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Spregovori 02-02-2010 09:32 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hei Abraxasinas

Do you feel ok this last days?

What do you do when you are bored?

A few guess questions (based on content from one of the given urls):

Are we 7th generation human, after being wiped out and re-created several times before that?

By genetically created it means that we skipped millions of years of natural evolution....and....in some "weird" way, we are all from the glass phylacteries? Somehow the thought of this makes me feel - insignificant.

Although on a "soul level" does it matter if the "vehicle" is artificially made or naturally evolved?

We are not the 1st "intelligent" life form on this planet? There are "others" that evolved naturally? They are still here...but not in contact or at least not in the way general public could see? The "others" are original inhabitants of Earth?

Can someone/anyone claim ownership over a point/place/space/planet/thing/phenomena/anything in universe? I somehow think it is "insane" for anyone to claim ownership of countries and claim "private" land.....the arrogance...to claim ownership over something as a planet....

Description of two symbols: a blue serpent with four white wings on a black background, a mystic being a "Dragon" in the shape of a circle with seven white stars in the middle

Is any of this familiar to you?

The "ant hill" mentioned in one of the previous posts....isn't that more like a human perspective and not a perspective of higher "dimension" being?
For example...when I was 17 (or 18)... so 8-9 years back...when there was no Avalon etc... I was talking to a "friend" of mine...we were discussing aliens...and i was full of "they would come and make everything good" but my "friend" stated: "they would come and do what we do to animals". His argument was that an advanced civilization would use as for work, food and entertainment.... I thought a lot about it at that time...and came to the conclusion that his perspective is 100% human (he also has a "dark" side...his nature...his interests...) While my perspective was/is that YES advanced technology does not necessarily require benevolence (spiritual development) but at the same time i believe that truly advanced civilization (no just someone that can fire off gravitational weapons) went beyond negativity...than again this is my so also a human perspective...

If i was a higher "dimensional" life form...being able to...do "magic"...etc...and even if i was just more technologically advanced....had no concerns about things like stupid money, food, and roof above my head...i would use my abilities to help others...on Earth for example...there is so much that someone like that could do...and i would do it.... (again this is my current and entirely human perspective)

What some consider to be "evil" others consider to be a "necessity"?
Both are right? Polarization?

Is it wrong to kill while defending yourself?

To continue...

How do i influence my Logos? Is it with thoughts?

How do i access my logos? How do i see what they are like?
To analyze, feel, see them...change, redesign, delete, add...them...?

If only 1/7th is waking consciousness how am i to..."get real"? By mastering thoughts?
6/7 awareness being beyond my influence is - extremely discouraging.

I had a "fun time" looking myself in the mirror..should probably look myself in the eyes more often...the feelings are..."scary"...was not able to exit holodeck though. :)

Trying to "see" how my mirror image sees me...made my head "hurt" (shade of a sort)

I do use what you named a "golden rule" but it does BOTHER me A LOT...when others do not do that. If everyone and everything is a mirror..to me...than there are a lot of things i should carefully consider but i think that in a lot of cases...human animals simply ignore the golden rule (despite what my actions are) and do/behave/tell to me what they would not want to be done to them...this can make me feel "unpleasant"....angry...and also it is energy draining...especially when i try my best not to react in a "negative" way....sadness Despite all that i can not get rid of the feeling it is me that is doing something wrong...or is it that i just always feel automatically guilty.

Maximum polarization program....just how more maximum can/will it go? Do you know? Or is it up to us? Can it go so far that at the "end" there will remain only one side of polarization or is that impossible?

It feels like a program for maximum s***t hole of the universe (i wonder who programmed it). It could use an update or at least a hot-fix. I "demand" new futures! :)

By stating I AM ... i am that i am or i am that am i .... this helps me focus/control what i think? How so? By acknowledging my existence as individual...i hmm what - can be classified as a sentient being? How does that help me?

Isn't thought mastery something that eastern philosophy teaches how to obtain during lifetime...and some try it all life time via various techniques but ultimately fail or make some progress but not the complete self mastery?

To master thoughts? Just that...ok.."no pressure". :)

TempestGarden 02-02-2010 10:13 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
What is this Book of Dragons that is being referred to?

Phtha 02-03-2010 12:16 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This is a great post dear Sirebard, thanks! A lot of this I have come to realize myself from fasting and experimenting with various types of diets... although I never thought to consider that many of these 'food consciousnesses' might be originating from some far away source..

Do bananas come from Venus?
Can you list some of the more popular fruits and veggies... and their origins?

I also found your posts about animals very interesting. Being a long time cat owner myself I couldn't help but notice in Avatar that the race from pandora was based off of Felinaes.
Where are mice from? They way lab rats are treated... The must have a real beef to pick with us. As well as all those other 'farmed' animals :thumbdown:


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 230973)

Thuban view on eating meat?

This is a VERY VERY important question halebox and I shall spend some time on it after thanking you for asking this question.

The human body is a biochemical reactor, which has evolved for so 2.2 billion years in a feedback mechanism between itself and its environment.
The least self-conscious way to GAIN and grow in consciousbness was to EAT ones environment, say in the form of a Caterpillar, preparing for its pupasation and transformation into a pollinating and so food-giving butterfly.
When you eat an apple, the ;ifeforce of the apple blends its apple-consciousness with your human consciousness and you attain apple consciousness.
So on some faraway planet, where apple-intelligences reside, this apple-sentience receives data from the human consciousness by this mirroring of consciousnesses.

If the human does not eat a ripened apple, ready to fall of the apple tree; then the worms or birds or beetles of the ground will consume the apple consciousness in a similar cosmic interaction.
Alternatively, the oxygen in the air and so the elements will disintegrate and disperse the apple consciousness.

This analgy is applied to the present humanity, literally eating itself via its enviroment as a remnant of its nature as a biochemical reactor.

The Starhuman will no longer be required to 'eat' like a caterpillar, but will 'eat' like a butterfly in a mutual beneficial environmental feedback system.

If the 'wild animals' upon Gaia would have no more need to hunt and eat each other, then all so called exploitative human-alien interaction would cease also.

So fundamentally, KNOW that YOU are eating an alien, when YOU are eating your steak or your piece of bread or a carrot or a peanut or a fish.

Of course eating the peanut or the apple or the wheat is different from eating 'dead meat', as the apple from the apple tree regrows as produce from the roots of the tree from below and nourished also from the sunlight from above.
Eating a carrot is somewhat different than eating a chicken, but nevertheless requires the 'killing' of the carrot.
But ask yourself. What happens to the carrot should you not eat it and what happensd to the chicken should it not be eaten?

The carrot would become fertilizer for its next recycling in consciousness, either agan as a carrot or as some other consciousness via its own 'composting'.
Similarly, the chicken would get old and die and become 'recycled'.

This is the Agony of the entire Creation'.


hippihillbobbi 02-03-2010 01:33 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
here's the link for the "Book of the Dragons" ...... it's really pretty interesting.


i'd love to discuss this with some of ya'll -- it's a bit heavy, as i said earlier to Abraxas. i'd love to read what ya'll think! :original::original:


Initiate 02-03-2010 03:11 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 232601)
here's the link for the "Book of the Dragons" ...... it's really pretty interesting.


i'd love to discuss this with some of ya'll -- it's a bit heavy, as i said earlier to Abraxas. i'd love to read what ya'll think! :original::original:


Propagation of the Dragonian Race via the seductive induction of the humanoid lifeforms on the conquered planet New Earth, now renamed DRAGONIAEARTH=SERPENTlNA=121=Q5.

On the face of it do we really want to be a conquered race after Gaia ascends? Are we or have we been seduced? It sounds like earth is being set up as a Sink (Black Hole) to swallow the rest of the solar system.

The fact is Humanity should take it's lead directly from the Creator. No Go betweens or fantasy stories that fit the Logos. Just because it fits doesn't mean it is reality. We choose our reality or we have it chosen for us.



Phtha 02-03-2010 04:15 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 232617)
On the face of it do we really want to be a conquered race after Gaia ascends? Are we or have we been seduced? It sounds like earth is being set up as a Sink (Black Hole) to swallow the rest of the solar system.

I have a feeling that our friend Sirebard is helping us play out an ancient myth (on a more cosmic scale) or some form of online initiation... :lol3:


Passenger 02-03-2010 07:34 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Greetings Abraxas,

This is some thread you have here... i feel that i have journeyed
through all of the dimensions at once as i read the 42 pages and
it is still going strong. Some rough bits there earlier on with
the Dragon Slayers but balance has been restored - mirror mirror
on the wall... gives a whole new perspective of the verses -
'judge not lest you be judged'. There is magic here.

You mention that the 4th dimension will inherit the 3rd dimension.
Or at least all that is ready for ascension/harvest.
Is 4D not just a mental/astral plain full of assorted beings with
a lot of baggage/issues and like to play games with entities on
the 3D plain. Is this also not where the Magi go to do the same.

If so then how will this 3D+4D=New World co-exist with the present
and quite often insane group from the current 4D occupants?
It will take some time to get used to the form and the formless
in a natural co-existence... assuming i have any of this correct
at all.

BTW - i have been seeing a swiss cheese reality for some time now.
With - 'so it seems' - different parts of my vision in different
realities of completely different matter. Some parts fade in and out
and sometimes other parts become malleable or like liquid. Happens
more and more often now.

Which brings me to another question... if the gates are already open
then are there already some ascended 'StarHumans' in the New World ?
Acting as the ground crew for the oncoming 4D newbies. The greeting
party as it were.

Thanks for the inspiration you have given me to better understand
my understanding.


Malletzky 02-03-2010 10:15 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by wilsonericq7 (Post 232425)

...As I take your advice to "Get Physical" (and it has had me scratching my head for days) in order to become more grounded, I find it hard to fly with the rest of you here. Your statement regarding my ability to self express in order to fill the void has me the most puzzled; yet am sure I will remember what my soul means soon. You have stated many times in this thread we are our own soul paired, doubled; with combinations of XY1 and XOX and such (I'm not making fun, I just don't remember). While it will all be clear soon enough, how is it we are individually paired/doubled....while at the same time still all part of the whole? "I am many in one, and one in many" seems to ofset each other. Are we not one or the other? How can we be both at the same time?...

If I may reply to you in the matter of the red marked text above: and please consider that this is only how I understand this:

I often use a simple analogy when I try to explain the issue with 'many in one, and one in many', or as I state in my signature ...'and we are all one as I am one'. How is it that we are individually paired/duobled...while at the same time still part of the whole?

You just taka a piece of paper, torn it in two halves and then torn the one half in many small pieces apart...now you're seing 'MANY' small pieces that 'descent' from 'ONE'...These pcs contain the same energy and material patterns, they are one and the same with the previous, still in ONE, piece of paper.

What do you get here? You get the individual (small piece of paper) that is 'ONE' in consistence with the previous big piece of paper that used to consist of infinite 'MANY' pieces of paper, but before torning it apart.

This is also how I understand the saying that we were created in the image of God, as it means the same. The small pieces of papers are us and we're MANY, and we all descent from the ONE.

Following is an excerpt from Gio's Thread about Dan Brown's Lost Symbol:


Our physical bodies have evolved over the ages,
but it is our minds that were created in the image of God...

We are creator's, and yet we naively play the role of 'the created.'

We see ourselves as helpless sheep bufferted around by the God who made us. We kneel like frightened children, begging for help, for forgiveness, for good luck...

once we realize that we are truly created in the Creator's image, we will start to understand, we, too, must be Creators.

When we understand this fact,
the doors will burst wide open for human potential...
I hope this analogy helps you to understand your real YOU!

wilsonericq7 02-03-2010 01:07 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 232714)
If I may reply to you in the matter of the red marked text above: and please consider that this is only how I understand this:

I often use a simple analogy when I try to explain the issue with 'many in one, and one in many', or as I state in my signature ...'and we are all one as I am one'. How is it that we are individually paired/duobled...while at the same time still part of the whole?

You just taka a piece of paper, torn it in two halves and then torn the one half in many small pieces apart...now you're seing 'MANY' small pieces that 'descent' from 'ONE'...These pcs contain the same energy and material patterns, they are one and the same with the previous, still in ONE, piece of paper.

What do you get here? You get the individual (small piece of paper) that is 'ONE' in consistence with the previous big piece of paper that used to consist of infinite 'MANY' pieces of paper, but before torning it apart.

This is also how I understand the saying that we were created in the image of God, as it means the same. The small pieces of papers are us and we're MANY, and we all descent from the ONE.

Following is an excerpt from Gio's Thread about Dan Brown's Lost Symbol:

I hope this analogy helps you to understand your real YOU!

This was very helpful, thank you very much. To us...the creators...then.


Malletzky 02-03-2010 02:41 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by wilsonericq7 (Post 232780)
This was very helpful, thank you very much. To us...the creators...then.


You're :welcomeani:

Raven 02-03-2010 09:55 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 232601)
here's the link for the "Book of the Dragons" ...... it's really pretty interesting.


i'd love to discuss this with some of ya'll -- it's a bit heavy, as i said earlier to Abraxas. i'd love to read what ya'll think! :original::original:


Dig a little deeper in the 'book of the dragons' and find this.:mfr_omg:

Very interesting indeed, space opera based on real science. I have only read a few pages so far but it's an interesting tale :) Raven

SABINA 02-04-2010 01:06 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Abraxasinas,
one month ago you started the thread ThubanQ&A.today there are already 42
sometimes I was laughing sometimes crying by reading through the postings.
It was "quote" a roll a coaster for some readers.
But some of us if we are honest have had at least an "Aha experience" iow an inspiration of inner knowledge even a hint to enlightment.
For myself it was sometimes a trigger to remember.........
It is about towake up our inner knowledge
which we forgot
this is the real "red thread" which runs through the Thuban story
that`s why I want to Thank you
for all your efforts work time and wise words which you share with us.
that`s why I dont care if it is sifi a space opera gnostic with science etc.
I like the ThubanQ&A:wub2:

Phtha 02-04-2010 02:16 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 233083)
that`s why I want to Thank you
for all your efforts work time and wise words which you share with us.
that`s why I dont care if it is sifi a space opera gnostic with science etc.
I like the ThubanQ&A:wub2:

halebox 02-04-2010 03:52 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I think all of our collective heads are spinning in a good way. This thread made me use parts of my brain that I dont usually use. It made me rethink so many different things. It made me not think of everything so black and white.
Thank you Council of Thuban and Abrax for this information.

abraxasinas 02-04-2010 06:05 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 232391)

Can you explain a "fusion flash"? Have you ever personally known someone who has accomplished this... Is it possible to attain? Can you explain the science of it?

(I hear it is quiet painful....)
thank you for your response, j

Hi Jonah!

A fusion flash in physical terms is the nucleosynthetic transmutation of elements, say the proton-proton chain in the sun converting Hydrogen into Helium in:
This is accompanied by the emission of energy as sunlight, gamma radiation and Kinetic Energy (of say the neutrinos).

Then in metaphysical-personal terms, the hydrogen-helium transmutation is replaced by an energy induction of EMMR not measurable by the EMR detectors.
This is because the EMR is produced by the acceleration of Coulombic-Electric charges, which are ALWAYS coupled to inertial mass.
Iow, electric charges do not exist in the absence of mass.
But the EMMR=ElectroMagneticMonopolar Radiation; does exist independent of inertia/mass and so can be used to model MagnetoCharges (so defining the word SPIRIT in physical tyerms).

The EMMR is generated by the acceleration of magnetic charges and where the magnetic charge is defined in the inversion of the string/membrane energy in the principle of modular duality in more technical terms.
The EMMR so becomes the higherD equivalent for the lowerD EMR.


abraxasinas 02-04-2010 06:20 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 231390)

Yes Joey, I agree with Drunvalo here.

The great Apes still carry 24 chromosome pairs.
About 5 million years ago the ape lineages split genetrically from the lineage evolving into the hominids.
This split fused the 2-Chromosome for the hominid line, but kept the 2-Chromosome as a pair in the apes.

I have heard a great arguement regarding the 'true' lineage of hominids; Abrax what have you heard about the "Aquatic Ape" Theory?

Hi wilsoneric!

The evolution of the human genotype DOES NOT allow for the idea of the 'Aquatic Ape' in physical propagation of the genesis.
In other nonterrestrial environments, the amphibious morphogetic bodyform may well be synchronized with the human template, but this would be more in the form of interdimensional hybridization, than an actual 3D evolvement; (see Nommo of the Dogon-Sirius mythology).

Link http://www.ted.com/talks/elaine_morg...atic_apes.html

Also, in reading your replys regarding planet/animal consiousness (Sirius-Canine consiousness, etc), what truth is there in the saying, "Humans are the dream of the dolphin?" This saying is just something I have been carrying around my whole life and don't know why. It is ok if you don't follow...I know its got me stumped for the moment.

The 'Pleiadean' humanoid archetype in the higherD perspective is that of the Cetacean.
So you can easily restate your saying in: "Humans are the dream of the Pleiadean!".
This then is indicated by some very good (like Barbara Marciniak) and not so good Pleiadean channelers or messengers.

The Pleiadeans so consider the Human as their 'time-travelled' ancestors.
The Pleiadeans so considerr the terrestrial cetaceans, whales, dolphins, porpoises as their real next of kin and Gaian amabassadors.
As I take your advice to "Get Physical" (and it has had me scratching my head for days) in order to become more grounded, I find it hard to fly with the rest of you here. Your statement regarding my ability to self express in order to fill the void has me the most puzzled; yet am sure I will remember what my soul means soon. You have stated many times in this thread we are our own soul paired, doubled; with combinations of XY1 and XOX and such (I'm not making fun, I just don't remember). While it will all be clear soon enough, how is it we are individually paired/doubled....while at the same time still all part of the whole? "I am many in one, and one in many" seems to ofset each other. Are we not one or the other? How can we be both at the same time?

When you 'make love' to your lover, then you are 'becoming as One', in projection your own individual selfhood onto your partner in a blending of the souls.

This is the manner of the duality seeking reunification of the self in sexual intercourse and the 'lovemaking'.
The proper archetype is 2nd Order in the divided polarity within the Unity, so defining your bi- or quadrosexuality within yourself.

Finally, how do I learn more about Dragons and avoid all the distortions?

I have posted a number of threads to Julissa, which describe the Dragon archetype from basic principles.


abraxasinas 02-04-2010 06:21 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 232491)
maybe yes ,maybe no, the question is how it (the bookof the dragons)continue?

The Story of the Continuity is written right now in a co-authorship between the Dragons from Thuban and the Dragons of Gaia, of whom there are many.


whitefluffy 02-04-2010 06:47 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
[I]dear abraxasinas,

i see you live in good ol aus.
The native inhabitants of this continent maintain they have always been here. i believe them. No, out of africa theory, arrogant Westerners! Having lived & worked many years with indigenous groups in SA i.e. Pitjantjatjara, Adnyamathanha, i am interested to know your thoughts.
i know they all have seven sisters dreaming stories; pleaides figures large as does the rainbow serpent. Your thoughts on this?
There is something particularly ancient about, well, all of Australia, but in my own experience, SA and Flinders Ranges in particular; Wilpena Pound, Chambers Gorge, do you know of these places?
one can feel it whispering.

abraxasinas 02-04-2010 06:55 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 232528)
Hei Abraxasinas

Do you feel ok this last days?

Why should I not? The agenda of Thuban spans more avenues, than the Project Avalon.

What do you do when you are bored?

I Dragon Play!

A few guess questions (based on content from one of the given urls):

Are we 7th generation human, after being wiped out and re-created several times before that?

This depends of when you begin to label the 'humanness'. If you begin with Mitochondrial Eve, then the 200,000 years would span 7-8 precessional generations (of so 26,000 years) each.
If you start with Y-chromosomal Adam, then this reduces to 2-3 such cycles in the 50,000-80,000 year count.

By genetically created it means that we skipped millions of years of natural evolution....and....in some "weird" way, we are all from the glass phylacteries? Somehow the thought of this makes me feel - insignificant.

Although on a "soul level" does it matter if the "vehicle" is artificially made or naturally evolved?

The human template is completely naturally made and evolved.

We are not the 1st "intelligent" life form on this planet? There are "others" that evolved naturally? They are still here...but not in contact or at least not in the way general public could see? The "others" are original inhabitants of Earth?

The first intelligent lifeform upon earth was elemental, i.e. the molecular and atomic configurations, say of the atmosphere and the rock minerals. These sentiences then already were associated with ET lifeforms in consciousness, as the same elementals occur throughout the universe.

Can someone/anyone claim ownership over a point/place/space/planet/thing/phenomena/anything in universe? I somehow think it is "insane" for anyone to claim ownership of countries and claim "private" land.....the arrogance...to claim ownership over something as a planet....

We fully agree with you here and so do the indigenous peoples all around the planet.

Description of two symbols: a blue serpent with four white wings on a black background, a mystic being a "Dragon" in the shape of a circle with seven white stars in the middle

Is any of this familiar to you?

Yes, these are basic and potent archetypes, such as found in the Book of the Revelation. The colours relate to the basic colour triplicities in state and antistate. Red-Green-Blue=Neutral White (in light) or Black (in paint) and is antistated in the triplet Cyan-Magenta-Yellow.

The "ant hill" mentioned in one of the previous posts....isn't that more like a human perspective and not a perspective of higher "dimension" being?

No differentiation between 'highD' and 'lowD' is applied to the label of 'ant-hill'. It simply serves to exemplify some point or statement made.

For example...when I was 17 (or 18)... so 8-9 years back...when there was no Avalon etc... I was talking to a "friend" of mine...we were discussing aliens...and i was full of "they would come and make everything good" but my "friend" stated: "they would come and do what we do to animals". His argument was that an advanced civilization would use as for work, food and entertainment.... I thought a lot about it at that time...and came to the conclusion that his perspective is 100% human (he also has a "dark" side...his nature...his interests...) While my perspective was/is that YES advanced technology does not necessarily require benevolence (spiritual development) but at the same time i believe that truly advanced civilization (no just someone that can fire off gravitational weapons) went beyond negativity...than again this is my so also a human perspective...

If i was a higher "dimensional" life form...being able to...do "magic"...etc...and even if i was just more technologically advanced....had no concerns about things like stupid money, food, and roof above my head...i would use my abilities to help others...on Earth for example...there is so much that someone like that could do...and i would do it.... (again this is my current and entirely human perspective)

What some consider to be "evil" others consider to be a "necessity"?
Both are right? Polarization?

EVIL=LIVE backwards, this simple mirror-anagram exemplifies the polarity of the word.

Is it wrong to kill while defending yourself?

No; but in any case, you will become subject to your experiential processing in self-consciousness.

To continue...

How do i influence my Logos? Is it with thoughts?

Yes, you simply live your life in observing all of your thoughts and actions as a 'higher aspect' of your soul-self.

How do i access my logos? How do i see what they are like?
To analyze, feel, see them...change, redesign, delete, add...them...?

As in the above. You 'talk' and think to yourself.

If only 1/7th is waking consciousness how am i to..."get real"? By mastering thoughts?
6/7 awareness being beyond my influence is - extremely discouraging.

There is over 90% of Junk-DNA in your body, indicating a most wasteful and inefficient 'nature'. This should be rather more discouraging to you.

I had a "fun time" looking myself in the mirror..should probably look myself in the eyes more often...the feelings are..."scary"...was not able to exit holodeck though. :)

Yes, this is the beginning of much wisdom. Perhaps you are discovering that YOU in the mirror is not really you, but a 'pretender'.

Trying to "see" how my mirror image sees me...made my head "hurt" (shade of a sort)

The 'pretender' does not like to be uncovered as your own selfmade and selfdefined DEVIL=LIVED. It cannot exist without you existing in a form able to 'image' yourself physically.

I do use what you named a "golden rule" but it does BOTHER me A LOT...when others do not do that. If everyone and everything is a mirror..to me...than there are a lot of things i should carefully consider but i think that in a lot of cases...human animals simply ignore the golden rule (despite what my actions are) and do/behave/tell to me what they would not want to be done to them...this can make me feel "unpleasant"....angry...and also it is energy draining...especially when i try my best not to react in a "negative" way....sadness Despite all that i can not get rid of the feeling it is me that is doing something wrong...or is it that i just always feel automatically guilty.

The path of selfdiscovery and selfawareness is long and often torturous; however you have eternity to complete your journey.

Maximum polarization program....just how more maximum can/will it go? Do you know? Or is it up to us? Can it go so far that at the "end" there will remain only one side of polarization or is that impossible?

The timeline ends in warptime on April 1st, 2012. The starhuman baby will be born on December 21st, 2012 and the 'weaning' time ends on August 4th, 2013. Maximum polarisation ends March 31st, 2012.

It feels like a program for maximum s***t hole of the universe (i wonder who programmed it). It could use an update or at least a hot-fix. I "demand" new futures! :)

As cocreator your 'demands' are subject to your individual efforts to negotiate desired outcomes.

By stating I AM ... i am that i am or i am that am i .... this helps me focus/control what i think? How so? By acknowledging my existence as individual...i hmm what - can be classified as a sentient being? How does that help me?

There are thousands of books and articles on the web for you to familiarise yourself with 'affirmations'.
I recommend to you a trilogy: 'Conservations with God', by Neale Donald Walsh (I do NOT endorse the follow up selfhelp material as it is one a dozen; the original trilogy is however excellent an in concordance with the Archives of Thuban).

Isn't thought mastery something that eastern philosophy teaches how to obtain during lifetime...and some try it all life time via various techniques but ultimately fail or make some progress but not the complete self mastery?

Well, you may have guessed, that the 'sitting crosslegged under the trees and humming Omm' is not a significant part and parcel of the Thuban philosophy.

To master thoughts? Just that...ok.."no pressure". :)

Just try to be yourself and cease your judgemnts of yourself and others.
Let God awaken within you - it can be very natural.


abraxasinas 02-04-2010 06:57 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by TempestGarden (Post 232545)
What is this Book of Dragons that is being referred to?

It is a mythological account of 'what if' nature, tempest garden.


abraxasinas 02-04-2010 07:13 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Phtha (Post 232583)
This is a great post dear Sirebard, thanks! A lot of this I have come to realize myself from fasting and experimenting with various types of diets... although I never thought to consider that many of these 'food consciousnesses' might be originating from some far away source..

Do bananas come from Venus?

Not to my knowledge Phtah. I thought they come from Southern America, in crates, often accompanied by Tarantulas.

Can you list some of the more popular fruits and veggies... and their origins?

Here I think a website might be more appropriate. As said the vegies and fruits are Gaian BUT have ET intelligences associated with thir terrestraial physicality and origins.

I also found your posts about animals very interesting. Being a long time cat owner myself I couldn't help but notice in Avatar that the race from pandora was based off of Felinaes.

The Feline archetype is very potent, as it allows galactic synchronisation between Anrdromeda (the Lioness) with Perseus/Milky Way (the Lion of Judah).

Where are mice from? They way lab rats are treated... The must have a real beef to pick with us. As well as all those other 'farmed' animals :thumbdown:

Yes I agree with you 100%. The most 'karmic' abuse of the Gaian animals are the laboratory 'experiments' on monkeys, dogs, cats and the rodents.
There is today no longer any scientific necessity for such 'experiments' or the hunting of animals for their pelts (seals, minks, ferrets etc); as the science has the utility for comparative substituing materials.

Where do the rodents come from?
When the dinosaurs became extinct in the Mesozoic era; the rodents of the Cretaceous period (so 100 million years ago) became the root survivors in the hybridisation of the 'furred reptilians" (Pecylosaurs or Paramammals).
Then in the next era of the Cenozoic, the mammals grew into their prehistoric sizes; many of the rodents however remaining relatively small to fill the niches of the environment.
Rodents, like crocodiles (from archosaurs predating the dinosaurs) and sharks so are the 'great survivors' of climactic catastrophies.

Rodents fundamentally represent the reptilian-mammalian hybridisation and so are human ancestors.


abraxasinas 02-04-2010 07:17 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 232617)
Propagation of the Dragonian Race via the seductive induction of the humanoid lifeforms on the conquered planet New Earth, now renamed DRAGONIAEARTH=SERPENTlNA=121=Q5.

On the face of it do we really want to be a conquered race after Gaia ascends? Are we or have we been seduced? It sounds like earth is being set up as a Sink (Black Hole) to swallow the rest of the solar system.

The fact is Humanity should take it's lead directly from the Creator. No Go betweens or fantasy stories that fit the Logos. Just because it fits doesn't mean it is reality. We choose our reality or we have it chosen for us.


You do not understand Initiate.

Human+Dragon=StarHuman as the New Cosmic Man, realised from the Old Cosmic Man (Vitruvius aka Purusha aka Adam Kadmon aka You).


abraxasinas 02-04-2010 07:27 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Passenger (Post 232674)
Greetings Abraxas,

This is some thread you have here... i feel that i have journeyed
through all of the dimensions at once as i read the 42 pages and
it is still going strong. Some rough bits there earlier on with
the Dragon Slayers but balance has been restored - mirror mirror
on the wall... gives a whole new perspective of the verses -
'judge not lest you be judged'. There is magic here.

66=THUBAN=FREEDOM=THE MAGIC=...indeed passenger.

You mention that the 4th dimension will inherit the 3rd dimension.
Or at least all that is ready for ascension/harvest.
Is 4D not just a mental/astral plain full of assorted beings with
a lot of baggage/issues and like to play games with entities on
the 3D plain. Is this also not where the Magi go to do the same.

Yes this is correct, the 4D AT PRESENT is the 'astral plane'. When the 4D is rendered 5D however, then this 'astral plane' is reconfigured as stated by many many 'New Agers' (Edgar Cayce and Sheldon Nile for one).

If so then how will this 3D+4D=New World co-exist with the present
and quite often insane group from the current 4D occupants?
It will take some time to get used to the form and the formless
in a natural co-existence... assuming i have any of this correct
at all.

As I have said many times before by now; the 3D is the Core for the 4D, like the kernel of a peach.
Now only the hard kernel exists, THEN this kernel will have a softer envelope. They will coexist, the 4D being however relatively 'invisible' for the ones not able to 'tune into in self-resonance'.

BTW - i have been seeing a swiss cheese reality for some time now.
With - 'so it seems' - different parts of my vision in different
realities of completely different matter. Some parts fade in and out
and sometimes other parts become malleable or like liquid. Happens
more and more often now.

There you are you are preparing yourself for the 3D-4D interaction on the collective scale through your selfinteraction on the individual scale.

Which brings me to another question... if the gates are already open
then are there already some ascended 'StarHumans' in the New World ?
Acting as the ground crew for the oncoming 4D newbies. The greeting
party as it were.

No stargates are as yet open on the earth and out to a distance of 2 million kilometers. The sun's stargates HAVE OPENED, as you can see by the photographic evidence posted on this forum and elsewhere.

Thanks for the inspiration you have given me to better understand
my understanding.


You seem to be doing very well indeed passenger.


abraxasinas 02-04-2010 07:30 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 232714)
If I may reply to you in the matter of the red marked text above: and please consider that this is only how I understand this:

I often use a simple analogy when I try to explain the issue with 'many in one, and one in many', or as I state in my signature ...'and we are all one as I am one'. How is it that we are individually paired/duobled...while at the same time still part of the whole?

You just taka a piece of paper, torn it in two halves and then torn the one half in many small pieces apart...now you're seing 'MANY' small pieces that 'descent' from 'ONE'...These pcs contain the same energy and material patterns, they are one and the same with the previous, still in ONE, piece of paper.

What do you get here? You get the individual (small piece of paper) that is 'ONE' in consistence with the previous big piece of paper that used to consist of infinite 'MANY' pieces of paper, but before torning it apart.

This is also how I understand the saying that we were created in the image of God, as it means the same. The small pieces of papers are us and we're MANY, and we all descent from the ONE.

Following is an excerpt from Gio's Thread about Dan Brown's Lost Symbol:

Our physical bodies have evolved over the ages,
but it is our minds that were created in the image of God...

We are creator's, and yet we naively play the role of 'the created.'

We see ourselves as helpless sheep bufferted around by the God who made us. We kneel like frightened children, begging for help, for forgiveness, for good luck...

once we realize that we are truly created in the Creator's image, we will start to understand, we, too, must be Creators.

When we understand this fact,
the doors will burst wide open for human potential...

I hope this analogy helps you to understand your real YOU!

Your excellent reply bears repeating malletzky; thank you.


abraxasinas 02-04-2010 07:37 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 233083)
Dear Abraxasinas,
one month ago you started the thread ThubanQ&A.today there are already 42
sometimes I was laughing sometimes crying by reading through the postings.
It was "quote" a roll a coaster for some readers.
But some of us if we are honest have had at least an "Aha experience" iow an inspiration of inner knowledge even a hint to enlightment.
For myself it was sometimes a trigger to remember.........
It is about towake up our inner knowledge
which we forgot
this is the real "red thread" which runs through the Thuban story
that`s why I want to Thank you
for all your efforts work time and wise words which you share with us.
that`s why I dont care if it is sifi a space opera gnostic with science etc.
I like the ThubanQ&A:wub2:

Thank you sweet Sabina, Rider of the Dragon!

Your comment here describes the Thuban agenda in a nutshell:

"It is about to wake up our inner knowledge which we forgot
this is the real "red thread" which runs through the Thuban story"


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