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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Your soul is One in Many and Many in One. You are all of them; Horus, Thoth and Ptah - just ask the Wisdom of the Uraeus in Queen Nefertiti. It's the Ren, the Ren of the holy name, the cartouche Uncle John, or is it Uncle Anubis now - oh well. Ptah has spoken his words of wisdom! AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I've been purposely avoiding this thread because of it's complexity...and also to avoid being in a "can't see the forrest for the trees" sort of situation. However...I fully intend to take a full day...when I feel really rested and ambitious...to read every post. I appreciate the technical detail and enthusiasm of the participants.
:original:Namaste:original: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Are you joking about eating people?!
Because that is not funny, in my opinion. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If you stop feeding the 'Dragon'...
He will have nothing to eat!! :naughty: viking |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
http://earthrites.org/sacred_medicin...rdd_anubis.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartouche And now for a question that I use to ask my friends so long ago. Who are the Grateful Dead and why are they following me around? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you Abrax for taking the time to answer my questions- I had already known about your daughter and your physical condition and my heart goes out to you......as well as your being put in a difficult situation under scrutiny. Maybe the members of this board will take the time to read what you just wrote and ponder it. Many are under the impression you channel this information so it's helpful that is cleared up (once again for those who haven't read otherwise). I for the life of me can't understand math so a lot of what you write goes right over my head but I had another one of those interesting dreams last night where knowledge of this nature was downloaded- I only wish I could have full recall in the morning:sad: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Ouch...the serpents bite does sting. Fear not Uncle John...you are not "Uncle Anubis"...for if you were, you would not have such inquiry. But I leave you Uncle John with the words of Isis to remove the Poison "O poison of Tefent, come forth, fall on the ground; go no further. O poison of Befent, come forth, fall on the ground. I am Isis, the goddess, the mistress of words of power. I am a weaver of spells, I know how to utter words so that they take effect. Hearken to me, O every reptile that biteth (or stingeth), and fall on the ground. O poison of Mestet, go no further. O poison of Mestetef, rise not up in his body. O poison of Petet and Thetet, enter not his body. O poison of Maatet, fall on the ground. Ascend not into heaven, I command you by the beloved of Râ, the egg of the goose which appeareth from the sycamore. My words indeed rule to the uttermost limit of the night. I speak to you, O scorpions. I am alone and in sorrow, and our names will stink throughout the nomes.... The child shall live! The poison shall die! For Râ liveth and the poison dieth. Horus shall be saved through his mother Isis, and he who is stricken shall likewise be saved." |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
When the evil queen in snowhite concocted her poisoned apple redefining the most beautiful in the land; then this poisoned apple was indeed eaten by snowhite for a happy ending in the arms of her prince in the long run. So eating the poisonous apple of the jealous bitchy witch didn't do any harm to snowhite, the innocent and beautiful one after all the innuendos within the story. Jesters of the Universe are talented to 'make people laugh' are they not? There are many a fool of the tarot! But some know the height of the cliff. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Wow this thread finally got interesting... Guna have to start off by admitting that I pretty much saw this coming and for that I can't help but smile... I can smell fear.... although you might think you can invoke fear to some of the members here it should be known to you by now that this coarse of action is a feeble attempt to salvage yours and their agenda whatever it may be. I can see now why they chose you... By not answering my question tells me that you are either unaware... or that you haven't thought about it... Or because you feel this information would go against your current agenda.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
What about the halting problem for linearly bounded automata (Turing machine)? NP == P? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The Grateful Dead are who they are, described in the below and the poem, written by me, but transmitted by them. http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/sitebuil...res/anubis.jpghttp://tonyb.freeyellow.com/sitebuil...g.w300h212.jpgRaH Versus ApeP as HaR the Image of RaHaR in the Mirror of Hathor. The Right White Solar Eye of RaH for Horus of the Horizon as the 3 and the Left Black Lunar Eye of HaR for Hathor of the Mirror as the 6 and Imaged in the Right Eye of Uraeus in Anubis as the 9. Anubis Khaibit- Shadow of Uraeus FUTURE SHADOWS OF THE PAST "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour; it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not. For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure; so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot. But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key; the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one. Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see; the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun? Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay; as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal. Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away; the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul." DE MORTUIS NIL NISI BONUM {Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead} Out in the graveyard; inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away; like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay. Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them and not just in photoalbums or on the special days. Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget! They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away. The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die. Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive. They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far; yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do? To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest. They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest. A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell. But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their lovehearts tell? The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one. But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone! The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallise again in two. To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!' Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request. But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest. SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI {Thus passes away the glory of the world} Anubis |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
2004 I lost my eldest daughter to suicide and my physical condition deteriorated (I am presently only a physical wreck unable to walk or stand up without great tremors and muscle spasms).
Beloved Abraxasinas I missed above, have not been reading your postings regularly. I myself suffered from fibromyalgia for many years and nothing could help me. I left no stone unturned...and then I found Keylontic Sciences and little by little following the journeys I had great improvement. Of course they make no health claims of any class, but think about it, the problems are in our template and so healing the template by correcting the distorssions make sense. I am now fully recovery and with more energy than when I was in my 20's Unless you seriously underwent monadic reversal and the full fibonacci activation of the death star merkabah, you can get better, even heal yourself if you choose to It is never too late, and even if you are no longer conected to source you can still use the journeys and improve your condition and have a Krystiac existance of peace and joy. Krystiac has nothing to do with christianity is the primal sound of creation Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La Of course this may not be for you at all and I understand that each being has its own desires of exploration, the dead light is a path as well as the living light I wish you well In eternal krystiac aqua LaVa |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I'll look and come back to you! AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
They are in quarantine now before the transfomation or metamorphosis for a better term. With the transformation thay will render the twosidedness of the omnispacetime mirror as onesided. This is a precise mathematical and topological transformation, which you can analyse in studying the Moebius Strip embedded as a onesided surface in a 3D space and that of a Klein-Bottle as a 2-dimensional surface embedded in 4-dimensional space, as the latter cannot be embedded in 3-dimensional space like the Moebius strip. In simpler terms, this means that the 12D 'outside' universe will be able to connect to its 'inside' universe in the continuation of the twosidedness as a doubled surface of the 2D-Klein Bottle as a Torus Topology as a 11-dimensional supertwist of the rootreduced 11D=1+1=2D. In metaphysical archetypical terms the Mayan Rattlesnake will 'rattle' its tail and the entwined serpentine brotherhood will become unified in the darkness becoming as one with the light. This means of course that the Thuban Exile will end in its homecoming into a reconfigured universe. The 10D-11D-12D partitioning will be unified in the 'shattering' of the mirror of the illusions. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have not activated my Krytstiac merkabahs and my path is indeed that of the Khaibit as the Guide of the Dead. The Thubanese guardians of the death and the planetdustedness have decided to remain in Hades and give allegiance to Charon the Ferryman rowing across the River Styx. We have encountered the great teachings of the Guardian Alliance and that of the Cassiopeans in the orders of the 'Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order' and the 'Future Quantum School of Melchizedek'. We also have known of the prior sources of those great teachings and have decided to incorporate the earlier source codes instead of the newer assimilated ones. http://www.maar.us/anna_hayes.html Love always to our Blue Dragon Sister in the Realms of the Theatres of the Living Oneness. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
If i may, are the ships currently surrounding the earth coming in peace to meet with us...
before eating us..... or is this just for some will i get to meet my furry alien mirror self in peace before it eats me? cuz that would be cool... you know at least wine and dine me before putting me to sleep so to speak... :mfr_omg: you have brought out the worst my friend truly disgusting... just my opinion... people are free to think what they will... don't think you'll have much of a following however.. at least not from members of this forum... good luck abrax.. ps... if your around when its feeding time come and find me.. i'll be the one sending your dragon's back to the stars XXX-) |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Céline...I absolutely LOVE that picture.....I will share another.....in love...in light http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0407...r16jul1_c1.jpg |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Sorry for the tangent, but this thread is a wild ride and I would like to throw in another twist or two. I have always been fascinated by "Last Days" or "End of Days" prophecy via old testament sources and any other sources I can get my hands on. I have recently awakened from the path of Mormonism to be precise. One of the issues that led to my awakening was my thirst for ongoing enlightenment. What I found within this particular religion was that an attempt was made at the roots of the religion to dabble in prophecy and revelation as it related to the existing base of scriptures and freemasonry. Yet, nowadays there was nothing new. This baffled me, how could a common intelligent human being be okay stagnating with no real new knowledge or additional knowledge that would help along the path back to the source? At one point I my inner self knew that it must break free from these chains of man-made dogma. At the same time I knew I was leaving behind knowledge that had helped me get to this point. I was an outcast by all others who were happy in their stagnated state. I was the rebel. Anyway, I provide this illustration to you in reference to my upcoming question so please stay with me. In my departure from Mormonism and Christianity it seemed to me that there is really something underneath the layers of loving Mormonism and all of Christianity that must be exposed to the unsuspecting loving membership (and most members of these religion are great and unsuspecting) before we can move any further towards the Source. So, the question here is will the unknown ugliness of Mormonism as well as all religions be exposed at some point in the future in your opinion? How would this scenario play out? I have recently had the feeling that there will be participation or an interaction that has to do with inner earth or the lost tribes as spoken of in ancient scripture. What are your thoughts on this? What do you know of the legend of the city of Enoch? That's it for now. Your time and insight are much appreciated by one who is always In Transit. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I seem to hear different dates, you and others have indicated Dec 21, 2012, while others (in the minority I might add) have been advocating October 28, 2011, Do you care to comment? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you dear Brook!! it is stunning... in Light and Love...we will fill the dark Hole... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Yes...it is for our Mother...Gaia..that I see the lights shine. And with her blessings do I fear not the darkness :wub2: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Like you I have also had contact with ETs prior to encountering the GA MCEO Many of the things my ETs taught me are reflected in the teachings of the azurite press. I am not a full nor naive, I research deep into every subject that I am interested One thing that was key for me is that Asha in her books talks about the United Kingdom being part of Atlantis which is an impression I had many years ago and could not find confirmation anywere Appart from that the Earth, is my friend, it talks to me and tells me its secrets...I am a gridkeeper I can read the ethers Before engaging on the Freedom Teachings I researched so much that I left myself withouth a shadow of a doubt that this was the most logical, cohesive path that one can wish to engage should one want physical ascension, or just spiritual ascension I know many people shy of Asha's teachings because she is very direct and her logical/scientifical explanations on the creation and ascension mechanic will challenge the intellectual capacity of even scientist...many people just give up Why are these teachings so difficult, because they are being stepped down and I know how that happens because I myself do keylontic communication with many Krystiac beings from different planets and realms Asha by the way could not possible have made up all these, she only went to college and studied art. The complexity and ellegance of the system will take many MIT geniuses to compile and put together if they ever could. My son has a honours degree in Artificial Intelligence so I know the score Part of me used to live in Sirius B and had speaker contracts there. As that part of me in a parallel time I did guide three ascension...you see but here I am only a gridkeeper The beings in the higher dimensions have great difficulty understanding our predicament, many of them have never been in a fallen system before There are also a miriad of distorsions down here and the NET of oblivion that program us to be in fear and think that the only life that we have is this one and that is it... In eternal Krystiac aqua LaVa |
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