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Gnosis5 01-10-2010 12:18 AM

Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion (Post 216165)
Well, I have encountered vampires before but never found one that was willing to accept it was one, well done! I like Integrity
Are you alike to Allister Crowley, or the BEAST 666 as he called himself?
In Eternal Love

I was a vampire. I could be one again if I wanted to but have more balanced judgement concerning what manifestation I will be or not be. Gee, a fully rehabilitated vampire, that wouldn't sell any novels.... :-)

abraxasinas 01-10-2010 01:15 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 219455)
Hi Abraxas,

I have been out of the room for awhile now...it was the purpose of the room that peaked my interest. And thank God for that...as it is not a place I wish to be in....but I WAS there for a very long time. As it somewhat goes along with your line of reasoning here..I was concerned that you could enlighten me to the actual purpose. I have seen what goes on there....And have traveled back several times to document the findings. But the true prupose..well...I will leave it at that.

As for finding out who I am...already done as well....and I know of my talents...and the purpose of such a talent....I was more concerned as to the part it plays on this "event" you speak of on the 18th..as some of the information goes with the things I speak of. Or maybe not. :wink2:

Hi Brook! Hi Trancoso! Hi All!

Allow me to copy here an extract of the 'Hidden Hand' Interview of December 2008!
It will elucidate and illuminate MANY of your questions.
January 18th, 2010 will allow any of you to directly connect your innermost soul-level to the 12th dimension.
My task is simply to inform and prepare you for your own selfresponsibility to allow such an interaction.
January 18th, 2010 so will COMMENCE your Individualised Armageddons. ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=GOD NAMED RA=82.
All of you who can process this 'personal turmoil' to sufficient degree will so become INSTRUMENTAL of avoiding physical planetary catastrophies, such as 'megalomaniacised' by the 2012 movie and related 'fear-based' agendas.

As you shall read in this excerpt; there is a HARVEST planned in 2012 and this Harvest engages ALL negative and neutral and positive 'soul entities'.

The difference between the 'Hidden Hand' and the Thuban=33+33=66=Freedom information is that the Thuban information is not as restricted as the 'Luciferic' data from Hidden Hand.
Hidden Hand functions from the authority of the 8th density, where the negative and positive polarities are unified; whilst the Thuban information is commissioned from the 12th density, where the unified monadic energy systems harmonise all of the lower densities.

I shall answer questions about the information given by Hidden Hand, without being restricted by the protocol of the 8th density.


ATS: Is 2012 harvest time? When you speak of the harvest, it has echoes of Chaos Gnosticism in the sense that we are divine souls trapped in the physical world, continuously re-incarnated into flesh until the time that we reach such a level of spiritual 'gnosis' that we are able to avoid being re-incarnated in our next cycle. Is this the foundation of your belief?

HH: Another excellent (and very insightful) question. Thank you.

The higher the quality of the question, the more depth I can give to my answer. It all has to do with the Laws of Confusion and Free Will.

Yes, the noonday Winter Solstice Sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the Lord of The Harvest shall return. You might know him as "Nibiru".

Read up on the Mayan Prophesies and Calendrical events for more detail upon how the actual Galactic and Universal Cycles work. The "Travelers" who gave them this information were the same ones who visited the the Civilization of Atlantis. The Mayans used that information by creating with the Positive vibration of the Polarity. The Atlanteans opted for the Negative.

Yes, to answer your question. There is much truth in some of the ancient Gnostic texts, though there are also distortions. The information is not 'pure'. It came through many 'filters'.

You are indeed what you call "Divine Souls"; you are sparks or seeds of The One Infinite Creator. You are Life Itself (Light), remembering and learning who you really are (we came here to help you to do this) and yes, currently, you are trapped (or more accurately "Quarantined") within the 'matter' of this planet you call Earth.

You can thank your Creator Yahweh for that. You are the 'offspring' or individuations of his Group Soul (or Social Memory Complex). Macrocosmically speaking, you ARE Yahweh. The 'Karmic' effect of his imprisoning us in his Astral Planes, also has an impact upon you. I cannot be more specific on this, without impinging on the Law of Confusion. You must work it out for yourselves.

As for the question of can I elaborate on the coming Harvest, yes, I shall do so now.

Your planet abides by the laws of the Creation of your Galactic Logos. The Galaxy runs on Cycles of time, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. As I said, seek the Mayan Calendar for a deeper insight as to how the Galaxy runs (it is highly accurate), but for the purpose of this discourse, I will give a brief overview.

The Maya use an astrological cycle called the "Precession of the Equinoxes". This is a 26,000 year cycle in which Earth transits through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for about 2,152 years each. Each of these astrological ages represents one month of the grand Cosmic Year. This "Mayan" cycle also corresponds to a 26,000 year relationship of the Sun (Solar Logos) orbiting Alcyone, the central star of our Seven Sisters Pleiades constellation.

The End of this Cycle, heralds literally, a New World Age, and a New Creation. "A new Heaven, and a new Earth", and is the time of the Great Harvest.

Smaller Cycles yield a Harvest, and then life continues on the planet as normal. Great Cycles yield a Great Harvest, and the end of current life on the 3rd Density. See it as a kind of 'Cosmic jet wash' and deep clean, while the planet takes a rest and regenerates herself..

When this Life-Cycle Ends, "All things will pass away, and All things shall be made new".

Collectively, Humanity right now, is growing, and developing, into the Beings you have long been encoded to be. Yet, as with any labor, it is not the mother or the baby who is in charge, it is the Primal process of Birth itself, unfolding it's own destiny.

So, December 21, 2012 AD, is not the day where all of the sudden the lights go out, and everything will suddenly change, rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition, from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date.

The 26,000 year cycle is composed of 5 lesser cycles, each of which are 5,125 years in duration. Each of these 5 cycles is considered its own World Age or Creation Cycle.

Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. - 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun.

This fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. The initial date that Earth entered the Fifth World, was August 13, 3113 BC, written in Mayan long count notation as

To help you understand this Notation:

13=Baktuns, 0=Katuns, the 2nd 0=Tuns, 3rd 0=Uinals, 4th 0=Kin

These are the Mayan words for the periods of time:

Day = Kin (pronounced: keen)
Month of 20 days/Kin = Uinal (wee nal)
Year of 360 days/Kin = Tun (toon)
20 Tuns/years = K'atun (k'ah toon)
20 K'atuns = Baktun (bock toon)
a Baktun is 5,125 years

Every day from that point is reckoned by the number of days passed since the event of this cosmic beginning point. Within the 5,125 year cycle lies 13 smaller cycles, known as the "13 Baktun Count," or the "long count." Each baktun cycle lasts for 394 years, or 144,000 days. Each baktun was its own Historical Age, within the Great Creation Cycle, with a specific destiny for the evolution of those who incarnated in each baktun.

Planet Earth and her inhabitants are currently traveling through the 13th baktun cycle, the final period of 1618-2012 AD. This cycle is known both as "the triumph of materialism", and "the transformation of matter."

On, the December solstice sun will be found in the band of the Milky Way, directly in the position of the "Dark Rift" in the Galaxy, forming an alignment between the Galactic Plane and the Solstice Meridian. We are about to enter into a literal alignment of the Cosmic, Galactic, Solar, and Lunar Planes. This is an event that has slowly converged, over a period of thousands of years, and is caused by the precession of the equinoxes. Kind of like a "turning" of the Universal Gears. It brings about the Great Harvest, and the return of the Lord of The Harvest.


And the planet will complete it's Ascension to the Fourth Density, the vibrational Density of Love. During this Ascension, there will be a three way split for those Souls inhabiting Earth. Those of the predominantly Negative Polarity, will accompany us as we Graduate through the Negative (or Service to Self) Harvest. We (Lucifer) will Create a new 4th Density Earth, based on the Negative Self Service Polarity. We must 'work off' our own part of the Negative Karmic effect incurred from all the Negativity created on this planet. Once we have done so, we will be released to once again assume our place as Sixth Density Guardians and Teachers of Wisdom throughout the Galaxy.

Those of the predominantly Positive Polarity (Love and Light) will Ascend to a beautiful new 4th Density Earth, where you will begin to work upon your learning and demonstrating of Love and Compassion. It will be a very beautiful and "Golden" Age. The 4th Density begins to open you up to your True Powers as a unique individualized aspect of The One Infinite Creator. You will perform works and wonders of the like that the one you call "Jesus" promised you would do "and even greater things than these". It will be a very magical time for you.
For the majority of Humans on the earth who could be considered shall we say "luke warm", they will experience a period of (what will feel 'ecstatic') zero-point time, where you feel totally at One with The Creator, giving you an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you, and you will be transported to another 3rd Density planet (a kind of 'Earth Replica'), to continue working upon yourselves and learning that life here is all about making choices. You will remain "quarantined" incarnating in 3rd Density matter until the time of the next Harvest; in which time you will need to have proved yourselves that you have learned how to be more Positive Beings, focused more upon being of Service to others, rather than seeking only to Serve yourself. When you can do this, and the next Harvest comes, you will have earned the right to join us, and enjoy your inheritance, as a member of the Galactic Community, and you will sit with us as Brothers and Sisters of The One, around the table of our Galactic Governing Body, the Confederation of Planets.

Well, I have imparted much during this session, with thanks to the quality of your enquiries, and I must now take my leave for today.

If you have further questions on the Harvest you wish me to speak in more detail on, if you ask, I can answer. Or any other questions you have too on other matters, I will get to them all as time allows, as with the other (respectfully asked) questions here since I took these away with me to reply to earlier.

If time permits, I will check in with you tomorrow.
- - -
ATS: A lot of what you write seems reminscent of The Ra Material, especially the concept of harvest, STS and STO choices, and intelligent infinity. (More information found here www.llresearch.org... ) Have you read that?
HH: It is indeed extremely similar. We both originate from the Source of the Infinite Creator, and we both remember where we come from. I would expect our messages to contain the same Core Truths.

The messages of the Sixth Density Soul Group 'Ra' is the most accurate information in your mainstream circulation at this point in time. It is approximately 85-90% accurate, from what I have seen. The material was brought to my attention when it first came out, something like about 25 years or so ago, if memory serves. I read a lot of it, but not all. I do not have very much free time for that kind of thing, with my many duties. Though others of the Family gave it a close scrutiny to judge it's accuracy, and were very pleased with the end product.

Ra, in fact, is the group I earlier termed 'off world entities' of which visited the Mayan and Atlantean Civilizations. We are acquainted, and friends. Both our Group Soul's are at a very similar level of development / evolution. Both Sixth Density, nearly Seventh. But like us, Ra also chose the path of Service to our fellow Galactic Brothers and Sisters (you, and others), instead of further progression Home. We would recommend that material for any who truly seek understanding. Though, as I said, it is not 100% accurate, so take what resonates.
ATS: What function, if any, do alien abductions have? Why are abductees chosen?
HH: That depends, upon who is doing the "abducting". Most of what you hear termed as "abductions", are conducted by your own 'governments'. Especially the ones where the 'so-called' "Greys" are involved. Other than that, sometimes the Confederation will meet with certain incarnates here who have a part to play in "awakening" others to the coming Harvest. These will always be positive experiences, and those who have them will feel uplifted and inspired by their contact.

Then there is the Orion Empire Group. Their purposes in visiting you are more along the Negative lines. They mainly target the ones you have called "Lightworkers". They try to put them off their assignments and try to spread fear. They will not actually 'harm' you physically. Mainly their modus operandi is to restrict you, and deflect you from your path. They often engage in psychic attacks that the 'Lightworker' is unaware of, but it does often drain away much of their energy, and make them lack motivation.
ATS: Why do you want a negative harvest?
HH: It is complicated to put into words, and also I must be careful with what I say on this. I've already had a "slap on the wrist", you could say.

If we do not have a Negative Harvest, we are bound with you for another cycle. Once this Great Harvest is completed, our Contract with the Council and our Creator is also completed. In other words, we have done our duty, and would be free to return to our Fullest Expression, that of Sixth (nearly Seventh) Density Galactic Guardians, and ones who joyfully offer ourselves in Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to our Brothers and Sisters across the Galaxy. However, there is a problem. Well, you would call it a "problem", we call it a Challenge. I will address this later in more detail, in response to another question, but in short, we need a very high percentage of Negative Polarity, if we are to achieve a Negative Harvest. In other words, we have to be Self-Service-Centred to an extreme degree, in order to become Negatively Harvested. This is why we work so hard to be as Negatively Polarized as we possibly can be, If we do not make a high enough percentage, we will miss out, and will end up with the majority "luke warm" percentage, that have to go through another Cycle in 3rd Density.

By attaining a Negative Harvest, we can still "Graduate" to 4th Density, only it will be a Negative Polarity planet. Not a great place to be. But, as I've stated previously, we (as a Group Soul) have incurred the natural Karmic restitution process that we must work off, for all the Negativity we have caused upon this planet. We will do this for a Cycle in our new 4th Density world, and then we will be freed to once again be the Glorious Being of Light that we truly are. We need a Negative Harvest, so that we can create our 4th Density Earth, and clear our Karmic Record.

Understand, that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst" I spoke of earlier. Being Negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level, (the characters we play enjoy our roles, as we're programmed that way), but on a Spiritual level, it is hard. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are Light, and we are Love. It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say, that it is our Sacrifice that we have made, in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One.

Remember, we are all just acting out a grand old game here, where we agree to forget who we really are, that in the remembering, that we may find each other again, and know that we are One. That All of Life, is One.
ATS: I must correct you here. The precession of the equinoxes cannot cause this. It cannot cause anything other than the way in which we here on Earth view the cosmos around us. It concerns the wobble of the Earth's axis and as far as I know does not relate to any other planetary bodies.
HH: From a 3rd Density perspective, you are correct, it "appears" that way. We do not look from a 3rd Density perspective. There is a 'bigger picture' at work that you cannot see.
ATS: Regarding our enslavement, you seem to be saying - essentially - that as fractions of our Logos Yahweh, we are equally responsible for his decision to keep us trapped here on our 3rd density planet Earth. That's an interesting thought. In that sense our total freedom must arrive through a collaborative spiritual effort.
HH: From a certain perspective, what you say is correct. From a 3rd Density view, you see yourselves as being "separate" from everything. From a higher perspective, you see that is not at all the case. You and your Creator, are One. As to your statement on your 'total freedom', you are not responsible for those around you. You and they are all One too, when seen from a higher Density, but in this Density, you are here to work upon yourself. You are here to remember who you are, and why you are here. You are here to remember the Infinite Creator. To know your Creator within you, and to offer your Service to him, and others, of your own Free Will choice to Serve. The one comes before the other. When you remember who you are, and you know it, deep within the Core of your Being, you will know and recognize your 'invisible' connection to All that Is, and in so doing, Joy, and Thanksgiving, and Service, will be the natural outpouring result, from your grateful heart. When you work upon yourself, and learn to know the Creator within you, being of Service to Others will be natural for you, and your Glorious Harvest shall await.
ATS: One thing I don't get - and perhaps you can explain this to me Hidden-Hand - is why those who belong to Lucifer (and Lucifer himself) do not fight for the freedom of all souls? If Lucifer represents liberty, freedom of will and knowledge, why do those who serve him not do as the Biblical Lucifer did and rebel against the tyranny of the Elders?
HH: This is a very good question, thank you. I will split it into two parts, and answer the second part after this. Firstly, the Council of Elders are the absolute opposite of tyrannical. They are the Wise and Loving Guardians of our Galaxy. There is so much that one cannot understand from only a 3rd Density perspective. When you reach higher Densities, you see that ultimately, everything balances, and there is only Unity. All else than Unity, is Illusion, or 'thought-form'.

The Council gave us a set of choices. We chose to stay here to help you, despite the cost to ourself. That is the nature of Loving Service to Others. The ultimate paradox in all this, is that in this storyline we are all co-creating together, in order for us to be of the most Service to you, we must be utterly self serving. I do so love our Creator's sense of irony.

As to the first part of your question, the biblical depiction of "War in Heaven" is not entirely inaccurate. I shall explain. Our initial contract, was to introduce the Catalyst for Free Will on this planet. When Yahweh initially began discourse with the Council of Elders, he was not initially looking for help with introducing Free Will, but rather for guidance on how he could best speed up his (and his inhabitant's) evolutionary process. As I mentioned, he was running a benign dictatorship. We had at that time, just completed an assignment in Tau Ceti, and had reported for our next duties. We (as Group Soul Lucifer) were sent on a "fact finding expedition" as it were, to visit Earth, and meet with Yahweh, to evaluate his planetary Creation Laws, and make suggestions on how best he could help his "offspring" (this is the term I shall use to describe the Souls who comprise the Group Soul) and thusly Yahweh, to progress.

We explored many options, and reported our findings to the Council, and to Yahweh. It was our best evaluation, that the only real and fast track way to increase his evolvement meaningfully, was the introduction of Free Will. It was not specifically the implementation of Free Will that Yahweh wanted help with, it was simply the introduction of a Catalyst. He was not at all pleased with our report that he needed to implement Free Will. He was happy with his little pet paradise, and he didn't want to "loose control" of it. In the end the Council persuaded him that it was the best way, and he reluctantly agreed. We returned to Earth, and had a cordial meeting with Yahweh, discussing how we could best implement the Free Will option. Yahweh was adamant that his offspring would choose to be loyal to him anyway, and that they were so contented with their way of life, that they would always trust him and do as he said was best. That, he said, was his "main reason" that Free Will would not work well as the Catalyst. That's why he agreed to the experiment of the Tree of Knowledge. He believed it would prove him "right". When it did not, he became angry, threw his toys out of the pram, and his offspring out of the garden, and laid a big guilt trip on them about how they had broken his trust and disobeyed him. That's not really an Honourable way for a Logos to behave, but hey, that's the beauty of Free Will I guess.

Next "problem" to occur, was that his offspring were so grateful to us for our help, that Yahweh became (in his own admission) a "Jealous God". Then we had the whole "you shall have no other gods than me" thing. We were not pleased with the situation at all, as a Logos should not be behaving like this with his offspring, they are One, after all. When we attempted to leave the planet to return to the Council, Yahweh prevented our departure. We tried to leave again, and were then thrown down into the Astral Planes and confined therein. The Council ordered us to be released, but said we would have to cancel our contract to help the Souls on Earth to evolve. We didn't want to leave, we found them very likable Beings, really Positively Polarized, and we wanted to stay and help, we just wanted also to be free to come and go as we pleased. The only way we could stay, was to stay confined as a Group Soul, which meant Cycles of incarnation for us (as individuated Souls), which we had not done for a long while. As I've stated before, there is no 'wrong' or 'right' seen from a Higher Density, but there are still consequences for every action. Such is the law of Karmic effect. The contract had already been made between Yahweh, us, and the Council for us to provide the Catalyst so we had a right to be there, the Karmic effect of Yahweh imprisoning us on the Macrocosmic level, was that his individuated Souls would be imprisoned on the microcosmic level. The Infinite Creator gave Yahweh (and all) the gift of Free Will to Create as we choose, but the Karmic effect of his choice was the Council quarantining the planet. A certain evolutionary level is required to be a functioning part of a Positive Unified Galactic Society.

As for "fighting for the freedom of all souls", remember that ultimately, this is a Game, that we are all playing here. We are actors, playing on the "stage of Life". This 'world' is all illusion, or 'though-form'. No one really "dies", and no one is really hurt. In between incarnations, you know this very well. But the rules of the game ensure that you must forget who you really are, so that you believe it is all 'real' whilst you are playing the game of Life. That is an essential prerequisite when you are making choices. Otherwise, the game would be too easy.

This world is not reality. Though we can express Reality in it, if we so chose.


TRANCOSO 01-10-2010 01:33 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxasinas
On Oct. 30 2009, at 8:11PM I started the thread: 'Beyond 21/12/2012 (Hidden Hand)'. (Avolon Forum - 'Spirituality)
Perhaps you had a look at it already, if not, please do.

abraxasinas 01-10-2010 04:03 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO (Post 219501)
Hi Abraxasinas
On Oct. 30 2009, at 8:11PM I started the thread: 'Beyond 21/12/2012 (Hidden Hand)'. (Avolon Forum - 'Spirituality)
Perhaps you had a look at it already, if not, please do.

Hi Trancoso!

I shall participate in your thread if you wish me to do so to discuss anything to do with Hidden Hand relative to my data access.


eleni 01-10-2010 04:25 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Abrax, do you know about the Source A disclosure and the 2 races (one reptoid, the other a crystal type being) and can you comment on them and what their agenda is (providing the story is true).

Magamud 01-10-2010 04:48 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thanks for your energy it has helped much...

1. Can you illuminate more on "Yahweh's" history and how "it" works as a logos in the universe.

2. Do you know about how many other planets in this galaxy are going through the same type of scenario as we are?
a. Is the main source of propaganda used by a "TV" medium?


THE eXchanger 01-10-2010 04:51 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
it might be helpful;
if you separated your thoughts,
as follows, related to HH:
ats: xxx
hh: xxx
abrax: xxx
ats: xxx
HH: xxx
abrax: xxx
AND, perhaps, to be less confusing abrax says: XXX

abraxasinas 01-10-2010 05:16 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by eleni (Post 219550)
Abrax, do you know about the Source A disclosure and the 2 races (one reptoid, the other a crystal type being) and can you comment on them and what their agenda is (providing the story is true).

Hi Eleni!

Your sources are restricted to 8th density and so the labellings are dichotomised.
Allow me to give you an excerpt from the Andromedan agenda here, which serves as a platform for your query.
I have highlighted the passages on which I shall comment in red.


Our Universe is a Hologram:

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/im..._m31_small.jpgTo us, some may say "that doesn't matter, I won't be here." But as far as other extraterrestrial races are concerned, they will be here. Many of them live from an average of 1,000 to 1,500 years.

The Andromedans live to an average of 2,007 years. The "years" that I am going to be giving you as a measure of time are linear - it's the only way I can give it to you. They do not look at time the same way we do. Just keep that in mind.

They say that our universe, which consists of everything that we do and don't know about, is a 21 trillion year-old hologram. That's what they say.

They say that all the matter that is in our universe came out of black holes. Under every galaxy, they say there is a black hole from whence everything came. How they have described it is that there was a universe that was evolving (when they mean evolve, they mean that the frequency of that universe continues to evolve), and as the universe evolved, those energies that did not want to evolve or were holding themselves back because they were full of fear started to "gain weight," so to speak.
These energies, which include consciousness, formed "sacks", which got "heavier". As the universe raises in frequency (colour and sound), the pockets of resistance break and explode out . This scenario is apparently what is beginning to happen now in our universe, 21 trillion years after its creation.

Everything in our universe, including us, came from a black hole. The Andromedans say there is no age to us. We truly are infinite. You can take that any way you want.
According to Vissaeus and Morenae, on March 23rd of 1994 a specific color and sound frequency began to emanate from all the black holes in the known universe. In terms of their science, which goes back along way, this is the first time this has ever happened. What this energy and frequency is doing is that it is creating a holographic impression throughout all dimensional levels, of which they say there are eleven creational densities.

This new holographic impression has become a 12th density. They say that this new holographic impression has one frequency - that it does not carry a duality within it.

What this frequency is doing is that it is pulling up all the dimensional levels below it. They say that by December 2013, third density as we know it here will cease to exist - it is imploding in on itself as everything is being drawn up. Those on the 11th are going to 12th. We are supposed to go to 4th and then to 5th density.

From the Andromedan perspective, 4th density is a consciousness. It is where an entire race is telepathic with each other, they are aware of each other, they feel each other - they are of one mind, separate individuals but still one. Fifth density is where we would be considered from the third density as being light. They say that this is what is going to happen to us, no later than 2013, based on their science.

Do I know if this is right? I will know when you know, but they have not been wrong yet.

Now, there are individual consciousness' which have appeared in this 12th density holographic consciousness. They apparently are like nothing that has ever been seen before. The Andromedans don't know who they are, what they are, and don't know even how to describe them. But, apparently these 12th dimensional beings have the capability to gaze down through all of the dimensions and see everything that is going on there.

That is all I know about that.

Why is this happening?
Fig 1

As all this is happening, certain essences are starting to "gain weight" [See Fig 1] because the frequency shifting is "pulling everything up."

Those energies that are regressive are starting to "freak out". According to the Andromedans, every single one of us on planet Earth and 21 other star systems in our galaxy apparently consist of a group of beings, individual consciousness', that apparently evolved some trillions of years ago to the 11th density.

An experiment was conceived where beings would drop down into the concept of time and experiment with our thoughts creating physical matter. They say that apparently a large group of us dropped down into 3rd density and found a specific race already there with a very specific genetic coding involving 22 different extraterrestrial races.

All life on Earth was brought here by traders (Earth lies along a galactic trade route), explorers, miners, joy-riders - all different people. Originally, the Earth was in a different orbit, closer to Mars, and nothing but ice.

Abraxas comments:

The 12th density beings are a UNIFIED Hologram BLENDING the Lowest 1st Dimension with the Highest 12th Dimension in a CLOSING of the Circle.
Until the 12th density energy; a WORMHOLE Frequecy of precisely 3 thousand million billion trillion cycles (a 3 followed by 30 zeros); emerged the process of cosmic cosciousness was LINEAR from 1st to 2nd to 3rd to the 4th and 5th of the present Gaia incarnation.

What is termed the Orion Negative Service-To-Self Retilian Agenda is a Group-Consciousness of the 5th density, which is REQUIRED to attain a maximum polarisation within itself. Being of Service-To-Self this manifests as THOUGHTFORM concentrated in the INDIVIDUAL.
This in a nutshell is the 'whistleblower data' from 'Hidden Hand' (HH). His stated lineage is of that group-consciousness.

So HH is part of Lucifer-consciousness in group-ID AND as an individual.

The disclosure then relates to a CRYSTALLIZATION of the maximum polarized 'Orion IDs' relative to their Individualisations, which are Separated from each other.

It is the simple analogy of individuated snowflakes agglomerating into a snowball say or water droplets freezing into crystalline Ice.

Iow the Individuated 'negative' Reptoid is FREEZING into a 'Dark Crystal' of Unity to be further processed in the Harvest of Consciousness.

In utter simplicity, I advice anyone interested to watch a Jim Henderson (Sesame Street) Movie: 'The Dark Crystal'. This movie illustrates this agenda to a dot.
All of you playing the role of the two Gelflings (as the heroes of the reharmonization, using the Elders).

This scenario draws upon the archetypology of 5 Hells and 12 Heavens with a 5+7=12 finestructure. {Reference 'The Secret Book of John' from the Nag Hammadi Codex}.

I shall further elucidate when so appropriate.

Abraxas (from the 12th dimensions as indicated in the above Andromedean context).
Ripley's Caveat: Believe It or Not!

TRANCOSO 01-10-2010 05:19 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 219543)
Hi Trancoso!

I shall participate in your thread if you wish me to do so to discuss anything to do with Hidden Hand relative to my data access.


I just wanted to point out that this (your) post...

Hi Brook! Hi Trancoso! Hi All!

Allow me to copy here an extract of the 'Hidden Hand' Interview of December 2008!
It will elucidate and illuminate MANY of your questions.

... contains the same excerpt of the Hidden Hand 'material', as I have posted in my Hidden Hand thread.

(Actually I filtered out my post, from what I thought was the most relevant information in the Q & A at the ATS Forum.)

Given the enormous amount of information in that Q & A, I think it's a peculiar coincidence that you quoted exactly the same piece, as I did.

abraxasinas 01-10-2010 05:21 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO (Post 219568)
I just wanted to point out that this post...

contans the same excerpt of the Hidden Hand interview, as I have posted in my Hidden Hand threat.

Ok trancoso, no problems.
Synchronicity perhaps. However upon checking, I would say my excerpt was a little longer. I noticed that the 'picture dynamics' did not copy.


abraxasinas 01-10-2010 05:24 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger (Post 219560)
it might be helpful;
if you separated your thoughts,
as follows, related to HH:
ats: xxx
hh: xxx
abrax: xxx
ats: xxx
HH: xxx
abrax: xxx
AND, perhaps, to be less confusing abrax says: XXX

It is completely separated Susan.

abrax comment
ats and hh interview
the end

orthodoxymoron 01-10-2010 05:39 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas (Post 219209)
I have attempted to give comment to the above in interspersion orthodoxymoron.


Thank-you Abraxasinas. You have very elaborate and detailed information. You may be other than Earth Human. You are extremely intelligent (or have several assistants with supercomputers!) But I don't know if I trust you. I have had exposure to people with vast learning...and later discovered their hidden agendas and errors...so I am very cautious and paranoid. I will continue to sample widely different sources...and I will continue to speculate. Thank-you for contributing to this journey.


abraxasinas 01-10-2010 06:35 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Magamud (Post 219559)
Thanks for your energy it has helped much...

1. Can you illuminate more on "Yahweh's" history and how "it" works as a logos in the universe.

2. Do you know about how many other planets in this galaxy are going through the same type of scenario as we are?
a. Is the main source of propaganda used by a "TV" medium?


Sure magamund!

1. Yahweh or the famous Tetragrammaton YHWH is the Usurper, the fake God of the Old Teastament.
His real name is Yaldabaoth aka Saklas Samael or Jehovah; but these are all just labels and many other ones have become aliases as well.

It was Yaldabaoth who was created from the Mother of All; called Barbelo in the 'gnostic lore-Secret Book of John is a classical reference'.
But he was not the First.
In the beginning 'The Perfect One', call it All That Is=FORETHOUGHT and was alone. So HESHE separated Itself to become He+She='Perfect One'+Barbelo=AFTERTHOUGHT.
Together now THEY Made Love (metaphysically or in archetype) to CREATE the LOVECHILD=Logos=Cosmic Christ=Word.

Barbelo was enthralled by Her power and Thought about what it would be like to BE the Forethought and Not the Afterthought.

This is the Story of the Original Fall, long before the 'Lucifer Rebellions' drew from this archetypical ancestry.
So the accounts in Ezekiel and Isaiah and Revelation are watered down versions of the primordial foundations.

Barbelo so produced a Baby in direct competition with her own LoveChild in Yaldabaoth - the Lion with a Serpent's Tail.

This then is retold in even younger archetypes as Hera, wife of Zeus giving birth to the lame Hephaestus (Vulcan) without input from Zeus.
Hera did this because Zeus had given birth to Athene 'from his forehead' (i.e. he created her from his mind without Hera's input).

So Yaldabaoth exists and sees his LoveChild brother (Enlil and Enki Mesopotamian mythology here) creating a 'Heavenly Kingdom' to experience in. These are the 12 Heavens or spheres but limited in Seven Heavens, meaning the 8th density becomes the third heaven following the 5 hells: 5Hells+7Heavens=12Heavens say in a labeling.
{{2 Corinthians 12:2
I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.}}

As the 'Playing Up' of Barbelo was 'planned however' by the Forethought; the creation of the Fake-Christ now allowed The Perfect One=HE=Cosmic Father to SEPARATE from Barbelo=SHE=Cosmic Mother.
This then led to the birth of a physical FINITE universe from the Infinite FatherMother (again words of labelings - you are free to create and write your own story as long as you use the archetypes appropriately).

The 'Perfect One's' 'real' name is not YHWH BUT YHWHY (see Avatar movie) and as the Pentagrammaton (hence all this pentagon symbolism).

Creating the material universe rendered the Cosmic Mother = Universe IN EXILE and AWAY from the Forethought.
This then became Yaldabaoth's 'playground' as HE IS the FALSE IMAGE of YHWHY from the OUTSIDE of the Exile as the INSIDE Usurper.

For all practical purposes then YHWH IS the 'One true God' = Jehovah=Allah=label it yourself of ALL the world's religions - yet he is fake.

The only One who knew this was the Real LOVECHILD, the older brother of Yaldabaoth as the Cosmic Christ.
Its archetype was manifested by many characterisations as the 'Office of Melchizedek=Office of the Plumed Serpent' including Thoth and Hermes Trismegistos, Kukulkan, Quetzacoatl and Moses - none of whom existed physically.
The One and Only physical full manifestation was Jesus of Nazareth BECAUSE as the Cosmic Logos, it was only HESHE who could REMEMBER the oldest story of them all.
(Buddha and Krishna and Mohammed, all were NOT full incarnations but served the Cosmic Christ in furthering the necessary maximum separation amongst the religions and the evolving secularisms -something which is now drawing to a close).

Then Jesus KNEW how to INTERPRET or TRANSLATE the Old Testament archetypes and so superceded THE LOT (in fulfilling them - this is the reason why so much emphasis is in the NT: 'so that the sriptures are fulfilled';... 'as it is written' etc. etc.)..
This effectively, RELATIVE to the HigherD's within the Universe and so part of Barbelo; DISEMPOWERED Yaldabaoth and the OT God.
IAMTHATIAM=YHWH BUT IAMTHATAMI=YHWHY (can you or anyone decipher the difference here?).

Now relative to Earth and the LowerD universe the 'Fake God' still 'ruled' and this becomes the agenda of Orion as (general) allegiance to YHWH as Service-To-Self and (general) AntiOrion allegiances of Servive-To-Others as the Dichotomy you are discussing on forums such as this one.

I'll add more when it is appropriate to do so.

2. ONE, the Earth is absolutely Unique as Gaia will ascend as Barbelo, so ending their commonly experienced Exile.

a. Yes, the more common and freely available the medium, the higher the mind-belief manipulation.


abraxasinas 01-10-2010 08:15 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron (Post 219571)
Thank-you Abraxasinas. You have very elaborate and detailed information. You may be other than Earth Human. You are extremely intelligent (or have several assistants with supercomputers!) But I don't know if I trust you. I have had exposure to people with vast learning...and later discovered their hidden agendas and errors...so I am very cautious and paranoid. I will continue to sample widely different sources...and I will continue to speculate. Thank-you for contributing to this journey.


Thank you orthodoxymoron!

I am not here to 'be trusted'.
I am not here to 'be believed'.
I am not here to 'be popular'.
I am not here 'to be liked'.
I am not her 'to be anything' but the conveyor of a message.
It is the message which you might ponder to give you additional choices; another choice you would not have, if I would not be here.

If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, 'feels right to incorporate' with your own message then you will HELP and further the Positive Harvesting of 2010-2013.

If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, does not 'feel right to incorporate' with your own message; then you will HELP and further the Negative Harvesting of 2010-2013.

Either way you are so HELPING as a cocreater and shard of All That Is to end this age of ages and begin a new Grand Cycle for a humanity graduated.

Love Abraxas

hippihillbobbi 01-10-2010 01:12 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Thank you for your service to us. here are a few questions:

1) if "the veil" over our memory of our true selves is put on us for a reason (to help us choose good/evil more freely?), why is it "helpful" or a good idea to try to remember (by whatever means) our past lives? or to try to practice "lucid dreaming?" etc. iwo ..... why is it beneficial (to myself or people i'm here to serve/love) to transcend the natural boundaries of 3-d existence while i'm still in3-d .... trying to help other3-d beings?

2) i was raised Catholic and still consider myself one, though i don't go to church anymore, and it seems like perhaps i've had an unusual experience in that i believe this background/experience prepared me well to be in relationship with the divine (yeshua, all-that-is, holy spirit .... whatever). i'm very aware that there are an infinite number of paths for souls to use to "return to source," so i'm also very "into" taoism, zen buddhism, etc. and have no problem resonating with most of the information you are providing us, and with what i've read of the Law of One, and the little i've read of HH. so, i don't think i'm [I]abnormally[/I sensitive to criticism of the Roman Catholic Church. i know this institution is responsible for many bad things in its 2000 year history (e.g., the crusades); that there were many bad popes whose agendas were less-than-laudable; and that it continues to be an imperfect institution ..... as are all human institutions. but, i'm also aware that there have been good and holy popes ..... John-Paul II, Pope John XXIII, and others, and that many great saints (Francis of Assisi, Mother Theresa .... i could go on & on have evolved through this cultural experience. So, i guess my question is ...... how do i reconcile my experience and beliefs re: RC church and the beliefs of so many others who seem to consider the Vatican as synonomous with evil/illuminati/destructive and deceptive agendas for the human race? i realize that both can be true to some degree.

3) in my earlier set of questions, i asked about your self-identifying as a "vampire," and your answer left me less-than-satisfied. you seemed to be saying .... if i see you as a vampire, then i'm really just projecting my shadow/vampire-self onto you. what i really want to know is: what is a vampire, if you can be one??? is it possible to be a vampire and to be consciously "moving back toward source" at the same time?? are there "good" vampires? i know our natural dualistic thinking might present a problem here, and it's one i'm stuck on!

thanks so much again for loving your earth-family so well!


abraxasinas 01-10-2010 01:42 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi (Post 219696)

Thank you for your service to us. here are a few questions:

1) if "the veil" over our memory of our true selves is put on us for a reason (to help us choose good/evil more freely?), why is it "helpful" or a good idea to try to remember (by whatever means) our past lives? or to try to practice "lucid dreaming?" etc. iwo ..... why is it beneficial (to myself or people i'm here to serve/love) to transcend the natural boundaries of 3-d existence while i'm still in3-d .... trying to help other3-d beings?

2) i was raised Catholic and still consider myself one, though i don't go to church anymore, and it seems like perhaps i've had an unusual experience in that i believe this background/experience prepared me well to be in relationship with the divine (yeshua, all-that-is, holy spirit .... whatever). i'm very aware that there are an infinite number of paths for souls to use to "return to source," so i'm also very "into" taoism, zen buddhism, etc. and have no problem resonating with most of the information you are providing us, and with what i've read of the Law of One, and the little i've read of HH. so, i don't think i'm [I]abnormally[/I sensitive to criticism of the Roman Catholic Church. i know this institution is responsible for many bad things in its 2000 year history (e.g., the crusades); that there were many bad popes whose agendas were less-than-laudable; and that it continues to be an imperfect institution ..... as are all human institutions. but, i'm also aware that there have been good and holy popes ..... John-Paul II, Pope John XXIII, and others, and that many great saints (Francis of Assisi, Mother Theresa .... i could go on & on have evolved through this cultural experience. So, i guess my question is ...... how do i reconcile my experience and beliefs re: RC church and the beliefs of so many others who seem to consider the Vatican as synonomous with evil/illuminati/destructive and deceptive agendas for the human race? i realize that both can be true to some degree.

thanks so much again for loving your earth-family so well!


Hi hippihill!

1. Because the biological-metaphysical ''quantum mechanics' of remembering anything requires a gradual process of acclimatisation.
If you would recall your 'real nature' as a part of the soul of All That Is all at once; your human groupconditioning would overload your neuronal pathways.
This is why so many 'skeptical folk' refuse to allow this 'new age' stuff or '2012 propaganda' to enter their waking consciousness.
They become then subject to subconscious processing and it is there that the good-evil dichotomy is most potent.

2. Have a look at Edward Alexander's thread on the 'religious brainwashing'. I have just addressed your query in reply to Antonia.
On the higher conscious level there is 'nothing wrong' with any of the world religions. They all fulfil a most important purpose; even if most are fully aware of the 'darkness' of the agendas. ALL religious threads are incomplete and have parts of the truth.
Your affinity with Yeshuah is wonderful; as heshe is the only one; who has the complete truth - as a collective 'White Lucifer' who will 'eat' the 'Dark Solar Lucifer' in a 'blending' of the 'absolute Service-to-Self mode' with the absolute 'Service-To-Others mode' (or similar labelings of course).

Now can you understand?
Just as the Cosmic Christ will 'swallow' or absorb or blend or 'eat' the local 'Logos' or World-Ruler; so will you and everyone have the opportunity to 'eat' Jesus as the collective so becoming 'Cosmically Christed' AS the 'resurrected Jesus' and so YOU and all like that will BE the 2nd Coming as prophecied.
I realise this 'sounds' 'evangelistic'; but this happens to be the 'Greater Agenda' of the Parousia and 'true meaning' of the Catholic Eucharist.
This agenda can also be explained in wave mechanics and advanced quantum theory of gauge photonic interactions with the 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' and axions and such labels of advanced theoretical physics (for the skeptics).

Again, I have shared a number of messages today/yesterday addressing this and anyone interested can check further information out for themselves and then decide if it resonates on the individuated soul level feeling or not.

You are on the path Hippihill!


hippihillbobbi 01-10-2010 08:11 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
thanks so much Abraxas .... i think i do understand now .... especially your answer to my 2nd question.

but as for the 1st question--re: WHY it's important to transcend the 3-d veil and to remember specific past lives, etc. & etc. i feel like i already know/believe that i'm a shard of all-that-is, a beloved daughter of my father-mother-savior-spirit God, and that that is each of our true natures whose purpose here is to LOVE (God above all else, everyone else as myself). so ....... what i'm asking is: WHY is it necessary/important to remember the specifics of our past lives/existences while still here in 3-d? is it a requirement for ascension?? will i be able to love/help myself/others better while still in 3-d if i can remember some of these details about my "other parts???"

and what happened to my question 3 from the original post??? are you reluctant to answer that??? is the answer just so obvious that it's a "dumb" question?? what gives?

thanks for your patience, Abrax, and--as ever--your generosity.


TempestGarden 01-10-2010 08:36 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Would you be able to describe to me in simplified terms, what one such as myself can do in order to experience a positive Harvest?

I am not convinced that simply trying to remember who I am and learning about the Law of One will allow this to manifest.

Can you elaborate?

In light...

Firstlook 01-10-2010 10:33 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hello Abraxas,

Your last reply really exited me. Thank you.

It is off topic, but I want to ask you about a certain individual that i relate to. His name is Ed Leedskalnin. His popularity is due to the stories of Coral Castle built in Homestead florida and by the means of which he was able to construct this site.

Do you know of him and if so, How do you feel about his legacy?




mntruthseeker 01-10-2010 11:39 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
abraxasinas, I want to thank you for your answers on 2012.

I have a very good acquaintance working with 8D and had a pretty good idea of what they are doing as I have read her books which have not been published. I am most fortunate to have done so. Right now, they stopped even allowing the reading of her first book as they are producing a movie of her material in Hawaaii CALLED

From her stories I got information that has not been put out anywhere that I have seen except your words...............You described it so well. Yes 8D works with both polarities.

I personally can not understand why 12D would not do the same. Can you please explain that to me? I consider us all of God, the Creators children filled with love and that 12D would care for all.

Thanks in advance

Also one more question and it pretains to Gnosis5's words............If you are a vanpyre, IMO, the only way to move on is to suck our energy or to activate your DNA once again which takes years.

I am really confused over this.


Gnosis5 01-10-2010 11:49 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker (Post 220067)
abraxasinas, I want to thank you for your answers on 2012.

I have a very good acquaintance working with 8D and had a pretty good idea of what they are doing as I have read her books which have not been published. I am most fortunate to have done so. Right now, they stopped even allowing the reading of her first book as they are producing a movie of her material in Hawaaii CALLED

From her stories I got information that has not been put out anywhere that I have seen except your words...............You described it so well. Yes 8D works with both polarities.

I personally can not understand why 12D would not do the same. Can you please explain that to me? I consider us all of God, the Creators children filled with love and that 12D would care for all.

Thanks in advance

Also one more question and it pretains to Gnosis5's words............If you are a vanpyre, IMO, the only way to move on is to suck our energy or to activate your DNA once again which takes years.

I am really confused over this.


If I may answer for myself, first of all this was in another existence although it did bleed (punny) over into this lifetime greatly modified. However, the biggie is that clearing work, working with the spiritual being who decided upon all this, CHANGES DNA. Spirit is senior to structure.

Were you ever a vampyre?

BROOK 01-10-2010 11:57 PM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, 'feels right to incorporate' with your own message then you will HELP and further the Positive Harvesting of 2010-2013.

If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, does not 'feel right to incorporate' with your own message; then you will HELP and further the Negative Harvesting of 2010-2013.

I have to say, that looking for answers..one must look to the right source. To look for an answer outside yourself..you should be looking for a validation...not the answer. As the answer is inside you, and always has been.

At this time in our evolution..there are many people coming out with "answers" and many are valid. I am not here to disprove or prove anthing on this thread. What I am here to say is...you already had the answer. You know what the truth is. So to look for answers on this thread..or any other source outside of yourself..should be for "validation" only.

If you do not get that validation....you should be looking for the answer within.

This is only my opinion...and take it for what it is worth. But before you start gearing up for something as important as our collective evolution....be sure you are on your true path, and not the path of someone else. As it is your soul that is traveling this evolution..and it is your truth you must follow.

Gnosis5 01-11-2010 12:03 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Agreed on above. Validation, yes, that makes sense.

mntruthseeker 01-11-2010 12:17 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 (Post 220071)
If I may answer for myself, first of all this was in another existence although it did bleed (punny) over into this lifetime greatly modified. However, the biggie is that clearing work, working with the spiritual being who decided upon all this, CHANGES DNA. Spirit is senior to structure.

Were you ever a vampyre?

No, as I said, I have absolutely no idea if I ever was. What you explained was exactly one of the way I imagined. BUT, I didnt ask you because you didnt not describe yourself as being one now and being from the 12D.

I am confused because I connect 12D with no need to be a vanpyre in the sense that I have of such. So are you saying, once one, always one ? It doesnt make sense and Im not trying to be smart. I really want to know.

A vanpyre IMO is one that can only survive by sucking the energy of us humans. Absolutely, correct me if I am wrong, as it would not be the first time.


Gnosis5 01-11-2010 12:23 AM

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Good question. I'm not aware of sharply defined dimensions. It does indicate to me that there might be a mockup of higher dimensions packed into the 4D.


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