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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Greetings Abraxasinas,
I am interested in releasing happy hormones continuously from my body in order to be in a permanent state of bliss. Do you have any suggestions of how to practically acheive this? The aim being I wish to maintain a continuous state of bliss that is not dependent on anything outside of me i.e. it is completley generated from within me by me. I would prefer suggestions that don't involve external drugs, however if there are any secret combinations of herbs that can do this I am open to hear about it...but only after hearing about other techniques as mentioned above....that's if you know? And preferably if they are a take once only... after which the drug should leave me permanently in bliss without any further need of them forever. Also I am interested in any secret techniques that allow a human being to become a breatharian. Do you have any suggestions for this? Sorry if these questions have been asked before! I only read the beginning message about after the 18 January 2010 there may be information given out that has hitherto never been given out. Never know unless you ask.:original: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thanks, Kriya |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have parodied the Tango of the Superficial Black Rose of the 'evil' darkness with the Synthetic or genetically modified Blue Rose; indicating that a 'Black Rose' is no different to a 'Blue Rose' in terms of colourful labelings. Indeed Celine, I know nothing about Dragon Love. Dragon Love to Abraxas is like the LOVE of Falkor, the Luck Dragon; you know the fantastic One. http://www.google.com/images?q=tbn:b...lmEcHXtch71Yk= And then there is the scientific definition of Dragon Love; the one you can encounter in the laboratories. DRAGONLOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as: E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters. Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss =√{2πGome2/4αhce2}=[me/mP]/2e√α=GODDOG=DOGGOD This is the selfstate for a love vibratory resonance, which created the universe! AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This is a good question. How does one get 'outside' of the creation? The answer is simple, yet profound. Should you consider the 'creation' as a spacetime construct, that is some 'place' experienced at some 'time' by something you might term 'self-conscious' or 'self-unconscious'; then the answer must relate to find the 'space' and 'time' of creation, when there was no creation. So then this nospace and notime also must be considered in their nature and/or nonmanifestation. Say you create a fantasy creature like a Unicorn with seven horns, instead of one. You IMAGINE this unicorn in RELATING your earlier experiences in your thoughtforms. You know what a unicorn supposed to look like from say a fairy tale book; you colour it white and place a horn (say akin that of a narwhale) upon it and then IMAGINE the superpositioning of six other say smaller horns protruding around the bigger horn from the horse-like Unicornian head. Ok, I am sure you could do that. But now imagine yourself of never having seen a horse and the colour white or a narwhale and the label of 'unicorn' is meaningless to you because of your LACK OF REFERENCE FRAME. So you cannot create your sevenhorned unicorn for lack of background data. This scenario then describes the Thuban presence in the 12th dimension. The 12th dimension can only BE the 12th dimension, because the lower dimensions 1-11 exist. So the 12D is REFERENCE FRAME for the lowerD in terms of spacetime construction. Then reducing the cosmogony even further will allow you to reach the point where the 1st dimension does not yet exist. So what is 'before' 1D - 0D! But 0D as a mathematical point also is descriptive of InfiniteD in the VOID becoming so defined as the INVERSE of ETERNITY. This Reciprocoity is akin the primordial polarity of something opposite yet unifiable. This is high school algebra and group theory in the Identity parameters for addition and multiplication. A+(-A)=0 {say 2-2=0} for addition and Ax1/A=1 {say 2x1/2=1} for multiplication. Your question about FORM so derives from this also - the mathematical archetypical superstructure is IMMANENT or INTRINSIC to the Emergence of FORM. So why can the Thuban Council BE 'outside' creation? They are situated in the VOID=ETERNITY AS the prespacetime mode of creation. They so are able to MAP the VOID=INFINITY of nospacetime onto the material creation as a 12D Reference Frame, so allowing the 11-dimensional universe to draw upon and utilize the Thubanese definition and creaton processes. If one works for 24 hours answering questions and all during the night; it is not unreasonable to say 'Good Night' at local noontime. You have asked an intelligent and pertinent question Initiate and the Thuban Council extends its gratitude to you for asking it. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Why is the sky blue on a clear day - because particular electromagnetic frequencies (or wavelengths) are absorbed by the (gas) particles of the atmosphere. The absorbed wavelengths refer to energies of blue light and then are 'scattered' (as Rayleigh Scatter). Then the Cyan or skyblue colour (Frequency about 650 Terahertz for a wavelength of so 460 nanometers) refers to the fact that Blue light (having more quantum energy than Red light) oscillates faster than Red light and is scattered more so than the Red light. There is only the one light as the Newtonian Optical Prism, but the different colours DIFFRACT in this scattering. This scattering then increases towards sunset for a reddening sky, when the light must travel further to reach your eye receptor and the decreasing solar intensity causes the red scattering to 'outnumber' the blue scattering. This then is the basic physics for the 'lights and colours' you are seeing. Should an interdimensional object, say from the 6D hyperspace, interact with the 3D (Minkowski) spacetime metric; then this interaction will find priority in interD light interactions, before further densification occurs. This derives from the fact, that the wavenature of any object must manifest its 'Standing Wave Harmonic', before its wavefunction can particularise. For example, when you of mass m=70 kg, walk down the street at 5 kilometers per hour, your wavematter speed is vphath=1.4 meters per second and your 'wavelength' becomes a miniscule and physically unmeasurable h/mv~7x10^-36 meters. Then using Einstein's formula: E=mc^2=Count{hf}=mcvphath for the total energy contained in your mass being a collection of frequency selfstates relating your walknig speed of vphath=1.4 m/s or 5 kilometers per hour or so 3.1 miles per hour to the speed of light in the quantum state of your wavenature. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I get the feeling that you are amused with the outcome of this thread. I can see you smile when we try with all of our hearts to understand the message you are trying to deliver. Each and every time there is a straight forward question you make an evasive manouver leaving many of us as big glowing question marks. So, why is this? My guess is that you are very bitter about the outcome of your life. You have been hurt deeply along the way and I'm not meaning physically. You have a very big heart and this is also in your reality your biggest weakness. You have learned the hard way and you have found your solution in reading and digesting cosmology and other things to substitute your (by you) percieved weakness to a degree where you have identified yourself with your teachings, never ever showing your 'weak spot', your heart. I want you to know that if you want to heal and become whole again I'm here for you and I'm certain there are a whole bunch of other loving people here aswell that is willing to help you along. There is no weakness in opening ones heart and this is the place to do it. Take small steps and I promise you that the rewards will be endless. You are like a wing broken bird, now accustomed to a life on the ground. You have forgotten about your wings and keep them tightly tucked away in a place were they don't get in your way, and you wonder why this world is so hostile. Know your broken heart and this will allow it to heal. Make it a part of you again and it will also be part of our perception of you, and that's who you truly are. Don't be afraid, we will take care of you, help you and we will love you. You are amongst hearts, just were you belong. With eternal love, Sollve |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have made my position regarding the azurite material rather clear and have given references not only to the Drunvalo Melchizedek connection , but also the easily discerned critique from independent (stated as excult members in the maar article) sources found on the web. It is not in my interest to discuss this material in terms of the 'techniques' applied, except in saying that the Thubanese protocol converges to the Drunvalo paradigm in utilising the harmonious Fibonacci mechanisms. If the azurite material is meaningful to you it will not harm you in the 'long run' even if the Drunvalo critique of 'wrongness' of it applies to such application. Follow your inner guidance and allow your journey to unfold in the manner it feels comfortable to you. The Thuban Council has analysed the azurite material and has drawn its conclusion relative to its own understandings. It is a potpourri of earlier data given to the human evolvement and has attempted to retranslate this more ancient information in the labelings of a more 'modern science'. Relative to the Thuban Council, the agenda of this platform is well intended, but as is most often the case, the marketing, promotional and fiscal considerations have assumed a 'life of their own' and the earlier agenda has transformed into a particular Dawkinsian MemeComplex. This Memecomplex is highly polarised in a say 'fear versus love' agenda and so is unsuitable to be incorporated in the platform of Thuban. If this understanding does not resonate with you, you are free to ignore this analysis and form your own judgements as to the appropriateness and validity of the Thubanese evaluations. In particular: What do you make of the practical exercises, visualizatons, meditations and energy work that is put forth by MCEO. Do you see a benefit or is there the possibility that it is detrimental in any way? Yes, I do see benefit, even great benefit in exercises such as these. However there is no requirement to visit workshops or seminars. If you decide to sit under the old oaken tree (if you be so lucky to have thus) in your back yard and meditate on the nature of your environment: feel the energy of the tree, touch the tree, talk to the tree to access its large information base of spacial consciousness; then your Merkabah will activate and your requirement for protective shields will dissipate. Yet, if you prefer to follow an instruction manual in a likeminded group, this also will activate your merkabah and so on - BUT in a form of group-mindedness and not in your one-to-one attunement with the natural elements. The method is in the individual choices and is not found in ANY manual of 'how to connect to yourself' methodology. This is the Thuban perspective; you are free to dismiss this perspective and to follow your choosings. The Thuban children talk to the ants and in mind synchronization they 'become the ants', able to communicate with them as kindred souls. The Thuban children do not sit in class rooms to learn about their 'inner selves' - rather they experience themselves as parts of their environments in the search for interaction with the elements and all lifeforms encountered. Would you say that the Maharic Shield exercise is healthy or not healthy from an energy body perspective? Is it truly creating protection or is it doing the opposite? Is protection of this kind necessary or is it suggested with an agenda? My answer to this should be selfevident. A fear-based galactic civilization requires shieldings of many kinds; a truly advanced galactic civilization has evolved past such necessitations. Thank you for your query. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Sollve :wall: -> :mad3: -> :chair: -> :groupwave: -> :thumb_yello: -> :cheers: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
As long the Mirror of Illusions withstands the Invisible Images; the Illusions remain. When the Mirror of the Illusions is shattered, then the Invisible Images become visible and are as One with the Images seen. The unbroken Mirror remains as a Separator of the Onenesses in the external reflections; though the internal reflections are unified always. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Now..you understand my question..thank you for not evading the answer. Now perhaps you understand why i asked the question. or perhaps not. Your science skills are way over the average human... Just wondering if you have managed to solve the most important equation... From what i know..these "goals" ..this "end result"....is completely impossible without the balance that comes from that equation... All the science, numbers, followers... will NEVER just make that happen. The proverbial hunt...is a farce...i..humanity...are not the only ones to think this way. And to Tango, dear Abraxas, you must hear the music. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You have proven your worth in knowledge and science../ i am just asking for you to turn the mirror in another direction. Dont hide behind all of this.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thanks. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You don't have to be "fear based" to find the necessity to shield. As for ":shielding" in general....it's always good to do in some form, as there are many out there who will tap into your energy for various reasons. Unless they have been given permission to do so, it's like free reign to get their hands on who you are. Do I suggest doing it for the reason of "fear"? Only if you fear...but it is a privacy issue with me. If you want to know my energy, and who I am...you are going to have to ask me. Not tap into my energy source direct. This does not mean I will not share my energy direct..but will still reserve the energy itself for that which I choose. It goes along the lines of being sovereign in my view. It goes hand in hand. I'll also add...for those of us who are extremely sensitive to energy...it would be a necessity, as daily you would be bombarded by outside energies that would eventually cause many problems....particularly if you did not know the source of that energy, at any given time. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Abraxas --
this thread is CRAZY!!! and i'm So Grateful to have happened on it early, before it became too unweildy. i want to thank you, AA, for hangin-in-here with us like you have -- through sun and rain and hail and hurricane and (praise the Lord!) through those ever-so-elusive balmy breezes! amidst the often laborious intellectual (and sometimes intensely emotional discussions we've had on this thread. and btw, i'd also like to thank Celine, Brooke and Mudra for giving us such lovely images .... they provided much needed refreshment -- and usually at just the appropriate moment! thank you, sisters!! i do have some questions too. 1) did Yeshua and John-(Hebrew name??) the-Baptist study with the Essenes, as Edgar Cayce (or some other "seer") indicated? If so, it seems they grew to reject any political/militaristic agenda the Essenes may have had? 2) what is the origin of the seemingly "natural," typical human revulsion to the snake and reptilian forms? i assume there may be a connection to the Eve-serpent story in Genesis, and the depiction of "monsters" as dragon-like creatures in our myths and folk-tales. but WHY were these forms chosen to-begin-with to image beings to fear and mistrust??? 3) AA -- i'm trying to remember/grasp what you've told us about the fact that you exist inter- or intra-dimensionally ..... in some different way than most of us 3d mortals at this time. i may not be wording this question very intelligently, since i get my dimensions mixed up with my densities and my 12-D Thubans confused with my 3-D Thuban-Dragon-messengers! :wall: :naughty: but ..... for example ...... when you went searching for your daughter, did you do this during sleep visiting the astral plane of Gaia. or can you function on this plane and another at the same time, consciously in both(e.g., not asleep)?? perhaps you can intuitively figure out what i'm asking you, Abrax, cause i fear i'm making a mess of it! whatever insight you can share with my feeble 3d brain, i'll appreciate! (but please no advanced mathematics! thanks again, AA, for your faithfullness to all of us here, and thanks too to all the other brave and faithful souls who have accompanied us on this roller-coaster ride!!! i sincerely hope you're sleeping blissfully now ..... no matter which plane, density, or dimension(s) you may be inhabiting at the moment. with love & gratitude as ever, hippihill |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Peace, love and understanding Abraxa, Sollve |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
My Dragon Code of Honour to You! Abraxas Anthony |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
"Stunning, and well placed in the thread too"
Kinda like.... me. :D |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thanks for the info about the atmostphere friend Sirebard. I remember getting in trouble in elementary school for refusing to believe the sky was blue because of the reflection of 'blue' ocean water. :lol3: (I'm sure they have changed their story by now though)
Can you list the approxomite frequencies of all the 'true' colours in Terahertz, as well as their wavelengths in nanometers? The net is full of conflicting information regarding these numbers. Also thanks for the info on standing wave harmonics! Stuff like this makes math fun. About the Essenes. 'The Essene Gospels of Peace' translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely is one of my all time favorite texts I've read to date. There is a lot of controversy concerning the 'origin' of these texts. Were they transcribed from an ancient manuscript found in the vatican as Edmond claims? Whatever the true origin I don't really care in the end, as I love the information, but it's always nice to know. Also.. one more question... can you define Love if you haven't already? That feeling that I love to send to you and everyone (and everything) else on the planet and beyond. That seems to exist everywhere at all times, in both Light and Darkness is it found. That seems to create all movements, above and below, and is the cause of all 'evolution', the only force that seems to actually exist, everything else being illusion or distortion. Oops... I fooled myself, another question came up. Do you know the process required to use standing waves as carrier waves for say electro-magnetism? If so... what mechanisms and/or material are required in order to 'insert' emf waves into a standing wave? Blest are you!:thumb_yello: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
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