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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It will be a pleasure to taste your sweet morsels after the transformation and after you have become assimilated in OUR Black Hole Transducer of your merkabah. Resistence is futile, but you can try of course. Abra Yum Yum Stardustaquarion is mine - you hear me Council, I want her for myself! Perhaps as something else than just elixir. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
On a more serious, or sirius, note abraxas you can heal yourself if you so wish. Remembering to access the central channel, by having the sun and moon channels energetically collapse, will allow the nadis to clear and be refreshed by the psychic heat generated. I send my blessings to you in that you may feel what I experience and so have the experience as your own. -Love and Light- |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The Misinterpretation is part of the 'Game of Life'. Like in a chess game, the 'opponent' might induce you to 'make a wrong move', then giving your 'oppenent' the advantage IN THE GAME. In regards to the science, what do you think I am - some master teacher or educator who knows every 'students' weaknesses and strengths of what the student is able to understand at that stage of their 'learning' or not? I am NOT a teacher for anyone. I feel compelled to share this data, accumulated over a lifetime (by the way it has cost me thousands to do so in photocopies etc before the webage and I never 'made' a single penny from all of this over 35 years or so, so in human terms I must be 'really mad'), because I am doing this for a 'Greater Good' or whatever you like to term it. Actually, should I have not experienced the ET connections, I would have engaged in a teaching career - teaching high school (or college) maths and physics. But I wasn't 'allowed' to do that - so drats. I'm NOT anyones teacher or guru or leader. Roger Over and Out AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Yes I know of the self-healing. However my 'dis-ease' is related to the 'Serpent's Curse' and so I must 'Play the Game' of the Timeline in self-relativity. Resistence of the Self is futile after surrender to the Logos. The expectation is of course that the Little Self will become a Bigger Self after completion and then the 'outer' will harmonize with the 'inner'. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
-Love and Light- |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
OOOOOOps I forgot to tell you that I am a "blue dragon" = AquafarE aquatic bird blue humanid and I thought it won't be Krystiac if I don't tell you that we are poison to the fallen dragons As for the star of death, I already have my own merkabah thank you, so first you will have to catch me and that may prove to be a bit tricky cos our merkabahs bounce back anti krystiac energies...you know that don't you? In eternal aqua Kristiac LaVa |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
So you can not use your legs....this must be...very unpleasant.
Things like this scare me. Not being able to walk, see, hear, talk, smell.... I have a Martian girlfriend? Great...i wonder when i get to meet her. :) Still single at the moment....where did Sabina go...I need a tantra yoga partner ;) to be eaten or not to be eaten... so..... I ll just let you "kids" to have your fun now...no scratching, no running, wash hands after you are done and be home by 8 |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I share your dismay. There have been flares of ego, the posturing "tests" by those that think they "know" but fail most of the tests themselves, passive aggression, veiled accusations of insincerity, recently close to outright accusations and a distinct lack of respect now; which has started to become the norm in this thread and I really hope it stops. I already knew at the outset that sooner or later Abraxas would be implicated as a would be "cult" leader. I'll give the the forum credit - I could see it brewing for weeks, and it took longer than I estimated, but sure enough you delivered. Why ? What was the point ? Ask youself - do you take pleasure in landing these sword blows? Do you think you are "winning"? Where is the love? It's gone fishing on account of too much FEAR and inability to see past the role of the ego when it plays dirty. Quite apart from this, it seems to me that a wanna-be cult leader would be stupid to come on Avalon! [1] - there are a small percentage (and I mean small) of people here that would out them in a second. None of whom I think I have seen posting on this thread yet but they do thier thing in peace and respect. So I sit here thinking why do I have to sit here and watch yet another Avalon style hatchet job in progress - and then Malletzky comes along and posts just what I was thinking. Please stop it. Bury those hatchets. Read the thread for what it is. Just ask your questions nicely please and be respectful. If you must laugh at the posers who think they are masters of this game - go ahead, but do it in private please. Above all, please don't "With respect" , I think you are a - cult leader, fake, plaigiarist, non-sensical speaker of gibberish ... whatever - "with respect" anyone. It is not respect - it is bloody rude and fake. Abraxasinas/Moderators/Members - please have a good talk with your human sides and tell them not to escalate please. With respect :naughty: In the love and in the light of the one infinite creator, let harmony come. A.. [1] Bill Ryan excepted of course :mfr_lol: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I’m sorry to hear of the suffering you have experienced with the loss of your daughter and the illness that has resulted. I can’t even imagine the heartache you must have gone through, the pain you have endured and my heart goes out to you. I thank you for the information you have posted on this thread. You have made your case for the validity of the ‘physics’ in your explanations and I hope that we can move forward from here with more of the ‘relevance’ of your presence here at Avalon. I wonder what further information you are to disseminate here and to what purpose these disclosures are to be used? I think I have a general idea of where you are going with this information but am not sure. I am however enjoying the ride none the less! Please don’t allow yourself to get drawn into ‘bickering’ as it upsets the ‘continuity of the flow’ and waste precious time. A little bit of this goes a long way. In the end I want to hear ‘all’ of what you have to say and then I can discern. Just like everyone else reading this thread... I can make my own choices… after all that is what free will is all about. May the Peace of the universe fill your heart and soul Abraxas. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You say that you are so compelled to share this data. Why are you so compelled? How do you feel when you are sharing? Do you feel love? Do you feel hightened (in the meaning: standing above the rest), or something else? If you for example feel that it is Love that drives your compassion in sharing your data. Where do you feel this love is flowing? Towards those who are at the recipient end or those who are at the messenger end. If you feel nothing or equal love towards both, then how do I know the message is for me? You talk alot about polarization and I don't think I understand what you mean by this. Do you believe that you need to divide us or unite us? Regardless of which, why is it necessary for you to do either? I'm totally all in for uniting everyone because I do feel intensly that we are all the same at the core of our beings. Some of us are lost, some are not but if we know that we find more or less of ourselves represented in everyone I find it most interesting to reach and connect. I have an infinite compassion and drive towards understanding and love, and because I have that drive I know that everyone has got it, more or less. That's why I never give up. I need you to make me understand how polarization can be the answer when I'm so certain unity is, and ofcourse none can exist without the other, but why try to maximise the polarisation, it will always be percieved to be at maximum anyway but in this NOW we know how it is and therefor how the maximum polarization is manifested. If we in every NOW try to minimize the polarization from the NOW we percieved as before, even if the next NOW feels like it is at maximum wouldn't this still be the prefered way of doing things? In my world and reality it is. Why not in your's? Wow! I'm applauding you stamina! It only takes me a couple of replies to get totally exhausted and you seem to be able to carry on through out the whole day. Awesome! Thanks for your time and understanding my lack of understanding. Your friend in unity, Sollve |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I've already 'caught you' - if you just knew. I am, you might say, a Thuban expert of the colour mixing and the harmonization of states and antistates. I love you too Stardustaquarion - you are a Mirror of myself. AA:thumb_yello::trumpet: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It is not THAT serious. The correspondents are not 'hostile' on the 'lower' levels of the 'personas', though it certainly appears that way. I am NOT offended and do not detect offense in the other participants. A forum such as this, by definition, assumes a slightly different and more tolerant notion of the 'ad hominem'. Think of it as the 'today politically incorrect' notions of 'British Comedy', say 20-40 years ago. At your life-experience you might remember 'sitcoms' like: "Love Thy Neighbour" and 'Mind Your Language' and 'Only Fools and Horses' and 'George and the Dragon' and 'Are You Being Served'. It's fun and a little 'sexist' and a little 'racist' and so on but always allowing the 'offended ones' win the arguments. So its NOT 'sexist' or 'racist' or any of the 'insane' labels placed upon things in today's 'morally correct' society. The ability to 'laugh at onself' has somehow be left behind in this 'correctness' and attempts not to say a 'wrong word' at a 'wrong place'. Now the OZZIE has not yet fallen into the 'I'll sue you for this' conundrum of the litigations, as you well know. Let us hope that the Americana of the 'I am so offended' does not become a worldwide phenomenon for the 'vulnerable sentimentalities'. That said, yes I shall curtail the aggressive replies in a more circumspect manner. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
And you know what happens in there at night don't you. She does and knows the games played by the inhabitants of the museum. AA Marsina is already in your dreams. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you for your kindness. I am quite alright and can handle the physical pains, without too much discomfort at present. In regards to the information. Well of course I understand that the science parts are hard to share. It took me a lifetime to gain the necessary comprehension not yet completed of course. But there already have been many posts, questions and replies, which have addressed common gnosis topics. For example the post by eric lead to his nice elaboration between the three planes of body emotions and mind in diagrams and elucidations. I have no computer software to draw diagrams and pictures, which obviously would help. But as said, my presence is whatever it is, but the data shall remain, once I am gone. Doing this here is no ego-trip, but simply the culmination of the work done for decades. I really don't know why it turned out this way and should there be no questions or 'little skirmishes', then I would not answer. Really it was only until January 18th, that I 'had to' (yes my Logos, everyone else got their logos, so it will be meaningless to challenge me on this or play with words regarding this) prepare this 'Thuban thing'. Relative to me it is potent and real and IT has taken its own agenda without me be required to Be or Do anything. I cannot judge this, I can only live it. But I expect noone to share this at all. So simply said, I'll remain as long as at least one person asks something or decides a little 'exchange' or until I am banned or asked to leave. It really doesn't matter. My expectation is however; that more and more people on the earth will FEEL the new archetypes and this is my agenda - to tranlate old archetypes into new ones; because the old ones have expired in their 'Use By 2009/2010' Date. Love and Peace of Mind to you too Michael. I can FEEL your gained Inner Peace- I am a little sensitive to those things you know. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
In Love and Light...
i will NOT follow into the dark In Love and Light i will follow the call In Love and Light i will NOT fall into the hole In Love and Light i will serve mercifully In Love and Light, i will Not Falter.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You have left out the most important parts in much of this "history". Least we not forget what Isis did when she brought Osiris back? And the full story of of how she did it? Because that IS what should be focused on when these stories are recounted. This is a very watered down, and slanted version of Egyptian history in my opinion. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
about that. Did you gogle Kamasutra?? by the way got scared about all that talk about Nazi Iam german Irony of the Karma. sabina |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The question was about Ptah and I cut the story short after Ptah was not in the story any more. If someone asks about the continuations of the story, I shall provide it. As the expert on Egyptology, I am sure you can enlighten your 'friends' much better than myself. Cheers from the NASI Abraxas and Prost the Serpent's Ale! AA as in H.AA.RP, the raygun of Draconis! |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
From viking's thread: Another weird cloud! The size of this ring is about 12,000x12,000 furlongs and represents a 'shadow image' of the 'things to come'. As encoded in Revelation.21.16 and Ezekiel.48 (the latter 25,000 cubits square in total); the 'City of Light' will be a Mother Spacehip of dimensions 12,000 furlongs a side or 3,000 furlongs a side for a 12,000 furlong perimeter and a 'covered area' of 9 million square furlongs or 360,000 square kilometers. A furlong is about 200 meters and so the diameter of the 'New Jerusalem' as a 'New City of Light' is so 2200 kilometers underscaled in so 600 kilometers. If taken as a circle, the area of 360,000 square kilometers defines a Radius of so 340 kilometers and a diameter of so 677 kilometers, which is the size of the 'cloud' over Western Australia AA A Cubit is about 18 inches of 45 centimeters and so the 'four gates' times three of the 'New Jerusalem' in that depiction will have approximate sizes of 12 kilometers. Update Below Posted January 18, 2010 The images above is what my contact sent which shows a wide band ring covering many hundreds of miles across the south west of Australia with a small dot (presumably cloud) shown just right of center. I saved the loop of the area when I checked the site several hours later but unfortunately it was encrypted not to permit this. The loop is not now on the site but the satellite image taken at 16:30 UTC is also very interesting. It shows a very large rotating over the western Australia where the mysterious large ring appeared from which a small but brief condense trail formed off the coastline and from the center what had been the huge ring a series of what appears to be three mini spiraling arms are seen moving out of the area, moving north east. This is one of those rare occasions when I could buy weather experimentation effects or other experiments being performed by HAARP are being observed. It is hoped to receive an explanation from the Australian Government Weather Bureau for these series of strange effects. Posted at 4.15 pm US Eastern. January 16, 2010. Colin Andrews http://www.colinandrews.net/sitebuil...vi-600x473.jpg http://www.colinandrews.net/sitebuil...iS-595x538.jpg Written at 2230 Hrs (US Eastern) 15th January 2010. A contact in Australia just alerted me to what he describes as "very strange weather taking place over the south west of Australia". He told me to go to the national weather satellite images if I could not open the images he attached (See left). By the time I had discovered the e-mail and checked, the large clearly defined ring had mostly dissipated but still was just visible on a time loop which was spiraling counter clockwise (Low Pressure system). Only remains of the huge ring now moving away north east as several small spiraling arms. Satellite Image by Australian Government. "There is very strange weather happening here - please check" http://www.colinandrews.net/sitebuil...in2-994x40.jpg Other similar circles and rings seen on radar ================================================== ==== Updated: January 18, 2010 By Colin Andrews My contact sent me two additional photographs taken on the 16th (15th in the USA) and also at my request sent an inquiry to the weather observatory at Kalgoorlie and Giles in Western Australia and received this reply: From: Kalgoorlie-Boulder Met Office (kalgoorlie_met@bom.gov.au) Sent:Monday, 18 January 2010 7:18:17 PM To: xxxx removed Hi Allan, Early Saturday there were sort of concentric circles of echoes between 200 Kms and 400 Kms from Kalgoorlie-Boulder. However there was no weather around this area from which radar signals might have been reflected. It would therefore seem to be due to what is referred to as "anomalous propagation ".(false echoes) or even possibly dust in the atmosphere. Regards, Andy, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Met. Office. Taken at 1430 hrs. Cloud cover has moved position but the ring remains in the same position but less well defined. http://www.colinandrews.net/sitebuil...20-490x399.jpg This satellite image shows cloud cover over Australia at 1630 hrs on the 16 January, 2010 which tends to support the met office statement that there was no weather over that area from which the radar could have been reflected. http://www.colinandrews.net/sitebuil...es-477x429.jpg http://www.colinandrews.net/sitebuil...es-481x426.jpg Taken at 1117hrs, noting the position of the ring from state border. http://www.colinandrews.net/sitebuil...eft-10x520.jpg http://www.colinandrews.net/sitebuil...eft-10x476.jpg |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I can Google tantra or kamasutra and besides some XXX etc stuff nothing much comes out...well there are "workshops" that like to charge hilarious amounts etc...also I doubt though that anyone in my area is an "expert" in such things (perhaps it is time i become an expert..hehe...imagine that a..) Breath in...feel your breath...feel it...going up....the rising....breath..now spread the....energy...and let it fill you inside...the energy....cumming...all over you...than just breath out and relax this completes our session for today :) What I would prefer is some pristine information about this not something that was "modernized" scared of the past? the Reich was also down here...they were not alone, Mussolini also had an appetite...people died, "territory" was lost...grandma told me some stories about how it was...2 of my uncles were forcibly drafted and froze somewhere in Russia (not official though)...it was not pleasant ... but that is the past...don't let it hunt you....do not let older generations to pass-on the problems (like here when the cave with the bodies of people killed after the war was "discovered"...and they started worming up the hate again...etc) amm I am getting too off topic now... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I will leave you with words from a stone tables washed up on a beach and reached the British Museum from Egypt in 1805. Cataloged as Stella #797 “Mighty and great is Ptah, who rendered power to the gods and their kas: through his heart, by which Horus became Ptah; and through his tongue, by which Thoth became Ptah. “When the eye sees, the ears hear, and the nose breathes, they report to the heart. It is the heart that brings forth every issue, and the tongue that repeats the thought of the heart. Thus were fashioned all the gods: even Atum and his Ennead. “Every divine word has come into existence through the heart’s thought and tongue’s command...” “Thus it was—by such speech—that the kas were created and the maid servants of the kas. “It is these that make all sustenance, all food; all that is liked and all that is loathed. “Thus it was he who gave life to the peaceful and death to the transgressor. “Thus it was he who made every work, every craft...” |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I love this humorous side of Abrax. Love it.
Could you comment on the unification of souls Abrax? And not to worry, I will never run out of questions. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Well well. The watered down version of Thuban is washed and cleansed by the stone tablets of Ptah as Thoth washed up on the beach and teleported to the British museum from which our Egyptian Goddess of the Sothian knowledge has left her throne of majesty in the Ab of Isis to bless the poor Thuban dragon souls with her sublime and splendiferous wisdom of Egyptian lore. Well done my queen Nefertiti, says Akhenaten, bowing to Aton ex Ra satisfied. Nfr-Nfrw-Itn, AA |
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