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Shairia 01-16-2010 04:08 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This is an interesting thread indeed. I've been following with interest and have many questions yet I find myself at a loss at which one to ask.

Maybe this is the appropriate one: Why do I seem to draw the things to me that I do?

I'm sincere in my asking of it because I do not have the answer. If you could help then it would be greatly appreciated.


abraxasinas 01-16-2010 04:10 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by WinterWolf (Post 223425)
I already know what my true name is. I was wondering if you knew it, that's all. Apparently you do not. That's ok. Not many are allowed to know who I am anyway. :)

Winter Wolf

Dear Winter Wolf!

What is the point for the universe to 'hide' your true name?

Can you not see, that you are playing 'hide and seek' with yourself?

What is the benefit for the universe or parts of the universe to 'know' or not to know your name?

What is the answer for this in terms of X and Y:

X+Y=XY=ixi ?

This is also a 'hidden name' yet is freely shared with all to ponder and solve.

If your 'hidden' name is a priviledge for yourself, then like Secret Agent 007 you must 'hide' your mission to save the worlds. Yet the secret agency can be internal without external form and then the hidden names remain in the isolation of the secret one.

The one in the mirror knows all names, as it shares your mind.
But in not sharing your images with other mirrors, you will become trapped in your own name.
It is of more benefit for the universe to have many names, as then the universe is able to mirror itself in its holographic nature of the shards.


WinterWolf 01-16-2010 04:19 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 223431)
Dear Winter Wolf!

What is the point for the universe to 'hide' your true name?

Can you not see, that you are playing 'hide and seek' with yourself?

What is the benefit for the universe or parts of the universe to 'know' or not to know your name?

What is the answer for this in terms of X and Y:

X+Y=XY=ixi ?

This is also a 'hidden name' yet is freely shared with all to ponder and solve.

If your 'hidden' name is a priviledge for yourself, then like Secret Agent 007 you must 'hide' your mission to save the worlds. Yet the secret agency can be internal without external form and then the hidden names remain in the isolation of the secret one.

The one in the mirror knows all names, as it shares your mind.
But in not sharing your images with other mirrors, you will become trapped in your own name.
It is of more benefit for the universe to have many names, as then the universe is able to mirror itself in its holographic nature of the shards.


Funny. I am not trapped in my own name. The universe knows my name as I am part of it. My name would not mean anything to anyone here much less understand it. It is a simple name and yet not.

There is power in names and mine is one. If the universe chooses to withhold my name from other beings then that is its choice. I am a creature of the universe and its agent.

If ixi=-1 than what is (-1)x(-1)?

i is the square root of -1.
It's an imaginary number because it doesn't exist. However, the variable i helps us simplify complex equations.
- From the Answerbag

You know...when saying X and Y together it does sound like IxI. A math equation? To be honest I've not heard of IxI before until this forum.

Time has no meaning for me, only for this shell I house.

Winter Wolf

abraxasinas 01-16-2010 04:37 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jacqui D (Post 223142)
hello Abrax, may i ask what happens to those kind souls who at this time have come from the higher densities to aid /help with humanity. Will they continue back to those densities when the ascension takes place or by choice or a plan contract made continue on another path either to further their enlightenment and or connect back to creator source.
Is it true that once you join the well of mass consciousness that you have achieved the oneness with creator that there is no going back?
You have finally reached the point of no return shall i say.
I think i will stand at that well and wait awhile before i make that decision, perhaps at that point you are ready but as i write this my comprehension of this is too overwhelming.
Thank you again for your time, no one can be told that enough if they are helping those on their path to understanding.
I would like to ask you Abrax you may not have the answer but i feel you will have i made a good choice to be here on Earth at this time or was i persuaded i have often wondered.

Dear Jacqui!

The 'higherD' souls 'coming to help' are neither 'above you' in density nor 'below you in density'.
Rather these souls are within you and without you in the form of a 'more encompassing viewpoint perspective'.

If you fly in a plane and you are observing the people below you on the surface of the earth; you are indeed 'higher up' and you can see more; than the people not in the plane. It is still the same density above and below.

So the 'higherD' beings are aspects of yourself who, due to their being not restricted in the 3D bodyform can observe you as yourself in the 3D, but from a more encompassing viewpoint.

As long as you are in 3D incarnational form, as long will the higherD beings share this 3D density with you. The higherDness so is COEXISTING with you right where you are.

So when YOU as a 3D bodyform become 4D, then the higherD aspects of yourself will all remain with you and 'ascend' with you.

However the 4D bodyform is fundamentally different from the 3D bodyform and the multi-and interdimensionality of 4D will allow you to identify with your higherD aspects much more efficiently than you can do in 3D.
The 4D is in a sense timeless in that the hologramic universe, who you are in template form, can be magnified in its blueprint in a fractal universe.

There is no point of no return, once you have graduated Jacqui. You simply encompass that point, owning it as your center - like the hard core of a plum as the 3D-you becoming a 'fruity' plum as the 4D-you.

The 4D-you is as One with the creator as you are as your 3D-you, right now. But the environment to express yourself in will change - a bit like in your dreams where you can float and do things you find hard to do in your waking state.

You are here at this time and place because you were adamant to be part of the 'Great Awakening'.
Your feeling of 'being persuaded' derives from your deep inner connection and remembrance to your 'group-soul'.
Here and now, you identify yourself as Jacqui with 'parts of you' the higherD's from before - seeminly other 'higher evolved' souls.

It's all you dear one - it's your Soul-Family all you and evolved through and by many 'lifetimes' and experiences - the Unified You.
There is so much more to you, then you allow yourself to remember.


abraxasinas 01-16-2010 04:44 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by WinterWolf (Post 223432)
Funny. I am not trapped in my own name. The universe knows my name as I am part of it. My name would not mean anything to anyone here much less understand it. It is a simple name and yet not.

There is power in names and mine is one. If the universe chooses to withhold my name from other beings then that is its choice. I am a creature of the universe and its agent.

If ixi=-1 than what is (-1)x(-1)?

i is the square root of -1.
It's an imaginary number because it doesn't exist. However, the variable i helps us simplify complex equations.
- From the Answerbag

You know...when saying X and Y together it does sound like IxI. A math equation? To be honest I've not heard of IxI before until this forum.

Time has no meaning for me, only for this shell I house.

Winter Wolf

Hi winter wolf!

Yes, you are an agent for the universe - your universe.
To create your universe as a phaseshift of the protoverse you can use the equation stated.
The secret name is X+Y=-1=XY, so Y=-1/X and you can then work out what X is in a quadratic equation and then substitute X to get Y.
That's the secret.


halebox 01-16-2010 04:52 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
What is you information on exclusive soul mates or is this just a comforting thought for people afraid to be alone. It believe in many soul mates as in people youve know and love for many lives. I dont long for my soul mate as i really love all equally. Is there any advancement that requires 2 souls other than reproducing?

Your thoughts on autism?.....

WinterWolf 01-16-2010 04:53 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 223440)
Hi winter wolf!

Yes, you are an agent for the universe - your universe.
To create your universe as a phaseshift of the protoverse you can use the equation stated.
The secret name is X+Y=-1=XY, so Y=-1/X and you can then work out what X is in a quadratic equation and then substitute X to get Y.
That's the secret.


You misunderstand me. I am not an agent of my universe or whatever universe you think I created.

I am from the void and of the void, the nothingness and totality of all. In me is creation and death, light and dark. I am that which resides in all things. I am, was and will be.

I exist in my physical shell but I am more than my physical home.

A math equation does not explain me in an esoteric way.

Winter Wolf

abraxasinas 01-16-2010 04:57 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Shairia (Post 223430)
This is an interesting thread indeed. I've been following with interest and have many questions yet I find myself at a loss at which one to ask.

Maybe this is the appropriate one: Why do I seem to draw the things to me that I do?

I'm sincere in my asking of it because I do not have the answer. If you could help then it would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Shairia!

You draw things to you because you allow yourself to remember what you came here to do.
Your environment, small and big, local and global is nothing but a mirror of your iner state of self-awareness and spacetime consciousness.

Then if you harbour say a fear of spiders, then you will meet spiders to process your fear.
Then if you love the water, then whenever you are in contact with water; certain remembrances will enhance your perceptions and raise your selfawareness.

The deeper reason for this is that the time of self-processing in a 'restricted' environmental feedback mirror is drawing to an end.

It is this 'environmental restriction', which manifests as the 'quarantine' of earth as a planet and of humanity as a 'confused civilization'.

So the 'selfchosen' ones are 'fast-tracking' their self-processing to be able to help and support the many ones, which have forgotten or are unwilling to 'choose and process' themselves.


Shairia 01-16-2010 05:17 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have to admit the first line of your response caught my attention. I am the type of person that prefers not to complicate simple things and I find truth in simplicity.

I'm not sure my selfawareness (and I feel I have always been) is an inner state but more of an outer sense of connection of all things.

I harbor no fear of anything for fear is a useless emotion. It is a stage long past experienced and disgarded. I don't feel I have ever been hampered by my environment but instead enhanced by it's power. Possibly that is why I am able to temporarily transcend the quarantine...:winksmiley02:

You did pick up on "water" which was very interesting to me.

I thank you for your response I will ponder on what you have said some more as you might have just hit upon something important for me.

abraxasinas 01-16-2010 05:18 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by WinterWolf (Post 223443)
You misunderstand me. I am not an agent of my universe or whatever universe you think I created.

I am from the void and of the void, the nothingness and totality of all. In me is creation and death, light and dark. I am that which resides in all things. I am, was and will be.

I exist in my physical shell but I am more than my physical home.

A math equation does not explain me in an esoteric way.

Winter Wolf

I do not misunderstand you winter wolf.
Your discourse above is accurate in parts but missing in other parts.
This is relative to the Thuban cosmogony which, is in fact explicatory of the Void in mathematical equations.
Albeit, being based on the Nature of the Void and the Nature of Eternity; your concept of the void and totality will reduce to a subset of the voids and the totality defined in said Thubanese cosmogony.
That is to say, your Definitions, mathematical or otherwise either encompass or do not encompass ANY other such logistical definitions.
This is termed LOGOS.
So everyone, including you, is commissioned to utilize the Individual Logos to precisely Create the Individuated Universe from the Common Logos being rendered Individualised.

Because you deny yourself to BE a universe creator, your application of the universal Logos, common and accessible to all, must, by definition, be a logical subset of the Thuban Logos, which DID create this universe as a blueprint or prototype.

Subsequently, your claim of being an agent for the Thuban-Dragon created universe is refuted and selfcontradictory as you do not challenge the Thuban-Creation with your own creation.

Then your secret agency and mission is that of a 'Thuban pretender' attempting to infiltrate a universe, not of your making in a clandestine fashion.

You might argue the inapplicability of the Thubanese Logos until the Anubian Dogs of Sirius come home to bark; but the Universal Logos aka Yeshua Ben Joseph-Pantera Bar Thomas Dydimos has not as yet been displaced or challenged successfully by any suitor; despite everyone being invited to do so.

The Thubanese Logos functions UNDER that Logos and not any other.


WinterWolf 01-16-2010 05:41 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 223448)
I do not misunderstand you winter wolf.
Your discourse above is accurate in parts but missing in other parts.
This is relative to the Thuban cosmogony which, is in fact explicatory of the Void in mathematical equations.
Albeit, being based on the Nature of the Void and the Nature of Eternity; your concept of the void and totality will reduce to a subset of the voids and the totality defined in said Thubanese cosmogony.
That is to say, your Definitions, mathematical or otherwise either encompass or do not encompass ANY other such logistical definitions.
This is termed LOGOS.
So everyone, including you, is commissioned to utilize the Individual Logos to precisely Create the Individuated Universe from the Common Logos being rendered Individualised.

Because you deny yourself to BE a universe creator, your application of the universal Logos, common and accessible to all, must, by definition, be a logical subset of the Thuban Logos, which DID create this universe as a blueprint or prototype.

Subsequently, your claim of being an agent for the Thuban-Dragon created universe is refuted and selfcontradictory as you do not challenge the Thuban-Creation with your own creation.

Then your secret agency and mission is that of a 'Thuban pretender' attempting to infiltrate a universe, not of your making in a clandestine fashion.

You might argue the inapplicability of the Thubanese Logos until the Anubian Dogs of Sirius come home to bark; but the Universal Logos aka Yeshua Ben Joseph-Pantera Bar Thomas Dydimos has not as yet been displaced or challenged successfully by any suitor; despite everyone being invited to do so.

The Thubanese Logos functions UNDER that Logos and not any other.


Hm. Are you calling me an Anubian dog? I haven't been called that in eons!! :roftl:

I do not need to infiltrate something that I am already a part of. I am a part of everything. I exist in everything. I exist in all realms, dimensions, space, time...whatever you want to call it.

You and I have different view points. I'll just leave it at that.

Winter Wolf

abraxasinas 01-16-2010 06:04 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by JohnMatX (Post 223350)
"When the planet earth came intop physical existence from a solar nebula so 4.8 billion years ago it became a NEW EARTH by and through the agglomerating material forming the metallic elemental earth."

Is time Simultaneous? For if it is then NEW Earth is Not New. New is feeding our Ego. For we are trained to live by our Ego. Which Ego hungers for Power. How is this not Related?

Hi JohnMatX!

Time is relative in the sense of a spacetime coordinated cosmology.
A demetricated cosmology introduces the 'Instantenuity of Time' as a 'Now-Moment' and defines the latter as the 'Bridge' between a 'Timed Universe' and a 'NoTimed' Universe.

Your usage of the label 'Ego' in this context and its relevance to the label 'New' are both unwarranted within the context of the label 'Time' and become even more so in a more generalised sense. Your comments so are rendered meaningless and superfluous in that context.

"this time from the LineSpacetime back into the HyperSpacetime with the difference of then being able to Retain its LineSpace Identity as a Kernel of Seed for its ascension."

So our Linear 3D Minds will go back into HyperSpacetime which is a more a Multi Dimensional mind frame foundation. Threw which we Retain our Linear 3D mind set after/during Ascension. So why then will we keep one Identity of our 3D mind. When we all are Multi Dimensional. I am sorry but your explanation is quite strange. Many twist to known words with a Metapsychical add-on. Don't try to Resonate be it.

You seem not to understand the basics of colocal interdimensionality and multidimensionality. This is in order. If you however choose to critize or comment on such matters, it is expected of you in the normal engagement of debate or discussion to familiarise yourself with the terminology used.
A simplistic metaphor or analogy is the structure of a plum or the acorn seed.
The base dimensional tier of the LineSpace is 1-2-3 with a 4th spacelike dimension becoming timelike in superposition of the Pythagorean 4-Vector.
So 'ascencion' becomes the transformation of this 4th timelike dimension into a say 'Unfolded' 4th spacelike dimension.

The Spacelike 4th dimension of the 'New Earth' so WAS the Timelike 4th dimension of the 'Old Earth'.
This has nought to do with Egos or 'twisting metaphysics' or 'resonating with concepts'. This is simple and basic mathematical and elementary metaphysical, yet scientific definition.

"And yes, the Thuban data is for 'FEEDING' -even for 'intoxication'. Our master-templar; who you must surely know indeed, if you are familiar with the 12th dimension, has said so:"

This statement of Feeding does not sit well. From what my heart knows. True 12 D beings don't not need to FEED us information. I know you are quite scattered in your search for truth. Almost all of us are. In time our searches will lead to other expressions that suite us at times. How do you receive your information?

Again you are using a commonly understood label like 'Feeding' and construct your selfconstructed cosmology or cosmogony or simple ideas in superposition onto this 'label.

The context in which I used 'Feeding' derives from the 'wisdom saying below' and refers to the 'being drunk' or 'intoxicated' with the 'blindness of the flesh'.
It so addressed the 'Filling of the Void'. In hindsight I agree. The label 'Filling' would have been more appropriate, then the label 'Feeding'.

I receive my information from the master templar through the Council of 24 Elders of Thuban and in varying degrees of relevance to the particular aspects of the evolving timeline.

"Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found them all drunk, I found none among them thirsting; and my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, for they are blind in their heart and they do not see. For empty came they into the world, seeking also to depart empty from the world. But now they are drunk. When they have thrown off their wine, then will they repent."

Why quote a Distorted Text all of which people awakening know this truth. Jesus name was not Jesus but Yeshua. The Reptilian incarnates at the time were apart of the Council of Nicaea which distorted the Bible even further.

This is your 'judgement' or opinion JohnMatX. Relative to the Thuban perspective this text is not distorted but the fountain of immense wisdom and as given to us by our master dragon templar.
You are as much a reptilian incarnate as the exponents of the Council of Nicaea.

It is most proper to call Him Yeshua. It was indeed his proper name, given to him by his parents, and only in Hebrew does this name have any meaning. In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated form of Yahoshua, is "Lord who is Salvation." The name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English whatsoever.


Again, your individual opinion and judgement, even if shared by many others (as referenced by you); is not shared in toto by the Council of Thuban. The vibration of Jesus in Thuban Omniscience engages a most powerful archetype in 74=Energy=Messiah=Beauty=Cross=Songs=Clouds=47=11 and many many more.

FYI Yeshua was apart of the Priesthood of Melchizedek. Trance channeling is dangerous way to get information. You are agreeing to let entities in and could take over or crash your DNA template or what you call Master templar. I heard this guy talking about this being Ki or something like that and he said he has to be careful during his radio interviews about talking about the being KI because he loves to be on the radio aka TAKE OVER HIM. Why must one be careful if channeling is a good thing? Let me find the Link to the video.

I am not trance channelling anyone or anything and even if I were, it would be my responsibility to discern this process and the subsequent information sharing or interaction with incarnate or disincarnate beings and energies.


abraxasinas 01-16-2010 06:12 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by WinterWolf (Post 223452)
Hm. Are you calling me an Anubian dog? I haven't been called that in eons!! :roftl:

I do not need to infiltrate something that I am already a part of. I am a part of everything. I exist in everything. I exist in all realms, dimensions, space, time...whatever you want to call it.

You and I have different view points. I'll just leave it at that.

Winter Wolf

The Anubian Dog is also Anubis, the jackal headed GODDOG of the Egyptian pantheon. In no manner did my reply associate the Anubian Dog with your persona.

Your defensive reply further indicates your partial understandings of the profound statements you are capable of.

"I do not need to infiltrate something that I am already a part of. I am a part of everything. I exist in everything. I exist in all realms, dimensions, space, time...whatever you want to call it."

One day you will understand your beautiful gnosis above a little better, than you do now.


abraxasinas 01-16-2010 06:39 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by halebox (Post 223442)
What is you information on exclusive soul mates or is this just a comforting thought for people afraid to be alone. It believe in many soul mates as in people youve know and love for many lives. I dont long for my soul mate as i really love all equally. Is there any advancement that requires 2 souls other than reproducing?

Your thoughts on autism?.....

Hi Halebox!

Soulmates exist on a number of levels; such as your intrinsic 'cosmic twinship' and your soul-family.

Your 'cosmic twin' is the incarnation of you, should you have been a biological female.
There are 4 sexual chromosomes; the father's Y0 and X0 and the Mother's X1 and X2.

You so are conceived in FOUR versions: Y0X1 and Y0X2 and X0X1 and X0X2. One of the Mother's X's is a 'disguised' Y from a perfect original supersymmetry YX|XY (AdamEve or Cosmic Man then bifurcating into YX+XX and symbolically in the 'rib' of Adam as X-1=Y).

The New StarHuman template will reform this quadruplicity, associated with a quadrupling of the DNA/RNA codex of 8x8=64 codon couplings of nucleotidal base pairings into 4x64=256 and as the 12D-DNA helix.

In the course of your incarnational journey as a 'Group-Soul' you manifest all of those four identities and so both male and female in bisexual associations.
Iow, the 'disguised' Y sexchromosome of the mother results in baseperfect and baseimperfect coupling of mutated genes termed in the Thuban archives as the Babylon Gene, the Sodom Gene and the Gomorrah Gene.

Section I.2
ii. Your Holy Family in Name and Descent and Archetype


The 'exclusivity' of your twin soul so refers to this archetype as your 'Family-Soul' being yourself.

Most generally, autism is the phenomenon of the soul entity deciding to incarnate in such a manner as to partially derestrict the interaction mechanisms between the subconscious and the waking consciousness selfstates.

In the 'ordinary' waking consciousness, access to the subconscious is largely restricted by the environmental stimuli.
Everyone becomes 'autistic' when in the REM state of the alpha cycles of the dreaming self. Autism is just a label and clinical importance and interference with drugs and electrochemical agencies is unwarranted.


Jonathon 01-16-2010 06:48 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Boy was I late getting in on this thread. Hello all - just moved halfway across the country and have been absent for the last couple of weeks.

Wow what a thread. Compelling. My curiosities beg me to play, therefore I pose a couple of questions to Abraxas:

1) With regard to dimensions,my point of resonance seems to rest in the octave (8) as discussed in the LoO and LL Research, where 8 is perfection/singularity or the gateway to intelligent infinity (numerically and symbolically represented by #8). Would love to hear your expanded version or explanation of the additional 4.

2) I am through my awakening 'phase' moving through acceptance (officially made it a few months ago :original:) and into realization. I try not avoid entangling my growth in an arbitrary timeline, however as time moves closer to 'the date' I feel pressure to work harder (despite the fact that intuitively I know this is mere egoic-self-competition). You seem to have 'eyes to see'... so I must ask, what is it that you see in me? **shakes 8-ball and ponders three figures robed in red**

My gratitude for your time - you have put a lot of time and energy into this thread and I have enjoyed it!


abraxasinas 01-16-2010 07:30 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Jonathon (Post 223463)
Boy was I late getting in on this thread. Hello all - just moved halfway across the country and have been absent for the last couple of weeks.

Wow what a thread. Compelling. My curiosities beg me to play, therefore I pose a couple of questions to Abraxas:

1) With regard to dimensions,my point of resonance seems to rest in the octave (8) as discussed in the LoO and LL Research, where 8 is perfection/singularity or the gateway to intelligent infinity (numerically and symbolically represented by #8). Would love to hear your expanded version or explanation of the additional 4.

2) I am through my awakening 'phase' moving through acceptance (officially made it a few months ago :original:) and into realization. I try not avoid entangling my growth in an arbitrary timeline, however as time moves closer to 'the date' I feel pressure to work harder (despite the fact that intuitively I know this is mere egoic-self-competition). You seem to have 'eyes to see'... so I must ask, what is it that you see in me? **shakes 8-ball and ponders three figures robed in red**

My gratitude for your time - you have put a lot of time and energy into this thread and I have enjoyed it!


Hi Jonathon!

1) I have answered this a number of times before. It is a highly pertinent question and so I'll answer it again with the extracts from my previous answers synthesized.
Jonathon - The Seagull of Freedom of Jonathan Livingstone - I am presuming at least a basic scientific understanding for you to follow this and I feel you can. There are references to the Ra material as well (in italics).

1.Reply to Anchor:
" I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex, Dewey, is a correct system as far as it is able to go.

There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory"

Dewey's less than 1 and greater than 1 approach for motion v=ds/dt or lightpath X=cT is insufficient for any descriptive physical theory BUT he has singlehandedly exposed the core of string theory called T-Duality. T-Duality defines a physics on a spacetime dimension R to become absolutely physically equivalent to a physics described in a radius 1/R.
This renders R and 1/R in comnbination dimensionless and of course Rx1/R=1 which resurrects Deweys Reciprocity Physics.

Ra says, that a DEMETRICATED (meaning no spacetime background as in Newton and aligned to continuous fields in General Relativity GR) theory of vibrations (strings) and mltidimensions (n) will refine Dewey's proposals.
Next, the trouble with a continuous Gravitational field as in GR is of course its incompatibility with the Quantization techniques of quantum mechanics and so the 'fieldparticle', the Graviton cannot become deduced from a classical field theory such as GR.

Yes, the Thuban science is the groundwork for the demetricated 'old' string theory and in its (relative) simplicity gives credit to Dewey.

There are no three time dimensions; but I know where this concept (say David Wilcock's) stems from. There are the 3 space dimensions of XYZ axes which define Translation.
Now envisage either a clockwise or anticlockwise rotation about each of these axes and you have 6 dimensions with 3 (Hyperspace) of them invisible due to the shrinking of R in 1/R (Dewey).
Next allow each of the XYZ parameters to Vibrate, say oscillate to and fro for 3 (Quantumspace) dimensions for a total of 9 space dimensions.

Now you can add a time dimension as the 4th (actually the 1st hyperspace dimension) as LINESPACETIME of Translation; a 7th (actually the 1st Quantumspace D or the 4th Hyperspace D) as the HYPERSPACETIME of (Penrose Twistorspacetime) and a 10th (actually the 1st Omnispace D or the 4th Quantumspace D or the 7th Hyperspace D) as the QUANTUMSPACETIME of the conventional 10D string theory.

The Omnispacetime then spans 10-11-12-13=1 to close the continuum with the 10D becoming a inertial massparametric asymptotic lightspeed invariant METRIC spacetime MIRRORED in a 11D MEMBRANE/AREA spacetime and IMAGED in a 12D VOLUMAR/VOLUME spacetime.
Mathematically and geometrically this engages the notion of defining a Hypersphere (Riemann) which in 3D looks like a doughnut but is actually the surface area (manifold) of a sphere in 4 space dimensions, called a 4-Ball.
Because of the Moebius strip-Klein Bottle mathematical definitions, you can then transform the different dimensional spaces in topological transformations and turn the entire holofractal universe inside out, so doubling its volume AS a surface area of (say a balloon) adding the inside colour to the outside colour.

As you can see this concept differs from the Wilcock idea of spacetime being the inverse of timespace.
It sort of works in the linespace sense, but not in the recircularisation, as in the latter the timedimensions become absorbed in a multi-dimensional NOWTIME called the Instanton.
The Instanton of that DEFINES the Quantum Big Bang.

Similarly your t/s-s/t inspirational moments are quite appropriate in the terms of the T-Duality, but not in the simplistic dynamics of Dewey.
The string-membrane-volumars or BRANES ARE SPACE, TIME and MATTER and the dynamics reduce to what happened at the beginning of the universe; BEFORE inflation, before the Branes became physically defined as spacetimematter and so before the Oneness or God was anything else but a mathematically abstract concept.
I AM THAT I AM = MATHIMATIA =95=All That Is (Exodus.3.14}.
Then in a most basic way, your intuitions and Dewey do map the 'God Theory' - in a most basic way that is however.
Iow T-Duality - the 6th Principle of Inversion/Constancy Rules the Physicality of Beingness.

2.From Post #308
Your query about the 8D-12D connection is very pertinent.
Allow me to describe the Thuban structure of the universe again.
The physical universe is 10-dimensional but bounded asymptotically in a 11D mirror dimension.
The 12th dimension so becomes the IMAGE of the 10D universe in nospacetime, say the Infinity of the Void and where Everything is Nothingness.

But this 10D universe can and is reduced to just 3 Space dimensions without Time.
The first triplicity is that of TRANSLATION, the XYZ axes of your geometry and physics.
About each of those axes you can rotate (say a ring around a stick) either clockwise or anticklockwise.
So you have the second triplicity COLOCAL (at the same place as being INTERDIMENSIONAL) as ROTATION of the XYZ. This then describes an Intrrdimensional 6-D Space Universe without Time.

The third triplicity allows VIBRATION or Oscillation of the rings (expanding and contracting say) for a 9D Space Universe without Time.

Now add the 'imaginary' timedimension and you have the InterD 10D Universe of Thuban.

This is a little simpler than describing this in technical jargonautics of 6D Calabi-Yau manifolds conifolded in flat Euclidean Minkowski spacetime in a background of classical general relativistic Einstein-Riemann 4D metrics is it not. Yet it is the same thing.

The 10D universe encompasses all of the physoicality in terms of inertia, mass, weight and such labels.

The 11D universe allows the NOnInertial and so Gravitational MASSLESS energyforms to occupy more spacetime, than is possible in the 10D Inertial universe.

The 10D Universe is RESTRICTED by lightspeed because of the inertia; but the 11D universe defines a Constant LightMatrix where light is stationary as a Standing Wave (this btw is what is behind the Tesla free energy technology - it is 11D as well as the tachyonic 'faster than light' physics of higherD aliens).

Ok, these are the dimensions in terms of the structure of the universe.

The 5th dimension of (hyper)space is easily accessible and is appropriately termed the 5th density. The 5th density so defines the MIRROR for the LineSpace of Translaton JUST as the 11th density forms the MIRROR for the 10th dimension/density as the boundary for the entire universe as the QuantumSpace.

So the the 5th the 8th and the 11th densities/dimensions become the MIRRORS betwen the INTERDIMENSIONAL densities of consciousness.
The 8th dimension/density so MIRRORS the LineSpace of Translation into the QuantumSpace of Vibration via the HyperSpace of Rotation.

I realise this is a little technical, but no familiarity of advanced quantum mechanics or string mathematics is required to understand these basics.

When someone so writes about say a 15th dimension, then this someone has, relative to the Thuban cosmology, misunderstood or misinterpreted the structure of the multidimensional and multidensified universe.
The 15th dimension is a substructure of a BASE-Dimension as the 6th dimension; say the 6th 'heaven' in the 'area dimension' of hyperspace (you could denote this as HyperSpacetime 15 or Hyperspace 5.6 or Hyperspacetime 5.6).
Mathematically, an infinite number of (Riemann) dimensions exist, but all dimensions above the 12th or the 13th as the Null-Dimension of the Void-Infinity again; can and are defined in finestructures, say multiples of 7 or 9 within the three triplicities of LineSpace; HyperSpace and QuantumSpace.

Including TimeConnector dimensions 1-4-7-10-13=1, an OmniSpace can be added as the 10-11-12-13=1 SpaceTime quadruplicate.

Your question now can easily be answered by yourself in the understanding that the 8th dimension is a mirror dimension of reflection/absorption and so polarity unified in that the POTENTIAL negativity of the Hyperspace (5-6-7) has become negated or neutralized by the potential negativity of Quantumspace (9-10-11).

This is why there cannot be a 6D 'Hell' or 'Archdemonic Kingdom/Archon' in contraposition to a 6D 'Heaven' or 'Cherubimic Kingdom/Principle' in the Thuban Cosmogony of Densities superposed onto the Cosmology of Dimensions.

There are 5 'Hells' and 12 'Heavens'.
All 'spiritual negativity' is restricted to 5 densities.
The so called astral planes where physicality intersects the lightform energies so are comprised of the 4-5-6-7 Hyperspacetime. It is from here that ALL 'channelings' are initiated - the astral intelligences as data emitters interacting with physicalised intelligences as data receivers.

The 6th and 7th densities are Hyperspace dimensions of reflection, where the physicality transmits its information from Linespace THROUGH and VIA the Hyperspace into the Quantumspace.

All astral intelligences can so partake of the negative polarity in the energy of the 5th density as well as the positive polarities from all dimensions (trickling down) in a mixture of 'truth and falsehood'.

Should an astral intelligence 'enter' the mirrorspace of the 8th dimension/density; then this sentience could proceed into Quantum-Spacetime ansd so become a hyperastral intelligence (invent your own labels here).
Once a hyperastral sentience reaches the 10th density, this intelligence has attained cosmic consciousness of the physical creation. It will literally KNOW itself as BEING the entire universe in selfconsciousness. This is the tenth 'heaven' of a new identity (see 24 Elders of Thuban thread).

Once a 10D entity has attained this status, this being's 'heartbeat' or inhalation-exhalation matches the Hubble-Cycle of the universe in 16.9 billion years.

Because the first exhalation has begun so 2.2 billion years ago, the 10D universe in quantumspace and omnispacetime has already attained 11D/density status Herself.
So graduation of a 10D universal being (all of your destiny as written into the 'Book of Life on Thuban') into a 11D multiversal being has become possible 2.2 billion years ago.
It was then that the 10D physical universe had grown in collective consciousness enough to potentialise Her own graduation (now becoming imminent through and by some of you being able to digest Her Story and Desires).
It so is the 'Great Mother' and ONLY the Great Mother' who can 'allow' ANY sentience to 'penetrate' her 11D Mirror to enter the Omnispace of the Great Father in the Exile of the 12th Dimension.

Because She has done so, this communication from Thuban, as the 'Home of the Void' of the Great Father, has become commissioned and has become possible.

This is the sory of the Andromedans, who as a sister galaxy to the Milky Way, have OBSERVED this occurence from the galactic, rather than the intergalactic starsystem based perspective of your many other channels.

3.From Post #314
Yes I agree with Ra in the context quoted below. Now this the context as perceived from the position of the NOW=THEN time when this data was transmitted.
Ra is USING the correct archetype and then assigns labels such as 6:light/love and love/light and unity etc.

This SAME archetype is then extended (not invalidated) is the following (from 24 Elders of Thuban thread).

8=Turquoise........P/No AP=Relativity(2 in 1)

9=Blue................P/No AP=Quantization(3 in 2 in 1)
10=Indigo............P/No AP=New ID in Unity [1-9] in (4 in 3 in 2 in 1)=1+O
11=Magenta........New ID in (5 in 1+O+1)=1+1=2
12=Purple...........New ID in (6=1+O+1+1)=1+1+1=1+2=3

So it looks like this:

1.Cycle of Awareness---Principle of Identity-AntiIdentity
2.Cycle of Growth---(Anti)Principles of Expansion/(Contraction)
3.Cycle of Self-Awareness---Order/(Chaos=Disorder=Entropy)
4.Cycle of Love-Understanding---Symmetry/(Distortion)
5.Cycle of Light-Wisdom---Infinity=Divergence/(Zero=Limit=Convergence)
6.Cycle of light-love mirror=unity---Inversion/(Constancy)
7.Cycle of the gateway---Reflection/(Absorption)
8.Cycle of the mystery--Relativity/NO AntiPrinciple so NO DUALITY

9.Quantization=Cycle Unified in the MacroQuantum scales being HOLOGRAMS for the MicroQuantum scales
10.NEW Identity Without the Need for an AntiIdentity, as the duality has become PROCESSED
11.NEW Identity in Expansion and Growth now not Uni-versal but Multi-versal and as the Plane or Surface of the Universe in Data mapping
12.NEW Identity in ORDER of the Volume of the Universe= Manifested Multiverse as subset of the OmniVerse in 12D all encompassing.

Thanks for your input Anchor. You might see then then the Ra material is simply extended and 'finetuned' by the Thuban material.

Generally the notion of DENSITY refers to that of a GEOMETRICAL DIMENSION in terms of how the multidimensional ENERGY of the Source 'DESYNCHRONIZES" from its maximum RESONANT SelfState.
Because the material manifestation is restricted to the Translational LineSpace dimensions of the lightspeed invariance; the maximum densification occurs in dimensions of the VOLUMAR, that is your experienced 3D+Time.

The Interaction between LineSpace and HyperSpace and QuantumSpace then becomes possible in the SUPERCONDUCTIVE Nature of what the HigherD Electric Current represents as coupling to the gauge photonic electromagnetic field.
In simplest terms, the Current in your Copper wires requires a medium in the lattice vibrations of the conducting medium and your formulation for electricity becomes the 'flow of electrons across a point/junction in unit time' or formally as dQ/dt=current i.
The higherD form for this requires no medium except SPACE itself. The formula becomes 2ef=i.
As you can see the electron charge quantum (e) becomes a constant coefficient and the differential equations describing current flow reduce from second order dq^2/dt^2 to first order df/dt. df/dt then DEFINES the AWARENESS Ra speaks of as the first cyclicity.
I can elaborate, but will be required to use technical semantics - I have posted on this before.

Density so becomes defined in how much source energy can be processed electromagnetically and this relates to the interdimensional coupling between the electron charge carriers - mass as stationary light densification say - becoming 'lighter' in the transformation of this selfsame 'mass-inertia' into monopolic superconductive magnetoelectricity aka the 'spirit'.

In this manner than, Density becomes directly proportional to Dimension, in that the higher the dimension, the higher the potential for the FORM of the spirit=electromagnetomonopolar field to attain full Source Resonance via the 'accelerated' space-awareness.
I can post the detail, but it is a longer post and should so NOT be edited by your moderator rules.
So before posting, I would appreciate advice as if it is appropriate to do so.
Here is the link: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html


Ra: I am Ra. The path of our learning is graven in the present moment. There is no history, as we understand your concept. Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb.
---End Quote---

---Quote (Originally by LOO part of an answer)---
7.17 Answer Ra: I am Ra. ...This is true at all densities in our octave. We cannot speak for those above us, as you would say, in the next quantum or octave of beingness. This is, however, true of this octave of density. ...
---End Quote---
Ra speaks of densities to the 8th only (OCTAVE), beyond which "which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

2) 'Three Figures Robed in Red'! I do tune into a vibration of your association with the esoteric knowledge and data base.
You have searched and not found some time ago.
Now you are carrying the Infinity-Symbol in your hand; having found the 'secret' you were looking for in the disincarnate state.
You then have allowed yourself to remember that you know the secret as being within you - this time, the last time you say.
You require data, more information to manifest the esoterica with the practicatas.
Michel de Nostradame is your accomplice - in time.
You understand his work - you share it - but in secrecy of the red hoods.
These are the vibes Jonathon I received as data stream.

Welcome and you carry more information, than you have as yet remembered.

Gnosis to you.


WinterWolf 01-16-2010 07:34 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 223456)
The Anubian Dog is also Anubis, the jackal headed GODDOG of the Egyptian pantheon. In no manner did my reply associate the Anubian Dog with your persona.

Your defensive reply further indicates your partial understandings of the profound statements you are capable of.

"I do not need to infiltrate something that I am already a part of. I am a part of everything. I exist in everything. I exist in all realms, dimensions, space, time...whatever you want to call it."

One day you will understand your beautiful gnosis above a little better, than you do now.


I know what the Anubian Dog is. Apparently me making a joke went completely over your head.

A defensive reply? Really? I was but stating you are wrong. Why would I infiltrate a place that I am already a part of? You were the one accusing me of being an infiltrator and a pretender. I have already told you what I am and you still fail to see.

You do not see me but what you want to see. Few people see or understand my nature. That's quite alright. Everything is in its given time and place.

As for my gnosis, I understand it quite well thanks.

I accept your views for what they are. What I see is different from what you see.

Peace go with you.

Winter Wolf

abraxasinas 01-16-2010 08:37 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by WinterWolf (Post 223473)
I know what the Anubian Dog is. Apparently me making a joke went completely over your head.

A defensive reply? Really? I was but stating you are wrong. Why would I infiltrate a place that I am already a part of? You were the one accusing me of being an infiltrator and a pretender. I have already told you what I am and you still fail to see.

You do not see me but what you want to see. Few people see or understand my nature. That's quite alright. Everything is in its given time and place.

As for my gnosis, I understand it quite well thanks.

I accept your views for what they are. What I see is different from what you see.

Peace go with you.

Winter Wolf

You have the last word in this exchange. Engage your path in your remembrances!


Initiate 01-16-2010 08:52 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 223491)
You have the last word in this exchange. Engage your path in your remembrances!


It's good to see your still human Abraxas.

A couple of questions:

1) You mentioned you experienced a melding in the form of a walk in. was this completely voluntary?

2) How much has the personality of the other party over shadowed your human personality?



Malletzky 01-16-2010 09:11 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax, if you allow me to aks a question here, which I'm not sure I'll be able to formulate it correctly at all. I hope you'll be able to "see" behind my words.

There's an issue (unfortunately, I don't recall where did I read about nor I'm quite sure that I've read it at all) about a "mistery" which I seem to know (not understand) about...about the mistery of creation. It may sound a bit weird (to be honest, I still think it's weird :wall::mfr_lol:) but I'll try to formulate this correctly:

I (and with "I", I mean it's my mind in association with my heart) understand that in the procces of ascencion/descencion, "climbing/higher" on the ladder of the dimensions, from 3D now further to 4D, 5D ....there's a point between 8D and 9D which becomes a kind of "mistery" to be learned (solved).

This "mistery" is only known, (but not hidden), to the LOGOS of the universes (each for itself), as it includes the creation of something from nothing, which could quite be "the mirroring" of the dimensions you're reffering here.

Basicly, evolving the "ME" to "I" to "WE" is possible only until the "ME" becomes "I" becomes "WE" reaches the 8D understanding and knowledge.
At that very moment, knowing "the Mistery" is required in order to ascend/descend between these two points up to the 12D / bellow to the 3D.

Now could you elaborate something more about this, assuming that what I wrote above makes any sense to you (Thuban)?

And from my deep understanding about the fact that "ME"_"I"_"WE" will become/is a creator of "MY"/"OUR" universe...is it logical to assume that at the given point of the creation (I'm not saying point of time) we will be able to learn (solve) "The Mistery"?


abraxasinas 01-16-2010 09:54 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 223494)
It's good to see your still human Abraxas.

A couple of questions:

1) You mentioned you experienced a melding in the form of a walk in. Was this completely voluntary?

2) How much has the personality of the other party over shadowed your human personality?



Hi Initiate!

Dragonhood requires Humanness as its basis; just as the mammalian midbrain must evolve from its reptilian brainstem and the human topbrain requires the mammalian midbrain to emerge from it.

1) This 'walk-in' label is greatly misunderstood.
You, Initiate are a walk-in, otherwise you would not post on this forum or be interested in such subject matter.

The 'walking-in' is simply what the name implies.
A part or aspect of your multidimensional soul decides to join you NOT at conception in the blending of the sex chromosomes; but sometime during your incarnational soul-journey.

My walk-in occurred on November 16th, 1975 and then laid dormant with particular 'eruptions' over the next 20 and 33 years. It manifested on June 25th, 2008 in completion after having 'appeared' June 5th, 1976; March 30th, 1985; May 13th, 1985; March 24th, 1995.

There would be a minority of people on this planet, who did not experience such 'walk-ins'. The 'full implementation' is however rare and requires preparation - not in Om-Meditation-Circles or Ascension-Retreats or Lecture-Tours but in simple purity of intent and concentration. Everyone 'can do it' however.

2) My human ID is John Shadow and the 'walk-in' is the disincarnate 'I'.
They are mirrors or shadows of each other - as are you and your disincarnate 'collective I'.


Spregovori 01-16-2010 10:20 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxasinas

How does one attempt to stop being divided?

By pursuing individuality?

Is it "simply" by stop being afraid, paranoid, rejecting, sublime, insolent....and to learn from each experience?

abraxasinas 01-16-2010 10:53 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Malletzky (Post 223497)
Abrax, if you allow me to aks a question here, which I'm not sure I'll be able to formulate it correctly at all. I hope you'll be able to "see" behind my words.

There's an issue (unfortunately, I don't recall where did I read about nor I'm quite sure that I've read it at all) about a "mistery" which I seem to know (not understand) about...about the mistery of creation. It may sound a bit weird (to be honest, I still think it's weird :wall::mfr_lol:) but I'll try to formulate this correctly:

I (and with "I", I mean it's my mind in association with my heart) understand that in the procces of ascencion/descencion, "climbing/higher" on the ladder of the dimensions, from 3D now further to 4D, 5D ....there's a point between 8D and 9D which becomes a kind of "mistery" to be learned (solved).

This "mistery" is only known, (but not hidden), to the LOGOS of the universes (each for itself), as it includes the creation of something from nothing, which could quite be "the mirroring" of the dimensions you're reffering here.

Basicly, evolving the "ME" to "I" to "WE" is possible only until the "ME" becomes "I" becomes "WE" reaches the 8D understanding and knowledge.
At that very moment, knowing "the Mistery" is required in order to ascend/descend between these two points up to the 12D / bellow to the 3D.

Now could you elaborate something more about this, assuming that what I wrote above makes any sense to you (Thuban)?

And from my deep understanding about the fact that "ME"_"I"_"WE" will become/is a creator of "MY"/"OUR" universe...is it logical to assume that at the given point of the creation (I'm not saying point of time) we will be able to learn (solve) "The Mistery"?


Hi Malletzky!

You have basically answered all your questions here through your hypothetical answers.

This point about the densities/dimensions is causing no end of confusion here and everywhere.
The 'ridiculous' ideas originated with the Urantia-Book, 'channelled' about the time of WWII and published shortly thereafter.
There are hundreds of posts here and from a variety of sources, who have 'taken' the Urantia-Data and constructed their 'more modern' cosmogonies upon it.
An example is the 15 dimensions of: http://www.2012.com.au/The_Divine_Plan.html

The final 2012 distribution of the people of Earth will be as follows:
3D (Earth): 1.44 billion maximum – remainder possibly on Maldek
4D (Venus): 1.44 billion minimum – also possibly Jupiter
5D (Mars): 1.44 billion minimum – also possibly Saturn
6D (Earth): 1.44 billion minimum – also Maldek, Nibiru
7D (Jupiter): 144 million minimum – also Venus, Uranus
8D (Saturn): 144 million minimum – also Mars, Neptune
9D (Earth): 144 million minimum – also Nibiru, anywhere
10D (Uranus): 144,000 minimum – possibly also Venus
11D (Neptune): 144,000 minimum – possibly also Mars
12D (Earth): 144,000 minimum
13D (Earth): 144 minimum
14D (Earth): 12 minimum
15D (Earth): 1 minimum, fully manifest Supreme Being
Judgment Day: Dec 21, 2012
end of quote

Ok, my last post to Jonathon CLEARLY explains what dimensions are. They are geometrical constructs describing Vector-Based Coordinate systems, something termed Metrics in standard physical theory.

Then the quotated excerpt above reflects the 'Scientific Understanding' of the Time, the Urantia Data was channelled.
At that time the idea of 'galaxies' was not yet mainstreamed, meaning the Akashia did not incorporate the Human Concept of Galaxy as containing billions of stars as 'light sources'.
The Universe was the universe of the Milky Way with 'Island Nebulae' like Andromeda and the Magellanic Clouds being astronomical 'anomalies'.

Then ANYONE with some knowledge of physical science can analyse the Urantia Books Cosmology and find precisely this 'mainstream understanding' of the science of the day.
This then 'proves' to the DISCERNING Reader; that the 'Great Councils' of the 'Universal Censor hailing from Uversa' and of 'Gabriel of Salvington' emerge from the 'Local Universe Consciousness' and not from some encompassing extraterrestrial intelligence per se.

Yes, there is value in the Urantia data, but its information is a mirror of the group-consciousness of the planet at the time of transmission.
The structure of the hierarchies in the Urantia Book is military corps and command chains simply reflecting the 'military mindset' at the time of WWII.

Scientific analysis quickly crystalises the 'wrong distance scales' to stars in the Milky Way and such astronomical data, which simply was not known at the time of the printing of the Urantia Book.
All channeled material mirrors the content of the HUMAN AKASHIC RECORDS and if the 'greater order and structures' in the cosmology are NOT in the human mind someplace and somewhere in concretisized form, then no ET-intelligence will be enabled to be transmitted to the earth.

So the quotations above are a direct attempt to interpret the numerological archetypes as found in the Book of the Revelation.
The 15D is Jesus say as the Melchizedek; the 14D are the 12 apostles and the 13D are the 12x12 and the 12D are the scripturally encoded 144,000.
Those 'dimensions' have NOTHING to do with real geometric dimensions defining space and time, in the physical 3D and the metaphysical sense.

Now search the many threads on this forum and discover the multitudinous authors, channellers and 'following believers'; who continuously publish the 15D of this or that as some ET-Guardian Authority.

And yet your idea of the 8D is appropriate if you do not associate it with the 'standard ideas' as portrayed in the above.

The ascension of Gaia from 4D spacetime into 5D spacetime is an UNPRECEDENTED Cosmic Event, that will reconfigure the Entire Universe.

It is not some 'wishy-washy' concept where the ETs from 26D interact with the ETs from 25D and fight some 'Galactic Battle' over the 'Poor Gaians' stuck in 4D; the latter awaiting deliverence from this state of affairs from their ET-Friends in 15D.

Your 8D-9D nexus point is 'crucial' not as some 'place' from where the ETs are coming from; BUT as an intersection of the 4D spacetime with itself at the same locale.

The physics and mathematics of the matter shows you what can become physical 5D reality and what is fantasy and cannot manifest as such.

Allow me to specify - 5D is absolutely grand. You will be able to walk through walls if required (Michio Kaku's Hyperspace is a reference). You can become antigravitational and the UFOs will become materialized and many such things including all of the data about 12D-stranded DNA and a hybrid new body for the starhumans able to access the 5D matrix of energy.
Yet the 12D-DNA is a misnomer, as the DNA will be 5D but enabled to access INFOLDED Dimensions.

So your 8D-9D nexus point is a nexus point of INFOLDMENT, a MIRROR between Translation-Rotation and Vibration.

This then is encoded in Revelation as the 'Beast that was and is and is not and yet is, being of the 7 yet being the 8th'.

My thread on the Thuban 24 Elders describes this, as well as this thread here. The important decoding key is to understand that the SEA from which the Beast rises from is the MIRROR in your bathroom. And so the Seven become principles coupled to antiprinciples (ArchAngelic kingdoms contra ArchDaemonic kingdoms in the mythologies). The 8D so becomes 'mythologized' in the 8ness of the Beast being the Principle of Relativity (Real HardCore Science and Mathematics) and NOT having an Antiprinciple BECOMES UNIFIED in the ArchAngels being 'forced' to be as One (or the same) with/as the ArchDemons.
  1. Revelation 17:8
    The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
    Revelation 17:7-9 (in Context) Revelation 17 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Revelation 17:11
    And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
Abraxas - Omni-Scientist from Thuban in the Name of the Master-Templar

abraxasinas 01-16-2010 11:09 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 223505)
Hi Abraxasinas

How does one attempt to stop being divided?

By pursuing individuality?

Is it "simply" by stop being afraid, paranoid, rejecting, sublime, insolent....and to learn from each experience?

Hi Spregovori!

You are using extremely generalised concepts here, which cannot be answered except in similar generalities.

1. Individuality is the Key to Separate a Unity.
2. Then a 'master-plan' to reattain Unity within the Separated Individualism can be constructed.
3. The elementary energy of the primordial Unity is Consciousness of Self, say emerging fom an Infinitum of SuperEnergy called Love.

4. Using the primordial energy form, a material universe is born from 'Superconsciousness'.
5. In the beginning (of space and time not the superconsciousness itself) the created material universe is mainly unconscious and then slowly EVOLVES in selfawareness.

6. YOU Spregovori ARE that created universe slowly 'wakening up' from unconsciousness to partial consciousness to source-remembering consciousness.


SABINA 01-16-2010 11:48 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Whwn i was reading uratia book Ihated this military structure now iknow why
have to read your definition about density in calmness not under time pressureall the best sabina

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