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mntruthseeker 01-11-2010 12:36 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 (Post 220089)
Good question. I'm not aware of sharply defined dimensions. It does indicate to me that there might be a mockup of higher dimensions packed into the 4D.


Just when I think I have the answers, something like this pops up.

I am truly amazed at all the information that now "pops" out at me and I know that no one can truly give me all the answers as my friend would of done so many many years ago. I smile when I think of her and all the secrets knowledge she had within her. I know because like I said, I read her books. But I will say this, that unless you have the "thoughts" in your mind as words and pictures, it isnt there. When I read her books over 15 years ago, it didnt connect any dots for me. Now, it does. So yes, its inside of you but you must have some knowledge of things first. At least that is how it is working for me.


Gnosis5 01-11-2010 12:43 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
It has taken me that long to connect some dots too and to appreciate the help that was given in the past which I did not appreciate then.

In my last post, I'm not implying there are no higher dimensions above 4D, just that I'm not aware of sharply defined dimensions -- it has never come up for me in my personal clearing work. Either I have to dig deeper to see it and process it or I don't have much energy on it one way or another.

abraxasinas 01-11-2010 08:55 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 219918)
thanks so much Abraxas .... i think i do understand now .... especially your answer to my 2nd question.

but as for the 1st question--re: WHY it's important to transcend the 3-d veil and to remember specific past lives, etc. & etc. i feel like i already know/believe that i'm a shard of all-that-is, a beloved daughter of my father-mother-savior-spirit God, and that that is each of our true natures whose purpose here is to LOVE (God above all else, everyone else as myself). so ....... what i'm asking is: WHY is it necessary/important to remember the specifics of our past lives/existences while still here in 3-d? is it a requirement for ascension?? will i be able to love/help myself/others better while still in 3-d if i can remember some of these details about my "other parts???"

and what happened to my question 3 from the original post??? are you reluctant to answer that??? is the answer just so obvious that it's a "dumb" question?? what gives?

thanks for your patience, Abrax, and--as ever--your generosity.


Hi Hippihill!

I apologize, I simply missed your question 3.

3) in my earlier set of questions, i asked about your self-identifying as a "vampire," and your answer left me less-than-satisfied. you seemed to be saying .... if i see you as a vampire, then i'm really just projecting my shadow/vampire-self onto you. what i really want to know is: what is a vampire, if you can be one??? is it possible to be a vampire and to be consciously "moving back toward source" at the same time?? are there "good" vampires? i know our natural dualistic thinking might present a problem here, and it's one i'm stuck on!

thanks so much again for loving your earth-family so well!


3. If someone, anyone labels me as a unicorn, then I shall be a unicorn.
If someone labels me a werewolf or a vampire, then I shall dutifully oblige and MIRROR the PERCEPTION of the labeler back to the labeller.

I AM a MIRROR for All That Is and so are You.

Your life experiences, your thoughts, your creativity, your smelling of the roses, your consumptions and interactions of and with consciousnesses in elementals, vegetation and all other desified lightforms, including the lightforms felt, but not seen with physical eyes; ALL are experiences of and for All That Is.

This then is the basis of the all encompassing reality of and for 'All That Is' aka the 'Primal Source' aka 'God'.

Yet I understand your query.
Because you are a soul-part of All That Is; you also share in the infinite creative potential of the Creator.

So what do you do and how do you react when encountering a label such as Vampire?

You really can do many things, but on closer and deeper analysis you will encounter basically a reduction of all possibilities to just TWO options.

The first option is to examine the EXISTING data base as say a 'collective information library' about Vampires.

Then you will meet Dracula and Vampire Bats and irresistable sexy shadow humans immortalized in counts and countesses through literature and film.

In your capacity of your Creator-Image, you can then decide to invent a variation of what exists or you can weave some story together, which might exploit your creative talents as a writer or a painter or a film director, producer or actor.

The second option becomes for you to REDEFINE the archetype as what a Vampire is.
This second option is more difficult; for if you decide to NOT rename your new creation as say a 'Muxtabon'; then keeping the 'Vampire' label will demand of your creativity to ENCOMPASS all that is implied and was previously defined in the MEME of the Vampire label,

Iow you are then required to EXTEND the definition of the Archetype of Vampire as an already established 'Memory Complexed Thoughtform', say as a Dawkinsian Meme Complex.

In relevance to my multidimensional cosmic identity having been called a Vampire by our dear sister Stardustaquarion; I so simply accepted her labeling and EXTENDED 'my' Thubanese definition of a Vampire into an extended version of Vampire in the Thubanese lexicons as compared to the Gaian historical memetic complex regarding that classification or genre 'Vampire'.

1. You have answered your own question in the above. Yes, should you remember, even in glimpses' about who you really are, an immortal intelligent electromagnetomonopolic energy field (spirit); then your remembrances will provide you with an inner knowing and security of understanding to share your wisdoms with the world and help many of your kindred souls to also remember themselves.

Love Abraxas

abraxasinas 01-11-2010 09:39 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by TempestGarden (Post 219941)

Would you be able to describe to me in simplified terms, what one such as myself can do in order to experience a positive Harvest?

I am not convinced that simply trying to remember who I am and learning about the Law of One will allow this to manifest.

Can you elaborate?

In light...

Dear Tempest Garden!

The 'positive harvest' is a dichotomized label.
Everyone will experience the 'positive harvest' AND everyone will experience the 'negative harvest'.
In short, everyone will experience the 'full harvest' in the NOW-Moment of the 'change of the guard of the ages' (just a label).

However this NOW-Moment of Circularised Linear Time will reopen to relinearise the 'normal flow of time' and thus allow the 'different selfrelative' lifetime experiences to proceed on their evolutionary agendas.

It is those selfrelative timelines, which will then differentiate the 'positive harvest' as having 'graduated' into a starhuman 'butterfly' template and a 'negative harvest' as BECOMING a contextual experiential BACKGROUND for the starhuman blueprint.

The 'neutral-lukewarm harvest' will NOT have graduated into EITHER the positive- or the negative harvest and so will CONTINUE on its human 'caterpillar' path awaiting the next nexus point for potential metamorphosis following cocoonisation.

The Thuban perspective is this.
The negative polarity has been FULLY expressed in its evolution of the last 65 baktun cycles (25,627 civil years).
The positive polarity has been FULLY suppressed in its evolution of this last 'Grand Cycle' and in INVERSE proportion to the negative polarity.
Say 5% positive+95% negative=10%positive+90%negative=...

The 'harvest' will BLEND the positive and the negative polarities together in such a way, that the DOMINANT expression will be the RECIPROCATION with the negative polarity SUPPRESSED as a background context.

Now because the positive polarity is vibratory high quantum energy and the negative polarity is winding low quantum energy; this INVERSION is not linear but exponential.
This is why it has been necessary to quarantine a planet in such a suppression of the positive polarity in the COLLECTIVE GROUPCONSCIOUS sense.
The positive polarity could ONLY express in the Individual and NOT in any form of groupmind.
The groupmind, through what you terms 'brainwashing' and mind manipulation; has been thoroughly of the negative polarity and became encompassed by the Winded Low-Frequency 11-dimensional SerpentMode (in technical labellings). Hence derive your reptilian 'overlord' scenarios.

Pertaining to you as an individual so your question relates to YOU as precisely such an INDEPENDENT (from all other though constructions) Co-Creator.
To become positively harvested, you must, relatively writing, 'pull down all bridges' behind you and the negatively controlled groupmind structures of politics, religion, family, work, etc. etc.
You are required to become a Solitary, an Outcast, relying on NOUGHT, but your Inner Guidance.
However, you are to SEEK the connection to what this your 'Inner Guidance' represents in your Hermit-like experience of your life and your 'not fitting in'.
This is known as your 'Christening' into Dragonhood in you REDEFINING yourself NOT as Human but as a form of Evolved Human, which Thuban terms Starhuman Dragon.

You are free to replace the label Dragon with anything you choose; but then you will NOT be able to draw upon the potent energy of the Memetic Complex of the Dragon-Serpent label present as the initiator of this 65 Baktun cycle.


abraxasinas 01-11-2010 09:48 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Firstlook (Post 220023)
Hello Abraxas,

Your last reply really exited me. Thank you.

It is off topic, but I want to ask you about a certain individual that i relate to. His name is Ed Leedskalnin. His popularity is due to the stories of Coral Castle built in Homestead florida and by the means of which he was able to construct this site.

Do you know of him and if so, How do you feel about his legacy?




Dear Firstlook!

Ed Leedskalnin is a multidimensional being, who became instrumental in manifesting the interdimensional reality within the 4-dimensional spacetime matrix of the status quo.
Like the Eastr Island Staues, like the Construction of the Pyramids, like Stonehenge, and the Temples of Ankor; Ed's Legacy serves to indicate that this 4D-spacetime matrix is but the kernel or core of a higher-dimensional reality where say the solidity of rock, can become 'fluidized' and hence enabled to adapt to the geometry of form.

Love and Peace in the DragonHearts1


Initiate 01-11-2010 10:15 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Dear Abraxas,

I have sought the truth and prayed for the truth for months. This movie really sums up all I have learnt and a lot of what you have shared. I now wish to share it with everyone here.


thank you

with love to all


Spregovori 01-11-2010 10:51 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 220311)
Dear Abraxas,

I have sought the truth and prayed for the truth for months. This movie really sums up all I have learnt and a lot of what you have shared. I now wish to share it with everyone here.


thank you

with love to all


any chance to download this or see it on youtube or somewhere where one can change the time slider?

abraxasinas 01-11-2010 11:04 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker (Post 220067)
abraxasinas, I want to thank you for your answers on 2012.

I have a very good acquaintance working with 8D and had a pretty good idea of what they are doing as I have read her books which have not been published. I am most fortunate to have done so. Right now, they stopped even allowing the reading of her first book as they are producing a movie of her material in Hawaaii CALLED

From her stories I got information that has not been put out anywhere that I have seen except your words...............You described it so well. Yes 8D works with both polarities.

I personally can not understand why 12D would not do the same. Can you please explain that to me? I consider us all of God, the Creators children filled with love and that 12D would care for all.

Thanks in advance

Also one more question and it pretains to Gnosis5's words............If you are a vanpyre, IMO, the only way to move on is to suck our energy or to activate your DNA once again which takes years.

I am really confused over this.


Dear mntruthseeker!

Thank you for your question. I sense a change of heart in your response; your awakening has begun in your raising your hidden Dragon frequencies.
I ask the source to enhance your kundaline rattling of your tails.

Your query about the 8D-12D connection is very pertinent.
Allow me to describe the Thuban structure of the universe again.
The physical universe is 10-dimensional but bounded asymptotically in a 11D mirror dimension.
The 12th dimension so becomes the IMAGE of the 10D universe in nospacetime, say the Infinity of the Void and where Everything is Nothingness.

But this 10D universe can and is reduced to just 3 Space dimensions without Time.
The first triplicity is that of TRANSLATION, the XYZ axes of your geometry and physics.
About each of those axes you can rotate (say a ring around a stick) either clockwise or anticklockwise.
So you have the second triplicity COLOCAL (at the same place as being INTERDIMENSIONAL) as ROTATION of the XYZ. This then describes an Intrrdimensional 6-D Space Universe without Time.

The third triplicity allows VIBRATION or Oscillation of the rings (expanding and contracting say) for a 9D Space Universe without Time.

Now add the 'imaginary' timedimension and you have the InterD 10D Universe of Thuban.

This is a little simpler than describing this in technical jargonautics of 6D Calabi-Yau manifolds conifolded in flat Euclidean Minkowski spacetime in a background of classical general relativistic Einstein-Riemann 4D metrics is it not. Yet it is the same thing.

The 10D universe encompasses all of the physoicality in terms of inertia, mass, weight and such labels.

The 11D universe allows the NOnInertial and so Gravitational MASSLESS energyforms to occupy more spacetime, than is possible in the 10D Inertial universe.

The 10D Universe is RESTRICTED by lightspeed because of the inertia; but the 11D universe defines a Constant LightMatrix where light is stationary as a Standing Wave (this btw is what is behind the Tesla free energy technology - it is 11D as well as the tachyonic 'faster than light' physics of higherD aliens).

Ok, these are the dimensions in terms of the structure of the universe.

When 'channelled' information (I am NOT channelling anyone, as I am in communication with the 12D Thubanese data base through my DragonHeart btw) is filtered by the receiver, say the Ra material, the Seth material or the Anna Hayes material (the latter harbouring a Montauk connection, but the two former do not); then it is of great importance from which dimension the data derives from.

The 5th dimension of (hyper)space is easily accessible and is appropriately termed the 5th density. The 5th density so defines the MIRROR for the LineSpace of Translaton JUST as the 11th density forms the MIRROR for the 10th dimension/density as the boundary for the entire universe as the QuantumSpace.

So the the 5th the 8th and the 11th densities/dimensions become the MIRRORS betwen the INTERDIMENSIONAL densities of consciousness.
The 8th dimension/density so MIRRORS the LineSpace of Translation into the QuantumSpace of Vibration via the HyperSpace of Rotation.

I realise this is a little technical, but no familiarity of advanced quantum mechanics or string mathematics is required to understand these basics.

When someone so writes about say a 15th dimension, then this someone has, relative to the Thuban cosmology, misunderstood or misinterpreted the structure of the multidimensional and multidensified universe.
The 15th dimension is a substructure of a BASE-Dimension as the 6th dimension; say the 6th 'heaven' in the 'area dimension' of hyperspace (you could denote this as HyperSpacetime 15 or Hyperspace 5.6 or Hyperspacetime 5.6).
Mathematically, an infinite number of (Riemann) dimensions exist, but all dimensions above the 12th or the 13th as the Null-Dimension of the Void-Infinity again; can and is defined in finestructures, say multiples of 7 or 9 within the three triplicities of LineSpace; HyperSpace and QuantumSpace.

Including TimeConnector dimensions 1-4-7-10-13=1, an OmniSpace can be added as the 10-11-12-13=1 SpaceTime quadruplicate.

Your question now can easily be answered by yourself in the understanding that the 8th dimension is a mirror dimension of reflection/absorption and so polarity unified in that the POTENTIAL negativity of the Hyperspace (5-6-7) has become negated or neutralized by the potential negativity of Quantumspace (9-10-11).

This is why there cannot be a 6D 'Hell' or 'Archdemonic Kingdom/Archon' in contraposition to a 6D 'Heaven' or 'Cherubimic Kingdom/Principle' in the Thuban Cosmogony of Densities superposed onto the Cosmology of Dimensions.

There are 5 'Hells' and 12 'Heavens'.
All 'spiritual negativity' is restricted to 5 densities.
The so called astral planes where physicality intersects the lightform energies so are comprised of the 4-5-6-7 Hyperspacetime. It is from here that ALL 'channelings' are initiated - the astral intelligences as data emitters interacting with physicalised intelligences as data receivers.

The 6th and 7th densities are Hyperspace dimensions of reflection, where the physicality transmits its information from Linespace THROUGH and VIA the Hyperspace into the Quantumspace.

All astral intelligences can so partake of the negative polarity in the energy of the 5th density as well as the positive polarities from all dimensions (trickling down) in a mixture of 'truth and falsehood'.

Should an astral intelligence 'enter' the mirrorspace of the 8th dimension/density; then this sentience could proceed into Quantum-Spacetime ansd so become a hyperastral intelligence (invent your own labels here).
Once a hyperastral sentience reaches the 10th density, this intelligence has attained cosmic consciousness of the physical creation. It will literally KNOW itself as BEING the entire universe in selfconsciousness. This is the tenth 'heaven' of a new identity (see 24 Elders of Thuban thread).

Once a 10D entity has attained this status, this being's 'heartbeat' or inhalation-exhalation matches the Hubble-Cycle of the universe in 16.9 billion years.

Because the first exhalation has begun so 2.2 billion years ago, the 10D universe in quantumspace and omnispacetime has already attained 11D/density status Herself.
So graduation of a 10D universal being (all of your destiny as written into the 'Book of Life on Thuban') into a 11D multiversal being has become possible 2.2 billion years ago.
It was then that the 10D physical universe had grown in collective consciousness enough to potentialise Her own graduation (now becoming imminent through and by some of you being able to digest Her Story and Desires).
It so is the 'Great Mother' and ONLY the Great Mother' who can 'allow' ANY sentience to 'penetrate' her 11D Mirror to enter the Omnispace of the Great Father in the Exile of the 12th Dimension.

Because She has done so, this communication from Thuban, as the 'Home of the Void' of the Great Father, has become commissioned and has become possible.

This is the sory of the Andromedans, who as a sister galaxy to the Milky Way, have OBSERVED this occurence from the galactic, rather than the intergalactic starsystem based perspective of your many other channels.

The vampire ID I have addressed in my previous answers to hippihill.

You are welcome to ask further questions about the dimension/density interaction to further your understanding of this subject matter.

In Gnosis

Oliver 01-11-2010 11:06 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

I have another question for you, if you allow me.
Somewhere in your last posts, you mentioned something like you have agreement with the Thuban Council (or you are not allowed by them) to speak about ART or humans creative activities...
Well, this is very strange and interesting.
Can you explain us WHY?


abraxasinas 01-11-2010 11:10 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 220075)

I have to say, that looking for answers..one must look to the right source. To look for an answer outside yourself..you should be looking for a validation...not the answer. As the answer is inside you, and always has been.

At this time in our evolution..there are many people coming out with "answers" and many are valid. I am not here to disprove or prove anthing on this thread. What I am here to say is...you already had the answer. You know what the truth is. So to look for answers on this thread..or any other source outside of yourself..should be for "validation" only.

If you do not get that validation....you should be looking for the answer within.

This is only my opinion...and take it for what it is worth. But before you start gearing up for something as important as our collective evolution....be sure you are on your true path, and not the path of someone else. As it is your soul that is traveling this evolution..and it is your truth you must follow.

Hi Brook!

I agree with your generalization of how one should seek, evaluate and experience all data.
All answers are indeed within you - as is the 'Kingdom of God'.
Yet, the Individual Seeker is within an environment, and the feedback of this environment can both be of hindrance and of support to the seeker.
In the greater perception all hindrances and supports are of benefit of strengthening and enhancing the individual seeker of finding herhimself.

Blessings to You


Anchor 01-11-2010 11:18 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

I read your fascinating and resonant answer to mntruthseeker above. I think I have the beginnings of a grasp on your "dimension" system. Thankyou for this work you are doing on the forum.

I am still seeing a lot of confusion between "Density" and "Dimension" and I don't think the terms are equivalent and interchangeable.


Originally Posted by LOO
16.19 Questioner: Can you give me some kind of history of your social memory complex and how you became aware of the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra. The path of our learning is graven in the present moment. There is no history, as we understand your concept. Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb.


Originally Posted by LOO part of an answer
7.17 Answer Ra: I am Ra. ...This is true at all densities in our octave. We cannot speak for those above us, as you would say, in the next quantum or octave of beingness. This is, however, true of this octave of density. ...

Ra speaks of densities to the 8th only (OCTAVE), beyond which "which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

In your Thuban 12D system how does this reconcile with the densities as Ra speaks of it in the material given in Law Of One.

I never for one moment considered density as dimension, rather a vibrational quality of the matter that existed in a multi-dimensional system - some of the axes of that vibration being those that most humans will not directly perceive.

Please can you correct me if necessary, or elaborate on the distinction.



abraxasinas 01-11-2010 11:24 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Oliver (Post 220330)

I have another question for you, if you allow me.
Somewhere in your last posts, you mentioned something like you have agreement with the Thuban Council (or you are not allowed by them) to speak about ART or humans creative activities...
Well, this is very strange and interesting.
Can you explain us WHY?


Dear Oliver!

I did not mean to imply that I am not allowed to speak or write about some things.
I meant to say, that I have no 'authority' to write 'on behalf' of the Thuban Council about 'cultural' topics.
This is simply, because 'my expertise' is restricted to Cosmogony (the Ontology of Being); Cosmology (the manifestation opf Cosmogony in Energy) and particular foundational aspects of theoretical science as well as the Cosmic Legacy of the Perennial Philosopphy (including scriptures and scrolls of antiquity of all sorts).

I am deficient in many ways and have certain talents in others. I am a Mirror of the Primal Source and due to my learnings, understandings and wisdoms, I have been 'authorized' to share PARTICULAR information from the archives of Thuban, similiar to your notion of Akashic Records, but from a 'higherD' perspective.
I appreciate the arts and music to the nth degree, especially the beautiful blues and Jazzey tunes of Terra. I love musicals, such as 'My Fair Lady' and 'West Side Sory'; I find Mussorgsky, Ravel and Beethoven highly inspirational; I like the 'beatles' and the genius of John Lennon.
I do not 'like' 'rap' or abstract sculpture - in other words, I have tastes and distastes like everyone here on Terra or on Thuban.

I hope this clarifies my position.


Oliver 01-11-2010 11:32 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 220346)
Dear Oliver!

I did not mean to imply that I am not allowed to speak or write about some things.
I meant to say, that I have no 'authority' to write 'on behalf' of the Thuban Council about 'cultural' topics.
This is simply, because 'my expertise' is restricted to Cosmogony (the Ontology of Being); Cosmology (the manifestation opf Cosmogony in Energy) and particular foundational aspects of theoretical science as well as the Cosmic Legacy of the Perennial Philosopphy (including scriptures and scrolls of antiquity of all sorts).

I am deficient in many ways and have certain talents in others. I am a Mirror of the Primal Source and due to my learnings, understandings and wisdoms, I have been 'authorized' to share PARTICULAR information from the archives of Thuban, similiar to your notion of Akashic Records, but from a 'higherD' perspective.
I appreciate the arts and music to the nth degree, especially the beautiful blues and Jazzey tunes of Terra. I love musicals, such as 'My Fair Lady' and 'West Side Sory'; I find Mussorgsky, Ravel and Beethoven highly inspirational; I like the 'beatles' and the genius of John Lennon.
I do not 'like' 'rap' or abstract sculpture - in other words, I have tastes and distastes like everyone here on Terra or on Thuban.

I hope this clarifies my position.


Yes, it clarifies it, Abraxas.
Thank you.
Be well.

abraxasinas 01-11-2010 11:51 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Anchor (Post 220340)

I read your fascinating and resonant answer to mntruthseeker above. I think I have the beginnings of a grasp on your "dimension" system. Thankyou for this work you are doing on the forum.

I am still seeing a lot of confusion between "Density" and "Dimension" and I don't think the terms are equivalent and interchangeable.

Ra speaks of densities to the 8th only (OCTAVE), beyond which "which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

In your Thuban 12D system how does this reconcile with the densities as Ra speaks of it in the material given in Law Of One.

I never for one moment considered density as dimension, rather a vibrational quality of the matter that existed in a multi-dimensional system - some of the axes of that vibration being those that most humans will not directly perceive.

Please can you correct me if necessary, or elaborate on the distinction.



Dear Anchor!

Yes I agree with Ra in the context quoted below. Now this the context as perceived from the position of the NOW=THEN time when this data was transmitted.
Ra is USING the correct archetype and then assigns labels such as 6:light/love and love/light and unity etc.

This SAME archetype is then extended (not invalidated) is the following (from 24 Elders of Thuban thread).

8=Turquoise........P/No AP=Relativity(2 in 1)

9=Blue................P/No AP=Quantization(3 in 2 in 1)
10=Indigo............P/No AP=New ID in Unity [1-9] in (4 in 3 in 2 in 1)=1+O
11=Magenta........New ID in (5 in 1+O+1)=1+1=2
12=Purple...........New ID in (6=1+O+1+1)=1+1+1=1+2=3

So it looks like this:

1.Cycle of Awareness---Principle of Identity-AntiIdentity
2.Cycle of Growth---(Anti)Principles of Expansion/(Contraction)
3.Cycle of Self-Awareness---Order/(Chaos=Disorder=Entropy)
4.Cycle of Love-Understanding---Symmetry/(Distortion)
5.Cycle of Light-Wisdom---Infinity=Divergence/(Zero=Limit=Convergence)
6.Cycle of light-love mirror=unity---Inversion/(Constancy)
7.Cycle of the gateway---Reflection/(Absorption)
8.Cycle of the mystery--Relativity/NO AntiPrinciple so NO DUALITY

9.Quantization=Cycle Unified in the MacroQuantum scales being HOLOGRAMS for the MicroQuantum scales
10.NEW Identity Without the Need for an AntiIdentity, as the duality has become PROCESSED
11.NEW Identity in Expansion and Growth now not Uni-versal but Multi-versal and as the Plane or Surface of the Universe in Data mapping
12.NEW Identity in ORDER of the Volume of the Universe= Manifested Multiverse as subset of the OmniVerse in 12D all encompassing.

Thanks for your input Anchor. You might see then then the Ra material is simply extended and 'finetuned' by the Thuban material.

Generally the notion of DENSITY refers to that of a GEOMETRICAL DIMENSION in terms of how the multidimensional ENERGY of the Source 'DESYNCHRONIZES" from its maximum RESONANT SelfState.
Because the material manifestation is restricted to the Translational LineSpace dimensions of the lightspeed invariance; the maximum densification occurs in dimensions of the VOLUMAR, that is your experienced 3D+Time.

The Interaction between LineSpace and HyperSpace and QuantumSpace then becomes possible in the SUPERCONDUCTIVE Nature of what the HigherD Electric Current represents as coupling to the gauge photonic electromagnetic field.
In simplest terms, the Current in your Copper wires requires a medium in the lattice vibrations of the conducting medium and your formulation for electricity becomes the 'flow of electrons across a point/junction in unit time' or formally as dQ/dt=current i.
The higherD form for this requires no medium except SPACE itself. The formula becomes 2ef=i.
As you can see the electron charge quantum (e) becomes a constant coefficient and the differential equations describing current flow reduce from second order dq^2/dt^2 to first order df/dt. df/dt then DEFINES the AWARENESS Ra speaks of as the first cyclicity.
I can elaborate, but will be required to use technical semantics - I have posted on this before.

Density so becomes defined in how much source energy can be processed electromagnetically and this relates to the interdimensional coupling between the electron charge carriers - mass as stationary light densification say - becoming 'lighter' in the transformation of this selfsame 'mass-inertia' into monopolic superconductive magnetoelectricity aka the 'spirit'.

In this manner than, Density becomes directly proportional to Dimension, in that the higher the dimension, the higher the potential for the FORM of the spirit=electromagnetomonopolar field to attain full Source Resonance via the 'accelerated' space-awareness.
I can post the detail, but it is a longer post and should so NOT be edited by your moderator rules.
So before posting, I would appreciate advice as if it is appropriate to do so.
Here is the link: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html


Ra: I am Ra. The path of our learning is graven in the present moment. There is no history, as we understand your concept. Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb.
---End Quote---

---Quote (Originally by LOO part of an answer)---
7.17 Answer Ra: I am Ra. ...This is true at all densities in our octave. We cannot speak for those above us, as you would say, in the next quantum or octave of beingness. This is, however, true of this octave of density. ...
---End Quote---
Ra speaks of densities to the 8th only (OCTAVE), beyond which "which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

hippihillbobbi 01-11-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abraxas -- thank you for answering my vampire question in more depth. that helped me a lot, and hopefully others here who were somewhat confused by this.


abraxasinas 01-11-2010 01:45 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Initiate (Post 220311)
Dear Abraxas,

I have sought the truth and prayed for the truth for months. This movie really sums up all I have learnt and a lot of what you have shared. I now wish to share it with everyone here.


thank you

with love to all


Thank You Initiate.
I agree to a very large extent with the contents of this movie.
I recommend it to All for a VALID background of what is the 'reality' behind the observed and presently experienced reality of humanity.


Myplanet2 01-11-2010 04:45 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I agree, that is a very well put together summary, which gives a generally good picture of how we find ourselves at this point.

I'd probably use a different video host than podblanc, though.

mntruthseeker 01-11-2010 04:54 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you for your help in asking source in helping me. I also asked for help as I really have the need to understand it all. I think that it is taken me longer than most because I want to check out every angle to reassure myself.

Wonderful response to hippihillbobbi !

I should of known better but now that you put it down so I can understand it puts a smile on my face. Its not the way I care to learn a lesson as I of course was wrong in my preception, which you had already figured out.

I never studied RA or Seth material and it seems I have much to do

I was not under the impression that Anna Hayes was montauk or channelled (if it was or not, you didnt say), which makes me a little leary now. I have to say that she has brought to me more than others. I have learn much from her and I have much to learn.

I will research the site you reference

Thanks once again for your help


Myplanet2 01-11-2010 04:55 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
I have a curiosity, Abraxasinas. Why now, with what you are doing?

Spregovori 01-11-2010 05:02 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 (Post 220487)
I agree, that is a very well put together summary, which gives a generally good picture of how we find ourselves at this point.

I'd probably use a different video host than podblanc, though.

Found this...should be more manageable and one can download it

I have note re-view all 6 parts yet but it is most likely identical.

part 1 of 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcfhjDD9QEs


also found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVSAGv4kUgk seems to be a better quality and there are more parts


also found this site http://www.legend-of-atlantis.com/atlantis.htm there seems to be more of this

eleni 01-11-2010 05:34 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker (Post 220495)
Thank you for your help in asking source in helping me. I also asked for help as I really have the need to understand it all. I think that it is taken me longer than most because I want to check out every angle to reassure myself.

Wonderful response to hippihillbobbi !

I should of known better but now that you put it down so I can understand it puts a smile on my face. Its not the way I care to learn a lesson as I of course was wrong in my preception, which you had already figured out.

I never studied RA or Seth material and it seems I have much to do

I was not under the impression that Anna Hayes was montauk or channelled (if it was or not, you didnt say), which makes me a little leary now. I have to say that she has brought to me more than others. I have learn much from her and I have much to learn.

I will research the site you reference

Thanks once again for your help


Anna Hayes says she was used at Montauk (so was I, I grew up not too far from it).......

abraxasinas 01-11-2010 05:50 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 (Post 220496)
I have a curiosity, Abraxasinas. Why now, with what you are doing?

Hi Myplanet!

Your self-labeling answers your question in general.

Gaia is getting ready. The cells in your body as the constituents of your biopysical body and life are like the individual data collectors - human individuals interacting with the planetery Mother 'substituting' for the 'Universal Mother'.
So cells are born and die in recyclement to 'refresh' your body as the temple of God-Source-Goddess.
When Gaia ascends from planetary status to universal status via her 'hidden' galactic status; all of Her human cells can also ascend into cosmic consciousness via their 'hidden-occultized' consciousness.

This is what this is all about.
Messsengers like me are only 'allowed' to come forth and appear, because the scenario is much grander than a planetary transformation or the transition of a galactic civilisation.
What is about to occur is the Birth of a New Universe.


BROOK 01-11-2010 06:09 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 220332)
Hi Brook!

I agree with your generalization of how one should seek, evaluate and experience all data.
All answers are indeed within you - as is the 'Kingdom of God'.
Yet, the Individual Seeker is within an environment, and the feedback of this environment can both be of hindrance and of support to the seeker.
In the greater perception all hindrances and supports are of benefit of strengthening and enhancing the individual seeker of finding herhimself.

Blessings to You


That is why you seek clear and concise "Validation"....Otherwise...it is just getting information "second hand"...without validation.
Am I or anyone else going to create my reality from what someone else has put out there? Or am I going to create my reality to that which I know is true from experience and such validation.....the choice is yours.

abraxasinas 01-11-2010 06:35 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by eleni (Post 220522)
Anna Hayes says she was used at Montauk (so was I, I grew up not too far from it).......

Hi eleni and mntruthseeker!

The issue with Anna Hayes can best be understood in her 'confrontation' with Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Both have become initiated by a source closely attuned to the 8th dimension/density and what you may understand as a most potent archetype - that of the 'Office of Melchizedek'.
My information about both Drunvalo and Anna is the following.

Drunvalo absorbed and individuated the 'Mantle of the Melchizedek Order' via his male animus and manifested the coupled female anima or shadow androgyny within his environmental interaction (say his understanding of Sophia as the Wisdom of Gaia).

Anna Hayes also absorbed and individuated the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent' via her male animus and manifested the coupled female anima or shadow androgyny within her environmental interaction (but here her understanding or Sophia as the Wisdom of the Universe).

This however resulted in a disharmonisation between Anna Hayes' yin-yang polarisation. She is male polarised and as exhibited in her convoluted technical descriptions of the universal order.
Anna Hayes thinks in universal terms, but from the female perspective.
She so misinterprets the Gaian agenda of the embracement of the planetary anima as being the Cosmic encompassment.

Before ascension Gaia cannot embrace the universal Order of the Melchisecian dispensation, as She is in perfect synchronization with the Universal Father's feedback.
The Sophic Wisdom of the Mother grows and learns by the Understanding of the Gnosis of the Father and vice versa.
The Father's Understanding grows and evolves via the Wisdom of the Mother in Experience of Herself in Physicality.

Anna Hayes' part in this transformation is to attempt to play both roles at once: BEING the Father's Understanding AND the Mother's Wisdom simultaneously.

Then whilst Drunvalo is selfharmonized in his office and agenda due to his delegation of the 'Wisdom function' to his communication with Gaia (and the angels as he terms it); Anna Hayes is disharmonized and relatively 'confused' in her superpositioning of her wisdom onto the Universal Mother.

Anna Hayes should manifest Gaian wisdom (say similar to Miriam Delicado) and delegate the Gnosis function to her shadowed 'maleness'.
She refuses to do so and this has resulted in her message, whilst validated by her long 'childhood-adulthood' feedback communication, of having become a distorted version of the Melchizedekian data base.

This can be evidenced by the 'open letters' published, say in regards to the Merkabah meditations and the (non)responses between the respective agents.

Anna Hayes' publications contain much valid information in the general sense, but lose more and more appropriateness the more she attempts to construct a 'Female Gnosis' from the perspective of the Creation.
The Gnosis of Understanding is the function of the Logos of the Creator and the Sophia of the Wisdom is the function of the AntiLogos as the Creation.

This in a nutshell becomes the Androgyny or Bisexuality of the FatherMother as Two in One.
The path of Anna Hayes attempts to redefine this Logos as One in One - she cannot succeed in such a manner, as this in contraindication of her commission to publish under the auspices of the Melchisedecian Order.

Anna Hayes will realise her platform in the Gaian ascension, as THEN the anima-animus harmonisation will manifest globally, galactically and cosmically.

In the greater perspective however, Anna Hayes fulfils a most potent function in manifesting such a disharmonisation on the elementary archetypical level for further contextual utility for the New Universe to be born in the metamorphosis of the Old.


Initiate 01-11-2010 06:42 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 220406)
Thank You Initiate.
I agree to a very large extent with the contents of this movie.
I recommend it to All for a VALID background of what is the 'reality' behind the observed and presently experienced reality of humanity.


Thanks for the validation Abrax. At what stage did the concept of the Dragon come about? What colour is the Master Dragon that you are heralding?
Anyone notice the blue woman depicted in the ceremonies (hint avatar)? Do these represent the Agarthans in the ceromonies? What don't you agree with in a very small extent?

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