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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
We are in agreement with John Dee's Hieroglyphia. Its symbolism is reassigned to the Mesopotamian Mazzaroth or Zodiac and the general 'thrust' of John Dee's work engages the 'Mystical Alchemy', i.e. the 'Heavenly Wedding of the Opposites' and leading to the 'Thuban Dragonomy' of the Androgenization. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You have embellished and illustrated what I meant to convey and there is nothing I would critisize here, being of a sound scientific and intelligent approach to the topic raised. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Good Morning Abrax and company,
My last post was to make sure I understood the flow between the platforms. My enthusiasm for this material drives me to understand it completely. I yearn for my wife to join me with this material, so I share it often and break it down when it gets 'deep' (always complimenting her intelligence when doing so and assuming I understand any of it in the first place). I appologize for embelishing; as the best post is a short post. Attention is too important to waste; again I am sorry if I insulted anyone here on this thread. You are all so far ahead, I yearn to catch up. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You are welcome BlackLight. Your naming bespeaks of a greater spiritual awareness than many have attained so far. As you may have observed, I am concentrating my participation in this forum to this thread. You can however find continuity of the thread you commented upon in this link: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id163.html The following might also interest you. ISAAC NEWTON'S ALCHEMY AND EZEKIEL'S TIMELINE TO 2012 Newton's Dream Realised and the Completion of Scriptural Prophetic Archetypology to enable Universal Reconfiguration http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id157.html You carry a great harmony within you, even with your 66 vibration, signifying FREEDOM=6+18+5+5+4+15+13 for this year 2010. Blessed Be, in brotherhood! Abraxas Anthony |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thanks Anchor, I am glad it spoke to you. Namaste |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/quantumrelativity/ or http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/ Edit to change url. These are your sites are they not, Tony Bermanseder; BSc? One can cull almost an infinite amount of important sounding gibberish from the fields of Physics and Mathematics. A give away of this is there are no references given for research and verification. Honesty and the scientific method go hand in hand and it seems that perhaps the Thuban Council don't seem to get this. But let's not let this problem bother us. I still await an explanation of how our memory and consciousness works that I can understand. Please don't let this response deter your enthusiasm expressed here. Thanks Uncle John |
Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
if you are grasping, or, reading what we wrote correctly we said: we believe, in 36 dimensions too ~ albeit, we should have typed the word density (not dimension) and said; we believe in densities that are formed over 1 - 2 - or 3 matriXes ~ of a maximum of 12D/12D/12D (D=density) (and, NOT talked about dimensions) - our error we believe, we have one matrix - of 12 D (density) completed in an eXpression of 9191 in The Order of Melchesidek and, we believe, we have one matrix - of 12D (density) completed in an eXpression of 10 in The Order of The Elohim. thus 12D + 12 D, for a total of 24D plus, this, the 3rd matrix we are currently in we said; moving through 1D to 9D (meaning, we can access 9 densities, thru the one we are in, along with having 2 hereditary main guides of 12D so, 9D/ 9+12+12=33 we also connect to a higher guidance/which is part of our own soul family who is 10d/34d (again, density) - HOWEVER, to keep it simple, lets just say they are at 10th density we have NOT yet, seen, what might exist, at 11th density and, we know that 12th density - completes the journey and we also, believe, that it is possible to merge with your 9th density - monad/along with your future monad too, as, we did back on 10/25/2007 we are also aware, that the original 2 - 12TH DENSITY ASPECTS each, became 12 x 12 x 12 = 1728 points of light to further eXpand this: The archetypes like 9191/Isis all come from 12D they manifest in 10D max using 11D as mirror they re-split into 12 x 12 x 12 = or many points of light now, others carry as archetype 12x12x12=1728 as a cubic volume in 3D the points of light which are in 3D mirrored into 6D and 9D finito (talking past 9D is confusing to others) so, to be scientifically accurate The 9D is tright where the 3D is COLOCAL INTERD more so then multiD USE FINESTRUCTURE or SUBSTRUCTURE holofractals in groups of 7 and or 9 so you can put 7 densities into 6D but not as 13D 6D is ROTATION 9D is VIBRATION 3D is TRANSLATION ALL MOvement Dybnamics exists in 9D Space or 10D spacetime you can speak of 9x9=81 substructures or 63=9x7 for each of the 9D - but its playing Your 36 is 9x4 in 4D spacetime then its scientific 3D spacetime is the NOW experienced 4D spacetime is standard physics |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One can and many do 'cull scientific sounding gibberish' from other sites. This is not the case here and all 'formulations' can be checked for their validity. You are welcome to present SCIENTIFIC CRITICISM and ANALYSIS of anything you encountered on this website. The Thuban Science is NOT mainstream and so cannot be checked in peer review citatations. So if you choose to judge the Thuban omni-science as invalidated, because it is not mainstreamed or citated; then this is your prerogative. So you are invited to 'challenge' the Thuban science in its formalisms and postulates for appropriate reply. Your biased dismissal of things you are unfamiliar with is unwarranted in this instance. If you wish to DO SCIENCE, follow the SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY. So for starters present your arguments and analysis about what and where the 'gibberish' is in the treatise. Hiding behind name calling will not do for the skeptical enquirer. Your question is answered in the post. If you cannot understand it; I suggest you consult some basic physics books or consult articles in populist scientific publications like New Scientist or Scientific American. The link http://cosmicdawn.net is an unconnected phishing site. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
These 'formulations' are mathematical descriptions that are models of the real world. Where are the experiments to give evidence that these 'formulations' fit the real world? How could any scientist check anything without results of experiments? If I was to check just the Mathematics of your conjectures, I would require a paper with all the intermediary definitions, constructions, postulates and theorems clearly spelled out and documented. I would also need some experimental evidence linking this to the real world to make this worth my time. Abrax, I know of no accepted scientist that have worked in a vacuum without peer review. Project Avalon is perhaps not the best place to present these results and associated discussions. Again, I am curious why no mention of the Thuban Council in your earlier voluminous postings on the internet. Please don't let me discourage you from posting here or answering my or other's questions. I find your postings very interesting to read. Thanks Uncle John |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I believe that when I'm delivering a message as a messenger I (the messenger) hold the total responsibility for that message and also for the recipient's understanding of that message. If I can't deliver the intended information enveloped withing the message with the verified (by me) full understanding of that message I have failed in deliviering the message. As a messenger I do everything I'm capable of to make sure my recipient understands the information given, which makes it necessary for me as the messenger to stretch my communicative skills and also to "think outside the box". A message without understanding is like sending an empty but in this case, fancy envelope. Do you agree with me or do you think it's up to all of us just to understand the parts we can and ignore the rest making the message in it's whole distorted and therefor not the original message? My intention is not to disrespect you in any way, but I feel that the people with the actual courage to ask for clarification helps us all to better understand all of this. I usually ask when I'm not fully understanding things, but if I would ask about everything I don't understand in this thread wouldn't be about Thuban anymore, it would be about answering my questions. All love, Sollve |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello friend Sirebard,
I was hoping you could list all the different types of energy that you are aware of, and what their higher and lower harmonics manifest as, starting from the highest octave to lowest with each type. I'm curious as to whether there is only one type of energy that manifests differently in each density or if each type of energy is unique to itself ect... Thanks! |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Abraxas --
i wasn't gonna mention this, but after the last several messages on this thread I decided i would. it seems like to me that your responses to our questions have become a bit more biting in the last day or two. i don't want to come-off as a whiny-baby, but since the info you present is often so technical, i doubt there are that many of us here following this thread who can get everything you're saying. and considering the fact that Thuban "omniscience" is not subject to validation within our current scientific framework here on Gaia, i would think you'd be more politely accomodating of our human "ignorance." i fear some skeptics on this thread who may have communicated in a somewhat hostile manner have elicited some defensiveness on your part. am i intuiting wrongly about this, Abrax? as others have already said to you recently ........ there is certainly No Disrespect intended, Abraxas. :wub2: gratefully (as ever) hippihill |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It is my understanding that the OP is channeling this information. If that is the case I would expect the emotions of the channel to bleed through in the form of some defensive emotion.
The "attacks" are not all completely invalid. They are also being reciprocated with the energy they were given with. Just because an entity is more "advanced" in some way does not make them perfect. The OP is not attacking anyone who doesn't attack him. If someone wants to throw down, get ready to take one in the lip. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
What I'd really like to see is lots of plain language explanations. The scientific explanations are there for anyone who wants to check them out. But there is no reason this can't all be explained so anyone can understand, if they want to. In terms which are in common usage.
When someone has to encode, or encrypt their messages, I have to wonder why? I would think anyone here to enlighten, would have making themselves understood as their first priority. Some of the Thuban data resonates with me, lots of it doesn't, but I don't really know how much of it I just don't understand. For example, I kind of got the impression that the Thuban had a somewhat possessive attitude towards Earth? Or did I read that wrong? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
My last reply to hillibillbobbi attempted to convey your sentiments as stated here. This forum 'prides' itself in attempting to 'go behind the brainwashing of the general populus'. Then, when the 'extended science' {Yes Uncle Johns, ALL of the science you will or have encountered is TOTALLY MAINSTREAM, without Einstein bashing, quantum theory ridiculings and so forth whatsoever}, is presented; the 'skeptics' demand proof of and by the 'brainwashers' themselves. The Uncle Johns wish to have it both ways in having the 'brainwashers' support in their own 'brainwashed' understanding, as well as then 'questioning the brainwashers' as to the validity of their assumptions. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax, given that many of us cannot comprehend your advanced physics, is there anything you can tell us in simpler terms that will help us comprehend the data? I get lost with the dimensional arguments aspect of this thread.
Can you provide more detail about this ET contact? Since you ae not channeling and have full *sight* gained after your events, is this ET the one that was infiltrated so to speak within your being? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I will repeat my question since it seems you don't think I have asked it. How does a sentinent being's memory and consciousness works? How is it non local? How is it recorded? Of course this is not a Physics question. Can we only ask questions about Physics and Cosmology? Thanks Uncle John |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Really, this forum 'prides' itself with that? I've never got that feeling here at all. To my perception it is just a bunch of people who know how brainwashed we are, and are trying to remedy the problem while taken exciting journeys from time to time. There is no overt pride here. :original: I think that comment was a little bit of self projection dear abraxis.:welcomeani: Do you believe in coincidence?
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
One of the most prevalent (and justified) critiques of the skeptics is the prevalent use of the word 'Energy' by the 'alternative communities', inclusive the 'New Agers'; without a definitive description of what that 'Energy/Chi/Prana/Orgone/Mitogenetic Radiation/Spirit/...' actually is. Energy has a number of precise meanings in the disciplines of science and most generally in the mechanistic sense as 'The parameter or thing which has the capacity to do work'. This 'work doing' energy then becomes formalised (in equations and mathematical formulae), as the Force applied to displacement in Newtonian mechanics (say Torque=ForcexLeverarm in statics). Moving past classical mechanics into quantum mechanics, this 'workbased' Energy becomes 'quantized' say in the Radiation Laws of Max Planck and also the nuclear energy contained in Einstein's famous matter-energy equivalence in E=mc^2. Energy, in the modern sense so is a transformable quantity, measured in energy units (Joules and erg and Temperature couplings say). This the physicist understands through the 'Laws of Nature'. What the physicist does not yet understand; is that the quantum energy, heshe is able to describe in herhis formulations has its ORIGIN in a form of 'Energy' (the ones heshe doesn't understand) which made the one heshe knows a subset of the original one. Call it superenergy if you like, but the superenergy (linked to the ZPE) is the 'parent' of the physicist's energy. This can be thoroughly investigated and derived from the 'Big Bang' Energy, the 'Birth of the Universe' and in using the well defined equations of the physicist (Planck Parameters). Your question then becomes too general and ambiguous to define in the terms of the standard physics; because this standard physics associates PRECISE meaning to a term such as a 'harmonic'. Iow, the 'New Age' harmonic is related to the superenergy; whilst the physicists harmonic is associated with the Planck Law Energy E=hf. So now you must do many things to 'harmonise' the superenergy with the energy: 1. Define precisely how the superenergy relates to the energy 2. Find the manner of interaction between those energies 3. Formulate this interaction between parental and offspring energies 4. Apply, experiment with and test those formulations to the COMBINED superenergy+energy universe. Doing this you will find, that there is indeed an all-encompassing spirit or superenergy and quite amenable to definition by the formulations of the physicist's energy. If you read some of my earlier posts, I have given the details of this wormhole energy or 'ElectroMagnetoMonopolic Radiation' aka 'Holy Spirit' aka aka a number of times here. The many metaphysical systems found on this forum and other links; all can become patterned within a metaphysical superconstruct of this superenergy. AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You like playing wordgames don't you. Replace the word 'pride' with 'statement of purpose' and you get a better 'meaning' of what I mean. Agreed, the word 'pride' was not the best choice. The word 'pride' also means a group of lions and they reflect on my motives for sure. If one types so many replies, the first word entering one's mind is often not the best choice, but should, on average convey the overall meaning. Jesters like you then sit in their judgement seats and nitpick sentences to find something to object to. Well done Phtah, you have done no service to your Ren of Ptah - the universal architect! AA |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thanks Sirebard that is what I figured about energy. So we get all energy from this single supersource, and depending on the instrument we use to 'draw it' so to speak, is how it manifests itself in many different material forms, which are really just octaves(?) of each other, with of course all the 'tones' or grades in between. And through the harmonics that these instrument creat by just tapping into the energy, is how we access or are aware of the 'higher' or less distorted energies?
And I have read through those, still lots of contemplation before I get a realization yet thought. :thumb_yello: Quote:
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