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Initiate 01-23-2010 04:01 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 226665)
Hi Initiate!

This is a good question. How does one get 'outside' of the creation?

The answer is simple, yet profound.
Should you consider the 'creation' as a spacetime construct, that is some 'place' experienced at some 'time' by something you might term 'self-conscious' or 'self-unconscious'; then the answer must relate to find the 'space' and 'time' of creation, when there was no creation.

So then this nospace and notime also must be considered in their nature and/or nonmanifestation.

Say you create a fantasy creature like a Unicorn with seven horns, instead of one.
You IMAGINE this unicorn in RELATING your earlier experiences in your thoughtforms. You know what a unicorn supposed to look like from say a fairy tale book; you colour it white and place a horn (say akin that of a narwhale) upon it and then IMAGINE the superpositioning of six other say smaller horns protruding around the bigger horn from the horse-like Unicornian head.

Ok, I am sure you could do that.
But now imagine yourself of never having seen a horse and the colour white or a narwhale and the label of 'unicorn' is meaningless to you because of your LACK OF REFERENCE FRAME.

So you cannot create your sevenhorned unicorn for lack of background data.

This scenario then describes the Thuban presence in the 12th dimension.
The 12th dimension can only BE the 12th dimension, because the lower dimensions 1-11 exist.
So the 12D is REFERENCE FRAME for the lowerD in terms of spacetime construction.

Then reducing the cosmogony even further will allow you to reach the point where the 1st dimension does not yet exist.

So what is 'before' 1D - 0D!
But 0D as a mathematical point also is descriptive of InfiniteD in the VOID becoming so defined as the INVERSE of ETERNITY.
This Reciprocoity is akin the primordial polarity of something opposite yet unifiable.
This is high school algebra and group theory in the Identity parameters for addition and multiplication.

A+(-A)=0 {say 2-2=0} for addition and Ax1/A=1 {say 2x1/2=1} for multiplication.

Your question about FORM so derives from this also - the mathematical archetypical superstructure is IMMANENT or INTRINSIC to the Emergence of FORM.

So why can the Thuban Council BE 'outside' creation?
They are situated in the VOID=ETERNITY AS the prespacetime mode of creation.
They so are able to MAP the VOID=INFINITY of nospacetime onto the material creation as a 12D Reference Frame, so allowing the 11-dimensional universe to draw upon and utilize the Thubanese definition and creaton processes.

If one works for 24 hours answering questions and all during the night; it is not unreasonable to say 'Good Night' at local noontime.

You have asked an intelligent and pertinent question Initiate and the Thuban Council extends its gratitude to you for asking it.


Thanks abraxas for your answers. I thought you were asking me to take a sleep. I know you work long hours in your service.

I am still struggling with the coucil existing outside of creation in the void.

If I assume:

all of creation = 1
the void = 0
0/infinity = 0
1/infinity ~ 0 but <> 0

how can something exist in nothing?

Is it not more of the case that the Council exist in what they as yet have not defined? Even though it is not defined it is still something?



halebox 01-23-2010 04:04 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
In ascension can you skip densities or is it always one at a time?
What is a starhuman?
Is dream language the same for all? Or is it highly personalized?
Is our moon hollow? Was it created by ET's? Who currently occupies it? Its purpose for us?
Are the Thuban allies with any or all Greys, Annunaki, Pleadian?
May I request a safe round trip visit to Thuban?
What may the music sound like on Thuban?
Is there a real version of the galactic federation or light?
Is the penial gland damaged from intake of fluoride? Can it be repaired?
Are the Thuban at active war with a different race-planet? If so with whom?
Are Earth and its inhabitants considered property of the Thuban?
Are there humans that are from Earth on Thuban right now? If so how many?
Soul/Spirit difference?
Is Nibiru real? Is it occupied? By whom?

Initiate 01-23-2010 04:18 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 226676)
I have made my position regarding the azurite material rather clear and have given references not only to the Drunvalo Melchizedek connection , but also the easily discerned critique from independent (stated as excult members in the maar article) sources found on the web.

It is not in my interest to discuss this material in terms of the 'techniques' applied, except in saying that the Thubanese protocol converges to the Drunvalo paradigm in utilising the harmonious Fibonacci mechanisms.
If the azurite material is meaningful to you it will not harm you in the 'long run' even if the Drunvalo critique of 'wrongness' of it applies to such application.

Follow your inner guidance and allow your journey to unfold in the manner it feels comfortable to you.
The Thuban Council has analysed the azurite material and has drawn its conclusion relative to its own understandings. It is a potpourri of earlier data given to the human evolvement and has attempted to retranslate this more ancient information in the labelings of a more 'modern science'.
Relative to the Thuban Council, the agenda of this platform is well intended, but as is most often the case, the marketing, promotional and fiscal considerations have assumed a 'life of their own' and the earlier agenda has transformed into a particular Dawkinsian MemeComplex.

This Memecomplex is highly polarised in a say 'fear versus love' agenda and so is unsuitable to be incorporated in the platform of Thuban.

If this understanding does not resonate with you, you are free to ignore this analysis and form your own judgements as to the appropriateness and validity of the Thubanese evaluations.

In particular:
What do you make of the practical exercises, visualizatons, meditations and energy work that is put forth by MCEO. Do you see a benefit or is there the possibility that it is detrimental in any way?

Yes, I do see benefit, even great benefit in exercises such as these.
However there is no requirement to visit workshops or seminars.
If you decide to sit under the old oaken tree (if you be so lucky to have thus) in your back yard and meditate on the nature of your environment: feel the energy of the tree, touch the tree, talk to the tree to access its large information base of spacial consciousness; then your Merkabah will activate and your requirement for protective shields will dissipate.

Yet, if you prefer to follow an instruction manual in a likeminded group, this also will activate your merkabah and so on - BUT in a form of group-mindedness and not in your one-to-one attunement with the natural elements.

The method is in the individual choices and is not found in ANY manual of 'how to connect to yourself' methodology.
This is the Thuban perspective; you are free to dismiss this perspective and to follow your choosings.

The Thuban children talk to the ants and in mind synchronization they 'become the ants', able to communicate with them as kindred souls.
The Thuban children do not sit in class rooms to learn about their 'inner selves' - rather they experience themselves as parts of their environments in the search for interaction with the elements and all lifeforms encountered.

Would you say that the Maharic Shield exercise is healthy or not healthy from an energy body perspective? Is it truly creating protection or is it doing the opposite? Is protection of this kind necessary or is it suggested with an agenda?

My answer to this should be selfevident. A fear-based galactic civilization requires shieldings of many kinds; a truly advanced galactic civilization has evolved past such necessitations.

Thank you for your query.


In Contemplation of this issue the following decoding came about:

Adam and Eve in the Garden and the First Sin

When Eve and subsequently Adam were tempted to bite of the apple and then told that they were naked. Could it not be that the "nakedness" was derived from Satan telling Eve that she was unprotected from unseen spiritual entities etc. and needed the knowledge to shield herself from these things. The knowledge was given but whilst it shielded her from the unseen it also shielded her from God. Adam was tempted by Eve in this way also. This was the real sin. That Humanity cut them selves off from God when they were trying to ward off the unseen. The reality is that all the protection we need is in our one on one relationship with God. By raising a shield we cut ourselves off.

If we can undress and stand with our cloths under our feet in front of god unashamed then we have found our way home. Nothing can touch us if we do this.

UncleJohn 01-23-2010 04:34 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax, I hope you got some sleep. Sorry about that np==p? headache. Back to that later.

The problems on earth are just a reflection of the problems of the whole universe.

Shucks, most average humans don't even know about the big universe and they have no idea at what humans are destined to do.

Abrax, talk to us about the big picture.

abraxasinas 01-23-2010 05:50 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 227096)
In Contemplation of this issue the following decoding came about:

Adam and Eve in the Garden and the First Sin

When Eve and subsequently Adam were tempted to bite of the apple and then told that they were naked. Could it not be that the "nakedness" was derived from Satan telling Eve that she was unprotected from unseen spiritual entities etc. and needed the knowledge to shield herself from these things. The knowledge was given but whilst it shielded her from the unseen it also shielded her from God. Adam was tempted by Eve in this way also. This was the real sin. That Humanity cut them selves off from God when they were trying to ward off the unseen. The reality is that all the protection we need is in our one on one relationship with God. By raising a shield we cut ourselves off.

If we can undress and stand with our cloths under our feet in front of god unashamed then we have found our way home. Nothing can touch us if we do this.

Your last quote is very true Initiate.
His disciples said: "When will you appear to us, and when will we see you?"

Jesus said: "When you undress without being ashamed and take your clothes and put them under your feet like little children (and) trample on them, then you will see the son of the Living One, and you will not be afraid."

Jesus says: "Whoever will come to know father and mother, he will be called son of a whore."

However the Thuban story of the temptation is rather different, then the conventional interpretation as in the above.

ADAM=Every Man as archetype and EVE=Every Woman as archetype.
Because Eve comes out of Adam as a 'Rib' Eve is part of Man and so disempowered.

To get her feminine power back, she must transform into EQUALITY with Adam via LILITH, the Hebrew SexDemoness or Succubus.

LILITH refuses to 'lay beneath' ADAM in the archetype of the sexual union and so goes into the wilderness as the 'Exiled Great DragonMother' of the Universe-Creation.
Then Eve is 'made from Adam' and is ENTICED by the CHRIST-SERPENT REDEEMER (Melchizedek as the Plumed Serpent Kukulkan in Mayan cosmology) to EAT the 'Knowledge of Good and Evil'.

The Jehovah in Eden is the usurper fake God Yaldabaoth (who doesn't even know where Adam and Eve are after their enlightenment so there is your omniscient LORD GOD exposed).

The fake-God is the GREAT FAKE-DRAGON (the REd Devil in Revelation say) as the fake-ADAM, the latter without one of his ribs.

EVE redeems ADAM in 'learning the truth' and so becomes the AMBASSADORA for LILITH, say in the VIRGO being protected and accompanied by the UNICORN.

So EVE riding the UNICORN becomes the transformation of the Great Mother (Gaia is the ambassadora for the Universe in toto here) as the Unicorn becoming 'tamed' by her 'worthy and enlightened' DAUGHTERS.

This REDEEMS LILITH as the NEW EVE and also REDEEMS ADAM in substituting the Bad OLD Yaldabath DRAGON of the MALE DEVILISHNESS as being a SON of the Great Mother-Dragon, namely the NEW ADAM as being 'ridden' by EVE - just as the story of Lilith was at the beginning.

The demoness Lilith becomes angelic Eve and the REAL flesh and blood and spirit EVE becomes enabled to form EQUALITY partnership with a real flesh and blood and spirit ADAM under the auspices of the metamorphosis of Fake-God into ADAM and Fake-Goddess into EVE.


abraxasinas 01-23-2010 06:17 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 227089)
Thanks abraxas for your answers. I thought you were asking me to take a sleep. I know you work long hours in your service.

I am still struggling with the coucil existing outside of creation in the void.

If I assume:

all of creation = 1
the void = 0
0/infinity = 0
1/infinity ~ 0 but <> 0

how can something exist in nothing?

Knowing a little mathematics, envisage an expanding series of the form: 0/1+1/2+2/3+3/4+...+n/(n+1)+...99999/1000000+...always getting bigger as a fraction or a decimal but never actually reaching the limit of 1/1=1.
This way, the Mirror of the Infinity in 0/0=∞/∞=1, because 0=0 and ∞=∞ to define the inversion of 1/1=1 in the undefinability of 1/0≡∞ ↔ ∞.0≡1 and limited in the mathematical symbolisation in the physicalisations of limits in 1/∞→0 and 1/0→∞ as the reciprocities of each other by 0/1≡0 and ∞/1≡∞.

All of Creation = 1
The Void = 0
The Eternity = 1/0=Infinity meaning that 0xInfinity=1! (not in the physicalised limit but by definition)

Is it not more of the case that the Council exist in what they as yet have not defined? Even though it is not defined it is still something?

Ok, here it goes.
YOU right now are residing in the 12th dimension, not the 15th or the 33rd or the 57th, but the 12th.
YOU also find yourself in the 3rd dimension of linear cycles of beginnings and endings, such as birth and death.

YOU in the 12D are a timetavelled or FUTURE SELF of what you now experience as your 3D cosmic ID.

The Council of Thuban is right inside of you as this 'higher D' selfhood of yourself.
As this Council of Thuban YOU are in the VOID of NoSpace and NoTime. You DO not so exist in time, except in a cosmic NOW moment, defined in wormhole instantenuity.

As the VOID is also ETERNITY by definition of the above, you CAN in fact EXPERIENCE Yourself from the Thuban perspective in that timelessness.

It is from this timelessness that the Thubanese archetypes stem and that this thread here has become implemented.
The Thuban agenda is and was manifested BY YOU from your Future-Self perspective.

So now you may perceive what the naysayers here are up against - themselves in the 3D of the NOW and themselves as their own future selves.

Anyway, the (Data of the) VOID of 12D is MAPPED onto the 11D FINITE Outside Mirror of the Universe and reflects via its FINITE Inside Mirror (its a doublesided surface or manifold) into the 10D Universe of the InSpace and InTime Cosmologies.

This then defines how the ExtraET Information enters the spacetimed universe of universe-galaxies.

This timeline of the 5 Mayan longcounts of almost 26,000 years so simply defines the programmed (by the 12D of the Logos) 'turning inside-out' of the 11D mirror to render the twosidedness as onesided. This must so DOUBLE the 'Surface Area' (which is like a Volume in the language of a Riemann Hypersphere) of the HigherD Universe - say in adding the inside of your ring to the outside of your ring.




abraxasinas 01-23-2010 06:21 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by UncleJohn (Post 227098)
Abrax, I hope you got some sleep. Sorry about that np==p? headache. Back to that later.

The problems on earth are just a reflection of the problems of the whole universe.

Shucks, most average humans don't even know about the big universe and they have no idea at what humans are destined to do.

Abrax, talk to us about the big picture.

The 'big picture' encompasses your cosmic ID of being within Spacetime simultaneously with being without it.

Initiate asked a very good question.
How can something exist in nothing?

Knowing a little mathematics, envisage an expanding series of the form: 0/1+1/2+2/3+3/4+...+n/(n+1)+...99999/1000000+...always getting bigger as a fraction or a decimal but never actually reaching the limit of 1/1=1.
This way, the Mirror of the Infinity in 0/0=∞/∞=1, because 0=0 and ∞=∞ to define the inversion of 1/1=1 in the undefinability of 1/0≡∞ ↔ ∞.0≡1 and limited in the mathematical symbolisation in the physicalisations of limits in 1/∞→0 and 1/0→∞ as the reciprocities of each other by 0/1≡0 and ∞/1≡∞.

All of Creation = 1
The Void = 0
The Eternity = 1/0=Infinity meaning that 0xInfinity=1! (not in the physicalised limit but by definition)

Is it not more of the case that the Council exist in what they as yet have not defined? Even though it is not defined it is still something?

Ok, here it goes.
YOU right now are residing in the 12th dimension, not the 15th or the 33rd or the 57th, but the 12th.
YOU also find yourself in the 3rd dimension of linear cycles of beginnings and endings, such as birth and death.

YOU in the 12D are a timetavelled or FUTURE SELF of what you now experience as your 3D cosmic ID.

The Council of Thuban is right inside of you as this 'higher D' selfhood of yourself.
As this Council of Thuban YOU are in the VOID of NoSpace and NoTime. You DO not so exist in time, except in a cosmic NOW moment, defined in wormhole instantenuity.

As the VOID is also ETERNITY by definition of the above, you CAN in fact EXPERIENCE Yourself from the Thuban perspective in that timelessness.

It is from this timelessness that the Thubanese archetypes stem and that this thread here has become implemented.
The Thuban agenda is and was manifested BY YOU from your Future-Self perspective.

So now you may perceive what the naysayers here are up against - themselves in the 3D of the NOW and themselves as their own future selves.

Anyway, the (Data of the) VOID of 12D is MAPPED onto the 11D FINITE Outside Mirror of the Universe and reflects via its FINITE Inside Mirror (its a doublesided surface or manifold) into the 10D Universe of the InSpace and InTime Cosmologies.

This then defines how the ExtraET Information enters the spacetimed universe of universe-galaxies.

This timeline of the 5 Mayan longcounts of almost 26,000 years so simply defines the programmed (by the 12D of the Logos) 'turning inside-out' of the 11D mirror to render the twosidedness as onesided. This must so DOUBLE the 'Surface Area' (which is like a Volume in the language of a Riemann Hypersphere) of the HigherD Universe - say in adding the inside of your ring to the outside of your ring.


abraxasinas 01-23-2010 06:44 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by halebox (Post 227092)
In ascension can you skip densities or is it always one at a time?
Ascension is a simultaneous Descension. Some data is sent in upload and other data is sent in download.
This data transmission either way does not skip dimensions as the 11D mirror reflects in the mirrors of 8D, 5D and 2D.

What is a starhuman?

A Dragonized Old Human or a Old Human Caterpillar metamorphosed into a StarHuman Butterfly in Aphrodite's Living Butterfly Collection.

Is dream language the same for all? Or is it highly personalized?

The archetypes in most basic form are the same, but then everything becomes filtered and reinterpreted by the individual soul acting like a filter and a mirror.

Is our moon hollow?

No, not according to Thuban data. However this only applies only to 3D and not to say 6D or 9D, where interdimensionality is common cause. Iow, there are beings and lifeforms on all planets withoin and without.

Was it created by ET's?

Everything is created by ETs, even the human creativity is ET engendered.

Who currently occupies it?

Well all sorts of moon creatures and there are bases on the Moon, according to our data - manmade ones.

Its purpose for us?

As a planetary satellite it is responsible for tidal interaction. It has a very rare isotope in Helium-3 used for nuclear fusion research. It is destined or envisaged to act as a intermittent space platform for exploration of the solar system and such.

Are the Thuban allies with any or all Greys, Annunaki, Pleadian?

Yes, we are known to all of them and are kindred with all of them, despite the deceivers.

May I request a safe round trip visit to Thuban?

Before opening of the 4th space dimension you can go to Thuban in your imaginations and in understanding yourself as a time traveller from the future.
After the opening of 4D Thuban will be right here on Earth.

What may the music sound like on Thuban?

Whatever you make of it.

Is there a real version of the galactic federation or light?

In archetype there is. In physical reality it requires to be harmonized in convergence. This is planned, but has not yet occurred.

Is the pineal gland damaged from intake of fluoride?

If you entertain damage to the third eye receptor by chemical means, then such outcome is likely.

Can it be repaired?

Yes, by activation of the baseperfect template programs of the 4x8x8 DNA/RNA codex.

Are the Thuban at active war with a different race-planet? If so with whom?


Are Earth and its inhabitants considered property of the Thuban?

No, not property but Home of the Great Dragon Mother indeed.

Are there humans that are from Earth on Thuban right now? If so how many?

Almost 7 billion.

Soul/Spirit difference?

A question of archetypical definition and then individual labeling preferences.

Is Nibiru real?

It's real as an archetype not as some incoming celestial physical object. Nibiru=Serpentina=New Earth.

Is it occupied?
By whom?

Nibiruan Serpentpeople live on and in Nibiru as Nemesis the Second Sun.


No problem.


Initiate 01-23-2010 07:57 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
[QUOTE=abraxasinas;227115]The 'big picture' encompasses your cosmic ID of being within Spacetime simultaneously with being without it.

Initiate asked a very good question.
How can something exist in nothing?

Knowing a little mathematics, envisage an expanding series of the form: 0/1+1/2+2/3+3/4+...+n/(n+1)+...99999/1000000+...always getting bigger as a fraction or a decimal but never actually reaching the limit of 1/1=1.
This way, the Mirror of the Infinity in 0/0=∞/∞=1, because 0=0 and ∞=∞ to define the inversion of 1/1=1 in the undefinability of 1/0≡∞ ↔ ∞.0≡1 and limited in the mathematical symbolisation in the physicalisations of limits in 1/∞→0 and 1/0→∞ as the reciprocities of each other by 0/1≡0 and ∞/1≡∞.

All of Creation = 1
The Void = 0
The Eternity = 1/0=Infinity meaning that 0xInfinity=1! (not in the physicalised limit but by definition)

if we take the algebra a / b = c then c * b = a. I understand this to be a fundemental law of mathematics. Now, in order for us to calculate c, when a = 1 and b = ∞ then
1/∞ = c and
c * ∞ = 1

what is c?

c can not equal 0 because if 1/∞ = 0 (c) then 0 (c) * ∞ = 0 and not 1

c must be a number infinitely close to 0 but not equal to 0.

so 0 * ∞ doesn't equal 1

The Eternity = 1/0=Infinity meaning that 0xInfinity=1 is false

near 0 (c) * ∞ can = 1 but c can not be defined on its own.

am I missing something?

SABINA 01-23-2010 03:47 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
hi A A,
the alien agenda knows about the vorticity of Gaia and it`s definition as the
universal sink source reciever iow Gaia is a substitute for the Andromeda galaxy
But why we humans don`t know???
we still are teaching our children we are an acciedent of nature and so on.
with all the best wishes

abraxasinas 01-23-2010 04:08 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 227115)
The 'big picture' encompasses your cosmic ID of being within Spacetime simultaneously with being without it.

Initiate asked a very good question.
How can something exist in nothing?

Knowing a little mathematics, envisage an expanding series of the form: 0/1+1/2+2/3+3/4+...+n/(n+1)+...99999/1000000+...always getting bigger as a fraction or a decimal but never actually reaching the limit of 1/1=1.
This way, the Mirror of the Infinity in 0/0=∞/∞=1, because 0=0 and ∞=∞ to define the inversion of 1/1=1 in the undefinability of 1/0≡∞ ↔ ∞.0≡1 and limited in the mathematical symbolisation in the physicalisations of limits in 1/∞→0 and 1/0→∞ as the reciprocities of each other by 0/1≡0 and ∞/1≡∞.

All of Creation = 1
The Void = 0
The Eternity = 1/0=Infinity meaning that 0xInfinity=1! (not in the physicalised limit but by definition)

if we take the algebra a / b = c then c * b = a. I understand this to be a fundemental law of mathematics. Now, in order for us to calculate c, when a = 1 and b = ∞ then
1/∞ = c and
c * ∞ = 1

what is c?

c can not equal 0 because if 1/∞ = 0 (c) then 0 (c) * ∞ = 0 and not 1

c must be a number infinitely close to 0 but not equal to 0.

so 0 * ∞ doesn't equal 1

The Eternity = 1/0=Infinity meaning that 0xInfinity=1 is false

near 0 (c) * ∞ can = 1 but c can not be defined on its own.

Who told you that!
The key point is NEAR, neighbourhood of points, Calculus LIMITS in differential Geometry. This is physical not meaphysical.

Using IDENTITY in 0/0=∞/∞=1, because 0=0 and ∞=∞ to define the inversion of 1/1=1 in the undefinability of 1/0≡∞ ↔∞.0≡1 and limited in the mathematical symbolisation in the physicalisations of limits in 1/∞→0 and 1/0→∞ as the reciprocities of each other by 0/1≡0 and ∞/1≡∞.

So USING ABOVE the question of How many Zeros add up to 1 is answered as Infinity.

am I missing something?

Yes, NEAR 0 c* the Mathematics CAN BE refined in Metaphysical terms.

The MetaMathematics of Divisibility
Consider the maximum conditions of a system as being the inverse of the minimum conditions. This in a nutshell is Modular Duality as discussed in QR.

Allow this LINEAR scale from minimum to maximum to RECIRCULARISE itself, so reflecting the initialising process of something NOT describable in 'measurable' terms to THEN become measurable. This is the Mathematics of 0=1=∞=Infinity as some metaphysical ultimate Identity, which 'bounds' all of the mensuration physics in principles of mathematics.

The major principle here is that DIVISION DOES NOT EXIST.
So one cannot divide 0 nor 1 nor ∞=Infinity.
Then the Identities 0=0 and 1=1 and ∞=∞ form the SELFINTERACTION of the UNDIVIDED system.
The link to DIVISION and partitioning of the UNITY in THREE (Circular closure symbolised by cipher '0' ; its unfolding symbolised by cipher '1' and its multiplication symbolised by cipher '8' as 'two circles' moebian-connected in inventing 3D from 2D and 1D and 0D*) then are the ASYMPTOTES or LIMITS of the ratios 0/0=1/1=∞/∞.

{That is 3D-Volume as locus of a surface-point around a centre is contained within a 2-Sphere, whose 2D-Surface-Area is the locus of a circle as a 1-Sphere, rotated about the centre generating the sphere say. Defining this centre as midway between two endpoints then defines the 0-Sphere as 1D-Line from the 0D-Centre}.

This LIMIT must be 1, because only IF it is 1 do the Identities 0=0 and 1=1 and ∞=∞ hold true in the mapped system of the MetaMathematics or OmniMathematics becoming Mathematics, where only the Division of 1/1=1 is allowed by definition.
One could then define 0/0=1=1/1=∞/∞; 0/1=0 and 0/∞=02 for 0=∞.02 in 1/∞=0 and 1/0=∞ and ∞/0=∞2 for 1/0=∞.
Those definitions of OmniMathematics then become the limits of Mathematics by MetaMathematics.

The Division-Transformation dij=(0,1,∞) then can be expressed in the square matrix:

|1 Infinity Infinity2|
|0 1 Infinity | = D with Determinant detD,
|0^2 0 1 |
where detD=1(1^2-0.Infinity)-Infinity(0.1-0^2.Infinity)+Infinity2(0.0-1.0^2)

Thus matrix D is singular and has no inverse, all cofactors being also 0.
Matrix D is however symmetric in its transpose (exchanging rows i with columns j) for detD^T=0.

The Feynman Path so sums both negative and positive integers as:
-n......-3...-2...-1...0...1...2...3......n =T(n)=n(n+1) in absolute value to double the infinities as the entropy reversal of lightpath x=c.t=(-c)(-t) in the Möbius Property of the 4 worlds.

For the elementary Euler-Identy encompassing all dimensions in the Fibonacci-Roots X and Y then:
e^iπ =XY=X+Y= i² =cos(π)+isin(π) = -1

Cardinality Aleph-Null: lim[n->∞]{T(n)}=∞
Cardinality Aleph-All: lim [n->X]{T(n)}=1

Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null is thus Unitised in Aleph-All, counting infinities as if they were integers of the Feynman Path.


SABINA 01-23-2010 04:15 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
iam not a creatonist of curse everbody has to find his own spirituality, divinity..

abraxasinas 01-23-2010 04:35 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 227241)
hi A A,
the alien agenda knows about the vorticity of Gaia and it`s definition as the
universal sink source reciever iow Gaia is a substitute for the Andromeda galaxy
But why we humans don`t know???
we still are teaching our children we are an acciedent of nature and so on.
with all the best wishes

Thank you Sabina!

Gaia is the Mother of all EVES as ALL WOMEN and is in archetypical words the 'placeholder' for Andromeda as the female galactic counterpart to the Milky Way as say Perseus.

All this derives from even earlier archetypes of a Fake-Adam as the Image of God/Creator/Prime Source.

Fake-Adam then creates a REAL EVE from his 'rib', because the fakeness or unreal image reflects in the spacetime creation in a notfake Eve and so a REAL EVE.

The standard theology has it backwards. Womanhood was REAL from the beginning and the Maleness was the Falsehood.

This became encoded in the Real Mother-Dragon becoming FAKED by a Male 'Bad-Red-Devil Dragon'.

So EVE as a REAL MOTHER (of all living- Genesis.3.20) was RESCUED in this KNOWLEDGE by the CHRIST-SERPENT Melchizedek (Plumed Serpent Kukulkan-Quetzacoatl). So now the chicken-egg paradox resolves itself in the PHYSICAL OVUM/RNA preceding the Physical Spermatozoa/DNA' but the METAPHYSICAL SEMEN/DNA preceding the Metaphysical Egg/RNA.

The 'banishment from Eden' then began the combined rescue mission of both Adam and Eve to FREE their Great Dragon-Mother aka the Universe=Creation=Barbelo=Andromeda=Gaia=EVEry Woman in the Cosmos.

The Great Dragon Mother is als Lilith, the Demonic Seductress and Succubus of hebrew Kabbalah.
Existing BEFORE Eve was created from Adam's Rib; Lilith REFUSED (REFUSAL=LASUFER backwards ---Lucifer+Lucifera monadic dyad) to SUBMIT to Adam in laying beneath him in (archetypical of course) sexual intercourse to reproduce.

Lilith flew away into the wilderness as the Mother Dragon to allow Eve to become her ambassadora.

Eventually, EVE retranslated her archetype in VIRGO being protected by her UNICORN (which only SHE could tame).
The UNICORN soon became the original Fake-Adam in the ways of the Bad Old Devil Dragon and the situation of the beginnings was reversed.

Instead the 'Evil Serpent' seducing and 'impregnating' EVE, EVE seduced and CAUSED impregnation of herself in 'Riding' and 'Mounting' the Unicorn as Adam as the Bad-Red-Beast in Revelation - The Whore of Babylon.

The Whore of Babylon is not a Woman, but a fake-Female Principle in the Female Devilishness, which NEVER existed in the first place, but became a convenient medium of fear for the 'church fathers' to denigrate womanhood and its inborn sexual power to birth not just REAL ADAMS, but ENTIRE UNIVERSES.


Jonah 01-23-2010 04:53 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

The imagination of Thuban... could you mean in dream state?

In a dream I have seen a wall of fluid... increased propulsion into the wall increased possible outcomes...

as I was trying to get home... I drove a car through it..

Lot's of sand...

people coming from the wall in masses... this is going to sound funny... they looked like bicyclist...

does this sound like thuban??

abraxasinas 01-23-2010 05:29 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 227274)

The imagination of Thuban... could you mean in dream state?

In a dream I have seen a wall of fluid... increased propulsion into the wall increased possible outcomes...

as I was trying to get home... I drove a car through it..

Lot's of sand...

people coming from the wall in masses... this is going to sound funny... they looked like bicyclist...

does this sound like thuban??

Yes, all dreamstates are related to that fluid wall you have encountered in your own individualized filterings.
The fluidity represents your 'leaving the relative solidity' of the body and being confronted with the 'mental barriers' you have constructed or have allowed to have become constructed by conditionings of your interaction with others.

Your driving a car through it shows you that you are not yet comfortable to 'go home' without protection of shields.
Then the cyclists represent your 'friends' at the other sides coming 'away from home' to show you that there are many many beings there waiting to help you and anyone to know about the fluid wall being like sand, the apparent solidity criumbling into small bits you are able to handle without shields.
The bicycle rider is more vulnerable than the motorist in terms of protection from the environment.


Jonah 01-23-2010 05:38 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 227287)
Yes, all dreamstates are related to that fluid wall you have encountered in your own individualized filterings.
The fluidity represents your 'leaving the relative solidity' of the body and being confronted with the 'mental barriers' you have constructed or have allowed to have become constructed by conditionings of your interaction with others.

Your driving a car through it shows you that you are not yet comfortable to 'go home' without protection of shields.
Then the cyclists represent your 'friends' at the other sides coming 'away from home' to show you that there are many many beings there waiting to help you and anyone to know about the fluid wall being like sand, the apparent solidity criumbling into small bits you are able to handle without shields.
The bicycle rider is more vulnerable than the motorist in terms of protection from the environment.


Hmm.. suppose that could be true...
but my understanding was that the car would allow more propulsion and I would travel deeper... as to say my "home" is much further from where I was and where the bicyclist were coming from... thanks for the reply:thumb_yello:

Céline 01-23-2010 07:10 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It must be very hard work to keep up with all this Abraxas, your invested time is appreciated by many.

Peace and tranquility leads to goals being fulfilled.

Let the mind soar, and the body rest.



berathebrain 01-23-2010 07:42 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 216235)
Signed by the enscribed Unicornian Librarian; and announcing the Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell) between:


The Date of Armageddon, encoded: ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82 =ANARMEDDOG=GODNAMEDRA=1+81=1+18 =ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1 =1+2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17

Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 31st, 2008;

John of Patmos - JoP - Justice of the Peace!

This is an interesting number properties. The sum of numbers is equal to the sum of primes squared, and to make it even more weird and interesting, that number is 666!
My question to you abraxasinas is: "Are there more of these numbers other than 666 that represents the link between numbers I described above?"

Thank you for you answers.

Initiate 01-23-2010 07:55 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 227129)

Yes, NEAR 0 c* the Mathematics CAN BE refined in Metaphysical terms.

The MetaMathematics of Divisibility
Consider the maximum conditions of a system as being the inverse of the minimum conditions. This in a nutshell is Modular Duality as discussed in QR.

Allow this LINEAR scale from minimum to maximum to RECIRCULARISE itself, so reflecting the initialising process of something NOT describable in 'measurable' terms to THEN become measurable. This is the Mathematics of 0=1=∞=Infinity as some metaphysical ultimate Identity, which 'bounds' all of the mensuration physics in principles of mathematics.

The major principle here is that DIVISION DOES NOT EXIST.
So one cannot divide 0 nor 1 nor ∞=Infinity.
Then the Identities 0=0 and 1=1 and ∞=∞ form the SELFINTERACTION of the UNDIVIDED system.
The link to DIVISION and partitioning of the UNITY in THREE (Circular closure symbolised by cipher '0' ; its unfolding symbolised by cipher '1' and its multiplication symbolised by cipher '8' as 'two circles' moebian-connected in inventing 3D from 2D and 1D and 0D*) then are the ASYMPTOTES or LIMITS of the ratios 0/0=1/1=∞/∞.

{That is 3D-Volume as locus of a surface-point around a centre is contained within a 2-Sphere, whose 2D-Surface-Area is the locus of a circle as a 1-Sphere, rotated about the centre generating the sphere say. Defining this centre as midway between two endpoints then defines the 0-Sphere as 1D-Line from the 0D-Centre}.

This LIMIT must be 1, because only IF it is 1 do the Identities 0=0 and 1=1 and ∞=∞ hold true in the mapped system of the MetaMathematics or OmniMathematics becoming Mathematics, where only the Division of 1/1=1 is allowed by definition.
One could then define 0/0=1=1/1=∞/∞; 0/1=0 and 0/∞=02 for 0=∞.02 in 1/∞=0 and 1/0=∞ and ∞/0=∞2 for 1/0=∞.
Those definitions of OmniMathematics then become the limits of Mathematics by MetaMathematics.

The Division-Transformation dij=(0,1,∞) then can be expressed in the square matrix:

|1 Infinity Infinity2|
|0 1 Infinity | = D with Determinant detD,
|0^2 0 1 |
where detD=1(1^2-0.Infinity)-Infinity(0.1-0^2.Infinity)+Infinity2(0.0-1.0^2)

Thus matrix D is singular and has no inverse, all cofactors being also 0.
Matrix D is however symmetric in its transpose (exchanging rows i with columns j) for detD^T=0.

The Feynman Path so sums both negative and positive integers as:
-n......-3...-2...-1...0...1...2...3......n =T(n)=n(n+1) in absolute value to double the infinities as the entropy reversal of lightpath x=c.t=(-c)(-t) in the Möbius Property of the 4 worlds.

For the elementary Euler-Identy encompassing all dimensions in the Fibonacci-Roots X and Y then:
e^iπ =XY=X+Y= i² =cos(π)+isin(π) = -1

Cardinality Aleph-Null: lim[n->∞]{T(n)}=∞
Cardinality Aleph-All: lim [n->X]{T(n)}=1

Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null is thus Unitised in Aleph-All, counting infinities as if they were integers of the Feynman Path.


Yes, I visualised this last night while puzzling it out. I am not a specialist in metaphysics but have a mathematic and logic background. This work is purely internal reflection in contemplation of this topic. No one told me it but my self/selves.

I visualised that on it's own the rule where c = near 0 stands. If the range 0 -> ∞ was the scale of the shall we say +ve creation and If the mirror exists and there is a -ve creational mirror of the creation then if we take the two and overlap them then the intersection of them is the undefinable void. i.e.

(x/∞) + (-x/∞) = 0

this can of course be translated onto multiple dimensions. So can be moved into the 3rd dimensional symbol of ∞ rotated about the center or a doughnut.

is this visualisation suitable to the thuban perspective? I am attempting to translate the QR mathematics into laymen terms. I am a laymen in this topic (as are many here) and we all might better understand if we choose to understand. Imagine I am an explorer entering a strange new world of MetaMathematics where all my prior rule base is turned on its head and I am trying to connect this world with my own.

saying 0=1=∞=Infinity is like saying day = night and from a pure mathematical logic perspective is hard to take on board. For our benifit please realise that you may as well be talking a foreign language with the metaphysical conjecture as stated in your last reply. The MetaMathematics of Divisibility may be self supporting and self proving and give support for the thubin story but we are not schooled in this theory or the derivation processes that lead to the conclusions. There appears to be some subjectivity to interpretation.

Have you seen the Comedy "The Big Bang Theory"?

Céline 01-23-2010 07:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 227249)
is this visualisation suitable to the thuban perspective? I am attempting to translate the QR mathematics into laymen terms as I am a laymen in this topic as are many here and we all might better understand if we choose.

Thank you, this perspective is needed on this thread...

abraxasinas 01-24-2010 07:16 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonah (Post 227290)
Hmm.. suppose that could be true...
but my understanding was that the car would allow more propulsion and I would travel deeper... as to say my "home" is much further from where I was and where the bicyclist were coming from... thanks for the reply:thumb_yello:

Hi Jonah!

My reply was peripheral and addressed some basic archetypes or symbols.
It was by no means comprehensive and your additional analysis is supplementary and just as valid as my reply.

I agree with your statements above in the context raised.


abraxasinas 01-24-2010 07:31 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by berathebrain (Post 227340)
This is an interesting number properties. The sum of numbers is equal to the sum of primes squared, and to make it even more weird and interesting, that number is 666!
My question to you abraxasinas is: "Are there more of these numbers other than 666 that represents the link between numbers I described above?"

Thank you for you answers.

Hi berathebrain!

There are many, like Pascal's Triangle leading into polynomials and the binomial coefficients.
Much of this you can find on the internet.
Something you will not yet find on the internet is the 33-tiered Maria-Matrix. It is here on this forum in thread:

A very basic one and related to the above thread are the Perfect Numbers
of the Greeks.

Schismatic and Sacred Science & Perfect Numbers

The Greek alchemy of course became 'modern chemistry' and Plato's five elements mapped as his 'perfect solids' and later as say 'quantum gauge interactions' in the post-Newtonian science redefining itself.

The Aristotelean physics of precise measurement of the physical parameters was retained and the Platonist-Pythagorean physics of 'divine perfection' became largely abandoned in this scientific reformation.

Something of a remnant could not be erased in this new scientific paradigm however - the 'science of divinity' or the science of 'creative providence'.
This residue today pervades all sections and strata of society and is a powerful component of all political, religious and cultural institutions.
So even if this 'science of divinity' or 'omniscience' is a purely psychological construct and without any physical measurement significance whatsoever; it still plays an important, sometimes even dominant role in the affairs of states and national agendas of whatever political persuasion and affiliation.

So can one find a common factor UNITING all those psychological constructs in a form acceptable to the 'Mensuration Science' and perhaps in a form more akin the 'science of divinity' of Newton and the Greek alchemists?
One can do so, if one can discover a 'common denominator' for the divinity sciences, invariably coloured in the codes of language and interpretations.

And here one can introduce certain 'emotion charged' labellings or words, such as ALLAH and GOD and AL QAEDA as factors of the omniscience.
Then in other words, using the psychology of the historical residue of divinity science, this also holds the key to unite the religions, say linked to political constructs and affairs of state. This could be followed perhaps, by a more global and political unity, born from a new understanding of its own linguistic codes.

And then it does not really matter if the 'gods and allahs' exist in a physical reality or only as psychological constructs, created or invented by sentient 'citizens'.
Because 'they' most assuredly exist as psychological creations; 'they' carry a significant 'emotional energy', which perhaps can be modelled in a form of 'consciousness' in physical parameters following an unification of the language codes underpinning 'their' reality as 'emotion-charged' and say mental energy constructions.

This will introduce a scenario, where no numbers exist at all; so the decoding following is necessarily post-facto and assuming the Set of Natural Numbers N, say given in a statement, such as: N={1,2,3,4....n; nŽn+1 PMI}; and where PMI is a label for a procedure termed Principle of Mathematical Induction.

'Perfect Numbers' or PN's are those numbers of the set N, which add all their factors to sum their eigenstate or self-identity.

Then the first PN is PN1=6=1+2+3=1.2.3=√(6²)=(1.2.3)^1.

The second PN is PN2=28=1+2+4+7+14=√(28²)=√(^½=√784.

PN3=496=1+2+4+8+16+31+62+124+248=( 4.248)^¼ and


In more detail:


We shall reencounter the mathematical form of.. Σ=½[n][n+1] later, but note here, that there exists this 'special number' x=2 as the solution for the quadratic x+x=2x=x²=4 or x²-2x=0.

This is the only number of the set N, whose 'doubling' is identical to its 'squaring'.

It also defines the 'Derivative' of the 'Perfect Square' x² as d(x²)=2x.dx.
We may also define a set PN={PN1; PN2; PN3; PN4;...PNn}={6; 28; 496; 8128;...PNn} and as a subset of N.

We now write:
PN1+PN2=6+28=34=1+2+3+4+(4.6)=10+4.6 and

Additional decompositions can then be constructed in 'Pure Number Theory'. The emphasis here is on the factorisation of the factors 4, 6 and 7; as those factors shall reappear in the cosmogenesis of the universe from an algorithmic number string.

10=1+2+3+4 is of course the Pythagorean Tetractys for the basis of dimensions and defines the Platonic Tetrahedron as the basic minimal structure for a 3D-Volume in a 4D-Spacetime.

1 point represents the 0th dimension or 'singularity', forming the 1st dimension in connecting to a second such point as a straight- or curved line, the latter being named geodesic and as the shortest connection between the two points as 1D.

2D is formed in connecting both points to a noncollinear 3rd point as a triangular plane, either flat or curved as say sperically convex or hyperbolically concave.

3D then is the introduction of a 4th point, noncoplanar to the 2D triangular plane constructing the Platonic Tetrahedron.

Omniscience aka the 'science of divinity' of the Greek alchemists now allows the arbitrary assignment of alphanumeric codes, which so enable us to proceed with the unification of the languages underpinning the politico-social and religio-cultural constructs of global societies.

We begin with ONE and TWO in assigning SOME alphanumeric mapping, say the Arabic Alphabet in a ONE-to-ONE correspondence with the set N, say in the set of pairings, given by:

We also introduce a property of the set N in rootreducing a decimal 10-count in the repeatability of the 9 elements in a definition:

9=0+9=1+8=18*=2.9*=2+7=27*=3.9**=3+6=36***=49***=. ..(10-1)=99**********=11.9**********=....etc . etc.

We have ONE=15+14+5=34→3+4=7 and TWO=20+23+15=58→5+8=13=4*.

Now we apply a 'Perfect Symmetry' to some of our linguistic labellings, irrespective from the native language they derived, albeit translated.
ALLAH=ALHLA=34=ONE and ALHLA as an anagram of ALLAH is rendered perfectly symmetric in reading the same from right to left, as it does from left to right.

Also we have GOD=26=ALHLA-8 and where 26 represents the total number count of the applied alphanumeric code, so unifying two linguistics in a perfect symmetry in a first application. The code would extend in multiples akin the rootreduction applied before in A*=27; B*=28;...;A**=53 and so on.

GODDOG=DOGGOD=2.GOD=GOD²=52→5+2→7***=3+4→ONE=ALLAH .
GOD+H=ALLAH=GOD+8=GOD+∞, both symbolically and symmetrically.

TWO=GODDOG+6=52+6 and where now ABBA=6 defines the 1st BASE as the first Perfect Number in the selfsame 'Perfect Symmetry'.
So alphanumerically, ALLAH encompasses GOD as ONE in a 'Perfect Symmetry' and this symmetry 'Doubles GOD' in the ONE as TWO in the addition of the first basic PN1=6=1+2+3=1.2.3.


hippihillbobbi 01-24-2010 08:04 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Originally from Abraxasinas:

Anyway this is another story, but I shared it because this forum here is like a copycat spiritually for this 'spiritual war' between the 'Angels andd the Demons' say.
The difference today is, that the 'singlemindedness' of Yeshuah CAN be shared in comparison to two millennia ago, when it could not (it's in the scriptures, gnostic and synoptic and apocryphal).
So the 'Atlantean Rebellion' of the past and of the pharaoh or elected highpriest has become an 'Earth Rebellion' of today of many pharaohs and elected highpriests.

Abraxas --

WHY is it that the 'singlemindedness' of Yeshuah can be shared today but not two millenia ago? does this refer to the essential event of Yeshua's death-resurrection-ascension, as a necessary catalyst for humanity's spiritual growth and development?

thanks so much for the depth in which you answered my dragon/serpent question above ...... much appreciated.


abraxasinas 01-24-2010 08:09 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 227249)

Yes, I visualised this last night while puzzling it out. I am not a specialist in metaphysics but have a mathematic and logic background. This work is purely internal reflection in contemplation of this topic. No one told me it but my self/selves.

I visualised that on it's own the rule where c = near 0 stands. If the range 0 -> ∞ was the scale of the shall we say +ve creation and If the mirror exists and there is a -ve creational mirror of the creation then if we take the two and overlap them then the intersection of them is the undefinable void. i.e.

(x/∞) + (-x/∞) = 0

Yes Initiate. This is simply the Numberline from -Infinity to +Infinity MIRRORED or neutralised or Halved by 0.

this can of course be translated onto multiple dimensions. So can be moved into the 3rd dimensional symbol of ∞ rotated about the center or a doughnut.

Indeed, the crucial point between the single-connected sphere and the multi-connected torus in topology is that the single center of the circle becomes bifocal in the geometrical definition of an ellipse as locus of the circumferential point tracing out the elliptical geometry as a constant sum of the position vectors from the two foci to their common locus.

This simple 2D plane geometry then allows a spheroidal selfcontained Einstein-Riemann Universe to become THE BOUNDARY for a 4D Riemannian Hypersphere.
So the entire 3D universe of observation and measurement becomes a 3D surface as the Information Mapping of this 3D Volume onto its 3D Envelope, which must become in physical terms a Mother-Black Hole in 5D-8D-11D.
This concept is presently the subject of a new astrophysics on the grandest scale, known as the Holographic Universe of a 5D deSitter Kaluza-Klein cosmology coupled to the 'No boundary' proposals of Hawking-Penrose-Behenstein-Maldacena and Susskind.

is this visualisation suitable to the thuban perspective? I am attempting to translate the QR mathematics into laymen terms. I am a laymen in this topic (as are many here) and we all might better understand if we choose to understand. Imagine I am an explorer entering a strange new world of MetaMathematics where all my prior rule base is turned on its head and I am trying to connect this world with my own.

I would fully support you in this endeavour and applaud your efforts to do so. To 'understand' the Thuban omni-physics, no advanced tensor calculus or lie group algebra is required.
Just as the Einstein field equations applied to the universe as a whole CAN indeed be derived from Newtonian Mechanics; so is a basic understanding of Newtonian physics sufficient to 'decipher' the Thuban omni-science.

The complexities of Terran physics are based on the generalisations of the formulations. So to calculate the perihelion of Mercury as the deviation of the 'closure of its elliptical orbit' around the sun from the Newtonian-Kepler equations, one must apply the LOCAL gravity of the system.
General Relativity so becomes an Universal Local Theory.

But calculating the gravity of selfcontained systems, say the Solar System, will allow the local deviations to be ignored in the solutions and for the Universe as a whole, the equations are becoming even simpler still.

Ok, the rules of mathematics and the sciences are however NOT 'turned on their head'; they are simply EXTENDED and retain their Newtonian and Einsteinian basis.

saying 0=1=∞=Infinity is like saying day = night and from a pure mathematical logic perspective is hard to take on board.

This is a good point, but the mathematical statement above derives from the VOID, where NO numbers like the set N existed.
So consider the following:
1. An Infinite Computer Loop becomes symbolised in the cipher 0;
2. To 'escape' Eternity, this 'loop' must be broken and so is archetyped as 1;
3. The 'escape' of the linearization is recircularized in the binary dyad {0,1} reconfiguring itself as Doubling the original size of the 0 as two halved o's in the symbol of the 8.
4. No numbers aside the Monadic Triad {0,1,8} exist as the binary transform into the decad {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} as a subset of N has not yet been programmed.

So from 4. the Metamathematics becomes a precursor or 'parent' for the Mathematics of the today.

For our benifit please realise that you may as well be talking a foreign language with the metaphysical conjecture as stated in your last reply. The MetaMathematics of Divisibility may be self supporting and self proving and give support for the thubin story but we are not schooled in this theory or the derivation processes that lead to the conclusions. There appears to be some subjectivity to interpretation.

Of course there is subjectivity.
Before the wheel or the lightbulb were invented physically, the emotion of the thoughtforms of the possibilities to construc-t such things physically engaged the subjectivity or template-form of the thing before it became objectified in the things creation.
It's the afterthought of the physical reality REALISING its own forethought of the potential possibilities.

Have you seen the Comedy "The Big Bang Theory"?

Peripherally; I am more interested in the reconstruction of the Physically Real Big Bang Theory from its Metaphysical ontological precursor.


abraxasinas 01-24-2010 10:17 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 227609)
Originally from Abraxasinas:

Anyway this is another story, but I shared it because this forum here is like a copycat spiritually for this 'spiritual war' between the 'Angels andd the Demons' say.
The difference today is, that the 'singlemindedness' of Yeshuah CAN be shared in comparison to two millennia ago, when it could not (it's in the scriptures, gnostic and synoptic and apocryphal).
So the 'Atlantean Rebellion' of the past and of the pharaoh or elected highpriest has become an 'Earth Rebellion' of today of many pharaohs and elected highpriests.

Abraxas --

WHY is it that the 'singlemindedness' of Yeshuah can be shared today but not two millenia ago? does this refer to the essential event of Yeshua's death-resurrection-ascension, as a necessary catalyst for humanity's spiritual growth and development?

thanks so much for the depth in which you answered my dragon/serpent question above ...... much appreciated.


Indeed hillibill!

Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yeshuah was able to decipher the oldest archetypes available to the human mind.
First as a student of the Essenes at Qumran and then via his extensive sojourns into Egypt, where he studied and debated with the philosophers and the record keepers, say Alexandria.

In about 22 years from about 6AD to 28 AD, Jesus decoded the master scroll of Isaiah in connection with the prophetic timelines in Genesis, Ezekiel and Daniel and so REMEMBERED the 'Big Story' the 'Story of God'.
Jesus so assumed the 'Office of Melchizedek' (or the Plumed Serpent) and became the LOGOS of CREATION. This office is a key to the logos as the 'Alchemy of Creation say' and I have attached it to this message at the end.
The significance of the LOGOS is that only the Logos can change archetypical definitions which are both OUTSIDE material existence and INSIDE of it.
So the MANIFESTED archetypes {say a Man as ADAM and a Woman as EVE} are 'stuck' in the INSIDE and separated from their ABSTRACT originals of the OUTSIDE, if the Real Physical Universe of the selfrelative Inside is distinct from the selfrelative Outside of the Metaphysical Reality.
This is the 'firmament' dividing Heaven from Earth say in Genesis.1.7.

Jesus as the Logos so went on his mission to bring Heaven and Earth back together in changing the archetypes from within the physical creation.

He knew of Ezekiel's 'Valley of Dry Bones' and the 'resurrection archetype'.
He also understood the true meaning of ADAM and EVE, especially the fakeness of Adam and the trueness of EVE as reflections of each other in the mirror of the Eden archetype.
God=True and images himself in Adam, so Adam is false by nature of the mirror.
But the rib of Adam makes Eve real and so Eve is like a 'Wife or Bride' of God, leaving Adam alone as the original God.

Then a fake-God images fake-Adam rendering fake-Adam real relative to the Old Testament God Jehovah or YHWK (the gnostics and Essenes knew this and this became their 'heresy' leading to their persecutions).

So the fake-God 'rapes' true Eve in archetypes to allow BOTH Adam and EVE to 'get out of the paradise fake' and with help of the SERPENT=PRESENT=SONOFMAN=97, i.e. the Melchizedek-Christ.

Being 'out of the fake-God's 'paradise of ignorance'; true Eve gives birth to true Adams carrying however the original false-true dichotomy within the archetypes NOW WITHIN the material universe, the metaphysical universe so being forced to become False relative to the physical reality.

So the overarching archetype is:

Jesus so decides to make ADAM TRUEFALSE and EVE FALSETRUE.
This requires the Father Creator to become a FatherMother and the Mother Creation to change into a MotherFather.

The Old Man aka Adam as archetype so carries the True MindWave of God and a False BodyParticle as his Bodyform.

Corollarily, the Old Woman as archetype carries a True Bodyform but has a 'wrong' mindedness.
All minds in the creation are male and all bodies are female. The REAL MALE and the REAL FEMALE do not yet exist, only characteristics seemingly separating the sexes do.
'All woman think like men, but pretend not to do so and all men have feminine bodies, but pretend to be masculine'.
This is the oldest archetype of the cosmic disharmony in the entire creation.
Much perceived sexism in scriptures illustrates just that, the subjugation of the female mind to the male one; WITHOUT adding that all male bodies must then be subjugated to their female partner's one.
Many men know, that the female rules the bedroom and many scientists know that all earlyembryos are female and turn into males later on in the gestation by DNA/RNA programming.

So Jesus decided to redefine himself as a male of female mindedness and so realised as One the only true real male bodidness ever itherto in material existence.

This, in terms of archetypes, reflected from within the creation the Male Body of the Christ-Logos to the Creation, the Female Body of the Great Mother-Dragon.
So for the first time in the 19.1 billion year history of the material universe; the 'Great Mother' became impregnated with a True Male Babychild {Revelation.12}.
Hitherto all human males born had carried the archetyped female bodyform of Herself.

Now the fake-usurper God Jehovah aka Yaldabaoth aka the Lionface with the Serpenttail (see Secret Book of John from the Nag Hammadi Codex also the Enlil-Enki brotherhood mythology) who was the FAKE-IMAGE of the Real God (Perfect One in said reference) OUTSIDE as the Father-Source-Creator was, for the first time ever, be confronted by His opposite True Female MindWave of Jesus. This 'destroyed' the Identity of the False-God-Image and as the 'wound to one of the seven heads' of the beast in Revelation.13.3.

This then allowed Jesus to ABSORB the entire Creation inside of himself as a redefined himherself - the cosmic twinship of the self as the Egyptian LionTwin and as Didymos Thomas in Gnosis and as the Cosmic Bisexual Androgyne Hermaphrodite - not physically, but archetypically.

But this had to be restricted to the ONENESS of Jesus. HeShe could not share herhis new cosmic ID, because the 'holographically' concentrated universe remained 'trapped' in the indviduated bodyform of Jesus.

So Jesus knew that heshe had to 'give up' his old body to get a new one allowing the hologram to multiply as One in Many.
His Old male body would have to become the CORE of any old AdamMan and this Old Man, would have to Understand the Story of God to allow Jesus to POSSESS HIM as the SUCCUBUS of the old 'demonic' archetypes.
This Old Man had indeed the true mind of the creator and so the story would have the potential to be understood.

The Old Woman would also be asked to allow Jesus to become HER Core, but not in body but in mind. The Old Woman carried the Power of the Body as EVE the Great Mother Dragon and so required no redefinition in bodyform, but her mindwave was 'contaminated' or possessed in the image of the usurper God in Jehovah's fake-malemindedness.
The Old Woman required the INCUBUS of the Christ-Logos to POSSESS HER, replacing the old demonic archetypes.
Jesus IS the Lion of Judah {Revelation.5.5} and must be 'eaten' as the true meaning of the 'Last Supper' and the 'Eucharist' of catholicism.
Jesus IS the BODY of the UNIVERSE, now quarantining the Earth in the archetype of Gaia as the BODY of a New Earth to be born following the timeline of the 'Mother in the Wilderness' in Revelation.12.

Skeptical enquirers ask yourself; WHY is Jesus REBORN in Heaven after Ascension and supposedly 'Sitting at the right side of the Father'?
Reason, this rebirth is not ONE but the MANY 'being able to handle the ONE'!

(07) Jesus says:
"Blessed is the lion that a person will eat and the lion will become human.
And cursed (anathema) is the person whom a lion will eat and the lion will become human."

(80) Jesus says:
"Whoever has come to know the world has found the (dead) body.
But whoever has found the (dead) body, of him the world is not worthy."

(108) Jesus says:
"Whoever will drink from my mouth will become like me.
I myself will become he, and what is hidden will be revealed to him."

An ancient inscription is legendarily ascribed to the Egyptian Ibisgod Thoth and is supposedly his hieroglyphic legacy left as a testimonial in the Great Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu.
It was translated ages ago by German archaeologists and exists as a prototype in the 'Amphitheatrum Sapientae Aeternae of Heinrich Khunrath', the 'Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom' and is dated to 1609.

Verba secretorum hermetis!

(1) Verum sine menda cio certum & verissimum, quod est inferi est sicut quod est superius & quod est superius est sicut quod est inferius; ad peristranda miracula rei uni.
(2) Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab uno, meditatione unius, sic omnes res nuta fuerunt ab hac
una adaptatione.
(3) Pater ei, est sol, mater eius luna, portavit illud ventus in ventre.
(4) Suo nutrix eius terra est.
(5) Pater omnis talismi toti mundi.
(6) Est hic vis ei.
(7) Integra est sive fuerit in terram separabis terram ab igne, subtile & spisso, suaviter cum magno ingenio.
(8) Ascendit terra in coelum, iterumque descendit in terram & recipit vim superiorum & inferiorum.
(9) Sic habebis gloriam toti mundi.
(10) Ideo fugi atite omnis obscuritas.
(11) Hic est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis.
(12) Quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnem que solidam penetrabit.
(13) Sic mundus creatus est.
(14) Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabilis quarum modus hic est.
(15) Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophie totis mundi.
(16) Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis.
Mercurius Trismegistus in Pimandro.

Das Wort des geheimnisvollen Boten

(1) Wahrhaftig, keiner Luegen bewusst und auf das aller wahrhaftigste; das Unten ist dem Oben gleich und das Obere is dasselbe als da Untere; damit kann man das wunderbare eines einzigen Dinges erlangen und verrichten.
(2) Und wie alle Dinge durch die Wahl eines einzigen Wesens erschaffen sind, werden alle Dinge durch das Denken eines Einzigen mit dem Einen duch Schickung und Gebot wieder zusammengefuegt.
(3) Die Sonne ist sein Vater und der Mond ist seine Mutter, der Wind hat ihn in seinem Bauch getragen.
(4) Seine Ernaehrerin oder Amme ist die Erde.
(5) Dieser ist der Vater aller Vollkommenheit dieser ganzen Welt.
(6) Seine Macht ist vollkommen.
(7) Wenn Es in der Erde verwandelt wird, dann wird das Erdreich vom Feuer scheiden und das Feine vom Groben; ganz lieblich mit grosser Bescheidenheit und Verstand.
(8) Er steigt von der Erde in den Himmel und vom Himmel wieder zur Erde zurueck und gewinnt so die Kraft des Oberen und des Unteren.
(9) Auf diese Weise wird all die Herrlichkeit der ganzen Welt erhalten.
(10) Deshalb versetze von Dir allen Unverstand und Unvermoegenheit.
(11) Das ist von aller Staerke die staerkste Staerke.
(12) Dann kann das uebriggebliebene Subtile gewonnen und das alte, harte Gewand durchdrungen werden.
(13) Also ist die Welt geschaffen.
(14) Daher geschehen seltsame Vereinigungen und deshalb werden mancherlei Wunder gewirkt.
(15) Und sei darum gesund, Hermes Trismegistus, Besitzer der dreiteiligen Weisheit von der ganzen Welt.
(16) Er wird alles erfuellen, was ich gesagt habe, vom Werke der Sonnen.
Merkur, der dreifach Grosse, in Pimandro.

The Emerald Tablet of the Secret Messenger

(1) Truly, without fault and in all certainty and truthfulness; what is below is like what is above and the above is the same as the below, for the purpose to experience and bring about the wonders of the one thing.
(2) And as all things are created through the choosing of one being; so the thinking of one with the one, brings all things by command and fate together again.
(3) His father is the sun and his mother is the moon; the wind has carried him in his womb.
(4) He is joined together and nursed by the earth.
(5) This is the father of all completeness of the entire world.
(6) His power is all inclusive.
(7) At the time of its renewal, the soil shall separate from the fire and the subtle from the rough,
acting sweetly and with great ingenuity.
(8) He ascends sagaciously from the earth into heaven and then descends again into the earth, thus regaining the unifying force of the above and the below.
(9) In this way is all the glory of all the worlds obtained.
(10) Therefore avoid all ignorance.
(11) Herein is found in all strenght the strongest strength.
(12) By this can the remaining subtle whole be won and the old solid whole be penetrated.
(13) Thus is the creation of the world.
(14) Henceforth the eventuation of strange adaptations by extraordinary methods.
(15) Accordingly be well, Hermes Trismegistos, keeper of the tripartite wisdom of the unified worlds.
(16) He will accomplish that of which I have spoken through the operations of the suns.
Mercury, the thrice-great, in Pimandro.

So who is this Hermes Trismegistos?
It is the archetype for the 'Teacher of Righteousness.
Right throughout the ages of humankind, there have been sages, soothsayers, prophets and mystics of all kinds; some sincere and others praying on the superstitions and the gullibilities of the general members of the population.

One remembers the Naassenes; an early Christian Gnostic sect and closely associated with Jesus-Yeshuah.


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