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abraxasinas 01-17-2010 01:13 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 223931)
Peace unto you abraxasinas,

I haven't posted here in a while until this thread caught my attention. I'm familiar with alot of the concepts you have explained here in layman terms but without the scientific terminology/equations etc. and the Thubanese perspective. I find it quite interesting and I have a many questions to ask, so i'll begin with this:

1. As you spoke about the founders and also the elders and the council of 24, I immediately thought about the Etherians and the Anunnagi. Can you speak of the Etherians?

Hi Nebula9D!

The Etherians are like Humans of the Future. Their label for the New Earth is Eternia, rather similar to the Thuban label of Serpentina, is it not?


It is a label describing this archetype from an 'older' perspective than that of the Annunaki, as the latter label refers to Sumerian and Mesopotamian history.
The divergence and addendums and elaborations of the human creativity in regards to those labellings so has greatly increased in the human accessible database - the Akashia or the Collective Meme Complex or similar - wrt the Annunaki and the many stories and legends you can find about them on the web and books and films.

2. Do you have information regarding the Serafim. You made mention of cherubim earlier.

Seraphim and Cherubim are archetypical labels for 2nd and 3rd order generation for the Unity of the 1st order.
So the Seraphim is the elder emanation of the Creator-Energy and so 'closer' to 'God' than the younger emanation of the Cherubim.
But it is all just labeling of the emanation of the Creator-Energy manifesting the Material SpaceTime Universe from its Metaphysical Precursor.
In the cosmogony of Thuban; the 1st Order became the Oneness of the Creator expressed in the Two in One bifurcation.
This created templates for a later manifestation of dualities, yet unified in 1st order.
Spirit-Antispirit duality allowed Matter-Antimatter blueprints in a mirror function.
Suppression of the AntiSpirit (or AntiLight NOT Darkness) coupled with the suppression of antimatter to ALLOW GRAVITY to emerge and once gravity was 'blueprinted' a physical spacetime universe could become constructed from the energy reservoir of the Creator say.

Then the Creator's Unity became a Creator-Creation duality, akin the Chicken-Egg paradox.

This emergence of Gravity IS the LUCIFERIC FALL of the Nephilim and so describes the 1st order becoming 2nd order in the cosmogenesis.

The stories of the Annunaki and the Etherians etc. etc. all emerge later in the attempts of the 4th order Children of the Creator-Creation duality to remember themselves and their origins.

The 'Chief-Seraphim' so is associated with 2nd order Lucifer as BOTH White and Black or both Light and Dark 'falling' into 3rd order as the Cherubimic and Daemonic Archons, say as described in the 'Secret Book of John' of the Nag Hammadi Codex of gnostic lore.

One can also associate here the Metatron Seraphim as transforming into the four ArchAngels Michael-Fire; Gabriel-Air; Raphael-Water and Uriel-Earth as the 'fifth element' (of the Ether or the Chinese Metal or the Dodecahedron of Plato and so forth) and such,
None of those labelings and relabelings are 'wrong' but all are derivatives from older archetypes.


abraxasinas 01-17-2010 01:18 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 223993)
LoL Abraxasinas the last part (mars, girls) was not directly directed at you but it was meant for the "general public", for someone that would test the free will by making "out-world" demands...

But your answers are very interesting. :) thx

I hope my "thesis" will be of use to those that "think in the same way as I do".

And also my little "contribution" to those that refuse to read from start to the end...

i think i will go into the observer mode and be quit now, for a while

I know Spregovori; yet you and I are the 'general public' and as such we cannot go into 'general' observer mode of 'quitting'.


abraxasinas 01-17-2010 01:22 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 223546)
When i was reading the uratia book I hated this military structure now i know why.
Have to read your definition about density in calmness not under time pressure. All the best sabina

Hi sweet one!

You have all the time you require to inform yourself sabina.
In fact you have eternity before you. Also I am not going away - just yet.

Abraxas, the dragon you are sitting on.

Spregovori 01-17-2010 01:33 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224028)
I know Spregovori; yet you and I are the 'general public' and as such we cannot go into 'general' observer mode of 'quitting'.


Sorry I made another miss-spell ...

it is not quit but quiet ....what i meant to say was: I will be silent and observe.... there is much i have to "process"..sometimes my mind is incredibly slow...

about the ROC and Simbad the sailor....the ROC is a mythological giant eagle? the bird of pray?

abraxasinas 01-17-2010 01:37 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 224031)
Sorry I made another miss-spell ...

it is not quit but quiet ....what i meant to say was: I will be silent and observe.... there is much i have to "process"..sometimes my mind is incredibly slow...

about the ROC and Simbad the sailor....the ROC is a mythological giant eagle? the bird of pray?

Yes, but also the Bird of the Resurrection - the Phoenix and the EAGLE of UNITY above the Upper Shamballa of the OUTER EARTH and the LOWER Agartha of the INNER EARTH.


Nebula9D 01-18-2010 07:51 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224027)
Seraphim and Cherubim are archetypical labels for 2nd and 3rd order generation for the Unity of the 1st order.
So the Seraphim is the elder emanation of the Creator-Energy and so 'closer' to 'God' than the younger emanation of the Cherubim.
But it is all just labeling of the emanation of the Creator-Energy manifesting the Material SpaceTime Universe from its Metaphysical Precursor.
In the cosmogony of Thuban; the 1st Order became the Oneness of the Creator expressed in the Two in One bifurcation.
This created templates for a later manifestation of dualities, yet unified in 1st order.
Spirit-Antispirit duality allowed Matter-Antimatter blueprints in a mirror function.
Suppression of the AntiSpirit (or AntiLight NOT Darkness) coupled with the suppression of antimatter to ALLOW GRAVITY to emerge and once gravity was 'blueprinted' a physical spacetime universe could become constructed from the energy reservoir of the Creator say.

Then the Creator's Unity became a Creator-Creation duality, akin the Chicken-Egg paradox.

This emergence of Gravity IS the LUCIFERIC FALL of the Nephilim and so describes the 1st order becoming 2nd order in the cosmogenesis.

The stories of the Annunaki and the Etherians etc. etc. all emerge later in the attempts of the 4th order Children of the Creator-Creation duality to remember themselves and their origins.

The 'Chief-Seraphim' so is associated with 2nd order Lucifer as BOTH White and Black or both Light and Dark 'falling' into 3rd order as the Cherubimic and Daemonic Archons, say as described in the 'Secret Book of John' of the Nag Hammadi Codex of gnostic lore.

One can also associate here the Metatron Seraphim as transforming into the four ArchAngels Michael-Fire; Gabriel-Air; Raphael-Water and Uriel-Earth as the 'fifth element' (of the Ether or the Chinese Metal or the Dodecahedron of Plato and so forth) and such,
None of those labelings and relabelings are 'wrong' but all are derivatives from older archetypes.


Thank you for the explanation Abrax. Sorry the board went down this morning when i was attempting to reply. Anywho Imho, I'm having a tuff time grasping the 1st, 2nd 3rd order concept and i think others are too. Maybe you could further simplyfy it alittle. :original:

I do see alot of similarities except for the different names and nomencleture.
This is my comprehension from what i've read elsewhere:
Primary & Secondary creation was performed by Nine Ether energies/gases/beings. These Nine ether conscious and conscience gases personified by both sound and electric energy, both positive and negative. Electro being negative and Magnetic being positive. All that is appointed a supreme being to be the creator God. This supreme being could personify him/herself as an Etherian being, a being of pure light at will. So this supreme being/Creator energy created the Seraphim/positive, beings of the pure green light, ethereal and Cherubim, Sub-supreme beings of the impure, amber light. So the Arch-Angels are your Seraphim and your Lucifer/luciferians etc are your cherubim.

Nebula9D 01-18-2010 09:28 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Peace and love Abrax,

I have some questions to ask regarding today's events. :) see below in red.


Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 215793)
Hi All!

To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

Allow me to clarify.
7 days (of night-day hours say) before the Atlantean-Egyptian timeline above became programmed into run mode on March 1st, 23615 BC; a 'message' or signal was prepared by Hunab Ku - 'The Giver of Consciousness' to be sent to his 'Beloved' - 'Serpentina, the Womb of the Mother'.
This message, in human terms, simply reads: "I Love You!".

Are the 7 days mentioned above based on earth time? or another?

In physical terms Hunab Ku is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A*, 'weighing' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

Is 25,627 years the completion of the Milkyway cycle within our universe?

On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

At what point or which timezone will the commencement of this event be based on?

wilsonericq7 01-18-2010 02:19 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Peace and love to all who are different versions of myself; I yearn to know us again

As the process finds fatigue more often than success, this 3D version of my experience is relaxed and excited by this thread.

Knowledge of the mind, truth specifically, has been the intention.

Surrendering, attention turns to explore the heart; as is the intention of this thread.

I have questions, and from what I can tell I/us/we/you have the answers...however...if I understand our direction, if I/we/us are supposed to stop living the drama of the mind...how important can my questions really be?


Ps. I would love to know myself more, the passion is overwhelming...what do you know of me?

THE eXchanger 01-18-2010 04:42 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 224017)
Thank you for an excellent sharing of your story as the One in Loneliness and NotExpression dear Joey!

We can relate to this

hippihillbobbi 01-18-2010 05:59 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxas --

So happy to see you here today, as yesterday i became somewhat paranoid after the PA forum went down ..... worrying that there was some funny business going on or that "someone was up to no-good." i even signed-in at your website, and then tried to e-mail you to ask if you knew what-was-up, but your e-mail wouldn't work. i really didn't want anything to interfere with the Events of Today!

Thanks so much, Abrax, for the further elucidation on the ascension process that you kindly provided both me and BigMo. it definitely helped a lot, though i plan to read it again more than once to allow more sink-in time ...... i'm a little dense :roftl:

A few more questions, sir, if you don't mind:

1) are you Eliijah? the voice crying in the wilderness? the one who sent his friends to asK: "Are you the One, or are we to look for Another?"

2) if today, Jan. 18, 2010, is somehow analagous to (aKa a holographic projection of) Jan. 18, 30 AD ....... does this represent Yeshua's baptism? his introduction to "the masses?" a coming-out party?!

3) Similarly, if April 1, 32 AD will be holographically reflected (whatever?!?) in April 1, 2012 ....... will this represent the crucifixion/resurrection/ascension event?

4) Am i way off-base in my conjectures here???

Having so much fun along-the-way, and i can't wait for what you're preparing us for, Abraxasinas! Definitely hope to hear-from/talk-to you (or Someone :wub2: ) later today. Thanks again, Abrax!



Céline 01-18-2010 06:12 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This thread has almost become epic...

*celine takes a seat...and waits for Abraxas*

Fredkc 01-18-2010 06:58 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
** Fred checks his calendar - Jan. 18, 2010 - and sits next to Celine **

illuminate 01-18-2010 07:00 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
no question, just a THANK U for such an interesting read :original:
great thread!

~ one love ~

hippihillbobbi 01-18-2010 07:04 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
:wub2: i can't stand still!! i'll have to keep flitting around and checkin-back-in (every 5 minutes maybe! LOL ) ya'll don't start without me now


Sollve 01-18-2010 07:15 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas my friend,

I've been reading this thread with much joy and after what seems almost an
eternity I've now reached it's end for now. It's been a rollercoaster ride with
highs of total understanding and lows of no comprehension at all, just as it
should be.

There has been many interesting posts but one that really touch my inner
being was when you described that the group soul of Lucifer was contracted
to help us by maximising their service to self agenda even though this wasn't
their inner wishes. This made me cry and it still moves me when I think about
this ultimate sacrifice, but it also makes me think about a couple of other
things realted to this and other things as well.

1. You mentioned that the Lucifer soulgroup made this choice to be at the
very end of the service to self grade because this was the only way to
ensure they would make it to 4D. This makes me question the motives a bit.
If they are all about love, why not do the most loving thing possible without
breaking the contract, even if you risk to end up in 3D one more time?

2. I understand that when people open up to a new dogma or agenda like the
one you are presenting it also opens up the energy flows from these people
to you. You are offering yourself by opening up and that makes both the
message and the respons very powerful as you make hearth to heart
connections. As the messenger you stand in the focal point of energy and
there is something about that thought that makes me a bit uneasy. I would
like you to clarify exactly what your intentions are with the information you
are giving, and if you are not perfectly sure about these as you tend to
answer and download as the questions arrives, I would like you to give me
your own earthly, human, disconnected opinion on this.

3. This relates somewhat to 1. above. If we are here to evolve and some of
us makes it to 4D providing a greater connection to our higher selves and
maybe even reclaiming our lost memories. If we live here and now in 3D
following our hearts intent and reflecting over the path our lives take when
we follow this urge from the heart / higher self to do things. Wouldn't it in a
free will universe be a question of free will when we decide where to go in
ascension? Wouldn't it also be that the majority of the spiritually evolved
earthlings would chose to end up where they would be most helpfull.
Wouldn't it be most service to other if a spiritually evolved person chooses to
incarnate or to ascend into the most polarized towards service to self
dimension? That makes me wonder if there is even going to be a 4D
dimension with the most spiritually enlighted beings of this 3D dimension we
are living in now. What do you think about this?

4. If there has been "great harvests" before, I'm most curious about in what
area we are now? I also wonder what the "alternatives" were at the time for
the last "great harvest". Was it a question about materialism, or something
else? Or was it just the same god, bad, in between soul dividing thing? If so,
is this the god, bad or in between world?

I'm so looking forward to your answer to me and everyone else!

I love you all and together we will make THIS dimension and THIS now a
better place for our children and ourselves! I refuse to wait for any harvest
to change my world for the better. I'm here in this NOW at this NOW and my
time as YOUR time is extremely precious. Don't waste it on the future!

All my love to each and every one of you,

TRANCOSO 01-18-2010 09:39 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Fredkc (Post 224298)
** Fred checks his calendar - Jan. 18, 2010 **

Same, same, but different.
90 minutes & counting.
Almost the 19th, now.

Firstlook 01-18-2010 10:00 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The exchanger,

I read the last post on the 2010 thread. Very good analogy. Thank you.:original:


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~


Thank you very much for your pointing me to-wards The Seth Material. I never heard of Jane before. She must have felt so alive with information being channeled. The passage you layed out was very clear to me. To be honest, I hope to have that experience again one day, but with more confidence and knowledge of myself. Thank you again.

I've been reading many of your posts on dimensions and densities and how they are distinguishable. Very complicated for me. lol. But I was wondering if you or the council know of a diagram or perhaps even some artwork that helps represent this material in more of a visual representation. If not, perhaps that is something for me to imagine and interpret.



Anchor 01-18-2010 10:17 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 224302)
:wub2: i can't stand still!! i'll have to keep flitting around and checkin-back-in (every 5 minutes maybe! LOL ) ya'll don't start without me now


In my view it is a mistake to be focussed on timed events in this manner.

Just be here now, take each and everything for what it is now.

If something wonderful happens in line with an "expectation" then great if not then so what ?

Something wonderful happens each and every day - everytime you wake up.


Céline 01-18-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Oh i agree Anchor...but the man did state it quite clearly...

Anchor 01-18-2010 10:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 224426)
Oh i agree Anchor...but the man did state it quite clearly...


On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

Actually only a start date is given here - there is no indication it would be immediate.


bigmo 01-18-2010 11:38 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
"...I love you all and together we will make THIS dimension and THIS now a
better place for our children and ourselves! I refuse to wait for any harvest
to change my world for the better. I'm here in this NOW at this NOW and my
time as YOUR time is extremely precious. Don't waste it on the future!

All my love to each and every one of you."

Very nice post Sollve... Peace.

eleni 01-18-2010 11:41 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by bigmo (Post 224445)
"...I love you all and together we will make THIS dimension and THIS now a
better place for our children and ourselves! I refuse to wait for any harvest
to change my world for the better. I'm here in this NOW at this NOW and my
time as YOUR time is extremely precious. Don't waste it on the future!

All my love to each and every one of you."

Very nice post Sollve... Peace.

Yes, that was my huge question regarding the info of Hidden Hand- what's wrong with the now and making that beautiful for everyone......

That information (Hidden Hand) just doesn't resonate with me as the highest truth- sounds like a bunch of twisted half wits just playing games.

Raven 01-19-2010 01:02 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Found this on page 23, refer to that post. I believe this is his message meant for the 18th... although it would be nice if abraxas verify this in a perhaps new thread. I think for some it got lost. Sincerely, Raven
Originally Posted by bigmo

Your posts continue to amaze me and thank you for your comments.

You state that the rising of Gaia from the 4th to the 5th dimensions is an event of universal proportions which is truly an exciting proposition and I tremble at the thought!

However, will all or most, humans recognize this transition or phase shift? (it would seem that they should even into the 3D)

Hi bigmo!
Thank you for your comments, which as deriving from an elder of the human family contain much wisdom and pertinence for the situations at hand and experienced both individually and collectively.

Your question relates to something you experience often, namely when you fall asleep and enter the dreaming state of the alpha modes.
There is a 'phaseshift' between being awake and say watching TV or reading a book and the 'cutting off' of one's waking consciousness.

Now imagine of NOT experiencing this 'cutting off' or phaseshift in consciousness as say a CONTINUUM of the waking consciousness with the subconsciousness.

This is what shall occur. The distinction between the waking consciousness and the subconsciousness shall become like a scale of frequencies you experience WITHOUT the 'phase transition' of say water freezing at 0 degrees Celsius or water boiling at 100 degrees Celsius.
The solid-liquid-gaseous-plasma forms of matter are like waking-sub-super-cosmic consciousnesses in forms of the soul, using the mind coupled to the materiality.

So 3D-life shall assume a dreamlike state superposed onto the now 'ordinary' environment state for ALL; yet only the Ones able to process the 'higher frequencies' associated with the 'breaking down of the wall between the waking selfstate and the dreamstate) will be able to interact with the 4D space reality.

The easist way to fathom this is to imagine yourself in your Lucid Dream State; when you know that you are dreaming; and then to REALISE this lucid dreamstate not as a dream but as your own say superphysical or metaphysical reality.

Technically, this engages the perpendicular accessibility of a 4th space dimension, added to the present 3 space dimensions. So the present reality will remain, albeit becoming supplementary in a WINDOW or Door into hitherto physical reality suppressed and accessible ONLY in the dreamstate.
Simply said; your dreams, 'good and bad' shall come true.

Or is it that experiences of these transformations are reserved only for the select few of higher ‘esoteric’ conscious vibration. If that is the case then isn’t this just another ‘elitist’ ascension practice that only the ‘chosen few’ are ‘allowed’ to recognize or understand? (the world is full of stories such as these like the followers of Hailbop or the Jonestown believers)

The experience is for all, doing away with all forms of elitism; does however depend on the self-responsibility to allow vibrational expansion or not.
This is what many understand as the individual preparation.
Noone is excluded and everyone is included - the ability to understand and to adapt will however differ.

Why would it be so difficult to find the ‘mirroring’ of these ‘manifestations’ that are to come into the 3D as is the creation?

Without 3D confirmations… (from where we experience most of our awareness and human impressions) what’s the point? (I think this is what Jesus faced with his disciples except for the fact that he rose from death to show that death had no hold on him)

Yes, you have discerned with great insight here. The answer is simple, but extremely hard to understand because of the 'conditionings'.
Here is the answer to be 'believed' or accepted or not.

Caveat: The following information is given by the authority of the Logos and constitutes the dispensation of January, 18th, 2010.
The profundity of this information will polarise the receivers of this data.
Having been given, this data cannot be ignored by any soul witnessing this information.
The individual will either assimilate or reject this data in the polarity distribution.

The Resurrected Body of Christ is NOT at some place in the universe, on some planet or in some orbiting spacecraft (say in the form of Sananda or St. Germain or Lord Melchizedek).

So the first and most crucial point of getting anywhere near the reality of the LOGOS is to 'accept' the PHYSICAL REALITY of the resurrection.
Jesus of Nazareth;
did not survive the crucifixion;
did not die of old age in France or India or Judea;
did not have children with Mary Magdalene;
did not use a substitute for himself in the passion;
was not a phantom being of the gnosis;
did not engage in a Morontia transit;
is NOT on equal consciousness 'footing' with 'ascended masters' like the Buddha, Zoroaster, Mohammed; St. Germain; the Babas; Ra, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Osiris, Apollo etc. etc. etc.

Then if the resurrection is 3D PHYSICAL fact; then how did the physics and the Laws of Nature accomodate such a fact?

The Laws of Nature indeed incorporate the 'Transformation of an atomic-molecular biochemical support structure', PROVIDED the consciousness harboured by this 'body' can utilize the 'Laws of Nature' to ACCELERATE the mass-equivalent energy of said body into a particular energy resonance self-state of the universe itself.

In quantum mechanical terms, the WaveFunction of the 'collapsed' - meaning 'Dead' Body(Particle)Function CANNOT GO ANYWHERE; IF this consciousness as particular quantum selfstate encompasses the scale of the universe itself.

The ChristBody so BECOMES the wavefunction of the physical universe in a dimensional superposition.
This means, that the 'Body of the Resurrection' in the previously occupied 3D space as a holofractal transforms into a 4D holofractal in a temporary Interaction with the 3D space previously shared as an individuated Particle/Body form (with the wavefunction collapsed within say).

This then is archetyped in the 'Lightbody Jesus', walking through closed doors, YET eating fish (ghosts or hallucinations don't eat fish as 4D plasma NOT built upon a preexisting 3D particle structure).

The 'ascension' of the ChristBody then becomes NECESSITY to allow the temporary 4D extraposition of space to become UBIQUITOUS for ALL to share. This then allows ALL to change from 3D 'bodies' into 4D bodies.
However the scientific implications are farreaching and profound.

The ONE Resurrection-Template becomes multiplied in the DESCENSION of the Universe's Geometric scale to the SubUniverse Geometric scale yet MIRRORED in the size of the Universe.
This Mirror Universe is known as the Gaia-Mother.
So GAIA in 3D space will become BOUNDED by the ChristBody of 4D space for the purpose to render the Cosmic Christ of ONE Body as MANYBODIED.

This will manifest the WAVEFUNCTION of the Universe as QUANTUMIZED in the wavefunction of GAIA, renamed as being WITHIN the SERPENT of the CHRISTENING.

In other words, Serpentina IS the Second Coming of the ONE in MANY.

End of transmission.

These beautiful things that you speak of can seemingly be proven by mathematics? ( my heart wants you to be right but my mind… hmmm) Of the billions on this earth, how many can follow the mathematics? How can you prove that it is true, even to yourself if there is not 3D confirmation?

Well, I can tell you that the 'science' CAN indeed be experimentally 'proven' in the energy of the wormhole parameters.
There are basically two important energy levels; the 'Consciousness threshold' in terms of the materialisation of the energy (E=mc^2=hf=kT and such stuff) and the actual wormhole energy.

The threshold will MANIFEST in the particle accelerators of the 3D physics at the 14.03 TeV level. By synchronicity, this is just the MAXIMUM operational energy level of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

As you may know, 'they' are having all sorts of troubles using that energy and now the plans are to work towards half that energy in say colliding protons at say 4TeV each instead of the maximum designed 7 TeV each.

The actual 'God-Particle' is at 12,400 TeV and so a factor of a thousand times larger. Scientific machines to 'tap' the 'God-Love-Energy' have not yet been built, but can theoretically be built.
The most advanced alien technology CAN tap this energy without machines but in using the magnetic forms of the mass as magnetoelectric supercurrents.

'My' technicalities describe much of this in detail at: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com

I hear a few on these forums talk about existing for billions of years or millions of lifetimes or coming from the 12th, 24th, or 50th dimensions or from wherever. (as far as I know they could all be delusional human beings in 3D, even though they claim they are
not… yeah right and I’m the Easter Bunny… who rides on roller skates around my spherical universe that only expands in proportion to the speed with which I accelerate my skates)

I agree with many of your sentiments stated above and correlate this with my last post to Malletzky.

So can you point to definitive 3D experiences ‘most’ should recognize as these transformations begin to unfold and to manifest? And by what period of time will these events have occurred?

The 'Big Transformation' is a 'large scale' copy of what happened to the 'individual One' from a warped timeline from 8th December 24AD to 1st April 32AD.

April 1st, 32AD will 'holographically' image April 1st, 2012 and January 18th, 30AD will holographically image January 18th, 2010.

Belief or skepticism is not required; what is required for the individual is to allow and consider possibilities.

The timeline is now set and cannot be diverted in the encompassing sense.
The individual adaptations are entirely 'free will' and subject to individual attunements to the encompassing and everpresent LOGOS.


Thank you bigmo for triggering the release of this data.

An elder greets an elder!


Seafury 01-19-2010 02:31 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Well now that we've reached the starting point of the 18th I would like to ask the OP to clarify his stance on the model of our Time Matrix or Universe please.

The OP states 12 dimensions.

MCEO states 15 dimensions and 5 Harmonic universes also known as densities dividing those 15 into sets of 3.

George Kavassilas states no physical form above the 7th dimension, I think his upper limit is 9 dimensions with Dracos creating "false" dimensions within the 4th to fool people into thinking there are more than there are.

The Law of One series quotes RA as stating there are 8 densities like an octave.

Laura Knight-Jadcyk states 7 densities as per the Cassiopeans. Where densities could be visualized as vertical and the 7th is union with the One and dimensions could be seen as horizontal and limitless within each density.

The correct structure of our Universe would appear to be a hotly contested subject with each of the above claims coming from sources who claim to know first-hand.

There are so many different ideas about it and our universe appears to be so malleable that I'm starting to think that whichever one I decide on will be the one I'm stuck with.

Comments from the OP?

abraxasinas 01-19-2010 02:54 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Nebula9D (Post 224041)
Thank you for the explanation Abrax. Sorry the board went down this morning when i was attempting to reply. Anywho Imho, I'm having a tuff time grasping the 1st, 2nd 3rd order concept and i think others are too. Maybe you could further simplyfy it alittle. :original:

I do see alot of similarities except for the different names and nomencleture.
This is my comprehension from what i've read elsewhere:
Primary & Secondary creation was performed by Nine Ether energies/gases/beings. These Nine ether conscious and conscience gases personified by both sound and electric energy, both positive and negative. Electro being negative and Magnetic being positive. All that is appointed a supreme being to be the creator God. This supreme being could personify him/herself as an Etherian being, a being of pure light at will. So this supreme being/Creator energy created the Seraphim/positive, beings of the pure green light, ethereal and Cherubim, Sub-supreme beings of the impure, amber light. So the Arch-Angels are your Seraphim and your Lucifer/luciferians etc are your cherubim.

Hi Nebula9!

Indeed, the forum became disfunctional in 3rd density for a while in synchronicity with a resetting of the world-clock in alignment with the cyclic astrodata.
You can term it coincidence or synchronicity.
There will now be 62 weeks of warptime correspondence with the civil calendar as used 1980 years ago until the next nexus point of March, 28th, 2011.

This overall timeline is however the only agenda which is 'fixed'. The physical and psychophysical occurrences will from now on harbour a 'Unified Humanity' component growing from its seed.
Individual decisions and choices will interrelate with the human groupmind, which has now become encompassed by the manifestation of the Entwined Serpentine Embrace of the Gaian Noosphere.

This means in practical terms, that ALL are invited to MIRROR themselves in this spherical mirror now surrounding the planet so 2 million kilometers from the planetary center.

The Individual communication between your innermost being of your soul or loveheart or whatever you would like to call it has now become authorized.
The Ones of the Selfchoosing will KNOW from within that this 'change of the guard' from the 'Separated Individual' towards the 'Unified Individual' has occurred and has now opened the door to UNDERSTAND and FEEL the Unity of the Universe.

Your questions relate to this in terms of the archetypology.

The 1st Order is the Unity unseparated - as the Monad of Unity.
The 2nd Order is the Unity separated as Two in One, but unable to reproduce itself - a polarity within - as the Monadic Unity of say the Monadic Duad {0,1}.
The 3rd Order is the reproducing Dyad {0,1} in a separated polarity {-+}.
The 4th Order then defines the emergence of selfreproducing structures, say in the many families and labelings you are familiar with.

So IF you define the Etherion as the 1st Order then you also must define this Etherion of your Cosmogenesis as undivided monad or similar classification.

The labels and namings are arbitrary and subject to individuated creative licence; the elementary structure as described in monadic-duadic-dyadic terms say is prerequisite.

The electro-magneto polarity so must emerge in manifestation in any dimension or density in the 3rd Order after being defined in nonseparation in the 2nd Order.

Understanding these simple and basic foundations, will then allow you to 'look through' the many labels, renamings and wordings assigned to cosmic archetypes and structural hierarchies throughout the history of the data collectors.

Abraxas Anthony aka AA97

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