lose about 1% of its mass of 2x10^30 kg in so 150 billion years.

As the sun will remain on the main sequence for about 10 billion years, the present age of the sun is about halfway as a G2V star, before it evolves into a red giant in about 5 billion years.

There are a number of things, people should know.

1. The Sun in 3D harbours specific physical characteristics.
a) The Core Temperature is about 16 million Kelvin
b) The Surface Temperature is about 5800 Kelvin
c) The Corona Temperature increases from the (cool) surface to 2-5 million Kelvin

The physicist's explanation for the 'unexpectated' hot corona are magnetic vortices and 'fieldlines' inducting the energy via corona mass ejections and the sunspot cycles (two 11 year halfcycles). This is often termed 'Magnetic Reconnection', possibly linked to Alfven Waves.

2. The Sun in 4D (and higher) harbourts a Solar Black Hole 10 kilometers across at its core.
a) This Solar Black Hole communicates with the planetary Black Holes of the solar system including the golfball size Black Hole art the earth's center
b) The 4D solar energy interacts with the 3D solar energy via geometrical archetypes

The Thuban omni-science has discovered the reason for the sunspot cycles.

From the Thuban archives:

A local universe about a star forms a Black Hole-White Hole dyad of ellipsoidal focalisation of the Eps-Ess duality for 2 Chandrasekhar (White Dwarf Limit) masses of 6x10^30 kg=3 time Mass of the Sun. This ratio of 1.5 is important for the inner-outer penetration of the solar syrface to 2/3 depth and 3/2 coronal halo of the radius.
(The dyadic supermembrane as a soursesink modulates frequency as inverse time being a time constant).

The Solar Frequency Fsol=c/Wavelengthsol of the Star in three 120 degree sectors.
The isoceles triangle for this trisection so defines a Solar Chord of
Sqrt(3).Rsol adjacent to the two radii Rsol, as sin60deg=Halfchord/Rsol.

Then Fsol=lightspeed/(Sqrt(3)/2)=600 million seconds/1.732..~346,410,162 seconds or 4009.4 days or 10.98 civil years.
A halfchord so defines a 11 year sunspot cycle doubling to 22 years for the full chord with the size of the star a simple proportion of the Black Hole's Photonic Ergosphere (1.5 times from the event horizon), and where photons are 'forced by gravity' to travel in orbits around the sun.

So the 4D Sun ENCOMPASSES the 3D Sun and inducts the energy from the core to its coronal perimeter via the mass-magnetocurrent equivalence APPEARING in 3D as coronal ejections, the magnetic reconnections and the Alfven waves.

The sunspot cycles are like a 'heartbeat' or breathing of the solar entity, harbouring intersolar lifeforms as 4D sentiences also utilizing the sunspot magnetic current vortices as conduits from the solar core to the coronal perimeter.

The 'materializing' geometric shapes (one the Eagle of Thuban) derive from the 4D energy manifesting 3D shadows, independent on the temperature environment.
(Like a shadow cast onto a wall from a hot object is not itself as hot as the object casting the shadow).

A basic geometry is that of a corner in your room, joined by three perpendicular vectors, each of say unit length.
Now form a 3D tetrahedron in joining the three vectors to form an equilateral trianle.
The resulting Corner of your room is now 'sealed' by a socalled 'Right-Angled Tetrahedron'.
Note, this is NOT a 'Regular Tetrahedron' as one of the five Platonic Solids and where all four triangular faces are equilateral.

Summararily then, the UFOS around the Sun are from the Sun's Interior, but are 3D shadows of their 4D reality INTERDIMENSIONAL and encompassing the observed 3D (say by SOHO).

Yes, Gaia will become a Starplanet, radiating a 'Dark Light' as electromagnetic emission at the 3x10^30 Hertz frequency and at the worhole wavelength of 10^-22 meters after the golfball sized Black Hole at the planetary center 'turns inside out' to render the Black Hole Sink-Receiver a White Hole-Source-Emitter.
This so will complete Gaia's evolution as 'dark energy absorber' and render this absorption a new energy source at the center of the planet, so rendering it a starplanet.

The idea and archetype of Nibiru and of the binary sun Nemesis so converge in the renaming of the old planet Gaia 'ascending' into starplanet status called Serpentina=In A Serpent according to the Thuban labeling.

This is an excerpt from: http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com/word/wingmaker.pdf [The term “old soul” is an example of this fallacy in perspective. There is no such thing as an old, or, for that matter, young soul. Soul is not an entity of spacetime. It is not conditioned by time. Soul doesn’t improve with age any more than it degenerates with age. Soul is a constant unto itself, however, when soul dons the vessel of the mind, emotions, and physical body (i.e., human instrument), it does become a subject of spacetime, but only in the view of a single lifetime. ] When you mentioned that indigos are “old souls” did you mean it as in they having more physical incarnations under their sleeve compared to non-indigos?

This is just wordplay. Yes, the soul is a constant as a shard of the creator-creation and yes, all souls are as old as the universe itself, say 19.1 billion years in electyromagnetic toroidal topology.
And yes, an 'old soul' refers to one that has experienced physicality in the earth plane for a longer linear time perception, than has a 'young soul', who has not experienced many such earth-plane incarnations.

Can the totality of a human being exist below the 4th dimension?

Yes, this totality exists in all dimensions, even the null dimension of the void=eternity. Humanity collectively IS All That Is.

Do you think our generation will live to see the secrets hidden in the vaults of the Vatican?

Yes, those secrets are already known for the ones that seek and discern the 'leaks'.

Do you think this could happen before the shift?

Not generally. There will NEVER be an official disclosure of those secrets classified under the label of 'national security'; as this would amount to 'political suicide' or 'lost individual integrity and honour' and similar labelings.

I’ve noticed a somnambulist person is hypnotized-like or in a deep trance even with his eyes opened. Is it dangerous to talk to a person while he sleep-walks?

This depends on the individual situation and like any 'medicinal' symptom should not be generalised.

Some say the whales and dolphins will no longer be required to stay on Earth after the shift because the new Starhumans will be able to start anchoring cosmic energies then. Is this true? Will they stay on the old Earth?

The cetaceans are the physical representation of the ETs known as Pleiadeans and so contact with say the seven sisters (Barbara Marciniak is a channel largely supported by Thuban) will correlate and blend the ET-sentience with the cetacean sentience in physicality.

During OOB experiences why do some see their silvercord and others don’t? Could it ever break if you go “too far away” from your body? Could it break or be broken by someone/something if it’s not your time to die?

The silver cord is an old archetype of interdimensional connectivity and intersection, which has largely become replaced by the more 'modern' archetype of the wavefunction quantum entanglement in a holographic universe (matrix movies, simulation and holograms, holedecks etc. etc.).

What happens to the soul of the person who dies from an atomic blast as compared to any other form of dying?

The transition is rapid and without trauma in the unification of the tripartite consciousness of waking-sub-super. All souls are in a manner superconsciously aware of their death experience before incarnating into the consciousness divisions of the forgetfulness.

What does it mean “to exit this reality at 90 degrees”?

The 4th dimension in space (as the 5th in spacetime) is at right angles say to a corner of a cube.
So because the 3D perception cannot 'picture' any extension of the existing 3D; the 4th dimension will become selfintersecting with any of the 3 perceptible ones of length, width and breath. This then creates the 6D hyperspace a 3 possible coordinate directions, one of those becoming the 4th density so called.

What are Orbs? In the attch pic (Taken on a clear night at a friend's house) I see many orbs and also some white stuff. What do think it is?

These orbs are the manifestation of the 4th density as a shadow or projection from the 4D hyperspace.
The UFOs etc, if not manmade in 3D, all will appear as such projections in a lightform, then able to plasmerize as 4D projection.
Only after the 4th space dimension has opened up (in the Black Hole-White Hole Inversion), will the UFOs become truly physical in the 6D hyperspace coinciding with the 3D Linespace. It is like the doubling of the universal volume as a higher dimensional surface mathematically and geometrically.
This is well known in advanced mathematical physics, such as applied to knot theory and the Moebian Twists in Penrose Twistorspacetime of 7D.

On this interview http://www.4dshift.com/7thdru.htm Drunvalo talks about a possible storm that never goes away "Plants go crazy, and food then becomes one of the most important commodities." I guess such sudden ice age (like the ones that killed the dinosaurs) will kill billions. Could this be caused only by a pole shift or is he talking about a timeline that we'll no longer experience? Since you said a physical pole shift will not happen, Is this "northern freeze" prospect anywhere on the Thuban records?

Most generally, the last ice age was about 12,000 years ago and the glacial and interglacial periods are modelled on a variety of cycles related to solar evolution, ocean currents, airflow, magnetic pole wanderings and so on.
The trouble is that these cycles (say a 41,000 year Milankovitch cycle linked to precessional angle deviations and a 100,000 year Milankovitch cycle linked to orbital eccentricities) are extrapolated from the present configuration of the solar system and so will be unreliable as superpositioning onto the evolution of the solar system.
As all individual palnets engage in higherD consciousness evolvement as well as that for the starsytem collective, the Newtonian clockwork universe become inapplicable for such extended time periods.

The predicted 'pole shift' IS the Black Hole-White Hole inversion and NOT a flipping of the earth upside-down (an event which would destroy the earth in 3D as a relatively stable planetary biosphere fluctuating about means of equilibria).
The magnetic pole reversal has occurred previously and would temporarily render the electromagnetic communication systems unusable.

The Thuban probability analysis shows that the magnetic poles will reverse, but because of the Black Hole-White Hole Inversion, this will become 'antiflipped' and after a period of disfunctionality, the present electromagnetic grid could be reestablished.
Iow, the old earth will experience a double-flip of magnetic polarity in a say halfweek disruption of the electromagnetic planetary grid.

What are human clones? Could they be around and look just like everyone else? Do they have souls? Is it fair to say that a clone is a sort of robot? If so, could a robot get a soul?
Did the Mayans ascend en mass?

The Thuban perspective on cloning is that of what is scientific reality in the biophysics of the nonhuman lifeforms is applicable to the humnoid.
So the cloning of 'Dolly the sheep' by nuclear transfer of soma cellular material into an oocyte (developing egg cell with its own nucleus removed) indicated that the 'telomerased age' of the soma cell then implanted as a blastocyst into a surrogate mother manifests as a 'genetic age' after birth.

The 'clone' so does not become a robot, but a genetic duplicate of the somatic donor.
In terms of the 'soul' as a unique individualised electromagnetic monopolar field; a new individuality would thus be created from the DNA/RNA template of the genomic template.
This geneticism would however be restricted to the genetic gene expression of the physicality and remain distinct from the 'soul'- expression of the donor.

Iow, your clones would all look like you in physicality as defined by your own conception, BUT would all become INDIVIDUALISATIONS of the preconception parental energies, basically unrelated to your individual metaphysical evolvement, but sharing your parental ancestries in patriarchy and matriarchy.

The Maya did not ascend physically, but the group consciousness did leave the Gaian sphere after establishing the 'World-Tree' and say as described in the Calleman cosmology of the 10 tiers:
3)-Tun=360=20Vinals~0.99 CY for 13Tun~12.8 Civil Years CY = 13 Ancient Years
4)-Katun=7,200=20Tun~19.7 CY for 13Katun~256.3 CY
5)-Baktun=144,000=20Katun~394.3 CY for 13Baktuns~5,125.4 CY
6)-Pictun=2,880,000=20Baktun~7,885 CY for 13Pictun~102,507 CY
7)-Calabtun=57,600,000=20Pictun~157,703 CY for 13Calabtun~2.05 Million CY
8)-Kinchiltun=1,152,000,000=20Calabtun~3.154 Million CY for 41 Million CY (x13)
9)-Alautun=23,040,000,000=20Kinchiltun~63.08 Million CY for 820 Million CY (x13)
10)-Hablatun=460,800,000,000=20Alautun~1.26 Million CY for 16.40 Billion CY (x13)

The purpose of the Maya so was to manifest the cosmic archetypology as a nested or holofractal cosmology from the age of the universe to the cyclic day/kin count.

Why do some stars twinkle and others don’t? Are they all stars?

Stars twinkle because they are seen through layers of atmosphere, are optically contracted and so display refracted light. There are many astronomical objects, which are not classified as stars, but which can reflect, rather than emit their own light, such as moons.

According to the Thuban records, what caused the planet Marduk/Tiamat to explode?

It is a 'failed' planet, either defined by the insufficient agglomeration of mass or the scattering impact by some other large celestial object (compare formation of earth's moon below).

In terms of the mythology it is simply the old archetype of the 1st Order becoming twofold in 2nd order (with an INTERNAL polarity bifurcation), then resulting in 3rd Order in the EXTERNALISATION of the polarity in manifestation.
Null Order=The undifferentiated Chaos (say)

1st Order: Undifferentiated Polarity
Greek: (Eros+Abyss/Tartarus+Night/Erebus)+Gaia=Uranus+Gaia
Egyptian: Ra+Apep in internal mirror images Yang/Yin=...
Mesopotamian: FreshWater of Apsu/Yang+SaltWater of Tiamat/Yin=Nammu=...

2nd Order: Internally differentiated Polarity as Unity
Greek: Titans, in six males with six females say from Oceanus with Tethys
Egyptian: Shu=Father Sky+Tefnut=Mother Earth
Mesopotamian: Lahmu+Mummu=Lahama

3th Order: Externally differentiated Polarity
Greek: Titans led by Cronus with Rhea
Egyptian: Geb=Father Earth+Nut=Mother Earth
Mesopotamian: Anshar+Kishar

4th Order: Beginning of the Generations of the Gods and Goddesses
Greek: Olympians, led by Zeus+Hades with Metis/Consorts+Consorts
Egyptian: Osiris+Isis with Set+Nephthys twinships etc.
Mesopotamian: Anu+Ki into Enlil+Ninlil+Ea/Enki+Dumkina

The male semen=essence=fresh water=ground water so follows the order of Uranus/Ra/Apsu---Titan/Shu/Lahmu---Cronus/Geb/Anshar---Zeus,Hades/Osiris,Set/Anu,Enlil,Enki---...
The female essence=salt water follows the orders of Gaia/Apep/Tiamat---Titaness/Tefnut/Lahama---Rhea/Nut/Kishar---Metis,Hera/Isis,Nephthys/Ki,Ninlil,Dumkina---...

Marduk is the son of Ea+Dumkina and like Zeus (or Horus as the son of Osiris+Isis) challenges the 'old order' in Cronus (or Set, the usurper of Osiris), the usurper of Uranus; Marduk challenges the 'murder' of Apsu (who wished to eliminate the younger gods) by Ea in Qingu+Tiamat.

Sin is the son of Enlil+Ninlil (as Anubis the son of Set+Nephthys) and continues the 'cosmic twinship' archetype of Anshar-Anu and Enlil-Enki in Marduk-Sin in the external polarisation leading back into unification in the third generation.

The fourth generation will so result in this unification in 'The Queen from Heaven' in Innana=Ishtar=Esther (biblical)=Mary=Venus=Aphrodite say as the daughter of Sin+Ningal and 'twinbrother' Utu/Shamash. As Aphrodite then Ishtar can reclaim the primordial creation, having been 'unnaturally' created from the foam of the primordial waters as the genitals of Uranus (compare Isis substituting Osiris phallus after it had been eaten by a 'Spider of Set').

Was it really a water planet?

No, this associates the above creation mythology of the 'waters' with the natural icyness of the Oort comets.

What can you tell us about the people who lived there?

No 'people' ever lived on Marduk/Tiamat as a 'failed' planet of agglomeration or as 'failed' planet of say an impact collision.

What can you tell us about Jupiter's moon Europa?

Europa has an oxygenated atmosphere, albeit not biologically generated like on earth, but by atmospheric physics and a subterranean ocean. So 3D extraterrestrial life could assume the form of thermophiles (sunlight independent bacteria) and free oxyen could form by cosmic ray bombardment of Europa's surface topology. From this the early terrestrial evolution of archaea to fish vertebrata can proceed.

Europa so represents the 3D environment in the solar system today most suitable to harbour lifeforms as we know them.

For more info websearch Europa - moon of Jupiter.

What kind of beings live on Ganymede?

Interdimensional ETs.

Is Iapetus artificial like our moon?

The moon is NOT artificial, neither is Iapetus.

And was it ever used as a weapon like a "Death Star"?


Why does Mercury not have a moon?

Same reason Venus has no moon. It is too close to the sun and strong solar tides would destabilize any gravitationally 'captured' satellite.

What determines if a planet is to have a moon or not and the amount of moons it has? Is it true that our moon was "towed" to its present location? How are natural moons formed?

Moons can result from the collision of a parent planet with an incoming large asteroid-like object relatively early in the evolution of a solar system. In the case of the earth, a Mars sized object crashed into the yet hot and molten earth so 100 million years old and after the impact distributed the greater mass in the centripetal forces of the rotation dynamics.

The moon was NOT 'towed' by ETs to its present location. One can say however, that the impacting celestial object was 'manouvered' by ETs to give the necessary parameters of size and inertia.
One such parameter was required to align the 0.5 degree of angular sizes of the Moon and the Sun to allow the phenomenon of eclipses to occur.

Is it possible that a moon could expand into a planet? What made our moon to have an almost circular orbit?

No, the moon, as is cannot expand and its orbit is a consequence of the celestial physics.

Will the Earth ever grow rings like Saturn? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoz5Q2rGQtQ

The earth has 'rings' now in the Van Allen belts and atmospheric regions like the Troposphere and the Stratosphere. Saturnian like rings would require a more massive earth to tidally and gravitationally distribute some incoming object (comet or asteroid) in such a manner (see below).

Why is Saturn the only planet in our solar system that has rings? Are these rings a sort od shield or protection?

Those rings are basically purified ice crystals and dust particles and are much younger than Saturn, the planet. They represent the remnants of a icey comet from the Oort cloud and asteroids, which were captured by Saturn's gravity say 100 million years ago and then became tidally distributed into this ring structure by utility of celestial mechanics.

In a hypothetical, will these rings affect humans in the same way our moon does?


How do the rings affect the inhabitants of Saturn?

The inhabitants of Saturn are not 3D creatures, but interdimensional sentiences using the rings, gases, atmospheres etc to manifest in a predominantely gaseous physicality.

Why does menstruation and specially childbirth have to be always painful for women? Will it always be like this?

The degree of painfulness differs amongst women in 3D and the fertility cycles will likewise differ in the lightbodies. Some babies are born with greatly diminished pains underwater for example.
The lightbodies EXTEND the 3D bodies; they do NOT replace them.

I believe you mentioned procreation will still be the same after the shift. If Starhumans will be brand new She, He, HeShe, and SheHe’s, will they still have menses in the higher dimensions?

If the 3D biology is invoked, then the biochemistry will prevail. The restrictions of the 3D life will however be alleviated relative to the 'energization' of the 4D bodyforms. Same so goes for eating and drinking, elimination and so on.
The biovitality will be more refined as the requirement for food will be greatly diminished, especially in solid forms. Yet it will be possible, as for example Jesus did eat fish in the lightbody {John.21.13}.

Will they become androgynous in a short time (like some star people look like), or will this be a biological evolution that requires many generations to accomplish?

As Paul writes: "In the twinkling of an eye, we shall all be changed."

Why does the moon have so much control over women's moods?

Because it embodies the female principle as 3rd order celestial archetype. The femine REFLECTS the light from the masculine as lightgiver.

What will happen to them if we ever have two moons?

Multiple moons as planetary satellites require a change in the celestial mechanics, just as is the case for binary suns. What you term zodiacal magnetomonopolic enegy inductions so would become reconfigured in a resdistribution of archetypes. This then would require redefinition of geometric patterns in the DNA/RNA etc.

Is it true that eventually Starhumans could be born older than babies do now, and not from inside a woman?

No, starhumans are simply evolved humans, who can utilize the 4th spacial dimension through their lightbodies.

Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman, prostrate yourselves on your faces and worship him. That one is your father."

This means the starhumans, who have realised their origins as 'parts and sondaughters and daughtersons of the father' in say the 'Family of God'.
This can only occur if the Jesus-template is multiplied to allow this template to manifest in said starhumans. Then the Father will become a FatherMother (then WITH a physical universe - before creation it was, but WITHOUT that creation). Then the manyness of the 'Cosmic Christening' will allow the FatherMother to become a GrandFather+GrandMother in 1st order and allow the Starhumans to become the Father(Mothers) and the Mother(Fathers). So you are actually 'prostrating' yourself before your own unified selfhood.

At what level of consciousness do humans start procreating from outside their bodies?

Depends what you mean with procreating - sexual intercourse between lightbodies will enhance, not diminish the sensual experiences of 3D bodies as 4D bodies. The cosmos is sexually supercharged on all levels.

This brings me to another inquiry: Do humans get physically taller as they move up in evolution/dimensions?


Can the use of technology like the Large Hadron Collider cause enough disruption as to prevent, delay or modify Earth's path of ascension or is Gaia always in complete control of her destiny?

No to the first question and yes to the second in the first order of definition.

How does a person
remember their cosmic ID or name? Could it dawn on a person, even if not consciously looking for it?

You may have one or many such names. You may either come across it someplace or seemingly invent it or dream about it.


Your welcome


abraxasinas 02-11-2010 02:45 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Firstlook (Post 236753)
Thank you Abraxasinas for your response to my last question.:original:

Could you offer any information you have about periods in which Gaia in 3D, experienced rapid (periods of days and weeks) geographical change? Perhaps you could explain the history of the rapid changes in a time-line? How many of these abrupt periods are there?

Thank you very much.


This is linked to the Milankovitch cycles for the recent georecords engaging the hominids with a general beginning say 20 million years ago (first old world monkeys characterised by a separate thumb).
Most generally, the last ice age was about 12,000 years ago and the glacial and interglacial periods are modelled on a variety of cycles related to solar evolution, ocean currents, airflow, magnetic pole wanderings and so on.
The trouble is that these cycles (say a 41,000 year Milankovitch cycle linked to precessional angle deviations and a 100,000 year Milankovitch cycle linked to orbital eccentricities) are extrapolated from the present configuration of the solar system and so will be unreliable as superpositioning onto the evolution of the solar system.
As all individual palnets engage in higherD consciousness evolvement as well as that for the starsytem collective, the Newtonian clockwork universe become inapplicable for such extended time periods.

For more data visit:


abraxasinas 02-11-2010 03:02 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 236830)
Hi Abrax, the fact that whenever you post e new reply here there's a kind of trigger and possible explanations for some 'issues' which I'm still trying to understand, is pretty astounishing. Therefore...

...I would have two more questions for you.

First for the bellow:

Back in the mid 90's, there was a time span of about 16-18 months when I had pretty wild dreams of killing a lot of people in a kind of wars. I just had a machine gun in my hands and I killed them all, in many different dreams...Back at that time too, I was one of the persons with many fears of many, many things...

So, I was (and still am) wondering what this could have mean, as I've never been an aggresive person, nor I was in any war...

Remarkable...and strangely...but not long after these dreams stopped, a process started in which I became what I am today...a much, very much different person, without any fear...to cut the story here, I became ME as I know ME and as you know ME!

Now, If I follow the analogy in your answer to Spregovori, then I must assume that back then, 'I was killing' all other aspects of I AM, that should've evtl. stand on the way in the process of my 'awakening'.

Is there any truth in this analogy of mine?

Yes Malletzky, I would agree with that. All 'hostility' in dreams is 'a kind of processing' of a feared selfhood.

...and second, to this:

I've never ever in my life fellt that I have to deal with any 'karma'. This is something which I can't grasp at all...at least not, when it concerns ME.
(I am however, aware that 'what goes around comes around', if I can label karma that way. And that karma really could occur...if some circumstances allow).

Now, there could be two explanations, or both of them are correct, when it comes to the fact why I don't think that 'karma' could affect ME.

The first explanation would be the fact that I don't have any feelings or memories of any previous lifes in this evolutionary cycle...(which fits the informations I got from two sources, that my last 'appearance' here should've been back in the times of Atlantis).

The second explanation...well, you just delivered a possible one, and this is another of the so called 'aha-moments'.

Wow...really, what a great 'aha-moment' for me!

Could it be, that I'm beginning to 'tap' in this highest levels of creation...free from any boundaries, free from anything? (or is it only my ego speaking here?)

Anyway, I feel no presence of any 'karma'... so why not?

Thanks in advance for your short reply and opinion.

with :wub2: and respect

There is really no need to 'get rid' of the human ego, who is little more than an immature child trying to 'make and find' its place in the worlds.

When the ego has matured, it will discover the one important thing, namely its oneness with the divine ego of creation and the universal logos.
Then the individual little logos will 'surrender' to the 'big logos' and so become graduated into the 'highest order' as you stated it.

The outcome then is just as you have found out for yourself. The prime directive of the highest order is simply Individual Creativity IN THE NAME of that order, say God or Prime Creator or All That Is.

So once the 'prodigal sons and daughters' have matured their little human egos of separatedness into big divine egos of unity; the ideas of karma and divisiveness in polar oppostions will blend into duality within the monadic Oneness.


Malletzky 02-11-2010 03:17 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 236885)
There is really no need to 'get rid' of the human ego, who is little more than an immature child trying to 'make and find' its place in the worlds.

When the ego has matured, it will discover the one important thing, namely its oneness with the divine ego of creation and the universal logos.
Then the individual little logos will 'surrender' to the 'big logos' and so become graduated into the 'highest order' as you stated it.

The outcome then is just as you have found out for yourself. The prime directive of the highest order is simply Individual Creativity IN THE NAME of that order, say God or Prime Creator or All That Is.

So once the 'prodigal sons and daughters' have matured their little human egos of separatedness into big divine egos of unity; the ideas of karma and divisiveness in polar oppostions will blend into duality within the monadic Oneness.



So nothing wrong with me and my feelings. :trumpet: :thumb_yello:



hippihillbobbi 02-11-2010 03:43 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas --

1 Thanks a bunch for your comments on "substitutionary atonement." they were very helpful. i also liked the way you put this (i guess it's you...in one of your various versions...John Shadow aka Hans Schatten) in the intro to the channeled info i quoted earlier:

".....it is the RESURRECTION within Yourselves and NOT the Crucifixion, which becomes the PIVOT for your existence and partnership with the historical Yeshua.
He 'gave up' his human existence, so he could BECOME the universal body, which encompasses all of you as a 'LightBody'.
All of you are 'trapped' like cells in the Body of Christ, which spans both the Old Earth as a subrealm of the entire universe and the Old Universe as its encompassment.

"So to GET OUT of the enveloping body; you are required to REDEEM Yourselves in bearing witness to the Cosmic Neverending Story and to become Reborn in the Resurrection.
2012 will be the nexus point, when everyone, alive dead and dead alive will have the opportunity to SEVER the umbilical cord, connecting you to the Old Universal Body Gestalt.

"Not all will be able to Cut the Cords of the Rebirth, which shall be universal at the Beginning of the New Cycle of the Starhumanity.

"All of you will eventually 'come to see the Cosmic Christ' within yourselves; but then many of the sceptics and the nay-sayers MUST have 'eggs and tomatoes' on their illuminated faces - so be it!

"I end with this and any queries, I might answer at a later time or perhaps through my scribe John Shadow, who IS NOT the Tony B, many of you believe him to be.

"IAmWhoIAm - the Channel of John Shadow!"

2 AA -- do you feel like sharing anything about your various "aliases" (John, Hans, Abraxas...any more?) and how you view them. the highlighted phrases above are so intriguing!

3 Also (hopefully i'm not being too pesty here) :blink: but i'm wondering why "you" (as John Shadow or his Channel??) seemed to assess Helen Shueman's readings as more "credible" than you (as Abraxas) seem to do now (re: your comment in an above post about these channelings and the Holy Spirit).

"Helen Shucman claimed to channel Yeshuah aka the Jesus of conventional Christianity.....

"Generally, and akin to the Seth channel of Jane Roberts; Helen Shucman transmits at the 99% percentile in a mode very near superconsciousness - meaning she is fully conscious when transmitting her messages.

"Her claim to write in the name of Jesus/Yeshua so deserves great credibility."

As ever, Abraxas, i so appreciate your time and energy on our behalf!


abraxasinas 02-11-2010 04:37 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 236897)
Abraxas --

1 Thanks a bunch for your comments on "substitutionary atonement." they were very helpful. i also liked the way you put this (i guess it's you...in one of your various versions...John Shadow aka Hans Schatten) in the intro to the channeled info i quoted earlier:

".....it is the RESURRECTION within Yourselves and NOT the Crucifixion, which becomes the PIVOT for your existence and partnership with the historical Yeshua.
He 'gave up' his human existence, so he could BECOME the universal body, which encompasses all of you as a 'LightBody'.
All of you are 'trapped' like cells in the Body of Christ, which spans both the Old Earth as a subrealm of the entire universe and the Old Universe as its encompassment.

"So to GET OUT of the enveloping body; you are required to REDEEM Yourselves in bearing witness to the Cosmic Neverending Story and to become Reborn in the Resurrection.
2012 will be the nexus point, when everyone, alive dead and dead alive will have the opportunity to SEVER the umbilical cord, connecting you to the Old Universal Body Gestalt.

"Not all will be able to Cut the Cords of the Rebirth, which shall be universal at the Beginning of the New Cycle of the Starhumanity.

"All of you will eventually 'come to see the Cosmic Christ' within yourselves; but then many of the sceptics and the nay-sayers MUST have 'eggs and tomatoes' on their illuminated faces - so be it!

"I end with this and any queries, I might answer at a later time or perhaps through my scribe John Shadow, who IS NOT the Tony B, many of you believe him to be.

"IAmWhoIAm - the Channel of John Shadow!"

2 AA -- do you feel like sharing anything about your various "aliases" (John, Hans, Abraxas...any more?) and how you view them. the highlighted phrases above are so intriguing!

Sure hippihill!

John Shadow is English for Hans Schatten as the same ID. This ID 'walked-in' for a previous ID TonyB. aka the owner of the website you found this material on.

John Shadow aka Hans Schatten were 'walked-in' by Abraxas in so eliminating the 'channeling' of say 3rd order by a 2nd order closer to the source.

3 Also (hopefully i'm not being too pesty here) :blink: but i'm wondering why "you" (as John Shadow or his Channel??) seemed to assess Helen Shueman's readings as more "credible" than you (as Abraxas) seem to do now (re: your comment in an above post about these channelings and the Holy Spirit).

"Helen Shucman claimed to channel Yeshuah aka the Jesus of conventional Christianity.....

"Generally, and akin to the Seth channel of Jane Roberts; Helen Shucman transmits at the 99% percentile in a mode very near superconsciousness - meaning she is fully conscious when transmitting her messages.

"Her claim to write in the name of Jesus/Yeshua so deserves great credibility."

As ever, Abraxas, i so appreciate your time and energy on our behalf!


I have highlighted (in red) the interpretation of the 'channeling' of 3rd order, which assigned 'high credibility' to Helen Schucman.
This has not changed, but the 2nd order simply understands the true Yeshuah as being necessarily 'more filtered' in polarisation in 3rd order than is the case in 2nd order.
Yeshuah himherself would operate from 1st order.


bigmo 02-11-2010 04:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
To all of you:

I know that at anytime I or those contributing to this thread may loose access or their ability to participate here do to circumstances beyond our control.

Since there is no time like the present I wish to take a moment and extend a heart felt and humble thanks to all of you who have participated and contributed to Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

For me it has proven to be one of the most illuminating and revealing discussions I have ever witnessed and is one of the primary reasons for my participation with Project Avalon.

I have known for years that there was 'something more' than the few strategically placed kernels of truth that I have been spoon fed throughout my lifetime. I have also taken Jesus at his word and have held close to my heart his admonishment to 'Knock and the door shall be opened'.

I believe that through this thread some of those 'doors have been opened'. I have not reached closure as of yet but have a renewed interest in the vital questions that have perplexed me over the years and I would guess, many others as well.

A special thanks to you Abraxas, for your contribution with your deep incites and revelations. You have made my mind flip inside and out and twist over and upon itself, which I am afraid was sorely needed!

I thank you and hold a deep gratitude to you for this and ask one additional question:

Is it within your power to show us the process by which we may also, gain access to the Thubane Records?

Peace to all of you!

dddanieljjjamesss 02-11-2010 05:38 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
While I go back and read the other 43 pages of this thread (which may take some time!)

Is there anyone that wouldn't mind giving a few important recaps?

I know, just based on the first few pages, that may be a lot to ask...

Feel free to message me or respond in thread.

hippihillbobbi 02-11-2010 06:04 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
dddaniel --

it definitely would be worth your time and energy to reread this 43-page thread :mfr_omg: despite its intimidating length. i'm not sure there's any way exactly to just "hit the highlights," as the topics really do seem to run the gamut!! cosmology, spirituality, 2012, ascension, lots of advanced math (even though many of us have to skip alot of this part, i'm afraid). i guess pretty much any topic touched-on anywhere else on this forum MAY have been mentioned here as well .... or, if not, any are certainly "fair game." (though, if it's been covered before, Abraxas will sometimes refer you to this post or even resources outside PA & PC)

Hope you Enjoy the Ride, dddaniel!!! :thumb_yello:


dddanieljjjamesss 02-11-2010 06:19 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
I just opened up a new window and got every page in a frame!

Looks like I won't be bored while traveling 6hrs on a greyhound today :P

Can't wait!

hippihillbobbi 02-11-2010 06:19 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas --

do you feel like sharing anything about your various "aliases" (John, Hans, Abraxas...any more?)

Sure hippihill!

John Shadow is English for Hans Schatten as the same ID. This ID 'walked-in' for a previous ID TonyB. aka the owner of the website you found this material on.

John Shadow aka Hans Schatten were 'walked-in' by Abraxas in so eliminating the 'channeling' of say 3rd order by a 2nd order closer to the source.

So then does it correlate that Sirebard Beardris is a "walk-in" for Abraxas???

And, while we're on the subject, AA ..... what exactly IS a walk-in? I suppose it's different from channelling in that Tony-John/Hans-Abraxas are all conscious while the information is being communicated???

Thanks again, AA.


migp 02-11-2010 06:25 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxas,

One question. What do you think about this video. Is it true? can it be harmful?.


Thank you,

Malletzky 02-11-2010 08:06 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 236926)
To all of you:

I know that at anytime I or those contributing to this thread may loose access or their ability to participate here do to circumstances beyond our control.

WHat do you mean by this Bigmo...do you have some informations?

Since there is no time like the present I wish to take a moment and extend a heart felt and humble thanks to all of you who have participated and contributed to Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

For me it has proven to be one of the most illuminating and revealing discussions I have ever witnessed and is one of the primary reasons for my participation with Project Avalon

I can only agree. How true.

I have known for years that there was 'something more' than the few strategically placed kernels of truth that I have been spoon fed throughout my lifetime. I have also taken Jesus at his word and have held close to my heart his admonishment to 'Knock and the door shall be opened'.

I believe that through this thread some of those 'doors have been opened'. I have not reached closure as of yet but have a renewed interest in the vital questions that have perplexed me over the years and I would guess, many others as well.

A special thanks to you Abraxas, for your contribution with your deep incites and revelations. You have made my mind flip inside and out and twist over and upon itself, which I am afraid was sorely needed!

I thank you and hold a deep gratitude to you for this and ask one additional question:

Is it within your power to show us the process by which we may also, gain access to the Thubane Records?

Peace to all of you!


Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 236981)
dddaniel --

it definitely would be worth your time and energy to reread this 43-page thread :mfr_omg: despite its intimidating length. i'm not sure there's any way exactly to just "hit the highlights," as the topics really do seem to run the gamut!! cosmology, spirituality, 2012, ascension, lots of advanced math (even though many of us have to skip alot of this part, i'm afraid). i guess pretty much any topic touched-on anywhere else on this forum MAY have been mentioned here as well .... or, if not, any are certainly "fair game." (though, if it's been covered before, Abraxas will sometimes refer you to this post or even resources outside PA & PC)

Hope you Enjoy the Ride, dddaniel!!! :thumb_yello:


hehehe...Hippihill...I belong to these folks that really have to skip some parts of that advanced math, altough I consider myself having some good maths and physics background.

But that doesn't stop me of considering the presented material on these pages as highly intriguing, highly open minded, highly controversal, highly...:welcomeani:d

If we are above to accept the fact that we should consider all, really all possibilities about the nature of the 'true' existance of the human race (phisycaly and non-phisycaly, no matter what 'true' might mean), these pages must be contributed as a part of the wholeness.

Ignoring something makes ME ignorant and therefore limited in my further 'evolution'

Thank you all and thank you Abrax for your time and efforts.

with much respect

rustanddust 02-12-2010 05:37 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
what was the price on her head ?

Jonah 02-12-2010 07:10 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 236871)
Depends what you mean with procreating - sexual intercourse between lightbodies will enhance, not diminish the sensual experiences of 3D bodies as 4D bodies. The cosmos is sexually supercharged on all levels.


Would this explain external emissions? When I was a teenager I used to have the darndest dreams...:wink2:

abraxasinas 02-12-2010 11:14 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 237002)
Abraxas --

do you feel like sharing anything about your various "aliases" (John, Hans, Abraxas...any more?)

Sure hippihill!

John Shadow is English for Hans Schatten as the same ID. This ID 'walked-in' for a previous ID TonyB. aka the owner of the website you found this material on.

John Shadow aka Hans Schatten were 'walked-in' by Abraxas in so eliminating the 'channeling' of say 3rd order by a 2nd order closer to the source.

So then does it correlate that Sirebard Beardris is a "walk-in" for Abraxas???

Sirebard Beardris = Abraxas, both of 2nd order.

And, while we're on the subject, AA ..... what exactly IS a walk-in? I suppose it's different from channelling in that Tony-John/Hans-Abraxas are all conscious while the information is being communicated???

Thanks again, AA.


Indeed, there NEVER was any 'subconscious' channeling associated with all labels mentioned by you. There are no 'trance' states; but there was a 'graduation' from 3rd order to 2nd order occurring in June 2008.
This 'graduation' allowed publication of the timeline mentioned a number of times in these messages.
The significance is, that the timeline in the pyramid converges with the Mayan timeline converges with the scriptural prophecies.
For example there are precisely 1600 days between the nodal mirror day of August 4th, 2008 to December 21st, 2012 {Revelation.14.20}.
You will NOT find this correlation anywhere on the earthplane, even the hidden databases are unaware of this.


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