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abraxasinas 01-15-2010 08:52 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Spregovori (Post 222887)
What did you expect?

I too had anchor in my mind...while responding...so at time I did heavy censorship...regarding the juicy stuff...which might also derail the whole point...or not....


To all:

While people do have "triggers" regarding sexuality I do believe it would benefit them even if it would...bring them out of the "oblivion" into the "horror" of the "real world"...name it as you would like to...

Much is hidden....deep down inside...

For those that like conspiracy theories - the way we are told and shown about the topic of sexuality - is probably the biggest of them all

but yes dear reader...i might be wrong...than again...so might be you

Hi Spregovori - I expected less lucidity, not just from you but from anyone commenting.
Both you and Anchor have exhibited more 'spiritual maturity' then would be the 'norm' in regards to such a delicate subject.
And you have summarised it well in this, your statement:

"For those that like conspiracy theories - the way we are told and shown about the topic of sexuality - is probably the biggest of them all"

Enough said.

Thank you for replying and questioning.


abraxasinas 01-15-2010 09:27 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by powerviolence (Post 222859)
I JUST found this thread and I'm hating myself for it because I'm only up to like page 4 and it ends in 3 days so I wanted to skip ahead and ask abraxas some questions...

Hi powerviolence!

There is no need to worry, nothing ends in three days. It is simply a new cycle beginning - see post to Jason about the astrocycles.

I've been battling addiction with a substance for a couple of years now, it started out because of a chronic pain disease with no cure that I developed, both the disease and addiction have pretty much ruined my life and made me really depressed... is there any advice you could give me?

Can you believe that there might be others sharing your predicament? Perhaps not caused by substance abuse, but by say an insideous neurological disease due to genetic malfunctioning of the axial motor neuron systems.
How would you feel, having been a middle distance runner and active person, becoming confined to walking sticks, shaking when trying to stand and walking relating to selftorture?

Then instead of depression, can you use what you have left in biology to strengthen your mind and USE your disability to bring forth the 'inner being' of you in harmony with a 'future selfhood' no longer imprisoned in a selfdestructing and decaying physical bodyform?

Your present incarnational physical life might be ruined; yet you can 'work' on your superincarnational life - the promise of a hybrid body - half matter and half light - without disease.

I've read as most as I could so far and tried my best to understand it, I just have some questions about things that have never really been clear to me..

-in 2012 when earth 'ascends' or changes or whatever it is that's going to happen, will we still be alive in our current physical bodies?

As in the above - the great promise and this:

1 Corinthians 15:52 (King James Version)

52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

-I was intrigued by the idea of people ascending to '4th density', now I'm more intrigued by the higher densities and dimensions, once again, I have to ask, do we retain our physical body once we ascend to those higher densities or dimensions(sorry still not quite clear on the difference between the terms), or is the ascension process something that happens over thousands of years and after many incarnations?(but then what about 2012 ascension?)

No, the 'ascension process' will be 'the twinkling of an eye' in terms of a BACKGROUND then for the Individual to 'ascend in'.
As said the 'New Body' will use the 'Old Body' as a basis - like a phasechange, say water freezing from its liquid state or evaporating from its liquid state.
I have seen the lightbody with 'physical' eyes and I have access to the physical-mathematical model describing this in elementary terms of gauge-string-interaction and other jargonautics of mathematical physical theory.
In a nutshell a fifth gauge interaction is required besides the longrange unification of gravitation with electromagnetism and the shortrange strong- and weak nuclear gauge interactions to harmonise the longrange with the shortrange.
This interaction engages 'Stationary Lightwaves' as Consciousness-Fields from the Universal LightMatrix (of the Heisenberg ZPE say).
This then is akin a Merkabah-Aura encompassing the 'Old Human Bodyform' in a Magnetic EnergyInduction termed Monopolar EMR.
In this manner what you know as Mass becomes Static Electricity coupled in mass parameters to the Frequency Nature of electric current not as i=dq/dt, but as i=2ef in quantum form (the electron charge quantum becomes a constant coefficient in a differential equation reduced in order from 2 to 1.

Some esoteric schools term this the Superelectron of Metatron and similar.
It is 'hard core' advanced string-membrane physics in the modern usage of the archetype.

-Do you know what chemtrails are?

Another form of pollution and control mechnism, like subliminals, food additives, innoculations and the rest of it.

-What's your opinion on the movie "Avatar"?

I like it. It describes the archetype of the harmony-antiharmony in terms of the application of technology natural-synthetic (weaponry) say to good effect. In terms of filmmaking, the special effects are pioneering.

-And lastly, and sorry if this has this been discussd because I imagine it has.. but Haiti earthquake.. I've never felt so devastated at a 'natural'(or haarp-created) disaster ever in my life, I think I've cried over it several times, a lot of people seem to be affected as well.. what do you make of this?

The transition of the Old Earth is synchronized with the transformation of 'unseen' archetypes. Would it not have been for the many 'higher selves' and 'ET-friends' engaged in bringing about the 'Greatest Story ever told'; then many more (un)natural disaters would have befallen this planet by now.
Nuclear annihilation would have already occurred, say so two decades ago.
The Harmonic Convergence of August 16-18 1987 was instrumental and of immense cosmic significance to have already assured that the 'critical mass' of 7 billion inhabitants will be reached in the year 2012 - to whom are added 200 million 'alien' walk-ins say.

I'll appreciate it quite a bit if you could answer any of my questions, especially the first one I asked you. Thanks.


SABINA 01-15-2010 09:37 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation
is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way
in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private
with all the best sabina

abraxasinas 01-15-2010 10:04 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 222918)
what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation
is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way
in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private
with all the best sabina

Your avatar is 'giving you away' Sabina.

The Riddles of the Sphinx of the Hamarkhis -Horus of the Horizon continue.


Spregovori 01-15-2010 10:24 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 222918)
what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation
is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way
in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private
with all the best sabina

The chariot? hmmm dont know much about that..
Her avatar? Looks like the cover of a fairy tale...

In private...Tantrayoga (sounds promising).... Em would you happen to have a am some sort of a "directional url" or do I just google it? (i wish to avoid any "mainstream" miss uses / false uses)

Ravens and Doves 01-15-2010 12:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 222851)
Hi Paul of the Circle of the Arachne!

No the Thuban Council has nothing to sell at all.



Thank you Abraxas,

You know me and you know I only jest sometimes. I haven't been able to read all your posts, but I hope they will be archived.

Your avatar is both gentle and powerful.

Right now I'm listeneing to an old aquaintences song "In Deep" (by Bird York -she got an Oscar nomination for it in the movie "Crash"). It reminds me of you and others on Avelon.


May we all stay In Deep.

Abraxas, you are the lead violin in this symphony of a thread.


Ravens and Doves 01-15-2010 01:02 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves (Post 222995)
Thank you Abraxas,

May we all stay In Deep.

Abraxas, you are the lead violin in this symphony of a thread.


If you'll accept my apologies, I meant Abraxasinas (I blush).



abraxasinas 01-15-2010 01:19 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves (Post 222995)
Thank you Abraxas,

You know me and you know I only jest sometimes. I haven't been able to read all your posts, but I hope they will be archived.

Your avatar is both gentle and powerful.

Right now I'm listeneing to an old aquaintences song "In Deep" (by Bird York -she got an Oscar nomination for it in the movie "Crash"). It reminds me of you and others on Avelon.


May we all stay In Deep.

Abraxas, you are the lead violin in this symphony of a thread.


Aye Paul!
I do know you and your experiences have been powerful indicators.
You are well on the way to obtain even deeper insights and WE are sitting in the same boat.

PAUL=ARACHNE=CIRCLE=3+9+18+3+12+5 and the Spider's Web in the Corner of the Cube inscribed in the Sphere allows the Merkabah the become a Tesseract.
The artists of the Old World will be most important wayshowers and pioneers to translate the sciences of the parallel abstractions in the New World.

Love and Gnosis to you

PS.: You do look like the filmstar David Germanus Hasselhoff, the One who faced the synthetic Anacondas - if I were a goddess!


Ravens and Doves 01-15-2010 01:21 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves (Post 222997)
If you'll accept my apologies, I meant Abraxasinas (I blush).



One last post before I fall over with the sun rising.

Without even reading all the posts, I find a refeshing vibe here. I just ran from a rather heated, nasty Illuminati forum: a place where everybody sees themselves as King of the World and the rest of us are just road kill.

I'm sure Abraxasinas will agree that the best we can be is scholars and gentlemen and treat all others as though they (men and women) are the same... because they ARE the same as you and I and all sentient beings of the free universe.

abraxasinas 01-15-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves (Post 222997)
If you'll accept my apologies, I meant Abraxasinas (I blush).



As In Abraxas is Abraxasinas and more like Old Wise Yoda in Plato's Cave of the Shadows than a 'Leading Violin String'.
Yoda is too old and brittle to move around much - but he knows the Story.

Yoda, the Keeper of and Trainer of Dragons

Steven 01-15-2010 01:49 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you for the reply Abraxasinas. I'm impressed by the time and dedication you give to answer all people here :thumb_yello:.

Thank you for your answer, interesting. You refer the "Great Galactic War" mentioned by the andromedan as not from our dimension and prime to our Universe. It is not the case dear. Not the same event.

And the founder or "Paa Taal" are from unknown origin according to the andromedan, most probably not from Draconian origin, because they are not from our Universe, always according to the andromedan.

So in other word, if I follow the logic of the Thuban material. The draconian are descendant of the "founder". They are native of this Universe and not the cause of the "Great Galactic War" that occurred in the past history of our galaxy...

It is almost 180 degree opposite from what Alex Collier message received from the andromedans. I suspect the Thuban material being created by the draconian interventionists in the purpose to mislead Earth people into false doctrine to influence them further on the path of servitude...

Thank you for your time, Steven

ewhite 01-15-2010 02:17 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Greetings abraxasinas,

I have been following this marvelous thread since you started it, I have been taking in this vast amount of information as best as I can. I must say having read most of it three times it all does start to make sense. I admit of all I think I understand, I feel that I am missing one detail that I can not decipher on my own.

I have seen many of your responses contain phrases such as this:


I have no idea on how to decipher these, or what they mean. I apologize to you and everyone else if this is "elementary", but i feel as if I may understand much more if you would kindly explain (or point me in the right direction) what these mean or how it fits with the rest of this tremendous information.

Thank you,


abraxasinas 01-15-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Steven (Post 223021)
Thank you for the reply Abraxasinas. I'm impressed by the time and dedication you give to answer all people here :thumb_yello:.

Thank you for your answer, interesting. You refer the "Great Galactic War" mentioned by the andromedan as not from our dimension and prime to our Universe. It is not the case dear. Not the same event.

And the founder or "Paa Taal" are from unknown origin according to the andromedan, most probably not from Draconian origin, because they are not from our Universe, always according to the andromedan.

So in other word, if I follow the logic of the Thuban material. The draconian are descendant of the "founder". They are native of this Universe and not the cause of the "Great Galactic War" that occurred in the past history of our galaxy...

It is almost 180 degree opposite from what Alex Collier message received from the andromedans. I suspect the Thuban material being created by the draconian interventionists in the purpose to mislead Earth people into false doctrine to influence them further on the path of servitude...

Thank you for your time, Steven

Dear me, no my dear Steven!

You have misunderstood the reply. The Andromedan stated, through Alex Collier, that they DID NOT KNOW where the 'elders' came from. This and the opening of the 12th dimension.

I then outlined in some detail, that the Draconians (of Collier) as well as the Lyrans (of Collier) are the GrandChildren of the 'founding elders'.
As you see, there is a missing generation - the Paa Taal (Collier), who are the 'common ancestors' of both the 'Draconian ' 'Dark STS' brotherhood say and the 'Lyran' 'Light STO' brotherhood (which then (Collier) gave issue to the Pleiadeans and the humans).

Nowhere did I even mention your 'Great Galactic War' as being anything else but a 'war between archetypes'.
I did however separate the observer perspective of Andromeda as being extragalactic, whilst the 'Alpha Draconians', as well as the Lyran-Pleiadean-Human perspectives are from the intergalactic observation platform.

Then I attempted to clarify the Paa Taal as being a 'unified' observation point and I should have clarified, that this unified perspective 'transcends' all of your and Collier's notion of the 'Great Galactic War' in this galaxy and as say observed by the Andromdean extragalactic viewpoint.
You can write your own story about those 'wars of the Stars' OR you can accept the many other legends about those wars in editorial function or copycat fashion.

So yes, the Draconians (and all other races) are descendents from the Elders but the Elders are 'a generation' removed through the intermissiary of the Paa Taal.
As the participants of the 'Great Galactic Wars' are all akin 'Grandchildren' of the Elders and akin Children of the Paa Taal; all of them remain 'in ambivalence' or mystery as to their origins.

You can attempt to induce me to 'describe' the 'Great Galactic Wars' until the holy cows of Hathor return from Egypt, I will not do so.
In your attempt to contradict my data base by and through your comparative data obtained by a variety of other sources and authors; you are conveniently omitting my statement, that all of those 'star wars records' depict secondary and tertiary accounts and manifestations of the archetypes FOUNDED by the Elders and MANIFESTED by the Paa Taal and then RECORDED by the Third Generation.

As member of the Council of Thuban, I observe the many records of the 'story telling' of OUR Grandchildren. There is no need for me to IMAGE another accord for this, as the Archetypology described to you in some detail, ENCOMPASSES ALL of such stories and legends.

You cannot contradict my database dear Grandchild.
Perhaps it would be advisable for you to discover who your parents are, before you question the wisdom of the Elders.

Grandpa Abraxas

iainl140285 01-15-2010 02:29 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by ewhite (Post 223036)
Greetings abraxasinas,

I have been following this marvelous thread since you started it, I have been taking in this vast amount of information as best as I can. I must say having read most of it three times it all does start to make sense. I admit of all I think I understand, I feel that I am missing one detail that I can not decipher on my own.

I have seen many of your responses contain phrases such as this:


I have no idea on how to decipher these, or what they mean. I apologize to you and everyone else if this is "elementary", but i feel as if I may understand much more if you would kindly explain (or point me in the right direction) what these mean or how it fits with the rest of this tremendous information.

Thank you,


I'll take a stab at this - If A=1 B=2 C=3 Then CIRCLE is 3+9+18+3+12+5 :thumb_yello:

ewhite 01-15-2010 02:39 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by iainl140285 (Post 223044)
I'll take a stab at this - If A=1 B=2 C=3 Then CIRCLE is 3+9+18+3+12+5 :thumb_yello:

Thank you, iainl

Right, that is what I figured, what confuses me is how you get from PAUL --> CIRCLE, and what is the significance? Again, excuse my ignorance.

I do not wish to throw the thread off track, for something that may or may not be "elementary" , but I do know that if one is confused there is a high probability that many others do not understand as well.

iainl140285 01-15-2010 02:45 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by ewhite (Post 223047)
Thank you, iainl

Right, that is what I figured, what confuses me is how you get from PAUL --> CIRCLE, and what is the significance? Again, excuse my ignorance.

I do not wish to throw the thread off track, for something that may or may not be "elementary" , but I do know that if one is confused there is a high probability that many others do not understand as well.

Well, I dont want to step on anyones toes here, but the significance is, EVERYTHING is linked through letters/language and numbers.

Its Infinite. Just like PI :original: Or CIRCLE.

A quick example. PI = 3.14
Go to the middle letters of the alphabet - MN = 13 14 OR 3.14 :lol3: Its all connected

abraxasinas 01-15-2010 02:48 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by ewhite (Post 223036)
Greetings abraxasinas,

I have been following this marvelous thread since you started it, I have been taking in this vast amount of information as best as I can. I must say having read most of it three times it all does start to make sense. I admit of all I think I understand, I feel that I am missing one detail that I can not decipher on my own.

I have seen many of your responses contain phrases such as this:


I have no idea on how to decipher these, or what they mean. I apologize to you and everyone else if this is "elementary", but i feel as if I may understand much more if you would kindly explain (or point me in the right direction) what these mean or how it fits with the rest of this tremendous information.

Thank you,


Thank you ewhite for asking me directly about this. It is such a marvellous question, because it allows me to share a magnificent story of how the education system of the New Earth will be much more fun and play, than the rote-learning of the Old Earth.

Here is the story and your question will be answered within it.

You are EWHITE and you have a Son called Tim, who being about 6 years old is learning to count and write in some school.

You have taught Tim the alphabet of 26 letters and also the complementary 'Arabic' numeracy.

Even before Tim began interacting in a schooling environment with other children, you taught him the SECRET of his NAME.

Tim so knows his secret name when he begins school life and soon he plays with other children and they exchange names.
'I am Tim, what is your name', asks Tim
'My name is John and her name is Eliza', replies John.

Tim scratches his head and thinks for a while. He also looks at the wall in front of him, where the treacher is sitting observing the school ground.
'John I know something about you, which you dont know and the same about Eliza', Tim grins to both John and Eliza.

'Yeah, what would that be', Eliza questions Tim.

Tim says: "John your secret name is the Number 47 and Eliza your secret number is the number 53"!

John and Eliza look at each other and John replies astounded: "how do you know that"?

'It's very simple magic. I'll teach it to you and then you can teach the magic of the numbers to the other kids", replies Tim.

'And I'll check you in both of you telling me my secret name', Tim continues.

'Wow, this could be fun", says Eliza and so the children teach and learn from each other - without teachers staring over their shoulders, except in some general role of the observer of the playground.
The children learn both the Alphabet and Basic Arithmetic just by sharing their Names of the Magic Numbers.

Ok, this is how Tim worked out John's and Eliza's 'secret numbers' of the Magic.
On the wall behind the teacher is a grand banner of the Alphabet with numbers written under each number:

A=1; B=2; C=3; D=4; E=5; F=6;......X=24; Y=25; Z=26.

So Tim added up (in his head): J=10; O=15; H=8 and N=14.
10+15=25, 25+8=33 and 33+14=47.

For Eliza then, looking at the banner of the Alpha-Numeracy:

E=5; L=12; I=9; Z=26; A=1 for 5+12=17, 17+9=26; 26+26=52; 52+1=53.

And the playfulness of mathematics, linked to visualisations in practical relevance, such as given names continues.


viking 01-15-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abaxanus...

Yes, I as well would like to thank you for your dedication with this thread...amazing amount of info...I need to read a couple of times for it to sink in...Hey, I am just a mere human...:naughty:

Can I ask you a few questions please?

If you are who you say you are, and you have a genuine message for mankind, so to speak...

Why are you singing this tune to such a small audience? ... Surely you need to reach a much wider audience!...

Perhaps you are pushing the message on various other forums? Yes?

Sorry, I don't mean to demean your efforts in any way on the contrary I commend you on your thread which has been injected with huge information and some wisdom. There are a couple of topics I would disagree with!

Also what is your understanding with regard to 'The Universal Laws of creation'?


abraxasinas 01-15-2010 03:05 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by iainl140285 (Post 223050)
Well, I dont want to step on anyones toes here, but the significance is, EVERYTHING is linked through letters/language and numbers.

Its Infinite. Just like PI :original: Or CIRCLE.

A quick example. PI = 3.14
Go to the middle letters of the alphabet - MN = 13 14 OR 3.14 :lol3: Its all connected

Hi Iainl!

Indeed you understand. You have graduated to the Title of Alphanumericist and you can now begin to share your knowledge of this simple key with the universe.

The Arabic English system is used (one can use of course any other language), because it derives from the alphanumeracy of the Hebrew Kabbalah now 'Anglosaxonized', which subsitutes vowels with numbers, say in the Tetragrammaton YHWH and the Pentagrammaton YHWHY.

'After your seed shall the New Nation be called', it is written to Abraham via ISAAC=IS.AAC=IS.AA*C=IS.ABC because if A=1 and B=2 and...and Z=26, then the next A=A* will be like a B if the Z=A in the closing of the Circle of the alphabet.

Hebrews 11:18
Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:


ewhite 01-15-2010 03:17 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 223051)
Thank you ewhite for asking me directly about this. It is such a marvellous question, because it allows me to share a magnificent story of how the education system of the New Earth will be much more fun and play, than the rote-learning of the Old Earth.

Much Appreciation to both you and Iainl, sometimes we tend to make things more complicated than they really are. It all makes perfect sense now. I feel a tad embarrassed for looking too deep into the significance completely bypassing the obvious. Thank you again for your example.

abraxasinas 01-15-2010 03:18 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by viking (Post 223056)
Hello Abaxanus...

Yes, I as well would like to thank you for your dedication with this thread...amazing amount of info...I need to read a couple of times for it to sink in...Hey, I am just a mere human...:naughty:

Can I ask you a few questions please?

If you are who you say you are, and you have a genuine message for mankind, so to speak...

Why are you singing this tune to such a small audience? ... Surely you need to reach a much wider audience!...

I am not doing this on 'my' behalf, but on OUR behalf. I do know the general timeline, but I do not know the details of this timeline until these are transmitted to me. In some way I am learning what comes next in interacting here. All teachers are also students. I am not really a teacher but a simple councillor and scribe and witess to the things coming.

Perhaps you are pushing the message on various other forums? Yes?

No, I run some forums in my name of John Shadow; but on these forums the 'rigidity' of thinking is far more 'mainstream' (and manipulated) as here.
I am doing what I am doing as long as it shall last or be appropriate.

Sorry, I don't mean to demean your efforts in any way on the contrary I commend you on your thread which has been injected with huge information and some wisdom. There are a couple of topics I would disagree with!

Many disagree with many things. Some agree with most things and some agree with some things. This is as it should be.
To accept everything I share as some 'New Commandment from Thuban' would be MOST counterproductive and stifle your evolution to DISCOVER yourself in the grandest manner possible.

Also what is your understanding with regard to 'The Universal Laws of creation'?

My understanding of 'The Universal Laws of Creation' are the THUBANESE VERSION. I am sure there are many other versions there for your discernment and comparison.

A lot of my work is a little technical and suffused with what is known as 'Universal Insight/Gnosis' or the 'perennial Philosophy' (Wisdom of the Ancients).
This link gives access: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com



Stardustaquarion 01-15-2010 03:21 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by SABINA (Post 222918)
what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation
is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way
in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private
with all the best sabina


You can try this to build your Merkaba


the psonn of Lyra


It is a very safe method


abraxasinas 01-15-2010 03:21 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by ewhite (Post 223068)
Much Appreciation to both you and Iainl, sometimes we tend to make things more complicated than they really are. It all makes perfect sense now. I feel a tad embarrassed for looking too deep into the significance completely bypassing the obvious. Thank you again for your example.

You are most welcome and I am pleased that now it appears obvious to you.
You have learned and discovered one of the 'secret keys' to decipher the archetypes of the universe.

Love Abrax

iainl140285 01-15-2010 03:25 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 223062)
Hi Iainl!

Indeed you understand. You have graduated to the Title of Alphanumericist and you can now begin to share your knowledge of this simple key with the universe.

The Arabic English system is used (one can use of course any other language), because it derives from the alphanumeracy of the Hebrew Kabbalah now 'Anglosaxonized', which subsitutes vowels with numbers, say in the Tetragrammaton YHWH and the Pentagrammaton YHWHY.

'After your seed shall the New Nation be called', it is written to Abraham via ISAAC=IS.AAC=IS.AA*C=IS.ABC because if A=1 and B=2 and...and Z=26, then the next A=A* will be like a B if the Z=A in the closing of the Circle of the alphabet.

Hebrews 11:18
Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:


Cool, thanks :lol3:
What other 'titles' are there? :original:
Any pointers on where I should focus my study on nxt?

abraxasinas 01-15-2010 03:30 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by iainl140285 (Post 223074)
Cool, thanks :lol3:
What other 'titles' are there? :original:
Any pointers on where I should focus my study on nxt?

Whatever you would like to become. The stars behind the stars shall be your nonlimitation.

Before extending in knowledge and wisdom, secure your basis, would be my advice.



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