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Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abrax!!
Congratulations on your exceptionally interesting and enlightening thread. If my question has been answered elsewhere, please excuse me and direct me to it. What is your understanding of the abduction phenomenon? I feel great compassion for those who have suffered at the hands of the greys and much anger towards the greys for what they have done. Please don't tell me that those that have been abducted have 'agreed' to it prior to birth ect... as they have no rememberance of this consciously, and therefore I see no benefit for them for this type of experience. Also, are you what is regarded on this planet as self-realized? Love, Kriya Ps Please keep it simple!! |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I said it did not resonate with me that people used as test subjects could not ascend....... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Going back to check the post MN......
Okay, I can honestly say I missed that and am not sure how that happened, my guess is that in editing my own reply (which I first pressed quote to quote him in a reply) was somehow mixed up and I ended up editing on his post to which I apologize! I was perplexed at why my quote did not show up- I think maybe staying up with 2 sick children all night over past several days has affected me more than I thought! Again- very sorry that took place...... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
LaVas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have been devating with myself all day on whether to post this or not but here it is
Copyright A&A Deane, 1999-2010, All Rights Reserved. Self-Sovereignty & Discernment – Creating Personal Freedom Questions for Discernment A few valuable questions to ask are these: 1) "Who does this information source appear to be?" 2) "What are they telling me?" 3) "Do they really know what they are talking about?" 4) "Are they saying what they REALLY mean?" 5) "Where might their information be coming from?" 6) "What motive might they have for telling me this thing?" 7) "What are they hoping that I believe?" 8) "Why would they want me to believe this thing?" 9) "What are they trying to motivate me to do with my personal power; discover and embrace it within myself, or surrender it elsewhere in worship or obedient subservience?" 10) "If they are trying to help me, what are they trying to help me to achieve and how could believing this thing empower me?" 11) "If they are covertly trying to mislead me, how might I be harmed in believing them?" 12) "Are they inspiring me to lead through my own inner spiritual power and wisdom, or are they seducing me to believe that I am personally powerless and so must blindly follow an external power source to save me?" 13) "If I believe this thing, will it assist me in becoming more awakened, aware, loving, kind, responsible, strong, spiritually alive, intelligent, wise, compassionate, WHOLE and effective human being?" Love |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxas,
What can you share regarding the return of the Lost Tribes and the impact that the 144,000 will have as the millenial period (new earth) is ushered in? I have been told that I will work with several who were Old Testament figures during the transition. Helping others who are confused during the process find the way. I was told this when I was much younger and never really understood it because of distortion within all of man's teachings. It has been a long journey for me and somehow I find myself here. Many thanks... |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
As usual , excellent information ...........thank you so much |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxis,
Could you please expand on your take on the "Council of Nine". Supposidly the Council is Housed at Sirius and relates to the blue Ray. There is also some reference to Obama's Higher Self being one of the 9. How does this relate to your agenda? There is also some information that this council is in fact a CIA mind control project. http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com...ne_fortean.htm your thoughts? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Not sure why you would be worried about posting them - they probably deserved thier own thread though. (Unless you felt that these should be applied to abraxasinas particularly - and why not? They should be applied to most sources of information. Abraxasinas, me, you, everyone). A.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have a response to your posting but I don't remember saying they can't ascend. My ego wants me to write more but my heart wants this Drama to end. Here is a quote from Keylontic Science. I hope it reaches all of your hearts with the respect of your WILL to do SO. In Lighted Kristic Love John M "Beloved Co-creators Here's the Attitude, Responsibility and Step Toward Joy with Others for our focus this week. FEARLESSNESS - Recognizing the Eternal Infinite Nature and Unconditional Love of the ALL-ONE-ness. CONSERVATION - Conservation is a form of respect and appreciation for God Source energy in all of its expressions, from conserving and protecting our natural resources, to being attentive to the needs of our bodies, to using the energies of our words and actions with gentle conservation by which we freely use what is needed, but not more. God Source continually recycles its energies for the rebirth of new expression. All is given freely, but no thing is valueless or wasted. Conservation demonstrates that we have respect and appreciation for the gift of creative energy that God Source has provided to us. As we learn to use this energy, in all its forms, with respect and clear intention, we will progressively fine tune our ability to create what we desire, and in this process assist all other beings to do the same. There is truth in the old saying "Waste Not, Want Not." If everything we perceive in our hologram of life is understood to be manifestations of God Source, we might all employ a bit more respect, appreciation and conservation toward the use and applications of the energies of the Divine. BE EFFECTIVE - Having to be "right" implies making others wrong and sets the stage for conflict. Is being "right" more important than creating desired outcomes? Being EFFECTIVE is finding win-win solutions, respecting the rights of all to be exactly who and how they are, even if you disagree. If you do not respect each others boundaries and own your own stuff, you will be unable to create mutuality or effective solutions. If others need to make you wrong, recognize the ego game and refrain from engaging. You do not have to justify your existence to others and they do not have to justify their existence to you. Am I trying to make someone wrong? Is someone trying to make me wrong? Are we respecting each other's boundaries and right to be? Can I engage this with effective action? (Copyright A'sha-yana and A'zha-yana Deane; 1999-2009. All rights reserved) In Absolute Love Hilary" |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This could be where the confusion is coming from: http://educate-yourself.org/lte/anna...e01jan09.shtml |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
This info is clearly over my head. I am interested as we all are in who I am and where I originated. I have always felt like I am not from here or have not been here long. I also feel like I've slipped a little on my path. My main goal has always been working on peoples energies every chance I get if I feel they are imbalanced. This is my job now on earth. I want to do more. Thanks to all |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I cant help the curiosity that follows me when reading many posts in this thread. If you could tell me things about my past self (InTime?) that I dont remember, I would be grateful and very interested. You might sense my slow nature in jumping into the pool. Its as you stated before, but also I know that what you tell me is already known to myself, I am merely cautious because I want to keep myself as the greatest influence, as selfish as that sounds. lol. Anyways, I hope you are well. Oh! might as well ask about the Earthquake in Haiti. I heard that Haiti is the only entirely black nation in the western Hemisphere that came up from slavery too completely overthrow Western Dominance. IS this Earthquake a man made reaction of that? Thanks Abrax, Joey:original: |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The following 'story' might help you a lot, as it strikes at the depth of the human soul and cosmic identity. It's a little bit 'spicey' and would be censored on most open accessible media; but this forum should be able to 'handle' this kind of information in readership and administration. The Overworld of Shamballa, the Underworld of Agartha and the Extraworld of the Eagle of Thuban. MY VISIT OF HELL - ANOTHER KIND OF DANTEAN INFERNO ! Robert Sceptico: "And with the 'Presence of Jesus', the Mosaic Law became reinterpreted as the 'Logos of the Spirit' and allowed Paul to write in 2Corinthians.3.6; "for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life". "Logan Antico: "This reinterpretation of the scriptures in the light of omniscience surely takes the proverbial 'evil monkey' off the back of the 'Good LORD' also manifesting as the 'Evil LORD' relative to the beholder of the experiences. Did I ever tell you the story of my own individual 'visit of hell'; it wasn't quite as dramatic as 'Dante's Inferno', being coloured so much by my personal colourings of omniscience and gnosis?" Robert Sceptico: "I can't recall you ever telling me that story, Logan." Logan Antico: "Ok then, I feel such a personally coloured account of the 'eternal damnation' is appropriate to the subject matter we are discussing; what of witches, necromancers and sorcerers and the like. "It had been a long day of thought, meditation and writing back in July 1995. I had realised that the nature of the gods was one of merging opposites in oneness. Specifically, I had become aware, for the first time, that one's biological body served the higher purpose of recombining something lost at the beginning of space and time. The only thing that really mattered in anyones life was how to perceive ones own consciousness - the sense of being alive and the knowing of 'me'. It is the thought that counts; what you think that you are, or one creates one's own reality through projecting one's thoughts. So not knowing or remembering what you are leads to the confusions of everyday life. The question becomes of how to remember and how to get in touch with the thing inside. Since confusion breeds confusion and more of the same becomes fear and doubt and ends in despair and hopelessness; the grail of hope would become an adventure of self discovery. All this I had realised and had put into words of hope in an attempt to clarify the situation. But I was still restless. It is easy to say to become centred is the way to be; but the practice of it is very hard unless you live in a cave as a hermit and are isolated from the razzamatazz of screaming voices and the blahblah-blah of a multitude of diverse channels of communication. The harmonies of music are a miraculous tonic for the ailment of cacophony. The superimposed waveforms of longitudinal atmospheric pressure variations seem to tranquilise a tortured mind in the search of silence and understanding. What is perceived as melody, rhythm and harmony merges with the monopolic electricity generated in one's brain, say in the beta waves of 13-28 cycles, responsible for the front-brain activity of conscious thought and analysis. When this beta activity slows down, the alpha waves from about 8-12 cycles induce a more relaxed, meditative state, with the Earth's own 'Schumann Frequency' being given by the number of lightcycles around the perimeter of the planet as a lower limit to the alpha cycle. For an equatorial perimeter of 40,000 kilometres, the Schumann-Frequency is 40,000/300,000=2/15), also coded in Revelation.14.20 & 22.16 as the ratio of (1,600 furlongs/12,000 furlongs) and as the mysterious 'measure of God's winepress outside the gate' as compared to the 'golden reed measure of the angel inside the holy city' and as applied by the prophet John, as per the code Revelation.11.1-2 - the 'inside' so is the 'body of the dragonomy' symbolised in the 'body of the earth' or the individuated 'endtime prophecies' superimposed upon the collective racial history. The autonomous nervous system relaxes below about 8 cycles in the state of sleep in the theta cycles and a frequency approaching 0 sets the delta cycle with physical death occurring at a zero frequency, manifesting in a resetting of individual L-C-Factors as function of that frequency. There are periods of sleep, when the physical consciousness subsides completely and the 'dreaming state' of REM-sleep, characterised by Rapid-Eye-Movement, allows the subconscious self, defined in the L-C-Factor couplings. to assume the place of a relaxed alpha state. This subconscious awareness surfaces in the experience of dreams, out-of-body 'journeys' and other 'astral' endeavours of the twinsoul of the Ka. The Ka is the shadow-soul and defined in the baseperfect DNA, as the supersexual coupling of the preDragonomic chromosomes in omnispace. In other words, there is a 'genetic baseperfect bodyform' into which the embryo develops in its natural differentiation into male or female sexual definition. All the prenatally defined 'perfection' is always carried by the developing bodyform, notwithstanding disability, congenital disformity or physical 'accidents' or disease , including the ageing process, experienced by the physical bodyform during its 'physical lifecycle'. A 62-year old woman say, may dream of herself in a younger 26-year old bodyform and this experience is as real in omnispace as the waking state of the woman in her selfawareness within linespace; the difference being the voluntary decision of the woman's 'soul' (magnetopolic electricity of capacitance coupled to electropolic magnetism of inductance) to experience 'herhis' 'perfect' bodyform in omnispace as an 'imperfect' bodyform in linespace, allowing however the graduation of the latter into the former after an infinite elapse of linear time, being mapped onto 'now-time' in the omnispace. All my life had I tried to realise this astral world in an analytic way, but I was not prepared to get the answers, relative to my own intellectual satisfaction, in the way of my own 'hell' as I did. Yes, I had asked questions before; such as how does the lightbody penetrate walls, or what does it feel like to fly? But with my new realisation as to the requirement to spiritualise the physical body; I induced some harmony, in listening to peaceful music and began to think about how to visit my own body through my imagination. All this beta wave activity did not however lull me to sleep, as it had done so many times before. I thought about how the collective spiritual atmosphere of planet Earth is obstructed by all those thoughtforms of death, decay and misery; when suddenly I found myself within my own realm of perception in regards to that very same subject matter. There I was completely awake and it did not matter if I had my eyes shut or not. Incredible colours and shapes and beings came to be; yet subject to whatever I desired to think or ponder about. I created my own scenarios and just as I pleased. I truly was the landlord, the king in my own castle. So there I was; colours all around me and ready to be shaped. I decided to let things shape themselves, just to experience what would eventuate. It was a dark place but filled with very rich colours, otherworldly colours really; spiritual reds and blues and greens, mixed to give any other colours in the astral omnispace. So it was dark and yet very colourful. I knew instinctively that what I experienced was my own underworld, my own hell and how my 'higher self' imagined hell to be, created from my thoughts and experiences gathered since the beginnings of space and time. But for the first time I really experienced in linear consciousness what it was like to walk the corridors of hell and as confined within your own bodyform or your self in space confinement. And so I began my 'Dantean Journey' through the inferno of my own mind and thoughtfulness. I was dressed in a kind of Roman toga when I descended some steps into a greater hall, one of many halls, towards many clearances and gatherings of a multitude of creatures: little devils, demons and familiars were swarming about everywhere. The feeling I experienced, was one of hilarity, a kaleidoscope of colour and movement, infused with a sense of funniness. Just as I entered one of those greater halls, which was bathed in an all pervading orange glow and reflected in the creatures, some of the little demons started to pull on my toga. They were little devils, about 50 centimetres tall and they attempted to look very menacing; grimacing at me and about ten of them rather frenziedly pulled and tore on my toga. Whenever I gave them a stern look, they scattered in all directions, waiting for me to become complacent and tolerant again. Aha, I thought, when you get annoyed then they fear you; your tolerance of them is their life; you are like a lollyman just in your presence, allowing them to be near you. To describe the creatures I saw is no easy thing; they are anything the producers and creators of Hollywood have ever imagined, yet they are more vibrant and more alive than anything which could be imparted onto a screen or computer simulated videotape. There are many mixtures of animal creatures; some are half toad and half fish, others are troll-like and others are gargoyles, dragons, krakens and all the mythological beasts are there. If you like to see a creature made up of various sorts; you can create this creature by thinking about it and then project your realisation into colour and it materialises with a life of its own. Anyway, I started to have fun in my mythological hell. The greatest and richest forms 'down there' are of a sexual and religious nature. I did not encounter violence of any sort; maybe because my higher self does not like it. I tried to imagine some really horrible things like human torture or suffering children, people or animals, but it could not be done. There seems to be a safeguard in your own hell. It is meant to be a funny place, well relative to me that is certainly the truth. You can experience a 'hell of hilarious laughter' and have lots of 'funny' sexual encounters there; but the sense of true suffering and the experience of being horrified are missing. I tried hard to relive something like a painful torture like the crucifixion; but there is a big blank in your imagination and everything turns from pain to joy in becoming humorous. Now religious symbolism is extremely strong 'down there'. Everywhere you might project a thought, you might see groups of creatures pushing wagons carrying big wooden crosses around, in an attempt perhaps, to frighten the 'living hell' out of those unsuspecting minds, pondering expectations of 'hellfire' and of 'eternal damnation'. At one instance there was this group of toaddemons attempting to crucify this 'poor little green frog'. Like following a movie script, they laid down a little wooden cross and proceeded to spread the frog into all fours. After they had 'nailed' the frog onto the cross and had erected the cross; the frog simply moved its extremeties and 'popped' off the cross and hopped away. To me it seemed like everything, all substance was extremely malleable and subject to thought. Hence the frog simply played the game and when it became 'bored' or 'annoyed' with its role, it just left the stage of play in the theatre. There were no screams of agony or pain, just a seeming seriousness on behalf of the devils and the mirrored hilarity or funny side to that relative to everyone else. I proceeded on my exploring journey and came along this covenant of witches. Some of those witches were old and others were young; they were all naked and all of them were rather nice to look at. When they saw me, they became very excited and wanted to have sex with me. So they paraded themselves around this big cauldron and exhibiting their fleshly naked glory, they began playing with their breasts and vulvas, inviting me to join with any or all of them in 'hellish ecstacies' of erotic plays and games of sexual pleasures. All this release of sexual potential energy had attracted other little sexdemons, which had swarmed all around me. Most of them had phallic erections, relative to their size and they began to pull on my toga again. So I took off my toga and being naked underneath, I investigated my response to all those sexual titillations. To my surprise, the sexual impulse is somewhat different in the astral reality of omnispace. There the sexual feeling, the eroticism is of paramount importance and the actual sexual merger plays a subsidiary role. I became sexually aroused and my phallus grew into a magnificent erection, but for some strange reason I did not desire to physically merge with any of the witches or the sexy devils. Looking at all those naked embodiments of my own sexual potential energy; there seemed to occur an unification, a flowing together of all the various naked female bodies for instance. The naked witches began to merge within a superimposed female form, individuated to become a sort of perfect sexual complementary match for my own male sexual definition. The more this superfemale and individuated archetype would crystallise from the misty fusion of all the other female and male characters in the picture; the harder my erection would become; seemingly wishing to burst in a superlative expression of lust and overpowering desire to be as one with my own personalised archetype of the Goddess and Mother of them all. All the sexy demons and all the witches became 'our' children and I understood the spiritual or higher dimensional notion of monogamy to be one of the 'Sacred Family' wherein all other potential sexual partners are absorbed within your 'perfect match' the mirror of your own reflected self of the dragonomy. But in changing the parental perception, the monogamy would transfer in a polygamy of nonexclusivity and the ultimate necessity for the frredom of the spiritual selfexpression of the soul. A magnificent naked witch for example would become reflected in 'my Goddess' and my potential sexual partnership with that witch would realise in 'my Goddess' and mirror itself in the erotic 'turnon' of imagining the naked witch to have sex with 'her God' in the form of any of my 'brothers'. There seems to be a magnificent sexual stimulatory potential in one's eroticised attuned mind. In that way would my sexual relationship with my Goddess empower and become empowered in the naked witch having intercourse and sexual communion with the image of myself in one of my brothers 'in the spirit of the EMMR'. At the same time however, any physical sexual relationships between myself and any other potential goddess would become a function of 'sexual maturity' and a question of 'wholeness'. Your own body would either psychophysically suppress or engage a natural erotic function in response to external erotic stimuli coupled to an internal evaluation process of appropriateness in terms of holistic harmonisation. Ah, if just the Roman participators in their orgies would have understood the unified perspectives - their devolution into banal and spiritually boring decadence could have been avoided in the sacred geometries of tantric eroticisms and group empowerment; I giggled to myself. And then I understood the wisdom sayings about there being no marriage in heaven. The evolved starhuman bodyform would be unable to harbour the idea of sexual- or any other form of ownership, of possessing one's partners in exclusivity. The sexual ownership became one's own dragonomy as one's own androgeny of the 'Lake of the Anima Fire and of the Animus Brimstone in the bisexual coupling of oneself as the Cosmic Hermaphroditicus. So I discovered a very potent form of sexuality; your sexual organs respond to your thoughts and the male sexual expression can be satisfied without ejaculation; any emitted semen and vaginal secretions assuming a sacred nature in the 'manna from heaven', able to rejuvenate the body of the man and the body of the woman in the giving and the receiving of the sexual totipotent stemcellular units of biological life. Once this sexual state of selfawareness can be sustained, the androgynous bisexual mind is born in the unification within and the goddess part of the dragonomy in the man and the god part in the woman can express itself without ambiguity. So in the setting of my journey through hell; I could easily change my sex and walk around as my female part, imagining myself as that gorgeous rounded female form, with an accomodating voluptuous vulva, well developed and succulent breasts and curved and tantalising buttocks. Then I could have fun in teasing the little sexdemons with their curved penile erections, just in wiggling my bottom or accidentally pulling my toga up with nothing on underneath. The sight of my satinsoft pubic hair about my throbbing pelvic region would send the sexy devils masturbating frenziedly and they would simply forget to manipulate the puerile human minds with their angsts and fears about the 'evilness' of sex in the 'Presence of God'. So I decided to turn the 'Devil's Game' around and instead of some 'He-Devil' Incubus seducing the ignorant female part of creation in the womanhood; being in the 'Devil's kingdom of hell' I would play the 'She-Angel from heaven' as a Succubi and rendering my heaven as a heavenhell and transforming my hell into a hellheaven. So I went for the lookout for the 'big masterdevil' the one with the gigantic phallus and as the 'big hang-up of the human masculinity expressed in perceived inadequacy'. In seducing him to have a huge erection in a devilish lust to enter my satinhaired yonic vulva; I would induce a harmony between my heavenly mindbody and my hellish bodymind. But maybe I needed more preparation before meeting the ultimate id of my own alter ego. In just strolling around in your own hell without using your own mental creativity and imagination, you can encounter any of the zillions of thoughtforms which have ever been thought since the beginnings of space and time. You can tap into the sexual and other fantasies of Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler. You can find out what Cleopatra felt, when she played sexual politics with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony; you can also share in the sexual deprivations of sequestered monks and nuns, unable to come to terms with their natural and divine natural instincts, mentally distorted. You can share in the poverty of a Polish ghetto, where the warmth of two bodies cuddled together in sexual intimacy is coloured by a constant fear of being apprehended, tortured, interrogated and killed. Or you can tap into the feelings of a joined couple, residing in a single room with a dozen or so children, without privacy, impoverished in all material necessities, producing yet another child in the circumstances of their disempowerment. But the potency of sex and religion is linked and you can have so much fun with it in intellectual terms in hell, precisely because it is so powerful as a result of the human paranoia and the taboos about it. It was the human 'sinfulness', its ignorance about the nature of the creation and its creator, which did create the 'evilness of sex' and the abyss of perceived incompatibility between sex and the religious life through the agency of the human mind, trapped in spiritual immaturity. And so I decided to meet the 'big monsters' in my female form. I cut my toga into a mini-toga, which would expose parts of my buttocks when I would slightly twist my torso and lift one of my legs. I rubbed some perfumed oils all over my body, imagined myself with medium length shiny locks and put on just a minimum amount of pink lipstick to enhance my green-blue eyes. As I walked past a kind of lagoon I noticed a whirlpool in the water, a swirling vortex, seemingly growing in intensity, when suddenly a great seamonster pushed upwards into the dark ceiling of the cavernous enclosure which harboured the lagoon. It appeared in the form of the mythological Kraken, the Reptilian Titan of the sort encountered by Perseus in his rescue of Andromeda with help of Pegasus, the winged horse and the severed head of the Medusa, the serpentine gorgon of the Greek legends. The kraken was the size of a two storey house with a huge head with the canine fangs of a wild giant hog and a scaley fish-like torso - the Reptilian Overlord of the preOlympian pantheon of Greece. As it had settled, it began to look about with saliva driveling from its halfopened mouth. I wove my hand at it to catch its attention and walked to the edge of the lagoon, enticing it to come closer and to have a look at me. The kraken bent down and opened its huge jaws right in fron of me. I could see the seaweed between its teeth and I could smell a nauseating stench emanating from the Kraken's throat and stomach. Nevertheless, I lifted my mini-toga to unveil my female nakedness, remembering that Andromeda was to have been a sacrifice to the Kraken, which I presumed to have been of a sexual nature. But the sight of my inviting satin-curled triangular pubic hairiness had no effect on the Kraken, it apparently was not interested in the devouring of sexual potential energy. Well, I thought Andromeda must have been a food-sacrifice to placate the Kraken. So I dropped my mini-toga and projected the thought of walking right into the Kraken's mouth, descending down into its stomach and cleaning it out with any cleansing agent I could imagine, but including caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide. The Kraken began to tremble, it shot upwards, in the process slamming its clawed right hand before its shut mouth and spiralled quite hilariously back into the depth of the swamp from which it had emerged. Now this could not have been my 'masterdevil' I thought; it had no sexual comprehension whatsoever and I recalled of not having noticed any sexual organs protruding from the Kraken at all. And so I continued to look for a 'well-hung' masterdevil, whom I could seduce, walking along the 'corridors of hell'. I became more and more adventurous and decided to mentally create a setting of meeting not one, but three masterdevils, one of whom would become my sexual conquest. I had to hide my true mental intent, and so I shapeshifted into my male form and thought of a setting of a game of cards with the three archdemons, followed by a decisive game of chess. If I did not like the winner of the poker game, then I could disqualify him in beating him at chess. Furthermore I set the necessary mental boundary conditions into place, so as not to allow my creative impulses to get out of my mental hand. Being in mental control can become a bit boring, so I decided to allow things to develop in a 'mouse catch cat' scenario, where I would not know the identities of the archdevils from the start, but a random distribution would assign the statistical weights relative to the final outcome, which I did predetermine as my sexual seduction of that masterdevil, who could beat me in the chessgame. And because the omnispacial reality, which I attempted to realise within a personal setting was archetypically the same as my detailed colouring of the circumstances encountered; the game of uncertainty could be played, the uncertainty in linespace being however anchored in fundamental physical laws of nature's principles, converging in the unity of the one in all and the unity of the all in the one in the undifferentiated omnispace mirroring my mental experience. As soon as I had finished my thoughts about the perimeters; I noticed a spiral stairway leading down to another level of the 'hellish' landscape. I descended down the staircase and entered a small room with a fireplace, a small table and four chairs. Here were three creatures of my own size, all dressed in darkish red costumes, perhaps a kind of standard outfit, of what a 'humanised devil' should look like and as thought about throughout the centuries and millennia I pondered. Anyway, the colours were too uniform for me and I applied my creative licence and thought about changing their attire. One I left as a reddish devil with two little horns coming out of his head; one other I gave a black outfit reminiscent of the Middle Ages, with a large and flat black hat and the other I dressed in a golden-yellow Spanish baggy crepe' outfit with black vertical stripes and a hat adourned with long white and brown feathers. The three masterdemons were standing near the entrance and I introduced myself as E.M. as in Emmanuel Melchisedec, trying to look very seriously. They introduced themselves as Asmodeus, Belial and Beelzebub I; the latter saying that they had been advised of my visit by one of their oracles and that the omen specified that a visitor from the overworld of Shamballa would bring great knowledge and a great treasure to the underworld of Agartha. I was pleased with that development, I quickly filled in some gaps, in explaining, that the oracle had been correct and that the great treasure was found in an overworld princess, who would descend into the underworld of Agartha to refertilise the stagnating genepool in the kingdom of hell. I produced a picture of myself as the naked female sexgoddess and showed it to the three archdemons who got all excited looking at the picture of my naked female glory. I took the liberty to glance at the crotches of the three to judge the size of their Phalluses, but whilst I witnessed three growing bulges, I could not differentiate their magnitudes as appropriate scalings for the differing sizes for the Yonis of the Goddesses of Shamballa. I then proceeded to explain to the three masterdevils, that I had been commissioned by the princess to prepare for her arrival and to choose her suitor in a game of poker, followed in a game of chess. The winner of the chessgame would be allowed to have sex with my queen and his seed would result in my queen giving birth to a new breed of helldweller. This would become a hybrid between the overworld kingdom of Shamballa and the underworld kingdom of Agartha and energized by the extraworldly kingdom of the Eagle of Thuban. After that firstborn hybrid from the overworld and the underworld would come into being, the floodgates of the overworld would open and many more princesses would descend into hell to mate with the devils in whatever hierarchy they'd have or would define. But for every devil, there would be found a companion princess from the overworld. And so we sat ourselves around the table and proceeded to play poker. The criteria was that the first masterdevil who would win 12 games against my lesser count, would qualify for the next stage of playing chess for access to my queen's hairy yoni. I did not mentally influence anything and the game proceeded randomly with each of the four of us winning approximately 25% of the games. Since I could not choose between Asmodeus, Belial or Beelzebub on any physical external criteria; I decided to implement a mental trigger in weighting the subsequent chance distribution of the 'fall of the cards' in favour of the first masterdevil who would win two games in a row by chance. And Belial won two games in a row and then kept drawing 'flushes' and 'full houses' and the 'medieval one' got more and more excited about outplaying the rest of us. And so Asmodeus and Beelzebub had to concede defeat and hurried Belial and myself on to get it over with; they had become obsessed with the thought of having sex with the princesses of the overworld of Shamballa and they knew that the process of my queen's insemination would result in an immediate conception and the hybridisation of themselves as the newborn hellish breed of Agartha and in partnership with the embodiments of the overworld of Shamballa. And so I sat down with Belial for a game of chess; beating me once, would qualify him as the 'studbull from hell' and automatically crown him as the 'DevilKing of the Underworld', having sex with my 'AngelQueen of the Overworld' and as prophecied by the hellish oracles. And so I played without mental influence and I could beat Belial rather easily; he was far too excited to concentrate, thinking about entering the luscious vulva of my queen with his throbbing phallus in thrusts of hellish ecstacy and pleasure. I could not see the bulge in his black oversized pants and I mentally dressed him in black undersized jeans to see what my queen's sacred orifice was in for. I safeguarded the mystery of Belial's nakedness in veiling him in tight red underpants, but could nevertheless see the contours of his uncircumscised member, ever so slightly vibrating under the pressure placed upon it by the constriction of the undergarment. He kept squeezing his erection, whilst pretending to concentrate on the game of chess; so I, having become satisfied as to having him inside of my queen's vulva, blundered my chessbourne queen for exchange with Belial's king's bishop and then sacrificed my queen's rook for Belial's kingly knight and from then on; Belial sensed victory and proceeded to defeat me, for the first time concentrating on the game at hand. I conceded defeat and congratulated Belial on his victory. As the three masterdevils celebrated with a cask of hellish beer and Scottish whiskey; I took my leave and promised to return with my queen as soon as I had finished my other business of bringing the knowledge promised by the hellish oracle to the underworld of Agartha. I would have to consult with the extraworldy kingdom of the Eagle of Thuban to obtain final access and authorization to implement the exodus of Thuban as the intodus of Shamballa into Agartha. Asmodeus, Belial and Beelzebub just nodded and asked me to hurry up with my commissioned task, they would wait impatiently for the completion of that other business; but they would prepare the wedding suites for the overworld princesses, so the sexual adventures could proceed in style and fitting for the royal occasion of the interdimensional dragonomies. I then asked the three archdevils, to appoint an ambassador on behalf of my agency as the emissary for my queen; a representative who could tend my hellish interests during my absence in the overworld of Shamballa. I would brief this representative and provide him with a written manual, containing the outline of the working plan, wherewithal the oracle's prophecy would be fulfilled. Beelzebub I, then proposed and summoned Abaddon, the KingDevil of the bottomless pit and known to the overworld dwellers through the code in Revelation.9.11. Abaddon seemed to be a sufficient deputy for my purposes, appearing in the form of a masterdemon of the fluidity of the water element in the form of the Scorpion and I decided then to extend my delegatory commissions to the other masterdevils. So I produced three representative digitally photographed holographic images of the overworld brides for the three archdemonic bridegrooms to keep and to behold during their period of waiting for my return. To Asmodeus a gave picture of Urielabeth the sexy enchantress of the Northern earth, clad in a skintight outfit of acrylic leather; I assigned Michaela, the queen of the Eastern fire to Beelzebub, dressed in nought but a seethrough overlength blouse and to Abaddon I gave a picturesque emblem of Raphaela, the Southern water goddess of the nymphs, naked except for her golden locks, hugging her mermaidean nature; and Belial carried the photo of my Beloved naked queen, ruler of the Western air of Gabriella within the context of my definition, yet one overall. As I ascended the stairway from the masterdevils' abode; the darkened hellish landscape which I had previously wandered through began to fill with light and 'my hell' blended with the linespace reality of my bedroom."" Tony Whynot |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
The abduction phenomenon is as old as the human presence on this planet. One potent archetype is that of 'Elijah, the prophet' being 'taken up to heaven' in a whirlwind (2Kings.2.11). Similar in Ezekiel's vision (Ezekiel.1) and in Isaiah.60.8: "Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?" give clear reference to the phenomenon of the 'abductions/contact' say before the archetype is 'coloured in' by technological associations like metallic craft (replacing the clouds and whirlwinds). Superposed onto the Manifesto of the Archetype then becomes the extension of the 'contact' from isolated 'prophets' or seers (themselves so partial to the event as 'insiders') to the General population. Therefore all 'abductees' are 'New prophets' and 'visionaries' as such. The 'genuine' - meaning NOT government or 'security agency' simulated 'abduction event' so will then become an Interdimensional Experience of the 'soul' as a selfreflection - meaning the soul will become confronted with its multdimensional Cosmic Identity. Therefore the experiences can be 'felt' as 'positive-benevolent' or 'negative-malevolent' relative to the multidimensional selfawareness of the 'soul-entity'. It will in either case, serve the soul to 'awaken' it to its multiD nature and then engage the processing of the new data in individuated and shared agendas (of the already ascended starhuman groupconsciousness - say labeled in ascended masters and galactic federations or what have you). Your stated 'anger' towards the experiences is such a 'processing' of shared information on many levels of perception and awarenesses. The degree of 'self-realisation' is not a question of judgement, but is simply the ability to resonate or dissonate with presented information, data and experiences on any level of environmental interaction. This many understand as chakra openings and the concept of a Thinking Heart and a Feeling Mind in harmony with each other as a Thinking Mind is polarised to oppose the Feeling Heart in a --/++ electromagnetomonopolic self-and mutual induction process of source energy. The former wordplay harmonises a -+/-+ polarisation monadicity. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Many of these questions are imbued with duality, fear of others and self and suspicion. Allow me to answer them from the Thuban perspective. A few valuable questions to ask are these: 1) "Who does this information source appear to be?" Why does it matter from whence data derives from. Is the messenger more important than the message? 2) "What are they telling me?" The label of 'they' again 'puts the cart before the horse' and accentuates the 'me' as being in some manner compromised or threatened. 3) "Do they really know what they are talking about?" All information can be evaluated and analysed, if not say in technical terms of scientific methodolgy; then ALWAYS in terms of resonating with one's individuated database or not. 4) "Are they saying what they REALLY mean?" If the purveyor of the data states that the information is true, relative to its source; then the evaluation of this data becomes an exercise of relative correlation and extension of the receiver's own database. It is so subjective and provided the purveyor is genuine, alternative interpretations between source and sink remain possible. 5) "Where might their information be coming from?" Why is it important from where data derives from? If you open your letterbox and you find a nice message or present sent anonymously, will you reject the message or present because you are unsure of its sender? 6) "What motive might they have for telling me this thing?" Again, what has the 'motive' of anyone to do with the information, subject to evaluation by the 'cosmic self'? 7) "What are they hoping that I believe?" The data is not deviced to make anyone 'believe' in it or 'follow it'. It is simply information to consider, reject or incorporate. 8) "Why would they want me to believe this thing?" Non sequitur following the above. 9) "What are they trying to motivate me to do with my personal power; discover and embrace it within myself, or surrender it elsewhere in worship or obedient subservience?" 'They' are not trying to motivate any negation of 'personal power'; but to enhance this 'personal power' in simply extending the data base, say of possibilities. Labels used here, like 'worship' and 'obedient subservience' indicate great insecurity within the 'personal powerbase' of the questioner. Any cosmic multidimensional entity possessing a basic platform of 'personal power' would eschew such labeings applied to its 'individual core'. The using of the label 'personal' indicates the prevalence of 'individuated ego' in favour of a 'collective ego of divinity aka the 'greater ego'. 10) "If they are trying to help me, what are they trying to help me to achieve and how could believing this thing empower me?" In extending the data base of information any truly unbiased soul entity can choose from to allow a more informed decision making. 11) "If they are covertly trying to mislead me, how might I be harmed in believing them?" The 'inner knowing' of an 'spiritually informed and self-trained' soul-entity will prevent any misleading of the entity by 'false' information. Then no 'harm' can befall the entity. Again the labelling indicates fear of the unknown and mindful insecurities harboured by the entity. 12) "Are they inspiring me to lead through my own inner spiritual power and wisdom, or are they seducing me to believe that I am personally powerless and so must blindly follow an external power source to save me?" Should the shared data, whatever of it is processed (much data incromprehensible by the waking consciousness can be evaluated and processed by the subconscious and the superconsciousness will KNOW the data in unity) be 'acceptable' then the 'inner spiritual power' will be enhanced. Should the shared data be rejected by the waking consciousness; then the 'spiritual power' will also be enhanced through the processings of the sub- and superconscious agencies of the entity. 13) "If I believe this thing, will it assist me in becoming more awakened, aware, loving, kind, responsible, strong, spiritually alive, intelligent, wise, compassionate, WHOLE and effective human being?" The question of 'believing' never arises. The shared data either complements the receiver in an extension of its assimilated information base or it complements the receiver in processed and rejected data relative to the three consciousness modalities. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
An excellent question indeed and highly pertinent to the 1 in 50,000 that is the 144,000 as proportion of the populus upon Gaia in 2012 in 7.2 billion. You have 'been told' appropriately by your sources. ALL of the 'old prophets' and encompassing ALL 'ancient scrolls', not just the Torah-Biblical ones will and already have returned to participate in the grand homecoming of the 'Cosmic Mother'. Allow me to invite you here to ask detailed questions about your mission with respect to the 'old scriptures' as I am 'authorized' to share and provide data in the synthesis of the old archetypes being translated into new potent expressions. It is this retranslation, leading to redefinition, which will allow all global religions to converge and renew themselves in a unified information structure. Yes, all so called religions will become superfluous in dogma and hierarchy becoming replaced by the individual merkabahs. A most potent example is the archetype of Israel and the City of Jerusalem. Israel as a political entity will cease to exist and Israel the NationState will be cosmically and universally be understood of being the 'ascended Individual'. Your studies have shown you, that Jacob - the supplanter (of Esau) was RENAMED by 'God' as Israel - A Prince with God. Similarly, the Capitol of Israel and with it its long disputed Temple of Solomon, will no longer be known as a geographical location, but will be known as a 'New Jerusalem' and as a Merkabah or 'Vessel of the Lord' or 'Purusha's SpaceCraft' and so on. The archetype of the 'New Jerusalem' as a Mother of all Mothers 'LightCity in the Sky' is being completed right at this moment. We can share information on this here together; using the encodings in Ezekiel and in Revelation. So this is relevant to your question about the tribes. As you know the 'tribes' differ in Ezekiel and in Revelation, both in order and in namings. This derives from the transformation of the 'SerpentRod of Moses' and the 'Emerald Tablet of Thoth' and Hermes Trismegistos. Allow me to introduce the following classification from Thuban; the 12 Tribes are associated with the 12 Gates of the New Jerusalem and the Old Testament archetypes: The Archetypologies The Urim and the Thummim, the 'Breastplate of Judgement' and the 'Breastplate of Melchisedec' Noah was a 'just man' and 'perfect in his generations' (see I.1.ii); and 'he walked with God' {Genesis.6.9}. God and Noah established a 'Covenant of the Rainbow', a treaty wgich became implemented in the generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and manifested in Jacob's firstborn son to Rachel in the 'Coat of Many Colours' given to Joseph {Genesis.9.8-17;17.1-8;37.3}. The next level of interpretation leads to the Aaronic-Levitical Priesthood to the 'Remnant of Levi in Zadok' (as the priesthood remaining loyal to David), to the 'Priesthood of Melchisedec' {Exodus.2.1-10;4.14;Ezekiel.48.11;Hebrews.7-11}. The 'Highpriest of Israel' and 'Son of Levi' after Aaron and Moses is depicted in the attire and ornaments of the Levites. Attached to the robal vest (the ephod) of the highpriest is a 'Breastplate of Judgment', with four rows of three gemstones attached and to mirror the 'Children of Israel {Exodus.28.15-21}. This becomes the Upper Half and the Lower Half of a Rainbow, spanning the horizon. Seen is the Upper (equilateral triangle) Half as a semicircle and occultised or shadowed is the Lower Half of this circle as the 'Star of David' or the 'Seal of Solomon'. The Unseen Half of the Rainbow is given in the 'Breastplate of Melchisedec' and as given in the 12 gates of the New Jerusalem and in the 'Ordering of the 12 Apostles of Jesus'. As the 'Magic Seal of Solomon', the upward pointing triangle is the 'Heaven of the Cherubim' and the downward pointing triangle is the 'Hell of the Arch-Demons'. The Light-Darkness or White-Black duality is archetyped in Michael of the FireEarth-Gabriel of the AirWater being 'mirrored' in the Behemoth-Leviathan in the Book of Job{Job.40.15-24;41.1-34}. In symbolic archetype, the FireEarth and the AirWater become the SerpentRod of Moses and the 'Emblem of Abrasax', the 'Supreme Being', above 'all gods and devils and dualities'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ab...familjebok.png http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraxas This is exemplified in Dead Sea Scroll 4Q392 and in Isaiah.45.7: 4Q392: "[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...]." - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr. Isaiah:45.7: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." The archetypical symbol of the Caduceus of Thoth as two intertwined serpents, representative of two complementary strands of the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) molecule. This archetype has become associated from the Atlantean data base for the recent historical cycle now reaching its climactic nexus point in what many know as the 'Brotherhood of the Serpent' in Shamballa and Agartha. Michael then associates with the Fire and a new label for a 'cherubim' for the Earth emerges, say in Uriel. Gabriel then becomes the 'Cherubim of the Air' and Raphael the 'patron' of the water. The Behemoth 'splits' in two in say labels of Beelzebub-Moloch for the Fire and Abaddon for the Earth {Revelation.9.11} and the Leviathan renames itself in Belial for the Air and Asmodeus for the Water. The Archangels or Cherubims represent 'celestial heavenly malenesses'; who are 'opposed' by 'terrestrial hellish malenesses' in their counterparted 'Angels of Hell'. The Abrasax of the Gnosis is the 'fathermother' of them all however and there is a plan, which will render the 'opposition' of the 'terrestrial hells' as subject to transformation in a 'sexchange operation. This 'change of sex', will render the archdemonic 'kingdoms' and 'principalities' as becoming highly attracted to their cherubimic counterparts and a reunion on the highest echelons will 'wed' the 'Heights of Heavens' to the 'Depths of Hell'. The Icey Winds of Heaven on Earth will blend with the Fiery Flames of Hell and result in a temperate climate for both extremes to express themselves in harmony. The 'Urim and the Thummim' as the two Onyx-Stones depict the 'Balance of Truth' from Above and from Below {Exodus.28.9-12;30;Leviticus.8.8}. The Urim is the Order of Leah's Sons and the Thummim is the Order from Bilhah to Zilpah to Rachel, with Dinah, as the 11th 'Child-Daughter' of Jacob becoming the 13th 'starsign' of Ophiuchus the 'Serpent-Tamer' in the Orb of the Ouroboros', which is the intertwining of the Behemoth and the Leviathan about the earth in the symbolism of the Milky Way. 1=^=[R]ED=Brotherhood Simon&Andrew {Luke.6.14;John.1.44}as Reuben-Simeon via Bethsaida/LeahExodus.28.17 2=_=[O]RANGE=Adopted Brotherhood Andrew&James{John.1.44} in Bethsaida-Zebedee as Simeon-LeviExodus.28.17 3=`=[Y]ELLOW=Brotherhood James&John {Matthew.10.2} as Levi-Judah via Zebedee/LeahExodus.28.17 4=a=[L]IME=Adoption of John by Jesus {John.19.26-27}with Pharez-Zarah Breach in Judah/Dan/Bilhah{b↔a}Exodus.28.18 5=b=[G]REEN=Adopted Brotherhood Philip&Nathanael {John.1.44}as Dan-Naphtali via Bilhah{a↔b} 6=c=[T]URQUOISE=Adoption of Matthew Levi with Naphtali-Gad breach in Bilhah/Zilpah{d↔c} Renaming of Alphaeus to Thaddeus for Leah-Rachel Continuity 7=d=[C]YANAZURE=Brotherhood Matthew&Thomas implemented as Gad-Asher via Zilpah Bilhah-Zilpah breach reharmonised in renaming of Nathanel to Bartholomew fo{c↔d} 8=e=[A]QUAMARINE= 9=f=[B]LUE=Brotherhood of Judas&James Alphaeus in Issachar-Zebulon/Leah 10=g=[I]NDIGO=Renaming of Judas Alphaeus to Judas Thaddeus as LeahTail=RachelHead 11=h=[M]AGENTA=Adopted Brotherhood Simon&James as Issachar/Leah-Joseph/Rachel 12=i=[P]URPLE=Adopted Brotherhood Judas Iscariot/S(P)aul of Tarsus in Benjamin/Rachel 7-8=Sons of Bilhah 9-10=Sons of Zilpah 6-11=LeahTail-RachelHead 12=Opening of the inner circle in Judas Iscariot 1-12=LeahHead-RachelTail The Urim and the Thummim as 2 Onyx-Stones are the 'Balance of Truth' from Above and from Below {Exodus.28.9-12; 15-21;30 and transforming by Revelation.21.19-20} The 'Breastplate of Judgment' as the Upper Half of the Noahic Rainbow Covenant in Jacob's Sons to Leah: Sardius=Reuben=Jasper.....Topaz=Simeon=Sapphire... .......Carbuncle=Levi=Chalcedony Emerald=Judah=Emerald.......Sapphire=Issachar=Sard onyx.....Diamond=Zebulon=Sardius The 'Breastplate of Melchisedec' as the Lower (Shadow) Half of the Noahic Rainbow Covenant in Jacob's Sons to Bilhah, Zilpah and Rachel: Ligure=Dan=Chrysolite.......Agate=Naphtali=Beryl.. ........Amethyst=Gad=Topaz Beryl=Asher=Chrysoprasus......Onyx=Joseph=Jacinth. ..........Jasper=Benjamin=Amethyst The 10 'Lost Tribes' are 1-4 and 6-11 with the Levites (3) remaining as David's priesthood of Zadok. I shall elaborate following feedback from you. Abraxasinas = As In Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
No information is over anyone's head. If a chinese native speaker Hu Long finds himherself at Trafalgar Square in London and begins to ask questions to the Londoners; then he will not be understood by anyone not familiar with the form of Chinese spoken by Hu Long. Then Hu Long can try sign language or body talk to convey his askings. Eventually, some form of communication will eventuate upon patience and persistence of the parties concerned. Communication with semantics is just one form of language. Being English familiar; your subconscious will decipher bits of data and forward it to your superconscious which speaks ALL languages, including advanced mathematics, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Druidic Runic. What you are doing is sharing your compassion. As the Buddha says; the key to ascension is to Show Compassion from the Heart. Your Heart is a LoveHeart from the Dragon of Thuban and the work you do is of the highest vibration possible and just as important as the work done by data sharers such as many here, including myself. Knowing what your job is here on earth and doing your job in integrity and love has qualified you to enter the echelons of the highest frequencies attainable in the universe. There is nothing more powerful than the Wisdom of Love, which you obviously have made your own; blended with the Understanding of Love. It is the second part you can learn and gain in; the former part you have mastered. Love and gratitude in Dragonhood to you Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
You are very wise in not jumping into any pools of 'murky waters' before looking. I have answered the recent questions in in hese answers you might find something pertaining to your journey in the now, coloured by your past and invigorated by your future. The issue with the earthchanges is now such, that the manipulation of the PTB have basically lost intent and nous to influence, control or manipulate desired outcomes. Gaia is 'breaking free' of her 'mental imprisonment' enforced upon her by the collective groupmind of the human consciousness, say under the label of the Noosphere. There has been such a huge amount of 'unnatural' interaction with the biosphere by psychophysical methods with widespread 'remnants' of pollution; that the 'control' of the agencies of the pollution have become uncontrollable. So it will be like a pandemic; certain pockets and individuations will develop 'natural resistance' and many will not. The agenda for the 'Graduation/Transformation/Ascension' of humanity is no longer in the 'hands' of the 'brotherhoods' (Outer Illuminati and Inner Luminari say). 'They' have realised that Gaia has 'escaped' and from now on (Monday, 18th January) the ONLY interaction possible will be the INDIVIDUAL in direct communication with the ascending Gaian Cosmic Mother. A group of RELATIVELY 'likeminded' Individuals as say found in this forum can and will however greatly HELP Gaia in her prolonged Prenatal Labourpains. Then and only then will the physical 'calamities' be kept to a relative minimum. Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
please allow to comment your last post . I like your humorously intelligent and
most wise answers often Ihave to laugh out by heart . Love and humor is what makes us human |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
What an excellent observation Sabina! It's another way for describing the 'Curse of Humanity' - the Old Humanity. There you are, so Young and vital, so beautiful in body, innocent in mind and virile to the maximum. Yet you are relatively 'stupid' in not knowing much about life and yourself at all in your youthful exhuberance and Love for Life. Then you get old and sick and your body falls apart and you look back and say to yourself: 'Now I am so much wiser and experienced. If I just could get my youthful and virile body back; I would appreciate my Life so much better and intensely. I am 'stupid' no longer; but now that I have found at least some wisdom; my old age says: Sorry Pal or Gal; that's it. Prepare to leave the theatre!' 'Drats', say the wiser of the wise. This has become an unbearable situation. Perhaps we can do something about these comic injustices!? Love You too! Abraxas |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Point 1 is something I have said many times on this forum so I should have been more thorough in my thinking. I have often said on here "why judge the messenger, why not just judge the message". With this: then ALWAYS in terms of resonating with one's individuated database or not. that is the bottom line for me and sums up my current approach on this nicely. Thanks for your detailed review of this checklist - and "checking" me :naughty: A.. |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Is there a place in the universe which is not affected by this 26,000 year cycle?... are the species on these planets able to reproduce as we do... if we were exempt from this enevitability ... would we still be able to reproduce in say 1,000 years... from the abduction scenerios it would seem we are little more than cattle... used perhaps off planet somewhere as a slave species... any thoughts? |
Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
No, all of the universe is affected, because Gaia is THE 'feminine Mother template'. In simple words, the superconsciousness of ALL alien sentiences KNOWS Gaia to be THEIR Mother also. It's like this: 1. Universe is Unified without physical expression, i.e. material manifestation - archetypical energy only with VOID=INFINITY=ABYSS etc. 2. Universe BIFURCATES into FatherHE=CREATOR + MotherSHE=CREATION in the Void=Eternity FORMING the AntiState for the Finite Physicalised Cosmos. Then State and AntiState are MIRRORED in the 'Firmament' of the HOLOGRAM of the Wormhole (say) as a MINIMUM spacetime configuration. Then Father-Source USES this MIRROR=SPACETIME=SPIRIT=91 from Void=Infinity to communicate with Mother-Sink= Entire Physical Universe AS Creation. 3. Universe EVOLVES physically and SLOWLY gains Self-Awareness and Consciousness through and BY the space occupied in its Growth/Expansion. So the Mother=Cosmos REFLECTS HER Totality in the Spacetime Mirror. 4. The Infinity of the Father-Creator becomes FOCUSED in the Singularity of the Wormhole-Mirror as a Boundary between the Infiniteness of HE and the Finiteness of SHE. 5. The FOCUS of the Father then is MIRRORED and Projected INTO the Mother as another Focus For a destined Full Remembrance and HomeComing. 6. This Focus is the located at the physical Center of planet Earth as the Gaian Focus for the Cosmic Center (through the Solar Center and the Galactic Center and the Groupgalactic Center and the Supercluster Center). 7. The Lifeforms upon Gaia, partaking and sharing HER Evolution as the Cosmic Focus are themselves FOCUSED in a MIRROR of MIRRORS. This Mirror of Mirrors is called Human Template say as Vitruvius=Purusha=CosmicMan. 8. So all nonhuman terrestrial lifeforms become MIRRORS for HUMANITY. 9. All these nonhuman lifeforms then become MIRRORS for ALL extraterrestrial lifeforms. 10. The Mirror-Sequence so is centered environmentally on Gaia and is centered in terms of Cosmic SuperIdentity on the Human Template; Universe-Gaia & Extraterrestrial Life-Human Life-Nonhuman Terrestrial Life. The concept of humans as cattle or resource relates to the fact, that ALL ET's CANNOT evolve into Source-Identification WITHOUT implementing the Human Template within their own genomes. As the Andromedeans state rather pertinently: The Human Template is like 'Royalty' to ALL aliens. The 'hostility' of Orion-Alpha Draconian agendas is the same 'hostility' a territorial alpha lion would produce against 'intruding' beta lions say. The 'hostility' described so becomes subject to the Gaian homecoming, as this will 'pacify' the universe. Perhaps this has helped some misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Abraxas |
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