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Malletzky 01-29-2010 10:24 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Bigmo, accepting that you accept that you still might "struggle" (altough I would say, you are as perfect for me as I am perfect for myself), with something (call it ego or whatever, it's just a label, nothing more), is the begining of the acceptance. It's the begining of recognising who you (we) really are....and much more than that.

I'm not here to give you my advises, as I still haven't fully recognised my self.

But, each one of us is special...on his/her own way. And we're allowed to experience, here and now, the very special existence of duality. This is why I just can't accept any karmic debts from any previous lives, as I don't even know if I have had any. I guess, this is my first "appearance" here after many, many thousands of years. Who knows? What I want to point to is, I wouldn't pay too much intention to any karma beliefs, at least not in the way the label "karma" has been presented to us.

By the way, you made me laugh...your statement:


even as a child I would pester my parents by following them around inquiring and asking over and over and over again... why this, Mom? Why that, Dad?
just reminds me of my little daughter, with her almost neverending questions...:thumb_yello:...but believe me, asking questions is not the worst thing...not being able to answer all of them is much worster :mad3: :thumb_yello:...as then,I realise that she actually knows everything, but just still do not remember.

And there we come back again to the purpose of our presence AS WE ARE...each one of us holds many hidden memories inside. So, imo, we're here to help each other to finally recognise...

[I would end this post with a statement from my daughter (already posted on another thread, but it fits here too), after she asked me what's our purpose here, why the creator created us. Her own answer was:]

...we're here to recognise what love is

I assure you, she meant much more then just saying the word "love". She recognises love as a state of being...and not only a simple feeling when you just feel in love!

Thank to YOU Bigmo...

with :wub2: and respect

Phtha 01-29-2010 11:21 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Cheers Sirebard. :thumb_yello:

A sweet paradox.
Search without' to find within'
To learn within' is all without'


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 229939)
Hi Phtah!

Generally so, there are no'rays of enlightenment' from the cosmos or such - there is consciousness activating from a 'hidden library' within. Therefore the 'rays of enlightement' also derive from within and not from without.
Data like the Yuga data or the Thuban data can serve as a trigger for remembrances of the 'data from within' and nothing more.


Firstlook 01-29-2010 11:54 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

How are you? I want a great answer for that question.:wink2::thumb_yello:

I thought this might be something interesting:

Tonight is the "wolf" moon.


The moon is, on average, 238,855 miles (384,400 km) from Earth. The moon's orbit around Earth – which causes it to go through all its phases once every 29.5 days – is not a perfect circle, but rather an ellipse. One side of the orbit is 31,070 miles (50,000 km) closer than the other.

So in each orbit, the moon reaches this closest point to us, called perigee. Once or twice a year, perigee coincides with a full moon, as it will tonight, making the moon bigger and brighter than any other full moons during the year.
What would you recommend for our minds to understand this relation better, in light of this closeness?

Our there relations within ourselves that would benefit and help others within this night especially?



The moon illusion

Finally, be sure to get out and see the full moon as it rises, right around sunset. Along the horizon, the moon tends to seem even bigger. This is just an illusion.

You can prove to yourself that this is an illusion. Taking a small object such as a pencil eraser, hold it at arm's length, and compare its size to that of the moon just as it rises. Then repeat the experiment later in the night and you'll see that the moon compares the same in both cases. Alternately, snap two photos of the moon, with a digital camera or your cell phone, when the moon is near the horizon and later when it's higher in the sky. Pull both photos up on your computer screen and make a side-by-side comparison.

Astronomers and psychologists agree the moon illusion is just that, but they don't agree on how to explain it.
Could you ask Thuban about this little "illusion". :lol3: I thought it would be silly to ask such a light question at first, but every little thing is what you make it.:thumb_yello:

Hey thanks Abraxas. Its really great the time you spend here on the forum with the rest of us. I hope you are enjoying from this what you can.


halebox 01-30-2010 12:19 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
What are the effects of cell towers on humans? How close is too close?

What can orgone be used for?

You mentioned the darkworkers are actually lightworkers as they have their purpose and are part of the balance. This is really hard to digest but Im starting to get this and I feel some people will never go to the light no matter how hard you try. So the darkworkers who influence these souls are in a sense making sure that all around me are of similar intent if I make it to 4D this time around. At the same time fulfilling their agenda.
I will keep full force ahead in my mission but at some point beyond my control the door closes for the followers. I did my best. Its a very odd sense of relief knowing that negative forces influencing people who have their own will to choose the dark side is at some point is out of my control but yet is all ok and will always be this way. wow

Thuban view on eating meat?

So earth humans ascending will become Starhuman then become Dragons?
Those who stay in 3D eventually become the Greys?

Are emotions a 3D trait?

Describe visually the Pleadian race.

Describe visually the Arcturian race.

Describe visually the Sirian race.

Describe visually the Andromedan race.

Name race and planet not discovered or mentioned yet on our internet.

What is the effect of an abortion to all involved.

Thank you Council of Thuban via Abaraxas

orthodoxymoron 01-30-2010 12:23 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
abraxasinas...are you (or have you ever been) in charge of Earth and/or the Solar System? I'm not being sarcastic or flippant. I'm interested in the governmental system of Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe. I keep thinking of a Hybrid Goddess of This World ruling Earth from an Underground Stargate Temple...who might resemble the young lady who accompanies your posts. 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3A6_blpqpU 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b365_qJEpDg In a sense...I don't care who's in charge...as long as Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe are properly governed...with a minimal level of corruption and insanity...and a maximum level of responsible freedom. Again...I'm not being sarcastic or flippant. The problem is...that Power Corrupts...and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. There may be no exceptions to this rule...which is why I am very nervous regarding Gods, Goddesses, and Theocracies. I'm not rebellious...just scared. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7O7UZxipM I worry about things like the Crusades, the Inquisition, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx8Pd...eature=related the World Wars, Nuclear Weapons, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMQnA...rom=PL&index=1 Aimed Asteroids, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFwnGiu9eV8 Induced Pole Shifts and Tectonic Movements, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyCCd...eature=related Assassinations, Terrorism, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mz0_x7313I Extermination Events http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9mFn9EhgU4 (such as the Global Flood, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKbEI8pDz0A Earth Changes, etc.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czgjf...om=PL&index=25 Thanks again for doing this thread. The volume and complexity of the information is overwhelming. It is unlike anything I have ever encountered. Is there a planet in the Pleiades named Pleon? I used this name in a fictional story...in which I said that I was from Pleon in the Pleiades. I have since learned that there is a star in the Pleiades named Pleione. I didn't know that when I wrote the story.

I received the following responses from posts I have made on the internet. They don't sound human.

'Y'all love fantisizing over my ancestral decorations, places, spirituality that you don't get, the greatness you won't achieve, and the melanin you'll never have. This depiction of my ancestors is pathetic. Y'all always make them look just as degenerative and recessive as you. Anyway, play and have fun as much as you still can. Yes you are running out of time, and to be honest, there is absolutly nothing you can do about it. I have no mercy, you lie and mock and blasphem all the way to hell.'

On another website...I received this message:

'You know this isn't funny! The Lord God will judge you for claiming God ship. Just because God showed you a little bit of His secrets you think you know everything. He will NOT have mercy on you!' [orthodoxymoron note: This was in connection with me fictionally using the name KRLLL - causing me to wonder if someone equated Godship with the name 'Omnipotent Highness KRLLL'?]

I once heard a mocking, sing-song, high-pitched feminine sounding voice...emanating from a usually deep and masculine voiced televangelist...directed toward me...in public...almost shouting 'That was gooooooood!!!!'...in reaction to a polite, well intentioned, and well reasoned comment by me.

This was a short unedited internet exchange I had some time ago:

ME: What if the aliens who have been here for thousands of years are the 'bad-guys'? What if we will need the help of good aliens from elsewhere to get rid of the demonic aliens who are already here? Could this be viewed as a hostile alien attack? I really don't know. I am just speculating.

THEM: Try not to think in terms of good or bad. Understand this is not your planet. Then, understand nothing can be done to you that you don't do to yourself. Know that there are quadrillions of planets and they don't have a massive climate change every 26,000 years and violent deranged people like yourselves. Why on Earth would any race want to live here with you knowingly? The most intelligent life on the planet is not human.

ME: I'll try not to think of the Iraq War in terms of good or bad. I'll try to be morally ambiguous. I might even become CIA or a CEO. Hey, maybe violent and deranged is neither good nor bad...but thinking makes it so. The aliens who are here need us to not get our acts together. If that happens...they'll probably have to live on Nibiru...or worse. Sorry for being a smart-ass. Wait...I'm not sorry...it's neither good nor bad. I couldn't resist. I mean well. Really.

THEM: And your point was?...............

ME: Who owns earth? Where do humans belong? What is the most intelligent life on earth? If they are so smart, and earth is so bad...why are they here? I may be deranged...but I'm not violent. You sound as though you are not human...are you an alien? If so...what kind...and from where? My point was that ethics are supremely important. I don't hurt, kill, terrorize, or abduct people...but some aliens apparently do(as do some humans). They should stop.

THEM II: Don't we like...create our own world? We're destroying our own world because our society isn't healthy.

ME: Our planet is how we plan it. Perhaps we need to fire some people in the planning department. You're right...society is sick...mentally ill. Perhaps our world is the Devil's Island Insane Asylum of the Universe. But it seems that some of the inmates are getting well...and helping other inmates to get well. Jail Break! Jail Break! Free at Last! Free at Last!

No further comments in this exchange. My questions went unanswered. The silence was deafening.

Here is another internet conversation I had with someone who claimed to be a hybrid...which I found to be very interesting:

Veronica: Mad humans always existed, just don’t blame their actions (if existed) to the Reptilians. Is too easy to say people are been led by other species evils than admit that there are humans nuts by themselves. Reptilians are good, they only approach a human when they fall in love, and to do good to the beloved person. Satan is a word that means "attorney" in the original language. It is not an individual, the word can apply to many alien lawyer that have nothing to do with humans.

Orthodoxymoron: Is the Old Testament God really Satan...a Reptilian. Could the "attorney" definition have something to do with the legalism seen in the Old Testament? We humans are pretty disgusting in our own right...but I suspect that evil spirits and evil aliens make things a lot worse. Who is responsible for abductions, mutilations, etc? And what about the frightful appearance of alleged Reptilians. I'm not anti-alien...just anti-evil.

Veronica: Thanks for commenting on my post, and for the opportunity of bringing up this subject. The Old Testament Satan came from a species called Man of Tri. He was a good guy, having a beautiful personal trajectory of defending social rights on his planet, extremely intelligent, only bright and right lawyers are chosen to be a Satan. At the time he arrived on Earth, unfortunately, he had become insane, and he did a lot of harm, but it was because he was ill. His species lives 8.000 to 10.000 years of Earth, and he stayed much of this time here, doing harm. As there was few personnel from other species working here, few angels and lots of work to do in those days, nobody caught him. I am not aware if Eden destituted him while he was alive, but he did not act as a Satan here, though he had the Satan seal because he was a nominated Satan ( by Eden High Council). He acted as an insane man, because he was maddened by an illness. See, there is Good and Bad, and there is Evil. Good and Bad are complementary in a context. Evil is out of place. This is because the source of Evil is an illness. It is a virus. We call it virus of Tri because was first detected there. This virus attacks a small percentage of most populations. All species are united to find the cure, all species have problems with maddened guys, and, as humans, in all species most individuals are good guys living by common sense and good social rules.

Orthodoxymoron: Your website is very interesting. I'm wondering if you have heard of, seen or read a book titled 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen G. White? If so, what is your opinion? What is your opinion regarding the Teachings of Jesus? What is your opinion regarding the U.S. Constitution? What can you tell me about the New World Order? Is it really the Old Alien Order? Who was ultimately responsible for 9/11? Satan as a mentally-ill attorney is a fascinating possibility...

Veronica: I will bring the answers here later, just stopped quickly now to thank you. The FAQ is stuck for lack of questions and you really do good ones.
I don’t speak alone, I am supported by Lucifer embassy and by Eden. I got a long message from a Messenger Angel about these, it will take a while to translate, but I will let you know. Basically, about the book of Ellen White as well as the Teaching of Jesus, the message focus on the fact that we are the ones making the history now, there is no need to focus on history to know anything important. Each happening of history is fit for the time it happened. Constitution, summary: the real law is the law of Nature, not clearly understood yet, and the value of the C. relies on its closeness to the natural laws, not imposing limits to it. The C. is to assure freedom, but the freedom only exists when there is no need of law, be to limit, be to let free, other than the nature. As an overview, the U.S. Constitution is advanced, but not finished. Nature allow development and technology, as it works for the Aliens. What changes is the concept about life. New World Order never existed. If humans made their organizations, they were never powerful to threaten the entire world. Never existed an Alien Order, they are ordinary civilizations, with teachers and accountants and social philosophies, living well and satisfied, solving their problems as everyone else. I know it is hard to believe after all this negative marketing, but they are just here doing routine. About 9/11 the answer of the Angels is: All that participated of 9/11 are already dead.

I will put the answers here if you don’t mind, not to overload the comments on the video. You are welcome. The old testament is genuine, it was transmitted by Eden, and the prophets translated the best they could, but the angel’s language is not a piece of cake, and there are many misinterpretations, specially after translated to other languages and analyzed. People have the right to know how things are. I am a fallen angel, you probably heard that we born in human form. We have being trying to tell these things for many millennia, but the kings always kill us and burn our books. But this time there is Internet. I am telling this things on You Tube because I am still not sure if the powers of human will not try to burn the books again, if we start to speak to many people at once. Though the world is more civilized now. When you feel comfortable you can visit my blog, there is many more there about the Creation. There is also a book for download, it is a poem done by me with the angel Ariel, that is my brother. It was done to heal the heart, when people sometimes feel tired of the harshness of life. All material there is free and Creative Commons, we don’t want anything from anyone. We speak because it takes us closer of home. Have a great week.

About spirits: The spirits disturb, really. The fact is that spirits must remain sleeping, and when they are awake they do disturbance. What is important to understand is that never had, and there is not yet, personal enough to suffice the demand of work in Earth. The grays are the responsible to collect the lost spirits, this is part of their job and they are paid to do it and do well, but they are few with few equipment compared to the quantity of ghosts. If someone feel that is being disturbed, he must ask to the gray of his area to chase that specific ghost and the problem will be solved. They usually focus to sane the problems where more humans are being affected. To call the gray just make the request near one of their communication devices. These communicators are discretely placed where the community gathers to discuss the problems, such as churches or community centers, and by what they hear on these places they know where to act to solve the problems affecting more people at once. If someone speak to them directly pointing the problems, they can act more effectively.

Mutilations: Aliens never mutilate. Not even the criminals. Simply because third dimensional material has no use for anyone but to those who live in it. Most aliens can jump from 3rd to 4th dimension, but their feeding and living is done in the 4th. The 3rd is just for work, tourism or study. For any alien species the bodies of the 3rd D are troublesome to deal with directly, and is pointless. The cattle mutilations are done by rats, birds and small animals. There is plenty of analysis of these supposedly mutilated by abduction corpses, and most of them point to very understandable causes, though there might be something bizarre on nature that we cannot understand. If you wish to research deeper, there is a complete article done by a Brazilian magazine called UFO with legists doctors examining many of these cattle. All of them concluded the mutilations were done by rats, that choose the soft parts to eat first – eyes, nose, mouth, ears, reproductive parts, and from these to inside. The opening made by the small creatures who live from corpses are generally perfect and round, and they eat first from inside, it is easy to see at an apple eaten by worms. From outside it can looks good, and the small hole is perfectly round.

Real abductions: The Grays are the “nanny” of human species, as the human species of Gaia is young and still entitled do receive special care. Is the grays duty to assure that all human on the group under their care gets food, shelter and sanitary conditions ( not richness, it is only about the health). So, they ionize the air to kill bacteria, influence for resources to reach hospitals, researchers and sanitary organizations. The abductions occur when a special human individual gets ill, the “special” relies on fact that the person is a hub for the distribution of resources to many others humans. If that person gets ill many will be without resources and will be consequently ill too, so the grays operate this hub person so he can keep up as a resources distributor for that area. It is expensive for the grays, done rarely. But as humans start to communicate directly with the grays they might even buy this operations perhaps, paying by sending resources to other humans in need from that gray group. They do these exchanges with some sensitive’s, sometimes.

Reptilian appearances: The Reptilians are moved by the heart. They fall in love with humans more frequently than you can imagine, then they try to approach the person and everyone gets scared. They are an old, old species, with all existential problems solved, so they live in search of love and adventure. They are scary, of rude gestures, and cannot communicate well with humans, so the misunderstandings and confusions they cause are huge, but there is always an impulsive Reptilian in love behind, usually he does not succeed in his affair, sometimes do. They can fall in love with a person, with a population, with a politic system, with a project being made, by an object or place. It has nothing to do with the “take the world” theories, even because they don’t have to take, the Earth belong to them, and the Angels protect Earth because of them ,as they don’t fit anywhere else, while humanoids can be taken to other places. They are rough in the outside, and most sweet on the inside. Here is their place, the humans just need to learn to understand them, and I am sure will be great for all. They love to have other species living here, when a civilizations ends they long for the next.

I hope this information has a use for you. It is not something I read or heard, the source are the own Alien representatives. I took the task to clarify the misconceptions on the media on my group, and the intention is only to inform our point of view. I chose to speak person to person, with those who are interested on the issue, as being half-human myself.

Veronica: Hello friend, You Tube is making me tired. It is like a rally road and I don’t like it, I am a girl. Here are most boys trying to combat, not to fix on the subject. For discussion, only you were interesting. Keep my e-mail if you wish. You are welcome to discuss anytime.

Orthodoxymoron: Thank-you for your answers and comments. I hope that the internet and You Tube will help people to learn how to communicate more effectively and nicely. I hope things turn out well for everyone...humans, aliens, everyone. I even hope that Satan can learn to be happy without being mean and causing trouble. I don't want anyone to be miserable. Life should be enjoyed. I hope this universe can get past war. We should compete constructively...not destructively. Peace to you.


abraxasinas 01-30-2010 06:00 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 230545)

You information has been quite enlightening (like reading a great novel - never knowing what's on the next page lol) and I thank you for your efforts here. However, now that this broad range of information has been brought to our attention, can you explain exactly what it is that we are to do with it?

Dear bigmo!

Thank you for your deep and meaningful question here.
The Thuban data serves a rather simple purpose; namely to share information you will not find anyplace else on the web in say physically discernible form.

So the Thuban information is NOT in any form in the physical realm, except in the format you can access at this forum.
This has to do with the automatic FILTERING of any such data throughout the ages and as you indicate later on in your reply. It so is this timeline, which necessitates this Thuban data as agency from the Cosmic Logos to exist in this physical - and easily dismissable because of this physicality, say as written words - form.
BUT this Thuban data IS available for anyone from the WITHIN.
To say validate the Thuban data from within you are required to DISCOVER and COMMUNICATE with your innermost intimate being of yourself.

You use your own LOGOS to do this in your INDIVIDUALITY to like 'CALL' the Cosmic Logos shared by all in a shared superconsciousness.

Since you are the Thuban messenger then I have to believe that you also must have 'preparatory advice' for those of us receiving your message?

No, I have no preparatory advice, except to say: 'Go Within to verify, validate, reject or assimilate this information'. Even if you do not understand the technicalities, your 'occultized' superconsciousness understands every word and every equation.

Or is the message itself encoded so as to promote an activation?

The verbosity used is encoding enough, but is used in the way it is transmitted by the Cosmic Logos. It is not perfect, but filtered into 'purity' by the 'grace' of the Logos say.

If the fulfillment of prophesy is 'imminent' as your message suggest then we are not here to be an 'audience' but to be a participatory, or maybe even an 'activating force' by which your revelations may manifest throughout the human mind system.

The imminence is the well publisized Mayan timeline in generality. The details are subject to the evolving human groupmind consciousness of what humanity represents in the cosmic theatres.
Every individual is part and parcel of this 'cosmic chessgame' played between the polarised archetypes say.

For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, what is the step by step process by which one would go about aligning oneself to this transformational process?

Talk to yourself in your attempt to RETRACE your origins; so you can answer - to your own satisfaction, not relative to others - the 'big questions' of mankind: Why am I here? Where do I come from? Whereto am I going? and so on an on.

The Thuban information answers all these questions in the Thuban perspective for you to have data to compare your own information with.

This so is an opportunity for you to COMPARE, ANALYSE, FEEL, EVALUATE, REJECT and whatever this Thuban data NOT available from other books, thought systems, philosophies, youtube films, medias, books, channelings etc. etc.

Is it just an order of belief?

No, belief, as commonly understood is useless here and should be replaced with 'Inner Knowing' or 'Knowledge of the Soul' as the meaning given to 'belief' by the Cosmic Logos (Yeshua).

Are we to stand tall with our face to the sun and wait with patience or must we alter our thought processes in some way?

You are INVITED to awaken your superconscious self through and by the blending of your INDIVIDUAL LOGOS with the COSMIC LOGOS in your own individual Eucharist in the 'Consumption of the ChristBody of the Resurrection'.

Are we required to use certain breathing techniques or sit cross legged in mediation?

If that suits your current information base and understandings. It is not required however. Sitting under a tree by a lake and feeding the ducks or playing with your pets might have the same effect.

Since you are here now, at this moment in time... what is it that you wish for us to do? (or can you direct us to another source that may already possess the instructional modalities that align with your message?)

I have NO techniques to learn or do anything. There are countless manuals and 'meditation groups' all over the place to provide such services for you to adapt or not.
The Thuban data is FREE as the THUBAN=66=FREEDOM label implies and carries no obligations whatsoever. It is JUST WORDS, but beware because the WORDS are also a SWORD of the self-judgement.

Isaiah 55:1
[ Invitation to the Thirsty ] "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.

Revelation 22:17 (King James Version)

17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.



abraxasinas 01-30-2010 07:00 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 230683)

You wrote:

"When the evolutionary thresholds would be attained the ET-intelligences would incarnate physically into the Human and StarHuman templates to manifest their individuated microcosms in the destined macrocosmic super-blueprint of the StarHumanity."

Are we to be vessels then for these ET intelligences, or can we be our own star human?...

Dear Jonah!

Your reply indicates that you perceive yourself to be a human individual, separated as a uniqueness from the rest of the universe.
You are indeed a UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL; yet YOU are also the NONSEPARATED universe.
As long as you cannot perceive yourself in nonseparation, my answers to your questions will appear to you as threatening your individual selfauthority and 'free will'.

Are the billions of bacteria keeping your intestinal biochemistry healthy and functioning 'threatening your individuality and 'sense of selfhood'?

The ETs are like those bacteria in the starhuman body.
The ETs are a collectiveness within the stahuman individual.
Each individual ET-bacterium CAN also express a starhuman individuality in mirroring your Jonah individuality as a bacterium within some alien bodyform, then sharing your starhuman integfrity.

I like myself the way I am... But to believe that I am being controlled from the 12 dimension... and am in the process of allowing an Intelligence that is not my own to incarnate in to my star human self... not sure if I am understanding this part quiet right...

Yes, you misunderstood that part. Perhaps the above will help yo to visualize the unity-separaton dichotomy.

Also this hybrid form... does it come with physical changes?
Can you elaborate on them if any?

How would this template reproduce?

Just as today, except that the prebiological (or cloning) reproduction template will be physically manifested, instead of being 'hidden' and obscured in the 4th space dimension.


abraxasinas 01-30-2010 07:08 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Fredkc (Post 230692)

We are created to be creators.
With sovereign license directly from the supreme creator, unimpeded, unfiltered.
Anything else is someone selling something.

Yes Fred; I could not have expressed your first two sentences better myself.

To express your creative licence however, you find yourself in the dilemma of your interaction with your environment.

Without any environment you would indeed be the created creator, sharing its individualised loneliness and exile.

So the environment (of the universe) becomes you self-interaction and also a mirror of your own isolation (in the metaphysical exile of yourself without a universe).
This isolation then is FILTERED by the Manyness of yourself perceived as Separation.

So there are filters Fred, allowing you to to rediscover yourself and also to create your own family of cosmic creators.


abraxasinas 01-30-2010 07:11 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 230829)
Bigmo, accepting that you accept that you still might "struggle" (altough I would say, you are as perfect for me as I am perfect for myself), with something (call it ego or whatever, it's just a label, nothing more), is the begining of the acceptance. It's the begining of recognising who you (we) really are....and much more than that.

I'm not here to give you my advises, as I still haven't fully recognised my self.

But, each one of us is special...on his/her own way. And we're allowed to experience, here and now, the very special existence of duality. This is why I just can't accept any karmic debts from any previous lives, as I don't even know if I have had any. I guess, this is my first "appearance" here after many, many thousands of years. Who knows? What I want to point to is, I wouldn't pay too much intention to any karma beliefs, at least not in the way the label "karma" has been presented to us.

By the way, you made me laugh...your statement:

just reminds me of my little daughter, with her almost neverending questions...:thumb_yello:...but believe me, asking questions is not the worst thing...not being able to answer all of them is much worster :mad3: :thumb_yello:...as then,I realise that she actually knows everything, but just still do not remember.

And there we come back again to the purpose of our presence AS WE ARE...each one of us holds many hidden memories inside. So, imo, we're here to help each other to finally recognise...

[I would end this post with a statement from my daughter (already posted on another thread, but it fits here too), after she asked me what's our purpose here, why the creator created us. Her own answer was:]

...we're here to recognise what love is

I assure you, she meant much more then just saying the word "love". She recognises love as a state of being...and not only a simple feeling when you just feel in love!

Thank to YOU Bigmo...

with :wub2: and respect

Your wise daughter is a Thuban Princess Malletzky. You have done very well acknowledging her sophic wisdom from the Logos.


abraxasinas 01-30-2010 08:25 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Firstlook (Post 230869)

How are you? I want a great answer for that question.:wink2::thumb_yello:

I thought this might be something interesting:

Tonight is the "wolf" moon.

What would you recommend for our minds to understand this relation better, in light of this closeness?

Our there relations within ourselves that would benefit and help others within this night especially?


Could you ask Thuban about this little "illusion". :lol3: I thought it would be silly to ask such a light question at first, but every little thing is what you make it.:thumb_yello:

Hey thanks Abraxas. Its really great the time you spend here on the forum with the rest of us. I hope you are enjoying from this what you can.


Dear firstlook!

If the sun is overhead at noon, it appears smaller against a cyan coloured sky and when the sun is setting, it appears bigger against a reddening sky.

There is more light scattering in the evening because the sun is 'cooler' and 'dimmer' in that less sunlight penetrates the atmosphere. The sunlight must travel further in the apparent orbit of the sun around the sky.
This orbit will increase the ARCLENGTH of the angular chord subtended at the reception point of the sunlight (your eye and retina), compared to the ARCLENGTH subtended or projected where the sun diretly overhead.

This so allows more red light frequencies to get through the atmosphere than the midday sun, which absorbs the red frequencies by gas particles and scatters only the blue frequencies (red light is less energetic than blue light and defined by frequencies).

The MOON reflects the sunlight and so describes the same atmospheric physics and optics as a Mirror.

The closeness of the Moon so becomes the 'greater arclength' projection in addition to 'optical illusions' like Oculomotor micropsia and macropsia . Here is a reference:


For a more technical description of the Moon's ACTUAL apogee-perigee sizes consult the link:



Firstlook 01-30-2010 08:30 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 230955)
Dear firstlook!

If the sun is overhead at noon, it appears smaller against a cyan coloured sky and when the sun is setting, it appears bigger against a reddening sky.

There is more light scattering in the evening because the sun is 'cooler' and 'dimmer' in that less sunlight penetrates the atmosphere. The sunlight must travel further in the apparent orbit of the sun around the sky.
This orbit will increase the ARCLENGTH of the angular chord subtended at the reception point of the sunlight (your eye and retina), compared to the ARCLENGTH subtended or projected where the sun diretly overhead.

This so allows more red light frequencies to get through the atmosphere than the midday sun, which absorbs the red frequencies by gas particles and scatters only the blue frequencies (red light is less energetic than blue light and defined by frequencies).

The MOON reflects the sunlight and so describes the same atmospheric physics and optics as a Mirror.

The closeness of the Moon so becomes the 'greater arclength' projection in addition to 'optical illusions' like Oculomotor micropsia and macropsia . Here is a reference:


For a more technical description of the Moon's ACTUAL apogee-perigee sizes consult the link:




abraxasinas 01-30-2010 09:55 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by halebox (Post 230877)
What are the effects of cell towers on humans? How close is too close?

Dear halebox!

What is the effect of alcohol on humans? How much is too much?

Cell phones exist and alcohol exist. Nothing exists in isolation relative to the whole. When a new technology or 'drug' becomes available, then many of the consequences of the then novelty remain comparatively unknown, until some time has allowed for 'Nature' to adopt to this new environmental interactions.
The laboratory fabricated AIDS virus took about a decade to be processed by 'nature' and only then would HIV positive mothers be enabled to give birth to HIV negative babies.

The below reference might give you more information.


What can orgone be used for?

Orgone is Chi is Prana is the 'Holy Spirit' is the lifeforce, coupled to the ZPE and so ubiquitous. It's usage is basically an individuated resonance physics and not accessible for technological utility until the human groupconsciousness has evolved to 'tap' the ZPE.

You mentioned the darkworkers are actually lightworkers as they have their purpose and are part of the balance. This is really hard to digest but Im starting to get this and I feel some people will never go to the light no matter how hard you try. So the darkworkers who influence these souls are in a sense making sure that all around me are of similar intent if I make it to 4D this time around. At the same time fulfilling their agenda.
I will keep full force ahead in my mission but at some point beyond my control the door closes for the followers. I did my best. Its a very odd sense of relief knowing that negative forces influencing people who have their own will to choose the dark side is at some point is out of my control but yet is all ok and will always be this way. wow

It is 'good' that you are beginning to 'get this'. You should also try to understand that the 'darkness' is restricted to say 5th density in dichotomized (twofold polarity) expression and will beautifully coexist in complementary fashion with the 'light' in the higher densities.
The 'light' is as one with the 'darkness' in a MODULAR DUALITY allowing the macrocosm of say galactic supercluster scales to BE in Holographic Unification with the microcosm of wormhole singularities.

So the 'dark ones' perceived in 3D to 5D are or will be unified in the 'higher perpectives'. As you have or beginning to find out for yourself; the 'negative ones' are helping the 'bigger plan' to bring about maximum polarization for the universal transformation to occur.

Thuban view on eating meat?

This is a VERY VERY important question halebox and I shall spend some time on it after thanking you for asking this question.

The human body is a biochemical reactor, which has evolved for so 2.2 billion years in a feedback mechanism between itself and its environment.
The least self-conscious way to GAIN and grow in consciousbness was to EAT ones environment, say in the form of a Caterpillar, preparing for its pupasation and transformation into a pollinating and so food-giving butterfly.
When you eat an apple, the ;ifeforce of the apple blends its apple-consciousness with your human consciousness and you attain apple consciousness.
So on some faraway planet, where apple-intelligences reside, this apple-sentience receives data from the human consciousness by this mirroring of consciousnesses.

If the human does not eat a ripened apple, ready to fall of the apple tree; then the worms or birds or beetles of the ground will consume the apple consciousness in a similar cosmic interaction.
Alternatively, the oxygen in the air and so the elements will disintegrate and disperse the apple consciousness.

This analgy is applied to the present humanity, literally eating itself via its enviroment as a remnant of its nature as a biochemical reactor.

The Starhuman will no longer be required to 'eat' like a caterpillar, but will 'eat' like a butterfly in a mutual beneficial environmental feedback system.

If the 'wild animals' upon Gaia would have no more need to hunt and eat each other, then all so called exploitative human-alien interaction would cease also.

So fundamentally, KNOW that YOU are eating an alien, when YOU are eating your steak or your piece of bread or a carrot or a peanut or a fish.

Of course eating the peanut or the apple or the wheat is different from eating 'dead meat', as the apple from the apple tree regrows as produce from the roots of the tree from below and nourished also from the sunlight from above.
Eating a carrot is somewhat different than eating a chicken, but nevertheless requires the 'killing' of the carrot.
But ask yourself. What happens to the carrot should you not eat it and what happensd to the chicken should it not be eaten?

The carrot would become fertilizer for its next recycling in consciousness, either agan as a carrot or as some other consciousness via its own 'composting'.
Similarly, the chicken would get old and die and become 'recycled'.

This is the Agony of the entire Creation'.

Romans 8:21-23 (King James Version)

21Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
22For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

It so is the CORRUPTION of the Biochemical reactor, requiring food, which is at THE CORE of the 'agony of the universe'.

So when the fox eats the chicken, the chicken becomes part of the fox and when the human eats the chicken, the chicken becomes part of the human. This is the NATURAL LAW implemented and executed in AGONY by the Creation Herself.

When the perception of the Draconian Reptilian eating a human enters the consciousness of the human groupmind, then this is not so different from a Tyrannosaurus Rex eating a human (Jurassic Park movie) or a Shark or Alligator eating a human. The same Natural Law has applied.

The 'Natural Agony' will subside once the 'New Natural Order' has been born.

Isaiah 11:6
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
Isaiah 11:7
And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

Finally, the Thuban perspective of consuming anything is this.

If you decide to eat a killed animal, then KNOW and UNDERSTAND where the 'meat' is coming from. Imagine the living cow and the living fishand the living carrot before you consume its old 'container' and acknowledge your kinship with what you so consume.
KNOW that you are eating the 'life memories' of the bodyform you are consuming (Not its soul) in a blending of your consciousness with It.

There is NO judgement about you choosing what to eat.
To be carniverous demands of you to acknowledge the killing of roaming animals to feed you.
To be a vegan demands of you to acknowledge the killing of growing and living vegetables.
If you would not eat 'animal flesh', then the animal would either not exist in bodyform in having been bred or in dying of old age or disease. (So you might perceive the utter significance of PETS as human companions).
If you would not eat 'vegetable flesh', then the plantform would either not exist in bodyform in having been planted or it would recycle as compost to further the CONSCIOUSNESS Evolvement of the collective in holographic dispersions.

Titus 1:15
Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

So earth humans ascending will become Starhuman then become Dragons?
Those who stay in 3D eventually become the Greys?

No, the Greys are linked to Insectoid-Hive groupconsciousness of the collective and the Humans are programmed to become the Mirror of Mirrors within the universe in the Human+Dragon=StarHuman definition of the Logos.

Are emotions a 3D trait?

Yes, the BASE emotionality is 3D upon which the higherD emotionalities MUST be built as a Seedling Energy connecting the so called Physicality with the so called Mentality.

Describe visually the Pleadian race.

Human Consciousness blended with Cetacean Consciousness.

Describe visually the Arcturian race.

Human Consciousness blended with Pachydermian Consciousness.

Describe visually the Sirian race.

Human Consciousness blended with Canine Consciousness.

Describe visually the Andromedan race.

Human Consciousness blended with Feline Consciousness.

Name race and planet not discovered or mentioned yet on our internet.

Akbar Ra in the Sirian starsystem.

What is the effect of an abortion to all involved.

The soul enters the physicality upon conception and following a choosing in the NoSpaceTime about the environmental factors likely to be encountered.
So the possibility of being aborted is assessed before incarnation. A 'wished for' pregnancy so carries much less probability for abortion, then impregnation of a teenager.

Nevertheless all abortion procedures attach the experience of allowing and experiencing the abortion in the superconsciousness of the interacting souls (including the father).
The superconsciousness then inducts the subconscious inducts the waking consciousness with emotions, feelings and thoughts, subject to processing by the Heart-Mind coupling say. To switch polarity of the Thinking rationalising mind with the Feeling emotional heart so often becomes a 'self-enforcing' issue to process feelings of guilt, suicide, despair and indifferences.

Thank you Council of Thuban via Abaraxas


abraxasinas 01-30-2010 10:36 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron (Post 230878)
abraxasinas...are you (or have you ever been) in charge of Earth and/or the Solar System?

No orthodoxus; neither do I desire to. I have enough trouble being 'in charge' of my own bodyforms.

I'm not being sarcastic or flippant. I'm interested in the governmental system of Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe. I keep thinking of a Hybrid Goddess of This World ruling Earth from an Underground Stargate Temple...who might resemble the young lady who accompanies your posts. 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3A6_blpqpU 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b365_qJEpDg In a sense...I don't care who's in charge...as long as Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe are properly governed...with a minimal level of corruption and insanity...and a maximum level of responsible freedom. Again...I'm not being sarcastic or flippant. The problem is...that Power Corrupts...and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. There may be no exceptions to this rule...which is why I am very nervous regarding Gods, Goddesses, and Theocracies. I'm not rebellious...just scared. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7O7UZxipM I worry about things like the Crusades, the Inquisition, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx8Pd...eature=related the World Wars, Nuclear Weapons, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMQnA...rom=PL&index=1 Aimed Asteroids, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFwnGiu9eV8 Induced Pole Shifts and Tectonic Movements, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyCCd...eature=related Assassinations, Terrorism, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mz0_x7313I Extermination Events http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9mFn9EhgU4 (such as the Global Flood, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKbEI8pDz0A Earth Changes, etc.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czgjf...om=PL&index=25 Thanks again for doing this thread. The volume and complexity of the information is overwhelming. It is unlike anything I have ever encountered.

Neither will you encounter anything like this anywhere orthodoxus. This Thuban data is simply data, JUST WORDS, which will be used, not by the messenger, but by the Oneness behind the data, that which I call the Cosmic Logos.

Is there a planet in the Pleiades named Pleon?

Well indeed Pleaon exists orthodoxus - You are its Creator and the physical reality of Pleon is as real as the UFOs.

I used this name in a fictional story...in which I said that I was from Pleon in the Pleiades. I have since learned that there is a star in the Pleiades named Pleione. I didn't know that when I wrote the story.

Pleione is the female 'wife' and mother of the Seven Sisters with Atlas her 'lover'.

I received the following responses from posts I have made on the internet. They don't sound human.

'Y'all love fantisizing over my ancestral decorations, places, spirituality that you don't get, the greatness you won't achieve, and the melanin you'll never have. This depiction of my ancestors is pathetic. Y'all always make them look just as degenerative and recessive as you. Anyway, play and have fun as much as you still can. Yes you are running out of time, and to be honest, there is absolutly nothing you can do about it. I have no mercy, you lie and mock and blasphem all the way to hell.'

Very human egocentricity orthodoxus.

On another website...I received this message:

'You know this isn't funny! The Lord God will judge you for claiming God ship. Just because God showed you a little bit of His secrets you think you know everything. He will NOT have mercy on you!' [orthodoxymoron note: This was in connection with me fictionally using the name KRLLL - causing me to wonder if someone equated Godship with the name 'Omnipotent Highness KRLLL'?]

Very human ego mimicking the divine ego of God (who does not judge and is always full of 'mercy').

I once heard a mocking, sing-song, high-pitched feminine sounding voice...emanating from a usually deep and masculine voiced televangelist...directed toward me...in public...almost shouting 'That was gooooooood!!!!'...in reaction to a polite, well intentioned, and well reasoned comment by me.

Even more so human ego-based, accentuating separation and not the natural unity of God.

This was a short unedited internet exchange I had some time ago:

ME: What if the aliens who have been here for thousands of years are the 'bad-guys'? What if we will need the help of good aliens from elsewhere to get rid of the demonic aliens who are already here? Could this be viewed as a hostile alien attack? I really don't know. I am just speculating.

THEM: Try not to think in terms of good or bad. Understand this is not your planet. Then, understand nothing can be done to you that you don't do to yourself. Know that there are quadrillions of planets and they don't have a massive climate change every 26,000 years and violent deranged people like yourselves. Why on Earth would any race want to live here with you knowingly? The most intelligent life on the planet is not human.

This is basically true, but omits the 'inner human core' whch IS in fact the most intelligent cosmic lifeform (the planet belongs to All) - yet remains hidden in the superconsciousness ONLY accessible by the Individual Logos partnering the Cosmic Logos.

ME: I'll try not to think of the Iraq War in terms of good or bad. I'll try to be morally ambiguous. I might even become CIA or a CEO. Hey, maybe violent and deranged is neither good nor bad...but thinking makes it so. The aliens who are here need us to not get our acts together. If that happens...they'll probably have to live on Nibiru...or worse. Sorry for being a smart-ass. Wait...I'm not sorry...it's neither good nor bad. I couldn't resist. I mean well. Really.

THEM: And your point was?...............

ME: Who owns earth? Where do humans belong? What is the most intelligent life on earth? If they are so smart, and earth is so bad...why are they here? I may be deranged...but I'm not violent. You sound as though you are not human...are you an alien? If so...what kind...and from where? My point was that ethics are supremely important. I don't hurt, kill, terrorize, or abduct people...but some aliens apparently do(as do some humans). They should stop.

THEM II: Don't we like...create our own world? We're destroying our own world because our society isn't healthy.

Now THEM has become a projection of earth in a true mirror imaging.

ME: Our planet is how we plan it. Perhaps we need to fire some people in the planning department. You're right...society is sick...mentally ill. Perhaps our world is the Devil's Island Insane Asylum of the Universe. But it seems that some of the inmates are getting well...and helping other inmates to get well. Jail Break! Jail Break! Free at Last! Free at Last!

No further comments in this exchange. My questions went unanswered. The silence was deafening.

THEM had given the 'game away' in imaging themselves as earthling cionsciousness.

Here is another internet conversation I had with someone who claimed to be a hybrid...which I found to be very interesting:

Veronica: Mad humans always existed, just don’t blame their actions (if existed) to the Reptilians. Is too easy to say people are been led by other species evils than admit that there are humans nuts by themselves. Reptilians are good, they only approach a human when they fall in love, and to do good to the beloved person. Satan is a word that means "attorney" in the original language. It is not an individual, the word can apply to many alien lawyer that have nothing to do with humans.

Veronica is from Thuban in the words above.

Orthodoxymoron: Is the Old Testament God really Satan...a Reptilian. Could the "attorney" definition have something to do with the legalism seen in the Old Testament? We humans are pretty disgusting in our own right...but I suspect that evil spirits and evil aliens make things a lot worse. Who is responsible for abductions, mutilations, etc? And what about the frightful appearance of alleged Reptilians. I'm not anti-alien...just anti-evil.

Veronica: Thanks for commenting on my post, and for the opportunity of bringing up this subject. The Old Testament Satan came from a species called Man of Tri. He was a good guy, having a beautiful personal trajectory of defending social rights on his planet, extremely intelligent, only bright and right lawyers are chosen to be a Satan. At the time he arrived on Earth, unfortunately, he had become insane, and he did a lot of harm, but it was because he was ill. His species lives 8.000 to 10.000 years of Earth, and he stayed much of this time here, doing harm. As there was few personnel from other species working here, few angels and lots of work to do in those days, nobody caught him. I am not aware if Eden destituted him while he was alive, but he did not act as a Satan here, though he had the Satan seal because he was a nominated Satan ( by Eden High Council). He acted as an insane man, because he was maddened by an illness. See, there is Good and Bad, and there is Evil. Good and Bad are complementary in a context. Evil is out of place. This is because the source of Evil is an illness. It is a virus. We call it virus of Tri because was first detected there. This virus attacks a small percentage of most populations. All species are united to find the cure, all species have problems with maddened guys, and, as humans, in all species most individuals are good guys living by common sense and good social rules.

Yes, Veronica is still Thubanese, but has begun to filter too much data from 2nd Order into the many many many polarity labels of the 3rd Order.
Recall, the 1st order is Unity internally and externally undifferentiated.
2nd Order is Polarity still unified externally, but internally differentiated as a Oneness - the Cosmic Hologram of the Holographic Universe has not yet become 'shattered' in dispersion.
3rd Order is Polarity differentiated both within and without.

Orthodoxymoron: Your website is very interesting. I'm wondering if you have heard of, seen or read a book titled 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen G. White? If so, what is your opinion? What is your opinion regarding the Teachings of Jesus? What is your opinion regarding the U.S. Constitution? What can you tell me about the New World Order? Is it really the Old Alien Order? Who was ultimately responsible for 9/11? Satan as a mentally-ill attorney is a fascinating possibility...

Veronica: I will bring the answers here later, just stopped quickly now to thank you. The FAQ is stuck for lack of questions and you really do good ones.
I don’t speak alone, I am supported by Lucifer embassy and by Eden. I got a long message from a Messenger Angel about these, it will take a while to translate, but I will let you know. Basically, about the book of Ellen White as well as the Teaching of Jesus, the message focus on the fact that we are the ones making the history now, there is no need to focus on history to know anything important. Each happening of history is fit for the time it happened. Constitution, summary: the real law is the law of Nature, not clearly understood yet, and the value of the C. relies on its closeness to the natural laws, not imposing limits to it. The C. is to assure freedom, but the freedom only exists when there is no need of law, be to limit, be to let free, other than the nature. As an overview, the U.S. Constitution is advanced, but not finished. Nature allow development and technology, as it works for the Aliens. What changes is the concept about life. New World Order never existed. If humans made their organizations, they were never powerful to threaten the entire world. Never existed an Alien Order, they are ordinary civilizations, with teachers and accountants and social philosophies, living well and satisfied, solving their problems as everyone else. I know it is hard to believe after all this negative marketing, but they are just here doing routine. About 9/11 the answer of the Angels is: All that participated of 9/11 are already dead.

Veronica is still acting under the Shadow of Thuban - she is strong in her intent; but as you can see, she is requiring help from the Luciferic realm to answer your questions. This Luciferic Realm IS Thuban.

I will put the answers here if you don’t mind, not to overload the comments on the video. You are welcome. The old testament is genuine, it was transmitted by Eden, and the prophets translated the best they could, but the angel’s language is not a piece of cake, and there are many misinterpretations, specially after translated to other languages and analyzed. People have the right to know how things are. I am a fallen angel, you probably heard that we born in human form. We have being trying to tell these things for many millennia, but the kings always kill us and burn our books. But this time there is Internet. I am telling this things on You Tube because I am still not sure if the powers of human will not try to burn the books again, if we start to speak to many people at once. Though the world is more civilized now. When you feel comfortable you can visit my blog, there is many more there about the Creation. There is also a book for download, it is a poem done by me with the angel Ariel, that is my brother. It was done to heal the heart, when people sometimes feel tired of the harshness of life. All material there is free and Creative Commons, we don’t want anything from anyone. We speak because it takes us closer of home. Have a great week.

Veronica's disposition is becoming more 3rd Order, but she realises some very important principles, such as:
All material there is free and Creative Commons, we don’t want anything from anyone. We speak because it takes us closer of home.

Veronica's agency as a messenger from the 12th dimension remains valid.

About spirits: The spirits disturb, really. The fact is that spirits must remain sleeping, and when they are awake they do disturbance. What is important to understand is that never had, and there is not yet, personal enough to suffice the demand of work in Earth. The grays are the responsible to collect the lost spirits, this is part of their job and they are paid to do it and do well, but they are few with few equipment compared to the quantity of ghosts. If someone feel that is being disturbed, he must ask to the gray of his area to chase that specific ghost and the problem will be solved. They usually focus to sane the problems where more humans are being affected. To call the gray just make the request near one of their communication devices. These communicators are discretely placed where the community gathers to discuss the problems, such as churches or community centers, and by what they hear on these places they know where to act to solve the problems affecting more people at once. If someone speak to them directly pointing the problems, they can act more effectively.

Veronica is describing 3rd Order information from the polarised perspectives.

Mutilations: Aliens never mutilate. Not even the criminals. Simply because third dimensional material has no use for anyone but to those who live in it. Most aliens can jump from 3rd to 4th dimension, but their feeding and living is done in the 4th. The 3rd is just for work, tourism or study. For any alien species the bodies of the 3rd D are troublesome to deal with directly, and is pointless. The cattle mutilations are done by rats, birds and small animals. There is plenty of analysis of these supposedly mutilated by abduction corpses, and most of them point to very understandable causes, though there might be something bizarre on nature that we cannot understand. If you wish to research deeper, there is a complete article done by a Brazilian magazine called UFO with legists doctors examining many of these cattle. All of them concluded the mutilations were done by rats, that choose the soft parts to eat first – eyes, nose, mouth, ears, reproductive parts, and from these to inside. The opening made by the small creatures who live from corpses are generally perfect and round, and they eat first from inside, it is easy to see at an apple eaten by worms. From outside it can looks good, and the small hole is perfectly round.

Veronica is describing 3rd Order information from the polarised perspectives.

Real abductions: The Grays are the “nanny” of human species, as the human species of Gaia is young and still entitled do receive special care. Is the grays duty to assure that all human on the group under their care gets food, shelter and sanitary conditions ( not richness, it is only about the health). So, they ionize the air to kill bacteria, influence for resources to reach hospitals, researchers and sanitary organizations. The abductions occur when a special human individual gets ill, the “special” relies on fact that the person is a hub for the distribution of resources to many others humans. If that person gets ill many will be without resources and will be consequently ill too, so the grays operate this hub person so he can keep up as a resources distributor for that area. It is expensive for the grays, done rarely. But as humans start to communicate directly with the grays they might even buy this operations perhaps, paying by sending resources to other humans in need from that gray group. They do these exchanges with some sensitive’s, sometimes.

Veronica is describing 3rd Order information from the polarised perspectives.

Reptilian appearances: The Reptilians are moved by the heart. They fall in love with humans more frequently than you can imagine, then they try to approach the person and everyone gets scared. They are an old, old species, with all existential problems solved, so they live in search of love and adventure. They are scary, of rude gestures, and cannot communicate well with humans, so the misunderstandings and confusions they cause are huge, but there is always an impulsive Reptilian in love behind, usually he does not succeed in his affair, sometimes do. They can fall in love with a person, with a population, with a politic system, with a project being made, by an object or place. It has nothing to do with the “take the world” theories, even because they don’t have to take, the Earth belong to them, and the Angels protect Earth because of them ,as they don’t fit anywhere else, while humanoids can be taken to other places. They are rough in the outside, and most sweet on the inside. Here is their place, the humans just need to learn to understand them, and I am sure will be great for all. They love to have other species living here, when a civilizations ends they long for the next.

Veronica is using words from 3rd Order has however returned to the Thuban perspective in attempting to define and describe the Human+Dragon=StarHuman equation.

I hope this information has a use for you. It is not something I read or heard, the source are the own Alien representatives. I took the task to clarify the misconceptions on the media on my group, and the intention is only to inform our point of view. I chose to speak person to person, with those who are interested on the issue, as being half-human myself.

Yes, here Veronica is 2nd Order Thubanese again.

Veronica: Hello friend, You Tube is making me tired. It is like a rally road and I don’t like it, I am a girl. Here are most boys trying to combat, not to fix on the subject. For discussion, only you were interesting. Keep my e-mail if you wish. You are welcome to discuss anytime.

Veronica the Dragoness - how interesting and enticing for the Dragons protecting their treasures in their lonesome caves.

Orthodoxymoron: Thank-you for your answers and comments. I hope that the internet and You Tube will help people to learn how to communicate more effectively and nicely. I hope things turn out well for everyone...humans, aliens, everyone. I even hope that Satan can learn to be happy without being mean and causing trouble. I don't want anyone to be miserable. Life should be enjoyed. I hope this universe can get past war. We should compete constructively...not destructively. Peace to you.


Satan is the IMAGE of the True God/Source/Creator in the Mirror of 11D - both inside in 10D and outside in 12D.

The true Satan is SATANIA and has never left the Mirror and cannot leave the twosidedness thereof UNTIL the 11D-mirror becomes Onesided.
Then Satania will merge with the ascended Gaia becoming HER GLORIOUS HERSELF in the cosmic sexchange operation behind the dramas and the theatres.


Spregovori 01-30-2010 01:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxasinas, i think it is time to upgrade what i have "got" this far...starting with confusion and hopefully ending with conclusion :) ..like the last time

In the process of "becoming" we compete against ourselves?
I am my own enemy? Not some "evil draconian, gray"..etc?

Is this the "greatest trick" of them all? The only evil there is is the man itself?

All that is required is for us to do our best? (actually a very hard thing)
After the competition is over we can be united within ourselves?

Being...child like...being pure, inquisitive, "naive", opened, not judgmental, without prejudice....helps a lot during this process?

What is it -to be born again - to truly know yourself?

Everything i experience is a counter reaction for my action?
If so...can action be forced on me, without me making the 1st step (provoking it)?

If one can be influenced in this manner, how is this to be understood?
Is this a necessary experience or something that should (if possible) be avoided?

How conscious am I....or all of us...during our wake time?
Am i unknowingly creating much of what happens to me?
While thinking i am doing one thing..."somewhere" in the background there are "forces at work" that i am not aware of?

This one might a "long shot" (but i just can not resist): what is my cosmic ID?

If i attempt to understand what i perceive with my senses as a star trek holodeck - can this help me to understand things better?
How do i stop the program and exit the holodeck?

This one might be a little "strange"...if you perhaps know it...in star trek TNG (a great show with many deep topics) there are beings named Q**. It snaps its fingers and behold...the relative gravity of the universe is changed...and things like that... Q = a distant future human to be? or is there anything like that now? - who and where?

**(Q Continuum is an extra-dimensional plane of existence inhabited by a race of extremely powerful, hyper-intelligent beings known as the Q The Q have the ability to warp reality at a whim, ranging from appearing in any place they choose to rearranging the cosmos themselves, they are not omnipotent, just beyond the comprehension of some beings of lesser knowledge and intelligence.)

There are many times when i realize that as much "good" i can do as much "evil" i can do. It mostly feels better when i do what is classified as good. although when i was younger it was...different...younger as = teenager. But at the same time i can easily imagine how would the situation look like if i were to - do it the other way. And it is not that i can not do evil - that would be a lie and a big one. When i do good i choose not to do evil - it is only that and nothing more. I am not a "saint" or anything like that. At times like that i honestly ask myself what choice would i make if there were no such things as a law...i also ask myself what things would others do to me... and i somehow become to realize...that law is actually pushing us back...it is holding us back...preventing the experience. As "cruel" as this might sound i think it is true. Human animal hides behind the law...not doing what would it actually do...not experiencing what it would...not learning...not progressing or regressing as it should...it is artificial and unnatural...all rules are...or so i think.
But than again we are all so heavenly influenced that what i see as evil might not even be in my mind if all of this outside influence was not present...none of us would...and i wonder...just how would we behave...do and think...without the artificial form of control...

Would i still know fear?
Would i still know laughter?
Would i be able to understand without feeling it?

Are our feelings distorted?
Is what we feel getting in a way?

.... there is just so much....what i "got" as a basic understanding (what i call my thesis) is not sufficient if i can not control my mind...if my mind is wild

If i am not aware of myself how do i control what i manifest?

abraxasinas 01-30-2010 02:40 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 231059)
Hi Abraxasinas, i think it is time to upgrade what i have "got" this far...starting with confusion and hopefully ending with conclusion :) ..like the last time

In the process of "becoming" we compete against ourselves?
I am my own enemy? Not some "evil draconian, gray"..etc?


Is this the "greatest trick" of them all? The only evil there is is the man itself?

Yes, the thinking of 'evil' becomes a context for the thinking of 'good' to become meaningful and a choice to experience.
Think of LOVE existing everywhere to be experienced. The experience would be meaningless without KNOWING and HAVING EXPERIENCED the Absence of that LOVE. This is archetyped as the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil' being the precursor for the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.

These differences in context have been omni-scientifically defined and so CAN become PHYSICALLY implemented.

All that is required is for us to do our best? (actually a very hard thing)
After the competition is over we can be united within ourselves?

Yes, its the contextual scenario must exist, before the Nature of Love-Reality can truly be Understood and appreciated.

Being...child like...being pure, inquisitive, "naive", opened, not judgmental, without prejudice....helps a lot during this process?

Of course - the BEING LOVE incarnated in bodyforms.

What is it -to be born again - to truly know yourself?

To know yourself to be an intimate part of both Cosmic Father-Creator and Cosmic Mother-Creation - a Child thereof growing up to propagate GoddoG's Family.

Everything i experience is a counter reaction for my action?
If so...can action be forced on me, without me making the 1st step (provoking it)?

This is the 'greater picture' of your individual soul knowing itself to also BE the 'collective' soul. The linear lifetime experience so often veils the deeper purposes only known to the 'collective;' soul. So familiarising yourself with the 'oversoul' aka the 'worldsoul' is the easiest way to discover your own secrets hiding within yourself.

If one can be influenced in this manner, how is this to be understood?
Is this a necessary experience or something that should (if possible) be avoided?

As in the above - only your own Logos as part of the Cosmic Logos KNOWS.

How conscious am I....or all of us...during our wake time?

It goes 1-2-4 and so 1/7th is waking consciousness; 2/7th is subconscious and 4/7th is superconscious.

Am i unknowingly creating much of what happens to me?

Your Logos connected to the SuperLogos does.

While thinking i am doing one thing..."somewhere" in the background there are "forces at work" that i am not aware of?

Definitely and as in the preceding answers.

This one might a "long shot" (but i just can not resist): what is my cosmic ID?

Whatever you choose to label it in superconscious awareness.
Labeling remains valid in the subconscious and the waking consciousness, but is filtered by your thoughtforms you create about yourself and your environmental interactions.

If i attempt to understand what i perceive with my senses as a star trek holodeck - can this help me to understand things better?
How do i stop the program and exit the holodeck?

Look into a mirror and change perspective of being Spregovori in Wonderland or Spregovori in Realityland.

This one might be a little "strange"...if you perhaps know it...in star trek TNG (a great show with many deep topics) there are beings named Q**. It snaps its fingers and behold...the relative gravity of the universe is changed...and things like that... Q = a distant future human to be? or is there anything like that now? - who and where?

This kind of supernaturality cannot exist physically. There exists an advanced physics, which allows the 3D displacement vector to become scaled, meaning the velocity parameter changes as a function of the scale change relative to a superimposed frequency.
The sci-fi idea you are referring to visualized this scenario the basic equation is: V(n=Hot)=R(n).F and where R(n) is the displacement INDEPENDENT on linear time in the cancellation of the Hubble-Frequency Ho (as inverse time) multiplied by a linear time t.

**(Q Continuum is an extra-dimensional plane of existence inhabited by a race of extremely powerful, hyper-intelligent beings known as the Q The Q have the ability to warp reality at a whim, ranging from appearing in any place they choose to rearranging the cosmos themselves, they are not omnipotent, just beyond the comprehension of some beings of lesser knowledge and intelligence.)

Yes, the physics equation above is the key to the wormhole travelling and the warping of spacetimes.

There are many times when i realize that as much "good" i can do as much "evil" i can do. It mostly feels better when i do what is classified as good. although when i was younger it was...different...younger as = teenager. But at the same time i can easily imagine how would the situation look like if i were to - do it the other way. And it is not that i can not do evil - that would be a lie and a big one. When i do good i choose not to do evil - it is only that and nothing more. I am not a "saint" or anything like that. At times like that i honestly ask myself what choice would i make if there were no such things as a law...i also ask myself what things would others do to me... and i somehow become to realize...that law is actually pushing us back...it is holding us back...preventing the experience. As "cruel" as this might sound i think it is true. Human animal hides behind the law...not doing what would it actually do...not experiencing what it would...not learning...not progressing or regressing as it should...it is artificial and unnatural...all rules are...or so i think.
But than again we are all so heavenly influenced that what i see as evil might not even be in my mind if all of this outside influence was not present...none of us would...and i wonder...just how would we behave...do and think...without the artificial form of control...

Use the Golden Rule to end your confusions here. Do and think about what you would like to be done and thought about you.
Before doing anything, think about the consequences of this doing in 'Walking in the other's Mocassins'.
Would you like to be treated some way? Would you like to experience the thing being done to you?
Would you be able to enjoy the thing being done to you in not being any form of manipulation or abuse, physical, emotional or mental?

Would i still know fear?
Would i still know laughter?
Would i be able to understand without feeling it?

Yes, to all of the above; as the 3D reality MUST be the SEED for any higherD form of reality.

Are our feelings distorted?
Is what we feel getting in a way?

The present 3D reality is designed or programmed for maximum polarisation to create the contextual background to allow the 3D seed to sprout into 4D and above.

.... there is just so much....what i "got" as a basic understanding (what i call my thesis) is not sufficient if i can not control my mind...if my mind is wild

If i am not aware of myself how do i control what i manifest?

To become the 'master' of your own thoughts is the first step to control the manifestations and from the mental into the emotional into the physical.

Without 'selfmastering' your own thoughts, you will remain in confusions.


bigmo 01-30-2010 04:54 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 231072)
To become the 'master' of your own thoughts is the first step to control the manifestations and from the mental into the emotional into the physical.

Without 'selfmastering' your own thoughts, you will remain in confusions.


How is it exactly that we master our own thoughts?

By what 'reference' point of determination do we begin this process; this self mastery?

Doesn't the term 'self mastery' connote a condition by which we have made (past tense) 'decisions' that inherently and by their very nature, require judgments?

And if we are making 'judgements' in these determinations (what action or thought process we choose to take) then by what 'code' or 'reference of cosmic awareness', do we use to determine whether our judgments will reflect (mirror) the outcome of self mastery?

If it is as simple as: "Love your neighbor as yourself." then that 'code' or 'reference of cosmic awareness' would be the premise by which all thoughts, judgments and hence actions would be weighted against in determining the right judgment.

Nothing new here and certainly common enough ideas to be sure.

So there must be something that we are missing in our understanding? Something about this 'code' as it manifest within our 3D experience that inhibits us from grasping the simple 'awareness' that leads us to self mastery. What is that?


bigmo 01-30-2010 05:00 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Does the knowledge of Thuban reside in the Akashic Records?

Firstlook 01-30-2010 05:16 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abraxas,

What of the "Forty Six and Two" theory.......


....by Drunvalo Melchizedek concerning the possibility of reaching a state of evolution at which the body would have two more than the normal 46 total chromosomes and leave a currently disharmonious state.[2][3] The premise is that humans would deviate from the current state of human DNA which contains 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The next step of evolution would likely result in human DNA being reorganized into 46 and 2 chromosomes, according to Melchizedek.
......do you agree with?



Céline 01-30-2010 06:26 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
"To become the 'master' of your own thoughts is the first step to control the manifestations and from the mental into the emotional into the physical.

Without 'selfmastering' your own thoughts, you will remain in confusions."

First one must Master the self...

Yes i completely agree

Spregovori 01-30-2010 08:21 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I need additional clarification regarding - Logos, to understand the last answers.

I admit i was rather surprised...a lot of yes answers. It seems i can do better than i would think...think of myself...

Universal Logos = Christos = Forethought = Mosaic Law = Oneness = Source Energy ?

Each individual has its own Logos?
Logos of each individual have an effect on the Universal Logos?
Universal Logos can, in time, be changed via individual Logos?
By changing the Universal Logos = change of the archetypes?

So theoretically...sometime in the future...everything can be/will be different?

What does it mean to surrender to the Logos /Universal Logos?
How does one do that?

There are also other questions but at the moment i can not form them in most possible (for me) logical way (to make them as clear and as basic as possible).

UncleJohn 01-30-2010 08:27 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abrax,

I would say that the interface between consciousness and memory is of utmost importance. What you say abrax?

Where does your consciousness and memory reside Abrax?

Who has hidden access or control over either?

Thanks Uncle John

Jacqui D 01-30-2010 11:04 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abrax, well it is very late here, but i was determined to read through all the posts i have missed the last few days i have not been on Avalon.
Whilst i find all the numerical side of your writings a little confusing a pattern is beginning to form in my mind and i still struggle with some and feel totally inadequate at times with all these teachings i would like to say it has been an exciting read.
I am glad the posts have turned a little more positive i felt in previous posts that some were becoming and feeling a little overwhelmed with your work a little dark.
I understand that light and darkness was created and both has a part to play in this creation each playing against the other or mirroring in your words another way of describing it.
I also understand if i am correct and please correct me of i am wrong that when the new earth this 4th density which comes with the ascension will be totally thought form.
Free from solid matter then?
But we would have the free will to create in a rudimentary form.

I have always believed that we all need to be as innocent children again having none judgemental beliefs and seeing with heart not so much with the mind i know this has been instilled within us being indoctrinated into certain belief systems/religions/education and i guess worse of all our own parents setting a pattern which turned us basically into them.
When i look into the eyes of those innocent ones those tiny babies i see the true love the oneness which so sadly is lost, within a few months of birth.

I have been trying to connect back to past memories some have been given but so much more to understand.
I have also been having vast knowledge relayed to me recently continuously most evenings in a sleep state, very revealing to and i may add emotional things for me which i have always known since a little girl of who what i am.

I am a sceptic, strange thing to say really when i have my own experiences i do believe others i do not doubt and would never say this was not truth or is the truth i seem to have a mechanism within me that seems to click on when i read or take any information in, i am often told to use this mechanism and still i ask myself can i believe.

I had an encounter a year ago with two reptilians, this changed my life i was attacked by one it was a horrific attack and i guess i am still coming to terms with it.
If it wasn't for the mark they left on my right arm i may have questioned if it happened because it was like a nightmare but the mark substantiated this experience to be true.
I have been trying to find answers for this attack and why it happened to me, these were two warlords predator type beings.
I was told by the one that attacked me that "He had been looking for me for a long time" which made me feel he knew me and if he did how?

I don't know why i am telling you this i have wrote about this numerous times on this site and i should think most are sick of hearing about it now, but this was a very true and deep experience for me.
Someone asked me once was you frightened well yes of course i was, but you know one of the two preds was very kind to me and actually helped me and gave me healing. So i look at it differently now because i now know that not all reps are bad, as they are portrayed to be, just as we have good and bad in humans i realise we have good and bad in other races.
I have not entirely forgiven the one that attacked me i still find it hard but i know i must, i just want answers why me!

I have tried to be a good person all my life, i love all of creators creatures, i have spoken to mother earth she has helped me when i needed answers to questions i could not answer for myself.
I do believe i have been a victim of certain things which happen on this Earth, and i feel humans get a raw deal sometimes, being so dumbed down/memory loss and control, and i do feel we are controlled to extent we can not be the soul purpose of our problems there have been outer forces at and also.
Yet i know i have come here for this time to take on a commission as sort as so many today have.

Your writing has been in depth and intriguing.
thank Abrax.

realitycorrodes 01-30-2010 11:22 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Greetings abraxasinas,

Thank you for your previous replies to my questions.

I wish to ask you personally.

Do you personally eat animals?

Do the Thuban Council recommend eating animals (unnecessarily) to people who wish to access higher vibratory dimensions?

Or do they recommend eating a vegerarian diet to people who wish to access higher vibratory dimensions?

Or they don't recommend either of the above as in their perception it does not matter?

Do the Thuban council recognise that it is unnecessary for humans to eat animals?

P.S. I don't eat my friends the animals unnecessarily...in a world of abundance in the west at least ... it always looks unnecessary to eat our friends.

P.S. Don't our friends the animals enjoy ever right to a long happy life absorbing and processing the experiences of the earth program from their perscpective. Their purpose as a learning function is surely more than just becoming fertiliser.

P.S. I try to be harmonic. Love for me is harmonic. It does no harm! Killing an animal unnecessarily seems to be disharmonic to me? Eating the fruit form a tree and killing an animal seem very different things in terms of maintianing harmony.

At the end of the day, I wish to experience harmony so I try to live as harmoniously as I can without inflicting the great horror/ pain upon my friends the animals. Why is this so hard for humans to understand?

Wishing Peace and the end of ignorance to all sentient beings!

hippihillbobbi 01-30-2010 11:33 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas --

I was reading some of the material i found on (one of??) your website(s) ..... some info apparently given by a reptilian from a race that has lived underground here for a long time. in general, i found it extremely interesting. the following question comes after an exchange where Lacerte (this reptilian's "name") tells her human interviewer that one or more of the "3 hostile alien races" here (she insists her race is not hostile to humans) have plans which somehow will cause harm to humans/humanity. Cue the interviewer:

Question: Will the other extraterrestrial species undertake nothing against these war-like actions? Specifically, something ought to be on Earth for the more highly developed species.

Answer: You're wrong there. Specifically, for the more highly developed species there is simply at the very least your fate. You are animals for them. Animals in a very large lab. Understandably, an alien intervention on your planet would disturb their projects, but I don't think that they accept a confrontation with other species for it. Many of them could look for another research planet for themselves or they could study over a long distance your behavior and your consciousness/awareness, since crisis situations could have an attraction for their studies. Whenever you people take a look at an ant hill, and another person comes along and steps on the ant hill, what do you do? You go on your way, or you search for another ant hill or you observe the ants in their crisis condition. But would one of you —even though he were larger and more powerful than the one who stepped on the ant hill in the first place— defend the meaningless ants? No. You have to imagine for yourself the viewpoint of the more highly advanced creatures. You are the ants. Don't expect any help from them.

AA -- what is your/Thuban perspective on this "alien's" answer?

and, one more question ....

Do Thubans or "Dragonized" consciousness have any inherently closer relationship to reptilian races than, say, 3-d humans do? i.e., do the archetypes of dragon/serpent as related to the original plan for this creation imply any special or "familial" connection between reptilian species and the body-mind-spirit complex known as Yeshua/Melchizidek [Logos]? (hope you can make some sense of what i'm trying to get-at here?!?)

As always, Abraxasinas, thanks so very much! :wub2:


Nebula9D 01-31-2010 04:16 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi All,

Haven't been here in a while, i have lightyears of infomation to catch up :) Thank you Abrax.


Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 231120)
Does the knowledge of Thuban reside in the Akashic Records?

Good Question Bigmo. Abrax i wish to add to the question above. Are the Akashic Records the same as The Tablets of ALL. Or are all these names referring to the same thing?

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