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THE eXchanger 01-04-2010 06:16 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
the end goal, is AGAPE aka LOVE
we are here, in full & loving service, to all ~

(this post, has reminded us, to go pull info
from 9/9/2007, the real 9/9/9 and, 10/10/2008,
the real 10-10-10)

we'll gather that, and, post it to this thread, later

abraxasinas 01-04-2010 06:16 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid (Post 215984)
if you are who you say you are then you are aware of my presence here yes?
I reconize your name structure to be older than old. Say around 35 billion "earth" years?
If you are real, then what is my true name?

I am who I say I am and I am aware of your presence, as I have seen your name Flying Pyramid before on this forum. You are Ra!

I am 19.11 billion years old as an agency of Thuban!

I am real and as real as anyone here is real; I simply have at this point in time a greater remembrance through my connection to Thuban.
My realness or your realness or anyones realness then is rather unimportant to label this realness with names, as all intelligences evolved in consciousness have many many names to label themselves with!

Peace be with you Ra-Harmakhis your perceived violation of the code of honour was not as you have judged it. It was as necessary as was the 'retracing of the stairs of fire' by Lucifer; thus allowing gravitation to be born to bring the physicality of the sarcophagus into material existence.
You know of what I speak.


Céline 01-04-2010 06:18 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Agape ( agapanthus)


THE eXchanger 01-04-2010 06:23 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
from dictionary at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape

A title of the goddess Isis was agapeh theon,
or "beloved/darling of the gods,"
denoting her role as a fertility/life goddess a
nd her pairing as a partner with the masculine god aspects.

While this pairing was often sexual in nature, the term agapeh implied a genuine affection and deep love for the goddess.[citation needed]

Although some sources claim agapeh appears in the Odyssey twice,
the word is in fact not used.

Instead, two forms of the word agape may be found:
agapêton and agapazomenoi.

Agapêton is found in Book 5 of the Odyssey and means "beloved"
or "well-loved".

Agapazomenoi is found in books 7 and 17 of the Odyssey and means “to treat with affection”.

The verb agapao is used extensively in the Septuagint
as the translation of the common Hebrew term for love
which is used to show affection for husband/wife and children, brotherly love, and God's love for humanity. It is uncertain why agapao was chosen, but similarity of consonant sounds (aḥava) may have played a part.

The Greek concept may have originated as a transliteration from some Semitic tongue. This usage provides the context for the choice of this otherwise obscure word, in preference to other more common Greek words, as the most frequently used word for love in Christian writings.[citation needed] The use of the noun agape in this way appears to be an innovation of the New Testament writers, but is clearly derived from the use of the verb agapao in the Septuagint.

THE eXchanger 01-04-2010 06:29 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
from dictionary at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape

agape ~ Agape (pronounced /ˈæɡə.piː/ AG-ə-pee;[1] and sometimes /əˈɡɑː.peɪ/ ə-GAH-pay
after the Classical Greek agápē;
Modern Greek: αγάπη [aˈɣapi]),
also called parental love,
is one of several Greek words translated into English as love.

Many have thought that this word represents divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love.

Although the word does not have specific religious connotation,
the word has been used by a variety of contemporary and ancient sources, including Biblical authors and Christian authors.

Thomas Jay Oord has defined agape as
"an intentional response to promote well-being when responding to that which has generated ill-being
In his book, The Pilgrimage, author Paulo Coelho defines it as
"the love that consumes," i.e., the highest and purest form of love,
one that surpasses all other types of affection.

Greek philosophers at the time of Plato and other ancient authors have used forms of the word to denote love of a spouse or family, or affection for a particular activity, in contrast to philia—an affection that could denote either brotherhood or generally non-sexual affection, and eros, an affection of a sexual nature.

THE eXchanger 01-04-2010 06:35 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
AGAPE ~ Transpersonal Love

Transpersonal Love



So then, what is Agape — transpersonal love?
First of all, the personal self can love but it cannot Agape.
It is impossible for the everyday consciousness that we perceive as ourselves to express Agape.
Only the "transpersonal" aspect of ourselves can do this.
This aspect has been spoken of by mystics and saints and some psychologists and goes by different names
Many call it the "higher self" or the "soul".
Michael calls it "Essence" and says it is the innermost core of our being.
It is the most real part of us and it does not change.
Even though it is described as "innermost",
at the same time Essence is said to be "beyond" or "above"
all levels of the personal self, from whence it observes them all.
Have you ever noticed that deep within your psyche
is a consciousness that watches everything you do?
Have you noticed that it is unwavering and unperturbable,
unlike your chameleon personality?
This is a veiled view of Essence — "the Witness", as some call it.
A clear communication between Essence
and the personal self is said to be "Agape".
Agape happens when the garbage that separates the personal self
from Essence is discarded.
Agape exists in two forms:
contact of the personal self with one's Essence,
and contact of one's Essence with the Essence of another person.
The first is obviously necessary
before the second can be experienced by the personal self.
Michael's teaching is primarily concerned with how to increase
personal love and transpersonal Agape
— hence my title: MAKING LOVE.

And what is the experience of Agape like?

It is not a bolt of lightning in your consciousness,
or a chill that goes up and down your spine.

It is not a tingling in your extremities or a surprise
that takes your breath away.

It is not a thrill in your heart or a light in your mind.

These are all things of the personal self.

Transpersonal love is just that — beyond personal love.

It is a letting go of everything personal,
a relaxation of effort in the personal self.
All the personal cares and concerns are transcended or transmuted.
When the personal self experiences Agape
there is a deep sense of inner satisfaction and contentment
rather than external excitement.

It is the ultimate "peace of mind".

How does Agape do this?

Because it has no emphasis of any kind.

There is no possessiveness nor expectation.
There is neither desire nor fear of anything.
There is neither approval nor disapproval of anything or anyone.
There is neither guilt nor forgiveness.
There is neither encouragement nor discouragement.
There is freedom and responsibility equally.
There is giving and receiving with equal grace.
Its terms are that there are no terms
— it is unconditional, without qualification.

Why is Agape this way?

Because it reconciles all the polarities.
It is intimate but without being invasive.
It is empathetic but without being negatively affected.
It is connected to everything but with complete freedom as well.
It is always appropriate for the occasion
but without ever losing its integrity or honesty.
It has a powerful effect but is never coercive, intrusive, or manipulative.
It is disinterested in the outcome of its actions,
but always responsible for them.

These things probably seem paradoxical to the personal self.
They are not paradoxical to the transpersonal self.

Agape manifested by the personal self has the effect of purifying
all forms of personal love.

Only when we are in touch with our Essence
can we express our personal love without distortion or misapplication.

(that is 'real' agape ~ or 'real' love)

Céline 01-04-2010 06:41 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
That is a sh*tload of copy pasting susan...where are you getting this from?

THE eXchanger 01-04-2010 06:48 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 216065)
That is a sh*tload of copy pasting susan...where are you getting this from?

the definition of agape - from a dictionary ~ directly from the dictionary - with NO cut/or paste ;)
(it is referenced on the top line)

the other one, is an article - source is shown within the posting

we thought, that, a definition of agape, might be required by some people

since, a flower, is part of iT ALL, thanks for the picture of an agape flower ;)

Céline 01-04-2010 06:53 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger (Post 216040)
A title of the goddess Isis was agapeh theon,
or "beloved/darling of the gods,"
denoting her role as a fertility/life goddess a
nd her pairing as a partner with the masculine god aspects.

While this pairing was often sexual in nature, the term agapeh implied a genuine affection and deep love for the goddess.[citation needed]

Although some sources claim agapeh appears in the Odyssey twice,
the word is in fact not used.

Instead, two forms of the word agape may be found:
agapêton and agapazomenoi.

Agapêton is found in Book 5 of the Odyssey and means "beloved"
or "well-loved".

Agapazomenoi is found in books 7 and 17 of the Odyssey and means “to treat with affection”.

The verb agapao is used extensively in the Septuagint
as the translation of the common Hebrew term for love
which is used to show affection for husband/wife and children, brotherly love, and God's love for humanity. It is uncertain why agapao was chosen, but similarity of consonant sounds (aḥava) may have played a part.

The Greek concept may have originated as a transliteration from some Semitic tongue. This usage provides the context for the choice of this otherwise obscure word, in preference to other more common Greek words, as the most frequently used word for love in Christian writings.[citation needed] The use of the noun agape in this way appears to be an innovation of the New Testament writers, but is clearly derived from the use of the verb agapao in the Septuagint.

This is you typing? Yes answers are needed for some...but...take care of yourself..my dear..you must be tired...

THE eXchanger 01-04-2010 06:56 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
it is straight of here:

from dictionary at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape

Céline 01-04-2010 06:58 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Did you see the picture of the agape flower?

i am glad to know you are not typing all that...besides youd have to be a marathon typist! lol

THE eXchanger 01-04-2010 07:01 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 216081)
This is you typing? Yes answers are needed for some...but...take care of yourself..my dear..you must be tired...

NOPE, iT is simply me, adding to a conversation...and, quoting the source

Céline 01-04-2010 07:04 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger (Post 216086)
we are NOT dumb enough, to post, private pm's etc.,
and, get terminated :mfr_lol:


i am not sure what you are talking about. i have no doubt you are not dumb :mfr_lol:

please forgive if there was any misunderstanding..

i just asked if you saw the flower i posted...

THE eXchanger 01-04-2010 07:06 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Céline (Post 216084)
Did you see the picture of the agape flower?

i am glad to know you are not typing all that...besides youd have to be a marathon typist! lol

The proper name for the flower is Agapanthus,
agape is its common name

Céline 01-04-2010 07:09 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger (Post 216090)
The proper name for the flower is Agapanthus,
agape is its common name

Yes i know...just thought it was a nice visual for your definition...

Flowers are the physical manifestation of Gaias beauty.

Stargazer1965 01-04-2010 07:26 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Hmm....Where does a guy who knows none of this start??

Every time I think I know more.....the less is revealed.

I am not a spiritual man and the densities...time lines and such set my mind a whirl.

Can someone help me in layman's terms??

I know we can all be so much more and I feel trapped in a body with no memories.

I humbly ask for some guidance....thanks

Flying Pyramid 01-04-2010 07:31 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 (Post 216104)
Hmm....Where does a guy who knows none of this start??

Every time I think I know more.....the less is revealed.

I am not a spiritual man and the densities...time lines and such set my mind a whirl.

Can someone help me in layman's terms??

I know we can all be so much more and I feel trapped in a body with no memories.

I humbly ask for some guidance....thanks

Read all, hear all, feel all, see all, know all.
Let discernment be your guide.
Contemplate everything.
Discern what resonates with you and you will hear, see , feel all.

abraxasinas 01-04-2010 07:38 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion (Post 215975)
You are mistaken in your assumptions dear, there are 15 manifested dimensions in 5 Harmonic Universes appart from the God worlds that are beyond that and don't get qualifyed as dimensions. Human scientist will soon discover that is the case. Anyway I see you are just repeting what you have been told in your channeling

Her name is A'sha not Ayesha so do me a favour, study the material and don't make presumtions, I am not here to do the work for you

I have given you enough information for you to ponder...and the link to the "Introductory-Topic Summary 2" please note the word "Introductory". The paper is about 50 pages long and will answer a lot of questions for you. Obviously you are free to choose whatever path you want, we all have still free chooice but not for long if the fallen dragons have their way... I believe that contraty to the Drakonian/Reptilian/NWO agenda, people should have the opportunity to see the two sides and make their informed decision and not be draged into the "illusion" of ascension when they are actually falling into a black hole and becoming like any other fallen angels... lifeless as they get detached from their god source and lose their eternal potential

The peoples of this planet have the right to chose, openly to have all the information...why your masters hide it?

Since you say the information from the MCEO Guardian Alliance 2nd summary is disinformation, without having taken the trouble of even reading it, I say yours is too; difference is that I took the trouble of reading it and I think much of it is nonsense to try to make it look scientifical. Prove to me with scientific facts that what you say is correct with the citation of the relevant scientific papers and I will believe you

What it is true is that your masters are intending to blast us with a pulse with the intention to create the 6th and final extinction on Earth by creating pole shift in 2012. Don't we have the right to chose our destiny?

I am not a wingmaker but

I AM a Child of the Original ONE
I AM a Ray of the Original Sun
I AM wholeness, I AM love

I AM the Truth that Spans the Sands of Time.....

I don't need your dragons to come and patronize me, twist the words of the CDT plates and play them against me, thank you

I don't have any masters for I AM one with the divine...thankfully I KNOW the truth first hand and can not get bambuzled with soft ego enhancing words

It seems that you are not aware of it but you are in the path of fall? are you to forgo your eternal life for finite vampire life? or you have already done monadic reversal? I respect your choice...and my love for you is eternal, all the same one day all the fallen ones will come back home as space dust for nothing is ouside of the divine

There are many things your masters have not told you I see...

In Eternal love

Wow, what an emotion-charged response from a starchild which is the truth that spans the sands of time.

1. I agree with you, there are indeed 5 harmonic universes in the greater schema of the unfoldments.
The labelings of those 5 harmonic universes then however becomes subject to the individual creativity wrt the cosmogonies and the cosmologies - my dear.

You have for example the wisdom saying of five such universes in paradise:
(19) Jesus says: (1)"Blessed is he who was, before he came into being.
(2) If you become disciples of mine (and) listen to my words, these stones will serve you.
(3) For you have five trees in Paradise that do not change during summer (and) winter,
and their leaves do not fall. (4) Whoever comes to know them will not taste death."

Then there are precisely five regular polyhedrons of Archimedes, knows as the Platonic Solids.
Then there are precisely five superstring classes, which unify the quantum mechanics within 10 dimensions of chiral superstrings and within nonchiral 26 dimensions of gauge bosons.

So the statement of 5 harmonic universes in 15 dimensions requires definition so the concept can be utilized in a more general manner.

Similarly, you should define the 'God worlds' beyond the 15 dimensions of the 5 harmonic universes to deviate from wordplay.

2. Where have I stated that I am channeling? I do no such thing, as my tripartite tier of consciousness has attained a certain harmony between the waking-, the sub- and the super. Therefore I am repeating the data I know from my affinity with Thuban communicated by telepathic means in full consciousness.

3. I stand corrected, you have indeed more familiarity with A'sha, than I have in this spacetime interaction. I simply copied the name from a post and typed it as Ayesha instead of A'sha.

4. I do not expect you to do my work for me; neither do I presume or make judgements upon observations before having analysed the subject matter under consideration.

5. Thank you for the information you have given me to ponder. I shall use my discernment to separate the 'chaff from the wheat' as the wisdom saying states.
So you believe that the humans will fall into Black Holes, where they then become like the 'fallen angels' and lose their souls and spiritual identities, should the 'nasty' dragons get their way?

Do you understand the physics of Black Holes sufficiently to define the parameters to allow such an occurrence?
Do you know how the physical interaction between Black Holes and physical bodies manifests?
Do you know how the metaphysicality and/or the physicality of humans and 'fallen angels' relates to each other and then to the dynamics of Black Holes?
Do you know what the god-source is under those initial and boundary conditions of Black Holes interacting physically with other energies?
Do you know what 'fallen angels' are in such terminology?

6. I never said that the information from the Guardian Alliance is disinformation. I said that, being part of the lowerD universe, ALL information becomes subject to an incomplete agenda and therefore all things are partially true and partially incorrect in the evaluation processes applied in dichotomised or dualised systems.

7. It is pleasing to see that you try to discern the scientific content of your source material. Some of the scientific data from Thuban has been published in this planetary spacetime environment, but much more is accessible by extraterrestrial data collectors.
The proportion which has been published in the Earth environment will remain in relative obscurity until physical contact with the nearest information collectors has been made. These are sentiences from one of yur nearest starsystems, namely Canis Major, Sirius, the DogStar so 8.4 lightyears away.
Below are some references you can use to access some of the information from Fafnir, the central library of Thuban in the capitol Dragonia.

And more if you replace the number # by 1-10.

8. It is untrue that any cosmic- extraterrestrial or interdimensional race is planning to 'blast' the earth and its inhabitants with some 'weapon' to cause a poleshift in 2012. Yes you are not only free to create your own destiny, but you are destined to travel and communicate to and with the lifeforms within the galaxies to share your experiences of your 'great metamorphosis' from human caterpillar to starhuman butterfly with others.
Eventually, you my dear starchild from Cassiopeia, you will achieve galactic consciousness and your lightbody will facilitate the galaxies and stars you now observe as the cells within your body. You will then no longer be a Queen of the Bull, but you shall be a Universe interacting with other Universes.

9. You are LOVE indeed daughter of the Stars and your frequency is 3 thousand million billion trillion cycles per cosmic second mensuration.

10. You truly honour me in terming this 'my dragons'. In a way the Dragons are like pets - Man's Best Friend Loyal and True like the Dogs of Sirius who are your pets in the decouplings of the DNA between the realms.
Do you know, that when you pet and play with your dogs you are interacting with Sirian intelligence?
Do you know that when you abuse your cats, you abuse Andromedean sentience?

Why then should ANY alien race intend to destroy this planet, when their own familiars are residing as the Gaian lifeforms?

11. It is very good, that you have come too the understanding through your endeavours of Being One with the Divine I Am. I congratulate you upon your graduation from the ignorance about this factuality.

12. Thank you for respecting my choices and yes I am the Count of the Vampyresd - Dracula the Horrible graduated onto the galactic level of Thuban from Transylvania.

13. The Love of the Dragons is with you Princess in Wonderland.

Be well and attentive on your path towards your self-remembrance and your breaking the shell of your cocoon.


Flying Pyramid 01-04-2010 07:58 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 216035)
I am who I say I am and I am aware of your presence, as I have seen your name Flying Pyramid before on this forum. You are Ra!

I am 19.11 billion years old as an agency of Thuban!

I am real and as real as anyone here is real; I simply have at this point in time a greater remembrance through my connection to Thuban.
My realness or your realness or anyones realness then is rather unimportant to label this realness with names, as all intelligences evolved in consciousness have many many names to label themselves with!

Peace be with you Ra-Harmakhis your perceived violation of the code of honour was not as you have judged it. It was as necessary as was the 'retracing of the stairs of fire' by Lucifer; thus allowing gravitation to be born to bring the physicality of the sarcophagus into material existence.
You know of what I speak.


Hello and welcome Agenta,
From what decree was it made to release your information?
You are aware of the doings of the governments of this density within the Gaia yes?
These workings and yours are not the same.
Have you been given a decree to proceed and face?

Spregovori 01-04-2010 08:08 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 215793)

I herewith invite all and any of you to bring forward your queries about origins and destiny and the ponderings you may have harboured on this forum in a Question and Answer format.
I will do my best to accomodate your queries in consulting the libraries and data bases of Thuban.

To speak truthfully - I most likely fail to understand most of your post...thus my questions will not be about all the "complicated stuff"

I do intend to re-read your post...

I also ask (if possible), for easy to understand answers, but please do not simplify in case the answer will lost its "essence" and please do not hesitate to go into great detail.

Thank you


I am lost...empty.
We are lost...as people.
I/we (majority of population)...we do not know what/who we are.
I am not asking about the origins of species...but who we are "inside"
There are ideas but they are all very...vague...

How can I/we change that?
How can we get to know ourselves?
How can we be certain that what we do/think is right?

Who/What am I?


Project Camelot and all of its interviewees - your thoughts about it?

Do you "see" any thing or anyone related to Project Camelot dishonest/deceitful?


Galactic federation of Light - your thoughts about it?


Much is based around the concept of free will...

Is there such a thing as free will? If...to what extent can it be applied? Can I for example **hypothetically** use my free will to end the existence of my soul - thus for ever end my existance in all possible meanings? If soul can not be ended...and I **hypothetically** express a choice for this to happen...can than be said that there is no free will?


Some say there is currently a large number of (what we call ET) ships around or in "near" (very, very close) vicinity of planet Earth.

True or False?

If true - what is their intention?


Dogajale so se (dogajajo se) stvari...določene izven mojega vpliva, določene zaradi mojega vpliva. Na nič od tega nisem ponosen. Menda lahko vidiš več kot pa je napisano... Zdej seveda sprašujem...kakšne posledice bodo te stvari pustile - zame osebno? Kako se rešim tega?

opomba: spletni prevajalniki niso točni

abraxasinas 01-04-2010 08:20 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid (Post 216119)
Hello and welcome Agenta,
From what decree was it made to release your information?
You are aware of the doings of the governments of this density within the Gaia yes?
These workings and yours are not the same.
Have you been given a decree to proceed and face?

Hello sunny one with the energy of exhuberance.

The 'decree' was not implemented on earth, but what you may term the edge of the 10D universe. I am only partially aware of the government agendas, but am well informed about the agendas behind the agendas.
The nonphysical agenda behind the fiscalizers behind the illuminated ones behind the governmental instutions behind the military-polito-religous organisers behind individual exponents to be more precise.
I am not an agent nor a doubleagent for any clandestine operation on any dimensional level.
I remain an unknown quantity even to the highest echelons of the fiscalizers and this shall remain so until December 2011 in relative appropriations.
As I have no dealings whatsoever with any control structure on the planet, except some obscure identifications common to most; I have been given no decrees to face or do anything by such operators and structures.

May the ferromagnetic basis in its monopolar diamagnetic exclusion allow you to continue to simplify the levitation mechanics of supercooled superconductors.


TRANCOSO 01-04-2010 08:25 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
'We stood before it and began to freeze inside from the exertion. We questioned the painting, berated it, made love to it, prayed to it: We called it mother, called it whore and sl#t, called it our beloved, called it Abraxas...'
(Excerpt from 'DEMIAN' by Hermann Hesse)

Flying Pyramid 01-04-2010 08:30 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 216149)
Hello sunny one with the energy of exhuberance.

The 'decree' was not implemented on earth, but what you may term the edge of the 10D universe. I am only partially aware of the government agendas, but am well informed about the agendas behind the agendas.
The nonphysical agenda behind the fiscalizers behind the illuminated ones behind the governmental instutions behind the military-polito-religous organisers behind individual exponents to be more precise.
I am not an agent nor a doubleagent for any clandestine operation on any dimensional level.
I remain an unknown quantity even to the highest echelons of the fiscalizers and this shall remain so until December 2011 in relative appropriations.
As I have no dealings whatsoever with any control structure on the planet, except some obscure identifications common to most; I have been given no decrees to face or do anything by such operators and structures.

May the ferromagnetic basis in its monopolar diamagnetic exclusion allow you to continue to simplify the levitation mechanics of supercooled superconductors.


I am mindfull of the agendas of those with truths whispering in my ears, as you should be as well.
As all begins to crystalize into tangible truth i bid you peace, love & light Anubis, and a word to the wise, [I]"be mindful the intentions of those you "follow" for you only follow yourself". - RA/I]

And may you truth be known and echo a resonance so intense, no ear will refuse it.

Stardustaquarion 01-04-2010 08:46 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
Abraxas, your quoted text in green

Wow, what an emotion-charged response from a starchild which is the truth that spans the sands of time.

You have for example the wisdom saying of five such universes in paradise:
[I](19) Jesus says: (1)"Blessed is he who was, before he came into being.
(2) If you become disciples of mine (and) listen to my words, these stones will serve you.
(3) For you have five trees in Paradise that do not change during summer (and) winter,
and their leaves do not fall. (4) Whoever comes to know them will not taste death."
To witch one of the three "Jesus" are you referring to?

Then there are precisely five regular polyhedrons of Archimedes, knows as the Platonic Solids.
Which are part of the Metatronic Sciences
Then there are precisely five superstring classes, which unify the quantum mechanics within 10 dimensions of chiral superstrings and within nonchiral 26 dimensions of gauge bosons.

So now you are talking of 10 dimensions, of course the falled angelics have only 10 strands of distorted DNA don't they?

Similarly, you should define the 'God worlds' beyond the 15 dimensions of the 5 harmonic universes to deviate from wordplay.
I should nothing but graciously I’ll tell you that beyond the 5fh Harmonic Universe, the realm of the Golden Rishi, there are three more realms of sound and beyond that there is the realm of the Yunasai

2. Where have I stated that I am channeling? I do no such thing, as my tripartite tier of consciousness has attained a certain harmony between the waking-, the sub- and the super. Therefore I am repeating the data I know from my affinity with Thuban communicated by telepathic means in full consciousness.
Well then, “you are also part of the lowerD” as you point out in 6, you can not have it both ways; therefore you are susceptible to the filters of the NET, so your information has to be filtered too to separate the wheat from the chaff. The MCEO has three speakers and all downloads are compared between them to avoid misrepresentations of the original data
I AM a multiuniversal being that expands 5 Harmonic Universe, a expression of the Mashaya Hana, as many in this planet are now

5. Thank you for the information you have given me to ponder. I shall use my discernment to separate the 'chaff from the wheat' as the wisdom saying states.
So you believe that the humans will fall into Black Holes, where they then become like the 'fallen angels' and lose their souls and spiritual identities, should the 'nasty' dragons get their way?

Do you understand the physics of Black Holes sufficiently to define the parameters to allow such an occurrence?
Do you know how the physical interaction between Black Holes and physical bodies manifests?
Do you know how the metaphysicality and/or the physicality of humans and 'fallen angels' relates to each other and then to the dynamics of Black Holes?
Do you know what the god-source is under those initial and boundary conditions of Black Holes interacting physically with other energies?
Do you know what 'fallen angels' are in such terminology?

Yes I do

6. I never said that the information from the Guardian Alliance is disinformation. I said that, being part of the lowerD universe, ALL information becomes subject to an incomplete agenda and therefore all things are partially true and partially incorrect in the evaluation processes applied in dichotomised or dualised systems.
Well as you see you are mistaken regarding the Guardian Alliance

7. It is pleasing to see that you try to discern the scientific content of your source material. Some of the scientific data from Thuban has been published in this planetary spacetime environment, but much more is accessible by extraterrestrial data collectors.
The proportion which has been published in the Earth environment will remain in relative obscurity until physical contact with the nearest information collectors has been made. These are sentiences from one of yur nearest starsystems, namely Canis Major, Sirius, the DogStar so 8.4 lightyears away.
Below are some references you can use to access some of the information from Fafnir, the central library of Thuban in the capitol Dragonia.

And more if you replace the number # by 1-10.
Thank you for the links I will study them and comment on them when I am ready

8. It is untrue that any cosmic- extraterrestrial or interdimensional race is planning to 'blast' the earth and its inhabitants with some 'weapon' to cause a poleshift in 2012. Yes you are not only free to create your own destiny, but you are destined to travel and communicate to and with the lifeforms within the galaxies to share your experiences of your 'great metamorphosis' from human caterpillar to starhuman butterfly with others.
Eventually, you my dear starchild from Cassiopeia, you will achieve galactic consciousness and your lightbody will facilitate the galaxies and stars you now observe as the cells within your body. You will then no longer be a Queen of the Bull, but you shall be a Universe interacting with other Universes.

No it isn't, the Elders intent regarding the 2012 aligment with Sagitarius A is to cause pole shift as the gravitron reached 55 metatronic spin, and not I am not from Cassiopea

10. You truly honour me in terming this 'my dragons'. In a way the Dragons are like pets - Man's Best Friend Loyal and True like the Dogs of Sirius who are your pets in the decouplings of the DNA between the realms.
Do you know, that when you pet and play with your dogs you are interacting with Sirian intelligence?
Do you know that when you abuse your cats, you abuse Andromedean sentience?

I know that when you talk about dragons is metaphorical, it refers to certain fallen races and they are distinguish by colour denomination, mind games will not work here. And yes pets can sometimes have connections with beings of other systems

Why then should ANY alien race intend to destroy this planet, when their own familiars are residing as the Gaian lifeforms?

Darling is IAIA HU3, a sun that got attacked by the fallen races and their wormholes, from IAIA was down stepped Tara HU2(now Alcione) and from the fall of TARA was down stepped part of the Milky WayHU1 including the Pleiades and the Solar System, the lowest of God's heavens

The destruction your people intend is not for the destruction sake, I know that, it is borne of the need for quantum, you should know this, as the black holes are sepparated from source and therefore do not have access to the eternal flow and backflow of energy. Would it not be easier for your races to do space dust return? How much more are you going to suffer? How many more your races will sacrifice?

11. It is very good, that you have come too the understanding through your endeavours of Being One with the Divine I Am. I congratulate you upon your graduation from the ignorance about this factuality.
I AM one with the All Oneness,

12. Thank you for respecting my choices and yes I am the Count of the Vampyresd - Dracula the Horrible graduated onto the galactic level of Thuban from Transylvania.

Well, I have encountered vampires before but never found one that was willing to accept it was one, well done! I like Integrity
Are you alike to Allister Crowley, or the BEAST 666 as he called himself?

13. The Love of the Dragons is with you Princess in Wonderland.

Be well and attentive on your path towards your self-remembrance and your breaking the shell of your cocoon.

I rather not "break anything, it has taken quite a bit of effort to get rid of all the fallen angelic contraptions that harness the human body and the distortions that your kin have created in the template of the Milky Way

In Eternal Love

Stardustaquarion 01-04-2010 09:04 PM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
A video link that explains "NEW "DEATH STAR" BLACK HOLE DISCOVERED" from a regular TV station ITV


food for thought


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